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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ntombi glanced over at the other two, and then slapped her hand against her forehead and slowly slid it down her face, groaning. Why. Why did she have to be caught up with a couple of...of idiots. At the very least, Gin was thinking on his feet. Ntombi made a mental note to poison Amaya's breakfast eight days later, when she least expects it.

Reluctantly, she follows the pair to the cake-shop but does not enter, instead choosing to loiter ominously outdoors, leant against the glass in her ripped fishnet vest, dirty cargo pants and big black combat boots whilst shooting a steely glare at the cake shop owner. Maybe that'll get them a discount. She rolled her shoulders a little so the crossbow clicked against the glass a couple of times, barely noticeable until Ntombi chose to bring attention to it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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"I like cake, especially the really well decorated kind with tons of frosting. I never knew something could look like that, especially something edible. What kind are we going to get? Are we going to get a few small ones? A big one? Oooh, or are we going to get cookies? Chocolate cookies...?" Gin asked excitedly. Amaya smiled at him, and at the corner of her eye, she could see Ntombi facepalming herself. Amaya had to stifle a laugh.

As soon as they entered the pastry shop, the smell of chocolate and freshly baked pastries greeted them, making Amaya's mouth water. It seems that her plan to steal was going to have to wait for another time. She went over to the counter and ordered chocolate cake for herself, and a jar of chocolate chip cookies for the whole team. As she payed for everything, the clock in the capital rung; signalling them that it was already twelve. She glanced at her teammates with a knowing look in her eyes, "Let's go."

They headed towards the conference room as soon as they arrived in the headquarters. Amaya placed the bags down on the table, ready to listen to Death. She took out one cookie from the jar, eating it before Death could start talking. She immediately swallowed it soon as he eyed them one by one to make sure they were all paying attention.

"Alright folks, we shall start the tests. Tonight team one shall take their test, as they will hunt down this familie, Alice and I will keep watch as the others will be able to take a glance as well. If they choose to do it from here, or from within the perimeters of the mission is up to them!"

The screen came down and showed them a picture of the house and the family. Amaya stared at the image, implanting it inside her head. "These will be your targets team one! Be warned for their guards, there will be around 5 of them wandering the perimeter!" Amaya shrugged, the guards were going to be easy. What they needed to worry about was getting inside unnoticed, so that the rest of the guards won't be able to call for back up. Death turned around and grabbed a bag. He took out headsets, and three smoke bombs for the team. Amaya grabbed one smokebomb and one headset, before passing the rest to her teammates.

"The headsets will be to communicate, the smoke bombs are allowed to be used... But be warned, for if you are used all of them, your escape may be harder!" He said as he glanced at the three of them. Death stood up and glanced at the entire team, "Any questions before we take our leave?" Amaya stood up and grabbed one more cookie. She turned to face Ntombi and Gin, urging for them to stand up too. "As for that plan.. Let's make it." She tilted her head to the side before heading for the exit of the headquarters, motioning for the others to follow. As soon as she got out, she placed the cookie inside of her mouth, and dusted the cookie crumbs off of her palms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Even as they got to the conference room and sat down, Gin was still rather bouncy. That was his third time ever at being in a pastry shop, and the only time he had ever actually left with anything.Slowly though he began to calm down as Death started to speak, his focus quickly being drawn. At some point after sitting down he had set his boots down and promptly shoved two whole cookies into his mouth, now chewing away at them silently.

"Alright folks, we shall start the tests. Tonight team one shall take their test, as they will hunt down this familie, Alice and I will keep watch as the others will be able to take a glance aswell. If they choose to do it from here, or from within the perimeters of the mission is up to them!" Gin watched expressionlessly as pictures began to file onto the screen, of the family and then of their victims. The pictures really didn't seem to bother him, though his mind did skip back to the ones they had seen earlier. But not even those could seem to deter him from the minor enjoyment of the cookies in his mouth at the moment, which was probably a good thing.

"These will be your targets team one! Be warned for their guards, there will be around 5 of them wandering the perimeter!" Gin slowly reaches down for his boots, which he had yet to put on still. Now seemed like a good time, while he could just listen. Masterfully he manages to slip on one boot! But unfortunately, onto the wrong foot. He manages to get the tied boot off quietly and with some careful handy work manages to get it onto the correct foot. He nods as a smokebomb and headset are tossed over, already working on putting on his other boot.

"The headsets will be to communicate, the smokebombs are allowed to be used... But be warned, for if you are used all of them, your escape may be harder!"
"Any questions before we take our leave?"

