Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Most students, upon being informed of an intruder into such a school, would have done as instructed and run.

With the sound of fluttering pages, Abraham's book was cast side and he drew Furry, taking one step back to give the janitor some space, and sinking into a ready position.

"Alright, Fury, you had a point."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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Tai Yang

Tai Yang raised no defense against Alice's earlier question. But a thought did cross his mind. Who is Bruce Lee?

"Well met, Deja, I am Tai Yang." Tai Yang placed his left hand over his right fist and bowed in a traditional greeting. That was ever so slightly marred for those with sight by the fact that said fist was holding a blueberry lollipop. "May a home undiscovered ever be in front of your feet." As Deja gave Tai Yang a glimpse into her beliefs with "May the moon guide us." So did Tai Yang respond in kind.

"Hmm?" Tai Yang seemed to notice Yui's distress. Nothing shattered Yui's composure, not even for a moment, so even Tai Yang noticed it when Yui's words and face faltered. Tai Yang was not attuned to notice the presence of some dark force in the distance, having a resilience against such omens of darkness that also deadened him to their presence. But the disruption in one so immovable as Yui was not something he could ignore.

He waited, waiting as long as possible and giving as meaningful a glance as he could before he left. He wanted her to know he was willing to help if she trusted him. With whatever. If she does not trust me.. Why would she allow me to teach? Also she's chewing now.. Does this thing have a soft center?'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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"Ah?" She smiled at Tai Yang, though his greeting that was unspoken was lost on her blindfolded eyes. "Mmm?" She turned to where Yui had run out of the room. "Goodness..." It was then that it felt her blood ran cold. She sensed an ominous presence not far, perhaps near the gates of the school. "Tai Yang... Do you not feel that?" She was a novice at magic if she did not use her Queen mode, but she knew bad magic when she felt it, if not simply for womans intuition. "I sense a tense wind blowing from the South. I suppose such matters are not of my expertise as a student."

With that, she turned to the Vice Principal. "Shall we go then, Miss?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Four days. It had been four days since he had been reborn unto this world, as a Land God with no followers, a being that was almost as helpless as any other powerful supernatural being. It didn't frustrate Val Keireiss though. After all, considering all he had done in the past, and what he was now, it almost seemed like he was a different person, that another soul inhabited this spiritual body of his. Of course, it probably helped that he also wasn't as young. Closing his eyes and visualizing the long blue hair that he once had, as well as the white-blue armor and the translucent zweihander, he opened them again and looked at himself.

His sword was now just shards, his armor had long rusted away, and he was currently being kept in arms-reach of the person who killed him. The immortal woman who possessed a power that he did not understand. Well, not that he really minded by now. Though humans in general appeared to be killing off the land that he protected, it seemed that they were at least accepting that there were supernatural existences that weren't evil, as well as doing some sort of 'environmental protection' thing that he didn't properly understand.

Val yawned, closed his eyes, and went back to observing the land. With the hall monitor armband woven onto his student uniform, as well as his rather unique ability to see, hear, and feel all that stays within his 'territory', he was allowed to keep out of the auditorium and act as security. Also a gatekeeper of sorts, tallying whichever students were tardy or skipping. That duty gave him the privilege of being late for academic lessons as well, which was a nice bonus for being Yui's pet Land God. The constant stream of sweets was nice too, but the demon-sex-ed teacher who made those confections...not as nice.

As students began to filter out of the auditorium, Val stretched out, yawned, and enjoyed the sunlight a little longer from on top the building. He almost took a nap, but ultimately, Gods didn't require sleep, so he fought against the urge and stepped off the building, floating gently down onto the ground instead. There were still textbooks to be obtained and a shrine to be cleaned, after all.

Or at least, there were things to do, until he saw a person that didn't belong. No, not a person that didn't belong, but a person that he had seen before. One who bore the same face as another who was there, when he was killed.

And one who now held the same aura that Val himself had, right up to the point where he was slain.

It took three quick warps to bring him in front of the student who drew his sword against that man. Closer up, it seemed that time had been unkind to that red-haired man, for his face looked much less intimidating and more comical up-close. Well, whatever. If nothing else, his current relationship with Yui would be interesting to see. Maybe even a battle between that elusive Ninja Janitor (that even a God had trouble searching for) and the mysterious derp-faced man.

