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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
Avatar of Fox of Spades

Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Midnight Train to Nowhere

Chapter Progression

Prologue: The Midnight Train (Complete)
Chapter One: Captains of the Sky (Complete)
Chapter Two: The Siren's Song (Complete)
Chapter Three: The Kingdom of Sol (Complete)
Chapter Four: The Midnight Man (Complete)
Interlude: Battered and Broken (Complete)
Chapter Five: The Clockwork Tower (In Progress)
Chapter Six: To the Bottom of the Sea
Chapter Seven: TBA
Chapter Eight: TBA
Chapter Nine: TBA
Chapter Ten: TBA
Epilogue: TBA
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
Avatar of Fox of Spades

Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Soon," the voice was barely a whisper and dull grey eyes stared into the lake depths, eyeing the motionless surface, the reflection of peppermint stars and the blood red moon. Something within the lake stirred and the corners of her mouth drooped into a frown. Slowly, a distorted reflection began to appear deep beneath the ripples of Siren lake. "Very soon." The woman repeated, turning to look at the boy beside her.

Luke arched an eyebrow in question. "You're planning something, aren't ya?"

The girl beside him nodded her head, eyes glazing over as she clenched her fists. "We're going to save them," she repeated the sentence she had been repeating for far too long. Neither she nor Luke remembered how many cycles had gone by and time was nonexistent anymore. It was all an incoherent blur or event after even meshed into a confusing timeline made up of batches and Newt years. They watched as lost souls came and went, unable to do anything to save them - unable to do anything against her.

"Yeah," Luke mustered a grin. He remembered those words even though he no longer remembered her name. "I guess we will...but, don't get your hopes up." He stretched like a lazy tabby. After so long Nowhere felt like all he had ever known, the concept of freedom was almost lost to him. He pulled up the sleeves of his coat and stared at the pink scars that ran across his skin. 'Get out' one of them read...he didn't know why, but he understood the hate he felt for the world of sky pirates and soda waterfalls. It wasn't his home and he would escape with her someday, maybe not now, but he would and he'd leave Nowhere - he'd go home.

"So how do we find the humans?" He found himself asking.

"No, we won't find them." Came her quick response. "If they find out were here...if she finds out." The girl shook her head right and left, a bitter smile finding its way onto her face. "You know what will happen if she does. She likes games and hates losing," there was a pause and her lip quirked up into a smirk. "Her game with us is far from over."

Luke grinned. "Mhm, we're not the kind of people that give up without a fight." At his words he found her smiling and suddenly images of creaky tire swings and walking to a place called school flashed before his eyes. It made him long for something he knew almost nothing about and it made his heart ache for blurry and incomprehensible images and feelings he could barely understand...there was only one thing he was sure of. He hated her for taking everything away. His friend began walking towards one of the caves and motioned for him to follow. Luke bit back a frown and trailed after her...there were still so many unanswered questions.

Back at the cabin...

Harper's eyes felt heavy. It was impossible to tell time, but after all the games and stories it felt like two in the morning.

Dissonance continued to chirp cheerily like a child on a sugar-high while Serenade looked tired as well. The boy stifled a yawn, staring at his fellow humans. How long had it been since they first got on the train? How many had they been during the beginning? He didn't recall the precise numbers, but now there were less than half of them. It was just Iro, Jasper, Mado, Hakuren, Sanae, Leila and him. There were only seven of them left and they were nowhere near completing the list of absurd items. Not to mention, item number two sounded crazier than the essence of chaotic star. Now, they need the song of a siren. Where on earth were they going to find that?

He turned to look at Jasper and Leila. "I wonder if we're ever going to leave..." he didn't mean to sound like a pessimist, but the odds weren't looking good. "Oh, ignore what I said. I'm sorry," he mustered up a smile and tried to start a conversation with the two. "If you don't mind me asking, before all this what was life like for you guys?" He smiled kindly. "I was pretty much just a student." He stated with an uncertain chuckle. In Nowhere were everything was fantastic and magical, he was just plain Harper Riddle, it hadn't been much different back in the human world either.

"Hey! Hey! Haku, you should tell us more about the human world." She stated with a smile as she sat down beside him and leaned forward, her resting in the palm of her hands. "You're a really good story teller," she added in with a toothy grin and a childish tilt of the head. He wasn't a very good game master, sure, but she enjoyed his tales.

Serenade let out a sigh and turned to Two-Thirds. "We'll be leaving early tomorrow to speak with mayor Spicy Tuna...and we'll be meeting the next boat as well. Martini, Brandy and Songbird should be arriving tomorrow, however, if they don't arrive then the humans will be left in our care." She gave him an encouraging smile. "You should probably get some rest while you can...I'm used to my sister keeping me up." The black rabbit got onto her feet and walked over to Sanae, Mado and Iro. "You guys can get some rest as well, in fact, we should all rest soon enough."

The announcement earned a whine from Dissonance who immediately bolted up. "But it's supposed to be a slumber party!"

"It's supposed to be a mission..." Came Serenade's retort. "Good night," with that the nobody walked towards one of the beds, leaving the chatter of the living room behind. "Be nice to the new human," she chided before finally walking up the stairs that led to the second floor.

"So, so, new human, where did you come from?" The white rabbit stated with a grin. "And oh, oh! I have cake if anyone want's some."

Harper closed his eyes...he was far too sleepy and tomorrow was going to be a long, long day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After the unsuccessful experiment with the game, the young man in the midnight green coat simply sat down on the floor in the middle of the living room, much like the rest of his comrades. There was still a pinch of a distasteful spice in his mouth, but he decided to let it go. After all, one learns best from their mistakes. "Kagome Kagome" typically worked in their world, albeit it also required a specific setting, but just because Nowhere was a mystical land, there was no guarantee the spiritual tricks from the human world could follow their pattern there. Once he had a moment to reflect upon his slightly reckless action, he concluded that it had been a fool's decision. They were in a supernatural area, yes, but that fact excluded the possibility of any form of spiritual phenomenon from the human world existing in the manner known to humans. Whilst there could have been some sort of effect from the chant, it would most likely be impossible to trace back, now that a certain amount of time had passed. Rather than mope about his failure in causing a reaction from any siren nearby, Hakuren decided to have a look at his notebook whilst the rest of his company chattered about bedtime. Taking the item out of the inner left pocket of his coat, he found the bookmark munching on a few words from his fourth note regarding Nowherians and Nowhere in general, information he had gathered from the second celebration at the Queen's castle. Gesturing slightly with his pointer finger, the strange animate black lace slid much like a stake to his hand. Apparently no one from the group was paying him any mind, thus he could write his fifth note undisturbed.
Hakuren said
Note 0.4
A childish war is the game of cards.
A song of tragedy sang by bards.
It is a play of colour and light,
where children's eyes shine so bright,
but in their hope sleeps a shadow,
which shall wake come the morrow.
In the end, it is but a dream.
Wishes are not all that they seem.
Reality comes and so does dawn.
On the sky a canvas is drawn.
One of bright yellow, and orange, and pink.
For yesterday's red they must sink.

With that the lad quickly shut the black notebook and placed it back into its former position. He was just in time to catch a glimpse of Serenade, the black rabbit, who entered the bedroom and was not to be seen again. Looking around, the opportunity to have a party was glowing slim. Harper was already dozing off to Dreamwhere. With his eyes closed, he looked even younger, as if he were a boy in middle-school.
"Really, kids will be kids." Hakuren sighed to himself as he sat nearby. There was nothing they could do other than tell stories and that often bore at least one person. With no alcohol, games or bottles, it was expected for a few of them to already feel tired.
Dissonance was chattering again. She was now asking the new human about where they came from. Normally, one would be expected to wait for the person being asked a question to reply before they themselves spoke, but the green-blue-eyed youngster had no intention of sticking to restrictions such as those, at least not in their current location and situation.
[b]"To answer Harper's question" he began with a normal tone but increased the volume a bit upon mentioning the name before continuing with his casual voice "I'm a student at university in the psychology department. As for your request, Dis-chan, there are plenty of stuff to talk about." he smiled as always "We have pretty awesome amusement parks, high buildings and whatnot, but, as I've heard, you have most of our attractions in Nowhere. But, sights aren't the funnest part of our world. Humans are. We're quite the silly bunch, once you get to look around. For instance, in our world, you can't breathe in space, humans can't talk to animals, we have super fast trains, but we are slugs in space, and pester ourselves with questions that are basically meaningless. Imagination is, you could say, the oddest of odd things Nowhere probably doesn't have when compared to Earth."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With a content sigh of relief, Jasper was probably the gladdest of all that the Kagome game had ended. Her stomach whined a bit as it urged her to get some food into her system. It didn't feel like they had been there very long, but when she glanced out the window, the sky was already dark, well like it usually was. Yawning into her hand, she frowned at Harper's question about ever getting back, but she was satisfied with the way he hastily took it back and replaced his words with more positive ones. Reflecting on her worldly life, she suddenly felt a strong longing for her daily life at the cafe. She missed the smell of freshly made coffee and the feeling of unground coffee beans running through her fingers while she picked a handful to manually grind down to prepare for brewing.

