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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Psyker Landshark said
My 3DS's charger is bricked and the 3DS itself is low on power. Until I get another charger, I got nothing.

I see. Sympathies
RBYDark said
Oh, yeah, sure. Got a friend with a Poison Friend Safari, could give you one permanently if you like.

Ah. I have 3 Poison Safaris, but no Grimer. It's cool though. I transferred one from White 2. I was just looking for one so I could start breeding Acid Armor around. That being said, you battle RBY? We should swap Friend Codes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Don't really fight. Competitive battling isn't up my alley.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ah. I'm not technically competitive to any standard, but I do use EV trained Pokemon and battle people, most being 5 IV.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I must say: The new villains in the latest Transformer movie are passing the Idiot Ball a lot throughout the movie. In the end, things look very bittersweet at best and bordering on downer at worst. The heroes have a better, if not slightly more believable, interactionsuntil the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

So... Anyone gonna put up their CS for S11?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Will post mine soon, Ganon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

So, what did I miss?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nothing much. Me just posting in Ganon's S11. Get your ass in, guys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShinySparks
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is this still open? :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm afraid not, Shiny. It's closed.

Also, I'm leaving for a weekend holiday with my family. There could be internet, so I might reply, but I would be out most of the time. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I did a thing.

Omake: The Odaiba Incident

Odaiba, Tokyo
December 22, 2012 (Six months post-Convergence)
7:09 PM

A armored truck barreled down the streets of the residential district, flanked by two black humvees. The two military escorts were inconsequential compared to the LoaderLiomon that raced through the streets behind them, guarding the truck's rear. But to the two watchers on the roof of a nearby apartment building, even an Ultimate Digimon meant little to them.

"Alright, the truck's on schedule." Lucas said as he set down his binoculars. "It's bad luck that everyone else is out of town for the holidays, but it's not like we can pass this opportunity up."

"Indeed." Leomon nodded. "This is out of character for the A.C.D.U. as well. It's not often that they conduct any operations besides quick raids and assassinations of Digimon."

"Well, this is probably the first human with a partner Digimon they've found. They probably want to secure a Tamer for their side. Still," Lucas shook his head as he sighed. "These past two months have been ridiculous. We couldn't even get four months of peace after everything that happened with the Royal Knights before these nutcases show up. At least we haven't seen any of them using Tokugawa Heavy Industries tech. Good thing we blew up those labs after we took care of Takeda."

"We haven't seen any yet, you mean. There were surviving scientists from the labs." Leomon pointed out. "Anyways, is Valkyrimon in position?"

"Yeah, Minako just sent me a text. Valkyrimon's ready to go in if this goes south. She wants in on this too, but she can't Biomerge. These guys have rifles and gunships. A stray bullet could get her, especially if this turns into a war zone." Lucas smiled wryly as he stood up from where he had been crouching down on the roof as his Digivice began to glow. "Anyways, the convoy's coming down this way. Time to go."

Biomerge activate.

BanchoLeomon leapt down from the roof to the streets below, landing down on top of the armored truck in a crouch before punching a hole into its roof. He leapt down inside, where a small boy huddled next to a BlackGuilmon, who snarled at the intruder.

"Oh, that's nice. Threaten the person who's rescuing you." BanchoLeomon groused before snatching up both the boy and his Digimon and jumping out of the truck. He touched down a good distance away from the convoy, and set the Tamer and his partner down. "Now get out of here. I don't have time to waste to protect you." The lion cracked his knuckles, staring down the convoy, who had stopped in the middle of the street as a few soldiers rushed out of the front of the truck and the accompanying cars. As the boy and the BlackGuilmon scurried away, BanchoLeomon strode forward calmly, making sure that the soldiers' attention was on himself and not them.

"Well, well. I see the Anti-Digimon Containment Unit's stooped to kidnapping little boys and Rookies now. Not exactly a threat to the general populace, you know."

However, his snark was met with nothing but bullets and an order from the soldiers' commanding officer.

"LoaderLiomon, kill it!"

Said Digimon immediately leapt at BanchoLeomon, roaring in fury. However, the Mega level caught him by the neck, frowning as he looked at LoaderLiomon's face. The Ultimate snarled and spat, desperately trying to move closer and tear his foe to pieces, eyes glowing an unnatural red.

"He's completely feral..." BanchoLeomon frowned, looking back over towards the soldiers. "The hell did you people do to him?" When no answer came forth except for more bullets as well as a grenade, BanchoLeomon shook his head and tossed LoaderLiomon to the side, slamming him into a building. The feral Ultimate rose back to its feet as it leapt at the other lion Digimon once more.

