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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katelyn watched her sister and Marshall leaving the garage, she quickly got up and closed the door behind them, she went to look at Autumn feeling bad for how some of them have been treating him and sat down next to Autumn. "Hey just give them time okay i'm sure everyone will come around eventually." Katelyn looked to Ashley and smiled offering her to sit down with them. "Mind helping me count out the food?" Katelyn asked them both.

Sophia looked to Marshall as he brought up his son and started to feel bad, she knew how much he cared for his wife and son but finding the Honda quickly changed the subject. "Yeah though the front seats get the heating feature, I used to have one when I first came here but it was an older model." She said while looking around the car for anything useful, in the back was a blanket and some pillows looked like someone had been sleeping in it and a few cans of food. Sophia turned to look at Marshall and rolled her eyes at him but nodded at him. "Go and do your business." While Marshall went to go and do his business by the bush.

As the two were distracted a man in his fifties heard the two talking, her heard a woman's voice and smirked thinking they were both easy prey, he walked very quietly towards Sophia in the car and grabbed her by the shoulder and arm. Sophia let out a loud scream thinking that it was a walker, as she was quickly yanked out of the car the man was holding a 1911 pistol to her head. The older man leaned forward and licked along her neck creepily he looked towards Marshall and aimed his gun towards him. "She's coming with me, you come any closer i'll shoot you!"

While he was distracted Sophia quickly bit down into the man's arm sinking his teeth into the flesh of his arm drawing some blood, the man cried out in pain. Sophia quickly went for the man's arm holding the gun and quickly twisted his wrist, using some training she had taken required in past films she had been in. He quickly let go of the pistol Sophia brought her knee up to his chest causing more pain for him he then tried to grab Sophia by the throat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Marshall finishes up, he turns around and hears Sophia scream - some man had grabbed her. He sees that the man violates Sophia, by her neck. "Sophia!" Marshall says, thinking that the man is bluffing about shooting him if he came closer - he strays to the side, runs at him - oof. A solid punch to the temple had Marshall on the ground. The man had gave him a really strong punch to the side of the head - knocking him flat out for atleast twenty seconds. Within that time, Sophia bit him, and brawled with him. Marshall was beginning to wake up - but too dazed to make anything out.

He sees Sophia twist the gun out of the man's hand. Marshall's vision begins to clear up - thankfully. He begins to stand up - but falls over as soon as he gets on his knees. No you weak fuck - no pussying down on the ground, get the fuck up there and do something! He thinks to himself. "Damnit..." He says, standing up, drawing his revolver and aims it. His vision is slightly blurry, but a lot more clear than it was. Taking a shot would be very, very risky. His arm and hand began to move towards Sophia's throat - fast. Marshall aims straight down the barrel. BLAM! Marshall had opened fire, sending a bullet straight in to the man's chest - he falls back, still concious.

Marshall runs to Sophia - sprints, hugging her passionately. "I can't believe this." Marshall let go of her. He looked her straight in the eyes - and her back at his. What Sophia could see, was the rage. Marshall was fuming with anger - his eyebrows sunk down like daggers, his eye's bloodshot - his breathing heavy. "P--please, please help me ! Oh god help me!" The man shouts. "You... you've got to help me please! I can't die like this. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! It's been... It's been so long... She's a pretty girl, I was gonna let her go eventually! I just need some..." He pleads, giving reason. "I can't die man you gotta listen to me!" The man screams, as he holds his wound and pleads more. "I'm - I'm begging you... Please..! Please I'm begging you!" Tears begin to fall from his eyes, running down his cheek. "You can't leave me here! You can help me, you've got to heal me please! This is my life it can't end like this please!" He continues to plead for his life.

Marshall's rage is unbelievable. He's not been this angry since that time... Not in a while. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! The world has got enough SHIT without people like you! Fuck! You rapist scum bag. Beg all you want you filthy piece of dirt. Fuck. You." One shot to the head killed the man, straight in to the brain. Marshall spits on the man, and then wipes his own forehead, removing some of the blood splatter. Turning around he saw the look in Sophia's eyes at Marshall but he couldn't make out what it was. Scared? Nervous? Upset? ...Pity?

He turned around again, looking at the corpse of the man. Marshall's voice was course - very rough when he said what he did next. "Let's go." As he walked towards the car, he opened the passenger seat in the front and sat in it - waiting for Sophia to get in and drive. How are we gonna tell the others... They'll need to be told. He thinks to himself. Sitting in the seat, he puts the gun in it's holster, ready for Sophia to drive to the store.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Luke’s glare at Autumn was icy when he offered to stay behind and he rolled his eyes slightly as he looked away. Brilliant. He thought to himself as he realised he was now going with the scavenging party. He nodded to Sophia at her question. “I’ll catch up, just gotta get my gear.” He said as he knelt down to Ash, looking at her seriously before smiling reassuringly. He wanted to have a few words with Autumn however Marshal came over to him before he was ready to go and Luke looked at him, nodding in agreement. “Read my mind man.” He replied softly.

“I was hoping he’d offer to go, personally. I’d feel better if you guys had someone else to watch your backs.” However he wasn’t going to argue. He trusted that Marshall was capable of taking care of the pair of them. He doubted the kid in the corner was even able to look after himself at the moment. Let alone two girls. So he’d stay. Once Sophia and Marshall had left and Katelyn closed the door he relaxed a little, even as she went and sat beside the boy and invited them to help her count food.

