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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Nikaido sighed, waking up from a daydream, how long was she even out? Shrugging to herself, she lazily cleaned the mess of dirty bandages and stuffed them in a plastic bag that served as a trash container. Lately Nikaido could feel the difference in her weight without her prosthetic, and it was pretty significant, she noted. She never did really think about her prosthetic as anything but something to keep her from tipping over, but all sorts of thoughts began to fill her head, maybe she could become something more! Nikaido shook her head, that stupid prick Arua got inside her head, him and his stupidly attractive face. Nikaido giggled at her her own thoughts, she was all over the place, there was no way she would be prepared for a mission in such a scattered state. Maybe some food would really do her good; hastily redressing herself and strapping the prosthetic snuggly around her stump, Nikaido made a second copy of the address before hobbling out her room.

Down the hall Nikaido slipped the paper underneath the door to what she was sure was Arua's room, heck, it had his name taped to the front like each and every door, and also she could hear the all to familiar sound of metal being sharpened. Satisfied with her job, Nikaido moved on to her umpteenth battle with the stairs. Nikaido could have sworn that her life might have ended seven different ways once she reached the bottom; maybe she should petition for the next warehouse to be one with an elevator. After gathering her bearings, Niakido moved on to find Jack, since as far as she knew, he wasn't in his quarters; she checked, where could he possible have gone? Exiting the warehouse Nikaido caught the sight of two figures walking towards the neighboring district, spotting the unmistakeable top hat of Jack. Picking up her crutch in her good hand, Nikaido broke into a graceless mixture of a strut and a jog, "Trottel!" Nikaido waved for attention, calling out Jack by his last name; old habits die hard she supposed. "Hey Trottel! Where you goin'? Thought you and I were going to have a romantic session over ice cream?" she pouted childishly, huffing between breaths trying to gather her bearings again, swiftly following the two as they walked at a strangely increasing pace.
Forgetting that there was someone other than her teammate, Nikaido turned her attention to the second person, she couldn't quite remember his name at the moment, "Trying to steal my teammate are ya?" She growled playfully, "Ah shit I almost forgot your name!" Nikaido bit her lip running through her mental list of people she would remember.
"Takata! That's right, you're Katsu Takata! I'm Nikaido, call me Nikky or whatever floats your boat." She chirped cheerfully, she sure has been making awesome introductions lately, she thought to herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hey Trottel! Where you goin'? Thought you and I were going to have a romantic session over ice cream? Trying to steal my teammate are ya? Ah shit I almost forgot your name..! Takata! That's right, you're Katsu Takata! I'm Nikaido, call me Nikky or whatever floats your boat."
"You can take him back," Katsu answered, huffing. "He's really annoying anyway."

He kept walking hoping that Jack Trottel would be gone by the time he turned around. He had only had a very small taste of this guy's "humor" and was already sick of him. He glanced back, seeing the two behind him.
"If he's your teammate, he's your responsibility," Katsu said, hoping to get Nikky to drag Jack back. "If he goes missing, that'll be on you. I'd suggest chaining the guy to a chair."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hei turned around as he glanced at Alice, his mask was on his face, from where he looked at her from underneath, his cold dark eyes, wich almost looked like they would pierce a soul with one glance, stared at her.
Hei grabbed one of the books that was lying on the table, as he opened it on one of the pages, showing different pictures of high class childeren, torturing humans just for the fun of it.
"Don't forget why you're here Alice... And if you can't handle taking these kids down, then pray that your allies will do so for you."
Hei placed his eyes back on Alice, as he looked at her sniper, indeed it was usefull for her to be a long-ranged one, for they now even had support from a place where the enemy coudn't reach it.
Hei turned towards the window, as he heard the clock tower ring 12 times. "It's time!
Hei grabbed a bag from underneath his desk as he moved towards the Confrence Room, wich was just two rooms further, as he placed the bag ontop of the table, he glanced at each and every single one coming in, bit by bit.

