Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arcana, Ajala, Shippo, Nathalia, Dantus (cameo)

'H-he really told me his name! He didn't ignore me!' Arcana thought in shock as butterflies swirled around in her tummy. Her mouth formed an "O" as she tried to think of something else to say in response, the tension between them becoming uncomfortable. Her fingers danced around her ring, almost yanking it off in her nervousness. That was when Ajala came to the rescue, trying to ease down Shippo and diffuse the tension. Arcana felt some of her anxiety melt away at the nagini's calm words and voice. "I cer-certainly didn't w-want to hurt you..." Arcana mumbled apologetically, looking down at the fliers in her hands. The Gardening Club's flier showcased an overview of the school gardens, highlighting plants such as the mandrake and athelas at the bottom and top of it respectively. 'I wonder if they have snapping dragon tanglers here?' She mused, remembering her favorite plant from back home.

She was pulled back into reality, away from her musings, by Ajala turning to her and offering her a place in the Gardening Club. "I-I-I-I-I-I-yes-ohmigod-please sign me!" She stammered excitedly, her words fumbling over each other. Somehow Arcana hadn't realized that she could join the club until Ajala had offered. She was beside herself, hopping from foot to foot, but was soon brought out of her reverie by a booming voice looming over the commons. She ducked down reflexively, eyes darting every where all at once to find the source. 'No yelling, no yelling, no yelling!' That singular thought repeated in panic, her shoulders shivering as she hunched over her knees. She hated aggression, or anger. They scared her more than anything else. "I re-really don't wanna be here anymore, miss Ajala." Arcana said weakly, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

Suddenly, Nathalia was patting Arcana on the back to soothe the young harpy. "That old bag of bones is just puffing himself up, don't you worry about it Arcana. He'll stop soon." The nymph said sweetly, her hand warm against Arcana's back. Nathalia turned to Ajala, a serious look in her gaze that belied her sweet tone. "Ajala, dear, would you mind signing Arcana up now? And perhaps Shippo, if he would like to join? But that's up to him." Nathalia added with a wink to the kitsune in question.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jack, Anais, Xander, Dagr, Miri (cameo), Dantus (cameo)

Jack smiled, half ignoring what Dagr was saying and half thinking about what instrument would be good for his hefty friend. As his Dagr too started to look at the instruments, Jack was filled with happiness. He was about to suggest that he try the drums, when Dagr looked over and greeted his club mates. He listened until he heard a jab at his musical talents.

“Hey!” Jack said with a pout before he saw a large hand reaching up to him. As the large hand grabbed him, he squirmed around trying to make Dagr loose his grip. Dagr being the wrestler that he was had a rather strong grip, and despite Jack’s attempts he couldn’t shimmy away. “I believe this belongs to you.” As Jack hit the ground he stood back up and turned to face the giant.

“Firstly, my music is amazing, thank you very much” He starts as he folds his arms. “And secondly, I would never be owned by people like them. I am no common house dog, I am a proud wolf!” He says as he strikes a pose of pride and wonder. His proud monologue was cut off by the sound of a booming voice coming from across the way. He looked over to see the towering teacher, only slightly smaller than his large friend, yelling at some poor student. Then Jack thought he recognized a name.

“Soze…” Jack said to himself as he thought for a second. Then it hit him. “Miri!” He said as he looked over with a smile. “She probably went and tried to sleep with someone again” He says as he pokes his tongue out at his tall friend. Jack then remembered what Dagr was saying before he decided to recruit him. “Oh yea, you said you broke you key didn't you?” He asked his tall friend as he pulled out his key. He walked over and grabbed his guitar, putting it in its case before picking it up. “If you are going to the room I will come with you.” He says with a smile. “I need to grab a couple things”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Shippo, Arcana, Ajala, Nathalia

Seeing a chance to get out of this crowd, Shippo replied "o-okay" while looking down at his feat and kicking the dirt. His eyes quickly darted back to Arcana before a blush overtook his face and he averted his eyes in embarrassment. He hadn't been listening to most of their conversation, so he didn't know where they were going. He just hoped it was a place far less crowded then this
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Miri (Featuring Dantus and Gabriel)

