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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Torrential chuckled a little as he shook his head, his hat glowing as he magically corrected it before it could fall from his head. "I'm not surprised you answered Moon and Star and Earthborn. Personally when I look at the current factions fighting over their corners of Equestria, the group that I consider the one to embrace change the best would be the tribes in the Everfree. When you stop and think about it they've sent themselves up in a place that is next to impossible to attack, they are completely self sustaining within their boarders and baring any major outside influence they could potentially their new found way of life going for countless generations quite comfortably. They could pretty much withdraw from the war at this point by making a 'you don't attack us, we don't attack you' truce with the houses, limiting themselves to only repelling invaders and they would almost be one hundred percent assured survival when this war comes to an end, independent of whatever nation raises from the carnage."

"On the flip side, if anyone is clinging to the past it would be House Stormwing. They seem to be the only ones that legitimately want Celestia and Luna to return and are thus trying to keep things civil and orderly enough that they can do so with little fuss. Keep in mind that the last thing House Moon and Star would want right now is for Celestia and Luna to come back and see what they have been doing in their name... Let's just say that in the event of Celestia and Luna's sudden return to Equestria, House Moon and Star is going to be erased from the face of existence. One hundred years afterwards, no one would even know it had ever been a thing.Tragically the only way that House Stormwing can really win is if Celesta and Luna reappear; As it stands, the best that they can hope for is to hold out long enough that the more hateful, extremist elements of the war die and those that remain are so tired of fighting that they will talk things out and work out a relatively peaceful ending to it."

Smirking a little at the question of why he was walking the mortal realm, Torrential took a time to consider his answer. "I might. My reason for coming back to the mortal plane was to ensure that I could have a place here once again. Once upon a time, Celestia drove me out of these plane because I murdered one of her more arrogant, foolish students and she hasn't allowed me back since. While I am content to let ponies sort out what is going to happen from this point onwards, I might play a part or two in helping to make the world a somewhat better place in my own way." Turning to look at Star Dancer, Torrential grinned as he asked "What exactly did Sweeper tell you she was here to do?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Dawnscroll Ordo ad Logos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The only sign of distress that Arcon showed at his sister being injured was a furrowed brow, the thin line of his mouth set grimly into his face.

“Vile and repulsive things,” the alicorn hissed crossly under his breath, examining Thea closer. His eyes could see the faint line where the new limb joined with the body, the crease beneath the fur when the precious bone and blood had been hacked off like butcher meat. It was a red and angry line, and something churned in Arcon’s gut, and he winced, the faint memory of the wood that had shattered in his shoulder resurfacing. “My condolences that you endured such suffering. You did well to erase the blight upon this place,” Arcon commended her, “Though I think mother would just as quickly kiss your wound as chastise the two of you. She alone knows that I had feared something far more grievous than those atrocities.” The corners of his mouth twitched into the faint imitation of a smile, and a sigh of relief escaped his lips.
He had heard whispers of this supposed Cult of Laughter, and the fallen Elements they prophesied as their deity. He had yet to deal with them directly; in the Wasteland, the only true dangers came from nature and the changeling swarms.

Arcon raised an eyebrow in amusement at Silver Sweeper’s antics and to her all to direct question. He held a soft place within his heart for her. She was a gentler soul, not too unlike himself in the eyes of their other siblings. So very… unattended to the intricacies of subtlety.

“Damage control,” he declared. “Unfortunately, the progress of such agenda has been dampened due to my most recent acquisitions. Pray tell, dear sisters… what news of Canterlot?”

His ears twitched as he listened to the exchange between Winterjet and Scroll, his expression slowly darkening as it progressed. Such impudence and disrespect from the lips of foals. To so boldly equate themselves with friendship with his siblings.

“Do forgive me Sisters,” he begged softly of them, “for not remaining in touch these past moons. I find myself busy minimizing the fall out of the mortals’ actions. Though I noticed that you, sister Thea, now know of my Hall. I received your message… it was… cute,” he said with a tired sigh. “I suppose I had best minimize your intrusion by extending you an invitation to visit, lest your rabbits pester me to no end. A rather interesting series of stained-glass murals have recently come into my possession, generously ‘donated’ by the Arch Magister herself. Supposedly from the throne room of Canterlot no less. I feel that of us all, you would benefit the most from gazing upon the likeness of the Elder Sisters,” he offered, once more bowing with his wings out stretched.

With any luck, she would take the offer, grow bored after half an hour, and leave him alone without blabbing his location to the rest of his kin.

He just managed to catch the end of “…a trust or bond that comes from the heart.”

“Truly, a rare pony to be both warrior and… scholar,” he mused aloud, his gaze coming to rest on the two. “An unusual combination to be sure. Truly, his deeds must be the stuff of legends to earn himself a place in thy personal companionship,” Arcon noted, although his tone did not match his approval. “I suppose a sword is one such way of protecting knowledge. Although whispers have reached me of such a group within Equestria; mortal academics not unlike myself who also recognize the signs of yet another Fall." Arcon tilted his head

The identity of which organization this unicorn aligned himself with was little mystery. His fetlock's were brushed shiny, the telltale discoloration of ink along their edges. The underlying dry and acrid scent of parchment. A belly which had seen more hot meals than days of hard manual labor. Arcon noted a scribe when he saw one, and if his guests in his Hall were anything, it was that such ilk had the most... interest connections, even in these times.

"Tell me, beloved Silver Sweeper, are you aligned with such a grouping?” The words were addressed to her, but Arcon’s attention was now solely fixated on Scroll, his black eyes narrowing tensely.

They offered neither approval nor disapproval, no offer of friendship or declaration of war. Once more came the sharp, almost scathing scrutiny as the alicorn judged the unicorn behind his sandy mask of indifference.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"That's... interesting," Winterjet muttered in a tone of slight confusion. "Never would've thought a god, of all ponies, would actually, well, become friends with us... mortals. I mean, they're immortal and will continue living until the end of time, so... I've lost many friends throughout the years, and it hurts each time. To endure so much loss." She shook her head. "It can only hurt. Maybe that's why Theá seems so distant." She cast a look over her shoulder, watching Theá for just a second before catching the eyes of Arcon. She felt a chill going down her spine; she felt small, insignificant. Where Theá had at least seemed approachable this one felt as if he stripped away any self-confidence she might have had and bared her soul and thoughts for the world to see. She gulped and looked down, missing when his gaze swept to focus solely on Bright Scroll.

Despite how she felt so small next to this... giant, she couldn't help but feel something flare up inside her at what he said. She'd met enough liars and wanna-be nobles or big-shots in her travels that she could easily tell when someone was speaking their true thoughts or simply trying to act kind when, in fact, they thought the exact opposte. This Arcon... He didn't so much as try to hide his demeaning, almost insulting, tone. Trained to hear veiled insults or not, no pony could have missed the disapproval and sarcasm.

But even if I wanted to say something, I can't. From the way he's acting I wouldn't be surprised if wanted to 'punish' me for speaking up against him, and I haven't been with Theá for long enough for me to expect her to come to my aid. And even if she would help me there's still the chance that she agrees with him and would do nothing to stop him because of 'insubordination'. Tsk. She grit her teeth, feeling one of her new fangs draw blood from her gums, but she did nothing to stop it. Right now she needed to stay calm. Looking down also meant that she missed the frown that flashed across Theá's face for but a second before it disappeared just as quickly as it had come.

"You okay?" She whispered once Arcon's attention had turned towards Silver Sweeper again, away from the two of them-something for which she was grateful. She just hoped he didn't have as good hearing as she knew Theá probably had. "He seemed rather... rough?"

"T'is no reason to thank me, Sister. It is not right for me to hold a grudge when there was no intention of causing offense... And yes, vile and repulsive things, indeed," said Theá, nodding her head once in agreement. "And I'm glad you approve. I must be honest, however, and say that I had expected you to chastise me above all else. Perhaps our Sword-happy sister would as well seeing as this wasn't the most efficient way of handling the situation, if you will." She chuckled a little, a faint smile breaking through her otherwise almost stony façade, as he mentioned their Mother. While she may seem more jovial at the moment, she had to admit to herself that it was more her trying to let go of the lingering hurt she felt from Sweeper's perceived insults. Didn't mean it wasn't genuine, though. "You may be right. Though I do not remember her ever, what do they call it? 'Kissing my boo-boo', I believe?" Her smile broke out into a lopsided grin for just a few moments before she composed herself again.