First thing's first though.

Turning around and placing one hand lightly on the tip of that brunette's fanciful two-handed sword, Val jerked his head towards the general direction of the man who was totally not going to be a super duper villain, saying, “You're new to the school, right? Better get used to learning when to listen to the staff's instructions then.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It was afternoon or some what still morning. He only yawned as he finally opened his eyes, " Aye...Aurora? " he asked his head turning towards her bed as he didn't see Aurora! He jumped out of bed naked only having underwear to wear. He gulped as he yelled, " MOM! WHERES AURORA! " He heard nothing he sighed knowing that there were off doing something. He sighed grabbing a towl from Auroras said. It was pink and head the picture ':3' on it. He smiled and went into the shower.

After a 10 minutes of cleaning himself up he walked towards the closet and picked out a few clothes. He found some kind of large saggy green sweater. He smiled putting it on and also putting on a pair of jeans. Slipping on shoes that were at the side of the closet. He slowly ran down stairs and there was no food left on the table. He only sighed and figured that there was food at his new school. Knowing that he had missed the speach! He ran a few blocks until he reached the naturistic looking school and the golden looking gates. He entered as he heard a bit of sounds.

Continuing to walk foward he opened the door seeing as everyone was walking around the halls. The white floors and the white ceilings where oddly clean. He wasn't used to that crap but he walked towards the Adminastrators room. He knew the womans name that was known as 'Yui'. He saw a fairly..hunky man also walking towards the office. He was handsome but he didn't seem to be his type. He sighed and walked with him to the office. He sighed as he began saw a woman a woman wit a sword as he backed away, "What the hell!" he exclaimed staring towards the woman.

After a few moments of walking he noticed that there were faint cries of an intruder? Was it him? He didn't look like it and he seemed nice.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WrittenFaith


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Mark finished his cigarette and walked back into the school. He felt an odd and unwelcome presents within the school and rather than wander over to were it was coming from in his human he shifted to his hellhound form and found a way to where the intruder and some other staff were located. This earned him a few terrified shrieks as he trotted through the halls of the school but her didn't really care. He moved to where he could get a good look at the intruder and let out a growl. Though he didn't moved he stood at the ready incase a fight was needed.


Vicky, not paying attention to were she was going had stumbled upon the issue and promptly turned in the other direction when she realized what was going on. She wasn't about to get in the middle of something like that unless she had no choice but to join. So instead she wondered back down the halls looking at the ground absently. She almost ran into Aram as she walked. "I'm s-sorry." She muttered looking up, noticing the girl in his arms. She paused for a moment. "Is she al-alright?" She asked before mentally slapping herself, of course the girl wasn't alright, if she was he would be carrying her. "I-I mean is she going to be alright?" She corrected herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

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Making his way down the halls with Aurora in his arms and Key following close behind him, they were almost run into by another female student, "I-I mean is she going to be alright?" For a moment, he considered the question. They knew she seemed healthy enough from physical indicators, as for the future...Aram wasn't sure of wings of light possibly being start of worse things, so if he planned on being honest, the answer would be to tell of his uncertainty. Of course, this could cause some students to panic, and this girl before him seemed to be mini-panicking...the advised thing to do would be to say that they have things under control. Then again, if they don't and Aurora ends up in a bad spot, the students would have a hard time depending on a lying teacher in the future. So...in essence, Aram wasn't likely this over thinking thing, or this dependable teacher thing.

"We're going to do the best we can. Please, take care of yourself, as well." Saying this simply, he gave the female student a charming smile before getting on his way. Continuing down the hall, he took a turn and took about five steps before turning around. There was a an unfamiliar person down that way...an unfamiliar person wasn't to be avoided, in and of itself, but he didn't like how he smelled of...non-sweetness, salty, even. Looking over his shoulder at Key, Aram gave her a reassuring smile, "Lets take the long way around, shall we?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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The man in the white suit looked up and let the falling debris hit him dead on. The resulting effect made for a loud crash to say the least. When the dust parted, the man emerged and locked sight with the janitor ninja. His clothes were soaking wet and his hair was clinging to his face in strings. "Well look at this...you've ruined a perfectly good suit!" He caught the ninja by the throat, halting her lunge mid-stride.

