Akihisa Yoshii said
Yeah, it was a Soul Eater AMV and it used the song Tendencies by Hollywood Undead. It was freaking awesome in my head...
Hahaha cool! sounds awesome x3
Akihisa Yoshii said
Yeah, it was a Soul Eater AMV and it used the song Tendencies by Hollywood Undead. It was freaking awesome in my head...
celty sturluson said
Wisconsin asuras and Texas ven
NoahFire said
Noted, so many Texans...
celty sturluson said
well i have family in Kentucky so im half northern and southern i can pick up a southern accent like that same with northern
NoahFire said
Im half irish...
Akihisa Yoshii said
Well, I'm a little bit of everything xD
celty sturluson said
British i think with me
Akihisa Yoshii said
Well, I'm a little bit of everything xD
celty sturluson said
im British man
Akihisa Yoshii said
*uninterested* OK, you want a Jammy Dodger?*crickets*... *I walk over to the corner and sit down*
NoahFire said
Akihisa Yoshii said
I'm not even joking, I've got a LOT of pieces. Cherokee, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, British, you name it. Maybe not Korean or Asian or any of those though ._.
Akihisa Yoshii said
I'm not even joking, I've got a LOT of pieces. Cherokee, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, British, you name it. Maybe not Korean or Asian or any of those though ._.
NoahFire said
My grandfather was adopted and we know nothing of his parents so i could be part anything .-.
celty sturluson said
NoahFire said
yep .-. and now im bored... merp...
NoahFire said
My grandfather was adopted and we know nothing of his parents so i could be part anything .-.