Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sandy Has Breakfast

Sandy sat munching on her meal when while reaching for her milk she bumped her orange and without thinking placed the errant fruit into zero acceleration then reversed it's gravitic attraction causing it to float up into her open hand.
Drinking half of her milk she then turned her attention to her blueberry muffin after setting the orange down on her plate again. As she ate the muffin she did not notice that while she consciously forgotten the orange's attempted escape her subconscious hadn't. As usual her subconscious lack the finesse of her conscious mind and began compressing the orange into a flat shape till it burst open and it's juices filled the bottom of the plate. There would have ordinarily been juice everywhere if the orange had of been normally compressed but the force of eight gravities had prevented all but descent into a puddle.
Finishing her muffin and turning her attention back to the orange Sandy was at first surprised then embarrassed at the innocent fruit's condition. Turning red in the face she tried to recover her dignity by acting as if she'd meant to squeeze the juice from the fruit as she lifted the plate and drank the result.
When she sat down the plate she tried to relax but couldn't as she worried over the thought of a fellow student being compressed by gravity by accident. She was so nervous that when she stood to take her things to be washed or disposed of the plate fired away from her as if frightened of her touch flying toward the receptacle. If she'd not quickly regained control of it's flight it would have smashed into the wall but instead froze mid flight then gently touched down where it belonged.
Her things put away she headed for the door trying as hard as she could not to take flight an fly away like a frightened bird.
"Goddess I must look like a moron?" She thought of herself as she headed to her first class of the day
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex watched as Riley and Jason entered a conversion. He decided to simply walk over to the fountain instead of running, and saw an aged bald man speaking them them, another new face, then going off to talk to somebody else. He was pretty sure that the man was Charles Xavier, the man who founded the school as well as the X-men. Alex was too slow to be able to talk to the headmaster, but was close enough to hear Riley asking Jason if he could use the bathroom. Alex didn't see the point of it, since Jason probably would have just said okay if Riley had told him instead of asked him, but didn't say anything about it.

Getting closer to his brothers and the newcomer, he smiled at Jason and nodded slightly. "I'm going to look around. You should probably stay with Riley." He said to them, starting to walk away from them before pausing mid-step. "That was the headmaster, right? The guy who made this place?" He wanted clarity about the man, since he hadn't yet talked to him.

Walking away once again, Alex entered the large building and began to wander around, allowing his nose to guide him to the dining hall, where the scent of food was strong. As he walked in, he glanced around the room to see where the food was. He knew that Jason and Riley would get to the dining hall eventually, and had no worries about them being helpless. This place was made for mutants, after all, and there was no hatred that he knew of.

Looking around, he found the counter of food and saw a woman leaning against it. She looked nice, and plus he kind of had to be near her because she was relatively close to the food, so it was probably only a matter of time until he spoke to her. With a small shrug, he walked over to the counter where the food was and grabbed himself an apple. He had a personal rule to eat at least a few fruits a day, since he couldn't allow himself to be lazy or unfit. It was too much of a risk to be unprepared, and he wasn't ready to take that risk.

Taking a bite from the apple, he looked over at the redheaded woman and smiled at her, sighing lightly as he swallowed the chunk of the apple that he had bitten into. "Hi." He said simply, not knowing anything about the woman to know how to correctly approach her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I understand completely, and if it weren't for the other occupant, I would have no qualms with you inside my head. If Logan trusts you, then I do too." Aurora said, before tilting her head to ponder his next words. She wasn't sure if he meant what he said or if she was reading too far into it.
"Unfortunately in how my brain works I am the colorful side. It's hard to have different sides in half a personality. Although, I will do my best to keep on my best behavior." She assured him, her smile back on her face.
"And thank you for your offer, I don't know if I'll be able to stay...Jeanne Marie does so hate when we wake up places she doesn't recognize but if I can I will try." Aurora said. It would be an opportunity to get away for a bit too...plus she could study the school. She would try to convince James to open one when she got back, because all too many mutants must fall through the cracks. Another school would help that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(My brother and I did a little bit of collabing in this post.)

Ellie unwillingly uncloaked when she bumped into Doctor Quinn and Camilla. "Sorry, doctor Quinn!" Her face blushed red against her light skin. The girl sheepishly continued walking down the hallway, only to feel a large arm sling around her shoulder. She groaned silently, knowing exactly who the arm belonged to; Davis Murk. His thick muscles bulged from his entire body, the result of his x-gene super strength. Murk was the acclaimed bully of the school, and unfortunately had taken a liking to messing with Ellie. She cringed the entire time he was touching her, and she wished that he would just disappear; wish she would disappear. However, she found that she couldn't force herself to become unseen. This block of her abilities seemed to come at the most unfortunate time, and one of those times was right now.

