Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

[surface of unknown planet, Hive Fleet Kraken Hive Zone]

The Swarmlord had finally touched planetside, and were there many threats that stood in the hives way an island to the east, had a group of humans that could provide the Biomass that was needed for the hive to make new forms, maybe Genestealers were in order to deal with them, turning to his underling the Hive Tyrant the swarmlord sent him his telepathic commands to take some warriors and genestealers and perhaps wait and see what this group of humans do, to asset if they are a threat to the hive,and then consume or use them. The small group moved out toward the island to keep watch and listen perhaps, even use these humans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[ Miki's Office, United Nations]

Once the pain from her owie had subsided, Miki returned to her overly large seat which she could barely climb onto. Miki grabbed her pink pen and began to draw pretty pictures of cats on her notepad. Most leaders had military, or diplomatic, or economic troubles, but she had people for that. Namely, Meiya and Chizuru doing most of the work, but they didn't mind.

Allowing Tama full continuous access to G-Bombs at any time would probably result in global annihilation once someone tried hurting a cat. It is also why she doesn't make any laws. Something about how Cat abuse is not a good enough reason for life in prison will no chance of parole. She would want the person who would dare hurt a cat to suffer, muwahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Good thing Meiya and Chizuru were around.

As Tama drew her pretty pictures, kicking her feet back and forth, one of her strongest fleets was on it's way towards its goal. What was the special job Tama would send an entire fleet out for? To deliver her tea part invitation~! Each boat in the fleet at Tama's face on it, so nobody could mistake these ships for anything else. Any act of aggression on these ships would result in an immediate declaration of war upon The United Nations.

It was also very mean.

Suddenly, as Tama finished her picture, she received a personal phone call. Most leaders had someone to check the caller before sending it to the leader, but Tama liked talking to people~! It kept her entertained.

" Hello~! This is Miki Tamase speaking! May I ask who this is? "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"...in that case, care to elaborate on what benefits will be offered? I rather not jump into conclusions,"

Allan Baker nodded to one his escorts. The exo soldier placed a metalic square down on the floor and pressed a button. Suddenly a large holographic image appeared of their current world, Allan motioned to Britannia.

"When we were in our earth, Atlas had the largest standing military in the world, yet we stood for no country. We often found ourselves being more effective than the very governments that hired us. The situation has changed, however, for us, and in many ways, very similar to you as well. This new world we suddenly find ourselves in is filled to the brim with threats, threats that are just outside your borders." He motioned to the southern continent in the northern hemisphere. " To your south, two in animate powers are competing to who will harvest the world we live in, same just to the east with a similar entity with a more organic nature. Just to your south are giant robots that want to enslave your very nation. Threats now exist everywhere, and having one of the most powerful military entities on this planet on your side and taking half the load will significantly increase the flexibility of your nation's military in dealing with any foreign threats."

"And thus, that were we come in. You pay us the right price, and all you need to do is issue a mission, and I can assure you sir, it will be done." Allan said, turning off the hologram.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Laserbeak had been doing a lot of flying recently. Most of it was just scouting outside their territory, mostly because the Vehicons were much larger and more noticeable than a tiny bird like drone. ((That's Decepticon 'tiny'))

The small bird had been flying for quite a while, and was very far from Decepticon territory. In fact, he was currently flying over some United Nations fleet. He didn't know what they were carrying, but based of it's size he assumed it was important. He angled himself closer, hoping to see what the ships were carrying. He noticed that someone had plastered their face on all the ships ... kind of reminded him of something Starscream would do.

When he saw the ship, he sent a video feed to his master, Soundwave. Although it wasn't important enough to bother Megatron with, they would keep an eye on it and decide if it should be brought up if they discovered anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"I had forgotten that Englishmen enjoyed their tea so much. You may not be English, but you do seem to hang around that area of planet Earth a lot. Thus, your many English mannerisms." Zuo Ci noticed. "Ahem, well, thank you for the seat." He said politely as he sat down. "I do believe I may have made a little breach in rules by contacting you early, Doctor. The War Doctor, or Last Doctor, as he used to be called, told me to see you like this. You see, our people are quite a bit different from many of our fellow newcomers on the new world. At first we thought Orochi was the cause of all this fluctuation and imbalance of cosmic forces." He breathed hard, and his Yin/Yang painted face scrunched his wrinkles, as if trying to think of something.

"There comes a time when even the oldest and most practiced of Dao mystics don't understand certain things. We have people who know how to fire guns and use cannons, but most of us still use swords, bow and arrows, and of course, we do have notable strengths the other armies don't, like assassination experts, beyond most of their abilities to counter act. We can use magical spells to control weather patterns, heat the air to lethal conditions for large groups of people, and sometimes even control time and to some extent, space."