"And you are forgiven, Dear Brother. I have eyes and ears all over, so I have managed to get the gist of your going-ons, although I must admit that you are more difficult to keep an eye out on than the others. Those barriers of thine; impressive, and most annoying." His comment about her rabbit brought forth another smile, this one a bit more teasing than the last. "Cute? Why, Brother, you should have but told me earlier. I would gladly send you more should you so desire." Her smile only widened as he continued speaking, apparently inviting her into his home, or whatever he wished to call his fortress. She simply nodded, choosing to wait until he had finished speaking before she acted. He always was a bit of a prude, and easy to tease. Oh, this is going to be fun, she thought, trying not to grin too widely as she stepped closer to him.

"You're inviting me into your home?" She asked innocently, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure that watching those stained glass windows aren't just an excuse?" She stepped up beside him, unfurling a wing and letting the tip of it graze along his neck slowly. "Last I checked you hadn't had company in a while... could it be that my dear brother is longing for a little feminine company, perhaps?" Her wing moved from only his neck to trailing slowly across his back-between where his wings connected to his body and down to his lower back then up again. She leaned in and gently nuzzled his neck with he eyes closed.

"I think it's just an excuse to get to, ah, know me better?"

It was all Winterjet could do to keep herself from letting her jaw drop to the floor. Where moments earlier Theá had been stern and the textbook version of stoicism, and Arcon the textbook version of asshole, in her opinion, Theá was now what she could only describe as a temptress, perhaps even seductress. "She is good!" Winterjet muttered under her breath, too silently for anything, perhaps save Theá, to notice. Even from the sidelines the pegasus felt her chest tighten and her cheeks burn as a blush found its way to her face.

Only a matter of time now, Theá thought as she briefly flicked the tip of her tail across Arcon's cutie mark. I wonder how he'll react to this, though. She smirked and opened her eyes, giving him her best half-lidded gaze she could, and siddled up beside him and brought him into a one-sided wing-hug; the entirety of her right wing wrapping around him and holding him pressed against her side as she continued to just look at him with that seductive smile and half-lidded gaze.

She leaned in briefly, nuzzling him beneath his chin before drawing away and whispering into his ear. "You still sure it was only to show me those windows, hmm?"

Sorry to Sweeper, Winterjet, Bright Scroll for having to witness that. Not sorry to Arcon because I enjoyed this way too much and he knew it would happen if he asked to be alone with someone whom he knew would try to seduce anyone and anybody that asked to be alone with her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Dancer listened to the alicorn's wisdom. It never occurred to her to think of Everfree as a functioning society, let alone civilized. Yet she saw the logic of Torrential's reasoning. She of course had little dealings with the Everfree, just near the refugee camps and some shamans. But what she heard from other Scholars that did go deep into the wood did support the alicorn. She was also surprised that it wasn't Earthborn that accepted change the best. A part of her thought that was one of the reasons why Torrential came to that House first.

But what caused her to shudder was the alicorn's admission of destroying an unicorn. Torrential's choice of words seemed almost impossible to Star Dancer. The Sisters would never have done that, she thought. Torrential is too wise to be the type who would do that either! But she soon recalled the shorn pegasus, and the bodies in the mud. He's like the forces of nature he controls. Her eyes widened and quivered in fear, instinct screaming for her to run.

But despite that, she kept calm and stayed. Perhaps it was her curiosity, or her piousness. She closed her eyes and relaxed, and decided to answer Torrential's question.

" 'To tidy up the land, to make sure it shined as brightly as it once did before'. I think that was the Lady's words on the morning after her landing. Then she proceeded to do just that - restore buildings and museums, build waterworks, organize and zone towns, raze ruins, and so forth. In many places they've looked better, and the ponies happier.

"As a result, she has other followers other than the Legion and my order, mostly menial workers - Maids, butlers, slaves, barbers, plumbers, garbageponies, those who did the dirty jobs that no other pony does. They are the force, as scattered as they are, that actively aid the Lady's mission. Making the world a bit cleaner as they can.

"Other than that, I can't think of anything else, other than her rather eccentric trips. Like the one she's currently on. I have no idea where she might be - she left the letter and some instructions days ago."
Sweeper wondered what her brother meant by Damage Control. She still didn't know much about her kin's own plans for Equestria. The Chambermaid trusted that they would do good in their own way. And she hoped not to get in their way.

Arcon continued his speech before she could answer if she heard any news from the Moon and Stars. Scroll told her that there was unusual activity - troops being redeployed to the major cities and research facilities. Rumors of a pirate armada assailing shipping. Exact details were not quite known - out of all the lands, the most difficult to get information out was Twilight's realm. No Scholar pegasus could travel freely, only Unicorns could operate there, and the Archmagister's Inquestion was always watching.

So Arcon is trying to lessen the impact of the wars , Sweeper thought. Hmm, no wonder the Scholarship took interest - they have the same mission.

Her ears perked up to hear of the innovation to visit his home. Yay, Ark is going to show me his place! I'm going have to stop by another bakery to borrow some tea….

Scroll felt like he was finally being dissected by Arcon. He was used to such a sarcastic tone during his University years. Being an Earth Pony, he often was the target of such wit by his unicorn peers. But Arcon's was more like Academian Zemi's comments - seeking to root out something from him. Like the Director, the alicorn's words were ready scalpels.

He purposely paused before saying "Scholar" , thought Scroll. He knows of the order's existence. The question is how. Did he abduct the Detectives searching for the alicorn, and interrogated them? Or was Arcon also looking for us before that?

He felt the Gatekeeper's gaze, looking at how he'd react. Scroll eyes had widened at the references to the Scholarship, and almost took a step back. He was shaking a bit, somewhat worried. Sweat had formed under the helmet he had purchased from Wullf. My body itself can tell him all he needs to know, Scroll thought. But what does he want?

Winterjet whispered into his ear. He took off the makeshift hood, and took off the helmet he wore, it's design giving the impression of a horn under the sheets. "Sorry about that," he said. "Needed some air. I'm fine… hopefully." He smiled, thankful the pegasus was here. Star Dancer would have probably done better than me. The Mare has nerves of Earthborn steel . He also noted the disapproval from Winterjet's face when she looked at Arcon. She can also tell that something else is up.

Sweeper paused at the question from her brother, the back of her mind telling her to wait. She didn't want to admit the faults of her kin, part of her feeling guilty for being such a werido. But seeing his focus on her Scroll, she began to recall the disputes Arc had with her other siblings. Something's not right here , she thought. But what should I-

Thea had moved first, much to the grey alicorn's relief, and then sudden distress. She couldn't believe her eyes. Nor Scroll for that matter, whose mouth was agape. Was Thea flirting with her own… brother?! By instinct, the Scholar put a hoof over Winterjet's eyes, as if to protect her innocence from such perversion. Sweeper feel backwards, her face and scalp blushing. Should I be watching this?, she thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

ovir sighed in relief when the pirate camp came into view. He spotted the longboats that were secured by the bank and fires were lit with several pirates he recognized sitting around them. The minotaur walked into camp, ponies moved out of his way with shocked expressions plastered on their faces. Bovir mover though the camp with a determination. He came up to a fire with three stallion’s sitting around it. They were Swansongs officers.

“Where’s Swan?” he rumbled.

All three slowly turned to him, looking like they had seen a ghost. One of them a Pegasus with a beige pelt stood up,” Captain Bovir Your alive!”

“Last time I check that was the case Feltwinds,” Bovir nodded,” Now where is Swan?”

“She’s in th’ tent over there,” one said pointing to a large tent down the bank. Bovir nodded and walked to it. Inside he saw Washcloth, Softstep, Swansong, and Crosswinds all sitting beside the bed with their backs to him. Crashing Wave was flat against the cot, rigid and muttering to himself.

“So I’m gone for a tow days and already things have gone to pot.”

They all turned to look at him. Crosswinds slowly stood up,” Mate how in th’ hay?”

“Well I-“ Bovir didn’t get to finish his sentence as Swansong talked him.

“Bovir! I thought you were died!” Tears streamed down the unicorns cheeks. Her heart sang at seeing the massive minotaur. She began sobbing into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her, grateful to the gods she was alive and well,” Shh I’m here my Love and I’m not going anywhere.”

Softstep smiled gently,” It’s good to see you my friend but how are you even alive? We saw your ship blasted out of the water.”

“I don’t know. I woke up on the beach just south of Star Harbor. When I saw the Hrabor had been flooded I feared the worst.”