"Hello, Mrs. York." Davis said. "How are we today?" Ellie hugged her books close to her chest and didn't pay attention. He gave her what would look to anyone else to be a pat on the back, but in fact, he hit her shoulder her enough to bruise. Ellie clenched her teeth to keep from cursing at the pain. "Oh sorry about that." Murk muttered. Before Davis could continue his antics, a voice came from behind them.

"Davis, leave her alone." Conner called forward. He was only a few feet behind. He glared straight into Murk's eyes, defiantly. He and murk were the same height, but Conner definitely looked more confident than he actually was. Murk grinned, stupidly.

"No problem, Outlaw." He said. He rudely put a hand on Ellie's head and ruffled her hair. "Just havin' some quality time." He put his hands up in mock surrender and turned around to walk away. When Conner looked back to Ellie, she was gone, or rather she was there, but not visible. He sighed, scanning the crowd for her. He didn't understand why she was so inconfident. Honestly, she was really pretty, and she didn't have much to be self conscious of...

When Ellie reached class, she uncloaked assured that she was out of danger of Murk. Mr. Logan was already in the room by the time she was there. She enjoyed his history class... Going to an empty desk, she set her satchel down, rubbing her shoulder in display of pain. She turned towards the front and managed a smile. "Morning, Mr. Logan..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMasterNarrator


Member Offline since relaunch

With a silent flash of blackness, Reaper appeared in the middle of the entrance hall, falling awkwardly to one one knee and catching himself with his left hand. The reason for this was that his right arm was missing, cut off mid-bicep. The wound, instead of bleeding or looking like a normal wound, was simply a smooth black surface with subtle currents running through it, thin wispy tendrils of blackness waving around the edges. There were also several large holes through his chest and abdomen, each appearing in the same manner.

Slowly, he got to his feet, and began limping towards the cafeteria. He needed energy to rebuild himself. He was dead on his feet after that last fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Stephanie eyed the male that had just entered the kitchen then offered him a small smile. She didn't even think for a second that was leaning so close to the food until she looked down and chuckled softly as he reached for an apple. Her mind wondered off for a minute. She couldn't believe that this little bastard boy was getting to her about that comment. Well, she guess that she has her father's aggressiveness when it came to Jean. She shrugged it off then looked back towards the male as he bit into the apple then said hi. "Wow. That was some bite." Stephanie hit her forehead with her palm then laughed a little. "Sorry." She leaned back up then stepped away from the food and walked towards him, extending her hand for him to shake. "Hello, I am Stephanie." She smiled brightly then raised a delicate brow. "And you are?" She questioned towards him while standing there, waiting to hear his name.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Wow," said Mark. I guess "Ellie's in a hurry." Camilla agreed, so they walked to the kitchen, concerned that if she rode on his shoulders, she might get knocked off. When they got there, Camilla sat down at the table and he asked her what she wanted.
"Fruity pebbles." she said.
He walked over to the cabinet, dodging the other people that were in the way, and looked. "We're out, will Fruit Loops be ok?"
"Sure," she said. He poured two bowls full and took them to the table, then went back for OJ for both of them.
"Ok, there you go," he said, then sat down to eat. He would have talked to some of the people in the room, but he didn't like talking while he was eating. Maybe if they talk to me first, he thought, otherwise I'll just skip talking to people this morning. We are kind of in a hurry, and I don't want to be late for the first class. Sets a bad example for the students.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex's eyes followed the woman as she stepped away from the food and introduced herself. Now knowing that her name was Stephanie, he smiled at her and shook her hand with his free one. "I'm Alex." he told her, letting go of her hand and dropping it back to his side. She seemed pretty nice from what he had seen so far, but was still wary about her because he was unsure if she always acted as nice as she was, or just used it as a front. He always had to be suspicious like that, and it was a habit that hadn't seemed to have died yet. Taking another bite from his apple, he smiled a bit wider and exhaled after swallowing the chunk of the apple. He didn't really know what to say to her, so he simply stood there for a brief moment before trying to say something else. "So... This is where he X-men live and train and stuff, right?" He asked her, still unsure about what next to say if they were to move away from the current topic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sandy goes to Mr Logan's class

Sandy walked the beautiful hallways of the former Mansion admiring the decorations an the architecture. As she gazed around Sandy calmed herself so that her emotions wouldn't reach out an manipulate her environment without her permission and embarrass her. She was sometime so jealous of the students around her because of the ease with which they controlled their mutant abilities.
Then she realized that such thoughts were counter productive and brushed them from her mind.
"Happy thoughts are what I need" she said to herself an then went in search of such things. Soon she was remembering when she'd discovered she could fly, at first she was afraid of it an then she fell in love with it. When she was aloft she was truly free for with a mere thought she could sail off in any direction she wanted an there was no waiting in long lines like the airport. She could be in europe in five to six hours land an visit like a tourist any of the sights she'd always dreamed of. If she wanted to she could go to Hawaii but she'd need a portable GPS to get there or she might miss the islands.
These thoughts Brought a smile to Sandy's face as she entered Mr. Logan's classroom an found a seat.
That's what she'd do when she finally had more freedom, she'd travel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