Gin just shook his head and stood, finally both boots on the appropriate feet. He gives the cookie jar a painfully longing stare before following Amaya's lead,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack kept consuming the confection until he realized his bowl was empty and his spoon's lack of anything delicious. How saddening, good thing it was easily replaceable. despite the fact there were multiple sundays and he didn't have to if he intended to continue eating, Jack quickly attempted to snatch Nikaido's bowl and playfully stuck his tongue out at her. Jack then noticed Katsu pulling a chair over.
"By the way, you guys can't have any. Sorry I was kinda harsh earlier. I was in a bad mood. Sometimes I just need a break from the Night Raid."
The way he said the first comment made Jack chuckle. His apology made him grin even more.
"Sometimes I wish I'd never joined..." This made Jack curious. What is so bad about Night Raid? Its just killing people you don't know. He was rather selfish when it came to things like this. If he wasn't effected by something it really didnt concern him.
"So... Jack, right? What drove you to join our group of psychos?"
Jack tapped his fingers somewhat randomly before replying. "I'm hoping to find that out myself."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Lila was having a lot of fun, she was in the teen club called "Heaven For The Night", it was the most known club for teens in the city right now. When she was there she used a different identity, her alias was Mimi Waterhouse. No one could know who she was now, if they did, her cover and possibly Night Raid would be over. The club was packed it was fun, but then some creep came over to her. "Hey, beautiful I never saw you around her before." Lila started to laugh, in a sexy way. "Oh you would remember me, I would make sure you did. After a few drinks, the guy was wasted, he must've snuck liquor into the underage club. "Hey how about me and you go back to my house to... have some fun?" Lila helped the guy to his car, a Mercedes, Jackpot, was all Lila could see now. When she got to his house, she made a drink for him, and put a drug in it, After flirting with the guy for awhile, he finally passed out. "Thanks for the fun time handsome." Lila gave him a kiss on the forehead, and found his wallet, $500 was in the wallet. This could buy a whole lot of things for her. She then grabbed his car keys, and drove to the HQ. Lila didn't like seducing people, but it was the only way to earn some money.

Lila made a quick stop to the bakery down the street from the HQ. She was craving red velvet cupcakes. She parked the stolen car, on the side. Lila walked into the shop. "Can I get 10 red velvet cupcakes... to go, please handsome." Lila was feeling like a new person, after everything that had happen nothing could get her down. She grabbed the cupcakes, from the guy, who gave her his number also. "See you around sexy." Lila walked off, making sure the guy saw her. He was literally drooling until his boss yelled at him to get back to work. Lila got back in the stolen car, and drove to the HQ, or the Hell Hole as she likes to call it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Nikaido raised an eyebrow at Jack's response, "A tiny bit vague, but to each his own." Nikaido shrugged, her eye wandered to the cheap patterned wallpaper, she wouldn't impose herself onto the conversation this time. Her drifting mind caught the jittery hands of a wall clock above the diner door, squinting to read the time set behind the glared plastic. Nikaido's eye widened with horror, "Oh... shit..." Nikaido shover her hand into her jacket pocket and fished out her wallet, frantically pulling out and slamming money onto the table; the sundays and plates practically jumped from the sheer force Nikaido had put into the action. "We are screwed if we're late," beads of sweat began to produce on her forehead "I don't know about you two, but I will literally be killed if I don't do what Death orders me to do." Nikaido jumped up, her crutch tucked under her arm, "Jack, hon, I know you're far from finished, but I'm sorry. If you're late, I'm responsible. I have intentions on living." Grabbing Jack firmly on the arm with her free hand, Nikaido wrenched Jack out of his seat, and pushed him towards the door, "Katsu, you need to come too," Nikaido urged, looking back to their companion who had seated himself nearly 30 seconds ago. "Trust me, last thing you need is your team and Death tearing you a new one." With that, Nikaido was out the door with Jack in tow, hopefully with little resistance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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"We are screwed if we're late. I don't know about you two, but I will literally be killed if I don't do what Death orders me to do. Katsu, you need to come too. Trust me, last thing you need is your team and Death tearing you a new one."
"But today's my day off," Katsu protested as he followed them out. He heaved a sigh and looked away from the diner. "Well... I guess there's no harm in just going. Hei will probably just do a short debriefing."
He heard her go on and chuckled. "That's funny," he said in response.