Of course...it was mister Dantus stand well above her and yelling loudly. The world seemed to darken around her and she seemed to shrink in size. This was terrible! Though, she had actually heard this same speech the last time...this time, she felt it would really be her last chance. Cowering, Miri...STILL...couldn't help but wonder, even though Dantus was a lich, what sort of...staff...he was packing. Scrambling to her feet, she bowed low to the guy she had tackled, "S-s-s-s-s-sorry~! I'm sorry, I should go...!" Before bowing to mister Dantus as well, "Sorry...I'll try and make sure it won't happen again!" With this, she ran off and literally dove over the Competitive Flying's front stall, hiding behind it cautiously and sighing to herself. Control, control, control...damn, it was so hard when almost every since male classmate was in shape, taut and sculpted in some way...damn.

Andrej (Featuring Kuro and Pamela)

Thanking the supervisor of the club he was now a new member of, he left to wander the commons. After a time, he naturally strayed very close to the Music club's general stall area...but not too close, he didn't want them to start to entertain the notion that he was interested. Far from it. Being new to this whole school experience, only one club should suffice till he was entirely sure his future schedule would allow for it. Staying a little bit further away, he could hear some singing coming from nearby, but couldn't pin down where exactly. Wandering around, trying to find the source, he ignored one of his most important rules...don't walk under trees.

Walking around a tree, he saw somebody sitting under it just as two of his horns snagged on a couple of branches, "?" Of course, still relatively unnoticed yet, he decided to save face and solve this on his own. First he tried to jerk his head hard and quickly, hoping the braches would just snag off or untangle in the motions. They didn't, and he ended up rustling the tree branches noisily, causing leaves to fall from them. Stopping, to get a little breather and calm himself, he reached up and took some time to fidget with the branches...this time, not so blindly, using his actual hands this time...

"So...you are part of the Music Club, I assume?" Speaking smoothly to the person sitting nearby, he continued to work with the branches...with little effect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gabriel, Miri, Dantus

After the strange girl darted behind the club stall and he got over the shock of that strange man yelling at her, he got to his feet and followed her, ignoring said strange man "hey! Are you okay!? Are you sick? Is it some kind of curse?" Using his wings to hop over the stall, he saw her with visible signs of suffering. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he started talking again "oh no. Just hang in there!" Taking off his backpack, he started rummaging around in it "where is...aha! Found it!" pulling out a thermos, he pored some of the liquid it contained into the cup. "Quick, drink this. It should help calm you down. That way you can tell me what's wrong with you. I can't help if I don't know what the problem is"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Completlie


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilith, Fiona, Dantus (cameo)

Thankfully, Lilith has survived worse, like she accidentally rammed into a rough concrete floor once, that was a long time ago when she was trying to retrieve a dropped paintbrush and she tried to dive down, swipe the paintbrush and go back to the treehouse from where she came. I would put everything else that happened, but I think you could infer for yourself. Anyways, she drifted down from the banner, in a slight daze from the impact, and noticed a dryad standing near her asking her if Lilith hurt herself from the impact.

"I think I'm fine, let's see, no broken bones, no scratches, my frontside kind of hurts, but that's nothing time couldn't fix, yeah, I think I'm fine." The dryad introduced herself as Fiona, a member of the Gardening Club. Now ignoring the other choice opportunity of joining the Art Club, Lilith exclaimed "Gardening Club?! Where do I sign up! I want to sign up!"

"Erm...you could...s-s-sign up h-h-here! I guess...umm...are you s-s-sure you want to sign up for this club...maybe you want to, you know...check out some...other clubs before you j-j-join this one, maybe there's...some other club you might want to join more than this one...I mean...you c-c-could c-c-change your opinion n-n-now..." Fiona stammered.