Softstep recounted what had transpired two days before. When Bovir heard of Reaver’s betrayal he wished he had been there to behead the traitor himself. Swansong was still sobbing softly in his arms. Bovir lifted her chin up and stared into her eyes. The same eyes that had him captivated since the first day they met. She smiled at gently and the pair shared a deep kiss. They stayed like that far several moments, relishing each other’s taste. Swansong pulled back and her joy quickly tuned to anger as she slapped a hoof against the minotaur’s chest.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again!”

Bovir chuckled,” I’m sorry my Love.”

She puffed her cheeks out and crossed her hoof over her chest,” What’s so funny?”

Bovir smirked and gave her side a poke, prompting a cute squeak from her,” Just glad to see you again.” He looked up at Softstep as Swansong turned her nose up in the air. “How did Crashing get like that?”

“He acted as a decoy so we could get the slaves from the Moon Guild’s domes,” Softstep said. She looked at the alicorn with an annoyed expresi0on,” and the fool decided to overexert himself.”

“Give it up beastie,” Crashing yelled out over the din of water clashing,” Ye won’t see daylight of that ye can be sure.”

A guttural roar sounded from his Other and it rushed him. Crashing met the dark blue beast head on, their horns locking. Its black eyes stared dully at Crashing. The alicorn grunted and shoved his Other back and unleashed a flurry of magic blasts at it. It seemed unfazed despite being pushed back.

“Bloody ‘ate th’ mindscape,” Crashing grumbled as he prepared a final spell. He preferred not to use such spells but t he had no choice he couldn't beat this thing into submission and his magic was waning fast.

“वाटर्स पुराने और गहरे मैं तु बाँध इस जानवर को बुलाओ!”

A magic ring pulsed under Crashing. The Other roared and rushed him again the second it entered the magic ring it flashed white. The beast was enveloped in glowing fluid magic. It thrashed and bucked against the prison that started to form around it. Finally it stopped moving. Crashing’s mindscape brightened and with a push of his will pushed the beast deep into the back of his mind.

Crashing groaned as he opened his eyes and sat up,’Good I’m back in th’ Mortal Plain.’

“Oi What’s a stallion gotta do ta get a drink round hear.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Grimwing peered outside as the ships stopped rocking. He carefully walked to the rail.

“Everything ok out there Grim?” Deckhoof called out.

“Aye,” Grimwing said as he looked at the water. It was back to its dark blue color. The pegasus stared at the water for a moment, lost in thought. What in th’ name oh th’ Sisters was that?' He had never experienced something like that before, as quickly as the roiling of the waters started it stopped. Now the sea was calm as if nothing had happened.

“Deckhoof I’m gonna see if th’ other ships are alright see if there are any damages.” With that Grimwing took off toward The Leviathan. He landed on the massive deck with a soft thud.

“That just happened right?” Quick Claw said as she stalked up to the pegasus.

“Aye,” Grimwing nodded.

“Damn and here I thought I was goin’ crazy,” she said. The gryphoness looked particularly shaken up by the event considering her tail was puffed out still. Grimwing couldn’t help but chuckle at the state of her fur and feathers.

“Ye look a bit nuts I’ll admit,” Grim said as he pointed to her tail.

“Oh hush up,” Quick grumbled as she smoothed out the fur on her tail. Once done she glared at Grimwing,” Anyway the ships fine. After all it’s a floating fortress.”

“Good. No one injured.”

“Nah,” she waved a talon through the air,” Just shaken up is all. Not every day the sea goes nutso.”

“Aye,” he turned and fluffed out his wings,” Lets continue on then.”

“Aye Aye sir,” Quick gave a mock salute, a goofy grin on her beak.

Grypons.’ Grmwing rolled his eyes and took off.
“So explain to me again Commander how a small raiding force took off with most of our slaves.”

Astral Spectrum, a dark cyan unicorn stallion with a greying blue and red mane, glared at the unicorn before him with an anger glint in his eyes. He annoyed, very annoyed. The yellow unicorn before him wore ceremonial armor stating his station as Commander. He was flanked by his two captains.

The commander gulped,” We were dealing with one of the False Gods High Priest. We did not know it would be a decoy.”

Astral nodded and remained silent, prompting the Commander to continue,” We were able to bring him down in the end of course but we were stopped from making the kill.”

“So to sum it up,” Astral said, his voice calm and even,” You lost well over a hundred good unicorns to this God,-“

“Umm False God High Priest,” one of the captains pointed out.

Astral turned to look at the fool slowly, his expression unreadable. The other captain and Commander froze on the spot. You did not interrupt the High Priest. Ever! They both relaxed as Astral smiled gently and stood up. He walked toward the captain, his purple silk robes swaying as he did so, and stopped right in front of the captain.

“Tefk qolh.”

An unequine scream ripped from the poor fool’s throat as his mind was assaulted with horrible and grotesque images. He wreathed on the ground in agony for a few moments before he fell still. His eyes were blank and devoid of emotion or thought. The other two unicorns paled at what they had just witnessed. Astral turned to them with that same smile still on his face.

“I can assure you Commander what you faced was no False God but a real one,” Astral trotted back to his cushion and settled back into it,” He is as much a god as our Beloved Princesses are. Him and all the other alicorns we have sighted. After all it was only a matter of time.”

“May I ask why my lord?” the commander asked his voice quivering slightly.

“Why yes you may Commander,” Astral waved a hoof through the air,” To simply put it they are here to judge us and bring order back to the world. To do the job our Beloved Princesses have forsaken.” He put a hoof to his chin in thought,” Now then where was I…Ah yes. When you were close to bringing the God down you were stopped but a pegasus and the rouge priestess. Am I correct?”

“Umm yes sir,” the commander gulped,” B-but we were able to lop half his horn off.” He extended a hoof to his remaining captain who placed a cloth on his hoof. The commander used his magic to give it to the High Priest.

Astral opened the cloth and gazed down at the white horn before him. It was easily as big as a unicorn horn but it didn’t have the width of a normal horn at its base. The older unicorn gazed up at the Commander, a grin playing on his lips.

“Very good Commander. It is good to know that tonight wasn’t a total loss. We may have lost slaves but they are replicable. Shade!”

A nightmare appeared beside Astral,” Yes my lord.”

“Send word to the Archmagister,” he looked down at his prize,” Tell her we have encounter one of the Gods.” He handed her the horn,” And send this to her as well. She will want her best unicorns on it.”

“Yes my lord,” she took the horn and vanished with a dark blue flash.

Astral looked to his commander,” Prepare a group of your finest soldiers. I and my counsel of Magi will be hunting this God down.”

“Sir are you sure-“

A strong black magic hold appeared around the Commander’s neck as he was lifted bodily into the air. His hooves flailed in the air, trying to find purchase as he choked. The captain backed away, shivering from the sinister feel of the older unicorn’s magic.

“Commander I am tired of this complete lack of discipline,” Astral dropped the Commander onto the ground, who gratefully took large gulps of air. ”Now then see to it my orders are carried out and leave me. I must prepare for my departure.”

The commander and his captain scrambled to get away from the High Priest. Astral looked up at the mural of Princess Luna in glorious black battlearmor, the moon full and bright at her back. A dark smirk crossed his muzzle,” If these Gods can bleed,” he chuckled darkly,” Then they can die.”
Crashing Wave greedily drunk from his large mug. Mead sloshed around the edge of the pewter mug, staining his fur. He drained it and slammed it down on the table beside him,” Aah nothin’ better than good mead.”

“Now then,” Washcloth said from across the room,” What in th’ hay happened just now?”

Crashing looked at his Captains, worry laced in their gazes. He looked to Bovir. The alicorn was glad to see him alive. Though Swansong seemed even happier, considering she clung to the minotaur as if he would vanish at any moment.

’No use leavin’ em in th’ dark.’ Crashing ran a hoof through his mane with a sigh,” That was me other half tryin’ ta take control. Each of me kin have a darkness in em that wants ta break free. Tis our burdens ta bare. My darkness or Other is the collective rage and hunger of the Leviathans given form.”

“But aren’t they under your control?” Softstep asked, her eyebrow raised.

