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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

PLOT (Skip to below for the short version)

2012. The world is terrified by some now unknown localized weather event, prompting increased efforts to preserve nature by reducing man's impact on the environment.

2019. Mankind perfects clean fuel technologies that have promise to replace all prior harmful fuels.

2021. New legislation significantly increases implementation of the clean fuel technologies worldwide.

2022. Scientists measure a significant global drop in temperature anomalies. Glaciers demonstrate an annual average increase in size.

2024. By this date, clean fuel has become the new international standard. Innovative projects begin to reverse the harmful effects of industrialization on the Earth.

2029. Satellites numerous spot unknown objects within the solar system. Later that year, humans make first contact with intelligent extra terrestrial (ET) lifeforms. The encounter is fatal. By the end of the year, Earth is under new management.

2030s. The alien invaders ransack the planet. Natural resources are sapped. The industrialized ETs pollute the world with strange chemicals. The destruction of the biosphere takes a matter of months. Human population is estimated to have dropped from 9.5 billion to less than 500 million, a significant portion of which are enslaved.

Earth today. Year unknown to them. Population unknown. ETs have abandoned the planet. Their occupation of Earth left the once green world torn and barren. The skies are consistently grey; the atmosphere has been imbued with ash and poisonous fumes. The average human lifespan has been reduced by at least one fourth. Most of humanity's history has been lost and forgotten.

But perhaps the most terrifying of the blights brought by the ETs is the infection. Their work initiated the outbreak of something horrific: a disease of madness, corruption, and rot. Humans, ETs, and other organisms were prone to carrying the infection. Transmitted by blood, it could even be carried by insects. The ETs sprayed the air, slaughtered livestock and wildlife, all in hopes of controlling the disease. But their efforts failed, and when there own kind were being turned into mindless zombies by the thousands, they evacuated Earth completely.

What remains of mankind is forced to scavenge what little water and nourishment they can - always wary of the ruthless zombies that plague the dark world. Society has receded into a few small, scattered communities. Farming is virtually impossible in the dead world, and while people manage to survive on foods preserved from mankind's former glory days, the supplies grow thin, forcing many to leave their villages in search of better lives. Those that live alone in their own homes have turned welcome mats into fortresses, unable to trust their fellow humans out of fear of being robbed.

Armed bandits, too, carry out raids in search of supplies - some have even turned to cannibalism, just like their zombie counterparts.

As the uncounted years drag on, hanging on to life only becomes more difficult. Children are born into this desolate world, but they have little hope of living long lives. It is difficult to track their ages, as the days, nights, and months all seem to blend together. All that is known is that the air seems to get colder as time goes by. Soon, only a scarce few are left alive that remember the days of the green Earth. They pass their nostalgic stories on to the youth, and the young ones grab hold of this hope: hope that there is some way to reclaim the once beautiful world that was lost.

Perhaps there is a sanctuary out there - safe from the destruction and madness. Maybe a better place can be found. With the conditions getting worse, groups begin to form in the communities that move to find preserved lands. They gather weapons, food, and water, and set out into the deadly world, littered with the remnants of cities, the skeletons of forests, and the rotting monsters that are...

The Infected.

Mankind invented clean technology, seeming to save the world from pollution. However, the world was then invaded by an alien (ET) force which drained the Earth's natural resources. The ETs either caused or brought with them a disease that turns any infected animal into a zombie of its former self. This includes insects; the ETs began wiping out insects, further ruined the planet, and eventually decided that Earth was too costly to keep occupying because of the infection. The ETs abandoned Earth, which is now barren and nearly lifeless. What few humans remain now live in small communities, but since the weather keeps getting colder and supplies are running low (farming is not really possible), groups of adventurers are now going out in search of preserved pieces of the old world so that they can have better lives. However, they will likely face zombies (ET, human, and other animals), bandits, and possibly human cannibals in their travels.

Incident - 2030
Present day - 2075 (unknown to the world)

__________ && __________

r u l e s ;;

&& No god-modding. Keep in mind that characters need food, water, and lack the medicine we have today. No one can be immune to the infection. You have limited ammunition.

