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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

[somewhere over M.S.F Territory, Unknown Planet]

Most of the flying creatures were able to move out of the way of the missiles, but that didn't stop two gargoyles and a harpy biting the dust the missiles also had the added effect of surprising the hive crone and making her drop her cargo of a group of genestealers just off shore two of them died in the depths, while the rest managed to make it to the shore, but when the group composed itself with the hive crone proceeded to open up with her Tentaclids which act like living homing missiles that disable electronics or rudders their purpose was to send the hinds into a fatal tail spin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 mos ago

[League of Legends, The sea]

Gangplank already knew these seas like the back of his hand. And were you to ask him about the features on said hand's back, well, he'd tell you he did not really pay much attention to those kinds of details and instead focused on more piratey things, like if this new land he was venturing to would have anything worth selling. Who knew? Anyway, the point is, he did not really know that much about these seas, other than they did not seem to be very hard to cross. Also that they were much cooler than the island that was covered in jungles, mostly. And to much more frightening was the fact that it was just like a doombot game.

Ghosts plagued the jungles, striking down people who were not wary.

But champions were great warriors, so they would never let their guards down.

This was great.

It did not take long for the ship to approach The United Nation's territory, because there was nothing separating to the two factions. This could be a strength or a weakness, really, but it was the League's hopes that they could ally, and perhaps even benefit from this meeting.

"Do what you want 'cus a pirate is free, you are a pira-----"

Something was odd.

Gangplank or 'GP' as he might be referred to, caught sight of the foreign vessels.
These ships, were you able to call them such, were entirely made of metal.

What sick and twisted god would drop them in a place where full-metal ships were a thing?!

Well, GP didn't believe in god, but rather gold, so that did not seem to matter.

Hopefully they weren't immediately hostile. Otherwise he'd have to use his cannons.
[League of Legends, Somewhere in the Island]

"What are you playing at, 'Prince'?"
The voice held a sense of irritation as it spoke to Jarvan.
It came from a man who knew only of selfishness, and of the cards.
The man was none other than Twisted Fate, a magician with a knack for luck.

"I am perfectly capable of eliminating any charges against you from Demacia when we return, so long as you play a part in the return, Cardmaster. Just do what you do best and use those cards of yours. They'll be needed. if we are to return..."

Twisted Fate never had a problem escaping the law. And when he ended up in Demacia, this remained true. There was no real need for him to go out of his way to eliminate a debt to society he wouldn't be forced to repay.

Although, it was still tempting.

Just because you can escape the authorities does not mean you want to.
If it is possible, then taking some heat of his back when he returns to Valoran would be desireable.

The Cardmaster grinned. "Alright. You got yerself a deal. Now, about that task...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

Shana looked in disbelief as a flying chariot crashed itself to the "deck" of the Tendoukyu.It was a strange event, even to what Shana had seen in the past. The burly man who seemed to man this flying ship jumped out and asked if others were around, but of course, Shana and Yuuji were near enough to where there was little effort they had to place forward to meet with the strange invader.

"Who are you?" Shana asked the other, not quite sure yet what their intent might hold. She was prepared to fight if need be, but understood that she would only act in a reactionary manner to this person. It might seem rather strange for a highschool student to meet with an invading army, but skill and prowess as a Flame Haze was on the side of Shana.

Yuuji appeared right after, but did not say anything. As Shana, he would wait for the burly man to act. That was their orders. To observe the other factions who are friendly, and those who were foe.

Margery Daw did not care much, but did seem to eye the wine the man had brought.
[Keisaku, Clock Tower]

It appeared that a person had shown himself to Keisaku; a rather strange man who seemed to exist as a "crossdresser" of sorts. It did give Keisaku a bad vibe about the man, but despite this, he did have a mission to proclaim to the other. Communications are important to disclose to those of the various factions, and with the Flame Haze taking the role as an observer for the time being, inforation was important to gather. Such was Outlaw's goals.

"I am Keisaku Satou of the Flame Haze faction. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Keisaku stated in an overly formal manner; much different than his normal approach to things. However, it was important that the message be sent in a formal manner, as to not upset this "Mages Association" in any sort of way.

"I am here to request a treaty of nonagression between your own state and mine, as ordered from the leader of the Flame Haze, Sophie Sawallisch. We wish not to confront any unnecessary conflicts at this time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

Iskander scratched his chin, glancing at Yuji and Shana. "...huh? Kids?" How on earth was he supposed to get drunk with kids? They'd probably pass out in two cups.