"Well, I worked in a nice little cafe in New York and lived on my own. I liked my job there and... I miss it a lot...", she swallowed down a growing lump in her throat as she blew out more air from her nostrils than usual. Uncrossing her legs, Jasper stood up and headed to the kitchen to grab a night time snack. Hoarding a couple of blueberry cream cheese bagels into her hands, she sat back down with the group and munched away on them until they were absolutely devoured. Seeing that Serenade had already gone off to bed, Jasper eagerly followed we lead and went off to sleep as well.

"Goodnight everyone." And she went upstairs and claimed her spot. The mattress was dusty and not very comfy, but she was thankful to have something to lay down on. The adventures of Nowhere lingered over her mentality all through her slumber and she feared the future events of her stay in the bizarre world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alone again, she sat on one corner of the room, examining her knife idly.

Mado Tsukihime found this situation all too familiar. Everyone, after gathering round for whatever reason they had in mind, all left to do their separate things, and one of them... one of them will suddenly die. Locked room optional.

How exciting the prospect. She had never been in a closed room murder mystery, or even a normal murder mystery before.

Mado sighed as she listened to the others telling their own stories. Her kind of stories weren't generally accepted she had learned. It was pointless for her to even tell stories about anything. No one would believe her, and no one would really listen to her long enough as well. Just as she was sitting in this room with them but still separated from the rest. Something she had noticed and accepted all her life.

The girl, Jasper if she recalled her name correctly, stood up and went upstairs, where she was presumably going to bed.

"...I should be going as well..." Mado spoke to no one in particular.

She did not go upstairs however, that would be reserved for those other people. Instead she headed outside, where she sat on a rather ricketty old bench. Or was it an unused shelf for potted plants? Either way it had something for her to sit on and a back for her to lean against so it was fine. She looked up towards the man walking towards her, maintaining his aura of dignity, of being a high class gentleman.

"Staying alone? I do hope you weren't thinking of sleeping on that... thing."

"I can't sleep." Mado stated. "I won't sleep. What if they come when I am sleeping? There is no one here who can fend them off if I do."

"Well then, allow me to keep you company throughout the night." He sat beside her, the bench creaking under his weight, but still holding together. "Now if we are to capture the siren's music, we would, of course, need a siren first. The paper, if I had read it correctly, had not mentioned anything about what it was exactly. Therefore...."

Mado kept silent as the man went on about what the siren's song was, nodding at the right moment to let him know she was still listening. When dawn comes, Mado should probably meet the mayor as one of them said, and then proceed to find a siren somewhere. She was so sleepy, but she had never succumbed to it yet.

The Faceless Man won't find her offguard tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
Avatar of Fox of Spades

Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tick tock...

Tick tock...

Not long after the humans and the nobodies began to retire for the evening. Dissonance was rather stubborn, stating that they should pull an all-nighter. However, eventually Serenade got tired of her sister's antics and turned off the lights. "Tomorrow, we'll be meeting up with Mayor Spicy Tuna, so get some sleep while you all can." She gave Jasper a goodnight and raised an eye at Mado when she exited the cabin. Surely, Mado's fellow humans and batch mate's would make sure she didn't do anything reckless. Well, hopefully they would...because honestly, she was far too tired to deal with any more shenanigans.

"Good night, kill joy!" Dissonance had yelled before curling up in a sleeping bag before the fireplace.

Harper didn't stir and remained asleep on the couch as the sister's bickered and argued. Eventually both silence and darkness enveloped the cabin and one by one everyone began to fall asleep. With a bitter Serenade ready to whack whoever turned on the lights, there wasn't much more one could do and so they slept.

Have you heard of siren lake?
'Tis cursed the place, the future is bleak.
Fall now before stormy seas,
the end it comes for you and me

All was silent until a soft humming filled the room. The voice was enchanting, one that could not be described in words. It echoed through the empty cabin, pulling the sleeping humans to their feet. It brought to life their wildest dreams and desires and blinded them to reality.

"Harper, mom and dad were worried sick about you."

Through half lidded eyes he could see her...his sister! Gone were the needles and the hospital room. It was just her, beaming with life and smiling at him. He struggled to speak and found himself struggling to form the most simple of words. Suddenly, he was pulled into a warm embrace and everything felt alright. Thoughts of Nowhere, the castle int he sky and the chaotic star all vanished. The only thing that mattered was the present. "I-I thought you were sick," he croaked only to smile when his sister laughed at him.

"Sick? Me? Naw, you must have been dreaming little bro. Mom and dad are waiting back at home, we've got a new year to celebrate, c'mon, c'mon, time's a wastin'!" She hooked both her heads behind her head and told him to follow after her and he did.

Similar things were happening to everyone else. Rosen appeared before Jasper, telling the girl to follow her back to the coffee shop for cake. Those with more abstract wishes were also affected in the same way. People didn't appear before them but answers and the desires of their hearts did and soon they too were walking out of the cabin. Mado who remained awake and outside soon caught site of her fellow humans as they shuffled awkwardly like zombies out the cabin door. Their eyes were open but empty and blank and they moved stiffly like robots without so much as a word.

Soon enough the faceless man appeared as well, trailing behind the others. He turned his head to face Mado as if he were staring then continued walking towards the others–towards the blackened lake.




Serenade hopped frantically onto her feet, a sense of dread overtook her and before she could try to think logically she looked around. The bedroom was completely empty! Quickly, she bounded down the stairs, only to be greeted by the same sight. All of the humans were gone and the only person left in the room was Dissonance, mumbling to herself in her sleep. The black rabbit quickly shook her sister awake, yelling about the human's whereabouts. The white rabbit stared on in a daze, looked around sleepily then when she finally noticed the missing humans scrambled to her feet.

"Where are they? Dissonance, I swear..."

"Sis! I don't know where they are, really. I was asleep! How would I even know?"

Serenade narrowed her eyes suspiciously before gulping. Quickly she grabbed onto her sister's hand and made her way out the door. A fog hung low, making it hard to see more than a few feet ahead. The humans were nowhere to be seen and Serenade found herself fearing the worst.

"Hey, bro?"

Harper arched an eyebrow, a silly smile still stuck to his face. "Mhm?"

"When 2014 comes, what are you going to wish for?"

Before he could respond he found himself enveloped in something cool and soothing, at first it reached up to his knees then his waist before soon he found himself completely submerged. It became rather hard to breath, he didn't know why but he wasn't happy he was unusually almost frighteningly at peace. The lost souls waded into the dark water, each one moving deeper and deeper into the lake.

The faceless man laughed as he stood on the shore and Mado watched as her fellow lost souls began walking to their watery graves.

Serenade ran through the fog, sometimes tripping but always pushing herself back up. Dissonance looked rather frightened and unnerved behind her sister but pushed on with a confused look stuck on her face. The black rabbit cursed then cupped both hands over her mouth and yelled. "Where the hell is everyone?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO9NoAMdnGY

An empty black abyss, deprived of light, stretched on and on, until the world's end. Not a sound. Not a flicker. Not a single movement. Only small shards simmered dimly as they came from the shadows and vanished into the darkness. A hollow shell without an exit. A room with not one window. The space was full of nothingness to its finest.

"Back to your usual logical nonsense, I see?"

The moment that low quiet female voice spoke, the sparkles shined brighter and, suddenly, a screen of white engulfed one's vision. In a heartbeat's time, the positions were set. Two trees were facing each other, both of them completely bare. The sky stretched on into infinity and met the land, which was white, but not from snow. Quite simply put, no one had bothered to paint there, since it wasn't necessary to begin with. Small clouds of cream and gray were scattered left and right, whilst peculiar staircases lead upwards to doors without rooms. The ground was a checkered stone floor with cracks spreading much like the roots of a tree and grass glowing on the edges of most of the squares. Some still bore remains of yellow and purple paint, but only scraps and spots were left from their former beauty, as it was now being replaced by a more natural hue of colours.
Under one tree stood he, Hakuren Zabluda. A young man at the age of twenty, he examined the scenery before him carefully, taking a moment to acknowledge every minor detail, for he was most impressed with what he saw. The welkin's blue neither carried the iciness of winter, nor was its blue as deep as a summer's lake dive. Thus he presumed that it was either autumn or spring, but the conclusion confirmed the latter, for there was not one fallen leaf, but a few patches of snow were present here and there and the branches, under which he was, bore their first small buds.
Under the other tree stood she. A tall girl with white hair, which reached down almost to her waist, and eyes of a piercing icy blue. She stood there motionless, wearing a long dark blue coat, the edge of the hood of which was fluffy. The scarf on her neck, which was composed of blue, dark and light gray and white lines, slightly swayed to her left as a gentle breeze blew past them. The tree, under which she was, was not budding, rather, it had a few nests of snow and its branches reached out towards the heavens, like pitiful beggars wishing for a piece of bread.
The two of them remained speechless for awhile. They were apparently in a forest, but the rest of the woods were vague, as if swallowed by mist. The lad allowed his gaze to rest on her once he had enough of his surroundings. She was an acquaintance, one so close you'd call them friends, but they both knew their relationship was far weirder than the weirdest pair of party goggles. Going under many ordeals together, they had a bond of a questionable state, for it always appeared at different ends to outsiders. Sometimes it looked as though they completely mistrusted one-another. At some other occasion, the duo like a married couple, with one remarking something about the other is a homely manner. Most of the time, they were presumed to be colleagues, two people who ran on the same business track, albeit the identity of the path was a big question mark. In the end, only they knew what they knew and no one could understand what these two people, peculiar in their own way, almost opposite to each other in their manner towards human beings, ever found in common with each other to keep meeting up and talking as if nothing was ever wrong.