&& You can have a pet, just don't be stupid and have something like a wolf or a tiger. House pets.

&& Be respectful to other RPers (you can disrespect the zombies all you want, the soulless bastards).

&& Romance is perfectly fine. Hope and humanity may be dead, but love is not.

&& I know this RP seems pretty dismal, but humour is definitely welcome xD

&& There is a three paragraph minimum, and that sort of length for a post is more then fine. Don't feel you have to write an epic post out each time. Just so long as your spelling and grammar is fine, and there is something to read.

&& Nothing anime/emo/scene please.

&& Be sort of realistic with your characters, no 17 year old kick-ass types.

&& The plot, basically what we're doing is trying to find a better life by venturing out into the world beyond our homes. So we will need military types, scientists etc.

&& Don't go silly with your characters skills and such. I had someone try to join before with all these swords and such. Just no, okay? They are in a world that is broken and ravaged, there was not time to collect family hand-me-downs and stuff like that. Most weapons are hand made, or from the military. Keep in mind, that if your character is just your average everyday person, why would they have a gun?

&& It will start with them in the same community. I will allow a few outsiders who have just arrived, but for the most part we are all in the same place. I will be playing the medic.

c h a r a c t e r s h e e t ;;

Appearance: (Nothing anime or cartoon, must have a real picture. A description can be added as well, but a picture is needed)
Name: (Be realistic, nothing Japanese or 'Rain' or crap like that)
Weapon: (also just quickly tell us how you got the weapon. Only the military have heavy duty guns and such, most weapons are home made. NO SWORDS)
Estimated Age: (the loss time tracking makes true age difficult to ascertain - keep in mind that any character under the approximate age of 45 is not old enough to remember the world as it was before the arrival of the ETs. The year is 2075, but the world doesn't know that. Should help you if you want your character to remember the ETs, they would have to be over 48 years old to remember them though)
Personality: (Contain the good and the bad, not interested in perfect characters)
Brief Background: (Did they grow up in a community? In a house with just their parents? Parents alive/dead? Why, if they have, have they decided to leave their community? The community they are in is called Barrowside)
Misc: (Anything that was not asked above. What does your character do job wise? Security, military, medic, teacher etc.)
Level and category:
m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n ;;

Barrowside This is the community where we will start this role play, and where all characters need to start. It is a large, barren stretch of land. Guarded by high walls and deep trenches that run the perimeter both inside and out. The population is the highest of record, sat at 1200. Everyone is put to work, there is no such thing as unemployment. There is also no such thing as money. Everyone lives on monthly rations, with tokens being handed over as a wage. The housing is a series of concrete cabins, and they differ depending on status and rank. There aren't any shops, however there is a trading market once a week. Mostly people will exchange a piece of carpentry for perhaps a book or more rations.

The System The System is most described as like the Military. They control and run the Barrowside community, they are both security and law. The System hold and own all forms of Gun, ammunition and any form of heavy duty weapon.

Standard issue weapons
All system personal are issued with a Beretta M92.
System security and Enforcers are issued with an M16a4 assault rifle (although the use is restricted to reserve ammo) crossbows, and solid truncheons.

Housing This all depends on your rank or position within Barrowside, and also your professional and Marital status, whether you have children (which is limited to two).
Level 1 The highest rank (Senior System personal)
Level 2 Scientists, Engineers - Any skilled profession that is deemed important
Level 3 System Security, Enforcers (police) - Any form of muscle or security
Level 4 Medical, Any other System employees,
Level 5 Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Construction, Teachers, Trainers, Mechanics, anything deemed low priority skill

A - Unmarried/Single without children
B - Unmarried/Single/In a relationship with children
C - Married with or without children

[Level 1] All personal of a Level 1 ranking are given their own private, and well catered accommodation.

[Level 2] All single personal will share a small apartment with another of the same sex.
[Level 2] Married or unmarried with or without children will be given their own apartment.

