Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


-A Cornered cat reveals its claws?-

Jinx was indeed looking around hard, it was rather simple really yet it absorbed apparently too much of her attention. And as she heard the clearing of a throat one of her daggers slipped out of its scabbard and into her hand as she turned around to face the source of the sound. Even thought Jinx saw who it was standing there her glare didn't lessen one bit and it was clear by her rather surprised yet combative stance that she was not afraid of striking even mortal blows in case she were attacked. Jinx hissed slightly to herself as she realized it was that blasted queen again, of course she was still carrying the items she had stolen from the headmistress office and even thought she had hid them well she couldn't trust her. "...I didn't see any evacuation routes... where was I supposed to go anyway?... or did you perhaps forget to inform such things?..." Jinx snapped back at her, she didn't like getting interrogated apparently and especially less so by her enemies.

It was with a rather slow movement that Jinx sheathed her dagger back into its scabbard again and as she backed off slightly. "And no... I don't need anything from you... if there's an intruder around it certainly didn't come this way... I'm outa here..." she said and quickly took off running. She may not perfectly know these halls yet, but knew them well enough to figure out that anywhere was better than right here at the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 3 days ago

"I wish the rest was silence." Abraham quipped to Tai Yang, smiling slightly. "He spends most of his time snarking. But in answer to your question, no. He's never seemed particularly furious, and he hasn't ever explained why his name is such. Nor did my grandfather know the answer."

He blinked once, caught mildly by surprise by Deja's request. He looked briefly from her to his sword, looking at the latter askance. He couldn't think of any reason to deny her; She didn't seem to mean any harm, and even if she did, he rather suspected that Fury could handle himself just fine. Nevertheless, he decided to confer with the spirit himself for a moment.

Do you have any objections?

No. It will be a decent change of pace to converse with someone besides you.

Rolling his eyes slightly at the answer, he looked back to the blind samurai. "I don't mind, ma'am. He doesn't seem to either."

When she touched the blade, she would be able to feel the presence at the edge of her mind. It was, at once, indescribably ancient, and yet full of energy, more life than one would expect from a presence within a sword. It didn't 'move' from its position at the edge of her consciousness, but when Fury 'spoke', his voice was clearly heard.

Greetings, human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja took the sword with a small smile. Just as she began to feel up the blade, a voice in her mind caused her to nearly drop the master sword. She blinked behind her blindfold and was silent a moment before relaxing and feeling the blade again. A small chuckle bubbled from her lips when she realized the source of her fright.

"Hello, sir Fury." She said aloud, not knowing that merely speaking through the mind would be enough. She most likely looked like a looney, laughing at herself and talking to the blade in her hand. She pulled the blade from its sheath and gingerly ran her hands along the blade. "Fascinating...! I'd only heard of swords that can speak in novels. What creature are you?" Deja then caught herself out of her fascination. "Excuse me, that was rude. I apologize for my misgivings, sir Fury. What you may be is your business alone."

She ran her hands along the blade more, getting a good picture of the blade in her minds eye. "Oh...?" She rubbed her fingers over a particular spot once more. "Ahhh... Perhaps this is the source of the sourness which sir Abraham has outlined in you." She put her hands inside her kimono and walked to a bench. She felt the seat gently and sat down, certain that this spot was not far from her two new friends. She crosed her ankles and took out a fibercloth from her Kimono. "It seems you have not been polished in several years... I hope you don't mind..." With that, the samurai began to polish Fury, humming softly as she always does when caring for her blades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja took the sword with a small smile. Just as she began to feel up the blade, a voice in her mind caused her to nearly drop the master sword. She blinked behind her blindfold and was silent a moment before relaxing and feeling the blade again. A small chuckle bubbled from her lips when she realized the source of her fright.

"Hello, sir Fury." She said aloud, not knowing that merely speaking through the mind would be enough. She most likely looked like a looney, laughing at herself and talking to the blade in her hand. She pulled the blade from its sheath and gingerly ran her hands along the blade. "Fascinating...! I'd only heard of swords that can speak in novels. What creature are you?" Deja then caught herself out of her fascination. "Excuse me, that was rude. I apologize for my misgivings, sir Fury. What you may be is your business alone."