"And you're as cold as ever, Aika." Hakuren finally responded.
"You're going a little too far from shore this time, don't you think?"
"Ships always crash in a shallow, but almost never at shore. My insight always brings profit."
"It's not only your insight that's bothersome, it's your curiosity." the girl told him, but let out a small sigh a moment later and continued "I always wonder...if it was the right choice..."

In that instant, everything around them became black, except the two trees and the snow on the ground, which was notably mostly on Aika's side. Small puffs of glowing light floated about, like miniature marble suns. Some were light blue, the majority were ginger and yellow, and the meekest ones were red. Not too far away appeared a figure, and then another, and then another. They were not in a group and stood on paths of light, their strength differing from person to person. All of them were facing with their backs, but the youngster could tell who they were. The boy with a long black coat and short black hair. The girl with the outrageously funny hoodie, which was patched here and there with hand-made pictures. The short-haired girl with her white and green school uniform. A man with flaming red hair. A boy with messy hair and strange headphones. The girl who held a pair of scissors. A blond lad. A cat-eared person. A man with a black fox's mask strapped to the side of his face. Many came and many went. They appeared and disappeared quickly, just like the shards that had sparkled and vanished before.

"Was it really alright for us to move forward without offering them any personal help? Although we aided them, we assisted and gave them a hand...neither one of us...offered a shred of emotional support. If just once we had went over the wall and became personal...maybe this would have ended differently."

Hakuren had been looking at his companion the entire time, not once glancing at the people, whom he knew. Silence ruled for quite some time before and after the girl's question, but when he decided to interrupt this splendid rule of a queen so kind and noble, he did so by letting out a loud laugh. He began with a smirk, then a chortle and finally broke off into a laughter so hard, it sounded like that of a mad scientist. The figures in the distance vanished and the lights faded one by one. Aika simply stared, unfazed, as if stoned the way she was.
"Heh, really, that's all you could come up with?" he spoke after taking a small breath through his parched mouth whilst looking upwards, then letting a "heh" to exhale as he lowered his head to meet Aika's gaze. "In reality you are a far better conversationist. I always thought Aika had a guilty conscience about not helping people thoroughly, but now that I hear my own idea of it, it doesn't sound like her at all."
At that moment, he felt a tingling sensation on his legs, which slowly crawled upwards. His vision was getting slightly blurry as well.
"Even if you were a Kuchisake-onna, I wouldn't tell you you're beautiful." he mumbled. This was all but a dream and he knew it well. Usually he was able to awaken the moment he wished, but it was much harder in this situation. His will was fighting and he could feel reality was only a bit away, but the overall sensation of dimmed senses and no gravitation somewhat troubled him.
"What did you wish for, son of man?" the girl in front of him asked. Her intonation was different, naturally, because she wasn't truly the Aika he knew.
"My wish?" he responded. The tingling sensation was already at his shoulders. "An impossible wish only a fool would make."

A few moments passed in the haze of darkness before he finally opened his eyes only to see he was submerged under water. Seconds fleeted by as he remained numb and his eyes were stung by the water, but the young man regained his self-awareness and swam upwards. Once his head was above water, he coughed out a bit of water and breathed in slowly. Not a single other head could be seen around and the surroundings were all but fog.
'Either I'm dead or this place has a serious weather problem.' he thought, but knew it was the second. He wouldn't die, not on his life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sleep normally didn't come easily to her, but the adventures and activities of the morning tired her to the point at which she drifted into REM almost as soon as she had made contact with the bed. Her body seemed to sink deep into the smooth bed sheets.

"Hello sweetheart.."

Rosen's voice penetrated right into the eye of her slumber, awakening her instantly.

"How would you like to sit down and have some cake and tea? Come dear, I know just the place..", the elderly lady beckoned her with welcoming hands, her voice and actions almost mesmerizing.

"Of course I will!", Jasper jolted upright and settled into her guardian's arms before tailing after her toward the "cafe". It seemed like eternity as they walked, then suddenly Rosen stopped dead in her tracks. Turning slowly to face the eager albino, the aged woman took the girl into a second embrace, wrapping her arms around her child's neck.

Jasper could not be more happier. She sighed and waited for the hug to finish, but instead of her loosening grip, the grandma's grip tightened threateningly around her throat. Hard enough to cut off the circulation of oxygen intake. Grabbing Rosen's elbows, she struggled to pry herself out of her loved one's death hold, but failing miserably. What the hell was going on?! This strange reality had been so pleasant until now. Eyes beginning to water and her lungs completely losing all hope for air, Jasper could feel herself falling into an abyss.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Brandy hung over the edge of the rowboat, trying to ignore the nausea and headache that pounded at his stomach and head. Of all the accursed ways to get to Siren Lake, did they have to come by rowboat? The sound of waves rocking and the constant creaking of the small wooden boat were muted by the earplugs the three Nobodies had equipped before heading to the lake; the dangers of this place were not foreign to them.

The rabbit-eared man opened one eye blearily, watching as the scenery around them gradually faded away as a heavy fog swallowed them, the brightly lit lamp on the bow of the boat barely improving their visibility at all. Still, Martini didn’t seem to be bothered at all and seeing how she was a bit more familiar with travelling over water they should be fine. At least, he sure hoped she knew where they were going because the mermaid was in charge of steering the little dinghy.
Martini sure hoped they were going in the right direction. She frowned at the dense fog around them that limited the view to no more than a few meters off each side of the boat. Even a bat wouldn’t be able to navigate in these conditions, with the water droplets in the air no doubt stifling everything around them. Songbird was rowing the boat, Brandy having been too seasick for doing much, so she had ended up steering the boat. It wasn’t so much steering as it was holding the rudder steady and avoiding patches of algae, all the while heading towards where the cabin where the humans were staying was located.

Out of the three Nobodies on the boat she was the only one without earplugs as the Sirens to her weren’t really dangerous creatures that might pull her underwater (not that it would matter much, being part fish and all) but rather distant relatives that were making her current job of keeping the humans alive just that much harder. Speaking of her cousins…

She reached out and poked the white-haired Nobody in front of her a few times, urging him to go faster as the faint echoing notes of the siren’s melody reached her ears. Luckily it sounded like her song had only just begun and it was faint, meaning that she was still at the bottom of the lake.

A dull thud was heard and the boat rocked as if it had bumped into something, and a short groaned out “I got him-“ was heard from Brandy’s spot in the front of the boat. A tuft of dark blue hair and a familiar face was seen bobbing in the water, illuminated by the lamplight. Martini let out a short groan too- the fact that Haku was in the water meant the rest of the humans probably were too. With a disdainful look at the rather murky water she slipped out of the boat, shivering as the cold waters enveloped her. Without the thick fog blocking her sight she could see two distinctly human figures drifting downwards, and with a quick flip of the tail she dove underneath of Harper before bringing up a hand and blowing through the ‘o’ that formed between her thumb and index finger. An iridescent bubble quickly grew and when it was about the size of a pillow she let go and watched as the bubble settled comfortably underneath the boy and started to bring him up to the surface slowly. As for the Jasper-human, she just grabbed the girl’s arm and hauled her out of the water, somehow managing to toss the drenched girl in with a dull thunk. The mermaid winced an apology, before peeking over the side of the boat to see how the other two were doing with their humans. Brandy seemed to be struggling with the task of hauling Haku over the side of the boat while Song dealt with the floating Harper.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There was a pleasant vibration in the air, soothing her, making it feel as if all her troubles are washing away. Her eyelids started closing by itself, that vibration having taken away her feeling of urgency and thus her need to stay awake.


She snapped awake immediately, startled by the hand gripping her shoulder.

"There." The gentleman she was with pointed his hand towards the lake.

The faceless man, herding those people in the cabin into the lake. THere was that familiar feeling of something crawling all over her skin, but there was something different about it. For instance that feeling of something crawling up her leg and into her skirt was new....

She lifted her skirt and flicked away a large candypede.

"Tch.." With her knife in hand she would have rushed the faceless man, gutted him and wear its stupid suit while she drags the naked corpse home, but the hand on her shoulder tightened. The faceless man continued walking on to the lake and just.... vanished as he would often do, leaving the others walking into the lake, making no effort to really swim. Oddly, even though the human body was buoyant, they seemed to be sinking. As soon as the hand left her shoulder, she started to run towards the lakeside, but again, that strong hand gripped her just as she was about to go into the water.

"Why?" She turned back towards the gentleman, who was still calmly smoking, as if oblivious to the several people quite obviously drowning in front of him.

"Forgive me for asking, but.." He puffed out a perfect circle of smoke. " Mado my dear, can you swim?"

"..ah.." Mado went slack at that, prompting the gentleman to let go as soon as he was certain she wouldn't just jump in like a fool.

"There is nothing we can do."

