Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by slint


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

horrordaily said
How many characters are you aiming for?

7 - 8 seems ideal for the start.

I might be interested in making a second character but I wanted to figure out how I'm playing Amy first (if she's disposable, if I give her a fighting chance, etc.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by horrordaily


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I could absolutely play a second character if it helped to push this forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Name: Alice Roberts

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Bio: Alice grew up in a fairly small town to her parents John and April, and the fourth of six siblings. It was a big family, she found herself becoming lost in the crowd of her sisters and brothers, craving individuality. So she took up the guitar making her the star of all of those stupid church music performances. That was who she was, “The Roberts girl who can sing.” Or “The one who plays an instrument.” At least it wasn’t just the Roberts middle child or no one at all. Her older siblings gained most of the attention in the family, all getting accepted into promenade colleges and universities. When her younger sister got pregnant at 15 everyone lost hope in the last three Roberts daughters, yet Alice graduated and got a scholarship into a great arts college somewhat redeeming her family’s name. So the summer before she’s off to New York, Alice decided to do the camp experience she always wanted, impossible by her parent’s devotion to all summer activities to her older siblings. Finally they have granted their daughter her wish…or signed her death certificate early.

Personality: Alice is often completely quiet or saying as little as possible to the people around her. It’s not because she is shy, she just learned that with eight people in her house her voice often gets drowned out by another so she naturally just assumed that it’s better to be quiet. Alice always considers others before herself, she trusts easily and when she loves she loves very hard. Since Alice never got to express herself at home all of her emotions sometimes comes out very strongly with other people. So throughout her childhood many kids considered her too intense to be friends with. Despite this she isn’t socially awkward, thanks to teen dramas and magazines. One unexpected trait of hers is the massive temper that resides deep inside that can completely alter her entire demeanor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Ok so I am chicken shit but I love horror movies and couldn't resist getting in on this shit. Hope Alice isn't too Mary Sue or anything its been awhile since I made a person without any powers or supernatural abilities at all. Tell me and i'll edit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So I was mowing the yard about five minutes ago and ran over a yellow jacket nest and holy shit that really really hurts im glad I had a hat and a face mask on I got stung in the arm a couple of times but my ass was gone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by horrordaily


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That sounds terribly painful...or wait, I think I meant funny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Holy shit i'm shivering over here. I'm deathly afraid of bees, wasps, yellow jackets...basically anything with a stingers that makes a buzzing noise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by horrordaily


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A couple of my friends are attempting to breed larger insects by limiting the amount of oxygen they are raised in. It's single-handedly the scariest and most mad scientist thing I've ever seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by slint


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

horrordaily said
A couple of my friends are attempting to breed larger insects by limiting the amount of oxygen they are raised in. It's single-handedly the scariest and most mad scientist thing I've ever seen.

I got something for that

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Yes!!! Fire!! Kill them all!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Then your friend is wrong the more oxygen an organism has access to the larger it becomes the less the smaller.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xLillyliciousx
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Lorelei Lee



Lorelei was a foster child, she has no idea who her real parents are all she knew was that she was dumped on a adoption center front steps with no note. Because the center didn't even know the new born baby's name, one of the workers had picked the name Lorelei but she was never given a last name until she turned three. Lorelei was adopted by two males, and she was soon become Lorelei Lee with her own home, and family.

As the blond girl grew up, she was a smart student who did well in school, and didn't get in trouble but she wasn't a teacher's pet; she simply knew how not to get caught. When Lorelei was in her teens, she become the out-going awkward teen who spent her time online, blogging, and reading scary stories in the middle of the night while her mind tried to spook her that she was going to murdered by the killer underneath her bed.

Lorelei's senior year she had decided she wanted to go to photography since her second favorite thing besides blogging was taking pictures. So she started her search for a good college, while her scholarships started to spill in from her hard work in school, and keeping her grades up.