She ran her hands along the blade more, getting a good picture of the blade in her minds eye. "Oh...?" She rubbed her fingers over a particular spot once more. "Ahhh... Perhaps this is the source of the sourness which sir Abraham has outlined in you." She put her hands inside her kimono and walked to a bench. She felt the seat gently and sat down, certain that this spot was not far from her two new friends. She crosed her ankles and took out a fibercloth from her Kimono. "It seems you have not been polished in several years... I hope you don't mind..." With that, the samurai began to polish Fury, humming softly as she always does when caring for her blades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja took the sword with a small smile. Just as she began to feel up the blade, a voice in her mind caused her to nearly drop the master sword. She blinked behind her blindfold and was silent a moment before relaxing and feeling the blade again. A small chuckle bubbled from her lips when she realized the source of her fright.

"Hello, sir Fury." She said aloud, not knowing that merely speaking through the mind would be enough. She most likely looked like a looney, laughing at herself and talking to the blade in her hand. She pulled the blade from its sheath and gingerly ran her hands along the blade. "Fascinating...! I'd only heard of swords that can speak in novels. What creature are you?" Deja then caught herself out of her fascination. "Excuse me, that was rude. I apologize for my misgivings, sir Fury. What you may be is your business alone."

She ran her hands along the blade more, getting a good picture of the blade in her minds eye. "Oh...?" She rubbed her fingers over a particular spot once more. "Ahhh... Perhaps this is the source of the sourness which sir Abraham has outlined in you." She put her hands inside her kimono and walked to a bench. She felt the seat gently and sat down, certain that this spot was not far from her two new friends. She crosed her ankles and took out a fibercloth from her Kimono. "It seems you have not been polished in several years... I hope you don't mind..." With that, the samurai began to polish Fury, humming softly as she always does when caring for her blades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja took the sword with a small smile. Just as she began to feel up the blade, a voice in her mind caused her to nearly drop the master sword. She blinked behind her blindfold and was silent a moment before relaxing and feeling the blade again. A small chuckle bubbled from her lips when she realized the source of her fright.

"Hello, sir Fury." She said aloud, not knowing that merely speaking through the mind would be enough. She most likely looked like a looney, laughing at herself and talking to the blade in her hand. She pulled the blade from its sheath and gingerly ran her hands along the blade. "Fascinating...! I'd only heard of swords that can speak in novels. What creature are you?" Deja then caught herself out of her fascination. "Excuse me, that was rude. I apologize for my misgivings, sir Fury. What you may be is your business alone."

She ran her hands along the blade more, getting a good picture of the blade in her minds eye. "Oh...?" She rubbed her fingers over a particular spot once more. "Ahhh... Perhaps this is the source of the sourness which sir Abraham has outlined in you." She put her hands inside her kimono and walked to a bench. She felt the seat gently and sat down, certain that this spot was not far from her two new friends. She crosed her ankles and took out a fibercloth from her Kimono. "It seems you have not been polished in several years... I hope you don't mind..." With that, the samurai began to polish Fury, humming softly as she always does when caring for her blades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja took the sword with a small smile. Just as she began to feel up the blade, a voice in her mind caused her to nearly drop the master sword. She blinked behind her blindfold and was silent a moment before relaxing and feeling the blade again. A small chuckle bubbled from her lips when she realized the source of her fright.

"Hello, sir Fury." She said aloud, not knowing that merely speaking through the mind would be enough. She most likely looked like a looney, laughing at herself and talking to the blade in her hand. She pulled the blade from its sheath and gingerly ran her hands along the blade. "Fascinating...! I'd only heard of swords that can speak in novels. What creature are you?" Deja then caught herself out of her fascination. "Excuse me, that was rude. I apologize for my misgivings, sir Fury. What you may be is your business alone."