“They’re not under me control,’ Crashing corrected,” True they come to me call but I’m just charged with keepin’ out of trouble so ta speak. Without me they’d turn on th’ mainland and reek ‘avoc. There are some of em that aren’t restricted ta th’ sea like Th’ Kraken and Firnes. An’ trust me they are more fearsome than even th’ strongest dragons. I’m connected to them and when I was sealed in me own sea by Celestia something formed from the darkness. It formed from the rage of th’ Leviathans an’ Iv’e been dealing with this thing ever since. I’ll admit I was a fool ta push me body ta that point. Mind I wasn’t in any real threat of dyin but that Thing inside me wanted out somethin’ terrible. I had to fight off th’ unicorns and keep ‘im at bay at th’ same time.”

Bovir spoke up,” So you’re in constant danger of that beast?”

“Aye,” Crashing sighed,” Though if I could get a hold of th’ Elements of Harmony I could seal th’ blasted beast away forever but I’ve a feeling th’ Bearers ‘ave corrupted em.” Crashing’s expression turned dark and he bared his teeth,” Ta be ‘onest I think they need ta be taught a lesson.”

“Then why don’t you?” Swansong said,” I mean they have obviously been the root cause of all this. Now granted we as ponies have blame as well but lest face it when the chips were down everypony turned to the Elements.”

Crashing wave mulled around her words for a moment before shaking his head,” If they get in me way then I’ll take em out, otherwise I won’t hunt em down.” Swansong stood up to protest but Crashing continued,” Lass they have th’ Blessing of Harmony. Even if they are corrupted they still ‘old th’ Spark that made em th’ Elements of Harmony in th’ first place. In th’ scheme of things they’re like Demigods.”

“So you won’t oppose Harmony unless you absolutely have to?” Bovir asked.


“And what of your other kin?’

Crashing chuckled,” Lad we won’t be havin’ ta worry bout that trust me. I’m thick as thieves with most me kin. In two cases literally considerin’ of me Brothers was th’ best navigator I’ve ever sailed with and one of me Sisters watches over nature on th’ mainlands. Though she can be right," Crashing chuckled richly and licked his lips," Wild. I can assure ye mates I won’t be goin’ hoof ta hoof with any of me-“He stopped suddenly remembering a very specific god of Storms was walking the Mortal plain now too. Blast I forgot bout Torrential. He looked at his captains,” Well there might be one who’ll give me trouble but I’m sure he won’t.” Crashing chuckled and added mentally,’At least I bloody well ‘ope so.’
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
Avatar of Antediluvixen

Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Armifera gritted her teeth as she soared through the sky- she had seen the brilliant beam of light lance down from the sky, smiting whatever lay beneath it into oblivion.

“Someone’s pissed off somepony, based on that.” She had said to no one on particular, seeing how the only pony who’d so far made an impression on her had been away.

She’d also meant to fly there straight away- anything that provoked that response demanded investigation… and hopefully slaying.

She of course, hadn’t accounted for the mortals. Who despite their best attempts had failed to keep her from making off in the direction of Old Hoof, or at least that was what one of the guards had told her. Summer Winds flew near her, the mare more or less silent as they traveled, save for a few questions here or there, “So, why are we flying as fast as I can to an unremarkable town near Cloudsdale?”

“Somepony made a big boom, presumably because something there was either atrocious or annoying enough that one of my siblings decided whatever it was need not exist anymore.” She answered simply.

“I see.” Replied Summer, before asking another question, “Do you know who it was?”

“Ah, no, sorry. No magical telepathic abilities here I’m afraid, I have no idea who it was.” She said without turning her head, “Though, chances are it probably wouldn’t be Sweeper.” She chuckled to herself, before raising an eyebrow as the land on the horizon turned black and charred, leading into a large crater with rubble and barely intact buildings strewn about. “Oh look, we’re here.” She observed dryly.

The mare behind her looked down with a, “That was fast.” before gasping in surprise at the utter devastation below them, “Sweet Celestia…” she gulped.

Armifera smirked back at her before diving down, magic loosening her swords in their scabbards should they be needed, “Eh, Celestia can be quite grumpy, believe it or not.”

Swooping down on the ruins, Armifera raised an eyebrow as she noticed several figures by the crater that she’d failed to spot from up high, angling her flight to land closer to them. Three figures aqua, grey, and sandy brown in color caught her eye in particular, especially considering their possession of both wings and horn. She said sneakily to Summer behind her, “Crouch down low, they might not have noticed us yet.”

Summer looked concerned as she heard her, “Should we be hiding?” She asked, crouching down all the same, made slightly difficult by her hoplite armor.

Armifera grinned, “Nah, but it’s fun to surprise the others, even if I tend to give myself away by clanking loudly.” She inched her way along the ground, drawing up behind the burned out husk of a building, evesdropping on the conversation.

And promptly wished she’d waved off the sight of arcane obliteration as Thea, it was definitely Thea, leaned into Arcon.

“By my blades!” She hissed to herself, “Not again!” as Thea drew away from Arcon, Armifera sidled out from her eavesdropping spot, strutting forward with a half grin half smirk on her face, calling jovially over, “Salutations brother and sisters! Is Thea being Thea again?”

(Trying to get back into things with this, hopefully the next post will be an actual post and not a paragraph. Sorry for dropping out like that)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

In an earthborn hospital bed, Cutting Wind lay out cold having been sedated for her own good. Alongside her wings being cut off, the mare had been showing signs of severe exhaustion due to lack of sleep for who knew how long. She had outright fought being sedated at first, the only words that hospital staff could get out of her was that she had a message to deliver to Commander Lightning Dust. It was only once a nurse offered to write the message down and send it along that Cutting Wind had relented at all.

As the nurse handed the resulting letter over to the proper messenger, the mare couldn't help but shiver at the possible future the letter promised as she started to walk home now that he shift was officially over. She could only hope that Commander Lighting Dust would do what was best for the house as a whole instead of letting her pride get in the way.


Torrential shrugged a little as he chuckled. "For what its worth, you're more knowledgeable about Sweeper's recent activities and where she might have gone than I would be. I'll have to swing by once she's come back at some point for some tea and and catch up with her. While I doubt that it would make the smile on her face any bigger without the usage of some serious magic, I feel it would make her day." Considering the idea of being a good brother to his more naive and random sister for a few moments, Torrential turned his attention to the mare walking beside him.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long will you be traveling with me before you have to head back? I merely ask because the current path I walk will leave Earthborn lands and take me to those that belong to Moon and Star. I would hate to recklessly endanger a beautiful and respectful mare under the best of circumstances, but even more so because Silver called dibs on you. She would be quite upset if you were harmed because of something related to me, I fancy."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Dawnscroll Ordo ad Logos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“If you were to be rebuked in this regard, it would not come from me,” Arcon promised her, his faint smile matching her own. “After all, what right does the Gatekeeper have to tell the Huntress how best she Hunts her prey?”

He turned his head away from the Scribe, who had gone back to having his own private conversation with the Pegasus, whom Arcon could only assume belonged to Thea. The pony had given the alicorn all the answers he needed without saying a single word. He would need to break a few words with this… Bright Scroll.

The small blossom of pride that swelled within Arcon from his sister’s compliment regarding his defenses was swept away in a sea of irritation. He felt a vein throb in his forehead, his fur bristling in an emotion quite unlike dread. His brain had conjured the nightmarish image of a tidal wave of those horrible rodents crashing upon the now all too fragile shield surrounding his home. “I would greatly appreciate of you didn’t,” he dropped with a frown. “If you really must get into contact with me, I accept letters, smoke signals, and checkered flags. All rabbit or avian mail will be redirected to the nearest changeling hive.”

The alicorn shook his head in refute, and prepared to address Sweeper again, bent on receiving his answer from her. He needed to know exactly where all the pieces on the board were no more than ever if his Hall was to survive.

Then Thea stepped towards him, a mischievous smile across her lips.

A single breath caught her scent. Gone was the cloying smell of death and ash that rose from the remains of the town. The lingering bite of ozone that wafted through the air was gently painted away as she stepped closer to him.

It was like the scent of honeysuckle on the breeze. The burning spice of cedar. The kiss of muted oak. Warm summer evenings. Glens filled with dabbled yellow light and shadow. Soft clover and moss underhoof, ticking the fetlock. She was suddenly all those things and more, and no amount of words could aid him in understanding her.

His breath caught in his throat as the impossibly soft graces of her primary feathers brushed against his skin, and he stared at her in disbelief. Arcon had read a million words. A million million words in countless combinations and arrangements. All had now escaped his lips. His voice; stolen from his throat and hidden in some secret place. Sheiks had written poems to describe the beauty of their princesses, and yet such flowery words wilted in his mind’s attempt to reconcile what Thea had suddenly become.