The man ignored the child who dared to raise a blade against him and sneered at the woman in his grip. "Disgusting. You're one of those weaklings from the Yakimura clan, aren't you? Is the Headmistress still employing trash like you?" Glancing to the left, the man paused to take in another sight. A face that almost seemed long forgotten to him.

"Oh...it's you." His crimson eyes shifted slightly as they focused on the Land God, Val Kaireiss. "Didn't I bury you six feet under the last time? Don't tell me you're working for her too. What, did she make you her guard dog or something?" He glanced back at the ninja still caught in his grip. "The both of you disgust me." His other arm shifted, forming into a claw covered in molten lava. Mild amusement plagued his face as he brought the burning limb closer to the ninja's face.

"Let her go Dios."

"Is that you Yui?"

"I said let her go!"

The man known as Dios sighed as he tossed the janitor away like a rag doll. "It's been ages...you really need to update your security Yui."

Dios placed his hands in his pockets calmly as more and more of Hikari's staff began showing up, specifically a Hellhound from the looks of it...and the Headmistress herself! Dios narrowed his gaze as Yui walked into sight, a glare on her face.

"It's been long Yui. Too long."

"What do you want Dios? What business do you have with my Academy?" This was the most rageful anyone had seen the Headmistress in quite some decades.

"Quick to the chase as always, huh? Are you always like this towards your students?" Silence greeted him. "Hmpf. Don't tell me you're still using that body? Shouldn't you toss that thing for something more compatible to your power? It only holds you back."

That gauged a response.The Esper fumed silently at the man, before taking a step forward. "Don't you dare speak ill of this body," she warned darkly. "Especially when you were the one responsible for its suffering."

Dios chuckled at this. "Is that it then? Is that anyway to talk to the builder of this damned school of yours? I bet half of these people don't even know how much work I put into this institution." He shrugged.

"I deserve some praise at least, right? After all Yui, you never would have gotten this far without your very first Vice Principal to keep you in check, now would you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Suddenly and oddly woke up. Waves of pulsing light went through the area as she did. She sensed a tainting darkness. She opened her eyes as it gleamed light, " Alto..? " she said. tilting her head noticing that the man was demon but had a very 'well' scent. Her wings began to glow more as power pulsed through her. The burst was happening and it wasn't going to stop until this 'Tainted aura' was gone. She flew out of the demons hands and flew to the scene. Once she saw the man, facing him from the side, " Who dares come into this aura of light? " She says, clenching her fists. Strands of light appeared once more as it would circle around her legs, " Averenthea....moerean...cereaklea " Her words echoed through out the area. This was..known as a burst. Aurora's wings became longer and larger. She was ready to kill this man...and won't give up.

Power seemingly bursting out of her body and light trailing around her. What was going on? Aurora's personality changed once she was in this 'burst', stage of this power. The words repeated and repeated. The strands of light began to form into swords and daggers....as there tips stained with blood of the dark, "Eventhe...nomroera" souls came fourth as well...voices that simply stated, " Die..."

((Approved by WINDEL!))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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Ninja Janitor

Is unconscious. Thank you. That is all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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Tai Yang

"Deja, I am afraid I do not sense evil well. My spirit is hardened against evil magic, but this leaves me insensitive to it. Thank you for your words of advice." Tai Yang proceeded to follow the Headmistress. Blueberry lollipop still in hand.

Upon reaching BAD MOJO... I mean, Dios, Tai Yang's fists tightened. This man was clearly responsible for great evil, having caused such a mess in the school and receiving such harshness from Yui. And also.. Bathing in tea? Tai Yang was slightly confused, yet again.

Tai Yang was ready and in fact desired to engage the man, but he followed Yui's lead. She wished to negotiate with Dios, and Tai Yang could see the wisdom thereof. A full power fight in the midst of a school could harm the students.

