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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I'm sure it'll be fine - as long as it's not too completely and utterly different to the others and you followed the GEAR docs and construction templates then ought to be fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I shall post later today ^w^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I shalt post later too, as in, tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Character Name

Arcade Ruthless




King Cheetah


His left fang is broken, but for the most part, Arcade is lackluster in his visage. Pelt texture is matted, while his eyes are brown. Usually sports a stylish strip of fur that runs down the top of his head and stops at the small of his back; could be likened to a Mohawk of sorts. Short for his age at 5'1 and lean, though I suppose this counts as a perk given the fact that Kitsune Peril was made with usability in mind rather than catering to persons of heavy and tall stature.


During combat missions, Arcade typically comes off as a jokester, which some may find annoying---especially during the heat of battle where the only thing coming from his end is hysterical laughter and a seemingly never-ending sea of puns, one-liners and lighthearted threats thrown at the enemy. In truth, Arcade uses his sense of humor as a front to protect himself from the deliberating effects of war, for his years spent as a LDF solider have begun to take their toll on his mental health and stability, while his past questionable deeds and controversial actions have led to Arcade debating his own purity numerous times in the past. Honest and blunt, Ruthless is a duty-bound individual that takes prides in his work, and puts forth as much effort as he can afford to offer in everything that he does.

Personal History

(I would rather explore this using IC interactions, but if it's required to be posted now, I'll add it)

Personal Weapons and Equipment

AMP-46: Modified AMP-45 variant, which is chambered for high-velocity .460 Backhand +P ammunition. Due to the recoil, the '46 is normally fired in bursts. Suitable for defeating higher forms of personnel body armor, but is out-performed by assault rifles and battle rifles both in range and, in many cases, stopping power. Comes with tactical flashlight and rail-mounted holographic sight.

M-Tactical: Standard combat knife. Blade is serrated to enhance cutting power.

GEAR Pilot's Attire: Self-cooling full body sleeve that affords moderate protection from ballistic threats, shrapnel and blast over-pressure. Helmet is equipped with bullet-resistant glass view-slit, radio transmitter/receiver and independent oxygen supply/air filtration system.

Roller M7B: Modified base model Roller M7 service pistol, which supports a tactical flashlight, laser sight and extended magazine, and to accept .460 Backhand and .460 Backhand +P ammunition.

Personal Theme

Gear Name

Kitsune Peril


Lacks in creature comforts, which is expressed by a cramped torso-cockpit that is hot, dry and relatively uncomfortable. Roughly half the size of normal GEARs, Kitsune Peril stands 2.8 meters tall and weighs ten tons (fully kitted). Because of its semi-stationary and defensive nature, the machine lacks jump-jets of any kind, and seems to mimic its power-loader ancestry both in its heavy gait and internal workings. Torso and arms are both controlled using a teleoperation haptic interface (in the form of a wearable harness and a pair of force-feedback gauntlets similar to real-world 'waldo' control systems), while footpedals paired with a series of pressure sensors allow for precise leg movement. At the rear and sides of each foot rest retractable bracing pads, which can be unfolded to stabilize Kitsune Peril when its Aeon-II rifle is set to significantly higher settings.


Support, which constitutes a GEAR designed to lay down punishing suppressive fire from a fortified and/or concealed position, sowing confusion and terror within enemy ranks as rounds are put down range in either burst fire, single fire or in fully-automatic fire mode. Use of an Aeon weapon tends to draw dangerous attention to a Support Role GEAR (the weapon's report is incredibly loud and especially bright), which permits the pilot's squad or fire-team mates to maneuver effectively on the battlefield at the possible expense of the Support GEAR's longevity. Threat of flanking and return fire is mitigated by engaging targets from medium, long or very long ranges, while large ammunition stores ensures a contentious stream of devastating firepower to be brought to bear upon opposing forces.

Normal Loadout


The Aeon series of Squad Support Automatic Rifles (or SSAR) utilize bulk-loaded liquid propellants and electrothermal-chemical technology, or ETC, to fire projectiles at hypervelocity speeds, dramatically improving the weapon's overall penetration probability, accuracy, range, and stopping power. A product of Southern technological prowess, their performance can be likened to that of an electromagnetic weapon's (like a railgun), though without the railgun's more restricting flaws--such as the intense rail erosion it undergoes when firing, its low efficiency and its unreasonable energy requirements. Recoil, however, is roughly comparable, which suffice to say is rather potent, but is counteracted by the inclusion of a muzzle break, the rifle's intrinsic weight, a deployable bipod, and a piston/cylinder recoil-compensation system.