"Yet, with rare exceptions of the ability to create a few laser cannons many centuries beyond our scientific level, we are less advanced than American Civil War and Victorian Era military technology. We might be able to survive a bout with most of our competitors, should they choose to make us their target priority, but uh. . . I don't know about you, it feels like something is manipulating us, maybe it's just our experience with being fooled by the mischevious Orochi into fighting for him, but why would someone warp time and space in such a way that so many factions dangerous to each other would occupy the same space time, and the very same planet at the same time? Someone is watching us, it seems, something wants something, malevolent. This is worse than a mystical evil like Orochi, it's something so powerful I could scarcely contemplate the consequences of starting hostilities."

"Yet, it seems inevitable, with those "Tyranids", "Necrons" and others. We need more than a plan, we need collaboration. Specifically, with you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[ Arriving at M.S.F, Tama's Messenger Fleet]

Tama's messenger fleet had arrived at M.S.F, of course they had no plans for aggression. That would be incredibly dumb, but they did need to deliver a message. Sadly, they couldn't use normal messaging means.

No, of course not.

Well, at least this should be a quick mission. Drop off a letter, maybe stay around for a bit to get his response. Maybe even get a bite to eat, that would be the best. The boats only had sweets and candy on them, no real substance

Men (And mostly women) needed real food, like meat. Hopefully, they could get a nice bite to eat while they are out.

Yes, that would be perfect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

The Gargoyle group that had been dispatched on a scouting mission saw a very large fleet of ships with a disgusting human face on it sending a telepathic image back to The Swarmlord, who decided to send a group of Harpies and Gargoyles to intercept led by a hive crone who had her spore mines attached, with genestealers also loaded on for that added kick, this group was to attack this fleet and disable it so as not to threaten the hive with how close they were, if they failed their mission the Genestealers would deal with what was left, and with that the Swarmlord was pleased and ready for battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Peace treaty with Britannia? Well, that's a first, CC would admit that. In the time where the U.F.N. and the Black Knights from their world tried to guide Britannia in that same kind of approach, Lelouch was able to perfectly plan out an assault that would get all of the U.F.N. representatives as hostages. Now...if that applied to this situation, CC had a feeling that Lelouch had something similar to that if this was to be dealt with. Even if she was thinking on the matter a lot, CC kept a rather emotionless and stoic expression on her face, a face that couldn't be easily read by Z-X or by anyone else other than herself and Lelouch. "I will be sure to tell Emperor Lelouch of this, and I'm sure he will consider it," CC plainly replied before cutting off the transmission between herself and Z-X. If their intel briefing was correct, this was an attempted peace treaty with the faction just south of them on the same continent, and it was a strange faction when their leader was a Time Lord. Both her and Lelouch knew that it would be tricky to try to claim their land, but for now, they would first build up trust with them and soon break that trust.

"I wonder how Lelouch is going to feel about this, he'll for sure have feelings as he did with the Black Knights before that time...but really, this game is only getting started..." CC spoke to no one in particular. Usually when she talked to herself, she was actually talking with the spirit of the late Empress Marianne vi Britannia, but now that her spirit had be absorbed into C's World, she really did talk to herself nowadays. Now that was over with, CC went back to her pizza break, finishing the last slice. She then went to the same communicator in the room that was used to talk to Z-X and she aimed to get a hold of Lelouch. Well, she knew that he was probably busy with that Atlas Corporation representative, but it wasn't like she was going to talk a whole much to the young Emperor.
Like Lelouch had anticipated, there was going to be some kind of business like this being offered, and it was the best thing to accept it. All in all, it was a good alternative than using up his military forces and eventually running out of Sakuradite too quickly. He didn't seem to care about the whole price to be paid, since Lelouch didn't care about how much he had in wealth from all of the things he had managed to get from the former nobles and members of the Imperial Family that he had Geassed, all that mattered was gaining the fear across the world as he once did back in his respective world. Of course, he had to think on how to get rid of the more 'dangerous' threats that basically are just there to decimate the world. The Zero Requiem wouldn't work as planned if there wasn't any world for it to have any effect on.

"Then I will accept your services, it surely is an opportunity that will be beneficial. As for the price, I'm more than sure that the Empire has plenty to fulfill that-" Lelouch said in agreement, seeing it as a waste if he had refused it. If he were to achieve what he can with the Empire, he better make some alliances, and of course, destroy those alliances when their usefulness had been wasted up. Before he could continue, he noticed that the communicator in the throne room was receiving a transmission, and of course, it was from CC. If she was contacting him now out of all times, then something must had come up. Not wasting any time at all, Lelouch had pressed a few button interfaces on the arm rest of his throne, and that instantly opened up the video transmission of CC on a screen that happened to come out of the ground.