An alert rang through the building and on every smartphone with the Stadium App that the sparring chambers had just been activated for a televised match. This happened from time to time, but more commonly during the end of a semester when students aimed for top spots. Students could duel in a specialized training room designed both for safety and entertainment, called The Stadium. It featured specialized suits meant, weapons of all sorts and an interactive environment that, for the most part, minimized actual harm while still allowing students to inflict all forms of pain; additionally, as some students were skilled with arms, the weapons were designed to cause suits to inflict pain to their wearer based on the weapon hits without actually hurting them. Ever since implemented in the late 90's, the Stadium was used primarily in two ways: as a type of extracurricular boxing ring for students to vent aggression safely and to create a roster of the best 'Gladiator' in the institute. A match this early in the year was rare and most likely merit at least some attention from the classes or those in the cafeteria.


Match Type: 1 vs. 1 Arena
Time Limit: N/A
Contestant A: Phoebe Cuckoo, rank #4 Gladiator, rank #1 telepath
Contestant B: Neu, unranked

Match will begin in... 3... 2... 1...

Before this match even began, it was to be a spectacle for the institute for two reasons. First, it came as a complete surprise. Secondly, its contestants. Phoebe Cuckoo was a long-time student at the institute, one of the telepathic pets of Charles Xavier and considered the strongest student telepath in the institute. She as the last of a set of clones of Emma Frost originally called the Five-In-One and designed to be an anti-mutant weapon (Weapon XIV, to be specific) by housing the Phoenix, Phoebe was the only of the three remaining sisters to stay at the institute under the guidance of Charles Xavier. With her prime genetic material and experience, she easily dominated the Stadium and was even ranked fourth as an overall gladiator. The other student, Neu, was yet another pet of Xavier, but a new one. No one knew anything about him, except that Phoebe was apparently about to duel him for some reason. Not only that, Pheobe at this point was 22 versus Neu who appeared no older than 18 and in fact was only 16.

As the countdown began, Phoebe smirked. It wasn't until the wall that divided them was lifted that she lost the general glamour of arrogance that settled on her face. It was partly from her genetic sourcemother, but she also had aggressive tendencies in the past. Most of the school knew not to mess with her; especially the telepaths. She had a large ego when it came to being the 'strongest telepath of her generation'. Regardless, the match started out... dull. Phoebe glamoured at Nue while he nonchalantly walked to a weapon rack containing the specialized firearms. Although the atmosphere seemed dull, the reality was setting in. Phoebe, for all of her telepathic abilities - even those unseen - was doing absolutely nothing to Nue. She couldn't read his mind or assault him psionically. The televised event didn't broadcast her inability to even hurt him nor the sheer amounts of telepathic ferocity she was debuting in the arena, and it might as well have been that way since it wouldn't affect Neu.

"WHAT THE HELL? EVEN THE PROFESSOR WOULD HAVE TO DEFEND AGAINST THAT!" she began yelling at Nue as he picked up one of the handguns and looked at it, toying with it really. Nue was ecstatic about the little handgun. It was so much different from what he had in The World. These were real. Real weapons in his hands, even if they were designed to work with the suits. All he had ever held before this were digital replicas, and even if they were perfect, it wasn't the same.

"I'm sure he would. But, even the Professor can't hurt me. He can't even read my mind. You have no hope," Nue replied to her as he finally looked at her. He smiled lightly as he aimed the gun at her, and he somehow didn't sound cocky. In fact, Neu sounded slightly autistic, as if he had no pride in the matter. He was factual. He was even a little off. He had never developed social skills prior to this, and it was pretty obvious even through a television or phone screen.

"You can't hurt me. Not with that. I'm not hopele-"

Phoebe turned her skin to diamond, which normally would have stopped the blast, but in this case her skin reverted immediately before Nue shot. It all happened before she could even finish her sentence, and she was left rolling on the ground, writhing in pain. It was, or would have been, a killshot.