Aeon-II is a weapon system that has an elevated level of flexibility due to its DU/D (dial up/ down) function (when dialing up, more fuel is injected into the gun's pressurized holding chambers while more heat is applied to generate a denser and hotter plasma; dialing down, naturally, confers the exact opposite outcome), which permits it to function as a light machinegun, heavy machinegun, battle rifle, heavy autocannon, anti-material rifle, or assault rifle when a combat situation require it.

The Aeon-II is chambered for a substandard intermediate .50 AMX cartridge, the .50 Special, which has been altered to include a denser and sturdier ballistic cap, shell and an inert filling. More exotic ammunition, such as self-guided or laser-designated 'smart' rounds, cannot be used, as the forces imparted onto their fragile electronic systems would disrupt the reliability of these unique ammunition types. Explosive ammunition, for similar reasons, also cannot be used, which hampers Aeon-II's anti-infantry capabilities when compared to more orthodox anti-infantry weapons.

Unfortunately, the use of 'hot plasma' cartridges and volatile fuel mixtures has forced the designers of Aeon-II to make the weapon from denser alloys and sophisticated composites that incorporate refractory metals into their base designs, while active cooling systems--such as heat sinks and radiators--have been built into Aeon-II to manage the dangerous temperatures that Arcade must contend with when waging war against the LDF's foes, resulting in a bulky and unwieldy weapon with a total weight figure that even larger GEARs may find detrimental to their reliance on speed and agility.

Kitsune Peril's main weapon is fed from a GEAR-sized assault pack, which has a maximum capacity of 30,000 rounds of .50 Special (and an additional 2,000 rounds in the feed shoot). Below it rests Aeon-II's supplementary fuel reservoir, which consists of two tanks that each hold one half of the fuel mixture Aeon-II needs to function properly. Alone, neither liquid is flammable, which somewhat helps to boost Kitsune Peril's chance of survival if a hit is scored on its rear person. The ammunition feed shoot and two fuel cables attached to the rifle sweep under Kitsune Peril's right armpit.


An Aegis system is a defensive hardware loadout that is melded with the main torso armor, chest armor and faulds of Arcade's GEAR. It operates on the same principle as electromagnetic reactive armor (or ERA), where rounds that successfully penetrate the breastplate are instantly vaporized by a high current of electricity. Power constraints and technical complexity issues limit the system to the chest and torso areas. The system is recharged by Kitsune Peril's large power cell. Aegis is only able to endure several hits before it is fully-compromised and needs to be replaced.

Other Systems and Equipment

Smoke discharger, chaff launchers and electronic-counter measures; NBC protection and EMP hardened. Sophisticated stealth technology, such as thermal cloaking, radar-defeating materials or sound-muffling features, are not used. Visual and tactical readouts are provided by thermal imaging cameras, UV imaging cameras and motion trackers.

CIWS (smaller, obviously, and mounted on Kitsune Peril’s right shoulder). Fires dart clusters to destroy incoming missiles, though extremely ineffective against incoming bullets and shells. Very important to Arcade's survival, as his GEAR and its weapon both have an annoying knack for drawing the attention of heat-sinking missiles.

Entrenching spade (used to dig fox holes and to perform menial engineering work if needed). Also makes for a suitable melee weapon in a pinch.

Three Aeon-II and Aeon-I replacement barrels (barrels are interchangeable between both models). Also can be used as a melee weapon, though this is not recommended for obvious reasons.

Other Notes

Kitsune Peril is one of the oldest GEARs still in active service with the LDF, and has been upgraded and retrofitted with various examples of advanced technical improvements to ensure that it is able to contend with current and future GEAR models.

Despite these proactive and preventive, Kitsune Peril is relatively slow and ungainly when compared to older or newer GEAR models, and has begun to show its growing obsolescence in the face of swifter and faster GEAR variants. Arcade playfully describes his proven war machine as a “Persistent throwback to an era where heavy armor and superior firepower put you a cut above the rest ”, though the seasoned pilot has slowly begun to realize that a newer GEAR model may be required sooner rather than later. On today's battlefields, sheer armor and firepower are no longer guarantees of a sweeping victory.

However, what separates Kitsune Peril from its counterparts is the sheer robustness and hardiness of its superstructure and the simplicity of its internal components. Kitsune Peril's range of motion and joint flexibility have both been greatly reduced to allow augmentative armoring of its joint areas and other bodily sectors where structural weak-points are present, while more daring feats of physical strength and increased amounts of muscle strand can be performed and installed without concern for body-wide system failure.