His look became softer at the sight of her with Ashley and he nodded encouragingly to the little girl. The door to the house was currently unlocked, seeing as that couldn’t actually be locked without a key, which they didn’t have. “Just in case you guys wanted, there is running water if you wanted to get cleaned up a little.” He reminded them. He was probably being a little harsh on the kid, but the fact of the matter was that this was bigger than any of them at the moment and if his rashness or emotional weakness was a threat to the group then that just meant more work for the rest of them trying to survive.

Still, him and Marshal ganging up on him probably wasn’t helping the matter so Luke made a decision to at least try and forgive him for his earlier stuff up, so long as nothing else like that happened again. Sighing softly Luke pulled the machete out of the holster on his back and sat on the ground, his back to the house door as he watched the other one closely. Suddenly he heard a gunshot and flinched slightly. That was way too close to here for his liking. He instantly began worrying about Marshall and Sophia but knew he couldn’t leave now to go look for them.

That would just be stupid knowing that those dead things were attracted to sounds. They’d be swarming the street in minutes. Going outside would be suicide. Ash jumped physically at the noise too and looked over to look for comfort. He seemed tense, but didn’t look worried so she calmed down a little, however did move closer to Katelyn as she sat beside the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Autumn nodded his thanks to Marshall as he offered to let him use his mattress. He would use it for the night and then planned on giving it back. It wouldn't be so bad of an idea to set up a watch around the camp. Maybe they could start a cycle.

As Sophie walked over, Autumn was sitting back down between Ash and Katelyn. "I'll leave you to watch my sister and Ash okay take care of them, and if we aren't back by sunrise then you guys have to leave okay?"

"I'll make sure nothing happens to them." He looked deeply into Sophie's eyes trying to put across a meaningful look, "I'd lay down my life for either of them. Even though we just met, I feel like I've know you guys for a long time." He looked down embarrassed that he might have come across to strong. "Be careful out there." The words came out as a whisper, quiet enough that she might not have even heard.

Watching Autumn realized that Marshall was asking Luke to stay behind and watch him. Marshall didn't want to leave him alone with the girls. More trust issues. It seemed like he was going to have to work to get on the good side of everybody. Smiling he looked at Ash and Katelyn, well maybe not everybody. They seemed nice enough that they trusted him already. He had cried in front of them.

"Hey just give them time okay i'm sure everyone will come around eventually." He half smiled at Katelyn thankful that she believed in him. "Thank you Katelyn. I'm happy that at least you trust me. In a world like this... Well if you don't have trust what do you have?" He shrugged trying to think of another topic that wasn't so depressing.

"I would love to help you count up the food." Stretching back behind him he hooked a finger in his backpack and pulled it close so that he could pull out all of his food. "I suppose if we are a group we should share all of our food. I'm sorry I don't really have much, I came out of my small apartment not preparing for the end of the world." His fingers touched something and he froze. A small smile began to grow on his face, "but... I do have something that I would love to crack out with you guys." He looked between Katelyn and Ashley, slowly pulling out a box of redvines. "Either of you interested in, potentially, the last box of redvines on the planet earth." He ripped open the plastic cover and held it out to them both.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katelyn smiled and grabbed everyones backpack pulling out all the cans of food they all had, counting about fifteen cans and ten bottles of water, and handing one over to Ashley, she looked to Autumn as he grabbed his pack and pulled out a bag of red vines her eyes lit up, she hadn't had any in a long time and remembered growing up she would eat them so much until she got sick. "Thank you." Katelyn said softly taking a small handful and handed some to Ash if she wanted some. Katelyn jumped when she heard a gunshot and wondered if it was her sister, and if they got in trouble. She quickly got up and rushed through the door from the garage and into the living room of Ashley's home looking out the window to see if there were any walkers nearby. She counted at least five of them heading towards where the gunshot came from.

As Sophia fought with the old man she felt a sharp gust of wind that went past her neck and then a loud bang, she quickly backed away seeing the gunshot wound from the man who tried to take her, and then looked to see Marshall holding his revolver in his hand. If any closer her would have shot her in the neck, and she would be on the ground drowning in her own blood or dead instantly. As the man pleaded for his life Sophia stared at Marshall she was very silent, she wanted her friend to show mercy but he quickly shot him. Sophia looked terrified at the whole ordeal that had just happened.

Without another word Sophia reached down taking the 1911 from the floor and searched his body finding two clips of ammo, and a flashlight, she then went and got into the car and started the engine and started to drive. It was an awkward ten minutes before Sophia finally spoke. "You could have shot me back there you know that right?" She said in a serious voice her eyes still on the road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Sophia entered the car, and started driving - Marshall just sat back, feeling the heated seats and looking out the window. You could have shot me back there you know that right? "I had to take that shot - he was going for your neck, could've choked you, or grabbed you from the back of it. I had no choice, and I wasn't gonna let him go with you." Marshall says, trying to justify himself. "If I thought I couldn't hit him... I wouldn't have taken the shot. It was an in-the-moment kinda' thing. Like, looking back on it I could think maybe I shouldn't or maybe I shoulda', but when you're actually there, at that time, having to make that decision? You just kinda' go with it. I'm sorry if I scared you." He says in an apologetic tone.