With the faceless man gone, and the rest of the others drowning, she was powerless to do anything else but stare. Mado had thought the faceless man would kill them off one by one, but it seemed he had more power than she had imagined, simply dragging the lot out and drowning them in their sleep. Speaking of which, why wasn't she targeted? Did she have something the others didn't? If so, then what was it? What was it that saved her, and took the others? She was rather downcast by the mere thought that she could have done something to save the others. Not that she really know them or care about them terribly, but being able to stop the faceless man from killing would be nice.

"Best we can do now is wait until morning, and... oh. Well, at least some of them will be saved." He gestured out towards the lake, where the... the... other not human people were in a boat rescuing the sleepers.

She stared at the people in the boat for a while, then turned and walked back to the cabin slowly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Several complaints ranging from “Stop poking me!” to “I’m rowing as fast as I can, Martini” were uttered during the span of time it took for the little whaleboat to sway from side to side, and Songbird accidentally let go of the oars to peer over the side of the rowboat. For all he knew he could’ve ran them over a patch of algae or kelp, and what with this thick fog blanketing the area, that wasn’t entirely impossible for him to achieve. However, it seemed that the source of the movement was a human- he hadn’t bumped the boat against seaweed or cattails, but it seemed as if a certain human was going to resurface with a swelling mass on his head later on. The item hunter shrugged then grabbed the oars again. Oh well, Haku would have to deal.

Songbird turned to the side when he heard something fall into the water, only to notice that the mermaid was nowhere behind him now. He swiveled back to his original position just in time to see Harp… Herp… the harp boy floating upwards, stifling a giggle when he saw mossy green clumps stuck to the human’s body. The mirth faded away when he realized that Martini meant for him to rescue this certain person, and with a scowl on his face Songbird pulled down one of his scarves (the ugliest, most threadbare one, of course) then whistling. At once Fluffy and Stuffy popped out from underneath his seat in the boat, their energy in sharp contrast to the gloomy surroundings. “Calm down. I doubt the two of you will like what I’m going to make you do, anyway,” The nobody muttered under his breath as he firmly attached the scarf to his pets, then, ignoring their squeaks of curiosity, threw them overboard.

“It’s gonna get colder the longer you dilly-dally there,” He called out to the two fluff balls, now joined by his accessory, who were furiously lapping at the side of the rowboat in an attempt to escape from the icy water. After a few more minutes of squealing, the two finally turned tail and headed for Harper. At first they both tried to catch him by the torso, but that was deemed impossible after a few attempts, so Fluffy and Stuffy just circled the boy, hooked him by the foot, then paddled back to the boat, where Songbird (hesitantly) pulled the wet human back on board.

After getting the scarf untied from their bodies, Fluffy and Stuffy fulfilled their vengeance by drying themselves right beside the item hunter, who, despite his tactics to avoid getting wet and slimy, now looked potentially worse than Harper did. Songbird scowled again- although he knew he deserved it- then began the journey back to shore.
“Get out of my sight, you two. D’ya think it’s easy to row while looking over your shoulder?” He chastised the fluffs time after time but they didn’t budge from their position, which led to quite a rough bumping as soon as they got to the shallow waters. “We’re back on land now,” Songbird yelled, then let go of the oars and jumped off the rowboat to pat himself dry onshore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
Avatar of Fox of Spades

Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Oh my, oh my, I didn't thing she would come again...not after we pushed a barrel of chemicals into the lake." The fish-headed mayor of Siren lake tapped on his table repeatedly with fish-like hands. "Its been getting worse, hah, this is just horrible. Because of that," he took in a breath of air, cursing the siren to cheesecake hell. "Because of that siren the town's empty, we rarely get visitors because, well, she always tries to drown them in the lake."

Serenade's eyebrows twitched in irritation. "And you didn't tell us?" She practically exploded. "We're supposed to keep those humans alive not lead them to some death."

"I'm sorry, I honestly thought you knew." He frowned though his glare wasn't apologetic, it was accusatory. "All competent guides know."

"You see, my sister and I are more of musicians then guides...we're new to this." The black rabbit spat before slamming both hands onto mayor Spicy Tuna's desk. "Now, you will help me find them or I'll tell the queen it's your fault all her precious humans are gone." The tone of her voice was threatening and the mayor gulped, immediately getting to his feet so he could assist with the search.


Dissonance was still calling for the humans, hands cupped around her mouth. The sisters had decided to split up so they could cover more ground. Eventually, she heard the sound of water and walked blindly through the fog and into the nearby lake. She squinted eventually seeing a boat and the humans! Gosh, her sister would be glad to know they were okay. Dissonance yanked down on both her ears a wide smile lighting up her entire face. At this point in time the song had subsided and the lake looked plain, dull in comparison to most of Nowhere magical streams and oceans. The white hare snapped out of her thoughts, so someone had saved the humans. She would definitely need to thank them...

Was that Songbird and Brandy in the boat and...she could have sword she saw a colorful tail surface from beneath the blackened lake.

Holy Cellery! It really was them. "Song! Grump! Martini!" Dissonance yelled, waving energetically from where she stood.

Harper coughed up some water, his sister and all the happy images that had rushed back were beginning to fade. He let out a groan, turning over only to have his hand slap Hakuren across the face. At the contact he jolted into a sitting position and the world spun, his head felt a lot heavier than usual and a decaying sort of taste lingered in his mouth. Just what was in that lake? He shuddered at the thought of corpses lying deep under...it was Nowhere and everything was possible. Slowly, he propped himself onto his elbows, Iro and Leila were safe on shore and Jasper and Hakuren were beside him. His eyes locked onto songbird before he was hit by another coughing fit. "W-What happened?"

"You guys came just in time!" The voice was clearly Dissonance and the white rabbit huffed and puffed as she ran towards the boat. "Martini!" Came another energetic squeal. "I knew I could count on you to convince them! I knew you'd get them to come along."

Harper decided to lie down again, all the screaming was making his head pound.

"There you are...Songbird, Brandy, and Martini. I'm glad to see you guys." This time it was Serenade's voice, she was out of breath from dragging the mayor with her as quickly as possible.

Mayor Spicy Tuna stared at the drenched humans worriedly before his eyes landed onto the earplugs on the Song and Brandy. He gulped nervously and fixed his tie. "Um, hello, I see you two know about this place. I'm the mayor and Serenade informed me about the second item on the list. I would like to talk to all of you about that, especially you." His eyes landed on Songbird. "I'm sure you know a Siren's Song can't be physically collected." He pointed to the item on the list. "Anyways, welcome to the town of Yonder...uh this is odd, but do you have any questions, perhaps?"

At this point most the humans were beginning to recover and the song was no more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by John


Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I wonder if we're ever going to leave...oh, ignore what I just said. I’m sorry."

Leaving. It was a thought that hadn’t crossed her mind for some time.

Leila sat at the edge of the now-deformed game-circle that the little lot had formed, with her knees together and arms wrapped around her legs. The pile of blanket that trailed onto the ground as she was, a while ago, dragged along by dissonance, provided a place to lean onto.

When were they to leave? When they collect all the items on the list, the queen had said.

She rubbed the scratch wounds on her arms and legs left over from the Chaotic Star’s rampage back on the Star Fisher - caused by flying shards of wood and metal. Cuts and gashes that have been taken care of and wrapped in bandages, and smaller scratches that and bruises that have not yet, which were visible on the exposed skin as streaks and blots of red, purple and blue.

It was late. Hakuren told a couple of stories about this place called ‘Earth’, this place they called home. Dissonance remained hyped as usual. Yet the activity was not retained for long. Harper had gone to rest, and not long after so did some Nobodies and a few fellow humans. Soon, the air in the room was reduced to the muffled howling of the winds outside of the window and, sparingly, the creaking of wooden planks.

Leila was reminded that they first arrived in Nowhere - this realm of splendor and absurdity - with a number of people much larger than that present in the room now.

The wounds still hurt, but she did not care as much.

The girl curled up back into her place at the lower bunk and wrapped the blanket around herself again - a cool embrace at first, as the night was cold; but over time the thick fabric caught her heat and soon the girl had constructed around herself a layer of comfortable warmth.

Leila wondered when the time will come when she could go home.

Time. Home.

What time was it?

She closed her eyes.

where was home?

* * * *


“Little miss.”


“Little miss?”

Leila opened her eyes, idly.

“Ah, well, you’re awake.” The old man said, “Good morning.”

She pushed herself upright from the sloppy leaning pose she assumed when she fell asleep in the cabin and brushed strands of her hair out of her eyes.

It took a few blinks for her eyes to adjust. James stood at the side of her bed, a pile of clothing hanging on his arm. A soft yellow light illuminated the interior of the room, which was an interesting mixture of classic furniture and modern, simplistic furnishing. A worn hardcover copy of "The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups", apparently brought out from the institute’s library, lay on the wooden nightstand, with a red bookmark roughly halfway through. A breakfast and a cup of tea lay besides the book.

Leila’s bedroom was just as it was when she left.

The girl remained still, only staring blankly at the room in front of her. The old man simply smiled, knowing all too well that it was perfectly normal for her, and waited patiently for her to draw another one of her conclusions that he could not make sense of.

“You’re not real.” she said.

