Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ember


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I felt like making a character sheet anyway. If its not open then no worries.

•Name: Charles Armitage
•Age: 11
•Gender: Male
•House: Hufflepuff
•Magical Heritage: Pureblood, Muggle Born, or somewhere in between?
•Appearance: A little shorter than average. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Wears scruffy clothing as his family isn't that well off.
•Backstory: A muggle born from a stable home. A boring and mundane homelife with nothing special behind it.
•Personality: Those unfamiliar with Charles may seem him as a simpleton. Easily distracted and always ready to dive head first into a debate. As a muggle-born he finds the wizarding world fascinating but at the same time a little backwards. He is determined in all things wizardry with a thirst for adventure. He is led by emotions first and logic second. Most of the time he'll keep his thoughts to himself but if riled up he can snap and unleash hellfire on those that angered him. (INFJ/INTJ personality type)
•Personal Items: Wand (Cheery with dragon heartstring), Black cat named Tara.
•Special gifts and abilities: Potion Making/Herbology (will also be a beater when old enough)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ember


Member Offline since relaunch

I felt like making a character sheet anyway. If its not open then no worries.

•Name: Charles Armitage
•Age: 11
•Gender: Male
•House: Hufflepuff
•Magical Heritage: Pureblood, Muggle Born, or somewhere in between?
•Appearance: A little shorter than average. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Wears scruffy clothing as his family isn't that well off.
•Backstory: A muggle born from a stable home. A boring and mundane homelife with nothing special behind it.
•Personality: Those unfamiliar with Charles may seem him as a simpleton. Easily distracted and always ready to dive head first into a debate. As a muggle-born he finds the wizarding world fascinating but at the same time a little backwards. He is determined in all things wizardry with a thirst for adventure. He is led by emotions first and logic second. Most of the time he'll keep his thoughts to himself but if riled up he can snap and unleash hellfire on those that angered him. (INFJ/INTJ personality type)
•Personal Items: Wand (Cheery with dragon heartstring), Black cat named Tara.
•Special gifts and abilities: Potion Making/Herbology (will also be a beater when old enough)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That's what happens when the server plays about halfway through a post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SkyWithFluffyclouds


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Lennon79 said
O_oThat's what happens when the server plays about halfway through a post.

xD at first I thought it was just a double post but then I go back and bam.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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Lost Cause said
You're right, I'm sorry. >.<I'm just incredibly stressed out because of stuff going on off-site, so I'm bound to make the odd mistake.

Maybe you could hire a co-GM to alleviate the stress?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Retridemption


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Ready when you are Lost Cause. I'm here for the long haul. Don't stress too much okay? If you need any help, give me a tingle. I may be new to this site but I've been RPing for a very long time. Just offering.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Retridemption


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Um... The GM already expressed his displeasure at people bumping for no reason other than to bump, y'know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Retridemption


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Oops, sorry. My apologies
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mlouden03


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•Name: Gaius vi Britannia
•Age: 11
•Gender: Male
•Magical Heritage: Pureblood
•Appearance: Gaius is fond of black clothing when not in his wizard's robes. He is 5'4, has short, black hair and a fair complexion. He is of average build, and weighs 100 pounds.
•Backstory: Gaius comes from the house of Britannia, a family of purebloods who, for generations have moved in the dark corners of the wizarding world. Much like Lucius Malfoy, Gaius' father Magnus attained a position of respect (and sometimes fear), through his dealings with numerous public officials at the Ministry of Magic (some dealings more legal than others). Magnus often knew intricate secrets about those who were on the rise to fame in the world, and he used that knowledge to attain whatever he desired. The Britannia family is very well off, but nowhere as rich as the other high families in the books. In the last wizard war, Magnus was believed to be a Death Eater who sided with Voldemort, but without any definitive proof he was not sent to Azkaban.

Gaius' mother, Marianne, was killed when Gaius was only 9 years old. While the specific circumstances of her death are not known to Gaius, as he was away with relatives at the time, the consensus was that she was killed in a magical accident while trying to perfect a rare spell, which backfired. Gaius mourned the loss of his mother, as he was always on better terms with her than his father. Gaius has always viewed his father as dark and mysterious, and openly believes that his father was a Death Eater despite his father's denials.