[Level 3] All unmarried and single level 3 personal live in a dorm within the System HQ.
[Level 3] Married level 3 (or cohabiting) live in a family cabin.

[Level 4/5] If you are unmarried and have no children, you live in dorm like cabins with multiple bunks and occupants.
[Level 4/5] If you are unmarried and have children, you will be granted a very small, cramped cabin or shared cabin with another family.
[Level 4/5] If you are married with children, you are given your own cabin.

The Infected They are called The Infected, The Plague, Zombie-Cunts, Walking Dead, basically anything, but are officially called The Greys. Their skin goes grey and their eyes red and black in colour. They are slow but can only be killed by decapitation, bullet/arrow to the brain, basically any sever form of head injury. One bite is fatal.

I think I have covered it all there. So if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enzayne
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Enzayne Invading Eldar

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I am psyched for this! I shall commence the CS-construction with due haste. How long did uh, the current national governments last? Are there remnants and holdouts still calling themselves government that my character might know about/be affiliated with, or are they (and their militaries) gone with the wind in 2075?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

There is no national government or military, although each community is ran by the same system which are pretty much tyrants. All our characters will be heading out to a rumoured free world (something the system is strongly denying) which has a more free and friendly approach to its inhabitants. The government and military pretty much died out with the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Information on weapons is being edited into the OP for you all :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wilhelmina Clarke
Known as Mina, was named after one of the characters in her mothers favourite books, Dracula.

Estimated age of 29/30

As second senior medic she has a standard issue Beretta. Also in the infirmary there is a locker which contains three emergency rifles, which she has the key for.

Firstly, Mina has a heart. She has the perfect temperament for a medic in that she can be calming and soothing to anyone in a rage. Some say she has a real mothering nature to her, looking after many and ensuring everyone is well cared for. It is impossible to dislike her, and as such she is a well liked and respected member of Barrowside. She is genuine and considerate, and has little time for those who are fickle or self centered. Mina is self sacrificing, and has given half of her rations to the terminally ill before. She is hard working and dedicated, but also a good judge of character and can often see the good in people, even if they have tried to bury it deep.
Mina does have the tendency to be a little wrekless and impulsive, and also too stubborn for her own good. She does not take people advising her well, and will often over exhaust herself for no benefit other than self satisfaction. She is too generous and it has been known for her good nature to be exploited. She can also be too emotional, and emotions often betray a person. Her assertiveness can often come across as aggression, which comes back to her emotions playing such a part. Mina would take the whole worry of the world on her shoulders before accepting help.

Mina was the second born child, but the only surviving to her parents. Her mother and father were both survivors of the incident, and were old enough to remember what happened. Her father, Thomas Clarke who is now 66, was born in 2009 and her mother, who died at the age of 50, was born in 2020. They were amongst the children of the founders of the Barrowside Community, and so her family are very well respected and admired. Before her mothers death, she was one of the favourite teachers within the community, with a strong love for literature. It was her passion for fiction that caused her to name her daughter after one of her favourite fictional characters.She died when a flu epidemic broke out within the community, killing off the weak.
Her father followed in his fathers footsteps, and is now one of the lead commanders within the system, although age is no longer his friend. He has been in the system since leaving school, and worked his way up from security and through the ranks.
Mina was second to a brother, but he died due to ill health at a young age. Mina however survived infancy and was strong of health. Mina was always a very active child, although growing up in the Barrowside it was always rules and regulations. She had close friends and excelled at her studies, and took a strong interest in medics. At leavers age (14) she entered into the medic career. Because of her nature, dedication and who she was, Mina quickly climbed up the career ladder and around 25 years old she was made a senior medic. As a medic, she had to have combat experience as there was always the chance she would have to go into the outside world and aid the scavenger expeditions. So under the the System trainees, she was trained in both armed and hand-to-hand combat, essentially making her a combat medic.

As an unmarried and childless person, she should be in one of the shared level 4 cabins. However, because of her status and father, she lives in a small level 2 cabin on her own.