"Oh? How is that?" The old man responded. It wasn’t that the housekeeper could always keep up with with her trains of thought, but he somehow felt obligated to follow as far down as he could manage. It was interesting in a way, perhaps.

"I feel pretty real. How do you figure that?"

A few seconds of silence.

"Um, I meant-" the girl struggled to revise her statement, piecing fragments of words and phrases into comprehensible sequences that conveyed the correct notion.

"I meant - the statement 'you're not real' can be made with the same validity than the one which states you are." She found that phrasing acceptable.

The motion of an object can only be described in relation to another object. No experiment carried from inside an inertial frame of reference can distinguish it from a frame of reference at rest.

"Ah, yes, of course. Of course." He sat down besides Leila, who was sitting up at the edge of her bed.

“Do you not trust your senses, then?” he then asked.

“Why should I?” Leila said, “What my senses feed me is what I perceive. What I’m concerned with is what there really is.”

“How do you tell what you see is not what there is?”

“I can’t prove it. I can’t prove otherwise, either.”

“It would simply be, then,” He said, “a matter of choice.”

James smiled: “As we speak, though, what do you wish to do this day?”

Leila picked up the book on the nightstand.

“To the Library, I assume?”

The old man was rather talkative today.

* * * *

Reality is not merely shaped by the choices you make. Reality itself is a construct of beliefs, and choice is the origin of belief.

What harm will do an arbitrary selection of what to be your reality when any possibility is equally valid?

“It’s not that it’s bad,” Leila said. Leila was dressed in casual clothing with a windcoat thrown on, the old man himself had also changed into more outdoor attire. The two of them had presumably sat down halfway on the road to the Institute’s Library, as they sometimes did. Interestingly, Leila did not clearly remember doing so. Nor did she remember changing, or throwing on the coat, or walking out of her room. The two of them sat on the wooden bench in the exact positions they did this morning when she first woke up - it was as if they somehow remained stationary and the scene around them was what that changed.

The motion of an object can only be described in relation to another object.
“It’s just that...I find it rather frustrating.” She said, “An infinite number of possible realities, only one you must chose.”

“One world to choose, from countless possible ones.” James said, his breath turning into puffs of mist as it came into contact with the cool morning air, “an infinitesimal amount, what you can see compared to what that can be.”

“Though,” he said, “why must one choose? You could always visit all those worlds. Imagination. All those worlds, one by one.”

“One by one.” Leila repeated. “It would require an eternity.”

She didn’t have an eternity.

“Imagine, then,” James smiled, “that you had an eternity.”

Or did she?

* * * *


Leila sat alone. She was not sure where, or what she was sitting on.

She was there alone, in the darkness. In the same position she assumed on the morning bench, or at the side of her bed.

A mistake the language of mankind has made was to treat darkness as something that was tangible, to speak of it as if it was something physical, something that can be touched, be picked up and thrown around. It was none of those things. Darkness was the absence of light - man had given a name to something that wasn’t there.

James was not there with her.

She gazed into the void in front of her. The absence of light. Nothing there.

Imagination. An infinite number of worlds. An eternity to invest on each and every one of them.

There were stars in the darkness. There weren’t before.

She continued to sit there, still, watching and thinking about the scenes in front of her.

Stars were born and then burnt themselves out, only to power a new generation of them. Heavier elements forming with each iteration of A planet of water. An unstable atmosphere and the emergence of life.

An universe that followed the rules she was familiar with. Particles, forces, fields.

A different - even only slightly - set of initial conditions produced a much different universe. There was one that would not expand for an eternity and collapsed back upon itself. There was one that expanded so fast heat death was nearly immediate. There were a few where every burnt-out star collapsed into a black hole.

Why stop there? An endless amount of possibilities.

There could be universes that didn’t follow the same laws of physics. There could be ones where there were no laws at all. Amongst them many would be barely recognizable to the conscious mind as a ‘universe’, yet others strikingly familiar.

There was one where burnt-out stars not only collapsed into black holes, they morph into sentient monsters that preyed on any mass that came close. There were ones still with life, with intelligence. There were ones with talking bunnies and mermaids. There were even a few where there’d be trains filled with talking bunnies. There was one where Leila herself boarded that train filled with talking bunnies.

And then there was one where she was choking on the icy water of the Siren lake.

The water tasted of, well, water, and seaweed, and earth. And rotten flesh. And a few chemicals she was sure didn’t belong. The chilliness gushed down her mouth and nose, down her throat, into her lungs.

There was the helplessness as air escaped to make place for water. There were the failed attempts to grab a hold onto something. There was her muscles contracting, making it even harder to try to breathe. There was pain. Then there was silence.

* * * *



The world seemed to spin at the speed of a neutron star around her as Leila forced herself to stay crouching on the ground as the remaining lakewater in her system dripped onto the ground.

Her eyes still stung and it was hard to keep them open for long enough to make out everything around her, but she could tell there were others there. She recognized the voices of a couple of Nobodies and some fellow humans, although it was still hard to tell how far they were with the pounding of air against her eardrums as the water flowed away.

What happened? Her head spun and she had no remaining effort to invest on recalling it.

Still alive, she thought. That she was still alive was the only thought she could maintain that still mattered.

A few minutes passed, and she felt a bit better. She decided she could sit up and look around as her eyes didn’t hurt as much as before.

She saw a man with the head of a fish.

"Anyways, welcome to the town of Yonder...uh this is odd, but do you have any questions, perhaps?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'How could she?' Tears streamed out of the corners of her eyes. A reaction resulting from the terrible attempt of her only beloved to take her life away. Confusion, fury, and want rushed through her veins almost as fast as algae, lake water, and other unidentified objects streamed into her choking throat. The sensitive little hairs on her arms danced in the soft bubbles of the large body of liquid as she continued to stay below sea level. Her ears were clogged with water, no chance of any such noise entering. It was a peaceful state. Air spheres rushed over her limbs as she was finally, in a rather forcefully desperate manner, yanked on board the petite boat.

Landing harshly onto the wood, the floating craft wobbled under the added weight before settling back into a balanced state. Meanwhile, Jasper hacked and coughed, almost puking out strands of seaweed from her system and gulps of dirty water. The poor girl looked like a drenched malnourished dog, her clothes and hair sticking to her skin tightly.

Rubbing a palm over her face to clear some saliva and moisture off, she shivered noticeably as she came to realize that she was no longer in bed. Haruken, Harper, and a couple of Nowhere guides surrounded them on shore, while others were in the lake.
A big fish headed Nowherian introduced himself as the mayor and Jasper was way too tired to comprehend what had happened. They were in an unknown land for goodness sakes. A place scientists would find ridiculous. The kind of realm that would slap all their facts in the face. Anything could happen here. She was well aware of that now. The only thing that bothered her was how close she was to drowning. And Rosen...

