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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 9 mos ago

[New Pendragon Imperial Palace, Holy Britannian Empire]

In the very throne room of the Palace, there was the 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, Lelouch vi Britannia, sitting upon his throne. Earlier that day, he was able to claim a small island that was near the empire (it's that small island to the west of the Britannian territory), due to the fact that there was a good amount of Sakuradite mines on that island, and there, he got the small faction on that island to surrender after one use of a F.L.E.I.J.A with it's limiter on (which is about 5,000 meters to 8,000 meters depending). It was a necessary move for him, Britannia needs the supply of Sakuradite to keep the army's arsenal of Knightmares and all other sorts of military vehicles and weapons in check. With that done, he tried to make deals with the fallen faction's leader, but of course, like most would in that type of situation, the man had refused to acknowledge that Lelouch was in control of the situation. So, to get rid of the possible nuisance, the Emperor had no other choice but to use his Geass on the man, giving him the command to kill himself. Now in present time, Lelouch had to call over a few of his Royal Guards to clean up the mess of the man's 'forced' suicide. In heart, Lelouch wasn't actually a bad person...it was all planned to be that way anyways. Rising from his throne, he had to consider the multiple threats that were present in this world, that his Zero Requiem will have to wait until he was the only threat this world will see.

"You're still frustrated, aren't you Lelouch?" the immortal witch spoke to him as he walked into the hallway from the throne room. CC was one of the few people within the Empire to actually communicate with him personally, especially with the 'contract' the two shared. With that comment of hers, it was certain that they would have to go up against these outside forces some time soon.

"Isn't it obvious? When I finally gain the control of the Damocles and the F.L.E.I.J.A. weapons, I did not anticipate this kind of event happening, and now I would have to shed more blood in order to get back to the fear I had created upon the world," Lelouch sighed while they walked down the hallway and towards the conference hall of the palace.

"The games you play are not easy Lelouch, and it may be suggested for you to play your hand carefully," CC remarked on the fact that he was still determined to achieve the Zero Requiem. At this point it seemed like CC knew so much about the Emperor himself, that she seemed to foretell whatever Lelouch had planned.

"I may have to expand my hand then. Maybe I should have the captured Black Knights join my army, I was the ruler of the world, I have many resources to regain my status," he considered the choice. When he had gotten a hold of the most dangerous weapons in the world, he had captured the entirety of the Black Knights and imprisoned them, planning to 'execute' them, but now he may have to get more use out of them. It's not like the Black Knights have any choice on the matter.

"How about the nearest factions to the Empire? It's no doubt that they'll see you as a threat and try to invade. We need to gain allies, negotiate and if you feel like it later on, dispose of them," CC brought up a point. There were a few forces that were close to the Empire, and it would be no doubt that they'll be attacked if they didn't do anything in time to secure their territory.

"Then we'll negotiate. I can't go out there myself, I would be immediately assassinated the moment I walk onto foreign grounds. I am the Demon Emperor after all. I think that's where you come in, CC, you can speak in the place of the Emperor," Lelouch explained to her, knowing her immortal status would keep her from harm. Once they were at the conference hall doors, Lelouch also added,"Besides, I'm sure our intel has some information to share with us on what we should expect from our 'neighboring' factions."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

[Hive Fleet Kraken, In orbit over unknown Planet]

When the Hivemind sent the Tyranid to consume this place The Swarmlord didn't expect the tenacity from this small section of humans, they fought valiantly but even then they couldn't hope to match the might of the Tyranid onslaught but it set their plans back further than expected allowing other factions to gain a foothold on this planet the Hivemind wasn't angered he expected it the Hivemind expects all after all but The Swarmlord couldn't help but feel angered in his rage he had broken the leader upon his swords and then let the Hormagaunts consume him, but with this small group of humans out of the way The Swarmlord, could turn his attention upon other groups of humans, and they would be broken before him just like every group of humans who stood before him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Hanging Gardens of Babylon, in high orbing flying along the tropic of cancer]

The subconsciousness forces known as Gaia and Alaya were omnipresent upon the planet, having learned of the intruders, the strangers and the warring factions. Since time immemorial, before any of these factions had learned to carve stones into knives, Gaia existed. The Planet existed. And it would ensure that it would continue to do so, no matter what alien horrors, abominations and human weapons of mass destructions converged upon it.