Tai Yang, due to positioning issues, couldn't see the Ninja Janitor*.

*because roleplaying rescuing myself would be boring.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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For someone who had to bring thousands of his friends just to fight him centuries ago, this nameless person really had a big mouth. And while Val was still level-headed enough not to do anything rash when he was this much weaker than he was in the past, the Land God still couldn't resist a quip. Turning back to face the man, who's face, on second glance, now looked more like that of an arrogant plebian, Val said with a smile, “Were you even in that fight, boy? I must apologize, but Gods rarely take notice of ants.”

Still, the threat that he posed now was very, very real, and a few centuries of time was a long time for one to improve their combat abilities. It was enough of a threat that Val breathed a sigh of relief when Yui arrived, along with that angry Hellhound in tow. Or at least, he would have, if it wasn't for the fact that another student popped up, with no sense of what was going on.

And then, to top off all this, he could even hear the raging of another student gone wild, somewhere in the nurse's office. Allowing himself to close his eyes for three seconds, he assessed the situation there as well, where a first year fairykind was going crazy...in the prescence of Aram.

Of course, there also had to be all this very, very human drama regarding past betrayals and stuff. Gosh, did Yui steal Dios's woman or something a few decades ago?

The God sighed. It seemed like the rumors were true after all, and his job was definitely going to be a pain in the ass. So much rescuing. Back in the day, it would be normal for a commoner to run away at the mere thought of danger, because they knew that you only lived once, so you shouldn't put it to waste. Now, it seemed that people lacked common sense, thinking that, because you only lived once, you should live as dangerously as possible. For experience or whatever.

Welp, time to prioritize.

He turned his attention to the muscular young man that had followed the Headmistress first. With caution in his tone, Val said, trying to direct the man's attention away from Dios, “Hey, here's your chance to do God's work. See the kid beside him? Get him out, quickly. You're fast too, right?”

Without confirmation, Val then disappeared, unravelling into mist-like strands of blue light. Reforming beside the fallen ninja-janitor that just got chokeslammed by the neighborhood burning-hand-asshole, the four day old God grabbed both of her hands, and then ran off, dragging her with him. She was unconscious, after all, so hopefully, she wouldn't mind.

Dios was currently having a western standoff with Yui too, so hopefully, he wouldn't mind.

Aram should have common sense, so hopefully, he would stop whatever he was trying to do to that girl before she went crazy.

Gosh, that's really a lot of hopes. Is this what it feels like to be a weakling who can't even destroy a hundred monsters? Damn, sucks to be human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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"Yes, I think that would probably be best. We don't want her to get invo-" And Key's words were suddenly cut off as she watched this girl go.... well would it be wrong to say Super Saiyan? Mentally, she was groaning. This girl was a first year student, and probably only 12 or 13 years old give or take a few years. Aurora was no match for anything that could be picked up by both Aram and herself. In fact, students shouldn't be getting involved with this at all. They were here to train, meaning that right now, they had no idea what they were doing.

Key stood for a few seconds, looking between where the girl had flown off to and Aram. It was common knowledge that Aram was a demon and the kind of energy or power or whatever it was the girl was giving off would probably... not be good for him. She sighed. That meant that Key would have to take care of Aurora herself.

As she walked towards the girl and the... fight? It didn't look like anyone was actually fighting, more like a battle of wits. Key pondered what exactly the best course of action was. Grabbing her and dragging her away was a good option, but those swords looked very pointy, and she didn't feel like starting her 6th life today. She considered leaving Aurora to finish whatever she'd started, but... that probably would end badly and then Key would be blamed. She'd worked hard to get this job, and she wanted to keep it.

So, the Phoenix went ahead with option C: hitting Aurora on the back of the head very hard with a book (as a librarian she of course had a steady supply) and hoping it would stop all the craziness with the swords and the glowing and were those souls?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

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Is this really our first day?


A pause. You're really not helpful, Fury.

The situation was very, very rapidly proving to be beyond his capabilities for defense. The enemy, it seemed, was the academy's original vice principal, and that meant so far beyond his current capabilities it wasn't even comedic. He had just rapidly dealt with the sole attack launched against him, and a more than competent one at that, and gone straight into confronting the Headmistress. Several additional teachers had appeared, and the Headmistress appeared to be taking a very... Personal interest in the situation.