"CC, what is it that you have to report to me?" Lelouch asked in a relaxed tone, but it was all a way to mask his confusion as to why she had contacted him so suddenly.

/"Sorry if I am interrupting anything Emperor Lelouch, but I had received word from the faction directly south of us in the same continent, Gallifrey Falls No More. Their leader, the Doctor, would like to establish a peace treaty with the Britannian Empire,"/ CC spoke all there was to that, but that was all that Lelouch needed to hear. He wasn't so keen on making peace treaties, especially as he aimed to do things that someone wouldn't do under a peace treaty. Just the thought of it spawned many complicated plans that would do well for this meeting.

"Ah, then I'll speak with you later so we can discuss that matter CC," Lelouch responded after taking a few moments to think about it, and then he cut off the transmission a few seconds after saying that. Knowing that with this kind of business, Lelouch saw no reason to use his Geass on them since they would follow his orders once this was officially set up, so he sat up straight some time after the transmission with CC. While it was long before he would make the move regarding the peace treaty, Lelouch had many plans ready for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Outer Heaven Island, Outside]

"That will be far enough." Kazuhira said, walking towards the group. There were soldiers armed to the teeth, four each on both sides of him. They stopped as he did and pointed their weapons, but Kaz put up his hand. They lowered their weapons, but were still cautious, like any good soldier should be.

"One of our MSF Battleships could have fired their weapons at you, but we've been looking to make contact with another faction, so I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt for now. State your purpose on our land, if you would." Kazuhira questioned, pushing up his sunglasses.

'These the boats we spotted?" Big Boss asked, calmly walking up to Kazuhira. He rose an eyebrow, looking at the giant faces plastered on them of a girl. "Yeah, you're right on time anyhow. Take it from here Boss." Kaz took a step back. "..So, would you all like something to eat? if you follow me, I'll take you down to the mess hall. On the house." Big Boss offered. "You're all probably hungry." He guessed, and the soldiers all looked at each other. The Boss was being quite friendly with people he just met.

However, that was cut short by something. A transmission was sent back to base that some type of flying terrestrials of unknown origin were heading towards the messenger fleet, spotted by one of the MSF battleships. A siren was heard, and soldiers on the Island got ready for battle. 4 Hind D attack helicopters lifted off towards the Harpies and Gargoyles and Hive crone.

Big Boss switched from his calm persona to serious in a snap. "You all, go find a place to lie low! some of my men will escort you somewhere safe. Kaz, make sure our anti-ground missiles are ready and everyone is armed in case of invasion."

"YES SIR!!" they all answered, and four soldiers near them went up to the messengers to escort them to safety, while the other four went off with Kaz. Big Boss watched the air with caution.

The four Hind D's were in engagement range. "Weapons free, fire missiles!" each one of them fired off two missiles each towards their enemies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

[Land of the Ancients; Northern Coast]

"Tha' damn island..."

The woman cursed under her breath, rotating the coconut drink in her hand with spite. She had been sitting there all day, on a hammock she made out of her net, hanging calmly in the treetops. Contrary to this her mind was fluttered with aggravated thoughts of what laid past the ocean. She already knew what was past the horizon, she saw the maps and definitely saw the 'island's' size. The thought of competition boiled her blood. Meepo took the last sip from her beverage and tossed it behind her; the coconut shell bonking another Meepo on the head as she walked behind her. "Hey! Wha's your problem?!" The creature barked up at her familiar, "Enjoyin' the sun!... Wha's your problem?!" Poofing next to the Meepo on the ground came another Meepo. "You don' gotta be a dick 3!" 3 scoffed, rolling her eyes as she jumped down to meet 4 and 2. "I was jus' mindin' my business before 4 came along and started barkin' at me!" The three women began to argue with each other; something surprisingly rare among them. As they bickered at each other, 5 poofed in, obviously at her limit. "Guys I can' stand it no more! That island is drivin' me crazy!"

"It's drivin' all of us crazy!" 2 gripped her hair,
"We should have never read that map!" 4 gripped her hair,
"It's makin' all of us fight!" 3 gripped her hair,
"What do we do?!" 5 gripped her hair,
All four Meepos suddenly cried out in pain,

"I-I think I just tore some hair out!" 3 yelped in shock, in a horrified manner looking at the small patch of white hair in her hands. 2, 4 and 5 glared at her before returning to the subject at hand. "Well... we have ta' find out who's over there anywho right?"

