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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TWcross


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"Thank you... you didn't have to help me, but you did".

"Don't thank me kid... I ain't no hero or good Samaritan, I am far to damaged for that now."

Leonardo let the silence resume as they walked, while on the outside he was solid like a rock the same could not be said for how he felt on the inside. There were just so many things now that haunted him, to the point where he could barely sleep anymore. It was not these dead things that bothered him the most in fact compared to most things the infection that was engulfing the United States was rather miniscule at best. Most people were afraid of it, but not Leonardo he wasn't scared to shoot the same people he had long swore and oath to protect, because if there was one who had to be a pariah it would always be him. No the things that haunted him were so much more scary, and the worst part of it, he could never rid himself of it, of the guilt, the pain, the sorrow he felt day in and day out. This would going to shit was not his hell, his hell was the fact that he had to live with what he did... Looking back at the man behind him Leonardo felt a sense of himself once upon a time, trying to protect someone who he had meant, had no relation to him, no reason for him to protect them, but in the end he still did and almost died for that person when the bell striked hardest. Maybe that was why he was willing to help this man, or maybe it wasn't, he had no real reason to do what he was doing.

"You might want to consider the possibility that she is dead kid."

Leonardo broke the strong silence suddenly keeping his walking pace trying to put as much ground behind them as possible in the shortest amount of time. Leonardo kept talking as he kept vigilant of his surroundings.

"I know its not something you would want to think about, but if it ended up being the truth of things then you should start feeling that pain now because its only worse once you see it for yourself. Its a terrible thing to say I know, I can tell that you have formed a bond with this young girl and feelings for her, but the way things are now I can not tell you that when we get there she will still be there safe and sound. But unfortunately bonds and friendship, and feelings can't shield you from this hell no matter how strong the bond, I learned that already... harshly perhaps but a lesson hard learned."

Leonardo reached down and took the pack of smokes from his pocket and opened it, he had about twelve left in this pack now, he would have to get more soon he only had a few packs left. Taking one out he put it in his lips and lit it taking a long drag from it blowing the smoke out slowly. Letting him arm go back he offered one to the man behind him if he wanted one, afterwards he put the pack back in his pocket.

"Don't ask me why I am helping you kid, I know the question might pop up sooner or later but truth is I don't know. Perhaps I still believe in protecting people and helping people who need that one person to help them, maybe I don't. I have lost my hope in humanity, I have seen some terrible things happen since this all started, things that make me think all these years I protected my country was a useless and unneeded gesture. When this first started I was at an airport trying to get home, thats where i got my first taste of how far humanity has fallen..."

2 Weeks ago
Ohio International Airport
4:56 P.M.


Leonardo lowered the gun as he watched the woman fall to the ground, twitch a couple times and then slowly pass away as the blood formed a puddle underneath her head. Looking back up the entire air port was in turmoil, people... hundreds of people were running and screaming everywhere, all around Leonardo could see people on the ground with another on top of them, their throats being tore out. It had happened so quick, the Military force at the airport had been taken down quickly and now it was nothing but a man slaughter. Leonardo quickly took foot and ran in the opposite direction of the crowd, as he ran he looked around, there were already people on the ground, they had been trampled by other people trying to escape. Leonardo had to get to hell out of this main terminal but how was the real question, he would have to get out the back way on the tarmac. Running towards the back doors Leonardo was quick as he ran down a back hallway, the screams were everywhere now there was no escaping it now. Just as he rounded a corner Leonardo heard a scream, quickly turning his head a mother and her young son were running from two men, they were both covered in blood, they were obviously dead. Raising the gun Leonardo pulled off two shots, each hit their marks knocking the infected back killing them instantly. Running up to the young mother and child Leonardo helped them up.

"We gotta get out of here can you run?"

The woman shakily nodded her head, Leonardo nodded to her as he quickly secured the area making sure there were no more infected and then began to dash down the hall way the mother picking up her child followed him. Soon they would be at the back entrance to the tarmac from there they had a better chance then in this zoo of panicking people. Leonardo saw the doors ahead in another moment they would be there, however it was the door crashing behind him that made him turn back, to his shock he saw double wide doors busted aside and infected were now pouring out of them.

"Shit! Come on we gotta move, once we get to the tarmac we have a chance."

Leonardo was about to run when he heard the woman speak.

"I know what do,.."

Leonardo turned around to ask what the hell she was talking about but when he saw her take her 5 year old son and break his leg he was horrified as she lay the child on the ground, the boy was crying hysterically now. The woman never even batted and eye, Leonardo raised the gun toawrds the woman.

"What the hell did you just do to your son you psychotic bitch!?"

"He will distract them long enough for us to get away."

"We could have made it! Move out of the way!"

Leonardo started to run back to grab the young child, but it was too late, the infected had been too close to begin with, all he saw was the boy get dragged away and there was a scream and then nothing. Leonardo swallowed hard as he looked at the woman with such distaste and anger.

"Now we have a chance lets..."

Leonardo pulled the trigger on the Beretta and shot the woman directly in the chest, as she fell back dead, he was breathing hard now trying to keep collected after what he just saw. Was this really happening right now? Leonardo quickly wiped a couple tears from his eyes as he muttered something under his breath, a prayer for the young boy, then he turned and ran crashing through the doors, onto the tarmac, and away from this hellish airport."

Leonardo became silent for a second when he finish the story as still thinking about it brought pain to him, the fact that he had not been able to save that poor boy, and how his mother merely sacrificed him so willingly and didn't even shed a god damn tear. It was at the point that he realized how sick and twisted the people had become, the same people he had defended, the same people he was taken to a POW camp for, the same people he suffered two long years for. He realized that all these years he was protecting a bunch of monsters, that when the hammer falls, they would turn on each other like animals.