Driving down the road, Marshall looked out the window. They'd been driving for a little bit - looking outside, he sees one Walker, just walking on it's own. No others around him, just one Walker, walking alone. He looks... Lonely. It's really sad when you think about it - the Walkers. He thinks to himself. Marshall sees a resemblance to that Walker. The Walker is alone, not belonging anywhere. It resembles Marshall's feelings. Thinking about it - about the similarities - Marshall can't let it just suffer like that. "You've gotta stop the car..." Marshall says. "I'm not gonna make you stop everytime you see a Walker but... I need to kill that one. It won't happen again. I promise, just give me a sec." He states, as Sophia stops the car and he exits.

Walking across the grass to the Walker, Marshall begins to wonder. This Walker is basically... The Walker version of me. I feel a bit alone - and he's walking by himself, we're both wandering aimlessly. He walks up to the Walker, as it has noticed his presence and begins stumbling towards him. Marshall kicked it's leg backwards - breaking it, and it falls to the ground, reaching up at him - moaning in that way the Walkers moan.

"You were a person once. It shouldn't be like this." He states, talking to the Walker. It groans, reaches, biting at the air. "I'm sorry this happened to you." He said, as he takes out his Smith & Wesson, forcing the end of the barrel to touch the head of the Walker. One head shot put it out. Walking back to the car, he sees that Sophia has noticed the few minutes Marshall spent kneeled down next to it, though from that distance she couldn't hear him. "I know that seemed odd. I won't make you stop again, sorry." Marshall sits back, putting the gun in its holster, as they began to drive again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Ash took two of the redvines offered to her and was about to offer one to Luke when Katelyn suddenly jumped up after hearing the gunshot and ran out of the room. Luke who had been leaning against the door at the time, promptly got out of her way before standing up and flowing her out into the living room, giving Ash a look for the briefest moments. He found her staring out the window at the dead and carefully walked up beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It’s not safe out here right now.” He told her gently, trying to coax her away.

“If any of those things saw you they’d target this place. I know you’re worried about your sister, and you have every right to be. But if I didn’t think Marshall was capable of taking care of her on his own I never would have let them go alone. Look… I know we’re still getting to know each other and stuff, so I really have no way of explaining my trust in the guy but… it’s going to be okay. They’ll be back before you know it.” He really had no way of promising that either however with so many of the dead nearby they couldn’t afford to linger at windows.

“Look, why don’t you go upstairs and have a shower or something?” Luke suggested. “It might be the last one you get to have in a long time, I know I will before we get going tomorrow.” Tomorrow. So many things about that made him anxious; not really knowing how to get to where they were going, the idea of just driving by the dead, all the people they were likely to encounter. How many of them could they trust? How many arguments would arise about whether or not to pick them up? Let them join the group or share supplies with them? It was all a little too much to think about right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Autumn smiled kindly at Katelyn as she took some red-vines. "These are my favorite candy in the whole world. One of the things that I'll miss-" A long bang interrupted him and he unconsciously flinched. Someone was shooting out there. Katelyn jumped up hearing the shot and rushed out of the garage. Luke followed quickly after. Kneeling down next to Ash he said, "Wait for us here, alright? I'm just going to go check and make sure everyone's alright." He couldn't tell if the girl was scared, but he wanted to feel safe either way.

Following the two of them out there he could see they were standing in front of a window watching the dead roam by. Raising his right hand he pointed towards the window with two fingers raised, counting. "Two, four, six, eight." he muttered softly under his breath. "Seems like there are more following that noise. I counted ten." His voice was raised now so that both Katelyn and Luke could hear. "Your sister is fine. She is with Marshall and that guy can handle his own." His head tilted down and it almost seemed like he was talking to himself, "Not the smartest if he is out around shooting guns willy-nilly, but..." Autumn looked up again, "I agree with Luke, wouldn't worry."

"Shower? Wow I nearly forgot we had running water. We might want to think about baths or something though, to preserve water. I haven't taken a shower for ages. We didn't have one back in my old apartment. Did you know that I met a guy there and within two days or so he was my best friend. Well one of them." Autumns words were flowing out fast now, almost in a stream of constant motion. "He's dead now though. Loved that guy, I had to kill him myself. Walker just jumped out from around a-"

He caught himself rambling to his friends. Bending his head he spoke after taking a long breath in, "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to go on like that. My ADD just acts up when I'm nervous about things." His head snapped up and he looked up nervously. In almost a comical apologetic way he quickly said, "Not that you have anything to worry about. I meant what I said about Marshall being a tough man." Before Autumn could start rambling again he walked over to the window next to the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Luke turned sharply to look as he saw Autumn and once again his eyes narrowed. “Seriously, okay, I had this. There is no reason for you to be here and everyone crowding around the windows is going to draw the damn creepers.” He shook his head angrily, having thought someone would have logically stayed with Ash, but no. That kid had to get up and follow the rest of them not thinking things though, again. And then he just kept talking. Luke turned to look towards the street, though luckily nothing seemed to be drawn by the constant chatter. It must have been quiet enough to go unnoticed.

Not by all though. The dead were oblivious, but Luke heard Ash gasp softly from where she was standing at the door, listening to them. Her eyes were slightly wide and fearful as she looked at Autumn. “You… you killed your best friend?” She said softly, looking to Luke worriedly and the man groaned angrily.