But Lilith isn't having any of that, "Well, there was the Art Club, but screw it! I'm perfect! I mean, I feel perfect when I join the Gardening Club, especially if I can encounter pretty flowers like that one!" 'That one' referring to the red flower that is on Fiona's head. "Alright...if you say so...I-I just need your name and-"


"What in the name of the moon was that?!" Lilith exclaimed, "...that was...Dantus, the...A-Arcane...D-D-Department...Head..." Said Fiona with a worried voice, not just the stammer she did beforehand, but a voice with actual fear in it, like she was about to be lynched or something.

"You should maintain a...umm...6 feet space a-away from this guy, he...umm..."

"What? He smells?" Lilith said sarcastically with a little smile. Fiona immediately stuck her hand on Lilith's mouth, not taking account of their size difference and ended up accidentally slapping her backwards, but Lilith fully recovered from that incident with the banner and the slap didn't do much to her.

"Oh my! Did I hurt you?! I'm so sorry!" Fiona asked.

"No, I'm fine." Lilith replied

"A-Anyways, Dantus, you DO NOT want to anger that man, EVER, l-like, you don't want to mess with this man, he just...no, just, don't anger him...just...d-don't...I swear, when you finished that little s-sentence, I-I swear. I saw him stare at you, AT YOUR SOUL EVEN! Just, please, do me a favour, don't mess with Dantus, please!" Fiona said, talking rapidly.

"Guy that is easy to send to a fiery rage? So easy to mess around with! This is going to be fun!"

"DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID?!" Fiona at this point was panicking, maybe overreacting to someone who didn't hear the context, "You don't know what you're going to get into if you attempt that, just don't do it, any plans to goof around with him, keep it in your head!"

Lilith produced her timetable and briefly scanned it"Well it looks like that I'm not dealing with that guy! Thank the skies! But I won't piss him off, don't worry, I only mess around with people who can actually, you know, take being messed around with." Lilith replied.

"Ah, thank you, just, thank you...Now then, where were we..."

"I was going to register for the Gardening Club, so fun!"

"A-Alright...last chance to change your mind..."

"I told you! I'm staying!"


"Lilith Ellylon." Fiona wrote down the name on her clipboard.

"Umm, just sign the rest of this form...give it back to me...w-when you're done." And Lilith did so.

"There, that wasn't so hard!"

"I guess...c-congratulations...Lilith, you are now...officially...in the G-G-Gardening Club. I hope you...enjoy your stay..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ajala, Arcana, Nathalia, Shippo, Dantus (cameo)

Dantus was renowned amongst the returning students for his breathtaking anger issues and obsessive desire for order. Ajala considered herself fortunate to have stayed out of his periphery most of the time last year, with the exception being that one time she accidentally let a sentient seedling into her room after it sneaked into her bag. She was thankful that the Lich had been aware of her clean record and merely let her off with a very stern warning.

Ajala now focused her sight on a trembling Arcana and Shippo. "This way." The nagini led the harpy and fox shifter to a nearby table with a small stack of sign-up sheets and prepared a sheet for her to fill in. She was about to grab a nearby pen for her to use, but a slithering vine beat her to it and began waving it around instead. Looking to her side, Ajala chuckled when she saw the culprit: the same sentient seedling, now a mature plant, waving around the pen. Its leaves rustled as it moved its vines about, unhappy about the nagini's attention being focused on the two students. Despite Dantus' warning and insistence that plants, especially sentient ones, should stay in the greenhouses, she and this particular plant managed to bond well over the year.