"Maybe I am helping you because I still believe there can be good people out there, people that need help, people lost in a world of chaos. Maybe I am just going crazy and feel that helping you would bring me a sense of purpose again. Truth is I don't know and probably never will... how much longer to the house kid?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Luke looked at the man in shock at his words, and instantly began shaking his head. "Fuck man, it's only been a few hours, four, five tops. Look she'll be fine alright, we've been hold up in her garage since this thing went down and we've never had a problem. She'll be fine." He repeated, just as much for himself as for the man he was walking with. Ash was a tough kid. Despite everything she was handling this well, better than a lot of adults anyway. She may be getting a little worried but Luke had no doubt she was alive. It was an issue if he never returned that had him worried.

The silence seemed to drag on before the man suddenly started talking again, though it barely felt like he was speaking to Luke, rather simply reliving a personal nightmare. The younger man listened in horror, unable to fathom what he was being told. He had been at an airport when things had taken a turn for the worst too, but the situation had simply panned out differently where he had been. They hadn't had to worry about the dead until most of the living had left the building. He couldn't imagine a parent doing that to a kid, one even younger than Ash. It just... Didn't seem possible.

When asked where the house was he shook his head to snap out of the shock he felt. "Umm... Just down here." He didn't sound certain as he moved down the street, but it was just it's dazed feeling he had from being in so much shock. That story had been eerily close to home wit how similar the circumstances had been. It was hard to think that it could have easily been Ash. They walked most of the way down the street, which he still hadn't bothered to check the name of, before Luke turned towards a house, but instead entered a side gate and began making his was down the side.

Near the entrance to the backyard he stopped at the door and knocked as quietly as he could whilst still trying to ensure Ash heard him. "You might wanna hang back for a tick okay? You might scare her." He said to the man as he waited for a response. However after a minute of noting Luke began to worry. "Ash? It's me, Luke. Can you open the door? Ash!" He turned the handle and was surprised to find it unlocked, he'd told her to keep the place secure while he was gone. Quickly, without caution he opened the door only to find the garage empty. All their stuff was still there, where he had left it, but Ash was gone.

"Fuck. Ash!" Luke called out, forgetting caution in his worry as he barged into the room. "Ash!" The door to the house began opening and he stepped back, drawing out the machete he had taken from her house. However quickly dropped it when he saw a familiar mop of brown hair peek around the corner.

"Luke!" Ash said excitedly as she closed the door behind her and hurried over to him, smiling.

Luke let out an internal sigh of relief and sank to a crouch to look at her. She seemed fine, exactly as he had left her. "What did I tell you about keeping the door locked?" He said eventually. "And not going into the house without me?"

"I had to go to the bathroom." The young girl defended quickly. "And you were gone for so long I couldn't hold it. I unlocked the door in case you came back."

Luke simply sighed softly and smiled at her. "I'm sorry I was gone for a long time. I'm okay, but we have to go now alright?"

Ash looked at him curiously, but eventually nodded her head. Luke had talked to her about moving before, and although she had wanted to stay close to her home he had told her that her dad would more likely end up in a place where there were a lot of people. She could only assume he had found a place like that. Luke got up and grabbed his bag, Ash following in suit. However she gasped and stopped once they were out of the garage, hiding behind Luke at the sight of the large man.

"It's okay, it's okay." Luke quickly assured her. "He's a good guy, he helped me get back to you. This is Ash," he introduced, the girl waving slightly as she smiled shyly at him. "Ash this is... I um... Don't think you ever introduced yourself. That guy at the base called you Leonardo? Was it?" Either way there was no time to delay. They were starting to lose daylight and Luke wanted to get back before it got dark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Autumn sat next to his tent tapping his foot on the ground, his fist clenched around his spear. Every noise he heard, every burst of shots from the soldiers made him flinch. He couldn't stop worrying about one of the infected getting through the walls. Sure there were the soldiers there to protect them, but they were only human. Besides that, look how well they did protecting the city. No, something was eventually going to happen and when the time did come Autumn didn't want to be anywhere near here.

With an idea forming in his head, Autumn pushed himself up, moving quietly towards his neighbors tent. He had no reason to be quiet, no reason anyone would suspect him of anything, but he was nervous nonetheless. Pushing open the flap of the tent he peaked inside. He found the woman he recognized talking to some man. He didn't recognize him. "I... I'm sorry to barge in on you guys." He realized he had no real plan of action before coming into the tent. "I just... Well we need to get away from here. It's not safe. One of those evil infected things are bound to get through the gates and then we're all screwed." His hand went up to his brow wiping away sweat. "Sorry for rambling, I just want to know if you are interested in coming with me, that's all." He gestured with his hands, "I... I felt some sort of connection." He nodded towards the lady, "Not because I know you from anywhere, just... I don't know how to explain it. I do feel that we need to leave and that if you came with me we could have a much better chance of surviving." Autumn's face blushed heat rising to his face as he talked to the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Marshall looked at Sophia. "Yeah, I'd love some soda." He says gracefully, as he takes the soda from her hand, opens it and takes a sip. "God damn, that's nice." He states, as he passes the Soda back to Sophia. "That was really kind - thank you." He says to Sophia thanking her. "Do you - do you think that they'll, yeno, sort this out?" Marshall asks curiously. interested in her thoughts. "It's just... What about, everyone else? Like... There's gotta be others out there obviously, right? What about people we know that aren't here yet... What about neighbours, people we passed on the street - are they, are they all gone?" He asks - appearing to be concerned, upset.
Marshall stood up fast as he saw the tent opening. A man comes in, apologising for entering. "Don't apologise, what's up?" Marshall listened to him as he talked about leaving, about how the camp isn't safe. "Not safe? Get away?" Marshall said curiously. "Where is safe? They're manning the fences, they're supplying people with, supplies, I think." Marshall states. He can see the man is worked up; nervous. He wiped sweat off his head. "Interested in coming with you..? Even if we were, I mean, we've got people here we know. Some Luke guy - and, Katelyn. It's not safe out there dude..." Marshall says, showing how concerned he is. It doesn't appear that Marshall has any intent on leaving the camp. The man told him he'd feel safe if we left with him. "Listen buddy, I'm sure your intents are good but, I've been out there so far and it ain't pretty. It's... controlled, in here." Marshall states.

