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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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The War Between States

As the year of 1861 had come and started to tick away, several more Southern States declared their independence from the United States. On January 9th, Mississippi declared Independence from the United States, followed the next day by Florida. While Alabama had been debating long into the night, on January 11th, they too declared their secession from the Union. A tense week passed, and the day before Abraham Lincoln's inauguration, Georgia too declared their independence from the United States. Upon taking office, President Lincoln refused to recognise the fact that these states were nations, or that they even left the Union in the first place. He called for restraint in the current situation, and asked that no rash actions be taken.

Not a week later, Louisiana declared secession from the Union. On the 1st of February, Texas declared her independence as well. The rest of the slave states sat and watched as the Deep South slowly removed themselves from the United States, still pondering on their actions. Tensions were headed in the Virginia Legislature, but no vote was called yet. The representatives of these seven states met in Montgomery, Alabama, ready to discuss the bonds they held with each other, and to plan for the future, away from the United States.

The Montgomery Convention, which had adopted a resolution to form the Confederate States of America, drafted a Provisional Confederate Constitution, and proclaimed themselves as an independent nation. As this was going on, former United States Senator Jefferson Davis was declared the Provisional President of the Confederate States. The convention was re-named to be the Provisional Confederate States Congress, operating as the proto-Legislative branch of the Confederate States. Any talks of Union with the United States failed, and President Davis, acting in his boundaries as President of the Confederate States and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, began to draw up plans for an army, ready to defend the new nation.

With the capitol designated as Montgomery, Alabama, the Confederate States of America entered into her first steps as an, unrecognised, independent nation. A long shot away from lonely South Carolina separating from the Union, the Deep South, which held almost 18 per cent of the nation's wealth, broke their bonds with the United States and desired to chart their own future, their own path. Many did not believe the secession movements were over, and the entire world waited and watched as the United States and the Confederate States prepared for what seemed to be an intense showdown.

Bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbour

As this was being done, President Lincoln decided to call up an army volunteers, which would help to restore order to the South. Upon news of this raising of the army, even the assurances by President Lincoln that this was a war to defend the unity of the nation, the state legislatures saw that this was, on the part of the Union, of being an aggressive act against their own people. Even while it may not have been a war to defeat Slavery, the remaining Southern States decided to meet to call for a secession vote.

The first of which took place in Delaware, which voted overwhelmingly to stay in the Union. Kentucky was next, which voted to stay in the Union, with only a few legislators opting to separate from the United States. Arkansas quickly adopted the resolution, and joined the Confederacy. Tennessee followed after them, pledging to support the Confederacy to the best of her ability. The North Carolinian legislature had no votes against the measure. Missouri did not even call a vote due to the lack of support. Only in Virginia did the debate continue to rage on.

Eventually, secessionist heads prevailed, and Virginia, the pride of the South, declared independence from the United States, and joined with the Confederate States, pledging to defend her Southern brothers and sisters at all costs from the United States and their tyrannical war. This sudden move was met mostly with gratitude around the entire state, although a small selection of citizens in the west did not wish secede, although they did not have much support. In Washington, D.C., the armies of the United States were officially mustered into service.

On the high seas, the United States Navy began operations against Confederate ships, denying them entrance into their ports, and effectively creating a blockade around the Confederacy, stifling their trade, and severely hampering their ability to pay their continued operating costs of running the country. This seemed to be, what many considered, an act of war. Federal soldiers in Washington, D.C. as well as Confederate soldiers quickly moving up to Richmond, seemed to show that the situation in the United States was slowly descending into armed warfare.

The Indians in the Indian Territory quickly took the stand against the United States, gaining full representation in the Confederate Congress. Even while the secession movements seemed to die down, in the southern half of the Arizona and New Mexico territory, the Confederates were able to proclaim the Confederate Territory of Arizona, which the colonial legislature signed, and ratified, technically seceding from the Confederate government.