Winner: Nue
Match length: 27 seconds
Ranked Results: Undetermined

It was, in fact, a shocker. The match was incredibly short-lived and far from what was expected. Granted, no one knew what to expect from Nue as very few people aside from the Professor and Logan actually knew what he could do, and in such cases most likely expected these results. It didn't matter how powerful Phoebe was if he could make her powerless. It didn't matter how tough her skin was if he could make it soft again. Most of the student body, however, most likely enjoyed the results. It wasn't often a snob like Phoebe, whom basically had her powers handed to her and was always afforded special treatment, get knocked down a peg. On the other hand, some students might equally be a little intimidated by the fact Nue did it so easily. Either way, it was far from the expected.

The effects of the gun wore off quickly and Phoebe got up sweating. Storming over to Nue, she screamed, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" Phoebe was making a scene, and it was still being televised.

Nue put the gun back on the rack and looked at her calmly while she stormed over to him. He replied, "My ability is to suppress the X-Gene. It doesn't matter how great you are, miss."

Phoebe stopped, still looking pretty pissed, as she got close to him and said, "And the Professor just let you do this to me? I wasn't even told...

Nue chuckled lightly before he replied, "You were told you couldn't beat me, but you insisted. I don't really think you need to follow through with that bet, tho..."

Phoebe stood quiet for a moment and pondered. She then stepped closer to Nue and smirked, this time using an entirely different mind game. She put her hand on his shoulder, which immediately made his face light up, and replied, "Oh no, Nue... I said if you won, I'd let you take me out on a date... and now the whole school knows you're dating me."

Nue was speechless. He attempted to reply, but only stammered. He may have been calm and cool in the midst of combat, but put in this situation he was all but useless. As Phoebe slid her hand up his shoulder and neck, the transmission cut out, leaving the end of the scene she caused an even bigger treat for the Institute.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Stephanie eyes looked over towards Mark as he came in with Camilla. At that moment, she thought that her and now knowing his name, Alex, should leave but he had asked her a question. Before answering, she waved at Mark then gave Camilla a cutesy little wave. She walked away from Alex while talking, hoping that he knew to follow her. "Yes, this beautifully design mansion was made just for that." She said while bursting through the kitchen door, leaving it and hoping that Alex wasn't too far behind. "You see, I been going to this academy since I was eight. I had done see it all." Stephanie turned towards him with a slight smile curving among her facial features. "I mean by just taking a glance at me, I am sure you know who my parents are." She said while standing there with a smile and hands placed upon her hips as she pose for a moment. "Well, any idea?" She asked Alex as they neared towards the main hall, still seeing kids register and what not. Stephanie fixed her gaze with Alex then waved for him to follow her outside. "So, Alex, what can you do?" She asked him while nearing the steps.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The woman was honest. She didn't want to cause any trouble.... but he wasn't sure how Logan will react to this sudden arrival of an old friend. There was a pause from Professor Xavier, and then he looked up. "He's currently about to start a class. I'm sure you could sneak in and wait until its done." The man said, the gates now open, he moved his wheelchair back to the estate. "He's on the second floor, third door to the right." He said with a smile. He searched the area with his mind for the three new arrivals. They were still together... He made his way for them. "So? Like nothing you have imagined." The professor said to them, smiling. "This institute works as any other school. You will have basic core classes, and extracurricular activities, with friend making... And students also have private lessons, and that would usually be my job. Believe it or not, I'm good at helping others control their powers. No need to hide your powers anymore here, but remember to be courteous, and that control is key."
Logan was messing with useless papers on his desk. All history papers telling him how Stalingrad was the turning point in World War II... Then he heard a voice, and he looked up. "Hey, Ellie...." He said, giving a small smile before looking down again... He then looked back up, frowning at her. "You alright?" He asked her. His senses could pick up many things around him... pain being one of them. More people started piling in, ready for the class to start, and once the bells rang, he stood up in front of the class.

"Hello... I'm Logan. I teach history here at the school and uh...." he hesitated to say his powers, and he decided not to say them. "Anyway, I'd like to welcome all the new students here.... This place really helps. I came here a couple years ago, and this place has done wonders."

"A 40 year old man attended this school?"

"No. A 191 year old man attended this school." Logan said, staring at the kid. Every new kid went wide eyed. "Yeah, I'm older than dirt. Its perfect for teaching history, and before you ask, I'm not going to be showing any of my other powers. If you're here long enough, you see them eventually. So lets get back to the lesson...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Merci beaucoup Professeur." Aurora said before she made her way up to Logan's class, slipping in quietly just after the bell rang. She slipped into an empty desk and just watched him. It was amazing how calm and happy he was here. History was a good fit for him, as he knew more about it than anyone else she knew. She couldn't see much of a trace of his old pain that he used to carry around when she knew him. After the lesson she waited for most of the students to vacate the room before she approached him.
"I really must say, you don't look like you've aged a day. Which is really upsetting for someone like me who is kind of self obsessed." Aurora said with small smile on her face, hoping for a good reaction.
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