When Lorelei went into college, she was still the awkward girl, but she was still out-going so she didn't take long for her to make new friends. She was trustworthy, and honest; if she was your friend, she would watch your back, and make sure no one screwed with you. She still stayed up late watching horror movies, and reading stories; she loved to scared people even though she was very jumpy herself, and always freaked with the smallest noise.

Lorelei found out about the camp at Crystal Lake by one of her classmates at college, she knew immediately that she had to go after she read the history online.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by horrordaily


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

drallinix said
Then your friend is wrong the more oxygen an organism has access to the larger it becomes the less the smaller.

I may have had it backwards. I'm not actually involved in the process they got a lab downtown. I am, however, involved in the preparation to kill giant bugs should the need ever arise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by slint


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

btw I totally stole Amy + Cunningham from Amy Steel (Ginny) and Sean S Cunningham (director of Part 1) respectively

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reserving a spot for a character! making it now D:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I've been wanting to do more horror games, hopefully I'll be accepted (and hopefully I'll actually finish the CS) :)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Kassi, Calico
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Bio: Kassi has always been a adrenaline and horror junkie, and this seemed like a huge chance to experience some fear and horror. She was more than happy to get in on the trip to camp crystal lake and experience the Legend first hand. She had done her own research deep into the cases of the deaths at Camp Crystal lake and the idea of spending a few nights there excited her immensely. So she quickly packed her bag full of horror novels and filled her ipod full of her favorite metal music. She is quick witted and hard to frighten quick to think of logical reasons for things, as she tries to debunk the horror, even though she lives for the scare of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 696969


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Name: Jackson Monroe

Age: 21 going on to 22
Gender: Male
Bio: Jackson was born in a small town in West Virginia with a wealthy family. Since being wealthy his parents took him all over the world, seeing sites, wonders, historical events, and so much more. Ever since at the young age and taking in all these sites, little Jackson grew fascinated by all these sites. He brought a camera with him so he could take a picture to savor each memory and experience. He loves scrapbooking and, when showing people, he adores explaining his experiences to people, hoping to give them a nice story or two. When Jackson reached 18 he was hired as a newspaper photographer, taking pictures of crime scenes, old cops heroes who busted a criminal, and even a couple sites to advertise them. That was how he met his fiancé, Amelia. He was taking a picture of a shop that got rob, when a stunning red-headed woman came up to him. She was the shopkeeper's daughter, a beautiful woman at the same, young age as Jackson, 19. When they saw each other, they both claimed it was magic and from that moment on, they went out on dates, hangouts, and more. He always made sure to take her on experience with him as they both went to college, her becoming a surgeon while he became a photographer. He went all over the world, taking pictures of the sites and showing them off while getting paid for it. Now in two weeks he'll be 22 and has heard the Camp Crystal Lake has opened back up. Ever since he was little his parents told him, and scared him, of the legendary Jason Jackson had been fascinated by the site been wanting to see the site of this infamous legend. Amelia, when he asked her, didn't want to go, and as such Jackson didn't force her. Before he left, Jackson proposed to her, her frantically shouting yes. He promised to plan the wedding when he got back as he wanted to take pictures of the site of this serial killer. Now he has a beautiful woman at home waiting for him, well if he returns home that is....

Personality: Jackson is possibly the most bubbly boy alive as he loves going places with either history, nature beauty, meeting the friendly people, and taking pictures of them. He is also quite poetic and enjoyable as seen with his poems he always wrote for Amelia. He has a deep, loving passion for his fiancé, wanting to keep her smile for as long as he can. He also loves photography, wanting to go al over the world and take in it's sites with his future wife. However he also makes sure to carry survival gear with him, such as a basic first aid kit, a Swiss Army Knife, a flare gun, a 10 inch bowie knife, and matches as if he goes somewhere like Africa, he likes to be precautious to survive. He also carries a picture of Amelia with him everywhere he goes, along with his scrapbook to tell about both his loving, undying passions.
Amelia's appearance: (Just for show)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by slint


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eddie come back, my love

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by horrordaily


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

slint said
Eddie come back, my loveT_T

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