“See? Are you happy now? Look just shut the fuck up kid before you get us all killed and try using your head for once okay? I thought maybe I could have left you to take care of her for one fucking minute but no! You just had to get up to see what the grownups were doing didn’t you?” He made a frustrated noise and walked back over Ash, kneeling down and speaking to her softly to try and reassure her. “It’s alright, okay? I promise, I won’t let anything hurt you, not those things and not anyone else.” He placed his hand gently on her back and led her back into the garage. “You trust me right?” She nodded slightly. “Good. But don’t be so quick to trust everyone. Just because they’re a grown up, doesn’t mean they’re safe.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I..." Autumn paused at a lack for words at the little girls sudden appearance. He hadn't thought before he started talking. It was his stupid ADD's fault. "There is nothing I can say that would make up for my action. Yes, I killed my best friend. I had to. I couldn't leave him to turn. He deserved better then that." He looked back out the window quickly so that they couldn't see the tear that dropped from his eye.

Standing up quickly Autumn casually brushed the tear away, as if it had not been there at all. Walking over to Luke he got close to his ear. Laying a hand on shoulder he softly spoke so that only he could hear. "You are in no position to call me a child, when you, yourself is acting like one. In these times I have just as much say as you, or Katelyn, or Marshall, or any-god-damn-one. I came out here to help out a friend, I've lost too many already. I wasn't going to leave Ash alone for long, besides that I trust her enough to handle her own. She's also your responsibility. I'm not going to get us killed. If you start freaking people out with your shouting and yelling, you will not only cause the walkers to come, but start some serious panic." He pushed himself away, "And clean your mouth up, there's a child here."

Autumn stormed out of the room and up the stairs. At the top, he found a window leading to the roof. Propping it open with one hand he pushed himself outside so he could sit on top of the house. Leaning against a different segment of the roof, clutching his spear Autumn watched the walkers pass. There were more now, spread out through the houses, in different backyards and traveling down the road. But Autumn was to preoccupied with his own thoughts to think about any of that. With what had just gone on downstairs he might have just lost any friends he had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katelyn jumped slightly when she felt Luke's hand on her shoulder, she turned to look up at him and smiled softly and nodded at him she knew her sister would be okay on her own but she was still worried. Then Autumn came in she nodded towards him glad that they both were trying to comfort her, but then Luke and Autumn started to get into an argument again, and sighed before finally speaking up. "We all need to work together, we can't be fighting amongst ourselves over something that happened back in Pendleton. Or we will all be dead." Katelyn said, and thought about taking a bath before leaving. "I'll be in the bathroom, to take a bath i'll keep the tub filled when i'm done if anyone else needs it." Katelyn said softly and started to head up the stairs, when she was in the bathroom Katelyn quickly took off her clothes and turned on the water until the tub was full of water and got in not caring if it was hot or cold.

"I saw the way your arm was shaking back there, and there is always a choice you could have waited and took a shot and I disarmed him and ontop of that he surrendered he was harmless after that." Sophia said letting out a soft sigh but smiled. "But thank you for saving me, just think before you react." Sophia continued to drive down the road until Marshall told her to stop the car. She stopped and sat there looking as Marshall climbed out of the car to take out a single walker that was nearby, letting him do what he wanted Sophia sat back in her seat then she heard another gunshot when Marshall came back into the car again she looked back at him. "You really need to save up on ammo, and gun shots attract more of those things." Sophia started the car up again and made her way towards the sporting goods store.

After about five minutes of driving Sophia and Marshall were finally there, she got out of the car holding her axe and the 1911 she looted from the guy Marshall killed. Sophia took her backpack out as well and headed inside. "Look for anything that can be useful okay?" Sophia said as she entered the store, she quickly spotted some movement and drew out her sidearm, as she approached Sophia noticed a sleeping bag and then a woman. She quickly recognized the woman as Maria from Pendleton, and also met her a few times at a party. "Well long time no see." Maria said as she stood up dusting herself off and grabbed her bag with everything she had taken from the store that was left, only two golf clubs baseball bats and hockey sticks and some snacks that were always near the register.

"Seems like you have everything huh?" Sophia asked, Maria nodded and started to head out of the store and got into the back seat of the Pilot, Sophia followed her and got inside the passenger's seat waiting for Marshall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Luke stared at the other boy icily, his hand shaking slightly as he restrained himself. “Your rashness and lack of control is what’s going to get people killed. It already has once. You don’t think before you act. You just go off with good intentions without thinking anything through.” He pushed the hand off his shoulder. “Touch me again and I will break your hand.” He shook his head angrily. This kid was a hazard to the group, and he was causing Luke to be one as well with all the conflict they were causing. Some people just didn’t get along, that was just a thing he accepted.

But how could this work when he couldn’t trust him? He just couldn’t get over how reckless he was, back at the camp, at the house now. His first response is to jump in and be a hero, but you can’t save everyone. That was something he was going to have to learn real fast. His mind then turned to if the pair ever did get into a physical confrontation and he wasn't sure who would come out on top honestly. They were fairly matched physically at least. He was such a quiet kid it was easy to think that he would be easy to take down, but at the same time his rashness made him unpredictable and he had seen how quickly he had jumped up before. He was certainly not above killing, something Luke himself was not so sure how he'd react in a similar situation.