Looking outside, he sees the shadow of a man stumbling by, holding his upper arm. "H.. help, somebody help, please?" The man sort of repeats. "Stay here a sec guys." Marshall says, as he walks out the tent and looks around. He sees the man. "Hey buddy, you okay?" He asks. "Have you got... Have you got - a rag or a bandage or something? Some guy attacked me as I walked by his tent... But he fell down, and I walked away fast. But it's bleeding... heavily." The man states. "Oh.. sure. Come with me. I'm not sure we have any bandages but I'm sure we can help you out. "Marshall says, smiling. Marshall didn't have a look at the wound.

The man was bitten.

Marshall didn't notice. He just assumed it was a bit of a brawl between them. Marshall enters the tent, bringing the man. "Hey guys, this is the guy I heard just then... He's a bit hurt. I don't think we have any bandages do we? Hey, show us the wound a second?" He asks."Yeah sure, stupid fucker bit me." Marshall doesn't look when the man shows his wound, and he doesn't click on to the fact the man said he had been bitten. Instead he looked at Sophia and the other dudes reaction. They were shocked, their eyes opening wide, gasping slightly. "What is it?" Marshall asks, as he turns around and looks at the wound himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Slowly, as if facing down a dangerous wild animal, Autumn lower his spear at the injured man. He talked carefully as if thinking about every words before he said it. "Now listen, he's been bitten. And if i'm not mistaken that's the way these fuckers spread their disease." Nodding towards the man, "Sorry about this, but i'm just taking precaution. I ain't looking to get bit." He shook his head, careful not to take his eyes off of the man.Addressing the other two he said, "Don't you see, it's already falling apart. If this mans been bitten, how do we know there aren't others? Hell for all we know, half of the camp could be infected by now." He nodded towards the stuff laying around the tent, "Look this is my final offer. If your coming with me, you should pack your stuff." Looking first at the woman and then at the man who spoke to him first, "I would really appreciate it if you did." Autumn was sincerely nervous about going out into the open. It was dangerous, but staying here would be worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Katelyn started walking back towards their tent with Sophia and Marshall, she saw her sister handing their friend one of their sodas. "To tell you the truth I really have no idea." Sophia answered in time to see her sister and Autumn the man she saw around the camp earlier walking through the entrance of the tent, she quietly listened to what he said Sophia started to agree with what the man was saying it was going to be a matter of time before someone would get sloppy and let in someone who was bitten. Sophia looked through the small opening and noticed a man stumbling just outside holding his arm and muttering about a bite then Marshall let the injured man into the tent. When he lifted up his arm Sophia quickly saw the bite and knew he was now infected.

"Marshall get the hell away from him, he is bit I've seen it happen before." Sophia said Katelyn quickly ran over towards her sister she remembered when they were trying to escape their apartment in downtown LA Sophia had managed to get out of their room and noticed the apartment manager was fighting two of the walkers he managed to take out one of them before he ended up getting bitten. Sophia grabbed a nearby fire axe which she still had strapped to her backpack straps, she swung the axe right into the walkers skull killing it instantly. Sophia knelt down trying to stop the bleeding and noticed that the manager had been bitten several times after a few minutes of trying to stop the bleeding he died.

Then Sophia saw his body move and tried to bite her hand, she quickly backed away and started stomping on his skull until he stopped moving. Now it was happening here where they thought they were safe, Katelyn jumped as she heard more screams and the familiar groan of walkers as more started coming out of nowhere. "We have to go now I agree with the guy here we need to leave Sis!" Katelyn said sounding worried. "Marshall we need to go now its really not safe here." Sophia said her eyes meeting Autumn's and nodded at him. "Lets go our stuff is here." Sophia said as she went to grab her backpack and took out the fire axe and Katelyn grabbed hers, Sophia took Marshall's hand and started getting out of their tent.

As they left the small section of tents they were assigned to the walkers were starting to attack soldiers and people alike then Sophia noticed Maria. "Hey we are getting out of here you can follow us if you want!" Sophia yelled and quickly made a run towards the main gate the soldiers all left their post to try and contain the infection from spreading to the rest of the camp and quickly snuck out. As they ran a good distance away Katelyn started to breathe heavily. "I need to stop for a minute." Katelyn said softly walking towards a nearby tree and sat down to catch her breath her asthma was always bad but managed to keep it down with her medicine. After about five minutes of waiting Katelyn was better to move again.

They walked for awhile until they reached a small group of houses near Leonardo, Luke and Ash's location.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Autumn couldn't help but smile when they agreed to go with him. The smile died away as soon as he began to hear the screams echo throughout the camp. Walkers came from everywhere, pouring out of tents and climbing over the bodies of the fallen. It was something out of a nightmare.

They moved as a group heading out of the campsite towards the nearest gate. Autumn was covering the back in case a fast walker decided to sneak up on them. Before too long he had stabbed multiple infected and was soaked in blood. The gate was abandoned as the guards did their best to defend the living and subdue the dead, but it was pointless. Countless were dying by the second. Fortunately once outside the entrance the number of walkers diminished.