She ran her hands along the blade more, getting a good picture of the blade in her minds eye. "Oh...?" She rubbed her fingers over a particular spot once more. "Ahhh... Perhaps this is the source of the sourness which sir Abraham has outlined in you." She put her hands inside her kimono and walked to a bench. She felt the seat gently and sat down, certain that this spot was not far from her two new friends. She crosed her ankles and took out a fibercloth from her Kimono. "It seems you have not been polished in several years... I hope you don't mind..." With that, the samurai began to polish Fury, humming softly as she always does when caring for her blades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

"I was trained by Master Ming Yue and..." Tai Yang seemed to pause, before smirking. "Heh. Now that I think of it, your wish that the moon guide me was retroactively true. My master's name means "Bright Moon", and truly, I have been guided by my master's teachings." Tai Yang's tone was still respectful, but Tai Yang did allow his slight mirth at the coincidence to color his voice.

"As for smoothly... Mmm.. I will not be trying that particular tactic again." Tai Yang raised the arm he struck the lava statue with and examined it. "It was a decisive victory.. But my arm still feels the burn of its blood from when I struck through it. I do not know why my flesh shows no damage." Tai Yang was now concerned, both at the power of his opponent and why his arm did not seem to visibly burn, though he felt the damage.

"As for what I consider myself, I consider myself a monk who protects all living things." He nodded slightly.

As the discussion followed Fury, Tai Yang took a backseat and observed as the introductions were in order. He did not seem the least bit surprised at Deja's talking aloud in response to a voice he couldn't hear, given the situation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yui didn't react much as Jinx all but threatened her with daggers. Or rather, she didn't react at all. Just a usual blank stare with a frown. And really, why would she be concerned? Being as old as she was, she had worse things thrown at her over the years. A couple of whiny "Gods", some punk vampires, evil toothpaste....best not to mention that incident aloud. Yui didn't need to read minds to figure out that Jinx had some kind of vendetta against her. Before she could reply though, the student took off in the opposite direction after giving her stinging retorts.

Holding back a sigh, Yui stretched her mind to reach Jinx. "Your dorm is further down the hall. Take two lefts once you reach the restroom." With that said, she picked up Toaster and continued walking towards her office. She would deal with the theft issue later. Right now, more pressing matters were to be heard.

Besides, it wasn't like Jinx was any actual threat. Indeed, the distance of power was too great between a student like Jinx and the Headmistress. But again, she was a student. Yui didn't want to punish her, rather instead help her cope with this new environment. To find one's self in a strange new world....Yui knew that feeling better than most.

This time she did sigh as she cast her mind elsewhere in the school. Hearing Val's question of participation, she answered back with, "Yes Kaireiss-kun. I feel that your presence will not only calm everyone's minds, but your experience also makes you crucial in dealing with...such an annoying enemy. Please make sure Yakimura-san is safe for the time being."

Finally reaching her office, Yui entered inside and sat at her desk. Placing Toaster gently near her name plaque, she absently began polishing his sides with spare candy wrappers before focusing on someone else now.

"Yang-san? As you are seeking a teaching position within this school, I feel it is best to include you in our staff debriefing. Please direct any students near you towards their dorms before immeditaly heading over to my office. That is all."

Leaning back, Yui opened a fresh drawer and produced....a powdered doughnut. While waiting for the other staff members, she might as well indulge herself, right? Turning to Toaster, she held out the sweet knowingly.

"Toaster-san, I have a favor to ask of your services. Please toast this doughnut. I hear the sugar actually seeps through the bredding and coats the exterior if heated at mild temperatures for prolonged uses of time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 3 days ago

Fury, for a few moments, seemed almost perfect, maintaining an unusual degree of silence. Abraham, for his part, leaned against the wall near Deja, having retrieved his book from where he drew it. Finally, the sword's perplexed behavior abated, and he began speaking again.

You can merely speak through your mind. The sword began, pausing again. Polishing has not often been a major concern, though I was delighted to finally be dusted off a few years back. Not that years mean much; I have existed for centuries, by your reckoning, and a few years tend to pass in the blink of an eye.

Sourness is an expression of both amusement, and frustration. Abraham is skilled and willing, and of a better character than many that I have aided, but he is still new. Admittedly, he is advancing much more rapidly than I anticipated.

"You know, Fury, I can still hear you."