He walked behind the two, his expression changing the moment his face was out of their sight, the cheerful smile being replaced by a thoughtful look. He put one hand into his pocket and pulled out the coins he had left as he kept holding the package close to his chest. Unsure of what to do, he looked over towards the smithy which was barely visible from between the buildings. Maybe I should get my spear, he thought to himself. ...No, I don't need it. I'm not killing anyone tonight. He turned his head forward again and continued walking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack noted Nikaido slamming her money down onto the table and nearly making the bowls nearly topple over. Jack then noted how they were each filled with pieces of heaven and attempted to stabilize as many as possible with his hands.
"We are screwed if we're late, I don't know about you two, but I will literally be killed if I don't do what Death orders me to do." Ughhhhh.... but the ice cream. Jack's expression stayed the general same, a rather chill childish display of amusement. Death wouldn't kill one of his allies.... right? Jack was now intrigued, perhaps the recruiter was more strict than he expected. "Jack, hon, I know you're far from finished, but I'm sorry. If you're late, I'm responsible. I have intentions on living."
Jack didn't like this, he wanted to finish. No other thoughts could be created as she grabbed Jack's arm and got pushed toward the exit. Jack could have continued to eat ice cream.... He looked back and forth between the exit and ice cream before deciding he could probably drink the melted confection if he was quick enough... He followed Nikaido out of the restaurant to the base. Hopefully some remains of the unfinished ice cream will wait and anticipate his return....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ntombi helped herself to cookies, not waiting for permission from either scarf boy or mask girl. She reclined in the chair in the conference room and smirked lazily at Death, half a cookie jutting out of her mouth. She only listened with a halfhearted vigour, still clearly regretting ever being put in this group. Her amber eyes slid along the pictures quickly, but slowed a little on the words. When Death invited the others to watch if they like, Ntombi spat out her cookie and said, loudly and bluntly, "Nobody's going to the perimeters. If you want to watch, do it from here."

When Death asked for questions, Ntombi's only reply was a scathing remark of "yeah, when are you gonna take that mask off, Diddles?" Before angrily tossing half a cookie towards him and stomping out, her dreads twisting like serpents with the wild movements. She cornered Amaya and snarled "Plan?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hei glanced at team one, after then glancing at Ntombi who just threw a cookie at him. With a split second of time, he threw his right chain trough the cookie, breaking it into tiny pieces, after that the chain landed just mere milimeters away from Ntombi's head.
"This means we are ready to leave."
Hei stood up as he walked out of the room, making sure the others would follow.
As Hei made his way towards the roof, he grabbed his chains a bit tighter, blood slowly went across his chains, dripping on the floor, for the spikes that made his chains special, were piercing trough his own flesh.
It was true that he never took of his mask infront of the others, for it had it's reasons... He used to be a war hero for this city, doing exactly the same thing the humans do that he hunts now.... And yet Hei can't let go of the past... Of the horrors that he truelly did towards innocent people... Towards innocent lives...
As Hei glanced over the city, he made his way towards their location, jumping from roof to roof. As he reached the position of where the mission would start, he made sure he was at a distance of 1000 meter, so that Alice would have a clear shot if things would go wrong.
As for what he planned... Hei just hoped they would act swift and with correct movements... For it would cost their lives if they would act in the wrong way.
Hei glanced towards the way he came from, making sure the team he picked out was also coming.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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With one swift kick with her prosthetic, Nikaido barged into the headquarters and charged up the stairs. Unlike her previous encounters with the demonic stone slabs, Nikaido speed up the stairs with little regard of her prior troubles. Peeking her head inside, the conference room proved to be entirely empty. Barely able to breath, Nikaido cursed and went inside, throwing herself onto the nearest swivel chair, rolling away from the force of her landing. She didn't even bother to check if Jack was still with her, in fact she let him walk on his own feet. It's safe to guess that he went back to his ice cream or wandered off to pester someone, Nikaido thought to herself, slowly sliding out of her chair. She looked up in the dark room, catching the faint ticking sound of a clock, she could read the faint roman numerals spaced evenly. It was ten past twelve already, and that was not good. Tardiness was never an issue with Nikaido, coming from the military, which was a thing that was dealt with severe punishment; Old habits must die really hard. Nikaido, still sliding out of her chair sighed, "That's the end of my adventure then. I guess all I can do is pick my nose and wait for Death to take me 'cross the river of styx..." She thought aloud.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You do realize you said the part about picking your nose out loud, right?" Katsu followed her up the stairs and into the room, still carrying the package close to his chest, pressured by his hand. "Cool to see that you know about Greek Mythology though." He sighed and looked around, seeing that no one else was there. "We're late, huh?" The boy raised both of his arms, stretching, holding onto the package by the string with his right hand. "I need to get back in shape a bit," he said. "I'll be in the training room, okay? If you find yourself with nothing else to do, feel free to join me." He walked towards the training field with a slow pace, humming a melody many people knew but probably wouldn't be able to name.