Tyranid Hive. Attempting devouring of local life. Victory would result in destruction of planet. UNACCEPTABLE.

The second counter force, Alaya, was also in motion. After all, it served the subconscious desires of humanity, first and foremost being its desire for survival, but also it's desire for freedom.

Holy Britannian Empire. Emperor Lelouch Vi Britannia attempting subjugation of all humankind. Counter to desires of independence. UNACCEPTABLE.
Tyranid Hive. Attempting devouring of local life. Victory would result in annihilation of humanity. UNACCEPTABLE
Necron Force. Attempting takeover planet. Victory would result in annihilation of humanity. UNACCEPTABLE
Cravers. Attempting devouring of local organisms. Victory would result in annihilation of humanity. UNACCEPTABLE.
Decepticons. Attempting subjugation of humankind. Counter to greater desires of independence. UNACCEPTABLE.

Alien threats and emperors bent on conquering humankind and holding nuclear weapons in order to do so. Truly, these were dark times. But it was in these dark times that the two counter forces summoned the counter guardians and heroic spirits, legendary warriors who would preserve the two most basic demands of the existence of the planet. Even now, those heroic spirits valiantly fight...


"...what... exactly are you doing, Semiramis?" a silver haired counter guardian with a red cloak known only as EMIYA asked Semiramis, the wise queen of Assyria and the creator of the stronghold of the Heroic Spirits, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, as she sat at a desk and typed away on a computer.

"Applying for a license." she answered simply.

"...A... license?" EMIYA asked. "Why on earth would you need a license?"

"The New Earth Government's airspace laws are extremely strict." The thousands of years old queen answered simply. "I'd rather not declare war on them simply by entering, so while it takes longer I would much prefer the more peaceful method in this case. Besides, we are not to take any sides, so we shouldn't antagonize a side either."

"I see." EMIYA nodded. "...but why do you have need to go there anyways?"

Semiramis grimaced. "The sooner I get in there, the sooner I can get "The Admiral's Great Tactics X" for the Macedonian and get him to be quiet for a few days." she muttered as she backed away from the keyboard inspected her license registration.

"New United Nations Airspace Entrance License Registration

Name: Semiramis
Age: 2824
Occupation: Heroic Spirit
Name and model of aircraft for license: Anti-World Noble Phantasm "Hanging Gardens of Babylon"
Reason for Application: To legally enter N.U.N territory so a really loud acquaintance of mine can go purchase that new video game on sale"


As Gaia and Alaya had forbidden the counter guardians and heroic spirits from taking any sides, the summoned legendary heroes had ended up with a lot of nothing to do. Some, like Arturia, spent time reminiscing about just how much their lands had changed - Arturia, in particular, had been extremely displeased, to say the least, when she discovered just how totalitarian her land of "Britannia" had become.

Other servants, however, required other ways to pass the time - efforts mostly spearheaded by an extremely loud Macedonian known as Alexander the Great. Under his guidance, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was now equipped with a satellite dish linking them to Wireless Hi Speed internet Satellites and HD television. The Hanging Gardens now had it's own Wi-Fi, under the password "KotomineShirou4lyfe". EMIYA never really understood why Semiramis made such a password. The interior of the gardens had also been outfitted with private rooms for all the spirits and guardians, guest rooms for any visiting foreign dignitary that the spirits felt they needed to have a "talk" with, highly expensive alienware computers optimized for gaming (Alexander had been highly adamant on this part) and the dining hall of the gardens was now outfitted with a giant 100 inch plasma screen TV on which the servants would watch "Prisma Kaleid Mercury" as they ate meals cooked by EMIYA, who made sure Semiramis was never allowed within 50 metres of the kitchen.