After leaving the campsite the younger girl called for a break. It seemed like she was having a hard time breathing, maybe she had asthma? When her sister had dished her out a dose of medicine to help her, Autumn fell back till he was at her side. He didn't pay attention to where they were going, only that it was away from the camp. Turning towards the girl he said, "I'm sorry, I'm Autumn. I never really introduced myself."He half smiled at her, "I... I don't know what to say about all that. I would have liked to meet under different circumstances." He looked her up and down, she was a pretty girl. Besides that Autumn wanted to get to know the people in his group, one could never be too careful in these days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Luke was keeping up a quick pace, however noticed Ash starting to lag behind and slowed down until she was able to keep up. It wasn’t as fast as he’d like to go, considering how late it was starting to get. But he couldn’t tell her she needed to hurry up either, he was painfully aware of the last time the girl had eaten, not to mention that she was smaller than a lot of them. However five minutes out from the house he stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw ahead of them. Ash, who had her eyes cast down bumped into the back of him, looking up before she followed his gaze to the group in front of them.

Not walkers, but people. People he recognised. Luke’s heart sank. The camp had been breached. How close had he been to bringing Ash back to that place? All for what? Pretty girls? No. A group. He reminded himself quickly. I need a group. It’s that simple. However he also recognised the new addition to the group and could not say he was impressed. “Come on Ash, stay close.” He encouraged as he made his way swiftly over to the small group, softly announcing his presence before they arrived to make sure no more ‘misunderstandings’ occurred.

“Hey! We’re friendlies okay! It’s me, Luke, from the camp? Don’t shoot!” Instantly he went to the brunette’s side, since they still hadn't been properly introduced he wasn’t sure of her name and looked at her with a slight amount of concern. She didn’t look in the best shape; he could see her breathing was a little laboured. He also very intentionally put his body between her and the new boy, turning her slightly away from him so he had those he trusted at his face and those he didn’t just in the corner of his eye.

“Are you guys alright?” Luke asked in concern, looking to the others in worry. “I’d ask what happened, but I can already guess. Look, it’s not much but if you want a secure place to stay… I can show y’all where I’ve been hunkered down for the past couple of weeks, even if it's just for the night. Not much space but no windows, steel lined doors with heavy locks. Aint no dead gonna get in there. But if everyone’s set on moving on I’m more than down for that plan.” He felt a small tugging at his side and looked down to see Ash standing pretty much on top of him, gripping his pants and hiding behind his legs, looking at him nervously.

“It’s alright, kid, there are good guys.” He then looked up to the group again. “Guys, this is my friend Ashley. Ash, this is um… well that’s Marshal. I remember that.” He added with a friendly smile. “But I don’t think I never caught these lovely lady’s names?” He continued, looking to the two girls. He hadn't really acknowledged the other guy since arriving except for an accusing glare that translated to ‘I know what you almost did back at the camp and I don’t trust you’.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Moving down the road, Marshall felt uneasy. How could he just leave that guy in the tent, back at the camp. Should he have put him out his misery? Maybe he's turned - and has killed someone, or some people. 'Have I indirectly caused someone's death?' He thinks to himself. Looking around the place, Marshall can't see much. Everything looks pretty normal to be honest, the end of the world has only been around for what, 2 weeks? As we stop for Katelyn, Marshall goes in to his bag. He pulls out a belt holster - wrapping it around his waist. Following that, he brings out his revolver - Smith & Wesson, putting it in the Holster. He takes off his jacket, putting it in the bag. Then he tucks in his collared shirt, un buttons the second top button (The first having previously been done), and rolls up his sleeves. Marshall looks in his bag again, and sees the end of a wooden handel. Going in to it, he lifts out his friend Charlie's axe. Well, a bit small to be an axe. Probably better to call it a hatchet. He puts that in his belt also.

"I can't believe that place fell. It seemed so safe when I arrived a few days back. Perhaps if I never said we should've went there, maybe - maybe they'd still be -" Marshall realised what he was talking about and stopped. He didn't want to talk about Charlie - or Nathan, or Alicia. He didn't want to, and he wasn't about to.

Katelyn was feeling a bit better about five minutes on, so they started walking again. "No point in running or jogging anymore I guess. We're a safe enough distance away now. Besides, we'll be needing that energy sooner or later." And so it was. The sun was starting to go down, and they walked down the road. Taking a turn every now and then. Marshall was shocked at how untouched it all seems. Well, if you outrule the occasional splatter of blood and the garbage around, it really did look quite normal. "I wonder what caused it all. The Walkers, I mean." He says - thinking aloud.

They heard someone shout. Marshall didn't pay attention to who was shouting at all, as soon as he heard a noise - he reached for his holster, taking his gun out but not raising it. He turned around. Luke was there. 'Don't shoot!' He heard Luke shout. Marshall put the gun back in the holster as his eyes widened. He couldn't believe it.

"All right?" Marshall repeated what luke said. "Fuck no, but damnit am I glad to see you again!" Marshall said as he gave Luke a brotherly hug.

Luke said he had a place they could go to - or they could keep walking. They started walking, whilst discussing where to go. He was fine with having Sophia choose on this one. As they were walking, Marshall heard a walker close by. As it turned the corner, the Walker saw the group immediately. A female, looked middle-aged. It's hair was brown and it's clothes dirty. Bite mark on it's wrist. "It's only one, but look - personally? I don't care where we go, but the longer we're here? There'll be more asshole's like this one. I got him." Marshall stated. He pulled the hatchet out from his belt. As Marshall went up to the Walker, it groaned louder.. He kicked the Walker in it's knee, causing it to fall to the ground. "Hatchet to the head equals Walker dead." Marshall said, as he sunk the Hatchet in to it's skull.