“No,” he managed to croak out at her insulation. “N-not an… excuse…” His face was suffused every shade of pink and red, a look of abject humiliation and embarrassment on the once proud god’s face. The moment she touched where his wings met, a small gasp escaped his lips, and panic flashed across his face. The alicorn tried to back away but she matched him step for step, maintaining their close distance.

Thea opened her eyes and Arcon found himself ensnared in their mocking scrutiny. Blue met black. Deep and wild as the azure sky, framed by locks of burning copper. They seemed to flash and ripple, and for the fraction of the moment, Arcon caught the goddess within the mortal shell through the orbs. She glimmered like silver in the firelight, like water in the sun, like snow under the stars, like rain upon the Moon.

His legs seemed to freeze like lead, and he froze.

The prey had fallen into the trap.

The Huntress sized her mark.

Her soft plumage embraced him, her wing nearly wrapping around the barrel of his torso as she brought him closer to him. Her fur brushed against him, and beneath the lithe frame he could feel a heartbeat pulse with the promise of life and all of its many pleasures against his own.

Her warm breath kissed against his flesh. The final words were hushed. Quiet. Personal. A secret exchanged between the two and for no one else’s ears. Within the question was the hint of a promise of something so much more than merely starting at stained glass together.

For the first time in the past few months, Arcon remembered exactly why he wore his robe, and found himself all the more grateful for it.

Ponies, Alicorns included, did not normally wear clothes.

There was a loud ‘CRACK’ as the air around Arcon shattered into a vacuum as the alicorn vanished, only empty space remained beneath Thea’s wing.
For Arcon, all went black.

Then, all white.

Flurries of snow batted at his lashes as the sandy alicorn opened his eyes, the waste of Old Hoof replaced by an almost alien terrain. The desolation of snow and ice seemed endless across the flat and featureless landscape. Grey were the horizons and white was every inch of soft snow around him.

The world was quiet here, Arcon realized, his heart still hammering against his chest as he trudged through the banks of snow. The only noise that stirred across the snow was the whistle of wind. As tired as he was from his teleport without the door, he braced against the wind. The sudden warmth that coursed through each and every drop of his golden blood, bumped by his rapidly beating heart, served as protection enough against the chill the air carried with it. His cheeks burned from a cocktail of emotions he did not understand.

Lust. Shame. Anger. Annoyance. Embarrassment. Exhaustion. Excitement.

Only a few dozen feet away, waves of dark choppy water washed against shores of slush. Islands of ice sprinkled its breadth, only hinting at the mountains that hung just out of view within its depth.

Perhaps he would move his Hall here, Arcon mused to himself as he stood at the edge. The view was absolutely breath taking, and the remoteness of the frozen north ensure his much needed privacy. With all the grace befitting a god of his age, Arcon flung himself, cloak and all, into the icy water.

The second his body broke the surface of the water was the second the cold truly began to set in. He had not known true cold before that moment. That world of white snow and arctic wind above was but a desert compared to this realm. Here was the birthplace of frost and he relinquished himself to its icy clutches. It rubbed every inch of skin beneath his fur raw with its unforgiving embrace.

Chunks of ice frozen long ago drifted by him as his cloak, now as heavy as lead to his body’s apathy, pulled him further down. The pale light above dimmed with each passing foot, leaving the alicorn curled in the cold and darkness like some primordial womb. A bubble escaped his lips, and drifted in the gloom to the only place he assumed was up, each second feeling like an eternity as he listened to the sound of his own heart thudding against his ears. Each eternity that passed slowed its rhythm, and in turn, his racing mind. Thoughts became clear as the sea leeched the heat from his body.

Emotion gave way to understanding.

With it, came acceptance.

The promise was empty.

That’s all Arcon needed to remind himself.
Less than a minute after the Alicorn disappeared, there was another sharp ‘CRACK’ as he reappeared alongside Silver Sweeper. Flakes and tendrils of rime clung to the wisps of his sodden mane and fur, and his sodden cloak dripped water into the blackened dirt.

He didn’t even spare a glance for the aqua alicorn, instead choosing to fixate his attention solely on Silver Sweeper. His face was neutral, and his lips grim.

“I have a Chef from Prance named Marzipan. He is a culinary master the likes of which you have never known. You can have him for twenty-four hours to make as many of the most tantalizing cakes you have ever tasted to devour at your hearts content,” Arcon promised her, his teeth chattering from the cold that still clung to his bones. His breath come out in puffs of mist, curling around his lips. “Just keep Thea away from me until I can fully recover my wits,” he pleaded. He glanced skyward, knowing full well a certain alicorn had received full amusement at his expense. “माँ, मुझे शक्ति दे.”

He raised an eyebrow in surprised as Amifera revealed herself, her blades loosed and at the ready. “Well, well… this is beginning to prove quite the gathering. Greetings to you, dear sister Amifera. I have never known you to be late to a battle,” he managed to tease with curt politeness, bowing his head in acknowledgement to the Warrior, as his magic rung the water from his mane.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"I'll leave a map, marked with the location of Lady Sweeper's home," said Dancer, blushing at the complement. Then she wondered about what to do next. One part of her was glad to have an easy way to leave the alicorn, one who seemed to be far too dangerous. But another told her to stay. She looked out to the beautiful landscape around her - the rain made the air fresh, when light pierced the clouds they created wondrous sights. Rain brought life to the earth, making the flora thrive.

What awesome wonders , she thought.

She looked up into Torrential's eyes and said, "My Lady has instructed me to serve. If you wish me to leave, I will leave without question. If you wish me to go to the edge of the continent, I'll go as well. I will obey.

"But… as for my own feelings on the matter, I would like to stay with you until we get near the Moon and Stars border. Then if you decide otherwise, we can… depart." She was sadden at the word. For in the time they walked, Dancer felt like the Master of the Rains was an old friend, or even a father. She didn't want to say good bye. But at the same time, she didn't want to a millstone for the alicorn. The Moon and Stars was a dangerous place, and Dancer would probably only slow the alicorn down in that land. "In any case, I still have to leave you with contact information. If you ever have need for my order or any of Sweepers followers, you can seek them."
Charter let the crew's officers go about their duties. He was glad that the ship was well, and they lost no pony or one. He followed the crew out of the lower decks, and began to take orders from Deckhoof, checking for any damage. As he was trained earlier, the Scholar began the routine checks across the ship - see if any ropes where frayed, damage to the hull, or if there was anything missing. The only thing he noted was that the mop he had was gone, probably overboard.

I wonder what was caused the ocean to act like that , thought Scroll. Fear tighted in his stomach, shaking at the thought of his sister taken by the ocean. Maybe it hungers again, said a voice within him. It will devourer you like it did Vaassst. In his mind he could recall the vision of the wave engulfing his sister, the corpses in Star Harbor, and the abyss of the sea. His head became faint, the world began to spin, and then blackened out.
"Were did he go?" Scroll asked, when Arcon had suddenly vanished.

"Probably teleported," said a relived Sweeper, still on the ground. She was so shocked, the Chambermaid still had dirt on her. Both alicorn and earth pony were relived, as they were unprepared for such a sight. "Dear Thea… What in the Harmony of the Spheres was that?!"

Scroll couldn't help but crack a smile, but held his laughter. He looked at Winterjet and whispered, "A rare sight, Ms. Winterjet, to see the Lady Sweeper to be the bewildered pony for once."

Soon Arcon reappeared, wet and salty and apparently a bit cold. He seemed to be in a state of disarray, despite his grim face. Scroll took some pleasure from the sight as well, seeing that the tables were turned on the Gatekeeper. Sweeper brighten and stood up at her brother's words. "Awesome! Scroll you hear that, not only is Arc going to show us his home, but he's going have a Prench Chef make cake! "

Sweeper tended to hear things her own way, much to the chagrin of her companions.

"Hey Thea, have you ever have Mint Blancmanche before? It such an amazing desert! Drats, I should have gotten my best Earl Grey for this…" The sudden appearance of Amifera caught her attention. She flew over rapidly to her sister and gave her a great big hug. "Ami! Thank goodness you're here! Did you know this town was filled with Cultists? Oh, and Arc wants to show us to his home, you gotta come along!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Winterjet sat slackjaw at what she witnessed, fangs out in the open but she didn't care. The reason for her dumbstruck reaction was partly because she had never expected a god to start flirting with others, and secondly because she was just that damn good. Even if Theá had only tried half as much as she was at turning Arcon into a quivering puddle of seduced alicorn-goo, she would still have felt her chest tighten and feel her entire body become warm in part embarrassment and part excitement.