TVs, furnishings, computers, satellite dish, Wi Fi subscription and HD TV subscriptions all legally paid for by funds provided by Gilgamesh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Account Retired
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Account Retired

Member Seen 18 days ago

[Outer Heaven Island, MSF Central Headquarters]

"Boss, it's been awhile since we settled into this place. We're going to have to make contact and relations sooner or later. We can't just sit here twiddling our thumbs anymore. Everything is ready, so come on Snake." Kazuhira Miller, second in command of the MSF said.

He took a puff of his cigar, turning around in his leather office chair. An official looking wooden desk was between them. "What type?" Kazuhira questioned. "Cuban, imported. I found them." He opened up the blinds in the dark room, lighting the light in.

Big Boss stuck the cigar between a side his lips. He went and looked out one of the windows, observing soldiers doing training exercises or talking, as well looking at the various facilities and vehicles in the distance, pilots and drivers do checks on the equipment. Metal Gear ZEKE's hangar wasn't too far away, Huey and the R&D team were probably making sure the parts were in order right now.

"I know, Kaz. There are plenty of opportunities, like the island to the North East. Nothing changes. MSF is a business, we try to stay neutral unless it involves a job. Simple as that. We stay disconnected, no nation or ideology." Big Boss said, taking a puff. "Besides, we have ZEKE to back us up if anyone we run across gets hostile."

"I know, that's why we should just send some type of scout party out, see if anyone is interested in building some long-term relationship. We offer our wet-work, they supply us with things. That's the thing about our guerrilla tactics, Boss. They may work, but the less theft and unnecessary bloodshed, the better. Like you said, neutrality. Keeping us and our soldiers independent. Remember, we're away from our world's CIA or anything that could threaten us there. It's a whole new playing field out there, Snake." Kazuhira pointed out.

Big Boss grunted, Miller had a point. "..Fine. Just do what you always do. Don't get us killed, because of a misstep." Miller nodded in agreement. "Right, no unnecessary risks, I get that. I'll do just that, I won't let you down then Boss." Miller left the room,.

Big Boss sat down in his chair, turning back around. He took a puff of his cigar. "This is good, isn't it?" he said to no one in particular.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character..... give him power"

September 20th, 2058
Atlas Headquarters

Jonathan Irons paced around the meeting room as his various staff members took their seats. When they finally were seated and walked to the head of the room and nodded to one them. The man stood up from the table and tapped a few buttons on the table, pulling up a holographic image of the entire island complex. "We've finally successively locked down our area. With the hard state and electo shielding, anything mechanical or electronic that doesn't ID properly will be unable to enter. Anything organic without proper IFF tags will be detected ten miles out from the coastline, and automatically engaged by the defensive systems once passing the five mile mark. In terms of internal affairs, all systems are now operational ranging from the housing projects for employees to the automated factories. We are now operating at optimal capacity." he concluded before taking his seat. Irons nodded and walked up to the screen behind him.

"People, this world that we have been shifted to will be a test of our company's ability to adapt, but I do believe we can easily turn a profit out this world. To the north we have a large nation outdately named the "Holy Britannian Empire" or some shit. They have some sort of monarch system and were apparently the dominant force of their previous world. Unsurprisingly they are currently aggressively seizing territory and expanding their borders, and that's where we come in. Representative Allen Baker is arriving now in their nation to see if they would like to purchase our companies services. Something tells me that they wont refuse an offer from on of this worlds largest militarizes to aid them in operations at a price. We stand for nation people, only profit. As for the potential threat to the west, we are currently monitoring them from a distance, though it seems our neighbors will be very preoccupied in dealing with one another. "
Holy Britannian Empire

Three helicopters flew towards the capital carrying the envoy for leader of the nation. Allen Baker sat in the helicopter, silently going over the paper. The flight had already been cleared by the border guards once they stated their mission and were now just above to arrive at their destination after many hours of flight. Allan looked out over the capital of the nation as they began to make their decent towards the New Pendragon Imperial Palace. The helicopters landed outside and were greeted by the royal guard. He was only allowed to take two of his own security forces with him according to the guard, to which he complied. They were escorted into the palace and presented into the throne room, their Emperor on his throne. Allan gave a bow of respect before he started.