"Maybe we can have someone go over and spy on them!"
"We need a scout!"
"I know just the guy!"
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
"Me four!"
"Wait, but I'm four!"
"Yeah! Perfect!"
"You know it girl!"
"Just what I was thinkin'!"

The four figures cheered over themselves in joy, 2 and 5 running off in search of their "scout"...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

[The League of Legends, Summoner's Rift]

Twirling gusts of wind.

Blade in hand, the Demacian bullet launches.

"-----You fool!"

What meets him is a Noxian Axe-swing.
If the dashing Garen is a raging wind, then the responding axe is a divine wind.

The sword is swung, a swing to deflect the axe.
Garen parries the swing of the heavy axe with his blade.

The Demacian stops.
The enemy did not permit Garen's rush.
The enemy doesn't even let him get within a meter, the range of his axe.
For a longer weapon, distance is always preferred.
As Darius has a weapon with twice the range when extended, he needs only attack when the enemy comes into his range.
Swinging at an approaching enemy is easier than moving out yourself.

But even so.

Darius closes the distance himself and doesn't allow Garen to move forward.

"Idiot, a mere Demacian challenging a Noxian general to a fight-------------!"
His temper is like a burning fire.
Darius closes in with each blow, with no thought of stopping.

With a heavier weapon, it's suicidal to rush an enemy.
The axeman's tactic is to use his weight to crush the enemy with his weapon to defeat the enemy and win the battle.
So as Darius is just advancing blindly, he doesn't stand a chance at winning.

"-----No way."

But that's just by the book.
Darius' axe leaves no room for counterstrikes as aims for the throat, shoulders, forehead, and heart.

Swings so fast even the afterimages are blurred.
As each strike of his axe repels, rebuffs, and pushes back Garen, any one of his swings could be called a fatal blow.

Having repelled the axe aimed at his forehead, Garen closes in with speed superior to Darius' axe.

-------The battle ends in this one instant.
There remains only one Viktor.
And there remains one corpse, freshly cleaned of its head.

The Demacian sighs and smiles, his strength leaving his body now that he hasn't any reason to keep it. His blade drops to the ground.

He had finally felled Darius, the general of the Noxians, in a fair fight.
There was no greater happiness he could enjoy.
For one such as he, who had grown up on the battlefield, he knew all experience up until now had accumulated for this reason, this right.

The right to boast.




"Haha! Take that, you Noxian deadbeat!"

As hearty as he had been in some time, the Might of Demacia chuckled as the man he had just decapitated appeared before him.

"Silence! I was testing a new build, nothing the dog of Demacia should be proud of." he replied, as if he hadn't been murdered just minutes ago.
This was strange.
The Noxian was just killed, but he was now standing straight up, alive.
What could this possibly mean?

----------That he'd never died in the first place.

True to their name, the League of Legends continued being just that --- The League of Legends.
And so, utilizing the power of the Nexus and the Summoners, each member of the League could do battle with each other to the bitter end.... without it being the end.
Yes, that was one of the many benefits that the Summoners had brought with them.

But certainly not the greatest.

So, with small back and forth, almost as though they were not mortal enemies, Darius and Garen returned to their brutal sparring.
[The League of Legends, AFK, at base]

The line separating Jarvan and Swain, however, was much more clear.
Perhaps it was more reasonable to say, the line between the two was much more clear to Jarvan.
Jarvan could not forgive Swain for all the heinous crimes to justice he had committed, and it certainly showed in their interactions.

Much like right now, when they were debating on what to do.

"Regardless of our end goals, for now, we must make allies if we want to ensure that we are not crushed."

The man clad in armor, the prince of Demacia, couldn't easily agree to this.
He slammed his fist to the table.

"And then what? You leak information to them and turn your back on us? I know of your slippery ways, Swain."

"I would like nothing more than to resume the war between Noxus and Demacia so that we may prove Viktorious, but now is not the time to bicker. We have more important matters to attend to, like I've been saying."
The man just barely contained the need to facepalm at the prince.

Grudges were apparently something this man couldn't let go of.
Still though, it certainly wasn't like Swain wanted to ally himself with Jarvan, of all people.
Even that criminal, Jinx, or Veigar was preferable to deal with, since they didn't outright despise him.
Well, at least it made him predictable.

It would be much longer than it should before they could come to an agreement.

And so, the pirate and League of Legends champion, Gangplank, set sail across the sea in hopes of an alliance. With him were a few other champions.

Their destination: The United Nations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Laserbeak could see the situation developing. So the other factions were all creating alliances with each other. It would certainly be a disadvantage if they were alone against a unified enemy. They would probably have to ally with someone, however detestable it was, if they wanted to survive.

