Name: Dark Talons
Symbol: a claw with three black Talons on a field of gray
Specialization: Front Line Combat/Light Scouting
Combat Assets:
1xWarhammer Heavy Battlemech
2xDragon Heavy Battlemech
1xHelios Heavy Battle Mech
2xGrenadier Assault Battle Armor
2xSalamander Battle Armor
2xRottweiler Battle Armor
Non-Combat Personnel:
1x Trained Medic
2X Veteran Battlemech Techs
2x trained Battlemech Astechs
2x Regular Battle Armor Techs
4x Trained Battle Armor Astechs
1x Regular Administration
Current Account Balance: 302,096
Reserve Assets:
1 ton SRM Inferno
2x Magshot Gauss Rifles
Name: Kashra “Of the Pryde Bloodline”
Age: 25

Background: Kashra is a trueborn of the Clan Jade Falcon, born of the Pryde bloodline. As such, she was placed into her Creche, first and foremost, having an unusual number of the young children wash out from around her, despite their shared origins from the Iron Wombs. One of the rare few not to lose all individuality, and still excel in her field of Mech commanding, she was assigned to her Sibko after her tenth birthday. Her Sibko also suffered an unusual number of casualties, brutal training coupled with accidents plaguing the group. The training ranged from hand to hand, with actual bones being broken on the loser, and occasionally victor, while training in Battlearmor was done with live, if underpowered, munitions that occasionally led to fatal accidents. Through all of this, Kashra shone as a leader and commander, especially once put into the trainer Mechs and put into a variety of scenarios and exercises, pushing further and further ahead of her peers. Of course, such training would end eventually, and that end was the Trails of Position.
Only four made it to the Trials of Position, and only Kashra and one other made it through the trails themselves, Kashra making the position of Ristar, while the other was quickly forgotten in the air cast by the success of Kashra. She was assigned as a Star Leader, of her own five mech star. Spending several successful years serving the Clan Jade Falcon, from raiding into the Federation space and fighting other clans, to defending their holdings against other raiders and counterattacks by the Federation's hired mercenaries for such things, and grew more experienced and increased in standing within the Clan, and seemed well on her way to a Trial of Bloodright, to earn her name within the Clan. But such things did not always work out, and this was indeed the case for Kashra.
Jade Falcon made raids during the Fedcom Civil war, which led to her Star's seperation from the rest of the Clan, and during a Trial of Possession, was captured and made a bondswoman by a mercenary band. As customary, she remained in service to the Merc commander who claimed her, while she did eventually earn the man's trust and start piloting Mechs again, rising up through another set of ranks and taking command of a Lance, once more, and seemed naturally destined to lead Mechs, wherever she went. But once more, everyone around her in the mercenary band got slaughtered, with only herself and a handful of loyal pilots escaping once again. She was free to return to her Clan, and she chose not to.
Taking the survivors as her own, the surviving Lance became the formation of her mercenary band, the Dark Talons, and started working free of her Clan, having gotten a taste for mercenary work during her time a bondswoman, and stuck with it, doing some small jobs to get a support system up for her Mechs, and began working to make a name for herself in the market of mercenary work. She would cross paths with all sorts, including former enemies who took similar paths into the Mercenary work, including an ex Federation officer who, despite being opposed to each other in former careers in life, did not hold animosity towards each other, having worked the same and opposite cause of enough jobs to be beyond such things, and continued raising her status as a mercenary Mech commander beyond this.
Name: Warhammer
Model: WHM-6R
Class: Heavy
Speed: 64.8 KM/h
Jump Jet distance: N/A
Armament: 2x PPCs, 1x SRM-6, 2x Medium lasers, 2x Small Lasers, 2x Machine Guns
Misc: (Anything you feel applicable that would not fit into a different category)
Cost: 6,070,984/Upkeep 303,549
Crew Training: Kashra’s personal mech Veteran
Name: Helios
Model: HEL-3D
Class: Heavy
Speed: 64.8 KM/h
Jump Jet distance: 120 Meters
Armament: 2x SRM-6s, 1x Gauss Rifle, 2x ER Medium Lasers
Misc: (Anything you feel applicable that would not fit into a different category)
Cost: 5,735,000/Upkeep 286,750
Crew Training: Veteran
Name: Dragon
Model: DRG-1N
Class: Heavy
Speed: 86.4 KM/h
Jump Jet distance: NA
Armament: 1x LRM-10, 1x Autocannon/5, 2x Medium Lasers
Misc: (Anything you feel applicable that would not fit into a different category)
Cost: 5,036,800 Each/ Upkeep 251,840/ Total 10,073,600/Total Upkeep 503,680
Crew Training: Regular
Name: Grenadier
Model: Battle Armor
Class: Assault
Speed: 21 KM/h
Jump Jet distance: N/A
Armament: 1x SRM, 1x Magshot Gauss Rifle, 1x Small Laser
Misc: Stealth Armor
Cost: 606,310/ Upkeep 30,315/Total 1,212,620/Total upkeep 60,630
Crew Training: Regular
Name: Salamander
Model: Battle Armor
Class: Medium
Speed: 10.8 KM/H
Jump Jet distance: N/A
Armament: 2x Flamers, 1x SRM-1
Misc: Flame Resistant
Cost: 475,000/Upkeep 23,750/ Total 950,000/ Total upkeep 46,500
Crew Training: Regular
Name: Rottweiler
Model: Battle Armor
Class: Medium
Speed: 54 KM/h
Jump Jet distance: N/A
Armament: 1x Small Laser, 1x Firedrake Support Needler
Misc: Stealth Armor, Extra Carrying capacity 5 Kilograms
Cost: 306,850/ Upkeep 15,342/ Total 613,700/ Upkeep Total 30,486
Crew Training: Regular