"Thank you sir, for receiving Atlas into your capital. I am corporate representative Allan Baker, here to conduct business on the behaf of the Atlas Corporation, a global private military company. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[El-Melloi Office, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

A meeting between a Wizard Marshal and a Lord of the Clock Tower.

"...you're certain you're willing to give this to me?"

"Tohsaka and Edelfelt tested the prototypes, this is their final result. Kaleido Mercury, the ultimate Mystic Code."

The birth of a legend.
[Office of the Queen, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

"Kaleido Onyx? What is that vampire up to?"

The birth of the senpai of a legend.
[War Room 4A, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

"We have cursory information on each of the surrounding existences."

"El-Melloi I can be sent later."

"The Counter Force has been awakened proactively. We're looking into this, an occurrence of this level is unprecedented. We have a read on what Spirits have been actualized, and Gazamy's been readied."

"Establish communications with America and the New Earth Government."

The planning for conquest.
[Jewel Killer's Room, Sea of Estray, Mage's Association]

"I kill jewel-"

"I know!"

The laziness of a floating mountain.
[Calculation Room 8675309, Atlas Academy, Mage's Association]



The actions of nerds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

[Cravers/ Borgons' Fortress hive]

In the mountains parts of the Craver territory was Borgon's fortress hive each of the hive spire was made from the wreckage of a Craver ships. The central spire was made from a Reaper class battleship deep inside the spire was a large chamber to a raised platform was siting on a simple metal throne decorated trophy of his defeated foes was the massive form of warlord Borgon Apolla. The warlord slowly drummed his claws on one of the throne armrest glaring at the drone in front of him giving the report then quickly shuffled out. "Havdar organized some recon forces to explore some of our surrounding area for place we can 'acquire' supplies," Borgon said getting up and walking over to a large holo-screen "now leave Havdar and full fill my orders." His champion bowed before leaving the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Transported. Their whole army, everything they owned that was on Earth, had been transported to an unknown planet. How? Nobody knew, in fact, they didn't even know they'd been transported until recently. It was a rather embarrassing thing, that Megatron decided to blame on Starscream. After all, he was always the easiest to blame on things. He almost always was the source of problems, even when he wasn't.

Their first order of business, after a thorough beating of the unfortunate Starscream, was to establish where exactly they were. Although the atmosphere of the planet as a whole had remained the same, their location on the planet had changed significantly. The Darkmount Fortress, which had originally been located in the desert in Nevada, was now high up in some sort of mountain range. The temperature was significantly colder, and there was even snow on the ground. A major change from where they once were!

After ordering Soundwave to deploy Laserbeak, they soon discovered they were not alone. In fact, there was several other major groups dotted around their immediate area. This also worked to help them find the layout of the world around them. Using the images returned from the small bird-like Decepticon, they could piece together a partial map of the lands that surrounded the Darkmount fortress. Of course, it wasn't the full global map (they'd need to deploy the Nemesis for that), but it was a start. It was during the scouting that Laserbeak detected an unidentified object in orbit above them.

When Megatron heard of that, he immediately ordered the vehicons out to secure the area around them. The troopers didn't need to work too hard to conquer the cities nearby them, and they had completed their mission in a matter of hours. They hoped that this would help keep the unknown object (which they had deduced was some type of ship) from attacking them, especially if it was Autobot in origin. After all, hostages were the best way to keep an Autobot from attacking oneself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[ Miki's Office, United Nations]

Tama had the most power in her entire empire. Nobody would question her authority, even though they could. With all the power at her disposable, she could easily invade any country on the planet and win through sheer force.

And she was horrified.

Sitting at her desk in a char far too big for her, Tama finished writing a letter. The letter was incredibly girly, and was filled with pictures of flowers, hearts, and cute little cats. Tama had a tendency of drifting off and doodling when she couldn't focus on something.

She had been writing for a few hours, but she was finally happy with how it turned out.

" Hello Mr. Big Boss sir~! I'm Miki Tamase, The Leader of The United Nations~! I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house some time~! We could drink some tea and maybe play a game or two~!

I hope I hear from you soon~!

- President Miki Tamase "


Miki put it into one of her pink envelopes, put a kitty cat stamp on it, and made her way to her personal mailbox.

