Name: Jackson Monroe

Age: 21 going on to 22
Gender: Male
Bio: Jackson was born in a small town in West Virginia with a wealthy family. Since being wealthy his parents took him all over the world, seeing sites, wonders, historical events, and so much more. Ever since at the young age and taking in all these sites, little Jackson grew fascinated by all these sites. He brought a camera with him so he could take a picture to savor each memory and experience. He loves scrapbooking and, when showing people, he adores explaining his experiences to people, hoping to give them a nice story or two. When Jackson reached 18 he was hired as a newspaper photographer, taking pictures of crime scenes, old cops heroes who busted a criminal, and even a couple sites to advertise them. That was how he met his fiancé, Amelia. He was taking a picture of a shop that got rob, when a stunning red-headed woman came up to him. She was the shopkeeper's daughter, a beautiful woman at the same, young age as Jackson, 19. When they saw each other, they both claimed it was magic and from that moment on, they went out on dates, hangouts, and more. He always made sure to take her on experience with him as they both went to college, her becoming a surgeon while he became a photographer. He went all over the world, taking pictures of the sites and showing them off while getting paid for it. Now in two weeks he'll be 22 and has heard the Camp Crystal Lake has opened back up. Ever since he was little his parents told him, and scared him, of the legendary Jason Jackson had been fascinated by the site been wanting to see the site of this infamous legend. Amelia, when he asked her, didn't want to go, and as such Jackson didn't force her. Before he left, Jackson proposed to her, her frantically shouting yes. He promised to plan the wedding when he got back as he wanted to take pictures of the site of this serial killer. Now he has a beautiful woman at home waiting for him, well if he returns home that is....
Personality: Jackson is possibly the most bubbly boy alive as he loves going places with either history, nature beauty, meeting the friendly people, and taking pictures of them. He is also quite poetic and enjoyable as seen with his poems he always wrote for Amelia. He has a deep, loving passion for his fiancé, wanting to keep her smile for as long as he can. He also loves photography, wanting to go al over the world and take in it's sites with his future wife. However he also makes sure to carry survival gear with him, such as a basic first aid kit, a Swiss Army Knife, a flare gun, a 10 inch bowie knife, and matches as if he goes somewhere like Africa, he likes to be precautious to survive. He also carries a picture of Amelia with him everywhere he goes, along with his scrapbook to tell about both his loving, undying passions.
Amelia's appearance: (Just for show)