“You should be nicer to him.” Ash said softly, looking up at Luke. The tiny voice had caught him a bit off guard and he looked down at her uncertainly. “He didn’t do it on purpose… and you don’t know what people have been through. Katelyn is right; if we keep fighting it will just get someone hurt.” Luke smiled at the little girl and placed a hand on her head, ruffling hr hair gently. Typical that the ten year old was acting more mature than all the adults. Ash smiled and shrugged slightly. “If you want her to like you; you should probably listen to her, show her you’re the bigger man.”

Luke winced slightly at this remark. “Is it… is it really that obvious hu?”

Ash simply smiled and shrugged. “To me anyway. I don’t think you were really angry that Autumn left me alone, more that he interrupted your alone time with her.”

Luke shook his head and laughed softly. “Well uh… how’s about we keep that little secret just between us okay?” Ash looked at him and nodded silently, making a motion of zipping her lips before she munched on the redvine given to her before offering the other to Luke, which he also took and ate without a word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marshall followed Sophia into the store - he also notices the movement, forcing his hand to draw his revolver, aiming it in front of him. A woman that he doesn't recall from the camp - but undoubtedly was one of them, appears in front of the two survivors. She looted most of the good stuff, she then walked by us and sat in the back of our car. "The hell, we don't know this girl, well, not really? Can't just allow her to... Never mind I trust you on this one." He states, holstering his revolver as he begins to head to the car and sits shotgun.

Driving to the house they stay in, Marshall gets a bit bored, even though it's not that long of a drive. He plays around with the radio thing in the car, suddenly, whilst flicking through the channels and networks, he hears a voice, but moved on to the next one fast. So he goes back to the channel, and listens closely.

"Approaching the third week of ######## # ## # ### # we're able to inform you that over ha-#### # # ##### ## ## wiped out. Unknown, as to what caused the dead to ##### # ## ##### ####### ## ##### human flesh. It seems most other of the radio stations have fallen, very few broadcasting. Luckily we are still able to get word out. This is life, from Los Angeles. We hope you're safe, have food and water. Keep all doors and windows locked, curtains closed. The military and government are working their way helping all. Do not leave ### ############ # # ##### ## ## ###### ##### safe ### ### # I ####### #### #### ### military. All will be resolved. We cannot broadcast 24/7. We will still broadcast for as long as the infected do not ## ## ####### ## ##### ##### long as possible. Every few days at the minimum. Times unknown. #### #### broadcast when we can. The increasing death toll continues to rise. Don't approach any infected. It is known that if you are bitte### ## ######### ##### ####### do not need to ###### ######## you will bec-### #####. Stay safe. I'm being told to get off the air. We will broadcast again when possible. God bless Amer-###."

"Shit... There still are people out there doing that kinda shit? Hell, would've thought there'd be none broadcasting..." Marshall states, as the house comes in to view. "All right lets go see if everyone's okay." He says, getting out of the car and approaching the house. Marshall debates on whether to tell everyone he murdered someone, though he has decided he will, he's going to wait until everyone is settled in first again now that they are back.

Walking in the front door, Marshall sees the young girl, then Luke appears, walking out of the room. Delighted to see him - and happy he's okay. "Good to see ya' buddy. All is... Well. Everything been cool here?" He asks Luke, curious to the well being of the group. Shortly after, Marshall enters the garage and sits on the floor, happy to be back here where he should be. He'll wait a little bit longer until everyone is comfortable and shit before he tells them. "Oh, by the way guys, There should be just enough mattresses for everyone. It's almost time to catch some shut eye. I'm gonna sit upstairs and watch out the window. I don't think it's necessarily necessary to keep watch but hell - I'm not sleeping tonight anyway." Marshall says, with an awkward smile on his face. He stretches out his arms, and opens a bar of chocolate, feeding his hunger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


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Luke looked up sharply as the garage door suddenly opened, however smiled happily when he saw that it was Marshal and Sophia returning. He got up to greet his friend, thankful to have him back safely. “Honestly? I'm just glad you're back. Things got pretty shit once you guys left. We heard a gunshot, and got worried so Katelyn just ran out into the house with no caution, I followed to make sure she was alright and then Autumn decided to make it a party. Then we started fighting… he’s upstairs somewhere now, no clue where and Katelyn is having a bath.” He shook his head slightly, it didn’t really look all that good that they couldn’t keep things together for an hour once the other two were gone.

The boy shook his head slightly. None of them really seemed to have any idea how to work as a group, then again they hadn't really been a group for all that long, really most of them had just met today. Sophia and Katelyn would always look out for each other because they were sisters, Marshall and Autumn seemed to have decided taking care of everyone was their problem, which he was happy to let them do since he wasn’t going to make everyone his responsibility. Luke had no experience looking after people. Ash was more than he could handle at the moment.

Hell if it hadn't been for her he never would have stuck around this long. But as it was he needed people with experience looking after others, people who could take care of Ash if something happened to him. “Look man… I know you keep saying you probably won’t sleep… but I don’t think it’s a good idea to stay up all night and then get behind the wheel of a vehicle.” Luke finally said as he sat beside Marshall. “Stay up if you like, I’m not trying to tell you what to do but maybe let Sophia drive tomorrow?” He suggested, hoping Marshall didn’t take it the wrong way. But he was a cool guy, he doubted he would.