This was by far Miki's greatest opponent, as she could never reach it, no matter how hard she tried. Even when she stood on her toes she wasn't tall enough. However, she was going to get her letter into that mailbox today, even if it killed her.

The Young President made sure that her shoes were on tight before running towards the mailbox and jumping up into the air. She had the mad hops for once, and managed to dunk the letter into the mailbox.

Now, this wasn't exactly a normal mailbox. People were on the other side, waiting for letters, and when they got one, they would express deliver it to the target. The letter was sure to get to Big Boss in a few hours, the end of the day at the very most.

Sadly, she hit her head on the mailbox so she landed right on her bottom.

" Owie! "

This was of course the reaction of the leader of this glorious nation. She would sit there and rub where the pain was until it was completely gone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 8 days ago

The Doctor began making a plan. He was the ninth incarnation but met his tenth, eleventh, and Twelfth Incarnation. They brought him help and helped him contact his allies. The Doctor wanted peace. He didnt want to kill. Not after the war but knew he would have to. He hoped he could make peace soon. The Doctor called Zaina. Or Z-X "Contant Britannian Empire....In would like to speed with the Emperor. The Doctor had run ins with his northern neighbors. He thought the emperor was a childish fool. Zaina walked in and contacted the Emperor. Captain Jack walked in and said "Doctor what are you planning for this war?" The Doctor looked at the Captain "Thats a secret Jack.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Doctor found himself standing beside an older looking Chinese man. This old man, a magician by the name of Zuo Ci, looked towards The Doctor and gave him a courteous, but slight bow. . . "Welcome to the dimension, Doctor. I take it that you, also, seek order and stability in the wavering tides of chaos that are swallowing all Creation whole." He fanned himself. . . "Thank you for continued efforts in maintaining the balance, Doctor. I can't quite recall if I have seen you in a very long time, or if I have yet to see you, but, the most important thing is that I see you right now, and it is so good to see you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Necron Overlord awoke in the middle of his Monolith, which was currently underground. Their sensors had picked up foreign lifeforms on the planet. Lifeforms that need exterminated. With a simple wave of his staff, the Monolith activated, and began to be uncovered from the earth, rising up so it was on the surface of the planet, along with the entire army that had been entombed with him. The entire territory that the Necrons had been buried in began to become uncovered, revealing the entire civilization of Necrons that had been entombed within this planet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Some time after the intel briefing on the nearest factions, Lelouch had gotten word that there was a representative of the Atlas Corporation to arrive soon. From the little info they were able to gather from a satellite they had launched the moment they got to this strange world, he could only say for sure that this was going to be a deal regarding additional forces to his arsenal. This was a good thing, they were literally playing right into his hands. Looks like he didn't need to send CC out for negotiations for now, this was surely a start. The Empire had it's own strengths, which were primarily Knightmare Frames. However, this was a good alternative, and that would save them the trouble of using too much Sakuradite. By the time Lelouch got back to his throne, he had gotten more news from one of his Royal Guards, which was that someone was trying to contact him. This was certainly unexpected, for someone to actually figure out one of private communication channels to get a hold of him. Well, there wasn't any time for that, so he simply had the transmission be handled by CC, who was in one of the lodging rooms. After all of that scuffle, it was then that the Atlas Corporation representative arrived in his throne room. Even if he was Emperor, Lelouch wasn't that much into formalities, especially when he had abolished to aristocracy system (though this is to keep him in absolute power of the Empire), but he decided to not make any mentions of that.