{I'll just continue this part, even though you haven't posted the part coming in yet! :)}

Hei glanced at each one of them, making sure they all payed attention, for those who didn't he would yell at them, making sure they would look at Hei. For this one test could change their entire life.
"Alright folks, we shall start the tests. Tonight team one shall take their test, as they will hunt down this familie, Alice and I will keep watch as the others will be able to take a glance aswell. If they choose to do it from here, or from within the perimeters of the mission is up to them!"

Hei turned around, as the screen came down, as it came into place it turned on, showing a sweet and kind family, one father, a mother two sons and a daughter who were around the age of 10 12 & 13.
As the screen changes, pictures were shown of humans being tortured by the family, and even posioned wich lead to their deaths.
"These will be your targets team one! Be warned for their guards, there will be around 5 of them wandering the perimeter!"
Hei turned around as he grabbed the bag and opened it, he took five headsets out of it, and three smokebombs for each one of them who were in Team One.
Hei shoved the items over the table towards the three as he then looked at Alice and shoved the headset towards her.
"The headsets will be to communicate, the smokebombs are allowed to be used... But be warned, for if you are used all of them, your escape may be harder!"
Hei glanced at the three as he then stood up and glanced at the entire team. "Any questions before we take our leave?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Trottel.... Who got stuck with that stupid last name. He could hear himself being called by his last name. He quit following the murderer-of-fun Katsu and turned towards wherever the sounds of his last name originated. Whatever or Whoever called his name sounded more cheerful and fun than the man he was following. He soon found out that the one who called him was Nikaido.
"Hey Trottel! Where you goin'? Thought you and I were going to have a romantic session over ice cream?" Jack thoroughly enjoyed the humor put into the statement and was somewhat surprised he forgot. She seemed like the best company to have out of all the people he has seen so far. After conversing with Katsu, Jack easily found out what Katsu thought of him. Katsu's bitter words effected his expression for a second as he heard them his grin faded and the mask of a glum man was in place of his used to be happy look. Whatever sad or negative emotions he felt will not take a place inside him for long.
Why be sad? Why be depressed? Why frown? Why do any of these things, when you can smile. Whatever feelings that may ruin your day or rain on your parade must be cut off, blocked. Life must be filled with a monotonous happiness and smiles deriving from the constant joy. Incomparable joy.
Jack's sad expression shifted to his usual smirking appearance as he dismissed the emotions that displeased him.

"If he's your teammate, he's your responsibility. If he goes missing, that'll be on you. I'd suggest chaining the guy to a chair." Katsu said.
Jack replied with a simple small murmur, "That could be pleasant...."
He started to walk away and said something directed towards Nikaido over his shoulder, "So something about a romantic session over ice cream?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Alice looked at the book of photos as Death flipped through the images, displaying flamboyantly graphic scenes. Why would anyone do that to a human being? They weren't animals! As he turned around to gaze out the window, I examined him a bit. His black hair was the only part of his real figure that anyone could see. As the clock tower chimed in the distance, the man turned around towards me again. "It's time! I followed him out of the room, but kept a foot or two behind him. We journeyed to the conference room and l stood against the wall, waiting for everyone to come. When everyone was in, save for Katsu, the location of whom I did not know, Death began to speak.

I observed the screen as it descended from the ceiling, eyeing the family picture. Again, the kids were my only problem... I shook my head and hoped that someone else would take the children rather than making me have to. I looked at the positioning of the guards. They should take out the guard in the courtyard first so that the ones on the front of the house couldn't warn him... Or I could take him out from the roof and they wouldn't have to worry about him. I took the headset and inserted it into my ear and adjusted the microphone positioning. "I'm assuming that the guards have immediate contact to the police? If so, I don't think it's to uncanny of an idea to let me take out the guard in the courtyard from my nest to avoid the possibility of the guard having a chance to contact the authorities, given the distance between him and the other guards."