Her world suddenly went dark when Bright Scroll lifted up his hooves to block her sight of what happened, only to have them pushed away with far more force than necessary. "I'm 32 you dolt, and I wanna watch this!" She half-whispered half-hissed.

And then Arcon disappeared, fleeing from Theá's teasing and flirting embrace with a teleport spell more powerful than any Winterjet had ever seen. Normally you could hear a small crack and see a small flash of lightning-ish arcane energy, but this was on a whole different scale. The crack was like that of a whip and the force with which he disappeared left a mark on the ground and a smaller one on Theá which was already healing; the singed hairs regaining their lustrous green colour in but a few moments.

Wonder if I can get her to do that to me, Winterjet thought as she absent-mindedly licked her teeth, finding it a bit too difficult to reach her libs without cutting her tongue. Why do I even still have these? Flat and harmless. Flat and harmless. Flat and harmless. Her teeth slowly reverted to their normal herbivorous state, leaving behind a weird feeling of something missing. She smacked her lips and returned her attention to Theá, watching her look to where Arcon had previously been with a mildly perplexed face.

He'd been there just a few moments before with her teasing him. Granted, she had laid it on a bit thick and made it seem like she was serious which, considering who he was, probably wasn't the smartest idea. It wasn't the first time she'd done this to him, nor would it be the last, but every time she'd, well, put on her charms for him he'd always reacted somewhat rashly; often pushing her away or darting back when she came a bit too close for comfort. However, this was the first time that she saw him react this way. At most he would teleport a few metres away - usually - but not... however far this was. Theá frowned, eyeing the spot even as her thoughts continued to run their course. Should she apologise when he came back, if he did?

Her train of thought was interrupted by two presences coming within her radius. Without turning around she knew who one of them was, yet the other was unknown. Granted, even without her ability she would still have known who it was based on the heavy jingle of metal plates grinding against other such plates. "Hello Armifera, and yes, you could say that." She turned around and saw the armoured alicorn alongside a pegasus mare. "Had fun in Trottingham, I take it?" A smirk played at the corner of her lips, telling Armifera that she knew exactly what had taken place, or at leas the gist of it. She was interrupted from speaking further by the sound of a whip cracking in the air, or a powerful teleportation spell happening right behind her.

She turned around to find Arcon standing beside Theá, thoroughly soaked, covered in both rime and snowflakes, and shaking from obvious cold. She couldn't help but feel some pity for him, or at least regret that she was the reason for his current state. Sure, it was not even close to be remotely threatening for an alicorn such as them, but being so cold and soaked to the bone could not be pleasant whatsoever.

Her eyes were drawn to his chest, then to his face. He didn't so much look at her, his face set in a grim mask of forced stoicism. Where before he had been moderately handsome, now he was just grim and looked almost angry. Gone was the unearthly beauty that was found in all of the alicorns replaced instead with a face that spoke of discontent even if he tried to make himself look like he didn't care. Her lips pressed into a thin line, her own face as impassive as she could make it for the moment as her attention focused itself solely on Arcon, trying and failing to meet his gaze.

For several moments she just stood there, contemplating what to do; should she apologise, continue, or just do nothing at all? The first one was likely the best idea, though the second one sounded tempting, if she had to admit it; problem was that she knew it would be a bad idea and only make him madder. The last was, likely, the second most disastrous. Sure, he would get over it at some point, but she thought it better to show the mortals that even though they could get be at odds with each other, the Gods were just as eager to mend whatever damage was done between them.

At least that's what she told herself.

Ignoring Sweeper, for the time being, she stepped forward and walked up to Arcon and, standing beside him, embraced him with her wing again. "Stand still," she commanded in a stern voice that brooked no argument and told him that she would not accept being disobeyed. Despite that, however, the smile and side-long look she shot him were those of genuine kindness, and not maliciousness or mischievousness.

Just as she had said that, she lit her horn, her wing becoming encased with a soft green glow from which heat started to stream, melting what rime remained on Arcon's body and starting on the procedure of evaporating the water still clinging to his body. She was, in other words, warming him with both her magic and her wing in an attempt to let him know that she did, in fact, feel some small amount of regret for teasing him the way she did. And, if he looked deep enough, he might actually see the small glimmer of something in her eyes.

Winterjet had watched the entire ordeal, first with a raised eyebrow, then with a small smile when she saw that Theá was doing something nice for Arcon, and actually looking somewhat kind rather than mischievous. Her own smile, however, had turned mischievous when she saw her mistress wrap a wing around Arcon again. She glanced at Bright Scrolls, her eyes glimmering as she thought of what to do.

With his attention, hopefully, fixated on the alicorns, she scooted closer to him until she sat right beside him and, like Theá had with Arcon, wrapped a wing around him and pressed their sides together. The glimmer in her eyes had only intensified, and she knowing, and no less suggestive, smirk she gave Bright Scroll only made it even worse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sweeper didn't take much notice of Thea's loving gesture. Instead she still embraced Amifera and waited for her answer.

On the other hoof, Scroll paid close attention to the scene, rather struck by a number of feelings seeing Thea and Arcon again. Part of him was glad that peace was being attempted. But now that the surprise was gone, the Scholar felt a bit of envy towards the Gatekeeper. Thea eyed him first, long before Arcon had shown up. Impressive , she said to Scroll of his accomplishments. He gazed at the green alicorn, who was beautiful beyond any mortal. He began to wonder what her wings felt -

He shook his head a bit. The logical side was thinking: What are you doing? Thea is attractive, but don't read too much in her words. They were complements, nothing more. And why am I jealous in the first place? Her previous actions were clearly some sort of joke… I hope.

Scroll did not realize what passions were stirred by The Lady of the Hunt.

Something soft was wrapped around the earth pony's body, soft and feathery. Scroll felt warmth to his left as the body of another pony made contact. He turned to his side and saw Winterjet's eyes staring right into his own. Her azure eyes twinkled, and cold sliver mane seemed to to float in the breeze. The snowy pegasus was grinning, like a cat ready to pounce at a playmate.

The Scholar didn't say anything for what seemed like forever. He certainly began to blush, wondering what he should do. What did she want? Should he pull back? Should he kiss her? Romance wasn't his strong suit, as a sting of failed relationships had shown. Scroll then gulped, realizing with some shock that he was still wearing bedsheets as an outfit. Hopefully, she doesn't notice and note the connotations, thought the bewildered Scholar.

He decided to wait until Winterjet made the next move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Torrential didn't answer right away. Altering his steps a little so that as he walked he closed in on Star Dancers side, he would offer the young mortal a warm, fatherly grin as his cloak shifted enough for him to bring out one of his wings to drape over the scholar. "I would be more than honored to have you walk by my side until we near Moon and Stars boarder Lady Star Dancer. The only reason I would send you back to Silver at that point is purely for your own safety. The last time I was anywhere near one of Celestia's students resulted in a number of dead unicorns, a fair bit of collateral damage and a very pissed off Celestia. Considering what I've seen and heard of her current student... Well, it would be pretty safe to say that its going to top it. I'll even tell you what happened when I swing by to visit Silver if you want."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Grimwing stared at the wall of fog in the horizon that loomed ever closer. The ship groaned in protest as the waters picked up in rhythm to the cold winds. The moon hung like phantom over the ships, slightly obscured by the cloud-cover up above. Grim shivered against a fresh burst of bitter cold wind, his wings twitching at his sides. Deckhoof shivered at his side, a map unrolled at his hooves. The earth pony could be dubious from time to time but was one of the finest navigators aboard the Gilded Swallow.

“You know I hate this part of the journey,” Deckhoof gulped.

“Aye,” Grim nodded,” Alright ye worthless bunch of fillies get ready we’re makin’ fer dangerous water!”

All the ponies on the ship had their eyes fixed on the approaching wall o0f fog, each with a look of barely hidden fear in their eyes. Grimwing looked to Charter,” Prepare yerself mate we’re about to go through the Sea of Glimmermists. You’ll see an’ hear things, unnatural things that will shake ye to yer core. This marks the Seapony’s territory. It’ll take us half a day to break through.” Grimwing gulped audibly as the ship was enveloped by the fog.
Crashing Wave sat at a large oak table, staring at the map before him. His captains sat at their places each leaning to look at the map. Gilded leaf had also been asked to join them as he represented the slaves they had freed.