Opening the palm of her hand, Ajala silently asked for the pen back to which it returned the stationery somewhat reluctantly. She then handed over the pens, after grabbing another one for the fox shifter, and sign-up forms to Arcana and Shippo before reaching to brush the plant gingerly, enabling it to curl its vines all over her hand and forearm. "Fill that in with your name and other details, then sign the rest of the form and you are done with the registration." Turning back to the timid fox shifter, the nagini carefully lifted the pot where the sentient plant was planted on and held it up in front of his face, allowing the plant to curiously identify him. "It will not bite if you stay calm," she said to him, fully expecting him to freak out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Andrej, Kuro

Kuro had lost his train of though somewhere in the middle of the song he was singing,but halted when he heard a rather loud rustling. He only jumped when he heard a voice. Standing up and walking towards the sound, he saw Andrej, his horns stuck in the branches. "You're right to think I'm in the Music Club....And do you need any help with that?" He grinned, chuckling slightly. But those horns....They were magnificent. Oh, how Kuro wished he had horns. Sure, they might be a bit of a pain, but they looked amazing. He turned away and hid his face, embarrassed, when he realized Andrej had just heard him sing. It took him a bit to recover, but eventually he shifted his posture, tuned back his head and looked him up and down. His horns had probably got tangled with a few branches. Kuro patiently waited for his answer to his question.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Miri (Featuring Gabriel and Gwendy)

With what Dantus said, still fresh in her mind, she quickly scooted away from the angel boy. Damn, it seemed that every boy in this academy had good looking faces (inhuman features or no). Confused on his intentions, since he didn't seem to have understood her previous motives, how he enticed her, and what Dantus had said...obviously, he was a little dense naïve. Still, it was obvious he was a kind sort, as he offered her some sort of beverage. Of course, most people were taught to not take stuff offered to them by absolute strangers...still, all this perversely ogling the hot guys, and running away to control the impulses really worked up a sweat. Still, she couldn't manage out something to say, still a little embarrassed. Nodding her head to him, she reached out a hand and gingerly plucking the cup from his hand, she practically splashed half of whatever it was onto the ground between them when Gwendy leaned over from the front of the stall to stare at them both.

"'Sup? I heard grim (Dantus) yelling earlier, pretty sure he said that the last time you jumped a guy in the middle of a gathering. So...who is this? Is he going to join out club, I see wings~!" With this said, Gwendy leaned over a little bit more and offered out a hand to shake.

Andrej (Featuring Kuro)

His pride, unfortunately, would not allow for him to easily accept help from the person he spoke to. Though, it this person asked once more, Andrej would be rude to refuse...of course. Laughing quietly and smiling charmingly, in order to draw attention away from his predicament, Andrej held out one hand haltingly while using the other to continue to try and untangle, "This is of no problem to me, I assure you." Yanking on a horn to try and draw back, it was getting al little sore again. Still, he kept composure, though at this point he felt like he really just wanted to snap all the young branches keeping him where he stood. Realising that he had been a little too quiet, preoccupied with this, he decided to return to the other subject, "Your voice is very interesting and lovely, it reminds me a whale song when I was still living down in the ocean depths...still, I did not think that the high pitch of it was common for surface males...?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Andrej, Kuro

Kuro nodded at Andrej's reply and smiled. "My voice happens to go higher when I sing for some reason, so I sound a bit like a girl....And I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was the whale song called? I like to keep notes of things....Oh, and thank you for the compliment...." He replied, staring at his horns,that were still stuck in the tree's branches. ".....Don't snap them all off. It makes the tree look worse.....and they might still be stuck on anyway.....On those lovely horns of yours.....". He sighed, before leaning on the tree, staring at Andrej again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gabriel, Gwendy, Miri

"This isn't the time to think about clubs!" Gabriel shouted at Gwendy. "This girl is horribly sick" he said pointing at Miri "I thought it might have been a cure at first, but after seeing how hot and sweaty she is...I'm convinced that she's got a really bad fever! The only one I know that would make someone just tackle someone else is Crimson Madness, and it's deadly! I've seen people suffering from it before, and they were in complete agony before they died! I won't let someone else just waste away in front of me. We need to get her to a hospital, I doubt this school is equipped to deal with something like this"

Shippo, Ajala, Arcana, Nathalia,

Gardening Club huh? Well it sounded okay. It helped that he had some passing knowledge of plants. Looking at the plat in front of him, he suddenly recognized it "Is that a Southern Strangle Vine?" He asked as he began to fill out the form "if I remember correctly; they mainly feed on small bugs, mostly ants and mosquito" he mused to himself "I didn't think they could grow in this type of environment" he added "I guess the Gardening Club must have a really nice green house if it could grow one of them." After finishing his form, he held out a hand to inspect the plant
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Supreme Vampiric Evil

Supreme Vampiric Evil

Member Offline since relaunch

Zarahk, Simon, John

Zarahk couldn't help but look back at the mermaids and winking at them as Simon lead him away. But then he let it go and resumed handing out flyers to anyone who could joust as they went. "I don't see what Diana's always so worried about. I'm a team player. I give my all and I've only like three losses on my record." 