I glanced at Death and the members of team one, waiting for a response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Nikaido stared at Katsu, her eye was so wide open it almost seemed like they threatened to pop out of its socket. She was taken aback by Katsu's attitude, it was a little offsetting, but Nikaido was able to recover. She turned to Jack, who seemed to welcome her with his ever present smile, Nikaido felt much better in an instant; even if this guy was a killer, Jack's jocular demeanor wasn't so dull. Nikaido sighed, "Dang, what crawled up his ass?" She stared Jack in the eye giving him a devious smile, "Maybe I should do what he says, and really tie you up~!" Nikaido chuckled half heartedly, turning to watch Katsu walk away. Before she returned her attention to Jack, Nikaido jogged to Katsu grabbing him by the shoulder, "Take this before you go, my treat." she chimed, shoving the folded paper with an address into Katsu's hand, backing off as quickly as she had approached him, "I'd gladly treat you to a double fudge banana split~!" She smiled wide, giving Katsu a teasing wink before rejoining Jack. She didn't bother to wait for any reaction, since she basically did everything within a ten second time frame.

Reunited with her teammate, Nikaido huffed returning her crutch to the ground, she started to feel the weight of her prosthetic after all the menial exercise. "Man, I have no idea what you did to him, but what a prick," She whispered quietly to Jack, "Well, now with all that time waisted, I say we get a triple cream pie sherbet," Nikaido began to walk following her mental map to the diner, "Super sized, of course!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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After destroying almost, 40 dummies, Lila was getting tired and sweaty. She went to her room to put her sword away and take a shower.

After getting out the shower, Lila got dressed in a cashmere sweater, and a red skirt, and black leggings, with her favorite sneakers that had red skulls on them. She left the building, going towards the Aqua district, to have some fun. After all that happened today she wanted to go somewhere that was fun. If Death needed her he would know where she was, and how to contact her. She wasn't paying attention to anything, she just had a mission, go somewhere fun and have fun. Right now Lila wanted to get away from everything right now, especially anything that had to do with The Night Raid.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dang what crawled up his ass? Jack could think of so many possibilities for a joke but he would keep them to himself......Considering his mood, not my finger.
Such easily thought comical replies could exist in his head with getting impaled by Katsu right before getting ice cream. He dully noted her giving Katsu something but didn't really care what it was. Unless of course it contained the same thing within the object, such a thing would be funny.
When she returned she whispered something, "Man, I have no idea what you did to him, but what a prick. Well, now with all that time wasted, I say we get a triple cream pie sherbet." Jack would probably drown in his own saliva if he kept letting his mouth water at the thought of food. "Super sized, of course!" Jack could cut off his tongue after this because no words could describe how good it will taste and nothing else will be worth tasting.
"You must be trying to kill me." Jack managed to say jokingly while still thinking about ice cream.
He followed after her, grinning and eager to have his stomach rip due to all the planned consumption. The anticipation wasn't killing him, it was making him even happier to be alive. While everyone else trains he is going to go get an ice cream with a fair exuberant lady... Jack felt like a child somewhat, an "adult" shouldn't obsess over food that would normally be consumed by a child.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Some time after Katsu had arrived, he left the smithy again, having taken care of the customers and fed his master. He pocketed some of the money he'd earned that day. Some high-ranking soldier had ordered a nice sharp sword which costed enough to feed the two for an entire week alone. He decided to take the night off to get something to eat. He left his spear in his room and locked the doors, marching out with his hands in his pocket. The cold air around the boy had disappeared. He seemed relaxed and happy with the warm smile on his lips.

He walked through the market district, greeting the familiar owners of the stalls and shops as he passed by. His personality had completely changed from when he was back at the base. He was cheerful and his voice was heartwarming. He marched towards a patisserie, playing with the coins in his pocket.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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"Thanks Joseph, you're a real peach~!" Nikaido smiled, giving a thumbs up to a waiter who nodded his head in acknowledgement as he walked away to serve other customers in the diner. It was a small establishment, a counter ran along the front of the kitchen which was laid out in plain sight displaying all sorts of food for onlookers to stare at as they waited for their order. A few tables dotted the center of the diner with two or three chairs for seating, booth tables ran along the far wall of the diner, their faded glossy red cushion seats reflecting years of abuse.