Sending the latest feed to Soundwave, the Decepticon's communications officer came to the conclusion that it would indeed be a good idea to ally with a powerful faction. After all, the Decepticons didn't have their eyes set on only this planet. They could use a local force to govern the planet for them, while the Decepticons spread out among the stars. No doubt Megatron would like that plan, no matter how much he had a disdain for the organics.

After careful consideration on which factions would most likely ally with them, he had a good idea based off of the communications he had intercepted from the various factions, Soundwave decided that the Britannians would be the best option. Many others seemed that they wouldn't want to keep the planet subjugated, and would disagree with the Decepticon moral of 'Peace through tyranny'.

[ "Sorry if I am interrupting anything Emperor Lelouch, but I had received word from the faction directly south of us in the same continent, Gallifrey Falls No More. Their leader, the Doctor, would like to establish a peace treaty with the Britannian Empire," ]

Soundwave spoke using the audio of some high ranking Britannian girl who was communicating with their leader. He was currently addressing Lord Megatron, using the clip to show the other factions were joining up. To illustrate his point, he also displayed a video feed of the fleet entering the MSF borders and docking successfully without being attacked.

"So it seems the other factions are making alliances ... I assume you believe we should follow suit and make our own?" Megatron pondered the possible allies he could tolerate. Although he didn't like to think he would need non-cybertronian help, he did acknowledge that it would be useful to leave a faction that was supportive of them in control of the planet so that they could focus on the rest of the universe.

"That first clip you used ... why not ally with them." Megatron suggested to his communications officer, "I believe, based off of their invasion of that island, that they share a similar goal of domination as we do." After seeing the FLEIJA in action, he was also reluctant to go against it. Although their technology was superior in many ways, that weapon was very impressive. Almost equal in his view to the fusion cannons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Tendoukyou, Within the boarders of the Flame Haze, Shana]
The world had changed. The entire world that she understood was replaced by territorial conquest and the like. It was a world far to complex for the likes of Shana, however, she had decided that as long as they remained on this world, she would protect those she loved. Those she cared about. Those without the ability to defend themselves like the many within Outlaw, whom of which were not given the great powers that the Flame Haze control, but to an extent, are able to use the unrestricted fields. Shana was considered to be a rather powerful flame haze due to her contracting with a powerful Crimson Lord.

Shana understood that great power came great responsibility.

She would protect her fellow Flame Haze.

She would protect Yu-

A light blush appeared on Shana as she thought of this name. Yuuji was the person she chose to ally herself with no matter the cause. Yuuji was a mystes, whom of which was given a powerful treasure tool through sheer luck. One that allows him, as simply a floating conglomeration of the existence formerly known as "Yuuji" to stabilize. This ability allowed him not to fade away like all others do after their existence is no longer stable.

"I will protect Yuuji," Shana said to herself, muffled under her breath as if a secret pledge she could not inform others of. After all, she had to do what her organization desired. She could not be pushed towards the idolization of a single individual. Such feelings were not proper of a Flame Haze; someone who had given themselves to fighting against those who would threaten existence.

"Did you say something, Shana?" Yuuji called behind her, a smile forming on his face. She doubted that he had actually heard what she said, however, this statement seemed to bring her back to the reality which she was position.

"N-Nothing that concerns you, idiot!" Shana crudely barked at the other as if it had actually not been about the other. She did not want Yuuji to understand how she truly felt, yet at the same time she considered him her greatest ally in a world without such. Their time spent together against the Guze no Tomogara had caused them to come to understand one another; to relate with one another. Shana had originally figured that the Mystes known as Yuuji as not someone who she cared for. In fact, most Mystes were simply tools to be used in the event their stability had dissipated.

But now, Shana chose to keep Yuuji in her life. She needed the other. He was truly Shana's reason to continue fighting on. She could not let go of the desire that she had to be with this Mystes.

In response to Shana's rather course comment, Yuuji just smiled his normal, carefree smile and said: "Don't worry Shana, I will always be by your side."

As if understanding her feelings, without the other needing to hear what they had said. Yuuji had grown to know how Shana was like. Even if this was not the case, others would have a similar reaction to being plucked out of their own world and simply given territory and a desire to become the top faction of the world. It might not be an easy task, but Yuuji had chosen to be at Shana's side, no matter the opposition. He could not simply abandon her.

"Yuuji-" she said in a rather loving manner before being interrupted by another of the Flame Haze, Magery Daw.

"Ara, ara~ You two look like your getting along just fine, but I believe there are bigger matters at hand," the blond woman spoke. As someone who always kept to their objective, despite the occasional drink or so. "Either way, the higher ups seem to think that we should wait for now, but I believe that such is not a good idea. After all, we know not of the opponents, therefore we should at least launch a counter offensiv-"

"No," Shana coarsely stated. "It is suicide to fight against those we know not about. We should observe at first; see what the other factions wish of us Flame Haze, and decide on such. You agree, right Yuuji?"