He handed a flyer to cute lion hybrid girl who was passing by and winked at her before continuing on his way. "And speaking of records, for the record, I'd just like to say that there's no limit on how much bikini one can fit into their days."

And then a group of lovely ladies passed by, and he almost found himself making his way over to them but Simon was there to nudge some good sense into him.  Besides, handing out flyers meant aiding the team, which in turn meant being a more popular jouster and therefore more popular with the ladies. At least that was the arachnian kid's reasoning on the whole thing.

And then Simon bet Zarahk that he knew who was under the cloak. And Zarahk was sure he did. "I'm not dumb enough to take that bet. You know everybody!"

So, while Simon was fixing whatever was wrong with the cloaked kid, the spider was on top of handing out flyers and maintained that focus for the until the centaur waved him over.

Up close he recognised the statue from his classes. Although he didn't really know him that well. But Simon knew him so he figured some conversation was in order. "Yeah, I've seen you in class before. What's up? How are you liking this first day?"

One of the advantages of having so many eyes was that Zarahk could simultaneously pay attention to the conversation with the three of them, and the Siren taking off her sweater. However, with the majority of his attention staying on Simon and John, his mind had to compensate for the lack of ocular input. This meant that in his head, he saw the Siren in slow motion and moving much more sensually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Stuck? Stiff upper lip, there's a good boy."
Simon's voice awoke him from the momentary nap. It had probably only been a few minutes, but it didn't take long for him to fall asleep in the sun. It wasn't anything special, it was just that the warm feeling, even through clothing, was kinda uncommon for him. He stayed inside almost constantly, and usually only went out at night, if he did at all. He had met the guy last year. He was one of those cheerful people that everyone knows, no matter how reclusive they are. The 'big brother' in any sense. Most schools he had known had one. Eventually Simon found the exposed skin, tugging down his sleeve to cover his wrist. Just as it was the first to freeze, it was the first to thaw as well.
"You should try sweaters, something a little more formfitting so it doesn't shift all the time."
He let go of the handle and flexed his fingers, still not able to move his torso yet. It took slightly longer to thaw out than to freeze.
"Zarahk, you met John before? You two are in the same class aren't you?"
Where had he heard that name before? It seemed demanding of a face... someone prominent. Who.... As soon as he was able, he turned his head. It was a spider human cross, recognition sparking.
"Yeah, I've seen you in class before. What's up? How are you liking this first day?" That voice was definitely familiar.

"I remember you, you were that womanizer from the year before!" Part of John's mind found that to be a poor opening phrase to someone after a year, but his mouth didn't particularly care for tact. "It is pretty warm out, perfect for sleeping... but I do enough of that. Glad we could both make it in for this year." Even now, the spiders attention wasn't fully on him. "Maybe we could wingman some time. Preferably inside or at night though, you understand." John smiled, glancing at Simon. "Sweaters? Sounds like a good idea, but I find it hard to find anything my size, takes beasts like you two to even look me in the eye."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Miri (Featuring Gabriel and Gwendy)

Looking from her friend to her new male companion, Miri took a big breather and tried to calm herself. "Look, I don't have an ailment, I'm not cursed...well, uhhmmm...I'm just a succubus, there's no two ways about it." Thinking about it for a moment, pouted a little bit, "Sorry, angel boy, for attacking you earlier in order to try and steal your sweet, sweet man candy....I won't attack you next time, I swear." Saying this, she laughed a little awkwardly, which made her breasts jiggle in her shirt.