"...in that case, care to elaborate on what benefits will be offered? I rather not jump into conclusions," Lelouch wanted to hear a bit more of what this would lead to, but in fact, he knew exactly where this was going. Coming from a private military company, the way it works is that they would get profit from lending in their services to a form of organization, in this case was the Britannian Empire. He only asked to make himself appear like the Emperor he was. While he said this, he leaned his head against the palm of his hand, that corresponding arm's elbow resting on the arm rest of the throne. To anyone, he was just doing this to be in thought, but in reality, he kept his hand in that close vicinity so he could simply take off the contact lenses wore in his eyes. Of course, he would only do that if Geass was necessary, which it didn't seem like it right now.
In a private room, CC was comfortably rested upon a couch and snacking on some pizza she had managed to get from the cooks within the palace. Yes...the very immortal witch that gave the Demon Emperor of Britannia his Geass was just doing nothing important in any way. After that briefing from their army's intel, the immortal decided to take a break in this room before Lelouch would call her for assistance. Well...her break was cut short as she was given a hold of one of the contacts that happened to try and communicate with the Emperor. First of all, she could tell that this was someone outside the Empire as the ID wasn't recognizable to any Britannian citizen or anywhere within their territory. Second, if this was forwarded to the communicator in the very room she was in, she could assume that Lelouch was busy with something else in the meantime. And lastly...it interrupted her break. Putting down one of the pizza slices, CC walked up to the communicator and answered the incoming transmission,"If you're looking for Emperor Lelouch, he's busy at the moment. I can relay anything said here back to him later, so what is it that you want?" CC was blunt and straight to the point, that's how she was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Magical Girl Kaleido Ruby!, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon]

Humans are beings who do not have the innate ability of flight. Generating the effect of "flight" is possible, but the human existence as a sole being cannot achieve that result, and requires assistance from human creations. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, an EX ranked Anti-World Noble Phantasm that defied logic and reason, floated above the earth beyond the reach of "man". This posed a rather unusual question.

How was Rin Tohsaka in the sky, just touching down on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

The answer was simple.

Rin Tohsaka, through the power of the Kaleidostick known as "Ruby," had changed her nature of existence from "human" to "magical girl".

Magical girls flew. It was as simple as that.

"Magical Girl Kaleido Ruby makes her dashing appearance~!"

If the logical Rin Tohsaka could see herself, she would likely commit suicide out of shame.

"Hello Heroic Spirits and assorted others, how's it going~? I~was~just~won~der~ing~, what're you all doing here? You guys aren't supposed to be summoned until a catastrophe's in progress, riiiiiiight? So what's the deal?"

The question was asked as a receiver was set down by the Magical Girl on the Hanging Gardens. Granted, Rin had no idea how it worked, but all she was told was to set it down and not let it get broken, so that some semblance of a communication system could be set up.
[Waver Velvet, El-Melloi Office, Mage's Association]

It was time to do as had been planned out.

And without a doubt, Waver Velvet, Lord El-Melloi II, was one of the few members of the Association with the capability to do this.

What was "this," you ask?

"Hey Waver, where's my tea already?!"

The yell of a spoiled ojou-sama cut through the office, causing Waver to scowl as he rounded about to face her.

"Get it yourself Layneth, I'm busy!"

"Useless dog..."

With the momentary distraction eliminated, it was time for Waver to shine.


>Conference Call

>United Nations

>New Earth Government

"This" was the competent use of technology.

Using the Hanging Gardens as a satellite for the transmission of information during the call, the request to chat went through.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Hanging Gardens of Babylon, still flying over the Tropic of Cancer]

When Semiramis had announced that something was approaching the Hanging Gardens, EMIYA had been tasked to investigate lest it be a threat sent to pre-emptively eliminate the counter forces and heroic spirits. As such, EMIYA had approached the entrance hall expecting a possible fight. He had also possibly expected dignitaries and diplomats trying to get them to break their neutrality.

What he certainly did not expect was Tohsaka Rin in a magical girl outfit.

Taking one look at Rin, the Heroic Spirit who was once summoned as Archer under the master Rin Tohsaka swiftly turned his head and brought his hand up to his mouth. However, even with that it was painfully obvious he was trying to hide a chuckle.

"In truth, it's a mystery to ourselves as well." EMIYA explained, having managed to compose himself. "The most I can suggest is that there are a variety of entities called with the multiverse collisions that have the potential to destroy both the human race and the planet as an existence."

"So in other words," Semiramis said as she approached, "Consider the entire mess at the moment as one giant catastrophe, and we've been sent to keep an eye out in case something goes horribly out of hand." the Assassin stated, choosing to decline commenting on the maturity of Rin's choice of appearance.