When he reached the training room and set the package on one of the chairs, he took his jacket off, revealing a tight black shirt underneath and a couple of small scars on his arms. He walked over to one of the wooden training staffs he used for sparring and waited for a bit, looking at the door to see if anyone was coming.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Nikaido chuckled, she said a lot of things aloud, it was merely a habit. She picked herself off the floor, placing herself back in the chair. Late as can ever be soldier, she thought, we're in so deep that no light can reach us at this point." Nikaido threw her head back and stared at the ceiling, "I need to get back in shape a bit," Katsu said. "I'll be in the training room, okay? If you find yourself with nothing else to do, feel free to join me." Nikaido brought her head back up to see Katsu leaving the room.

Training Huh? Nikaido can't remember the last time se actually trained. She didn't think to blow her own horn or anything, it was just that she never had the need or motivation to train. She got plenty of cardio and buildup from beating the crap out of people, so there was no need for a healthy dose of exercise. How hard is it to be a killer that you had to train for it? Nikaido smiled, "Ah hell," she said aloud, "I'm out of shape too, might as well join the guy." Nikaido picked herself up and made her way to the training grounds, it was just down the stairs anyways.
Nikaido stared at the stairs like she always did before advancing into the demonic slabs. Just a moment ago she scaled three flights of stairs with such ease, maybe she could do it again, Nikaido smiled with confidence and stepped forward. One, six, ten... So far so good, Nikaido thought, twenty, twenty-eight... Maybe she was safe to let go of the railing now? Of course she instantly regretted that, because when she did release her grip in the safety railing, Nikaido plummeted down the remaining stairs. She bounced, she rolled, and she skidded until she bumped into the door of the training room. With a pain-filled moan Nikaido dragged herself through the door, throwing her crutch in first and then slinking her legs inside last. Looking up she saw Katsu looking at the door, and subsequently her.

"Hey Katsu, I think I'll join you on that training, if ya' don't mind."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katsu smiled as he saw Nikkaido walk into the room. He was rather confused about how she was able to fight with that crutch and prosthetic but he knew that she would get the job done.

"Hey Katsu, I think I'll join you on that training, if ya' don't mind."

"Not at all," the boy answered, smiling. He was glad to have someone to train with rather than just repeating the exercises he'd done over a thousand of times by that time in the last week. That was probably the one thing he liked about the group of assassins. There were always formidable opponents. While he didn't like to show off his love for fighting, he would never back down from a challenge. "Assuming you can keep up," he joked. He spun the staff in his hand once and took a couple of steps back, leaving space for her to step into for the fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Hei glanced from the rooftop, towards the place their mission would take place, he grinned behind his mask...
He then pulled up his sleeve, looking at his watch, as he then pushed the small button on his headset, as he also changed the comm towards the HQ's frequence...
"Those who are at HQ, you have got 30 minutes to come to the cordinates Y 3.4, X 6.1. Those who will be later than 30 minutes, will have a severe punishment towards their team! So be warned!"
Hei's voice sounded dark trough the comm, as he grinned behind his mask, he already knew what kind of punishment he would give them if they came too late.
Hei glanced at a near building, wich was just 1000 meters away from the objective... Alice and him would move there once their mission would start, but before that they would wait on this exact place, untill it would truelly become interesting...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As she followed Death across the city, Alice had to pace herself. He was stronger, bigger, taller, and faster than she. A few times she muttered for him to slow for her to catch up, but he didn't seem to hear - or at least he heard and didn't care. When they reached the destination, she put her hands on her knees and huffed, catching her runaway breaths. "This is too far. I can't hit a 1000 meters. Not even I'm that good."

She breathed out a laugh and shook her head, sitting down. She listened as Death relayed orders back to HQ, and then zoned back out into his own world. Alice was patient in mind, but her body didn't fully agree with that mental strength. Her fingers often twitched... a sign of her past as an addict... she still had those habbits, after over a year of recovery. She stilled brushed the bridge of her nose and scratched her jaw and tapped her foot. It wasn't her anxiety, it was the opposite. She'd become so accustomed to the feeling of the movements that they made her feel comfortable. So she did just what she needed to do; she sat and waited.
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