"Shana is right," Yuuji simply said to Shana's inquiry. "We should not go rushing into things, Magery Daw. But it is not like scouting others is not a means to understand their desires. Though, I suppose that some neighbors look to be rather unfriendly at this time. If the time comes to such, I would not hesitate to protect my fellow men, including you and Shana."

Y-yuuji sounds so cool. Shana thought to herself, hearing Yuuji back her up like this. Of course, she would never admit such, but she had a rather great fascination with Yuuji. Though she presents her feelings to him rather bluntly at times, she did not want Yuuji to think that she was truly "head over heels" for him. Rather, just slight "previews" were enough for him, or so she believed.

Simply, they would react to others rather than enter post haste. That was to say they would not explore a bit though.
[Keisaku, Clock Tower]

One of Yuuji's best friends. A messenger of such bearing a desire for an armistice so they could analyze those who would befall doom to the world. It was a risky mission, but Keisaku understood this from the start. If he were to be defeated here, there would be records of hostilities from this "mages associations", and perhaps give the Flame Haze time to react to such.

But Keisaku hoped that this would not turn to hostilities. After all, they were a faction that only desired to understand the threats to themselves and the world. Though, it was not unbecoming of them to act in an offensive manner against threats they feel must be eliminated or passified.

Hopefully, these "mage associations" people would be reasonable in this regard. Simply put, he was here to deliver a message of peace. Hopefully, this message would be understood and accepted by the leaders of such.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Doctor smiled and said "Earth has grown on me...cant help it. they do make good tea." He then gave a serious look. The expression in his eyes were unreadble. He knew of his past self. The one that fought....did everything that he stood against. Yes in that form he regretted it but he did.What i did, I did without choice, I know in the name of peace and sanity, but not in the name of the Doctor The Doctor said "I know.....I was there...that man...or me...denied the name of the Doctor..." The Doctor remembered Gallifrey brunign all the lives gone dead...forgotten. HE then grew serious another force brought them here. He had seen it been done before but by a powerful being. "Your right,..The TARDIS has been acting strange sense I came here...." He stood and went to the computer "My future selfs are here to. I will ask thm about there TARDIS'. If they are acting the way mine is then you may be onto something."
Z-X coudlt read the expression on her face but nods in a thank you. After she hang up she would then call the doctor's eleventh self telling him about Lelouch, They both knew of Lelouch and wonderedif they could trust him. "Doctor shall I send some of the Silent to you for backup?" "Sure why not. it can give them a good scare.." Z-x pressed a button on her eyes. She could now see the Silent when needed. She told them to go with the elventh Doctor when he called. Z-X went back to the Doctor and the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Magical Girl Kaleido Ruby!, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Airspace Above Tropic of Cancer]

"Hm~? Are you trying to say you're scared of the mathematicians~? They won't do anything, they still haven't answered us yet. At least Estray's doing stuff after some coercion, but Atlas is just being Atlas. Oh, yeah, also, Lord El-Melloi II had a message for Alexander the Great, something like 'Hi Rider', I don't really remember the rest."" Rin replied with a shrug, kicking off the ground to float lazily in the air.

"Aw, Saber's depressed about how her country got screwed up? That's kinda illogical though, you know. Their Brittannia's from one of like, infinite different worlds. In fact, the old man says this was caused by something with the equivalent effect to a large-scale Second Magic usage. For all we know, the people from that Britain's world existed in a universe where Saber was never alive~"

"Oh, yeah, Archer, you think you could come back to the Association with me and take care of the cooking? I don't know where Emiya-kun's at right now, he's probably somewhere here but I can't find him, and I really don't have the time to do it myself, and you guys aren't doing anything currently, so....~"
[Office of the Queen, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

"I want an explanation for this complete lack of discipline!"

Two Wizard Marshals were in a heated discussion within the working space of one of them. Or rather, it was less a "discussion" and more "Lorelei fuming at Zelretch".

The latter of these two gave a nonchalant shrug. "They're good kids, I like them, they're in a tight spot. Figured I might as well send aid in one form or another."

To say the least, Lorelei was unsatisfied.

"Aid?! Without consulting the Director or anyone else, you sent a Lord of the Clock Tower and a unique Mystic Code to speak to the ambassador of a foreign faction! And you sent him in that ridiculous outfit, no less!"

"...yes, I know. I just told you that. Why are you repeating what I said to me?"
[Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, Clock Tower Waiting Room, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

It was all a matter of speed.