Nikaido sat across Jack, their table littered with three different colossal ice cream sundays that already beginning their melting process. In front of her was a platter with fries and a chilly hotdog, Nikado picked up a fry and tossed it into her mouth, "To bad pretty boy ain't here with us, maybe I'll get something to go for him." she pondered the thought for a moment before dipping a second fry into the triple chocolate coma sunday, "So Trottel... or maybe I should quit the formalities and call you Jack," Nikaido began, quickly swallowing the sweet and salty hybrid before she continued, "I haven't really heard much out of you... I mean, for a seemingly fun guy like yourself, you must really keep a lot of comments to youself." she paused for a moment, choosing her words wisely. She was so used to speaking freely that she never stopped to censor any information, unless she was in front of a commanding officer or an employer.... or a killer. "I mean...." Nikaido was no good at censorship, she picked up her chilly dog and stared at it, "I see it in your eyes, how the muscles in your face twitch ever so slightly, and that goes to say I was staring at you a lot... Oh man this is awkward." Nikaido shoved the chilly dog into her mouth as far as she could before bitting down on it, chewing hesitantly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack sat athwart to Nikaido, appreciatively gazing upon the sundaes before returning his focus to the person who provided the source of soon to be high blood pressure. Whatever health issues were caused didn't truly matter, Jack knew it would not be some health condition that kills him. He wasn't one to really pray or anything before a meal but Nikaido had provided him the means to delectable bliss. He would have to repay her, eventually. For now he was just going to eat as much as possible.
"So Trottel... or maybe I should quit the formalities and call you Jack." Nikky said ...That would be preferable He thought in reply but he did not want to interrupt her.
"I haven't really heard much out of you... I mean, for a seemingly fun guy like yourself, you must really keep a lot of comments to yourself." He just proceeded to stuff his face with a spoonful of elation before his eyes returned to her. He was listening, just not letting the ice cream melt at the same time. ...Some comments are better left unsaid.
"I see it in your eyes, how the muscles in your face twitch ever so slightly, and that goes to say I was staring at you a lot... Oh man this is awkward."
He swallowed the ice cream and started to think about her statement. Such a statement gave plenty of ammunition for rather immature jokes like most utterances often times do but he chose to just respond with something that he would usually keep himself within his own mind but was not too gloomy, crude, or lecherous. Well somewhat lecherous.

"I'd save that word, awkward, I still have all my clothes on." Jack said this rather calmly. It was by far not the worst joke that could be made. It seemed he chose to dismiss the staring, he enjoyed an audience even if they couldn't be seen. He decided to not attempt to embarrass the person who got him a ticket on the train of high cholesterol and turned whatever awkwardness that could have existed toward himself.
Jack proceeded to fill his mouth with the delicious slow killer known as dessert.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amaya stopped before walking out of the headquarters. My wallet.. With a sigh, she turned back and headed for her room. Even though she planned to steal cash--or even steal the cake itself, it was always better to have a plan B, you know? Although, it probably wouldn't be necessary. As she reached her room, she walked over to her bed stand and opened the drawer; taking out her wallet which was made out of white leatherette. She opened it to check it's contents. It was pretty loaded, but if she had to choose between spending for cake, and getting it for free, the latter would always be more delightful. She snapped it shut and placed it inside the pocket of her white trench coat before closing the drawer and walking out of her room.

Now, it was time to get some cake. Chocolate cake or strawberry cake? That was the question. Chocolate cakes were.. chocolatey, sweet, and they tasted like passion in your mouth. However, strawberry cakes were creamy, lighter to the tongue, and were also a bit more refreshing and healthy--probably. But if it comes down to it, chocolate would always be her first choi-

"Any clue where she's gone off to?!"