Meanwhile, Gilgamesh suddenly felt cranky. "DARN MAGES USING MY INTERNET AGAIN!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Magical Girl Kaleido Ruby!, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Airspace over Tropic of Cancer]

"Oh~? Look, look, it's my dear partner Ahchah back from the not-grave! You've got Saber here too, right? Hey, hey, watch thi-"

Rin's gleeful expression fell slightly as she reached for a Class Card only to realize she didn't have the EMIYA one on her. That was a pity.

"Well anyway, you've gotta understand that the Association's a lil' antsy, right? I mean, we can handle these other nations, but you guys have a certain vampire and an equally certain hound that make us just a teensy bit uneasy. So what I'm saying is, give us a bit of notice before you guys loose any species-annihilating monstrosities, mmkay~?"

"Oh yeah, speaking of obscene power, why and how is Goldie actually cooperating with you instead of being...himself?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Hanging Gardens of Babylon, in orbit over the Tropic of Cancer]

"Humph, you're the ones who have the human capable of speaking the unified language and you're still scared of us?" EMIYA chuckled without hiding it this time before clearing his throat. "Of course we intend to inform you before we do anything drastic, but even then I highly doubt that the mages association would do something that would require our intervention. As for Saber, well, she's here but not in a talking mood. Let's just say she really doesn't like the Britannian nation and how it turned out."

Hearing the conversation turn to Gilgamesh, EMIYA let out a sigh. "In all honesty, I have no idea. Who knows what goes on in his head? Although it could be the fact that Semiramis was deified as Ishtar, thereby making it possible that she is Gilgamesh's mother and he's just being a huge mommy's boy at the moment."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Account Retired
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Account Retired

Member Seen 18 days ago

[Outer Heaven Island, Outside]

Some time later, Big Boss was outside with a group of soldiers and an instructor who were doing combat exercises. "Alright, you maggots!! today we've got something real special fer' ya! the Boss here is going to be training with one of you today. Just like usual, our CQC! Boss, if you would please pick someone to train with!" the instructor asked.

He went up to a soldier. He saluted him, and everyone started. "I'm ready Boss!" he went in for a grab, but Big Boss was quicker. He twisted the soldiers arm, throwing the soldier over him and onto the ground. He immediately starting getting up went in for a sweep kick despite being dazed and injured, managing to Big Boss off balance a bit, but then Big Boss wrestled on top of him, and drew his CQC knife, holding it to his throat.

"That's enough! soldier, relocate your arm now!" The soldier nodded, relocating his arm and standing up. "Your immediate problem was lack of superior speed. In a moment while on the ground, a nearby enemy could have already shot you while being held down like that! this is the Boss after all but your speed leaves a lot to be desired." the instructor explained.

"...Not a bad try, rookie." Big Boss commented, taking out another cigar like from earlier and lighting it. "T-thanks Boss! let's train again together some time." the soldier said, saluting the man as he walked off, taking a puff from his cigar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Account Retired
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Account Retired

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Z-X got a answer. A woman. She believed her name was CC. "Hello this is Z-X. I am callinf on behalf of the Doctor. He would like to speak to Lelouch about a treaty. He wishes no conflict against the emperor, but wants to make peace in this war. The Doctor, or one of his later incarnations is willing to meet Lelouch in a neautral enviorment if he pleases. Of course the Doctor will bring protection if the emperor tries anyhthing. Please. Our Faction doesnt want to fight in this war...he has battled in one greater then this." Zaina said "WHen Lelouch isnt bujsy please have him call The Doctor."
The Doctor and Captain jack. The Doctor has yet to meet this man. Or maybe this is when he first meets him. "Sorry sir this is the first time we met. I do want to end this war. But if needed....I will end it." He looked at the man "So tell me who are you?" Jack rose a eyebrown a the old man wondering who he was and which Doctor he met before this one. He looked at Jack "Jack go with River and check the borders." Jack nods and the Doctor yhelled out "No flirting." Jack gave the ok sign.The Doctor saw down and got a seat for the man. He said "would you like some tea? Zaina get some tea for us please.." He looked at the man. "Im curious..why are you here?" Z-X came out with two cups
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