Should be a level 4 category A. But has Level 2 clearance, and accommodation.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whisket
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Whisket Real Looker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll have mine up in about 2 hours or so when I get off work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whisket
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Whisket Real Looker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: Micheal "Mike" Harris jr.

Weapon: Various Tools.

Estimated Age: 35 or 36

Personality: Mike is a calm person for the most part, he enjoys his time working, repairing, and maintaining any and all things mechanical. Engines or otherwise, He's passive about most things, speaking his opinion when needed. But it truly takes a good amount of working up to push him over the edge, where his temper often gets the better of him. He cares for people and would much rather teach them a lesson in humility rather than berate them on their choices, there are times where however he feels sometimes lessons are best learned the hard way for some people.

Brief Background: Mike grew up with his parents, he was an only child and they passed on what they knew to him. His father and his fathers father and so on were all mechanics, so naturally Mike was taught at a young age everything he could by his father. His Mother had been a teacher. He was born after the incident however and by the time he was old enough to understand the world his parents and him were settled into a community. His mother and father were considered lower class citizens and thus he grew up in a small home with just enough to get by. His father would show him what he could taking home various engine parts and such to show his son in preparation for his future trade. While his mother taught him as well as she could of life before the incident and gave him a love for books.

Around the time Mike was twenty he was working with his father for the community, he prospered but that meant little due to their low standing.
His mother was eventually diagnosed with cancer, there was nothing they could do and she eventually died. Mike and his father worked themselves near death just to keep their minds off of it. A few years ago his father died of what was assumed to be a heart condition, without knowing if it's hereditary or not Mike occasionally worries about his own internal clock, and wishes to do something good for the world with his time but doesn't know where to begin. Since his parents died Mike's been moved into a bunkhouse, everything he could fit into a large metal chest was all he had left of his parents and home.
Mike still works at the Mechanics doing as he's told a long with the several others, he's been known to help individual families on the sly with household problems for little to no exchange of goods.

Level and category: 5A

Misc: Mike is a mechanic, he spends what little free time he has reading and building things in his home and helping the people of the community.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My CS will be up after a few hours or if not, then tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Will be posting character by tomorrow. c:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have finished my profile, and added a little more information on the housing to the OP. Also, added another part to the CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enzayne
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Enzayne Invading Eldar

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by enkas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Sean Mattock "The Hammer"


While he has access to a wide array of construction tools, people see a spark in his eyes everytime he uses a sledgehammer.

Estimated Age:



Sean a person, who prefers not to be bothered by strangers, to whom he is innitially quite distrustful. However, those that have somehow managed to win his trust are rewarded with a fierce loyalty. Sean is not exactly the smartest of people, and after being verbally assaulted, or seeing a friend being insulted, he, instead of thinking of a witty come-back, just clenches one of his massive fists and swings it at the one that started the whole thing. This man also finds it difficult and unnecessary to lie, and that includes being blunt (Teehee) to other people.

Brief Background:

Sean, and his father came to the community with a small immigrant group, back when the boy had not even hit puberty. His mother (along with some other people) died on the way towards the shelter. And so, after being stripped down to see for bitemarks, and later assigned to homes and jobs, they started a new life here. The father and son, having not really much skills at anything were assigned to assisting the construction workers, and so the years passed and Sean learned more and more about building, as well as toughening up his muscles due to constant manual labour.

As Sean grew up, it was pretty damn obvious that his father was getting old, he was moving a lot slower and forgetting things quite constantly. The old man was incarcerated after he accidently dropped a brick onto another man's head, that ended up with severe head-trauma for the poor sod. And thus, Sean, now a grown man was left alone, continuing to work his shoes off in the construction field, and seeing his father (who was suffering from old-age dementia by then) in his free time. Some time later, his father perished, and Sean was struck pretty bad. He rarely went to work, even to a point that the security had to drag him to work with threats of throwing the man outside. He eventually got back into the work... Now he worked hard only to forget everything else in the world, but it was not easy, and only lots of time had managed to heal the wounds.