The tensions were high, but the stakes were even higher for both countries. As both sides prepared for open warfare, the world held its breath, waiting for the bloodshed that was now sure to come.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

The shocking news that we heard about Mr. Lincoln declared war after Mr. Davis attacked an American fort. This is not good news for the citizens, that are caught in the cross fires. This new civil war could of not happen if Lincoln had just gave independence to the Confederate States of America yet if Davis didn't attack Fort Sumter. It is both sides' faults that this civil war over what happens? Slavey. Those black men had been slaves ever since the 1600s and most nations, that were the first nations to have slavery, were banned by the 1850s. I hope that both sides seem peace before more people die due to greed of Lincoln and the selfish actions of Davis. The Empire of Brazil announces that it will not interact with the Civil War in North America. However, we recognize the Confederate States of America as an independent country. We got other important things to force on back at South America than pick one side of a pointless civil war.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 2 mos ago

Βασίλειο της Ελλάδα(Kingdom of Greece)

"It is within my power as King of the Kingdom of Greece that I declare that the newly formed CSA is independent. While what we say might not mean much, we hope that the CSA sees our declaration as important to them. We do not condone nor condemn slavery, and that is not our reason for our support to the CSA. Our reason for our support is that we the differences between the South and the North, and realize that they cannot stand united. They do not agree on much and if they continue to be one country they will only cause problems for themselves and there neighbors. Alone the CSA stands a better chance of prosperity. We wish the CSA well in any upcoming events."
-King Otto
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Confederate States of America

An Open Letter to Mr. Lincoln and All Whom it May Concern,
Was it not the Founding Fathers of the United States of America that said there were times in human history that required a certain people to dissolve the political bonds that tied it to another? We in the C.S.A. only seek to continue in that sentiment. For the people of the C.S.A. cannot continue to exist under a tyrannical government that wishes to subjugate our very way of life, and so we have seceded from the United States of America in order to protect our way of life.
And I do not believe it is misleading to call Mr. Lincoln tyrannical when he represents a faction that seeks the very destruction of our way of life. Mr. Lincoln and the "Republican" Party he represent would destroy the very republic that men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin gave the people. They seek to do this by slowly eroding the rights of the individual states and we in the C.S.A. view such a prospect as completely unacceptable. And so, as was in the states' rights, we hath seceded and formed the Confederate States of America in an effort to preserve our way of life.
As to the states that remain under the yoke of Mr. Lincoln's rule that still hold slavery, it is within their right to do so and we will not seek for them to join the C.S.A. unless their state government has willed such an event to happen. We do, however, express our deep concern that the institution of slavery and the rights of the state our in grave danger the longer those states choose to remain within the United States of America.
We in the Confederate States of America do not seek war, but if that is what Mr. Lincoln wants - as seems to be the case by his mustering of troops - then in the proud tradition of the South we will meet him on the field of battle. But take note for we do not do this out of a desire for bloodshed, but out of a desire for peace and a desire to preserve our way of life. As such, I am here to petition, not only Mr. Lincoln for Peace and Recognition, but also the good leaders of the world's nations. I ask you for recognition of our as well as support in our cause for Independence.
And if Mr. Lincoln seeks war despite this call for peace, then I hereby ask him to honor the absolute neutrality of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, a state which maintains slavery and is split between secession from the United States of America and staying with the United States of America. Kentucky, as all other states, has the right to secede or to stay, but I know that the people of Kentucky are almost split in two of those wanting to secede and those wanting to stay. I ask Mr. Lincoln in sight of the world to honor Kentucky's neutrality in any war he might bring us in the Confederate States of America.

-Jefferson Davis, Provisional President of the Confederate States of America (on April 17, 1861)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I have ordered the Navy to blockade all Southern ports of industry. This move is done in accordance with General Scott's Anaconda Plan. The South's lifeblood is the cotton crop, we must cut off that lifeline to weaken their fighting resolve and to demonstrate to the rest of the world the folly of their actions. More and more men volunteer for service in the new Union Army every passing day. These men will be merged with the remaining members of our regular army to form a fighting force capable of putting down the rebellion. I have trust in my cabinet and the commanding officers of this new army that they will act with rational minds and aggressive hearts to bring our Southern states back into the fold. This administration will honor my birth state of Kentucky's wishes and acknowledge its neutrality, but any Kentuckian wishing to join the Union Army will not be turned down.