"So, where too?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sophia looked up to hear a familiar voice and saw that it was Luke running up to them, she smiled softly her eyes going down to see the little girl hiding behind Luke and knelt down to make eye contact with her trying to be as friendly a possible to her. "I'm Sophia it's nice to meet you." She said then looked back towards Luke, and stood up to extend her hand towards him. "Sorry I would have introduced myself earlier you just left so quickly. She went to look at her sister Katelyn who seemed to be doing a lot better now, but she didn't want to push her to hard since she was her only family left and Sophia didn't know if the rest of their family was alive or dead.

"We should stay and rest for the night, where the place you know? And we have some food in our packs not that much, and we can discuss what to do next if you plan on joining us." Sophia said, Katelyn walked over and extending her hand towards Ashley smiling at the ten year old. "I'm Katelyn by the way it's nice to meet you." Katelyn said waiting for Luke to lead the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Luke returned the hug happily. He was glad to feel like he had a true friend he could trust; that someone would have his back if shit went down. He gave Sophia an apologetic look as she told him she hadn’t told him her name because he’d run off. “Yeah… sorry about that. But I had somewhere important to be, and not much time to get there.” He looked down to Ash for a moment and then back to the girls. “Sophia and Katelyn. Got it.” He said as he shook the girl’s hands before they started moving on.

Ashley smiled shyly at Sophia and waved slightly. When Katelyn offered her hand the girl smiled again and looked up at Luke, who nodded encouragingly and she took her hand shaking it gently. “I’m Ashley.” She replied, even though she had already been introduced.

After introductions were out of the way Luke began leading them back to the house. “It’s not very far.” He assured them as they walked around the corner and a walker came into view and he automatically looked to check that Ash was close. She had a knife and a screw driver to defend herself, but she had never had to take down one of these things and he was worried she’d freeze. “A few minutes.” He told them as Marshal moved to take care of it for them. As they turned down the street he led them quickly to the house, back down the side.

“We’ve been staying in the garage, there aren’t any windows and the doors are heavy and lined with metal.” He opened up the door and held it open for the group. Inside there wasn’t much, a mattress on the floor with some pillows and blankets where the pair had been sleeping and a heavy tool chest in the corner, anything that had been on the shelves against the wall had been moved into the house. “It’s not much, but it will keep us safe for the night.” Once everyone was inside he closed the door behind them and locked it.

“There are another few mattresses and blankets in the house upstairs, another double and a single. We didn’t need them before, but it would be an easy matter now. If anyone needs the bathroom there is still a bit of running water from what I’ve seen. But don’t go alone. I can’t guarantee how secure the house it. Marshal wanna give me a hand with getting some bedding down here for everyone?”

“Can I help?” Ash asked as she looked around at the others and then back to Luke.

However he simply shook his head and knelt down to her. “Not this time Ash, why don’t you stay here and keep an eye on our new friend’s hu? Oh, that reminds me, there’s a few tools in that cabinet over there, some of them could make decent weapons if anyone doesn’t have anything yet. Or else there’s some knives still in the kitchen.” He tossed his bag into the corner near the door, Ash putting her bag in the same spot. He’d have to make sure she took some warm clothes before they left and maybe offer some to the others.

He felt a little bad, seeing as this was Ash’s home and they’d effectively be stealing from her parents but right now he had to think about the group and when it started to get cold they’d need warmer clothes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Autumn flinched at the look the guy, Luke as he now knew, shot at him. He had never seen this guy. He was a total stranger- No, he was the man Autumn had nearly stabbed. After Luke had tripped over the a tent wire he had seemed just like a walker. It wasn't until he talked and ran off that Autumn had realized how close he had come to becoming a murderer. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. He looked up apologetically at the man, and only then noticed a small girl standing behind him. Ashley.

Autumn watched as the cute little girl introduced herself to the two girls, Sophie and Katelyn. The brunette had blown him off, not even acknowledging him once Luke had shown up. There wasn't much he could do about that, he thought sadly. Looking back down Autumn stared at the tiny girl wondering what guts she had to have to have survived in a world like this, even for just two weeks.

After Luke's and Ash's introductions they began to make way to a place that Luke had deemed safe. They ran into few walkers on their trek and soon made it to a small house. They were staying in the garage. Probably the safest of all the places in the house; more then one exit, reinforced doors, no windows. Overall Autumn couldn't think of anything wrong with the place.

Throwing his pack against a wall, Autumn started unpacking some of the essentials. He didn't want to take everything out just in case they had to leave in a hurry. Unrolling a sleeping bag he straightened out a nice little sleeping quarters for himself. Maybe when Luke and Marshall got back he could have one of the mattresses. He shook his head at the thought thinking that they should go to the child and women first before him. He could survive without a soft floor.

Sitting down on his sleeping bag he looked around at everyone else. Ash was nearby him. Turning towards her he said, "Hey. I'm Autumn. You must be Ash." She reminded him so much of his own baby sister. She had died at the age of 5, only weeks before the outbreak. In some ways he was happy for that. He didn't want her to have to live through the horrors of the world as it was now. While thinking of his sister tears had began to pour down his cheek. He hadn't even realized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Once everyone had been introduced and they started walking back to the house - Marshall kept an eye open. 'Someone's gotta keep an eye out.' He thinks to himself. Looking at where the sun is, Marshall doesn't think he'll be getting any sleep tonight. It's evening now, which means pretty soon it will be dark. Arriving at the home he follows Luke's lead back down the side, and to the garage. First thoughts? No windows, heavy door - safe for the night. Luke locked the door, safety precautions of course.