Now Sean is one of the toughest and most skilled construction workers in Barrowside, and a lot of people respect him for that, but there are also some who laugh at his lack of inteligence behind his back, and even making jokes that Sean would sleep with his hammer if he could...

Sean is a simple-minded, yet physically strong construction worker.

Level and category:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

❝ H A W K ❞
Early thirties ┊ 5A

A wooden spear: essentially a glorified pointed stick that extends her reach drastically and is made of a strong lumber that is ancient and worn by countless gestures and cinched fingers; foraged from one the various corpses of scavengers dotted across a dead land, it possess a history and tale that she isn't privy too. Having withheld it for a lasting period, it's literally a bound extension of herself, a mere tool and a constant at her side or slung diagonally across her spine by various tanned leathers.

Buck knife: primarily used for skinning her various kills, the blade itself was a hand-me-down from her usual Hunting Parade known as the Avians; they were Hawks, Falcas, Eagles, and Buzzras, and more raptors appellations from the world of old. It's rather large in size to serve the purpose of much larger game, but the fine edge from years of care is capable of smaller prized and skins. Hawk resorts to this secondary weapon in close encounters should anyone get past her elongated spear. She'd rather avoid killing with it, as the blade has yet to be tainted with such rotten filth like the Grey or infected fauna.

Personality— CuriousIntuitiveResourcefulIntrovert
Hawk talks to herself.
She proposes various inquires that do not necessarily accumulate reason or coherent thought, often they are simplistic statements and queries that assist her in coming to finalized conclusions and theories. The fact that she vocalizes them is an oddity, but Hawk has long been rather fearful of the permanent thoughts in her mind, and consistency makes her nervous and wavering in her usual convictions. Thus it spurs her habitual wondering and caters to her curious individualism that could be labeled as a careless, indifferent nature when she scours across a blanched and dried landscape and through fantastical ruins of a forgotten age. Talking to herself also provides a queer sort of company, as in her usual preference of solitary, she typically avoids gatherings and events of socializing grandeur. Not because she is shy or awkward around these circumstances; rather it's because she isn't used to them. Her adaptability and resourcefulness come from a once upon a time wild disposition that has long been exchanged for her intuition, and now serves her quite pleasantly.

But in these quirks and routines, it has severely isolated Hawk from interactions, thus proving unfortunate when provided with excavating troupes and individuals, she'd rather mumble to herself than pass on a courteous greeting. It has shadowed and sheltered her for so long, that she can be rumoured as a callous, tactless woman in confrontations and conversation. She prefers wild abandon and endless landscapes, being in the same place or bridled with a cage of sorts sends her into a shock of animal basics where her moniker is rather proven in a confrontational front. Figures of authority she avoids, those that are the rigid backbone of the System tend to scare her and it's by sheer luck and her ability to hide that has kept her from committing entirely to communities.

Brief Background—
Vi was a fortunate babe in the Conway Community: a hodge podge of dismal scraps of tarpaulin houses and concrete walls, sometimes fortified in the dark ruins of underground tunnels and of what her family referred to as cities. Enchanted by these histories, Vi had originally striven to be academic and a keeper of tales and stories of buildings that peaked among the clouds and extraterrestrial terrorists that had brought about a time of slavery and ruin. The Conways, mostly of old blood and too fresh youth that didn't know what to do with themselves, had been fruitful in the practices of the Hunt: a sort of game and festival time when everyone become donned in the remains of their kills and went about the parched land in a near carnival fanfare. Vivian, later to be given the alias of Hawk, was introduced to this pass time and despite her initial studies with old books that had been bought in trade and the ones her family carried, she took well to the primitive activity. Surrounded by luxuriant persons in her young age, an estimation of ten in the commune, they shaped and molded her into the carnivorous bird she had been named after. The signature epitaph was given to those that were quick and flawless, beautiful disasters and daring hunters that abandoned conscious reasoning.

Perhaps this is what led to their early deaths.