Yes, I know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nori, who had now explored most of the school, was lost. She hadn't been keeping track of where she was going and ended up possibly in a area she has explored, but forgot about. She sighed, her ears twitching and trying to pick up any sounds. Nothing. She couldn't hear anything at all. She shook her head and tried again, but the outcome was the same. Seeing as how she got lost by wandering around, surely if she continued to do so, she would eventually come to an area she knew. That's what she thought, and that's what she did. "This is all just a fake mass..." she mumbled, before once again wandering the halls.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja giggled a bit, and ceased her polishing once she was satisfied.

Perhaps, then, sir Fury, you should give your wielder a break. He seems to enjoy your company.

The Samurai stood up, nodding to Tai Yang. "I, myself am a Samurai. I have yet to achieve my own name*; A feat I wish to accomplish someday." She held out Fury, taking a practice slash with the enchanted blade to see how he might feel in battle. Then, gingerly, she walked back to where Abraham stood, his energy now familiar to her, and held the blade back to him as though she held a gift.

Should Abraham fall, sir Fury, I shall take you back to Abrahams household, or wherever you may desire. It was good to meet such an old spirit. May the moon guid you.

Deja smiled at Abraham as she held the blade up. "From where do you venture? Sir Tai Yang and Sir Abraham?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

As you wish, Headmistress. I shall see it done. Tai Yang thought for the benefit of Yui if she was still listening.

"I'm afraid the Headmistress would like you both to head to the dorms. It seems she believes the students will be safe there, so I can only imagine there is some sort of defense. We can walk together as far as the Headmistress' office, but there we shall part." Tai Yang was apologetic in tone. He would have liked more time to get to know them.

Upon beginning to walk, he asked Deja another question. "You say you have yet to achieve your own name, yet, you are called Deja, are you not?"

Turning to Abraham and thus Fury, "Several years... Hmm.. How old are you, Fury?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Toaster turned his attention from the headmistress to the student, growling at the female creature that pulled out a pointed weapon. True to his word, the little toaster did not worry for their great overlord, but the audacity of such an action angered him so. Once again, however, an enemy turned tail in his headmistress's majestic presence. Shaking his fist at the student's retreating form, and promising to himself to bite their ankle in another place and time...the toaster was super pleased when his headmistress picked him up again, bringing him into her office.

Being set on the desk of his headmistress-sama, the Toaster was about to start nibbling on her name plaque idly, when the small leader of his reached over and started polishing his dirty and stained side. Eyes going as big as saucers once again, the toaster turned to look at her directly, "OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA IS SO MERCIFUL! NOT HANGING THAT STUDENT BY THEIR TOES FOR SUCH BLATANT AUDACITY, EVEN THOUGH THEY COMPLETELY DESERVE IT...! SO BENEVOLENT!" Now just actively nuzzling his face into the headmistress's hand, pawing at her arm, making little 'kyuuu kyuuuuuu~!' sounds..."BESTOW UPON THIS UNWORTHY PEON THE TASK OF TOASTING YOUR SUGARY PASTRY! NOTHING WOULD PLEASE ME MORE!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door, before it was slowly opened...Aram walking in, most of his sleeves completely burnt off, with some nasty looking burns along his arms.
Aram knocked politely on the door of the headmistress's office, pausing a moment, before lifting his arm slowly and taking the door knob in his hand. Slowly, he turned and opened the door. Inside, the headmistress was already seated along with vice principle Toaster...a Toaster. For some reason, the little toaster didn't like him much. Entering up, the Toaster took one look at him before proceeding to hop up and down, then point out his injuries.

"WEAKNESS! WEAKNESS! DEVOUR THE WEAKENED PEON TO ADD STRENGTH TO THE STRONGER PEONS! ARRRRAAWWR RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWWWWR!" The small toaster, in it mad barking, ran around in little circles on the desk, not taking notice of the thing here or there that had been knocked over as it did so.

The demon couldn't help but chuckle at this, "Ah...it's good to see you too, Mr Hellbeast?"


"I, uhhmmm..." Pausing for a moment, trying to ignore some more of the burning pain, Aram quirked an eyebrow, "Property?

The toaster beast stopped and pointed at the gluttony demon, "AS YOU WORK UNDER OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA AS A UNWORTHY, PITIFUL OF THE MOST PITIFUL PEONS, YOU ARE OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA'S PROPERTY! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BREAK!" Still somewhat hopping mad, the toaster paced the top of the desk with an angry expression on it's face...like a tiny, tiny lion...