The very familiar--and loud might she add, voice broke through the silence; snapping her out of her thoughts - again. Amaya let out an exasperated breath before leaning on the wall and crossing her arms. "Oh, did you miss me already?" She spoke. Without waiting for a response, she walked away from Ntombi. Amaya was sure that she would follow anyway. Not because she liked to, but because she wanted to continue pestering her. At least Gin was there too, and she wouldn't have to be stuck with Ntombi alone. Things weren't as bad as they seemed. Cakes were always better to eat with the company of some.. friends.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well, that is alright! I just got these boots anyhow." He mumbles out to Ntombi. Gin was still rather bouncy at this point, already on his feet with a tied boot in each hand as he stood up, not yet bothering to put them on. Thankfully he had on a pair of bright yellow socks that completely clashed with the rest of his clothing, aside from his scarf. Obviously he really didn't care if he matched or not, or maybe he just didn't know any better... Probably a good mix of both, though.

His mind seemed to wander as he looked down at the tied boots, a small, tiny bit of pride to be seen in his eyes. He didn't even really give much reaction to the comment about not being shot by Ntombi or anything. These boots that he had now owned for several months were tied for the first time. While it might not have been something so amazing to someone else, to Gin it was. In fact, he couldn't wait to practice tying other shoes!

Though Gin was suddenly pulled from his mindless thoughts as a new voice appeared. Amaya! His excitement only grew as he jerked his head upwards with a large grin towards the other woman as she started to walk away... once again! A soft sigh would escape him as he quickly started to follow after her, finally stuffing both of his boots under his right arm before he began to talk a bit. Normally he didn't like to chatter, but it was a bit too obvious of just how genuinely happy he was at the moment to be unsocial. "You practically vanished out of the room the moment the meeting ended, of course we missed you! Where are you heading?" He asks simply with a smile still firmly set upon his lips.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katsu walked away from the nice little patisserie, a package stuffed between his arm and chest. He looked back and waved, smiling.
"Thank you for the desert, Mr Masaru!" he called back, turning to see the old man respond to him with a cheerful smile.
"Anytime, Katsu," he answered. "Come back soon! You haven't been here in ages."
Katsu nodded with an innocent smile and turned ahead again, looking down at the package. "I think I deserved this nice dinner..."

As he walked away from the shop, he felt something almost pull him back. He turned around and looked at the shop once more. No... Fuck it, I'm not going back to the base today. The boy was sick of that sociopath ordering him around, telling him to "do this" or "kill that". He had a big problem with some of the jobs he was given. He could take care of anyone, even kids, but he could never orphan a child, knowing what kind of a life orphans lead. Maybe I should... No, not yet. If I do, he might try to threaten me into coming back. Perhaps he was overthinking the issue, overestimating Hei's cruelty. He shrugged the idea away and sighed. As he was deciding what to do next, he remembered something: the girl from before had given him a small piece of paper with something on it. That girl's probably still with Jack. If so, I could apologize to him for how I acted earlier today. He pulled it out of his pocket and opened it with his free hand. It was an address, one he knew well.

He started walking towards the area in which the address was. He looked around, seeing how the streets were crowded, he decided to go through an alley. As he walked through it, he heard small footsteps, obviously trying to conceal themselves were heard from behind. Katsu stopped and turned around quickly, seeing a young boy with a knife in his hand and mud all over his face. Katsu heaved a sigh and gave the kid a pitiful look.
"What do you want?"
The kid recoiled, almost as if he was scared. The knife dropped from the boy's hand as he did.
"Is it the cookies?"
The boy looked down at the package with the name of the patisserie written on it, almost as if answering his question. Katsu opened it up and pulled the bag with all of the cookies out.
"Here, take these. You can tell your friends you took it by force," he said, winking.
The boy looked shocked but he quickly recovered and grabbed the bag, running away, leaving the knife behind. A smile curled up Katsu's lips as the boy ran off into the dark streets.