Gwendy shrugged, before reaching down and grabbing the cup from her friend's hand and chugging the contents.

Andrej (Featuring Kuro)

"I won't snap off the branches." Andrej wasn't about to do something so unseemly, at least he wouldn't when people were watching. Hearing the comment about his horns, he smirked a bit with pride, "All of them are real. I would have offered to let you touch them, but, I..." With this, he tugged again. Still, only a few leaves fell loose. Letting out a sigh, he smiled at his new friend reassuringly, "All the dragons from my clan have them, they're for using with water magic in order to predict the weather. As for that whale song...its--" Andrej let out a series of ghastly, high pitch moans, before stopping, "by 'Gale', an orca who used to live in some sort of zoo or amusement park or something. Very sad, the song is about a lifetime in a prison before finally being released." Letting a moment of silence pass, he decide to ask his own question, full of sincerity, "I'm curious, but why are you not with the other's of your club? I've seen a few performing before I got...'stuck'...I'm sure they'd be glad to have a talented singer join in with them."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gabriel, Gwendy, Miri

Gabriel was in shock "...a...succubus" he squeaked out with horror in his voice. He hadn't expected to meet one on his first day of school. In fact, it reminded him of the day he first learned about them, under the tutelage of Master Vulcanus


"...And that cover's Hell Hounds. Next, we'll be discussing a truly pitiful creature; the Succubus" the old Angel lectured the 7 year old Gabriel inside a quiet study. "These are creatures ruled by their instincts. Their entire lives are devoted to one thing; sex. They crave it like an addict, and they will always crave it. Even if a Succubus tried to resist the temptation, which is unlikely, their desire for sex would keep growing until they lose control and assault some poor man. They are to be avoided at all costs! Next, let's review why peeing into bleach is an extremely stupid thing to do..."

End Flashback

Suddenly everything made complete sense, even what that strange old guy said. This girl in front of him was addicted to sex, she would always crave it. That thought horrified Gabriel, something which was clearly conveyed by the look on his face. So he did the only thing that made sense...

...he hugged her

"You poor thing" he sobbed, tears now flowing freely down his face "I can't even begin to imagine how much you must have suffered in your life. To be born with such a cruel addiction...it's just too horrible." Pulling out of the hug just enough to look her in the face, he continued "listen. If you ever need a fix really badly, you can just come to me. I mean...I'm not willing to have full on sex, but anything that will let me keep my pants on is fine. We'll just have to find some out of sight place so you don't get into trouble again. I can't just do nothing when somebody is suffering so much right in front of me"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Simon, Zarahk, John, Everyone

Simon chuckled at the wing man comment. The thought of a sleepy statue and a hyper spider cruising for chicks was too funny.
"You could always ask someone from the Fashion Club to make some custom stuff for you. I mean, it'd be glittery and full of pizazz, sure, bu-"
The centaur winced as the speakers all around the school crackled and buzzed into life. What was it about school speakers that required them to open with an ear piercing sound ever time? A happy female voice bubbled over the speakers.
"HELLOOOO FELLOW CLASS MATES! Welcome back to another wonderful year at Ouroboros Academy! I hope you all had a great vacation! At this time, we will ask that all students please begin moving to the Stadium, where we will commence the Opening Ceremony! For you newcomers who have NO IDEA where that is, FOLLOW THE GARGOYLES!"
On cue, several gargoyles trailing brightly colored ribbons flew out from the rooftops, circling and guiding the crowd. Several landed on rooftop corners, gesturing the proper direction. The students surged, the chatter growing as Simon thrust the remaining flyers at Zarahk, leaping down the steps and nearly taking out a unicorn in the process.
"Sorry! Zarahk, go ahead without me, I need to help Diana and the others close the booth. Nice seeing you again John! CRAP!"
A minotaur bowled over the centaur, both landing in a heap. Simon's hand shot up.
"Dammit Cloudbrain..."
The speakers crackled a bit, the sounds of a brief struggle with some whining, followed by a male voice.
"Oh shush, I let you do the opening. First year students are reminded that they must sit in the lower section of the stands. All clubs and sports teams, please close down your booths before leaving the commons."
"You're no fun!"
The speaker shut off with a loud snap. The booths were already collapsing as the entire student body moved towards in the direction of the Stadium, a gargantuan marble colosseum.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arcana, Ajala, Shippo, Lilith, Nathalia, Fiona