The demon shook his head and smiled, such an odd one, "Well...I didn't mean for any injuries to occur. Truth be told, this is the result of some form of power emergence by a student with some higher potential, though I can't say for certain...but I think the girl 'Aurora' really might be something, with the right mentorship. I've entrusted Miss Begay with bringing her to a safe dorm, as I am quite unable to do so myself." Tilting his head back, Aram caught a piece of hard candy in his mouth, before giving the headmistress a reassuring smile, "Other than that, well...hey! I'm early for the meeting!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 24 days ago

By the time that Key finally arrived at the Headmistress's office, Aram was inside and that annoying toaster was yelling something about all of the staff being property of Yui. Though inside, she rolled her eyes, when she spoke to the piece of tin, her voice was kind. "Vice Principal Toaster, I see you're doing well. I'm glad that you sustained no injuries from the fight." She smiled lightly at him before turning her attention back to the demon.

"Now, I brought something for you, and don't you dare refuse." With this, Key raised the bandages she had and walked over to him. Now, she was no nurse, but she could wrap a wound as good as any. She'd been doing it her whole life, after all. Or was that lives? Nevermind. Didn't matter in this particular instance. A small frown formed her face as she bandaged the burns. In this world, supernaturals and humans lived together as peacefully as they possibly could, and because of this Key had let down her guard. The danger had always been from the humans who thought them monsters. Now though, one of their own had turned and was hurting this school. What did that mean for everyone here?

When she finished wrapping Aram's arms, she smiled at him. "There. That should help. I'm sure you were going to put something awful and disgusting on them, but this is probably better. At least now you can stick your arms in whatever you want, and they won't get infected." Could a demon's wounds get infected? Key thought it was better safe then sorry. Her attention then turned to Yui. "I'm sorry, Headmistress. I wanted to make sure that he was fixed up first thing, but here I am. Hopefully everyone else will be here soon."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yui gave Aram a stern look as the demon entered into her office. "Pollux-san, I was under the impression that you'd be skipping out this meeting due to injuries?" As Vice Principal Toaster continued to rampage all over her desk with the doughnut still lodged inside, the Headmistress continued staring down Aram before shaking her head.

"Well, I can't exactly condemn you on your loyalty towards the Academy. I heard that you successfully escorted one of students to safety." Clasping her hands together, she gave a small smile to the teacher. "Just don't push yourself too hard then."

"As for the meeting, I'm glad to see you're early." Not a moment passed as she said that when the librarian, Key, entered into the office. Yui could sense the distress she felt at the fact that a former member of the Academy would dare place its occupants in danger. At this, the Headmistress narrowed her eyes. Soon. Very soon. Once all of the other staff had arrived, all of the librarian's questions and concerns would hopefully be sated.

Until then....

Yui couldn't help but smirk a little at the interaction between Key and Aram. Upon hearing Key's vocal concern for the sweet-loving demon, the smirk only got wider.

"Please, take all the time you need Begay-san. I understand fully well how reckless Pollux-san can be, especially in such desperate times. But ah, such are the musings of young love, right? It almost makes me wish I was a few decades younger~," she commented on the scene before her.

Which reminded her....

Yui levitated the scattered objects that fell victim to Toaster's "devotion" towards her and carefully placed them back where they belonged. "Toaster-san. It's quite rude to belittle your fellow peers in the workforce, especially if they are of a lower position than yourself." Catching the Vice Principal with her mind, she levitated him right in front of her face with a disapproving frown.

"I understand your passion for me and your job, but please try to control yourself. We are a family here at the Academy," she scolded. "Is that understood?" Waiting for a good few seconds, Yui closed her eyes. "What will I do with you....?"

In one swift movement, she leaned forward and pecked the toaster right on its metallic "cheek". Placing him back on her desk, she gave him one final, "Behave yourself," before clearing her throat, fixing the hat on her head, and looking back at Aram and Key with a blank expression. As if nothing had just transpired.