"Yeah Luke, of course I'll come get the mattresses and whatever else." Marshall states. Needs to pull his weight in the group. Dead weight isn't what Marshall likes. No liabilities. So far he hasn't came to the conclusion anyone is dead weight. "Running water? Fuck yeah. Would love to clean up a little." Marshall says, wiping some of the dried in blood off his face. Marshall took his bag off, but didn't take his holster belt off. He took out his gun, not knowing if this place had been fully cleared.

Leaving the garage, they go to get mattresses for people, however many we needed. Heading upstairs, Marshall goes first for the bathroom. "One sec bro." He turned the tap, water was coming out - not much, but enough. A few minutes later the sink was full. He dipped his hands in the water and began washing his hands and face. "Suppose that's a little better." He states, looking at himself in the mirror. Still a little bloody, but not as much. He drains the water from the sink, and goes to the closest bedroom. Marshall looks at the mattress. 'Wouldn't take two men to carry one of these, one each should do.' He thinks to himself, as he bends down and grabs the mattress. He takes it downstairs, comes back up to get the pillows and blankets. He does the same with the next room, whilst Luke gets his share.

After that, they're all sitting in the garage talking. It's almost time for everyone to try and get some sleep - Marshall can't sleep, not tonight anyway. Not after what happened back at the camp. He'll sit upstairs and keep watch, although it may not be needed. "So..." Marshall tries to think of conversation. "Where we heading next?" He asks, trying to spark a discussion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well that had gone well.

Maybe the first vet was simply too heavily brain damaged to know when he should crumble to proper authority? She hadn't needed to pull off any ridiculous 'plan,' she merely had to "ask" a high ranking officer. She hadn't even needed to go through half of the barage of insults before he crumpled like the sheep he was.

"N-no, it's not martial law ma'am (...) Yes, we know other camps have fallen, ma'am (...) I suppose a change in tactics WOULD be effective, ma'am (...) Why haven't we? W-well because..."

"It's because you're an idiot, officer. Acting with executive authority, I demand to be let out of this pig pen." The lead soldier of all of this had looked really downcast at being called "idiot," as if he felt he didn't deserve it? Maria added a "Now!" and the armed peasant jerked to life, ordering other soldiers, opening the gate, getting her things, a bag, and any food stuffs and medical supplies they could spare.

She was a particularly good negotiator.

Looking back, she should really be thanking the oafish veteran captain, it was his stupidity that had allowed her to realize her own, she could've done this weeks ago. They offered her a gun, but she took only a machete. The gates closed behind her, and, at last, she was alone. Her plan? Hide. Stay away from other people and the infected-- more so the infected than people, for now she'd probably need some assistance. In the end though, it's need to be her, a comfortable place to hide, and wait. Wait for what? She practically asked herself the question... Well, if this hasn't been solved by the government in a few months, she'd obviously need to leave the country-- yes. Brazil and Portugal were far, though... Somewhere in the Caribbean? An island would be easier to purify, and depending on where, she'd retain Portuguese authority.

Okay, that was a plan. For now, though, she'd walk parallel to the roads, in the woods, and look for others-- the boy and the stupid vet! The condition of her suit didn't worry her as her heels softly crunched on the leaves, safety was more important, staying out of sight.

She had gotten maybe a mile from the "camp" before she heard the first screams. She could see a plum of smoke slowly rising our of the black fortress in the distance, was it falling already? Today? Maria could not help but feel a little smug, as well as some relief, that her theory had come true. It was happening today though? That struck her hard, if she had waited even a few minutes more, she may have been trapped in that. She sat at the base of tree, a little off from the road, lit a cigarette for herself and watched the bedlam. A single infected got in, everyone collectively freaked out, as people tried to get out of the one exit, infected that had been piling around the outside are given a buffet.
That had been Maria's day thus far, she sat smoking as the Pendleton burned. She couldn't even say "I don't want to say I told you so, but..." because she definitely told everyone so, they had all been so content to do what they were told. In her mind, that earned them their fate. A few people managed to run away, here and there, probably to just as grisly deaths in the forest they knew nothing about. It took a good few minutes before a large group managed to escape the fallen Pendleton, Maria recognized the girl in front-- Sophia Harris-- she had been a major shareholder in her agency not two weeks ago.

Crazy how fast everything sinks to shit.

Maria stayed in the shadows as the group passed on the road, she considered following them. There were certainly worse things she could be doing, she noted they were heading in the same direction of the boy, she'd keep her distance, make herself known when she wanted. As she thought this, two others seemed to be hobbling along after the group, with her idea as well. A soldier and his daughter, the soldier was bitten and limping a few steps after his daughter, he appeared to have been bitten quite brutally on his leg-- they had led the infect to Maria's location.

Maria was swift. She wordlessly stalked out of the words on the road behind the injured soldier, the infected noticed her, the soldier didn't. One hand over his mouth, another holding the machete to his throat. One cut, and the grunt dropped like a sack of meat, he wouldn't die immediately, though, the infected would busy themselves with him. The little girl turned around in abject horror, clearly unsure if she should run to her soon to be deceased father, or just run away. Maria made that easy, picking up the soldier's glock, she shot the child in her stomach, the girl was blasted back and curled in on herself as she bled on the asphalt, yelling in absolute pain and sorrow. Maria coldly walked past them both, somewhat glad she had avoided spraying herself with blood, she dropped the soldier's glock as the infected closed in on the bait behind her. She followed the group with Sophia toward the houses.
Her mother made her learn archery when she was younger!