Huh... I gave him the cookies but now there's none left for me. I guess I'll have to make do with the cake and cupcakes. He kept going down the route he had mapped out in his head. When he arrived at his target, he saw the diner with two familiar figures sitting inside. He knocked on the window and smiled. Thinking that they wouldn't react well, he rested the box against the window, revealing the name written on it. He mouthed: "Want some?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Nikaido nearly choked, catching herself from sputtering chewed up chilly dog all over the table. Swallowing before she could spew her food, Nikaido looked up at Jack who was busy shoveling ice cream into his already full mouth. Her face was a faded red from near death and her breathing was a bit uneven from chunks of chilly being logged into her trachea, but she couldn't help but smile and let out a chuckle. Nikaido shook her head, not believing Jack could have such an unbalanced character and still be the jovial chap that sat before her trying to put himself into a sugar coma. She dipped a couple of fries into each sunday and made sure to savor the contrast of sweet and salty,
"So... anyways..." Nikaido paused, in her peripheral vision she could see someone wave. When she focused her eyes to see who it could be, she was greeted by the smiling face of a guy she called a prick.
She could see Katsu holding something up to the window with a word she was to lazy to read, mouthing something she was to lazy to interpret.
"Well look at what the cat dragged in, looks like your number one fan is back, and I think he got you a present~!" Nikaido sneered playfully. Of course Jack probably wasn't paying attention, or maybe he had the biggest brain freeze by now that he couldn't even move or speak. Nikaido waved back in acknowledgement and also to signal Katsu to come and sit with them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ntombi loped beside Gin until she caught up to Amaya, strolling next to her with her hands buried firmly in her pockets. Her dreads bounced a little with each step as a grin crept up on her; she always enjoyed being in the presence of someone who found her completely insufferable. Made her look a bit like a better person, you see.

"Now we're all bundled up here together doing whatever the hell it is Amaya wants to do, let's talk about tonight, eh?" offered Ntombi for a while before launching into her own plan. After all, she didn't want to be completely unprepared for tonight. "As you're about to find out, at least, I deal with poisons. I can probably give you two some to put on your blades, so long as you tell me what type you want. And...judging by the way Amaya was lovingly stroking her swords, I bet I'm the only one ranged. So hey!" snapped Ntombi cheerily, shooting a teasing grin at Amaya. "Looks like we'll be unfortunately parted tonight for a while, anyways."

"But hell, I'm not the smart one here. Time for you two to pull your damn weight instead of making me run around the base like a dog; what do you guys think we should do?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As she headed for the exit, Gin quickly caught up to her; a smile visible on his face. "You practically vanished out of the room the moment the meeting ended, of course we missed you! Where are you heading?" He asked. At least he was emitting a cheerful aura unlike someone. Speaking of that someone, Ntombi caught up to them as well, with her hands buried inside her pockets. Since Gin was nice, she decided she would acknowledge his presence. She looked at him before speaking, "I know a really good pastry shop nearby. I was planning to stea-" She cleared her throat, "-buy some chocolate cake. You can join me if you'd like to." She continued.

"Now we're all bundled up here together doing whatever the hell it is Amaya wants to do, let's talk about tonight, eh?" Ntombi spoke up. However, she didn't look at her, nor did she respond. Though, she was only doing it to get to her nerves. It was pretty fun seeing the gal get so worked up. "As you're about to find out, at least, I deal with poisons. I can probably give you two some to put on your blades, so long as you tell me what type you want. And...judging by the way Amaya was lovingly stroking her swords, I bet I'm the only one ranged. So hey!" her voice sounded cheerful, which Amaya wasn't used to, but she continued to walk without saying a single word. As they exited the headquarters, they were greeted by fresh air. "Looks like we'll be unfortunately parted tonight for a while, anyways." Ntombi continued.

"But hell, I'm not the smart one here. Time for you two to pull your damn weight instead of making me run around the base like a dog; what do you guys think we should do?" As they continued to head for the pastry shop--or at least Amaya was, she kept quiet. There was silence for a long time before she decided it was time to stop torturing Ntombi, however, that didn't mean she was going to make things easier for her. "Kill them." She responded flatly without interest. "Duh." She added. That word probably sounded weird coming from her-- funny, even. Besides, it was the first time she ever uttered that word. It felt somehow strange, yet refreshing...