As BanchoLeomon began to manhandle LoaderLiomon, the captain in charge of the soldiers frowned, thumbing the radio he carried. "Command, this is Echo Acutal! We are under attack by hostile Digimon, request backup!" Meanwhile, another soldier put down a scanner unit, eyes wide in shock.

"Uh, sir? We might need a lot more backup! Scanner confirms a Mega level Digimon!"

The captain swore profusely under his breath as he raised his rifle, taking a few more potshots at BanchoLeomon as he swatted LoaderLiomon aside like a fly. "Command, Echo Actual. Hostile confirmed Mega level!"

"Echo Actual, Command. We read you. Hang tight, backup is on its way." A voice replied over the radio. Meanwhile, BanchoLeomon's ears perked up at the reply, and he immediately caught LoaderLiomon, who had lunged at him once more, and snapped the Ultimate's neck, letting him fall to the ground as he dissipated into data. He dashed towards the soldiers, taking them by surprise as he appeared in their midst, plunging his sword into the captain's chest.

"Backup's coming, you say? In that case, I don't have any use keeping any of you alive. Thanks for doing your job, boys." He said mockingly as he kicked the captain off of his sword, seizing the man's pistol holstered at his hip for himself as he tossed the corpse aside before flicking the safety off and opening fire at the remaining soldiers.


Ten minutes later, BanchoLeomon was found sitting on the top of the armored truck, one leg crossed over the other as he surveyed the three Digimon who had arrived in front of him, as well as the helicopter circling above them.

"So," He said, looking over the Suijinmon, Raijinmon, and Fujinmon that stood before him, all three of which were hunched over and snarling with glowing red eyes. "Looks like you three have lost your minds too. Not much fun fighting something that there's no point making fun of." He hopped off of the top of the truck, landing in front of them. "Whatever. Time to do what I came here for." The entire point of this had been to lure the A.C.D.U. into tipping its hand. Sending three base-level Megas against him indicated that they at least had some firepower. Still, it was too early to say whether or not he should simply gather the entire group together once he had found their base of operations and simply wipe them out. For all he knew, they still might have some trump card up their sleeves. Still, he could think about this more once he had finished up here.

BanchoLeomon stepped forward, drawing his sword.

"Alright, let's get this done."


Without a word, all three of his foes charged at him. BanchoLeomon leapt over a swipe from Suijinmon's massive Accel Arm, kicking him in the face before he reached out and grabbed his head to use as leverage as he flipped over on top of Suijinmon, slicing off one of his cannons. Landing back on the ground, BanchoLeomon grimaced as Fujinmon appeared above him, driving both of his flaming arm blades down. BanchoLeomon rolled out of the way, only to find himself batting aside a punch from Raijinmon. Roaring, he whirled around with a swing of his blade as Suijinmon and Fuijnmon tried to rush him as well and forced all three machine Digimon, leaving them surrounding him in a triangle formation.

BanchoLeomon scowled at the three, brandishing his sword as he stood ready. Whatever had made these Digimon go feral also made them fight much harder than an average Digimon of their level. Hell, he might have to shift to Burst Mode to beat these three down convincingly. Fortunately, he had backup so that he wouldn't have to reveal his trump card.

"Valkryimon, now'd be a good time to step in." BanchoLeomon said into a walkie-talkie that he had pulled out of his coat. “I mean, unless you want me to resort to exploding half the district.”

And suddenly, the subject in question dropped down from a nearby rooftop, planting both of her feet into Raijinmon’s face before backflipping off, landing next to BanchoLeomon with her sword drawn.

“This would be so much easier if you did Mode Change, you know.” She grumbled as the trio of feral Digimon rushed them. “I don’t see why you’d have to hold your power back.” Valkyrimon ducked under a swing of Fuijinmon’s flaming blade and forced him back with a few shots from her crossbow. “You could end this easily enough with Burst Mode.”

“What, does that spirit inside you not give you any lessons on strategic planning?” BanchoLeomon grumbled as he slipped past Raijinmon’s punch and delivered a cross-counter. “Or hell, even poker? You never show your hand openly,” He said as he grabbed Suijinmon’s arm and slammed him to the ground with a judo throw. “Only go all-in if you think you can knock them out of the game. If I show off everything I’ve got, they might send in something like Millenniummon. And considering it’s only the two of us in Tokyo right now, we’d be dead.” BanchoLeomon dashed behind Fuijinmon while his two comrades were down, and wrapped his arms around the green Digimon before slamming his head into the ground in a suplex.