In following the group, Maria happened across a small outlet and found a compound bow! It was in some sporting goods store, most of the stuff had been cleaned out, but Maria found the bow and a few arrows, archery was an acceptable hobby for a woman for royal birth, so she had been formally trained in the art. It had been a while, but this was a neat find for Maria.

It did appear, however, that her lacklustre skills as a tracker had lost her the group with Sophia. The complex was pretty empty of zombies, and she had an easy enough time snaking in... it appeared this would be where she slept tonight. She would need to resume her search in the morning. With a sigh, she looked at the setting sun. At least the back of the store had sleeping bags...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

When they made it into Ashley's house, Sophia watched as the men went into the house to gather some mattresses that were in the house for them to sleep on she decided to help and went into the house and grabbed kitchen knives, a hammer whatever she had found in the kitchen and tool box to use as a weapon to defend themselves. But what they lacked was some more food, Sophia and Katelyn had food that would only last two three days at best maybe five if they rationed it. As everyone was busy working with gathering whatever they needed so they would be on the road the next day, Katelyn looked towards Autumn and realized she blew him off on accident earlier and quickly went over and sat down next to him and noticed some tears were going down his face. "Hey is everything alright?" Katelyn asked sounding concerned for him, and wanted to make up for it for blowing him off when they met Luke and Ashley.

When Sophia came back into the garage she took out a cloth with all the gathered and possible weapons, a crowbar, two hammers, five meat knives and three cooking knives. "This is what I could find in the kitchen, she said softly looking to the others that were in the room she remembered there was a sports store nearby that could help with getting some extra supplies. It was about a thirty minute walk back to that store. "I saw a sports store on our way here, if it hasn't been looted yet maybe we could get extra supplies. If anyone wants to go with me we should leave now, some should stay here and keep this place safe." Sophia said her eyes going over towards Marshall as he asked a question where they should go.

"I was thinking maybe we go towards the Mexican-US border, if there is a way through i'm sure the infection hasn't spread that far. Or if they did already they could have put the border on lockdown to prevent infected from getting in." Sophia said standing up for a moment and looked at Katelyn who was listening to her sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Ashley looked to the other boy as he introduced himself and she smiled gently at him, nodding in recognition of her name. “Well… Luke calls me Ash. Everyone else usually calls me Ashley-” She cut herself off when he started crying out of the blue and her look became a little distressed and she moved closer to him, holding out her hands unsurely. “It- it’s alright. Don’t cry, please? I’m sorry.” She looked to the other two girls for help, not sure why he was crying or if it was because of her and if so, what she’d done to evoke such a reaction.

Luke nodded to Marshall and waited contently for him to clean himself up. “We’ve only got these two left.” He indicated to the double and single that had been propped up against the walls. “So it means we’ll have a capacity problem. Five places, six people. I suppose we could squeeze the girls all in on one, since they’re smaller if you’re up for sharing because between us I don’t trust that other kid as far as I can throw him.” He began pushing the double, letting it slide down the stairs before directing it towards the garage, leaving Marshall with the single.

Sophia presented a good point once they got back, and he figured they could argue about sleeping arrangements later. “I would usually suggest waiting, making a plan. But right now with everyone from the camp spilling out into the city there won’t be much left after a few days, so we need to act now before it’s all gone. After that… I’m willing to go wherever you guys think is best.” He shrugged slightly, looking around. “The question now is who goes.” He looked around the group, knowing he may offend some people with what he was about to say.

“Sophia has already said she’s going, and I have no problem with this. But Ash and Katelyn should stay. It’s probably going to be dangerous out there and we don’t need to take unnecessary risks with them. But at the same time I’m not leaving them here alone, meaning one of the guys should stay.” His eyes glanced at Autumn for the briefest moment, a brief glare as he saw he had been crying. He didn’t want to leave the girls alone with him. He doubted his ability to protect them but at the same time he didn’t want to look like he was chickening out by opting to stay back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

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Quietly sniffling Autumn angrily brushed at the tears streaking his face. He was embarrassed to have started crying in front of the group. It gave the appearance that he was weak and couldn't help the group to survive. If he wanted to survive in a world like this he was going to have to toughen up. No more tears.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to breakdown in front of you." He was talking to both Ashley and Katelyn. "It's not your fault Ashley." He half smiled at her sadly thinking of his lost sister, "You just... reminded me of someone. Someone who was close to me before..." He cut himself off determined to not start crying again.

He counted five beds in total. Five beds and yet only six people. Gesturing with his hand Autumn said, "Make sure that the girls have beds. I'll take the floor." The words came out tiredly, it had been a long day already. Rubbing the bridge of his nose he thought about the people that had died, and how their lives had changed once again. Whether it was for the better, he wasn't so sure yet.

Pushing himself off of the floor in front of Ashley and Katelyn he gave them both a thankful look. Despite everything that the world was going through there was still some decent people out there. "I'll stay with the girls, to protect them. You guys shouldn't be gone to long, so there isn't to much of a need to worry." Autumn knew that Luke was having issues trusting him and he hoped that if he could have the chance to prove himself he could make it up to Luke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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All the mattresses and shit were downstairs now. Marshall sees people comforting Autumn. Damn, hope he's all right. He thinks to himself. Marshall hadn't interacted with that guy yet. Not because he didn't like him or anything, he's just not had much conversation with him. As Sophia mentions the Sports store, Marshall looks at everyone. He can blatantly see how exhausted everyone is. Not excluding himself, of course. But Marshall feels a bit of a liability. He's doing much to try and prove his worth to the group. It's as if they could let go of him at any time. Do they even need me? His thoughts pass. He's going to do all he can to prove his worth.