The foremost reason the Caster known as Medea overwhelmed modern magi was simple. A magus's Single Action was a single action, while hers was High Thaumaturgy.

It was all a function of speed. No matter the potential of the magus, if they could not actualize a spell in time they would die.

But this tool, this "Kaleidostick," was capable of giving the user a truly unlimited amount of prana. This was its power. With it, spells on the level of Grand Rituals could be done by a single magus. With it, the capacity of a magus's prana storage could be pushed to the limit and used as a weapon in its own right. A monstrous tool among magi, to be sure.

In other words, this Mystic Code skyrocketed Kayneth's already appreciable magecraft, making him from one of the Association's finest into a monster who exceeded the modern world. The atelier he had created during the Fourth Heaven's Feel was child's play compared to what he could actualize now in the span of an instant. To that end, he and numerous other magi of the Association had begun construction of a veritable fortress on a physical and magical level, layered Boundary Fields specialized with regard to what they knew about their potential opponents, spiritual guards, every preemptive aspect the Association could muster had been employed. The Kabbalah experts had begun golem production, combat and espionage familiars were being readied. Even groups such as the Wandering Tomb's Thule had been coerced into action, and had begun their own modes of preparation. The land of the Association was becoming an utter hellscape at an impossible rate.

However, for Kayneth specifically this power came at a cost. And this cost was...

"Magical Girl Sparkling Mercury makes his dashing debut!"

-That the Kaleidostick turns its user into a magical girl.

Lord of the Clock Tower, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, had become a magical girl of unrivaled power.

Damn that vampire.

"Welcome to the Clock Tower, what can I do ya for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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"Oh, and Doctor, do be a little less hard on your'self, or himself, as it were. Things are more complicated than it seems. . . You struggled hard to forget him, but he is not the monster you made him out to be. Should you find him, or someone who knows the truth, you should then know why there should be no guilt endured by any of you for the Holocaust of your people. The tides of time and space grow dim, and I am afraid that I may not have learned what I so much long to tell you. My senses have told me that whatever it is you think he has done, you should let it go"

"Now, on to an EVEN more serious matter, The Alliance needs Gallifrey. We need you. Time Lord technology is needed as a hedge of protection from the wars that will surely break out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Having a clear idea on what he could have planned for what would be to happen at the peace treaty meeting, Lelouch knew that it was time to prepare. Maybe he could have an early use of the now hired Atlas Corporation, it could be helpful since the Doctor probably wasn't aware of their cooperation now. But he would mention the task later on, he needed to get in touch with CC. Dismissing the representative for now, Lelouch was sure that he could contact them for their first operation. For now, he walked down the hallway that would lead into the room where CC was at, and no surprise she was just lazing around.

"So, what do you have in mind for this peace treaty with the Doctor? Surely he will be prepared for any tricks, but isn't it obvious that you wouldn't be accepting anything like that?" CC sighed as she lied down on the couch, hugging a Cheese-kun plush.

"It's a good opening for me, yes, I will take advantage of this since they did happen to contact us first and we did not have to approach them first. We're not entirely sure on what they have to defend against us, but it won't be easy," Lelouch said as he sat down on a couch adjacent to the one that CC was lying on.

"You'll be making a good use out of the corporation that came to make amends with you," CC spoke, knowing his thought process very well.

"Of course, I rather not waste their usefulness, but now, I might as well contact the Doctor myself and arrange the location of our meeting. I don't want to leave them waiting for too long," Lelouch said as he went to activate the communicator in the room, contacting the signal that came from the faction south of them. He would take the guise that he would very much appreciate the peace treaty, and he knew exactly where they would establish it at.

"Oh, and CC, care to give out the orders for both our military and Atlas Corporation. Now is the time for preparation after all. Tell them to set up for an ambush near the borderline of our empire and the Gallifrey faction, specifically in close proximity but remaining unseen and undetected from the Exelica Gardens. If aerial, go up to the highest elevation so they wouldn't be detected, or if through the ocean, then to the deepest sea level they can. Also, for our technological communications division, tell them that their Emperor wants them to not mention anything of the ambush or the possible locations of the ambush forces, it should work anyways since I've Geassed them to follow whatever the Emperor tells them to do, which is me," Lelouch explained to CC while he was waiting for the video transmission to come up. CC only nodded and gave the very orders to the military, the communications division, and Atlas Corporation to set up for an ambush. the reason for telling the communications division this was in case the Doctor had tried to get a hold of the Empire and ask if there was going to be any hostilities accompanying Lelouch, which they would genuinely say no and that the radar locations of both aerial and underwater forces would be hidden until the ambush would begin.
[Imperial Military Base, Holy Britannian Empire]