He himself was already feeling drained. Candy was all well and good but that sugar doesn’t last long when it counts. Luke could already feel himself getting drowsy. Now that the others were back safely he planned on getting some rest. He had been up since sunrise and it had been a long, very tiring day. As he looked over he could already see Ash curled up on a mattress dozing off. She was trying to stay awake, but every now and then her eyes would close and just not open again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Conell was trying to be quiet but it wasn't always easy when breaking into a house. Especially when the probably dead asshole who owned it previously decided to lock all the damn entrances. So there he was crawling through the one small window that was open. He hoped there was something good inside the place, but he at least knew enough not to get his hopes up. It wasn't primarily food he was looking for anyhow, it had gotten dark and it was time to rest up for the night. It would be best to sleep in a house with no broken locks. Thus the window crawling. Soon enough Conell wriggled himself through, falling into the apartment with a few grunts and more than one curse word.

Dragging himself to his feet Conell flipped on the small and somewhat crappy flash-light he had scavenged and began exploring the home he had broken into.

“What a shit hole.”

It was an accurate analyse. It looked like whoever lived here before had trashed the place before he had fled. There was crap all over the place and more than one smashed plate. Continuing to look around the kitchen Conell searched through all the drawers and cupboards. He found a couple of tins of food thankfully, one can of beans and another of spaghetti. To anyone else he imagined it would be a pretty shit find, but to him it was gold. He had spent the last two years eating the shittiest prison food in the state. That was saying something. After that a can of spaghetti may as well have been a huge plate of spaghetti bolognese in a high end restaurant. He was looking forward to digging in. First he had to clear the rest of the place though. It didn't take long. The place was pretty damn small. After clearing the living room and the bedroom Conell braced himself for the basement. If there was anything or anyone in the place they would have to be down there.

Slowly creeping down the stairs Conell let the flash-light dance over everything. He almost shit his pants when it lit up a face. Fortunately it was a very dead face. A face belonging to the owner; a man whom had hung himself from the basement ceiling. The scare at seeing him was nothing compared to when his eyes suddenly opened and he let out a growl.

“Oh you fucking dick.” Conell spat, startled, suddenly stopping though with a look of realization on his face. “Let me get this straight, you decide to top yourself so you lock all your doors? Or did you lock all yours doors and then decide to... Opt out? Either way, you're a prick. Making me climb through a fucking window. It ain't like you're going to need these beans now is it? You're lucky this can of spaghetti put you in my good graces or I swear to God I would get necrophilia-like with you right fucking now.” Conell ranted with a smirk on his face.

The dead dude gave a growl in response.

“All right, calm down, don't wake the fucking neighbours.” Conell gave an audible laugh this time, finding himself increasingly amusing. “Anyway, sorry brother, but I'm going to have to stab you in the head now... It's nothing personal really, it's just that I don't want that rope snapping and you chomping on my leg whilst I'm in dream land... Ah yeah, I'm going to use your bed as well. Think of it as saying sorry for making me climb through a fucking window the size of my forearm. Anyway, toodledoo man... Where do you keep the tin-opener? Never mind.”

With that Conell raised up his blade and brought it down on the deaden's forehead, going back upstairs and deciding to get some rest for the night soon after.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I know where you're comin' from. How about this - if I fall asleep, I'll drive. If I don't, well, I don't really care who drives to be honest bro. Just don't see my self getting much sleep tonight. I'm just not sure everyone knows the way to my crib. I think that's where we're going. Hey, let me go upstairs and get whoever's up there I gotta... I gotta tell everyone somethin'." He says, as he looks at his shirt and sees fresh blood. Fresh.

Walking upstairs, Marshall remembered the days of chasing little Noah around the house - always one for stairs he was. Marshall didn't want to think about his son - so he got the top of the stairs and looked around again. Marshall wonders what Noah would think if he saw what Marshall did - would he understand? Marshall knocks on the bathroom door. "Whoever's in there, I need you to come downstairs real soon." He says, addressing Katelyn with the idea it's her in there. Walking forth, he sees Autumn. "Why don't you go ahead and head downstairs buddy. Gotta talk to everyone." He states to Autumn, as he wipes a bit of sweat off his forehead. "Go on." He says, watching Autumn approach the stairs and descend.

A short while later, once Katelyn had went downstairs. Marshall sat at the top of the stairs, listening to the group muttering and discussing about why Marshall called them all there. A few minutes passed, and he went downstairs to the group.

"I know you're all curious as to why I called you here..." Marshall said, as he looked to Sophia - knowing that he was doing the right thing. "There's no easy way to say this so I'll just say it." He stated. "We were... Out, in the open. Raiding this car, this big new shit. We got... Attacked. Some guy, must've been at least 45 - probably older. He attacked us. Grabbed Sophia, knocked me clean flat out for at least 10 seconds. He was going to --" Marshall stopped, remembering Sophia didn't want Katelyn to find out the mans intentions. He looked everyone in the eyes - except Katelyn - giving them a look that they would maybe understand, that what he said next isn't 100% accurate. "He was going to... Rob us. Steal our guns and shit, take the car - take everything." He stated, looking everyone in the eyes again except Katelyn. His eyes ignoring Katelyn's wasn't noticeable by anyone. But when he looked at the others - he hoped he was getting the message across. The man was a rapist. But Marshall wasn't about to say it infront of Sophia's little sister.