"Oh and eh - Autumn? Take my mattress, I'm not gonna be using it tonight. I don't think I'll be able to sleep. I suppose when it's time for sleep, I'll sit upstairs looking out the window, keeping watch. Not that we really need to keep watch or anything, but, y'know. Gives me somethin' to do." Marshall says, informing them that he's basically just going to sit there and dangle his legs out the window waiting for the sun to rise. There's no way in heaven or hell he's sleeping tonight.

"Sports store, huh?" Marshall says, as his hand slides down his waist until it reaches his holster. "Damn... I'm as exhausted as everyone, hell - if I'm good for one thing it's beating the utter shit out of these things. Sophia, I'll come - hell I could do with getting back out there. Being safe it - it doesn't feel, well, normal. It doesn't feel normal being in here away from danger any more... Ever since this all started it's been fucking survival... I've lost friends, we lost the camp. Fuck it. I just need to let off some steam." He says, as his other hand reaches for his hatchet, and he takes it out of his belt.

"I was thinking... Well - if we get a car, we could stop by my place maybe? I left a lot of food in there. No reason I just, didn't really think much of it when I left the house that day." Marshall informs the group of his idea. They could stop there and rest for a few days. However, in this moment, this one moment - he forgets that he had a son, and a wife. He forgets the house is still full of pictures of the family, and that he never emptied his sons room - it's still the way it was those few years ago. Marshall doesn't want people to know he had a family, but he's forgotten the way the house is in this one moment. "I suppose it's on the way, when we get a car we could stop by, even for a few days? I mean, it'd just be good to get home, y'know? If you guys don't want to that's fine." Marshall states, it's not that long a drive away, and it's sort of on the way. Not far at all. For now, Marshall is waiting for Sophia to tell him when they're gonna' go to that store. Time to smack a couple heads together. He thinks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katelyn looked towards Luke as he suggested that she and Ash stay behind, she knew why because of her asthma condition and didn't want to get anyone killed while being out there or it would have been her fault. "I don't mind staying here." Katelyn said looking to Autumn and Ashley in the room for a moment then back towards her sister Sophia. "I'll be fine sis." Sophia smiled at her sister and walked over and gently gave her sister a pat on the head. As Marshall started to talk about going to his place for a supply run for some food, knowing it could possibly be looted by now it was still worth trying to see if there was anything left.

"Alright we will go to your place Marshall, on our way back from the sports store. But we are going to come back here, and we will need a car to fit everyone inside it." Sophia said and grabbed her backpack and headed into the kitchen to fill up a water bottle, and then came back into the garage grabbing her fire axe. Sophia looked at Luke for a moment and then the others. "You can come or stay if you want Luke, though it would be more easier for an extra hand but it's really up to you." Her eyes went to Autumn and smiled at him. "I'll leave you to watch my sister and Ash okay take care of them, and if we aren't back by sunrise then you guys have to leave okay?" Sophia went to open the garage door motioning for Marshall to follow her, and if Luke wanted to go as well.

As Sophia started to head down the street she adjusted the straps to her backpack the sun was barely in the sky as night started to take over, as Sophia walked down the street she spotted a black 2014 Honda Pilot that looked like it was in good condition and ran towards it, it appeared to be abandoned and was big enough to fit everyone inside it. Sophia opened the door it was still unlocked and nobody was inside, which was good she started searching through for the keys which were inside the glove compartment. She carefully put the key into the ignition and it quickly started up, on the fuel gage it looked to be just under halfway full which would keep them moving for awhile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Just before Marshall was about to leave, he leaned down next to Luke. "Hey man. Me and Sophia are about to head, I know she offered for you to come, and well I'd feel a bit safer with you covering my back, as well as Sophia, but right now I don't feel right leaving Autumn with the others. It's not that I don't like him - I do, but he hasn't really earned my trust yet. I'd prefer it if you stayed just now to keep everyone safe, me and Sophia shouldn't be gone too long. I know it probably isn't my place to ask you to stay but, well, I'm just thinking in favour of the group. Next time I'll stay, don't worry" Marshall chuckles at the end of the explanation. Hoping Luke understands Marshall having him stay, he turns around to the others. "We won't be gone too long everyone." Marshall is about to leave, but he looks over to Katelyn, wondering if she's a bit upset or worried about Sophia leaving. "Not sure how you feel about her leaving for this run bud, but don't worry - I'd say I'll make sure she's okay, but seriously? It'll be her making sure I'm okay." Marshall laughs. "Be back soon buddy." He says, as he heads for the door.

Walking down the street he can't see much. Again, this street looks relatively similar to what streets looked like before the outbreak. Only exception is the one car that's crashed in to the street light - and the occasional blood splatter "So... Nice weather, huh?" Marshall asks to Sophia - not that he gives a fuck about the weather, that's the least of his worries, but he just tries to spark a bit of conversation. "Man... How the fuck did the world get so fucked up. Feels like just yesterday you were baby sitting for me and Amy, damn I wonder if Noa-" Marshall stops instantly, realising he's talking about his dead wife and son. "God fucking damnit! The fuck is wrong with me. Fuck!"

Marshall sees Sophia going up to a car, a Honda. "Damn straight girl! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Don't these fancy ass cars have heated seats and shit? Maybe that's my imagination. Damn this thing's a beauty!" He says excitedly. Sophia manages to get the car turned on. "Oh that's whattup! Nice job partner! Hey er, hold on a second. Gotta take a leak." Marshall says, as he walks over to the bush a few feet away and begins to piss, with his back turned to Sophia. "Don't mean to be rude, but yeno, when you gotta go you gotta go. Hell, not like I'm gonna get the police on me for pissin' in a street corner." He says, in light of the new days.
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