One Piece! 
So, I thought this show would be stupid and just drawn out and eventually come pointless
like Naruto and Bleach //shot but as I watched it, I fell in love with the show. Well, because they're pirates seeking adventure that's for sure! I also appreciate how they develop as a pirate family and their determination to to never give up and they stand as a team, the sudden sad moments that hit you hard, and even
lists thousands of reasons... It's just an anime/manga I'd recommend if you have the time. Ha, I don't even know how I caught up...
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! 
Wow. This anime, it taught me things that I didn't expect. They have some amazing, quotable things in this anime, one of them being
Reject common sense and make the impossible possible .
Like, this anime is so hardcore and yet so deep in a subliminal type of way. And I don't know, but the sudden attack of feels here and there really get to you. (This is around 27 episodes if you're willing. I think you should.) It's amazing.
Here's an AMV that depicts the show in a beautiful way.
Soul Eater!
The concept of the show was pretty interesting to me. Meisters and weapons gathering 99 souls and 1 witch's soul in order to have a Death Weapon etc etc. I just think it's a cool anime. I HATED the ending though haha, but I hear the manga is better. (20 or so episodes)
Here's a cool AMV with them in it.
Well. It's a funny name to say for one. The concept of gangs fighting might sound boring to you, but not when they add twists and turns. This city itself and all of its people is weird. From obsession over a relationship to having some unheard power to having monstrous strength because you're just crazy... Yeah. Ha, this is an interesting anime. Short (20 or so episodes), but I believe the manga is still going.
Deadman Wonderland! 
Oh my, how could I almost forget about one of my favorite bloody anime!? Corrupted Prisons and whatnot. Actually, I think they stopped the anime with a cliffhanger and left it to the manga
which I should go look up . This is pretty intense, and bloody, and cool. Watch it!
Man I realize that I've seen a lot of anime and yet not that many at the same time... Like I read Blue Exorcist and haven't seen the show yet. But it was a good manga... Hm, Death Note was legit although I didn't finish it, but I had people tell me about it...
Space Dandy would be high for top 5! And I don't even know why! That show is kind of stupid, weird, and just....weird. But there are episodes where it seems like some actual in depth story is being told, but I don't know why I like, the show. But yeah, Space Dandy...