"I got up, and saw him reaching for Sophia's neck. I didn't feel as if I had a choice. He was going to -- rob us. Maybe even hurt us more than he already had. I shot him... In the chest. He fell back. I walked up, shouted some shit and shot him in the head." Marshall stated.

"I killed a man today."

"I don't like it any more than you. Until the government clean this shit up - if they fuckin' do - then I hate to think these are the kind of things we're gonna' have to do. Together. Alone. It's not an easy thought. But if these are the type of things we're going to have to do in order to survive... Shit, I'll do 'em. I hate sayin' that but I don't want to let this stop us of who we are. Who we were before this... The thing is... When you're in the position I was - and when you kill someone - - When you stop someone's life, stop their existence. It changes you. I'm lookin' at things differently now... I don't like it." Marshall states, trying to justify his actions.

"I know that some of you - if not all of you, are probably thinking something along the lines of 'Why didn't you just beat him up, or run, or get in and drive away. Why did you have to kill him.' I know where you're coming from. The thing is... Try to look at it like this. When you're in my shoes, in my position, you don't get to think about what you're doing from the point of view we are looking at it now. You can't re-invent the moment or anything. I did what I did, it was in the moment. I didn't think about any other options. I did what I had to do - at the time. Looking at it now, I may be joining you and thinking why I didn't do things differently. But it's not like that when you're doing it." Marshall says.

"I thought he was going to hurt Sophia more than he had hurt me. If any of you - - Any of you - - were in Sophia's shoes? I'd have done the same thing and shot. I don't want to be changed by this world. But I already am. I had to protect her because she's in the group. Sophia's capable, and isn't the kind of person to need protecting. But anyone in her position needed to be protected." Marshall informs to the group.

"I'm not trying to say that I'm the leader of the group or anything. Hell... I don't know. This isn't a leadership talk or anything. I'm not trying to make my self leader here. But I'm just saying..."

"I will do anything - anything - to keep everyone of you alive. It might not be my responsibility, but I'm putting that weight on my shoulders. I don't care if you call me a leader, or don't. I don't think of my self as the leader. The way I see it, once we hit my house, which is where we're going next, I don't care who decides where we go, or what we do. But I, personally - me, I am not losing anyone of you to this damn shit. I know most of you feel like you don't need protection, and to be honest you are right, most of you can completely handle yourself - and that's great. But after today... If anyone of you is lost... I'd some how feel like it was my fault. Even though there may not be anything I could've done. Even though I might not be there. I won't be the only one having to make these choices. But when I do need too - - I won't hesitate. I'll do whatever I need to do, to keep this group together - alive. Leader or not - I don't give a fuck - I don't see my self as the leader type. I suppose we might not even need one - for now anyway. But after today... I'll do whatever I can, whenever I can - to make sure no one fuckin' dies." Marshall said. He looked to Luke for reassurance, but when their eyes locked he wasn't too sure what Luke was thinking - so Marshall looked away.

"Why don't you all go ahead and get some rest. I'm goin' upstairs to just keep watch. Even if we don't need it. Some of you may never look at me the same again after what I did. But I did it. And... I don't regret it." Marshall said, as he wiped some sweat off his forehead, looks over at Sophia - leaves the garage and goes upstairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maria sat there in the back of the car as Marshall drove back towards the house they were being held up in, she looked at the pack she gathered mainly left over stuff that people didn't get to loot, the whole store was a mess any anything was better then nothing. Both of the women were quiet for most of the ride until Marshall turned on the radio and heard some ones voice over the radio. Sophia looked at Marshall for a moment wondering who was broadcasting the message, but it was still information that everyone knew so far and the military had pretty much fallen and staying in doors weren't much of an option now anymore. "Well the info is kind of late Pendleton fell earlier, not sure if there are any military personnel left anymore." Maria said, and the car came to a stop in front of Ash's house.

Maria and Sophia both excited the car grabbing their packs that they caught and walked into the house, Katelyn was in the tub still enjoying her warm bath by the time Marshall called for a meeting Katelyn quickly got out of the tub hearing Marshall's voice, she knew her sister was back as well. Sophia looked to see Kate running down the stairs and quickly hugged her sister tightly.

As Marshall started his speech Sophia knew what he was going to be talking about earlier and remained quiet, Katelyn looked between Marshall and her sister she noticed Marshall was trying to avoid eye contact. She kind of got the feeling about what happened but didn't say anything else. "Well I will volunteer to be leader since none of you want to be." Maria stated crossing her arms over her chest looking at Marshall for a moment and Marshall left the room to head upstairs. "Lets all get some rest it will be a long day tomorrow, we have a car so we don't have to worry about traveling on foot at least until we run out of fuel." Sophia said and walked into the garage and got onto her mattress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Autumn looked in the window as Marshall came up the stairs. He was asking everyone to come downstairs for a meeting. "Got it boss. Glad to see you guys made it back safe." He pulled himself through the window and tumbled out onto the floor. Reaching back through he pulled through his spear and walked towards the stairs. As he descended Katelyn was getting out of the bath. Apparently this meeting was more important than some of the last hot water.