Valkyrimon took the opportunity to plunge her sword through the downed Fuijinmon’s chest, deleting him.

“Fine, you’ve made your point. Anyway, one down.”

Suijinmon and Raijinmon let out a roar at Fuijinmon’s death, and began charging towards their attackers once more before a pair of missiles impacted against them. They were unfazed by the explosion, but turned their attention towards their new assailant.

“Take that, you bastards!” A MetalGreymon roared, a teenage boy standing next to him with a Digivice in hand.

“…Do we know them?” BanchoLeomon turned to Valkyrimon, confused.

“I’m fairly certain we don’t.” Valkyrimon replied, completely nonplussed at the intrusion. “Still, I suppose it’s good to know there’s more Tamers in the city.”

“And I suppose it’s good to know that they’re going to get themselves killed,” BanchoLeomon replied dryly. “You hold the other two off for a bit, I’m going to go tell them to get out of here.”

“Good luck with that.” Valkyrimon snarked as BanchoLeomon leapt off before turning towards her opponents.


Two hours later, Lucas’s phone rang as BanchoLeomon slammed his fist into a Gigadramon. He pulled it out of his coat, and groaned as he saw the caller ID.

“Hey, Siggy. How’s vacation going?” Lucas’s voice asked casually as BanchoLeomon roundhouse kicked a Monzaemon.

“Lucas, what the hell is going on in Tokyo?! We’re watching the news right now, and it’s a damn warzone in Odaiba!” Siggy’s voice rang out, sounding rather irritated.

“Well, the A.C.D.U. was vulnerable for a moment, and I took it. Was going pretty well at first. Me and Valkyrimon took down three of their Megas. Then a bunch of random Tamers showed up with Champions and Ultimates, thinking they could help. Naturally, the A.C.D.U. freaked out and sent out a whole army. I want to just get the hell out of here, but Minako might’ve guilt-tripped me into not letting all these kids get themselves killed. But enough about me, how’s Okinawa?”

“…I’m on my way.”

“Siggy, it’s almost a thousand miles from Okinawa to Tokyo. Even if you two Biomerge and fly at top speed, that’s about an hour and a half, two hours tops. Just let me and Valkyrimon handle this. You enjoy your vacation with your family.”


Over eight hours later, an exhausted Siggy slumped down in the ruins of a parking garage as the sun began to come up in the sky, glaring at a similarly exhausted Lucas. NeonGuilmon and Elecmon lay collapsed next to them, snoring.

“So, ‘I’ve got this”, huh?” He snarked at Lucas, who gave an awkward shrug in response.

“What, I was supposed to know they had something like that ExoGrimmon?” He groaned. “My original plan was just to confirm that they had Megas, kill whatever they sent at me, and get the hell out. Not my fault every Tamer in the city seemed to think that it was the start of some kind of revolution and rushed to Odaiba to try to help.”

“You realize that nearly that entire battle got shown on TV, right? The fallout from this is going to be ridiculous.”

“What, you mean they got footage of A.C.D.U. soldiers gunning down kids in the streets before their giant monsters crushed the cute, harmless-looking ones? Fantastic. Anyways, I’m too tired and hungry for this right now. Want to go get some Denny’s? Only place that’s open at five in the morning.”

“Fine. You’re paying though. You interrupted my vacation, asshole.”

“Screw you, you chose to come.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
Avatar of RBYDark

RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pfffft. Nice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

I agree. Well done. Does anyone remember what the rank given to "founding members" of ATLAS was?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Just finished Dream Drop Distance. No spoilers- Mind=Blown, all the feels.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

You just reminded me I need to get back to it; somehow managed to forget about it for two years. Probably how much of a pain in the ass it is to get the stronger Dream Eaters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Can I make my own omake too about the Odaiba incident? XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

Member Seen 10 days ago

If you want? IDK, nobody's stopping you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

I don't think anyone will stop you Vo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Fish of Oblivion said
You just reminded me I need to get back to it; somehow managed to forget about it for two years. Probably how much of a pain in the ass it is to get the stronger Dream Eaters.

Which ones? You don't need many really, unless you're playing on one of the hard modes. I mean, the one you're guaranteed to have grants Leaf Bracer, I'm curious, how far'd you get?
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