After a moment's more thought, he backpedaled quickly, never taking his eyes off of the intruder. He had seen the young boy take the ninja janitor down the hall, so he turned down that hall himself, following as closely behind him as he could, keeping his eyes directed towards the confrontation. He couldn't take on the face-heel-turn'd VP, but he could at least defend the people in the process of retreating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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Tai Yang

"I believe we have in general the same idea." Abraham would likely notice that the muscular man who had previously been on the other side of Dios, was now backpedaling alongside him. Long, sweeping alternating steps, both hands held behind his back. How had Tai Yang crossed that space? Well, considering everyone was looking at BAD MOJO, I mean, Dios, it was actually pretty easy.

"However, you fail to realize that, other than that girl with two teachers trying to drag her away and the other girl behind them, you are the last one here to evacuate that should not be here. There is no one's retreat to defend, save your own, in this direction." Tai Yang explained the situation as they moved. "All that considered, however, you are moving very quickly for one retreating such as this, so I shall not advise an alternate course of action, save now, when your course will shortly slam you into an open locker door that you cannot see for staring at the intruder."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When the Vice Principal said nothing, Deja let out a sigh and made her own way down the hall, being able to pass through it easier now that she had made her way to the Headmistress's office. She chose, instead, to investigate the source of the bad energy she felt. Yet she did not feel the person behind it may be to blame for their viles. She had met many an unkind spirit and found that speaking with them would at the very least ease their ways. Perhaps that's what she could do here.

Yet as she came to the main doors, she stopped. She chose now, senseing the tension, it would be best to keep back. She listened to the words said, and held her parasol closely in anticipation. She made her way outside, hearing Tai Yang nearby and sensing his presence. She opened her parasol, holding it over herself and came to the outskirts of the group. She would barely be visible through the small crowd that had gathered. Deja wanted to know more of the unkindled spirit she sensed earlier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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Historian status update for clarity and continuity!

Dios is at the center of a T-Intersection. East, West, and South are the directions to go from this intersection.

To the East, Abraham and Tai Yang are retreating.

To the South, Mark in hellhound form holds his ground, as Val grabs the Ninja Janitor and retreats.

The the West, Yui engages in debate, while Aram and Key try and keep Aurora and Vicky from dying stupidly. Deja is at the background of this group.

No one else is here. There are no NPCs to protect. They were smart and ran away as soon as stuff started falling through the ceiling, being long gone now.

And now you know, and knowing is half the battle! *Swoosh!*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrincessWeirdo


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It seemed as though a great deal was happening all at once, with everyone rushing around and slamming into people. The Head mistress had left in a hurry, and the students had followed suit in pursuit of what she assumed was some kind of intruder. Being a naturally lazy creature, she wasn't too inclined to go follow them and have to engage in some kind of battle, but staying here on her own was boring in and of itself so she wandered in the direction Bruce Lee had headed off towards. Exiting, she found him and another boy with a rather large sword beating a hasty retreat back her way.
"Woah, kids, is there some kind of large fire breathing dragon after you that I should be aware of?" Yawning, then inspecting her fingernails lazily, she thought to herself that at least this was an eventful school.


"What?" Yui had suggested that she personally take this student on a tour. Her, the Vice Principal! Stumbling over her words and trying to think of some way out of it, she hardly noticed when the head mistress left in quite a serious hurry. Being a mere witch, she didn't have the powers to sense any impending darkness on the campus, so she saw no reason for alarm. However, now some other students were also leaving in a hurried way and so the small part of her brain that was a dedicated and studious vice principal activated and she swiftly made her way out of the office, hoping to corral some of the students to a safer area in case this was a serious emergency. Unfortunately, that small part of her brain didn't have enough room to remember that she had a student right there in the office she was supposed to be helping, but we take what we can.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Dios gave the Land God a smirk. "Boy? Isn't that ironic? You're not the only one who was worshipped as a deity, guard dog. The difference between us is that I still am." Before he could continue on, a random girl who appeared to be a student as well as glowing and leaking out power ran right for him. To say the least, Dios was quite surprised. Too surprised to react in time, being showered by the light show as said student started muttering some words....only to be knocked out by a book. This was enough time for Val to evacuate both the Ninja Janitor and the swordsman student.