Gaius hopes that he is sorted into Slytherin, something which the majority of his family line shared. Gaius has an interest in Quiddich, and hopes to obtian a position as a chaser or seeker

•Personality: Gaius was a generally kind child growing up, until the death of his mother. Her death caused him to become somewhat cold and distant, and to become a bully as well. He enjoys besting people in competitions and duels, and has practiced hidden dark magic so he can always win if conventional spells fail. He has no close friends at Hogwarts, as he mainly keeps to himself and his studies.
•Personal Items: He has an oak wand and has a dragon heartstring core. 11 and 3/4 inches long, rather bendy. dark color and is intricately carved. He also has an orange and white male Tabby cat named Light. Light is three years old and is Gaius' favorite pet. Gaius has trained Light to not leave the common room without his owner.
•Special gifts and abilities: He is efficient in minor forms of dark magic and curses, as well as other types of skills that you would use in dueling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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•Name: Kasyn Sawyer
•Age: 11
•Gender: Male
•House: He wants Slytherin like any other Sawyer.
•Magical Heritage: Pure-blood.


•Backstory: Kasyn is the son of pure-blooded family Sawyer. His father works as a Auror within the ministry, while his mother is a famous Charms master. He was raised like many other pure-blooded children, in a world of magic and mystery. He was like any other boy growing up, mischievous and getting into everything, but when needed such as when friends of the family came for dinner or social events he was the perfect son full of manners and knowledgeable current events. He was a favorite with the high class and as such many believed great things would come from him.

Kasyn was also a book-worm and loved reading about anything magic. He started memorizing spells while he was still at the age of 9 and while he couldn't practice actually casting, his annunciation and the vocabulary of magic along wtih magical theory was something he loved. As soon as he was of age to be accepted into Hogwarts the letter arrived by owl. He is now anxiously awaiting the chance to attend the school and hopes to put the knowledge from his books into practice

•Personality: While rich and his family powerful Kasyn doesn't have the ordinary i'm better than you attitude, on the contrary he's actually rather self-conscious about what others think about him and constantly strives to be a good person and friend to those he considers close. He can be very curious and rather mischievous like any other boy but the most peculiar thing is his overwhelming sense of protection to those he cares about. His urges to protect is one of his most important trait. Kasyn is also a very good actor, he can put on and take off other personality's and can blend in with any and all groups.

•Personal Items: A white/black spotted kitten named Castiel. His wand is 11 inches, Ashwinder Ash core, springy Hawthorne.

•Special gifts and abilities:Kasyn has a uncanny ability for protection spells, and charms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

  • Name: Katherine Blackwell

  • Age: 11

  • Gender: Female

  • House: Slytherin

  • Magical Heritage: Half-blood, but everyone (including her) thinks that she is pureblooded.

  • Appearance: Long, straight, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, slim, with pale and smooth skin. Very pretty- and proud of it!

  • Backstory/Personality: Katherine's parents hold very powerful positions in both the muggle and wizardry governments. Katherine's father, Alexander Blackwell, comes from a very old pureblood family- the Blackwells, especially closely intermarried with the Malfoy family. He is a very powerful Auror and is cousins with Lucius Malfoy. He married a pureblooded witch, Anne Marcus, who died as a Death Eater. The marriage was arranged by their parents, and so the couple never really liked each other. Because of this, while his wife travelled to various different places, he had a child- Katherine- whom he hid until Anne's death, with Alice deRoux, a French muggle. Everyone believes Katherine to be her child, and Alexander and Alice are secretly still good friends. Alice's father, or Katherine's real grandfather, holds a very influential position in the French government.

    Katherine lives with her father in the very large, richly-decorated Blackwell mansion and is very well-educated and well-mannered- at least to people of importance. Besides English, she can speak French, Spanish, some German, and can write Latin. Katherine's appearance comes from her French mother, as Alexander has black hair and dark eyes.

    Most people consider her proud, spoiled, and snobby- which she probably is. Katherine believes that only pureblooded witches and wizards should be allowed to work in the Ministry, and considers muggle-loving purebloods a disgrace to the rest of them. She loves her father very much, but is unaware of his secret muggle-loving attitude. She also loves her spoiled pet cat, Lina. Katherine is very proud of her exceptionally pretty appearance and, although she never wears any make-up, always carries a high-quality hair brush and mirror with her.

  • Personal Items: 11 1/2 inch Thestral tail-feather wand, oak wood, not very flexible. Black cat called Lina.

  • Special Gifts and Abilities: Katherine is a very, very good actor and excels in Transfiguration. Her Potions is not as good as most Slytherin, but is also good in Charms and Herbology.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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    Lost Cause

    Member Seen 1 mo ago

    I appreciate the enthusiasm but this RP died six months ago.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Oh, sorry, but then I think you should know that someone copied and pasted basically everything from this onto another IC recently... which is why I thought it was still going.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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    Lost Cause

    Member Seen 1 mo ago

    I know I linked the OP in another RP that I was considering adapting my GMPC for, but that's about it.
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