Many a time has our great democracy has been called an experiment. Eighty-five years have passed since the start of our republic. Great men of the past founded our government, and great men of the past have successfully kept it afloat through crisis after crisis. The task before us now is to show that our government to demonstrate to the world that those who carry fair elections can also suppress rebellions; that ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets, and that when ballots have fairly and constitutionally decided there can be no successful appeal back to bullets. Such will be a great lesson. Teaching men that what they can not take by an election neither can they take it by a war; teaching all the folly of being the beginners of a war.

And having thus chosen our course, without guile and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God and go forward without fear and with manly hearts.

Abraham Lincoln
President of the United States
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Giant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grenadine Confederation
Statement by president Ospina in an almost empty Congress session, April 15, 1861

"To the few Congressmen who accompany us today, I will address the grave situation found on the North of the hemisphere. That of our Northern brothers that find themselves in the brink of a bloody conflict, just as we may be; I will also address our own situation, for we are in a state of war that has reignited in an unjust manner.

Since 1851 we have rejected the most treacherous of institutions that have plagued the freedoms of man, that of slavery of many. Of complete property of their bodies, minds and work. Although this measure has faced trouble in some regions by former owners, some of which share my ideologies of Conservatism, it is not without any restraint that we support the Union, the Northern brothers, in spirit. If not, it'd be merely hypocritical of us to support a country that goes against our own laws. Although we support the Union, let it be known it is only a nod, for we will not intervene among the war of brothers nor can we send troops, for we have so little of them. We wish, however, peace for the whole of the Western hemisphere, be it in the North, South or among us.

Among us, as well, has bred conflict. The days of old in which we fought, that had eroded the Gran Colombia and were its downfall may be repeating once again. General Mosquera had rebelled a year ago, marching across the deep mountains with his men in a violent manner in a reaction to our justified actions, which sought the unity that Bolívar would have wanted for this country. He marched, and was defeated in the battle of El Observatorio, where conditions of surrender were signed by him and he went back to his homeland. Yet it was not with honor that he marched, for he rearmed himself and once again came back. And he came back stronger than we expected, for only a defeated man can resurge from his shame and embrace dishonor; dishonor which has guided his actions.

His army is kilometers away, gentlemen, you can hear the bullets whizzing in the air as men die for our cause. It has been an honor to be reunited with my brothers in arms but the government must withstand. The capital has fallen. But we WILL come back, I assure you. A few of my trusted generals, my family and I are moving to Santander, further North, like the Union that finds itself fighting for the unity of its country, and will set up headquarters there.

I bid you farewell. Hold the line, gentlemen."

As the 16.000 men left on the government's army marched to the Northern regions, the garrison on Congress was quickly dispatched and General Tomás Mosquera marched inside, setting a provisional government and declaring Bogotá a federal city. President Mariano Ospina set the capital of the Confederation temporarily on Socorro, as he planned a counterattack against Mosquera's stronger forces...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

There is another civil war and it is in Granadine Confederation, near our home. This civil war could spill to Northwest Brazil and so in order for that to happen, we are sending troops to the borders of Southeast Granadine Confederation. We are doing this to protect our own land and we hope that peace can be found there before more lives are in risk. As the statement that I said for the American Civil War, this civil war is not in North American but near our home. That is why, we'll choice if the Granadine Confederation should get aid or not, later on this year. I hope that God is with those who need it in North and South America.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Regno d'Italia

For nearly fourteen centuries the Italian Peninsula has stood divided between various nation-states, each too weak to stand up against the wishes of greater powers on their own. We were subject to both the will and ambitions of others as they prostituted the Italian people for their gain, attempting to rob us of our identity in the process. Our lands have been used as a playground in which others used to wage war against one another while once again the people of Italy suffered under their aggression. Throughout all of this turmoil a dream was born, one of a unified Italy that was not subject to the whim of another country. An Italy in which all Italian people may work together in order to forge a bright new prosperous future.

We now stand at the cusp of that new future, as the Kingdom of Italy represents the unified will of the Italian not seen for more than a thousand years. Yet for all of the work that has been done so far in order to bring prosperity and freedom to all Italian people, there are those who still live under the oppression of regimes who would continue to see the dream of Italian prosperity snuffed out. Our beloved capital of Rome still lies under the control of a state that would see the wishes of the Italian people denied. The people of Veneto and Trento still cry to be free from the rule of those who care not for their well-being. The Kingdom of Italy will not rest until all Italian people are free to live under a unified flag, together we will work through various diplomatic channels in order to bring about a peaceful end to our unification.