Standing up on her own two feet, she picked a couple of green weeds off her arms and legs and rubbed at her skin in an attempt to warm them. "Is everyone alright?", she paused momentarily for a response then turned to the mayor. "Then how do you suppose we can get it?", she asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Without direction Hakuren swam, blind as he was in the fog. The pure white veil was cast over this desolate place, binding all eyes with a fold stronger than the steel of the chains on a slave's legs. The water was murky, a chill to the bone and sometimes a small pile of algae and the like could be seen floating on the surface, once you were at a close enough distance, of course. Albeit the lad moved and used his legs to keep afloat, he prioritized using as little energy as possible, thus he was incapable of traveling further than a few meters from the spot at which he resurfaced. Shouting would lead to the loss of precious warm air within his lungs and sight offered from little to no aid in finding the way back. This being said, hearing was the only sense left to provide any form of guidance. Closing his eyes, the young man stood in one place, rhythmically thrusting his legs in the lake to keep his stability, and listened carefully to his surroundings. By shutting off one of the key sources of information, the eyes, his brain could concentrate on any sound within a certain range and the more his sight remained off limits, the greater the diameter became.
At first, nothing but his own breathing and the light splashing of water against his body existed. It was as if being in an entirely different world. Light could not disturb the serene darkness, which stretched on and on, much like the endless pit of despair humans fell into once they realized their wishes could not be granted. This seemingly eternal despair frightens the mind of most and when in such a situation, where their windows get shut tight, the brain, fiendish as it is, plays tricks on the consciousness by using the elaborate tool, known as imagination, to create a 'picture' from the information gathered by the rest of the senses working and available. This attempt to calm the soul down after being deprived of light actually burdens it more, as it becomes frightened from the uncertainty of the source of that, which can be heard, felt and smelled. Thankfully, Hakuren had a greater control over himself, but it was his lack of fear from darkness that actually provided such a stable state of mind, even in the most dreadful of situations. There were few things in existence which he found harrowing, but they did exist. In fact, he felt pleased when feeling frightened, because fear mean you were alive, that you were trying to keep hold of your life and keep it out of harm's way. He who fears nothing has lost the sense of life in its purest self.
Little by little, something resonated in the previously steady atmosphere. It was similar to the low creaking of an old wooden door, whilst being pushed open by the hand of an elderly woman as she made slow steps with her bony weak legs. However, this did not arise a feeling of relief. Rather, the youngster was on guard, directing his attention precisely on that sound alone, but refrained from lifting his eyelids, for if he were to do so, pinpointing the direction from whence this rumbling came from would become harder. Simply because the siren failed in her first attempt did not mean she had only that one squid to pull out of her seaweed hat. As he remained in that position, soon enough a distinct splashing could be distinguished as well. Combined with the periodical wooden sound, it was apparently a boat of some kind, but definitely not a modern one with an engine. Perhaps it used oars or beaver tails or maybe even crispy baguettes. This was Nowhere, after all. Anything could be expected. From a vegetarian alligator with a German accent and a chicken for a wife to a Coke walking down the red carpet, whilst posing for a picture with her husband, Pepsi, and their dog, Love Puppy, a white ball of fluff with giant pink lips.
The noise came closer and closer, so Hakuren decided to finally open his eyes and find whoever was rowing in such a sluggish, agonizing manner, that it made the wood cry from beneath them. The whiteness of the fog and moisture in the air stung his already irritated eyes and, for a moment, his vision was clouded and he couldn't get himself together. Pupils refocused themselves, whilst the irises tried to maintain the intake of rays and creation of pigment. Blood vessels pulped rapidly, as they attempted to aid one of the most delicate receptors in the body by providing them with the needed oxygen. That short period of time, during which the boy was trying to regain control over his sense, was enough for the boat to come so near as to actually hit him in the head. Fortunately, it didn't force him to submerge again, nor did it cause brain damage, firstly, because it didn't hit him with its front, but with its side, and secondly, because of the responsible Nowhereian, Brandy, who grabbed the human in the nick of time. This was rather sudden and the young man in the midnight green coat, which was surprisingly not all that heavy yet, had to return the sudden 'tight hug' in order to not get his head wet again. Unfortunately, the rabbit-eared man evidently had no power left in him to pull the swimmer up. His face was drained and he looked like he had seen a ghost, on Earth, at least, since ghosts in Nowhere were most likely a common sight. This lack of energy made the boy smirk.
"Come on, I know you're not the strongest alcohol, but you're not a desert wine."
Hakuren had found the fact about Brandy running a tea shop to be rather silly in the first place.
In the end, he had to use the bunny man as more of a stick to get a good hold of the boat and to climb into it. Once inside, he found Songbird, who was far too busy with his scarf to play his newly arrived visitor any mind. Brandy was more or less still out of it and the expression on his face clearly read as "I will kiss the land when we get to shore". Seeing as there was nothing else, the boy simply lied down on the wooden planks, which made the boat's base. He then realized how exhausted he felt. How long he had been swimming was of no consequence to him, for it was already in the past, but it was certainly not just one or two minutes. Then again, time did not follow the trends of the human world, thus just one or two minutes on their side could be tantamount to a year or so in Nowhere. Staring upwards at the fog, things seemed so natural. For every other person, this would have been insanity, yet the black-blue-haired youngster found nothing strange in almost drowning of an unknown cause. First of all, he knew the cause. It was the siren in the lake. Second of all, he didn't even think about such nonsense as how vastly different his own world was in comparison to this one. In that one moment, he chuckled lightly as he remembered one of Pumba the pig's lines. "Home is where your but sits". Many took those animated movies for childish and unworthy of an adult's attention, but they contained a hidden philosophy, a teaching which would be activated once that little child grew up and unconsciously recalled something it learned it its younger years. Imprinting, was it? Was it not? It did not matter. Neither did the illusion the lady of the lake showed him. All of those people were themselves, just as he was, and they chose their path on their own. Although he meddled with it from certain aspects, they kept on walking on their very own. He felt no regret, even when Circus was shot in the head and Samir lost himself to oblivion. He could stop those two incidents, because he knew, but he couldn't, because that fate was decided by those two people on their individual paths. Tricking them and toying around with people's heads, perhaps, but changing the flow in its core was something Hakuren completely rejected. The beauty of life was in that stream of innumerable possibilities, which were born from the choices each living being made for themselves. If it were to be hindered, then it wouldn't be a life to live, now, would it?
As he drifted off on his train of thought, he did not pay much mind to neither Harper, nor Jasper, who were brought on the boat by the Nobodies, although he did notice them with his peripheral vision. His mind was wandering again through the tasty plots revolving around the queen, the country of Nowhere and their purpose. Humans as a form of entertainment was one of the funniest of them, but there was another theory which was beginning to form within his mind, albeit he did not have as much proof as he wished to. The lad would have continued gazing at nothing in particular if it weren't for Harper, who had just woken up and slapped him in the face by accident while turning. Hakuren twitched at the contact between his finally dried self and Riddle's wet hand.
"You sure know how to slap someone back to reality." Hakuren laughed, smiling as ever.
happenings said "W-What happened?" Harper asked whilst coughing.
"You guys came just in time!" The voice was clearly Dissonance and the white rabbit huffed and puffed as she ran towards the boat. "Martini!" Came another energetic squeal. "I knew I could count on you to convince them! I knew you'd get them to come along."
Harper decided to lie down again, all the screaming was making his head pound.

Hakuren put one finger in his ear, in order to somewhat clean it. Just awhile ago he was enjoying the sweetness of silence and now he was dragged back to the noisiness of everyday life. He felt a note of irritation from the white hare's high-pitch voice, but quickly brushed it off and accepted getting used to it once more.
happenings said "There you are...Songbird, Brandy, and Martini. I'm glad to see you guys." This time it was Serenade's voice, she was out of breath from dragging the mayor with her as quickly as possible.
Mayor Spicy Tuna stared at the drenched humans worriedly before his eyes landed onto the earplugs on the Song and Brandy. He gulped nervously and fixed his tie.
"Um, hello, I see you two know about this place. I'm the mayor and Serenade informed me about the second item on the list. I would like to talk to all of you about that, especially you." His eyes landed on Songbird. "I'm sure you know a Siren's Song can't be physically collected." He pointed to the item on the list."Anyways, welcome to the town of Yonder...uh this is odd, but do you have any questions, perhaps?"
Standing up on her own two feet, Jasper picked a couple of green weeds off her arms and legs and rubbed at her skin in an attempt to warm them.
"Is everyone alright?" she paused momentarily for a response then turned to the mayor."Then how do you suppose we can get it?" she asked.

Sighing, Hakuren got himself up and out of the boat, tilting his head left and right as the last drops of water dripped from his ears.
"Well, Bear pretty much asked the obvious." he spoke with a smile."What does the current job require? Get the siren to make peace and sing a kind song that doesn't get people to commit suicide?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
Avatar of Fox of Spades

Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Is everyone alright? Then how do you suppose we can get it?"

Mayor Spicy Tuna focused his bulging eyes on Jasper and he blinked again and again, he was being thoughtful but with a fish head it was pretty hard to notice. He tapped his shoe, thinking hard about the question the young woman had asked her. He observed the humans and watched as they began regaining consciousness, some were still flat on their backs but most were coughing up lake water and stumbling to their feet. Everyone was breathing and it made Mayor Spicy Tuna click his tongue in delight. "Why...now that you ask, I do notice that everyone is still breathing. Isn't that delightful." The mayor let out a hearty laugh, happy that no one would be dying in his city. The queen would have been upset if she learned her precious humans had drowned and died in his lake.

Serenade noticed the twinkle in his fish-like eyes and felt a pang of anger. He didn't care about the humans, he only cared about his town and his name. "You better be darned happy they're okay, Spice." The black rabbit's expression contorted into a scowl and Dissonance looked taken aback. The black hare was usually calm and peaceful in her dealings with others but it was clear that Serenade was seething and just about to snap.

"Calm down, sis." The white rabbit grinned from ear to ear in an attempt to lighten the situation. She walked towards the dripping wet humans and as usual went for Leila and Hakuren. The white rabbit pulled them both to their feet and practically dragged them towards Serenade. "See, see! No harm done, so just lighten up."

Iro fell into a coughing fit and Serenade turned to look at the soaked magician. He was trying to look calm for everyone else because he was the adult wasn't he and if he broke down that would have been pretty bad. His teeth chattered and he was a ghastly white. Serenade made a mental note to keep the magician in the sidelines, he needed to rest. The black rabbit narrowed her eyes at Dissonance and gritted her teeth. "It's not okay," she spoke, slowly and in an icy tone of voice. "They could have died."

The white rabbit deflected her sister's rage with an innocent smile. "But they didn't, so just relax." She hooked her hands with Leila and Haku and realized just how cold the humans felt. Maybe Serenade had a right to be upset, but she didn't want squabble to take place between the mayor and her sister. The white rabbit beamed at the two humans she held captive. "Tell sis you're okay! I mean you guys are alright, right? Haku, I know you're tough." She added in, pulling them both closer. The black rabbit sighed but looked away in defeat and Dissonance grinned even brighter. However, before she could chatter on she noticed Mado walking back towards the cabin.

Dissonance lacked commonsense, but walking in the fog and all alone couldn't be what one called safe. "Hey! No face girl! Pasty skinned human...I mean, Mado!" Dissonance waved a hand in the air and motioned for the girl to come join them. Mayor Spicy Tuna turned to look at the source of all the shouting then cupped his fins around his mouth.

"Human, do come here." He called before clearing his throat. "I've got a few important things to say." He waited for Mado then once again focused his eyes on Jasper.