Arcana gripped the pen Ajala handed her with a tenderness, writing down her information on the form in flowing, but none-the-less precise, handwriting. A smile played on her lips as she leaned over the piece of paper, making doubly sure that she had written everything down correctly. With a small nod at her own work, Arcana handed the completed form to Nathalia, the latter of which who was leaning against the booth with an appraising look in her eyes as she listened to Shippo's commentary. "Why yes, the greenhouses are, if I may say so myself, quite lovely. They house all sorts of magnificent flora, the likes of which would cause you to pause in wonderment just to gaze upon their natural grace." The nymph said dramatically, before she pushed away from the booth with ease. "I believe it is starting soon, you little blossoms will just adore this part of your first day." Nathalia concluded, giving a smile that included Lilith, Shippo, Ajala, Fiona and Arcana. As if on queue, the speakers buzzed to life. Two broadcasters gave instructions to all those in the commons. "Time to get slithering along, wouldn't you say Ajala?" Nathalia gave a small eyebrow wiggle and playful grin to Ajala.

Arcana was too nervous, her heart all aflutter, to say anything to Ajala or Shippo when she started on her way to the colosseum. All she could manage was a small, nervous wave good-bye before she was pulled into the current of the crowd. The gargoyles, with their banners rippling in the wind, made excellent markers for her and everyone else to follow. Seeing them above the crowd made her itch to be airborne, wheeling through the sky unrestrained. The feel of wind against her face, the stretch of her wings...

Before she realized it, she was up in the air, higher than the gargoyles, her wings easily bringing her to the height within seconds. The air and sun kissed her face and whipped her hair behind her, and she closed her eyes to envelop herself in it's embrace. The weightlessness of being up in the sky, of having more control over herself here than on land, was exhilarating for her. She opened her eyes to see the sprawling colosseum in the near-distance, it's grand marble columns inviting her to play among them. 'It's so beautiful!' She thought in amazement, eyes wide. Unable to contain herself, she pulled her wings in, causing herself to go into a downward spiral toward a copse of trees. They seemed to come up at her dangerously fast, then just as easily she pushed her wings back out, catching herself as her clawed feet brushed tree-tops. A merry laugh escaped her lips, the excitement of the day getting the better of her.

When her feet were back on land again, and she was situated in her seat in the lower middle section of seats, she felt just as elated as she was in the skies. What would the Ruler of Ouroboros say to them? What would they look like? Would there be magic? Or duels? Or magic duels?! Arcana was insatiably curious, her whole mind seemed afire with questions. Her legs wouldn't hold still, causing the talons at the ends of her clawed feet to click on the marble floor repetitively. Her hands gripped her braid, eyes intent on the area before her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gideon slowly made his way through the line, slipping in front of people when they weren't looking, and ducking out of sight when necessary. As he did this, he drew ever closer to the tall, but stooping figure of Grey. He was dressed in what appeared to be some kind of tweed suit, matching shirt and trousers, and carried a black walking stick. The vast influx of club application forms and room-mate requests did not seem to daunt him, as he apparently had some kind of TARDIS-like pocket in which he secreted these sheets.