Autumn stood against one of the walls letting Marshall have the center stage for his speech. He watched as Katelyn entered the room and upon seeing her sister ran up to hug her. Smiling at the two of them he turned his attention back to Marshall. He talked about their trip, how they were attacked on the way out. It was almost immediately evident to him that Marshall was carefully choosing his words in order to avoid revealing their attackers true attention. He looked over at Sophia and couldn't help also looking at Katelyn. Autumn was glad that Marshall had decided to leave that part out, worrying about something that almost happened wouldn't help.

When Marshall told them about how he had killed the man, Autumn couldn't help connect the pieces to how he had killed his friend at the beginning of the infection. His friend hadn't been trying to kill him, though he might have if given the chance once infected, but both of them had killed one of the living. Someone who was not infected had died at both of their hands. He understood how Marshall must have been feeling at the time. He's was trying to explain to us and at the same time reason with himself.

After Marshall was done talking he went to go find a quiet place. It didn't seem like he was going to get much sleep tonight. Autumn could relate as he hadn't slept after killing friend. The strange girl that had come in with Sophia and Marshall stepped up volunteering to be leader, immediately putting Autumn on edge. He didn't know this girl and wasn't about to trust her to just step up and boss them around at least before he got to know her. One thing that he knew, he wasn't going to take orders from her until he thought she was the right kind of leader

Moving across the room Autumn stood in front of one of the mattresses. It didn't really look like anyone had claimed it so he began to get ready to sleep. Unzipping his jacket he tossed it on the ground next to him. He then proceeded to strip his shirt and throw it in the same pile. After that he sat down and began untieing his shoes. Once finished Autumn lay on his back staring up at the ceiling afraid of the nightmares he knew would come with sleep. It was bad enough that they didn't have light, it was becoming thoroughly dark in the garage and his heartbeat was picking up. Reaching out an arm he took hold of his spear and just gripped it. It brought him a sense of safety and calm. While holding it he could protect himself and those that he cared about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As he left through the doorway, Marshall smirked, and chuckled inside at how Maria said she would be leader if no one else wanted it. He left the room with a smile on his face because of that. Walking upstairs, again, he just thought of his son - and how his son would feel if he saw him kill that man. Thinking of his son set off a mental chain reaction forcing Marshall to think of his ex-wife, Amy.

He entered one of the rooms facing out the front yard on to the street, opened the window - sat on the window sill and dangled his legs out of the window. He thought of Amy... If she was still around how would she look at Marshall? Would she understand...[i] He thought to himself. "Oh Amy - -" Marshall said, brushing his hair back, he looked around the room. A bed frame with no mattress, wardrobe, TV, drawers etc. "Oh Amy I miss you honey. I really - really love you." Marshall said as a tear fell out of his eye. "I just... I just wish you were here Amy - I need you." He stated, talking to himself. A tear fell out his eye - setting him off. [i]"No. This is no time to be fucking weak. Man the fuck up Marshall." He said to himself, wiping his eye. His ocean blue eyes looked out the window on to the street. Walkers here and there, some walking around and some staying in the same position. The street looks pretty normal. A bit of litter around, cars parked here and there etc. He leaned to the side - leaning on the window frame. He went in his pocket and brought out a picture of Noah and Amy. "I miss you so much Amy." He said, staring out the window - viewing hell on Earth, holding Amy and Noah in his hands. He still doesn't feel like telling anyone he has family - only Sophia knows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merbella


Member Offline since relaunch

Throughout Marshall’s confession Luke was silent, thinking to himself. When the other boy looked to him he wasn’t sure what he’d see in Luke’s eyes. If nothing else he was glad Ash was asleep for this, after the way she had reacted to Autumn’s confession of killing his friend he didn’t want her afraid of Marshall too. He didn’t even know what to think about all of this. He was just glad it wasn’t him. He wasn’t sure he would have been able to do it. Thoughts did cross his mind similar to the words of his friend. Why not just beat him up and leave him?

Why was killing him necessary? He knew the answer, he supposed. The look in Marshall’s eyes said it all and although men like him hardly deserved to live it felt like such a waste of human life, especially when so much of it was being lost every day. He understood what Marshall had done. He wasn’t sure he agreed with it, and he was glad it hadn't been him. He probably wouldn’t have been able to do that. However he still understood it and he most certainly didn’t think less of him for it.

People he could trust completely were a rare thing right now but he trusted Marshall and knew that he had done what he thought was right at the time. He looked up at the end of his speech and gave him a small smile and a small nod to let him know they were good. He was about to get ready for bed when Maria, the woman from the camp who had offered to help him declared that she would be their leader and he stopped suddenly and looked around at the other.

“Now hold on,” he said gently, unsure how to approach this given how she had reacted to the soldier disagreeing with her last time. “No offence ma’am, but I think the group has been doing pretty good so far without a leader, we make decisions democratically, with no one person’s opinion meaning more than another. It’s been working for us so far… I don’t think we really need a leader. If it ever comes to a point where we do… then we’ll vote. Until then… well I don’t see much point changing what isn’t broken.” He shrugged slightly and went to sit on the mattress next to Ash, pulling a blanket up over her and he lay beside her and eventually nodded off into an uneasy sleep.
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