- King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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The heartache felt by Eve when Cain killed Abel is now a sentiment shared across the British Empire. Despite the violence that was necessary for the States to move out on their own, the Union and Confederacy are still loved by the mother that led to their creation. To see these brothers in a state of conflict is a burden to the British Empire that grieves the soul. It is our deepest wish that peace may be found. When brother’s fight, however, there is a need for a mediator or else what was once love will be turned into hatred.

Therefore, the British Empire calls upon the Union to respect the rights of their brothers the Confederacy, who are a –Sovereign State- in their own right, and make peace. The British Empire does not agree with the Confederacy’s decision to maintain the Institution of Slavery and as such no troops will be sent to American soil.

That said, the British Empire disagrees with the Union’s attempt to ‘force’ their brothers under their own yoke of slavery. In order to prevent bloodshed, the Royal Navy will protect the shores and economic trade of the Confederacy from all aggressors until such a time as they are able to stand on their own. Any attacks made by the Union against the shores of the Confederacy will be taken as an act of War against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Any further attacks on the peoples of the Confederacy will result in a cease of trade goods between the Union and the United Kingdom. If Mr. Lincoln makes such any decisions of aggression, be certain that the ‘Older Brother’ will be ‘disciplined’ for their denial of their own values.

The British Empire implores the Confederacy to place its support of the Institution of slavery against the God-given right of everyone to possess natural liberties and choose what our Creator has endowed us all. The British Empire implores the Union to cease its aggression towards the Confederacy before it is guilty of fratricide.

To the conflicts in South America, we will remain neutral militarily save for our interest in our colony there. Any attacks made against our colony will be met with fierce retaliation.

To the new Sovereign State of Italy we welcome you and your desire for the well-being of your people. It is our hope that good will shall foster between your Kingdom and the British Empire.

May the sun never set upon the British Empire and her allies.

Queen Victoria, Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

France recognises the Confederate States of America as an independent country, and just like any new country it begins with hostility.
I hope that this new country thrives and that friendly communications between France and the CSA can be negotiated to further help this new land. I support the British Empire's decision to stop the bullying from the USA and will hopefully be able to help the CSA in future endeavours.
Any attack from The Union to The Confederacy will not only be an act or war against The British Empire but also on the French Empire as well.
Bloodshed is not needed to solve what had never needed to be solved.

God Bless the world we live in.

- Emperor Napoleon III, France
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With the recent civil war in America and our current holdings on in north America I Alexander II king of the Russia's must say to president Lincoln that I admire his attempts to put down the rebellious southern states and believe that they are taking steps forward to ensure the unity of the north American continent preventing it from becoming another Europe filled with various states all squabbling over the land not unlike our current position over the atlantic. But now to the affairs of my European brothers since the signing of the treaty of Paris (1856) while we wish to make amends to both Britain and France (but still believing the war was in defense of our Christian citizens in the middle east) I believe it has been a great dishonor to Russia and her people that the Britains and the French have required our great country to demilitarized the black sea viewing any and all military troops and naval ships located in that area needed in the defense of our citizens from the likes of the Beliggerents in the Ottoman Empire.
-Alexander the 2nd Autocrat and emperor of the Russias, Grand Prince of Finland and King of Poland
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It is indeed a dark day for democracy, gentlemen. Here we are, engaged in a life and death struggle against those who prop up that wicked, damnable practice of slavery. Those that think it is their God given right to deny others those same liberties they enjoy. And who should come to these wicked men's aid, but the that tangled viper's nest of nobility that is the crown heads of Europe? Yes, those who oppress the rights of their own citizens now say they know what is best for us. They violate the principles of the Monroe Doctrine by these actions. They meddle in affairs they have no right to meddle in. They announce they will side with the villains in the South. And for what? For a few bales of cotton?! They will deny freedom to millions of men and women for cotton? What next? Genocide for grain? Or how about mass rape for sugar?! Europe has just shown it's colors to the world, gentlemen. They have sold their souls in the name of commerce and cotton! He who sits above watches, and He judges. I believe He guide us in this great fight, and He will deliver his wrath upon those against us in the form of fire and destruction. If He will not, then we most certainly will.