“I say we make way ta Manehatten,” Crosswinds spoke up,” Tis th’ closest free city and we can get supplies and the like.”

Swansong nodded,” That would be a good idea. What do you think Mr. leaf sound like a fair plan>”

Gilded looked up at her with a dark glare. Bovir tensed slightly, reaching for hisbroadsword should the earth pony do anything foolish. After a moment Gilded looked back at the map.

“It’s a sound plan,” he said,” Myself and my ponies will eb able to decide what to do from there. We will ore than likely make for Earthborn territory.”

“Why don’t ye an’ yer merry band join us,” Crashing said. He grabbed the mug beside him and drained it of the whiskey inside. Withy a satisfied sigh he slammed it down,” Ye look like a capable warrior lad so why not ‘elp us with bringin’ down Moon an’ Stars.”

Gilded looked at the alicorn, an uncertain look in his eyes,” Some of the ponies with me may join you but I don’t believe it would be my place to. As well I would prefer not to work with a,” he grimaced,” Unicorn.”

“Holding a grudge I see,” Softstep said. Her tone was scathing and her eyes disapproving.

“You wouldn’t understand filly. I and my ponies were at their mercy. We were no better than dogs in their eyes. So I won’t want to deal with any more for a while.”

Crosswinds’ wings flared in anger and he made to reach across the table to give Gilded a piece of his mind and a piece of his hoof while he was at it but Softstep held up a hoof stopping any rash action.

“Actually I do understand,” she stood up and pulled her caot up, revealing her flank. Where her cutie marks would have been a burn was instead see. Her marks had been burned off. “I was a slave before I was taken under Crashing’s care.” Her voice stayed even and calm but her eyes bored into Gilded promising to kill should he speak. “I was a slave most of my life and I have more reason than most to hate unicorns, so don’t you dare say I don’t understand. I’ve been used, abused, and made no better than a dog just like you.”

“Forgive me I didn’t know-“

“Of course ye didn’t know mate,” Crashing said, leveling a glare of his own at the earth pony,” Cuase ye didn’t bloody well think an’ this be comin’ from me. Equestria is a shadow of what it used ta be. You’ve got all th’ races at each other’s throats fer th’ stupidest of reasons.”

“Stupidest of reasons!?” Gilded exclaimed as he slammed his forehooves on the table,” Earthborn has fought to remove the unicorn regime from Equestira.”

“Yes and you dehorn unicorns while you’re at it,” Bovir said with an accusing tone,” That is just as cruel as what Moon and Stras is doing.”

“It is to ensure the unicorns can be contained,” Gilded argued turning his glare to Bovir,” We don’t clap them in irons and take away everything that makes them a pony.”

“So what about me mate,” Crahsing hissed through clenched, razor sharp teeth,” Ye think takin’ me horn will contain me or my other kin fer that matter. What about Celestia and Luna? If they returned would ye ask that their horns be removed cuase I can guaranty mate Ye’ll be ash th’ second they question leaves yer muzzle.”

Gilded flinched away from the alicorn. The other captains at the table shared his glare, each looking ready to kill him. That is when he noticed the strong bond they all shared. Each of a different race. He ahd let his anger and pride get in the way. He still hated unicorns, especially after his time as a slave but he needed to get his group to safety and if it meant he would have to travel with a few unicorns then so be it.

“Forgive my barsh statement,” Gilded said,” I was not thinking. I will take my leave now.” He exited the tent much to the groups surprise.

“Bloody fool,” Crosswinds grunted.

“I agree my friend,” Bovir sighed.

“Aye,” Crashing nodded,” Well mates go ahead an’ let th’ resat of th’ crews know what th’ plan is. We start for Manehatten come first light tomorrow.”
Astral Spectrum looked at his counsel with a swell of pride, ten unicorns in all and the finest mages in the southern region.
Pointblink, a maroon mare with a bright pink mane, stood at his side. She was his apprentice and one of the few unicorns in Equestria to fully master teleportation. She had even improved on the art.

“We will begin hunting down an alicorn tonight my fellow mages,” Astral said as he addressed his council,” Do not be fooled this one is neither of the Sister’s and is to be considered highly dangerous,” His gaze moved across the ponies before him waiting for any sign of doubt at his words. Satisfied that he saw none Astral continued,” We will be working with Commander Shatterhoof’s finest warriors to bring this alicorn down. Any questions?”

One unicorn stepped forward. His fur was pale silver and his body slim, almost feminine.

“Sir, will we be recapturing the escaped slaves or will they be put to death on spot?” he asked his voice emotionless.

“Our top priority is the alicorn, Magister Vector,” Astral smirked,” We will kill everyone save for him.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Dancer wanted to cry, but she kept the tears back. She had not cried in years, if only so others would not worry about her. Instead, she opened her own wing and draped it over's the alicorn's. She was so happy at that moment, as if she finally found her father and they once again were embracing. Despite the awe Torrential inspired, the alicorn was also very caring. She wished they could go walking forever, with his wing draped over her.

"Than-nk you, M-Master of the Rains," she said, voice trembling with joy. "I-It would be my honor to accompany you."

They continued the journey towards The Moon and Stars.
"Hey, you awake?"

Charter opened his eyes, and saw the wood and metal of the lower decks. He was in the ship's sickbay, with a wet rag on his forehead. He wondered how long he was out. He couldn't remember anything after passing out, save for the fear that engulfed him previously.

He saw a leg take the the rag and someone felt his forehead. "Well, looks like your temperature was fine. Looks like you just got nauseated." He recognized the voice of the ship's nurse. Charter turned his head and saw the pony sitting by his bed.

"What happened?", he asked.

"Quick Claw found you collapsed on the deck in a pool of your own vomit," said the Doc, which everyone called the nurse when the other Doc was away. "Usually we assume someone had too much rum, and have them taken to the brig. But since you don't drink and you're a landlubber, we thought it was something else. Deckhoof mentioned you were wandering the flooded port, and I got worried you picked up something. But a good days rest, and it seems you were were just too sea sick."

Charter nodded. He stood up, feeling better than before. I have to keep my mind from thinking about Vast. These sailors need me, and I can't be having fits like that , he thought somberly. He missed his sister dearly, but he must not focus on that lest his fears engulf him again.

"If you're up to it, Grimwing wants you on the main deck. He says they've reached an important leg of our journey. But if you feel anything odd come back to me right away. The last thing we need is for you to overexert yourself," said the Doc.

The Scholar thanked her, and headed up to the main deck. The moon was high in the dark sky, giving light to the ocean despite the clouds. But he saw a mist on the horizon, worried what that meant for the fleet. He saw Grimwing, and the pegasus waved him over. Deckhoof with a mariner's chart, plotting a course. Though able to read and make maps himself, Charter had no experience with the oceans. He knew little of currents or ships to be an navigator. At best, he could tell where they were based on the ship's chronometer and the navigation tools.

The sailors gave him an update on what was going to happen, and Grimwing's warning. As the fog began to engulf them, the unicorn began to wonder if he could contain his imagination long enough to last through the journey. He was thankful for the two veteran sailors that were with him. At this point, they may the two pillars I need to stay focused , thought Charter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

The silence that descended on the two travelers was a comfortable one; A welcome one.

With his wing draped over the smaller figure by his side like a father walking beside his daughter, Torrential smiled warmly as he contemplated his existence and the road that had led him to where he currently walked with Star Dancer by his side. Were there things that he regretted? Of course there were. Blessed was the mind that was too small for doubt after all and when one is an immortal you quickly discover that you have a very long time to witness the consequences of your actions play out. If he was given the chance to change anything or do anything differently, would he? After some thought Torrential had to concede that while he would have liked the chance to have a bit less blood on his hooves for the most part he was content with how things had worked out for him.

After a while of walking in silence, Torrential chuckled a little to himself as he asked aloud "You've been traveling in Earthborn owned territories for a while now Lady Star Dancer. Have you heard many of the stories about what went down in Appleloosa yet?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Star Dancer nodded. "Many, some of which are contradictory. No doubt some will pass into folklore for generations to come…"

She began to provide a brief rundown of the news from the Appleloosa Herald : Halls of Stones Suffers Damage, Supreme Commander Fine . It was largely a statement sent to the newspaper by the Earthborn government, making no mention of Torrential or what caused the damage. However, the competing Times A'reckoning managed to interview witnessess and got the whole story. The seemingly conflicting news caused some ponies to wonder, even outright fear that they were being lied to. In the resulting pony relations debacle, Applejack herself had to appear and explain that the investigation was still being conducted. Dancer herself had to admit that Applejack was probably being honest about that- it wouldn't do to release news without evidence to back it up. Besides, it wasn't in her character to deceive anypony.