At last, Gideon came to the front of the queue.
"Sir, which room am I in?" he asked...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kuro, Andrej

"I'm not one to socialize with others....at all, really......." Kuro replied, staring at Adrej's horns that were still stuck in the tree's branches. He sighed, before speaking again, "Let me help you out there. Or else we're going to be late getting to the Stadium....". Kuro had exceptionally good hearing, plus the fact that since he uses his wolf form so much, his ears have tuned into them. Without waiting for a answer, Kuro had climbed up the tree and was now fiddling with the branches, which were wildly surrounding Adrej's horns. Kuro fiddled with them, his fingers being delicate and nimble. "Can you predict the weather? If not, it's fine, I'm alright with it. You are who you are, I guess....I like you, anyway." He unconsciously said aloud. Soon after, he blushed furiously before turning his head away, still fiddling with the branches.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Berzie


Member Offline since relaunch

Anais and Xander | Dagr | Jack

"Ho Anais, ho Xander." Anais gave a small bow to Dagr as Xander waved casually, "good morning," the pair chanted in sync, before looking at each-other oddly. "Its good to see that the dog here hasn't driven you both insane with his less than good music yet!" Anais let out a small giggle, covering her mouth before regaining her cold stature again. "That is very much true!" she grinned, her small fangs glistening lightly. "Actually, speaking of Jack ... I believe that this belongs to you," both Anais and Xander took a step back as Jack was placed in front of them. Anais pinched her nose as Jack's werewolf scent assaulted her nostrils. "Firstly, my music is amazing, thank you very much," Xander chuckled - not out of disagreement, he very much enjoyed listening to Jack, he was mostly laughing due to the werewolf's feisty attitude. “And secondly, I would never be owned by people like them. I am no common house dog, I am a proud wolf!”

Anais frowned, her hand still clipped around her nose. "Yes, yes, I am sure you are--" The group quickly turned to the direction of the loud noise before Dagr and Jack prepared to leave for their room. Not even a second later did the sound of ear-piercing static echo across the school. Clutching her ear and pressing the other side of her head against her shoulder to block out the noise as she held her umbrella, Anais hissed. "What the hell?! For such a prestigious school, one would think they'd have the money or MAGIC," she shouted loudly, "to fix those damn speakers!"

Anais's face turned into a pout as the voice of a bubbly woman started speaking throughout the school. "HELLO FELLOW CLASS MATES! Welcome back to another wonderful year at Ouroboros Academy! I hope you all had a great vacation! At this time, we will ask that all students please begin moving to the Stadium, where we will commence the Opening Ceremony! For you newcomers who have NO IDEA where that is, FOLLOW THE GARGOYLES!" Even Xander was scowling from the loud noise, "does she really have to shout?" Sighing, Xander waved at Anais and gestured towards the Stadium, "I'll meet you there, alright?" Before she even had time to protest, Xander disappeared. "Wait I thought we could walk togeth-- oh .. Alright." Anais made sure to pick up her violin as she closed down the music booth. She was the last one left and she knew no one else was going to come back to help her, "lazy bastards ... " she mumbled as she finished cleaning up a little before leaving.

It was HECTIC! There were students everywhere, and being of a smaller stature, Anais was getting shoved and bumped at every corner "E-Excuse me!" she said, squishing past a particularly large troll. "O-Oh, I'm terribly sorry!" Anais apologised to a dwarven student she had almost stepped on. She always hated the first day back of school. Caught up in her thoughts of the first time she attended Ouroboros Academy, Anais didn't see the particularly chubby ogre that she was standing next to until it was too late. A large, ear shattering, gut wrenching and garlic infused burp had made its way from the ogre's mouth straight to Anais. Letting out a mix between a hiss and a scream, she stumbled back, letting go of her umbrella as a horde of student continued to walk on by.

"My umbrella!" she shouted, almost crying at the few rays of light that burnt her bare skin, "I can't find my umbrella!". Luckily there was enough people coming past to shade her from the sunlight, but it also meant that she'd have a harder time finding her umbrella as well. After a few more seconds of frantic scrambling, did Anais find her umbrella and make her way to the Stadium. Eyes burning red with anger as she scowled, students walked out of her way without uttering a single word. Maybe being a vampire wasn't so bad after all? Finally making it to the entrance of the Stadium, Anais whimpered slightly, tending to the small burnt patches of skin on her cheeks and hands. It was already healing, but man did it hurt. "Worst first day ever" she mumbled to herself, sadly.
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