Representative Thaddeus Stevens speaking on the floor of the House of Representatives
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ampharos


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiserthum Oesterreich
The Austrian Empire

We are deeply concerned with the events that are transpiring overseas and hope for a peaceful resolution of the festering conflict as soon as possible. That said, we will maintain neutrality during this war, and we can only implore our friends in Europe to do the same. In regards to the United Kingdom’s recent endeavor to maintain peace in the Atlantic Ocean, we are equally concerned. It is the belief of this Emperor that a troubled nation should be left to resolve its own affairs, and we urge the Queen of England to maintain a neutral stance and allow the United States and Confederate States resolve this issue on their own.

To the Kingdom of Italy, we recognize your plight to unify the Italian people and expand their influence. This Emperor hopes that he will be able to see a peaceful resolution to the tension that exists between our two states regarding the status of the Kingdom of Venice and will work tirelessly to ensure that neither Austrian nor Italian blood are spilled in resolving the issue. May negotiations go well, and may way resolve this in a way that is mutually beneficial for both Austria and Italy.

- Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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Russia's pleas for being allowed to militarize the Black Sea implies incompetency in the basic functions of coherent thought and memory. The warships of the Russian people prevented international trade in the area before the Crimean War and it was a detriment to the region. Furthermore, to claim the Ottoman Empire as Belligerents is the height of hypocrisy when it was Russia's expansion and conquering of the Tatars and Cossacks that would lead the nation to even being close to the Ottoman Empire. The Black Sea is to remain demilitarized by -all- nations as is stated by the Treaty of Paris 1856. I would suggest that the Russian government worry less about the mythical threats and more to the improvement of their own competence and infrastructure.

To the nation of Italy, we echo Austria's sentiments. Peace must be maintained despite the tension and as such we hope that your two nations will resolve the matter peacefully. The United Kingdom applauds Austria's temperance in this matter.

To the growing conflict in the Americas, once more we implore the Union to seek peace. You have no allies who are capable of assistance and your enemy would be not only your brothers, but also the premier powers of Europe. We implore you, seek peace. If you deny these chances we are offering, we will take all measures necessary to insure the safety of the Southern States. Both during conflict and in out of conflict.

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

Queen Victoria, Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

It's one thing to allow a country to gain its independent but it's another to go to war for no reason other than 'to protect a new nation'. Either know I support the independence of the Confederate States of America, the European nations shouldn't go to war with the United State over it. I agree with Mr. Stevens as he said that both Great Britain and France have violated the principles of the Monroe Doctrine. This is the second time that the Monroe Doctrine was violated by Great Britain and I feel like Great Britain should pull back its navy away from the Americans. Yet, I don't want a 'world war' to happen so I'm asking both the United States of America and the Confederate States of America to come to Brasília and try to talk to each other like citizen men and also found peace within North America before lives are lost in this civil war.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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Before saying anything further, the United Kingdom wishes to express our deepest respect for the Empire of Brazil and commend their actions in extending the opportunity for peace between the Union and Confederacy. It is an act of good will that should be a measure of their character. This measure of their character is an overflow. We firmly agree that the Confederacy and Union should take up Brazil’s offer in seeking peace.

The United Kingdom has no desire for war with the Union. It is our hope that by our presence we are able to provide an incentive to avoid rash action by either sides in this conflict. We will defend ourselves and our interests; should the Union attack our ships for protecting the free flow of trade we will defend ourselves as our Sovereignty demands, but it is our hope that such events never occur.

It is not a matter of merely moving ‘to war’ to ‘protect a new nation.’ Rather it is our desire for harmony between these two sides that motivate us. Mr. Stevens of the United State’s Congress accused our nation of being in this for economic reasons. Claiming that our desire for wealth overpowered our morality. This is not so. It is our firm belief that we are acting to preserve peace in the region.

