I'm so sorry for the delays my entire day was devoted to catching feral kittens and buying supplies for one. Ill post today most likely!
Ethir said
ROLL CALL!Other than those that have posted since my last post, or have said they will post, who's still interested?! It's been a day guys. I know I dropped the pace a little but try and bring it back up! Hop to the posting else I'll be sending out PM's
River said
Hm.. I may stop checking up on this RP if the pace doesn't pick up in a week or so.. but, those of you who are actively posting, I would love to RP with you all again. Maybe we could start a smaller RP together?
Ethir said
I don't mean to be slow. I've jus taken one of my final three exams and they're the most important ones, so my time is spent revising these days. I'll try to get a post up by the end of the week for those of you who are still posting (despite there only being a few of you left)