My favorite color is a toss up between red and black.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Looks good to me - the only thing of note to mention is probably to drop the references to the UMP-45, Beretta M9, and the .50BMG as no real-world weapons exist in the setting. The weapons themselves are fine, of course. Regarding personal history, if you can just PM it to me, then that'll be fine - I prefer to have it for my own reference when I'm plotting and planning, so I can weave elements of peoples' backstories into things once things get moving a bit more and we get into the plot a bit more.

Regarding Kitsune Peril being old too, I imagine it's probably a contemporary of the earlier models of my own GEAR, so alongside one another they're in the process of being phased out and replaced with newer models, slowly but surely, but still plenty of them in service.

So yeah, if you edit the weapon descs and PM me over your personal history, I'll consider him to be approved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heads up: Since I like to make sure everything is 100% good I might not post till I get home from work
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eeeh... I'll probably wait.. Since I was the last post. Don't wanna look like an ass XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

One day overdue, but hey, here's my post!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I shall psot later tonight I guess!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

College stuffs! Sorry guys I'll have to post tomorrow X_X
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Silverwind Blade said
I'm sorry to hear that, but I know how it goes. If you find you have more time down the line, then consider yourself to have a permanent place reserved. I hope everything goes well for you otherwise though.

It is mostly work related. The company i work for managed to pull in their biggest customer to date. Its basicly a giant migration project as they are going to outsource t heir entire IT department to my company. Their previous IT partner pretty much left an undocumented mess of poorly implemented processes and stuff like that. Also i really need to finish renovating my house. That has come something near a standstill due to work and time i have to spend on organizing my wedding.

So its nowhere near drama our trouble. Just really busy with lots of good reallife stuff :)
Adult life is time consuming XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm so out of touch now, I'm not sure I could really slot myself back in if I wanted too :(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Winter said
I'm so out of touch now

Neh, not really. You'd basically have to catch up with the end of the party, the briefing and the prep, which isn't much. Blade would have to modify the post in which he pairs everyone in several teams and accept you back (of course); other than that, it wouldn't be too hard to return now, since we're not out on the field yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Winter said
I'm so out of touch now, I'm not sure I could really slot myself back in if I wanted too :(

I'll try to write a post that gets my character off the picture and gets your hands free again
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Adult life is scary btw. .-.

I'm debating posting, but it'll depend on whether or not Minder's hangin' around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

MachineSoul said
Neh, not really. You'd basically have to catch up with the end of the party, the briefing and the prep, which isn't much. Blade would have to modify the post in which he pairs everyone in several teams and accept you back (of course); other than that, it wouldn't be too hard to return now, since we're not out on the field yet.

I'll wait and see what Blade says about it. Thanks though.

Milkman said
I'll try to write a post that gets my character off the picture and gets your hands free again

Thank you. It's a shame you're leaving :(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Winter said
I'll wait and see what Blade says about it. Thanks though. Thank you. It's a shame you're leaving :(

Yes, I know. I really enjoyed it but right now, I don't really have the time to spend on writing posts. I'm not really a person that can write post in 5 mins and be happy about it. I hope to come back somewhere around the end of august-early septembre when the migration project from work has finished. That should give me a bit more time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Milkman said
Yes, I know. I really enjoyed it but right now, I don't really have the time to spend on writing posts. I'm not really a person that can write post in 5 mins and be happy about it. I hope to come back somewhere around the end of august-early septembre when the migration project from work has finished. That should give me a bit more time.

Oh so you intend to come back eventually?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
Avatar of Rhona W

Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I'll wait and see what Blade says about it.

You're fine to come back if you keep the posts coming. That's the only reason I removed you in the first place, as you disappeared.

And I offered Milkman to come back once things calm down a bit more, as I've really enjoyed having him around, and he's mentioned he'd like to at a later date.

I'm debating posting, but it'll depend on whether or not Minder's hangin' around.

Get your post up while you want to write one, I'm sure Minder can fit one in after easily enough. And besides, since Machine is posting and you're on the same team, you can interact. Or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silverwind Blade said
You're fine to come back if you keep the posts coming. That's the only reason I removed you in the first place, as you disappeared. And I offered Milkman to come back once things calm down a bit more, as I've really enjoyed having him around, and he's mentioned he'd like to at a later date.

Thanks. I got a bit stuck when Milkman didn't respond as I was enjoying the current direction. Then when he mentioned he was going to leave I got a bit demotivated entirely. But, if he's coming back then there's a chance to pick up on that development latter I suppose. Plus now he's posted and freed me up I can write myself back in comfortably. I'll look into making a post latter, though if you wouldn't mind editing in what I need to be doing for the briefing part I can respond to that too.
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