"So your question miss, well, I'll be honest." The fish smiled brightly. "I, uh, don't know. It's up to you humans how you obtain the items on your list. We nobodies have nothing to do with it."

Serenade sighed, that was true though she didn't like the way the mayor was trying to get away Scot-free. She gave the fish her most convincing evil eye.

Harper fumbled with his glasses, dripping wet like everyone else. He staggered towards Jasper, figuring that she was the most sensible one at this point. He gave her a reassuring smile then voiced out his own question. "Still, this is your town." He was through with games...he just wanted to go home. "Do you have any ideas? You must, right?"

The mayor scowled, what was this, an interrogation? He eyed the humans one by one then grudgingly decided to give them the information they sought. He didn't want the queen getting upset and she'd be angry if the humans got hurt or worse. "Well...you see there was a woman accused of sorcery once. Everyone called her a witch, drowned her in this lake." He noticed Serenade's eyes widen and the puzzled expression that made its way onto Dissonance's Face. Harper wasn't puzzled, but he looked horrified, disgusted even. "Claimed she wasn't a witch, no one believed her...ever since she died people have been walking into the lake in the dead of night. It's been happening for a while. No one could stop it or figure out why."

Harper actually looked angry. "I...I've had it," he sputtered, face turning a shade of red. "I've had it with this crazy place of flying trains and talking donuts! I want to go home." He yelled and as he did so tears stung the corners of his eyes. Getting stranded in a weird place was one thing, being sirened into a lake where a woman had been drowned and nearly dying was another. On the SSF they had lost a child, but this was the last straw. "We want to go home, we don't belong here." After his previous outburst his voice had grown desperate. "How do we find the siren's song!" He balled his hands into fists. "How?!"

The mayor looked away. "I don't know, I really don't, but maybe you could investigate? Find it? Talk to it?"

Harper looked away. "I'll do anything..." His throat felt horribly dry and suddenly he found his vision blurred with tears. Why was he such a cry baby...why couldn't he be brave. Serenade placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and the boy struggled to blink away his tears. "Thank you," he mumbled, there wasn't anything else to say.

"Why don't you all get a change of clothes and rest for tonight. We can investigate tomorrow...for now you all need to rest and get yourselves warmed up." The black rabbit focused on a shaking Iro and sighed. Tomorrow she'd ask Song for some earplugs and when the siren began singing in the evening they'd find it and maybe they'd figure out how to capture its song.

"Songbird," Serenade called out. "Brandy, Martini, thanks for saving them...you guys came just in the nick of time."

Dissonance waved at the trio, happy to see them, but she didn't go to greet them and instead focused on trying to blow on Hakuren and Leila, maybe that'd help them dry faster...

The black rabbit on the other hand approached the item hunter and Brandy with a serious expression. "Song, you've been travelling for as long as I can remember...do you know how we might be able to capture a siren's song and do you have enough earplugs for everyone? I can pay you in stars for them when we get back. Martini, by any chance did you understand that weird tune?" Serenade sighed, they'd be spending quite some time in Yonder.

"Everyone," she stated in a loud voice. "We'll need to investigate and crack the case of Siren Lake."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Meanwhile in a town not too far from Yonder...

"So, Cello, have you found the other humans yet. You were supposed to meet with them 15hours 45minutes and 13,14,15, no, 17 seconds ago!" The voice on the other side of the phone was seething with rage. Schizophrenia, the queen's butler rambled on and on about just how irresponsible Cello was and how he was even worse than Stephen. "Please," came an exasperated whisper. "I don't even know why the queen chose you to guide them. Stephen isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but at least he tries to focus! What kind of guide decides to take a break because he spotted a pretty lady at a cafe. Really, you're the worst!"

"Ouch, ouch, no need to yell." The cat-eared nobody pulled the phone away from his sensitive ears and winced. "What can I say, she was fine." He purred contentedly into the receiver only to hear Schizophrenia yelling louder about how he was a horrible, terrible, sucky and worthless guide. "Harsh words, but don't worry! I'll get them to the others ASAP." Cello slammed the phone down and beamed at Ace and Elliot. He wasn't even supposed to be looking after them...after his adventure on the SSF he wanted a break, wanted to take it easy, but Stephen pretty much failed as a guide and the burden was thrust upon him.

Cello decided to carry the burden, the gals liked guys who soldiered on didn't they and he heard something about sirens being in Yonder and sirens were like mermaids right? Maybe he'd meet a nice one there and they could have a picnic by the lake. He had never been to Yonder before but if it was a lakeside town then it was bound to be pretty, right?

"Listen up kiddos," Cello gave them one of his winning smiles. "Remember how I said we'd be stopping by in this inn." He looked sadly at the pretty flower lady that worked behind the counter and sighed dreamily. "Well, it would have been great if we could have stayed, but there's been a change of plans. Skitzs will have my head if we stay any longer. So off we go to the town of Yonder." He grumbled sulkily about traveling in the dead of night but brightened up at the thought of lakes and sirens.

"Ace, Elliot, let's march on!" And with that he began ushering both humans out the inn.

Outside was quiet and dark. The houses were colorful wooden cabins thought some of the people preferred to live in tree houses or within the trees itself, some of the richer nobodies of the town lived in giant hollow pumpkins or five floored mushroom towers. Cello stared at the blood red moon and the peppermint stars about before he stopped. "If we start walking now, we should reach the town in two hours max," He grinned mischievously at the humans. "I hope you can all walk quickly," the guide began marching down the dirt road as if on a sugar-high.

"So Elliot and Ace, right? What exactly did you do with Froggy? It must have been boring? You gotta forgive the kid though, he's new to the job."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It's just a myth. A legend. No one has seen such a silly thing. All it is is a rumor to keep people like you entertained.

"Just a rumor, eh? Well, I'll find out." Earlier that day in a little coffee shop, one young woman by the name of Ace had been listening to the fascinating murmurs of that fascinating train to nowhere. She had heard it before, but now that it was New Year's Eve the rumor was even more interesting. More stories were given, all beyond her wildest imagination. Her boss could see the excitement in her grey eyes and immediately tried discouraging her. But, it only made her even more anxious to go. Just be safe out there, okay? Ace's elderly boss worried about the girl sometimes, but knew she couldn't be stopped. He had heard that she was alone in her life, but every time it was brought up the girl would just push it aside.
And it was the truth, Ace didn't like talking about the family she didn't have. She didn't like talking about her past or anything of the sort. "Why look back when you have a whole lot forward?" That's what she normally told people.

It was 12:05. She was late to the train station. The streets were filled with partiers all celebrating the new year, all wanting to get to the next party. But Ace had another destination and she didn't want to miss it for the world. Her red and black baseball cap was backwards on her head, pressing her bangs down against her face. At the moment, only one grey eye was visible as she raced through the streets to get to the train station. She was already disheartened because it was past midnight. What if she missed it? What if this was her only chance to see if it existed? Was it too late?
Ace panted, trying to catch her breath from all the running. The station was quiet, minus her heavy breathing- and there was no one in sight. The determination in Ace set in. She had made it this far, she could wait a little longer. So, Ace sat down on one of the benches, slipping her black jacket on over her plain white shirt. It was a little chilly, but thankfully she was wearing jeans instead of a skirt. There was nothing she could do now besides wait. In the midst of her waiting, she found a person to talk to. Elliot... Or Leon. She liked Elliot better. He too wanted to see the mysterious train, so in the end they waited together.

Just as she was about to call it quits, 12:23 hit. After a few moments Ace heard the sound of the train coming and she froze in place. Excitement and anticipation bubbled up inside as she stood quickly. A sleek train of fleeting colors and stars rolled into the station, slowly coming to a stop. Ace nearly bursted with silent excitement. She whirled around to see if anyone else was around to see it, but she remembered it was just her. All...by herself...
"This is...surreal." Something urged her forward. Something called out to her. Ace took steps forward, peering inside as the double doors slid open. Come on! We can have fun! A playful voice echoed through her ears. That was all it took for her to climb aboard the train. Just as she got on to see who coaxed her on, the doors slammed shut and the train jolted forward.

And yet for some reason, Ace wasn't scared. She was curious and eager to find out what happened next. It wasn't like she was leaving much behind. Ace turned her attention when she realized there were passengers on the train, but they weren't human. It only made the discovery more amazing. "This is incredible." She looked around at the oddities about and decided to take a seat. She didn't know how long this train ride would be to- The intercom stopped her thoughts. "Nowhere..." She echoed as the male spoke. Welcome to Nowhere. She was really going to the rumored place... Nowhere. There was a moment of doubt that raced through her mind, but she discarded the thought. She couldn't be dreaming. It was impossible... But there was someone with her. He was witnessing the excitement with her.

[b]That was two weeks ago...[b]

In the past two weeks, Ace found herself not only finding a new world, but exploring it as well. She and Elliot spent two weeks with a 'tour guide' named Froggy, both very interesting to be around, but that was more because Ace wasn't used to being around one person for so long. He showed them around the city, occasionally showing signs of being lost. It was okay though, because Ace didn't notice it, being too intrigued with everything out of the ordinary. Her conversations normally consisted of "Oohs!" or "Whoa!" and occasionally "What's that?" This was definitely a dream come true, and she had the proof right before her eyes. If she went back home, she could tell them all about it but then it occurred to her... Did she really want to go home? There was nothing back there for her really, and Nowhere was more than amazing.
...Was it really worth leaving? Ace didn't think she'd be able to wait an entire year again to come back to this wondrous place.