She brushed her thoughts aside as the pastry shop came into view. Looking over at Gin, she gave him a small smile. "Let's go get some cake."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack closed his eyes as he let the confection deliquesce on his tongue. When he let himself perceive actuality once more he noticed Nikaido's fatal situation concerning chili dogs and he slid his seat out, prepared to help her before he noted the smile and chuckle. Her face being a shade of red due to the fact she nearly died, Jack saw some chance to bring light to the rather dark subject of death by asphyxia. "Are you blushing?" Jack asked teasingly, making it almost sound as if he didn't know the reason why her face was a shade of red. Killing people with laughter, Jack never contemplated killing a person with laughter. Such a thought would bother him forever now, only the best of jesters could do such a thing. A jester killing their master through laughter would be quite an impressive and amusing feat. ... Heh, Jack the Jester, As if he had received a new toy, he fiddled with the new object. A thought that would provide him with an objective and purpose. Anybody can simply impale, stab, shoot, cut, torture, and eventually kill.
"Well look at what the cat dragged in, looks like your number one fan is back, and I think he got you a present~!" Nikaido's voice was barely heard as he pondered how to go about achieving his goal. ...Wait... Present? Jack tilted his head and his eyes focused on Katsu for a moment. He playfully stuck his tongue out at him. If Katsu was annoyed by him, Jack considered him an object of interest. Despite his lack of sense of humor he displayed and Katsu being somewhat rough, Jack couldn't hold grudges. Especially for such tiny things. He noted the box and grinned at Katsu welcomingly before again focusing on eating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katsu marched in and saluted the waiters and waitresses. He walked over to their stall and pulled a chair.
"By the way, you guys can't have any," he said with a snide tone as he put the box on the table, his hands pinning it down. He looked over to Jack and smiled apologetically. "Sorry I was kinda harsh earlier. I was in a bad mood. Sometimes I just need a break from the Night Raid."
He leaned back in his chair, pulling the package onto his lap. "Sometimes I wish I'd never joined..." Grunting, the boy rubbed his forehead.

He had really been damaged by the time he'd spent with the Night Raid, killing fathers and mothers... He would always let the kid live but Hei wouldn't have it. If they were targets, he would either have someone else do it before Katsu could protest or do it himself. Katsu always tried to convince himself that he was doing the right thing, even if it meant becoming a murderer, the ultimate sacrifice. But no... He could never make himself actually believe these words. He always knew that he was just selfishly slaughtering people, making himself much more guilty than his targets.

"So... Jack, right? What drove you to join our group of psychos?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Basically." Gin nodded towards Ntombi, mainly about her comment on being the only ranged one among their three-person group. "I... am not too fond of using poisons, but thank you for the offer." Consciously, Gin just didn't feel right using poison on another living being. He knew the horrid agony most of them could easily bring, or the paralasys, or even the flesh that could be eaten away by it. Even though the goal was to kill, he just wanted it over with as soon as possible. And something about using such toxins against another just made him shake a bit, could he really do such a thing? Shaking off the suddenly slightly nauseous feeling he had welling in his gut, he flashed them a faint smile.

"And 'kill them' feels like it is just a bit too simple. It will be easier to know and make a plan once we actually know the place and our targets, if we just go in there trying to solo a team effort we are bound to screw something up." Gin kept pace with Amaya and Ntombi, following right along to the pastry shop. He was a bit indifferent about sweets, he had a bit of trouble tasting them part of the time. He kept his boots tucked under his right arm, now using his left hand to carefully tug his scarf a bit tighter around his neck, even going as far as to tuck the ends into his jacket.

"Cake?" He says, eyes going a bit wide as he looks to Amaya and then towards the shop. He was once again grinning. "I like cake, especially the really well decorated kind with tons of frosting. I never knew something could look like that, especially something edible. What kind are we going to get? Are we going to get a few small ones? A big one? Oooh, or are we going to get cookies? Chocolate cookies...?" The last bit was more of a question. Did she just want to buy cake? Could he just get cookies? Could he get anything?! He squeezed his boots a bit, somehow a bit surprised that he wasn't practically skipping at this point.
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