No doubt the kiss would keep Toaster tame until after the meeting. "I apologize for Toaster-san's behavior. He's actually quite enthusiastic about this new school year. Now then..."

Reaching under her desk, Yui brought forth a tray of fresh cupcakes, all assorted in different colors of blues, yellows, and pinks. How she was able to hide such a hing remained another mystery entirely. She offered the tray of sweets to her three staff before taking a pink one herself.

"These are the perks of being on time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melanie ran towards the school shoving a muffin in her mouth. Her footsteps echoed on the sidewalk. Dang it, why did I have to be sick for a week, and then while I was walking to a store I had to be hit by a truck. So then I had to spend a month in the hospital before they let me out and I still have a broken arm, few broken ribs, and stitches on my chest from that dang metal rod that stabbed me, Melanie thought to herself. Why did she have to have such a terrible summer. She walked into the large school. Melanie was confused at why there were burn marks. Did something happen earlier? She thought to herself as she headed towards the principles office.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


-Once a thief...-

Jinx ran away from the headmistress and were quite surprised when she felt some kind of voice speaking in her head, it made her flinch and almost loose her balance a she hadn't expected it. It took her a moment to get her bearings and look around for a source before she realized it was inside her head. She shuddered at the thought of her mind speaking to her, but somewhat the voice seemed close to the queen which meant it was probably her magic. Jinx gulped slightly and wondered what kind of spell had been cast on her, but it seemed she needed to get to her room and that fast... she didn't want to explode or something after all, and she wondered what she had done to piss the Queen off so much... but she quickly figured it was just a royal thing... to piss on the weak and if she really didn't listen to the voice and exploded, the queen would probably laugh.

She hurried down the corridor and thought recalled she needed to take to lefts to her dorm, one left later she ran on and then took the next left before searching for her room. It was with a slight panic she pulled on the door and realized it was locked, she didn't have the time to recall that they had gotten keys to their rooms earlier, so Jinx quickly pulled out her lock-pick and picked the lock before going inside. Once inside she looked around and nodded slightly as she wondered if this was right or not... hopefully she wouldn't explode or something, but she quickly looked around for a good spot to hide her loot for now. After that she slumped down on the floor and sighed slightly, she wondered how many she would stay with... and for a moment she felt a bit sick eventually deciding to curl up under a desk where she figured she wouldn't take up too much space. Having locked the door she guessed she had to put a bit of trust that whatever room-mates she would have wouldn't stab her in her sleep... thus she laid under the desk where she figured she wouldn't get in their way... they could have the bed if they liked, she wouldn't argue about such a simple thing anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Finally stood up from her long sleep, wiping her eyes noticing dust and bruises on her skin. She yawned feeling heat right beside her. It was allen, giving him a slight smile she slightly sat up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. She sighed not knowing how to get up and how to move without getting Allens attention. She only sighed the room was a bit bright as well and her wings were 'gone?'. She sighed almost feeling he pain she had somewhat a while back. Allen was short like her so she slowly stood up and slid off the bed her shoulder touching his foot as she did.

Aurora stood up dusting her clothes off once more looking around as she tried to find some clothes to wear. Looking through the cabinets she found an outfit also...Aurora had forgten all the help a few minutes ago from Aram and Mrs.Begay only feeling her pain once more. She sighed slipping on her clothes and sitting back on bed. Allen seemed to sleep well. Yawning she waited for something odd to happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Thank you, ma'am." Abraham replied, carefully returning Fury to his sheath. The blade slid in easily, the return of his weight barely noticeable. The sword's wielder kept his book tucked under his opposite arm as he looked back to Deja. "I lived in Europe, and spent a lot of time with my grandfather. He's the one who sent me here; He was a Dawn Slayer himself, in his younger days. Fury's previous wielder, and he taught me everything I know about swordsmanship."

Nice girl. Fury mused to himself, largely ignoring Abraham's explanation for the moment. Good sense of character.

Tai Yang, I am many centuries old, by your reckoning. I do not know the exact dates, they mattered little to me, but I can safely say that I am far, far older than you would think, and that I have existed longer than Abraham's ancestors have been Slayers.

"Tai Yang, do you know where I would find my dorm? I don't believe I've been there yet."
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