Mr. Steven’s rhetoric is indicative of a war-monger. It is of the utmost import that cooler heads prevail as we seek to find a resolution between the Sovereign States of the Union and Confederacy. Once more, we commend Brazil for extending the opportunity to avoid senseless conflict. They are truly children of God.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

OOC: Declaration to be fleshed out when I have a real post medium.

Prussia employs strong rhetoric towards France, calling it out for supporting slavery and meddling in other nations's affairs. Prussia supports the righteous cause of the Union and the abolition of slavery. Prussia expresses solidarity with its German-American brethren fighting to remove the scourge of slavery and demands France rescind its guarantee or face consequences.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Regno d'Italia

While the Kingdom of Italy declares neutrality in the ongoing rebellion in the Americas, we feel as if the conflict is a domestic issue of the United States of America. The Americans should be left to settle their differences themselves and while a war is deplorable it is their decision to make without outside interference.

Furthermore, we assure the United Kingdom that we have been opening multiple diplomatic channels to the Austrian Empire in hopes of coming to a peaceful resolution. The Kingdom of Italy wishes for nothing but peace and prosperity between both of our respective nations.

- King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

Before we say anything further towards Great Britain, we like to correct the location of our peace talks with the United States of America and the Confederate States of America it will be at Rio de Janero not at Brasília. Sorry for the mess up. Anyways, we thank for Britain's support for the peace talks in Rio de Janero yet they didn't respond to being accused of violating the principles of the Monroe Doctrine. I think the reason that you protect the Confederate States of America is because, it gives you a change to be at war with the United States of America again. I don't blame you, because the United States have declared war on you because you were putting trade restrictions on France. Yet, you won the war, after burning down Washington D.C and putting the United States of America's morale at an all-time low until the war ended and Washington was rebuilt. I think that you should open up the history book of Great Britain, before you go calling Mr. Steven 'a war-monger'. The point is that you should pull your ships out of the Americas, as the Royal Navy is the flames to set off a firework that will end very badly for both countries. I hope that God founds a way into your soul and I'm done having this debate against you, I got more important things to do back home.

As for Russia's statement, I think that the Ottoman Empire will know the punishment of their actions if they dare to attack the Black Seas. I also think it's good that the Black Sea is demilitarized, because if it wasn't, you would of gone to war with the Ottoman Empire a long time ago.

As for Italy, I also recognize your plight to unify the Italian people and expand their influence. I hope that war could be avoided with Kingdom of Venice and negotiations go well for both of you.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

To those claiming the violation of the Monroe Doctrine; we freely admit that we are breaking the foreign -policy- of the United States. Please note the word used. This is a policy that Great Britain has abided by for the most part out of respect for the government of the United States. It is not, however, a binding treaty of any sorts. Nor does the United States actually have the power to enforce this doctrine.

Furthermore, the flames have already begun. The aggressive strategies by the Union with their operations against the Confederate ports is without a doubt an act of war against the Confederacy. To claim that it is merely a rebellion is the height of hypocrisy when they themselves performed a similar 'revolution' not one century ago. Even more so in that the Confederacy has been recognized by nearly every other Nation of importance. Our ships are there to put out the flames, not start them. If we truly wished for war with the United States, you can rest assured that we would have already declared as such and begun sending numerous troops to the Union. Instead, we are merely acting in the defense of a Sovereign Nation in hopes that the Union will stand down.

Mr. Steven's rhetoric is that of a war-monger. It is because we are so familar with such leaders during our past that we can claim such. However this is a new era in which the United Kingdom hopes that justice will prevail.

We ask that the people of the Union see reason and demand that their Representatives cease this foolish crusade against their own brethren. Slavery will one day be abolished, but it is my hope that it will be abolished peacefully in the Americas. To the people of the Union, see what you have to lose by the decisions made by your government. Your government is leaning towards war against two of the most powerful Nations in the world out of a sense of irrational fervor for a cause that could be achieved peaceably.

To the Sovereign State of Prussia, any acts of aggression against the French Empire will be met with equal aggression from the United Kingdom. Your support for the cause of freedom is admirable, but your aggressive tactics in threatening to damage the nations pursuing peace is apprehensible. It is the desire of France and the United Kingdom that our support of the Confederacy will be a deterrent against bloodshed. We ask that you join us in seeking a peaceful solution to this conflict.

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