Dios shook his head before turning back to Yui. "Is this what passes as Dawn Slayers these days at Hikari? You've grown soft Yui. These students of yours are path-"


He was cut off by a shrill, soft noise. Baffled by it still, Dios widened his eyes at the sheer impossibility of it all. Was that....laughter? Indeed, the Headmistess was put in a giggling fit now for a good few seconds before finally recovering herself. Dios stared a her, unamused. "Is there something I'm missing? Do enlighten me." To his knowledge, and to anyone else's for that matter, Yui hadn't laughed in centuries. Just smiles and frowns.

Smiling now, Yui glanced at the unconscious Aurora before looking at Dios. "Aren't they just wonderful? The students. Not even their first day and already they don't like you. Not the homecoming you were expecting, right Dios?" Her rage calm for the moment, the smile became replaced with the stoic look now. "What do you want Dios? Why do you choose to show yourself after all these years?"

The former VP shrugged. "Nothing. I just disagree with your methods. That's all."

Yui sighed, placing a hand to her head. "Haven't we been over this? Your belief and ideals that Supernaturals are superior is flawed. The human World and paranormal World must coexist."


The massive influx of power caught her of guard, and Yui had to hold her ground via her mind to keep from being blown back. Dios smirked at her struggles. "My power has greatly increased since the past Headmistress. Dragons do tend to evolve faster than others."

Rising into the air, Dios looked down at them all. "I've amassed an army Yui. Enough to prove my point and crush your pathetic harmony. Humans will never coexist with the paranormal!"

The Esper stared up at the Dragon. "Are you....are you declaring war on my school?"

Dios chuckled. "Yeah, something like that. A pacifist like you wouldn't understand....from this day forth, I, the Heavenly Dragon of the Sky Loft, declare war on you all! War on Hikari Ryodan!" His hand morphed into lava once more as he thrust a steam of fire on the ground. The resulting pool of flame took form, twisting and morphing into four hulking statues of lava rock crafted in the shape of dragons. Each one took off in a random direction; North, South, East, and West. Their intent was one thing only: destroy the school and any who resided in it.

Dios gave Yui one final look. "Farewell for now old friend. Consider this my parting gift to the first years." And with that, the Dragon ascended into the heavens above and disappeared from sight.

Yui watched him go before facing the lava dragon replica that was fast approaching her. Another sigh.

"I...think I'm getting too old for this...was he always such an asshole?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Growled more light bursted and voices from the souls began to get louder and as the man summoned dragons she finally returned back to her normal self. Aurora cried as she turned hugging Mrs.Begay for comfort, though her powers still, strongly flow within her veins. Aurora cried as tears dripped down and slid through Mrs.Begays clothing. The earth felt as if it was moist and the heat hotter than lava. She felt like as if she was going to melt. She wanted to help but she was to in shock to do anything. Though she swords were still there floating in mid air, turning her head slighly as she could only see half of the swords. " Aventhe? " The souls..whispered and there whispered turned to yells..as if it was like screeches from a car slowly hitting a pole. The souls rised from the ground and colided with the swords. The blades...tip turned faintly black and it hit begininning to leave black trail marks as they floated, " Morethene " The swords began circling around the dragon waiting for the command to attack. Her head turning seeing Allen in shock.

(( If these swords succeded heres my character attacking a monsta ))


Ran around the corner and saw what was knocked out Aurora seeing her crying and sobbing. To much happened as the man faded away into the air like a transparent bitch. He sighed smiling knowing that his sister was dangerously fine, " Oi! " He said faintly watching as the two floated into the air. He nodded and slowly ran behind the two. Again, his eyes layed upon a handsome man seemingly his same race..but it wasn't worth about thinking off at the current moment. He ran, again behind the demon looking man watching as the scene goes on. His blade powers were no use against such a beast and doubted Auroras blades will work.
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