It took a few days before an official report could be released, but it was brief and already covered what the Times found. What was said between Applejack and Torrential was not mentioned. And by then, the news and rumor had mixed, transformed, and become almost unrecognizable in some cases. Others speculated that the alicorn was from the Moon and Stars - the first of a new race of superponies. Most joked that Applejack had a bit too much cider, and had mistaken the Alicorn for a rabbit. Dancer's investigation yielded even stranger tales. One rather unorthodox professor with wild hair began to speculate that the alicorn was really an alien life form. Another, a priest, thought it was a sign that the Earthborn should invest in more gunpowder. Architects began to advertise for "Walls that not even an alicorn could break!" While an officer began to worry that Earthborn forces will suffer for this act of blasphemy... in a form that will affect their prowess in the arts of love.

"And there was this one story that is just lewd, inappropriate to give in detail. The rumor was about an affair involving the Supreme Commander's sister. I'd… rather not discuss that one.

"I had to sort all those stories out, before one investigator began to report a series of consistent stories - of a alicorn wearing a hat and cloak, visiting certain farmers who were soon blessed with crops and health, and able to purify water easily. The Lady Sweeper first mentioned you when we repairing the waterworks at Ivory Shores. She was preparing a contraption of crystals and pipes, casting spells on them. 'My brother Rain is much better at cleaning water than I am,' she said. 'This device I've set up should filter and clean, but Rain could do it in his sleep without even a spell.' It was the lead that led to you Lord Waters.

"If I may ask... what happened that day?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Torrential smiled in amusement at a number of the stories that Star Dancer shared with him that had spread since his visit to Appleloosa. Some of them were new to his ears, such as the story of the priest. The alicorn made a bet that the priest in question would go quite far given some time to work his way up in the world; Zealotry was all well and good at the street level of organized religion but once you started to get to the high tiers you needed to be a bit more practical, have organizational skills and process the ability to take credit when things go right and blame others when things go wrong.

The mention of the more... scandalous rumors between himself and the Supreme Commander's little sister Applebloom brought a chuckle out of Torrential with ease. "My dear, I've heard several versions of that story; Some of them so deviant and perverted in nature that my sister Thea would not only congratulate me for my efforts but request the chance to exchange notes so that she could try some new ideas out. Trust me, if the versions you've heard so far don't include latex, twin ankle bars, a riding crop, a ring gag and a basket full of pears its one of the more tame ones."

Taking the time to admire and openly laugh at the expression that would no doubt soon arise from Star Dancers face as she tried to picture exactly how all the items he had mentioned would fit into such a situation, he waited until she had the chance to recover somewhat before answering her question. "First off, just between you and me, I've never met Ms Applebloom let alone have a sexual relationship with her. Any story that says otherwise is just the perverted imagination of ponies running wild."

"As for what I spoke with Ms Applejack about... that my dear is between myself and Ms Applejack and will most likely stay that way until the day she dies." Torrential informed, a wicked looking grin appearing on his face a moment afterwards. "I can however confirm that I entered Appleloosa by the official channels and made an official appointment with Ms Applejack which I politely waited for and kept. I fully believe that the fact that I took such an approach caused Applejack's curiosity to overrule her hatred of horned kind to see what I wanted to talk to her about. I can also tell you the real reason that she was so mad at the end of the meeting..."

Making a show of glancing around before leaning in to whisper what the look on his face betrayed to be the punchline of a funny joke, Torrential simply told Star Dancer "I gave her my blessing."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The pegasus expression was needed comical, for Dancer's mind was just confused by how any of that would work. She was no prude, but at the same time she felt her stomach churn. If Scroll heard that, he'd probably faint, she thought.

It comforted Dancer to hear the truth from Torrential. She had guessed that the stories were created to satisfy the low brow imaginations of a good many workers. She was a bit disappointed that she wasn't going to learn what was said at the meeting, but it wasn't her business after all.

But it was the last bit of information that caused her eyes to widen. "Your blessing", she said. She could imagine that experience would have frightened the Supreme Commander. "But why? How?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

For the moment her wing touched his back, and the warmth of her skin, that indiscernible feeling blossomed within the Gatekeeper’s veins once more.

Arcon crushed it.

He would not be made a fool of again.

The stallion’s nostrils flared briefly, the only physical sign of his annoyance towards her gesture. “I am no longer some foal for you to twist and mock as your plaything, Thea Erímo,” he warned her with a whisper, brushing her wing off his body with his own none to gently. His eyes met her glance with a sharp glare, that lasted for but the moment their eyes met. “I have no strain in sequestering myself within my own domain. Alone,” he stressed to her. A dull, painful throb in the recesses of his mind set his teeth on edge as he listened to Silver Sweeper ramble incessantly to whoever cared to listen.

“And you… You only hear what you wish to hear, Silver,” he quietly chastised the grey Alicorn with bitter disappointment, as his magic flared. With a burst of steam and warmth, his grey robe billowed with the air as his own magic quickened the heating process. Within a few sparse seconds, his fur and clothing was dry and warm, if a touch out of place.

His heart, however, remained as cold and resolute as the ice.

“Since I have already given my word, I cannot recant,” He turned from them and began to slowly walk towards Amifera, his words following him. “Sister Thea, you may enter my Hall once at a time of your choosing to stare upon a portion of my Collection for one hour. After that, you will leave and never return. Sister Sweeper, you are likewise welcomed to enter my Hall. You will only have access to the Kitchens and you may utilize the services of my Chef in whichever way you see fit for a full twenty-four hours. Afterwards, you will likewise leave.”

“Both of you…” Arcon muttered beneath his breath, glancing back at his sisters, “are insufferable.” With that he continued towards Amifera. He dipped his head low and outstretched his sandy plumage in acknowledgement. He paid little mind to the Stormwing pegasus at her side, his eyes and gestures meant alone for the crimson goddess who now stood on the empty battlefield.

That did not mean he dismissed her completely.

Each of his Sisters had come with their own follower, it seemed. For each Alicorn, a mortal companion. A part of Arcon briefly wondered just what exactly each of them was to his siblings. It was rare that their kind would find themselves in danger they could not handle, so the idea of them serving as protection was almost laughable.

The one called Bright Scroll had described Silver Sweeper as his friend, but Arcon knew otherwise. His siblings were not so base in their emotions. Each of them… Sweeper included, did not act without reason. He quietly picked through the possible scenarios.

Somepony to impress and impart grandeur? A Witness to speak of the wonders they had watched his kin preform to their followers? Mayhap something akin to a pet, kept for their own amusement.

His eyes flicked fleetingly to the white pegasus, and darkened in consternation… and then a flicker of magic. His magic gently tugged at the spidery Ley lines that tied her to Thea. A soft nimbus of pale green, the blessing of his Sister’s Wild, clung to the mortal’s form. From his spot alone in the ashen field of destruction, he watched as it cannibalized the mare’s natural pegasus magic. The green slowly crept along the bright lines of silver, encroaching her very being with Thea’s own.

It would take days for the process to truly settle. Some strands would be altered. Some erased. Others added. But with each moment that passed, his sister’s magic took deeper root in the mortal, the seeds of the forest changing everything that she was or would have been…

From the moment the mare had agreed to serve Thea, her destiny would not be her own.

‘A lover, perhaps, then?’ Arcon considered with flippant dismissal, as he released the magical vision.

“Forgive me for not being so forthcoming in welcome,” he apologized, humbly averting his eyes. “May the edge of your sword remain forever sharp, Warrior.”

He straightened back up after a moment and tucked his wings tightly, lest they provide the easier target for her. Some days he felt they were useless… he could feel the magic thrumming through his veins, calling out for him to tap into it. With a thought, he could be anywhere but here.

The goddess who could lay waste to all who drew against her. The god who could do nothing more than protect himself. The irony was not lost on him.

His gaze turned towards that of the of Sweeper’s disciple, who had somehow found himself in a position not unlike the one that Arcon himself was in moments ago. “Earth Pony,” Arcon called sharply. “Does thou speaketh for thy Order?”
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