Name: Sandra Cartwright
AKA: G-Girl
Age: 16

Bio: Sandra was born to Melissa an Carly Cartwright in San Francisco California, her donor father's identity is unknown.
Her's was an ideal upbringing till about two years ago and her ability began to manifest in random events that soon terrified both her mothers who thought that eventually their daughter's power would kill them or someone else
Sandra's parents will have nothing to do with their only daughter after handing her over to Professor X.
This experience has left her somewhat shy and difficult to gain the trust of because she's afraid she'll be abandoned or feared
Status: Student.
Years attended: 1st year
Family/loved ones?: N/A
Personality: Sandra is a slightly shy type always preferring to allow others to take the lead in public situations. Among people she knows and trusts she is an open book often wearing her heart on her sleeve.
She is such a horrible liar she doesn't even try to so her word is very trustworthy.
She's totally innocent as far a relationships are concerned and doesn't get the nuances of romance.
Sandra can create, shape and manipulate gravitation, a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravitons, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation.
She can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, causing objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth (“nexus inducing”). She can repel and attract or move objects in a manner similar to telekinesis.
Offensive uses of this power include repulsing people or objects with such force as to cause them serious injury, increasing gravity to crush opponents, decreasing it to render them defenseless, or surrounding her body in a gravitational field to amplify her physical strength.
Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force-field to repel all manner of attacks or anchoring herself to the ground.
She can also use her power to negate the effects of gravity on herself and propel herself at increasing speeds limited to her ability to shield her self from harm
(Present limits)
G-Force. Area effect only 100 feet from her self and no less than -8 G or greater than +10G
Telekinesis range line of sight Mass to not exceed 1,000 pounds
Amplification of physical strength not to exceed 5,000 pound lift or 1,500 pound throw
Force Field described as deflection and can deflect up to 50 cal. Rounds off trajectory but not energy attacks
Anchoring not to exceed 128,000 pounds and must be in contact with some surface.
(Warning if surface is incapable of supporting 128,000 pounds per square foot she will crush through)
Top flight speed 625 mph sub sonic
Other: She is a gifted cook who can given even the most primitive conditions and ingredients can make a meal many say they'd pay for.