The two were now leaving an inn with a new guide, having to say goodbye to the silly Froggy person. This new guy looked fairly normal despite the cat ears he sported. She did note he was a lot calmer too. He led them to...wherever they were suppose to be going. Ace had forgot again, and didn't pay attention when Cello more than likely told them again. It had been two weeks and Ace was still fascinated with Nowhere. Her amazement was paused in order to answer Cello. "Froggy? We did a lot of touring. Boring, no! It was so much fun!" Ace beamed with excitement. "There were a lot of cool things he showed us!" As their pace quickened, Ace decided to ask, "Where are we going again?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Oblivion


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Why was doing nothing becoming ever so boring? Once, not too long ago, watching birds fly past his spacious balcony was entertaining enough to keep the young man preoccupied for hours on end – that is, if he wasn’t sleeping. It might have seemed as a pointless existence, that he was wasting his life by observing the exact angle at which the sun’s rays hit the balcony railing but it was appealing enough to him, and he was content.

Until about a few hours ago, that is.

Unable to spot neither anything interesting nor the moon behind the thick cloud cover, Leon exhaled a puff of air and abruptly turned, strolling out of his balcony and into his living room, grabbing the blazer he’d unceremoniously dumped on his couch an hour or so ago. After a moment of consideration, Leon scribbled a tiny note and stuck it to the refrigerator, his mind concerned for the well-being of his worrisome friend. Hayate wouldn’t take well to Leon being missing, after all. Switching off every light except the one directly above the fridge, he left behind his home for the past six months and ventured out into the busy streets of Tokyo.

Inside, the light illuminated the lone note stuck to the surface, the only indication that Leon had ever come home.

Be back soon. Don’t wait up for me.

Outside, the frigid air bit into Leon’s skin, urging him to walk faster and escape the cold. However, the young man had no plans of such sort. A brief glance at his watch told him it was 11:24, 36 minutes away from the beginning of a new year. The beginning of nothing. He mused to himself, already slightly used to the fact that New Year’s no longer brought anything to him. Resolutions? He’d never bother sticking to them.


His feet took him places he’d never been to before. An art gallery. A trinket shop crowded with last-minute shoppers. A couple’s café. Every place brushed past him like a distant memory, like something out of a dream.


His mind wandered back to the events only a few hours ago, at his father’s New Year’s Eve party. Though his ’dear father’ – Leon thought to himself with a sarcastic edge – had decided to do nothing with his youngest son anymore, he was surprisingly still invited to the annual party thrown at his family home. People had glanced at him several times, their questioning gazes landing on his earrings every single time. His golden eyes stared back at them, finding something off about their own appearances and returning the curious looks. Embarrassed, they’d turned away.

Socializing was easy enough. A ‘hello’ here, a ‘how are you?’ there and a little bit of flattery thrown in, and he was all set. However, having done the same thing ever since he could speak, it grew monotonous over the years. And this year, there was nothing stopping him from leaving. Not bothering to leave discreetly, Leon strode out the door and drove away into the night amidst a couple of curious and rather indignant stares.

He still didn’t know why he’d done that, two hours later, as he stood on the platform of a train station in the exact same clothes he’d left the party with. 12:07. What was he waiting for? A handful of people milled about, all of them looking to leave the grey-toned tunnel and celebrate the coming of the new year. None of them paid Leon any heed and soon enough, the station was finally empty. 12:14.

It was getting colder. Leon could still hear fireworks behind him, still sounding even 23 minutes past midnight. A flash caught his eye and he turned his head to gaze upon a sleek train that was definitely not normal. There weren’t any trains scheduled for 12:23, were there? He shrugged and was about to turn away when a bunny caught his eye.

Not only that, but a whole assortment of animals, some glued to various bits of technology. The abrupt arrival of the train and its very appearance drew Leon in like a moth to a flame and without a second thought, he walked in, not even flinching when the doors slammed shut behind him. Worry was the last thing on his mind as the intercom crackled and a voice announced, “Welcome to Nowhere.”

Nowhere. Leon grinned to himself, nudging a bunny slightly in order to take a seat and observe his eccentric surroundings. I like Nowhere.

The train’s occupants had paid very little attention to his presence and to the excited aura of another passenger that had come on as well. He hadn’t noticed her but she was sitting a few seats away from him, buzzing with excitement and experiencing the exact same thing as him. It definitely wasn’t a dream, Leon decided as the train started moving, pulling away from all he’d ever known.

Of course, that was two weeks ago.

Leon didn’t regret his decision, not even a tiny bit, as they toured Nowhere with a rather incompetent guide by the name of Froggy. Leon found the boy endearing and took every opportunity to amuse himself with Froggy’s bad sense of direction. He talked to the boy much more than he’d talked to the girl, Ace, and didn’t really mind their aimless wandering all that much. Nowhere was amazing, much more so than the real world. It was definitely strange but it suited Leon all the way, and he didn’t want to return to the monotony of his previous life.

Eventually, Froggy was replaced with another guide, someone Leon could tell was slightly if not much more competent. He was fairly normal and Leon found his energy infectious as he bounded after the cat-eared guy. After Ace finished speaking, Leon added, “He was adorable, I didn’t really mind getting lost as much as we did, it was super fun! It’s Leon by the way.”

They passed through stranger and stranger structures – houses where the residents of Nowhere lived such as mushrooms and pumpkins and other fruits the called home. His energy hadn’t receded yet and Leon continued to give his attention to the surrounding landscape, intrigued.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rabbit


Member Offline since relaunch

Two-Thirds swallowed a sigh and replaced it with a smile. The situation made him queasy. He tried not to let his smile clench into place. As if to distract himself, he found his claws scratching and digging into his palm, which would be uncomfortable, and a later hinderance in making tea. Finally, he gave up and diverted from the small crowd facing Spicy Tuna. He excused himself with a polite nod and a smile, and stepped away with left steps that barely left a crunch on the mud(?). On his way, he approached Jasper, who asked Spicy a question. She will not receive an answer. Two-Thirds has no doubt that Spicy does not know the answer himself. He found the fish slightly irksome, but he doesn't want to do anything about the gnawing he felt.

He smiled at Jasper, now that he was not facing the mayor smiling was easier. "Up for a cup of tea? I know just what's best for now. My treat," He offered, both tea and distraction.

Mayor Spicy Tuna turned to look at Two-Thirds. Wait...tea? Two-thirds? Wasn't he the famours tea shop owner back in Nowhere's square. No wonder he looked familiar! What on earth was he doing in Yonder? The mayor gaped at the two for a few moments before giving all the humans and Two-Thirds a smile. "That's a jolly good idea! Tea will warm you humans up and make sure none of you catch your death of cold." He nodded his head at the winged guide. "Smart idea...I hope you manage to warm everyone up." He placed a fin on Jasper's shoulder but retracted it when the smell of swamp water reached his nose.

Instead, mayor spicy tuna slapped Two-Thirds ont he back, stealthily wiping the swamp water on the guide's dry clothes. "Good, good," he tried to smile kindly, but it was clear in the fishes' eyes that he didn't like the guides or humans. "Okay, now, off with you. Get some tea and rest, Two-thirds makes a grand cup of tea, so go, go."

Two-Thirds blinked once in surprise both when Spicy broadcasted his offer to everyone and when Spicy patted him on the back. Spicy's hand lingered and Two-Thirds suppressed a shudder of his own. His smile faltered ever-so-slightly when he realized that his offer of tea was being extended to a greater crowd. Although he has indeed brought tea for the humans and nobodies on the trip, he sells tea for a living nonetheless. He sells them, not give them out for free! Now that the offer has been extended, his tea will run out sooner. But what else can he do?

The mayor stared at the tense looking guide. "Um, I suggest you all get going if you stay out here the humans will freeze to death." He gave the guides a sickeningly sweet smile as if saying that the human's health and safety were their problems and not his. He just wanted a good name and the queen's graces. He looked at the shivering humans and Iro who was coughing and shivering like a leaf. The magician was obviously sick already. The mayor yawned then slapped Two-Thirds on the back again. "Well, I'll be resting for the now...if you want to linger by the lake then do what you want, but I am a busy man." He eyed the guides once more then walked off disappearing into the fog.

Two-Thirds felt eyes on himself, and reluctantly looked up at the mayor. He later glanced over at the humans at the notice that the notice of their wellbeing. The fish, for once, has a point. All of the miniscule fondness vanished as he felt the fin on his back again. Two-Thirds turned too quickly to look at the mayor who was quick to excuse himself. "Rest well," Two-Thirds bid his farewell with a nod and a smile before turning back to back to the humans. He noticed Mado, who was walking off on her own. "Mado, tea?" He smiled.

Serenade noticed how Two-Thirds was trying to help and smiled. She turned to Songbird, Martini and Brandy then looked at the shivering humans. "We should go get them inside." The black rabbit nodded at her fellow guides then walked off to pull Iro and Harper along. She'd leave the others to the trio and Two-Thirds.
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