Corentine was entirely bored, she had been sitting around in the training fields, and not once did it seem like there would be any orders. That was until she got word from the Knight of Zero that they were to set up for an ambush. "Finally!" she said with a relieved voice, heading towards the warehouse that held her Knightmare suit, which was the state-of-the-art "Leodegrance." She would be a part of the front lines alongside the Knight of Zero, Suzaku Kururugi and his Lancelot Albion, and since their Knightmares and their following forces would be air stationary, they were to be in a high altitude to remain undetected from the other faction. It was her calling after all, to be on the battlefield.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The 11th Doctor answered the call. A smile grew on his face. "Hello I'm the Doctor. Well number 11..well 13 trchically. emperor Louch I'm guessing? Huh...thought you be taller." He fixed his bow tie and said "let me guess you want a meeting...well don't move I will come to you.." He ended the transmission and in lelouch's room the TARDIS appeared. The 11 doctor walked out wearing a strange eyepiece "Nice too meet you two...I also brought some friends with me." Out of the TARDIS came the Sontaran strax(who also had a eyepiece) and a silent. "The potato head is strax and the tall man is a silent. Also if your wondering about the eyepiece it's to see the tall guy when we look away.." The 11 doctor took out a chair and said "so emperor let's talk..." Strax asked "doctor why is the emperor a girl?" The 11 Doctor sighed "ignore him.."

The 9th Doctor looked at him and said "I had no choice what I did...both sides were becoming corrupt...it was hell.." He looked at the man. "How can I trust you?" He asked growing serious. The Doctor was very serious about protect the Timelord technology. "I will do all I can to protect the people here. How can I trust the Alliance won't misuse the tech and use it for their personal gain in the war..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"All you need to do is give a close eye on those of us who are worthy of that trust you seek. An actual envoy from our various peoples are coming here in mere moments, no doubt to plead for our mutual assurance of security. Spies have informed us from the United Earth Government that The Empire of Britannia and the Decepticons are allied with each other to conquer them, and then surely we will be next. With Time Lord technology, you could prevent the subjugation, and/or annihilation of millions of people. You can trust Orochi, but though he is not a moral leader, you may well just decide to grant your secrets to the noble Liu Bei, the wise Ieyasu Tokugawa, and the Mystic Armies. If I may offer a piece of advice, stay away from the Cao family of Wei, the Sima family of Jin, and to a lesser extent, the Sun family, though well intentioned, can sometimes be morally questionable in their actions." Just then, as Zuo Ci finished, ambassadors from every faction in the Walliance appeared.

Joan of Arc, the literal saint from the 15th century was also there, to lend her noble spirit as the face of their cause. Each ambassador was accompanied by notable warriors and magicians so they could transport themselves and their diplomats back to the Alliance territory safely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And Gaia really considered sending the Counter Guardian Joan of Arc right then and there in the meeting between the Alliance and the Time Lords so that she could tear down the imposter, but it wasn't sentient enough to troll like that. It was still troll enough to summon Lancelot, Gawain and Mordred against Britannia though.

[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

The Heroic Spirit Iskander the great was riding his great chariot, the Gordius Wheel, flying through the sky with one passenger on board. Beside him, on the chariot, was that passenger, the Counter Guardian Joan of Arc.

Of course, Iskander probably didn't tell the flame haze they were coming, but oh well. They weren't armed, although that would be little consolation against a servant.

With the chariot landing - rather violently - on the floating island, both Counter Guardian and Heroic Spirit stepped off of the chariot.

"HELLO!" Iskander bellowed out, with no sense of restraint as usual. "IS ANYONE HOME!?" He had under his arm a giant barrel of fine wine that he had picked up in the united nations beforehand. Of course, if these people preferred, he also had a giant barrel of beer as well on his chariot. Joan of Arc, standing beside him, simply waited for a response to Iskander's call for anyone.

[United Nations territory]

The Heroic Spirit Tamamo was in the United Nations, hunting for a Kantai Collection figurine when she saw a newspaper clipping of the United Nations leader Tama giving a speech. And with that, the heroic spirit with the fluffy tail knew instantly.

She was the one.

Husbando found.

[Hanging Gardens of Babylon]

"Heh, quite, although I have the feeling that they actually do have some semblance of Saber in their history." EMIYA grimaced, thinking of Britannia's blasphemous use of Arthurian legend in their naming.

"As for coming to help you cook, well, I'd love to, but I have to keep Assassin out of the kitchen here." EMIYA told her. "That, and I have to do the cooking here too. Heroic Spirits are surprisingly picky about what they eat, but I suppose that's what happens when they're monarchs used to extravagant feasts."
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