Her parents weren't her biological ones, they had died, her adoptive pair had been Hart and Millie, hunters in their own right though Hart was what one would call a scholar if modern terms still applied. Having taken her in, Hart and Millie -estimated in their mid fifites-, had taught Vi to adapt and survive, they were rather cheerful tutors and mentors; Hart having originally spurred Vivian's want of spreading stories despite Millie's often mocking tone about the uselessness of forgotten literature. Her original name, Vivian, had been a passing joke that eventually stuck with her and she became a Conway just like every one else in the shambled town: one broken, dismal family that had been slaughtered by the very things they often hunted.

In the wake of blood and death, Vivian had barely made it through the night despite the vicious onslaught, Millie having been stubborn and firm in getting her out of Conway during the assault, survived just barely. Time, from this point on, was an excruciating crawl of misery and loneliness, her mother having perished from age, environmental conditions and typical sickness, her family now presumed to be gone. She had not seen the bodies, but then, Millie had spirited her away into the dead world so she didn't have to. Though, in her solitude, she had began to wonder if had been worth it in the end. During these dragging, horrid periods of wondering aimlessly and adaption, Hawk had changed drastically; a transition that was more startling in the barbaric visage she donned and her festooned headdress of elaborate feathers. She proffered herself often to randomized caravans and traveling troupes of hopeless vagabonds, sometimes as protection, sometimes as a hunter and tracker to slay the new and terrifying beasts of infectious horror. In turn, they were temporary havens of protection against her ascending loneliness and fracturing psyche. But even these situations did not last, and by a wondering chance and fortune, Hawk had literally tripped into Barrowside and found herself, unfortunately, stuck in place among its System where they even confiscated her weapons from her calloused and worn hands.

Time has been blurred but she can only guess that she has been in community for a little over a year, and almost unwillingly at that.

She's a hunter, perhaps a rather odd profession, but it is essentially what she excels at. In this she is rather knowledgeable about the surrounding fauna and in some circumstances acts as a scout, but is by no means associated with the military officials. Hawk has skills sets of a typical hunter: tracking and foraging and skinning whichever she catches.

x x x x x

“Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.”
— ᴼˢᶜᵃʳ ᵂᶦᶫᵈᵉ'ˢ ﹔ 'ᵀʰᵉ ᴾᶦᶜᵗᵘʳᵉ ᵒᶠ ᴰᵒʳᶦᵃᶰ ᴳʳᵃʸ'

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruler710
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ruler710 A Rubber Ducky

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry, I had to get a new charger for my laptop since I was away and it broke. I'm just posting this to show I'm still interested and I'll make a CS and probably edit it in here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I just want to say (should have explained it better in the OP probably) all weapons must be System approved. Anything home made would have to be kept a secret and hidden. If you came to Barrowside from outside, and where armed, then your weapons would be confiscated. Only people who would be allowed firearms are serious system employees. However, you would have to hand them back once you leave your job for the day. Anything considered a weapon will be confiscated if found.

Barrowside isn't a nice place to live, and our characters will be leaving to head for the Haven that is being kept quiet. My character will get everyone weapons when they leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So, VI's spear and hunting -buck- knife [I've decided to add one, a hunter should own one I would think!] will be currently unavailable until we leave - gotcha'.
Should I mention that her weapons were confiscated in the character sheet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Up to you, Rockette. So long as you remember in the IC that they were confiscated, that is fine.
My character will reunite her with her weapons though on their way out.

I will be doing an opener soon, am hoping to get a few more males in this before we start also.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll make note of it, so as to remember.
There were quite a few potentials in the interest thread, hopefully everyone gets their butts here!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aye, hopefully. I'll give it till tomorrow evening, and if we don't have any more males then I will advertise for some.

I am gonna start on the IC. We need to think of a way all our characters come together and leave. My plan is for my character and her father to arrange the journey, somehow we need to get each of your characters interacting with mine and bringing about the escape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whisket
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Whisket Real Looker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well seeing as your character is higher ranking and she's a bleeding heart, annddd assuming Barrowside isn't massive I would assume everyone would know one another to some degree. Maybe just have her make the rounds talking to the less fortunate, etc. And kinda work on rallying us.
Just my two cents, yo.
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