Joan of Arc, meanwhile, did a little bow and smiled. "I am a Counter Guardian in a contract with the counter force Alaya, and my acquaintance here is Iskander, a heroic spirit in a contract with the counter force Gaia. We are here because we heard an entity called "Alastor" resides here, and that we share common interests in maintaining balance."

She then looked over at Iskander. "Rather, I am here to discuss that. Iskander here just wants to get drunk."

The said Macedonian heroic spirit turned to Margery Daw and grinned, smashing open the barrel and offered her a ladle. "Want a drink?" he grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


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[Magical Girl Kaleido Ruby!, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Airspace above Tropic of Cancer]

"Aw, fiiiine. Don't think that just because we don't have a contract anymore, you have a license to ignore me, alright~? Later Archer and the rest, see you later~"

With that, Rin Tohsaka jumped off of the Hanging Gardens, humming a light tune as she flew back towards the Association.
[Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, Clock Tower Waiting Room, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

"Oh, right, Flame Hazes. Good, glad you came to us. The Association's most comfortable about working with your faction out of the other ones in this hemisphere, so as Lord I'll agree to your faction's proposition."

While Kayneth's change in disposition was less...promiscuous than Rin's, it was still very distinct from his normal demeanor.

"That said, give us some advance notice before you waltz in next time, seeing as our group of magi working on Bounded Fields should each be finishing up their first ones in about...three minutes. Next time you stop by, if we don't greenlist you ahead of time then odds are you'll die on the spot, so be sure to check with us! Anything else you had to communicate? If you're willing to wait a bit, we can get a telepathic link set up between you and one of our Lords for ease of communication later. I'll tell the others to greenlist you for the time being so you don't die while waiting, but if this a ploy to attack us I assure you that it won't end well on your behalf."
[War Room 4A, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

"Familiar production is proceeding as expected, the Spiritual Evocation department's been working continuously, and Thule's been working unexpectedly well to help our fortifications and set up more defenses, as well as augmenting our personnel."

"Boundary Field construction is going flawlessly. All magi are working in tandem properly, and furnaces are set up to ensure everything stays in order. We'll be the most fortified magus workshop in the planet's history in a matter of hours."

"We've requested that the Wizard Marshal Zelretch bring in more magi from different worlds, as well as our home one, but he's dismissed these concerns as boring. We can conclude that we're likely limited to the personnel we have."

"Gazamy's been readied as a last-ditch effort, should he be needed."

"Still no word from Atlas. We can't expect them to act unless either they themselves are threatened or the situation becomes so disastrous that we have to lift the seal."

"Good, everything's going as planned. Keep up the work, everyone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Keisaku, Clock Tower]

"I see. Well, I suppose I am just lucky then," Keisaku said, trying to remain calm after hearing what this "lord" had stated. Keisaku could have easily been turned to a corpse, and that could have incited a bad reputation from the Mage Association in the eyes of the Flame Haze. Trying to calm himself down, Keisaku considered the other information the Lord had provided to them.

"A telepathic link seems to be a good idea from what my own leader had stated. She, too, considers the Mage Association to be someone who might share interests. As such, increased communication between our forces would be preferred. I shall send note to my leader about your choices. Of course, this is assuming that your own organization holds a similar interest. We are a peaceful faction, for the most part. Our duty is to preserve the Balance of Power. We would never consider to disrespect conditions as such. But for now, I must depart with this news to my Leader. The communications array you speak of would most likely be an "okay" in her book, so in the event you wished to establish it, please feel free to do such."
[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"Wine,you say? Well, I would have you know that I don't just like the cheap stuff," Margery Daw said to the man who was known as "Iskander" from the self-proclaimed "counter guardian". Either way, this was not too interesting to Margery Daw. The shrimp and her lover could easily take care of the boring semantics of things as she drank with the other "well being" messenger.

"I am known as Alastor," the pendent on Shana's person spoke in a deep voice, unbefit to belong to any other individuals in the area. The gruff voice seemed to be that of someone who understood the world; as if a being of great power and knowledge.

"My goal is to preserve the "Power of Existence" that others might threaten to eradicate. Great calamities upset this "Power of Existence", so it is my goal to prevent these sorts of calamities."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

Iskander grinned. "Oh don't worry about that. This was the best wine they had in the United Nations territories.". Scooping another ladle, he turned to Yuuji and Shana. "Hey kids, wanna join in?" he offered. Legal drinking ages? Pfft, what was that?

Joan, meanwhile, nodded. "We are counter guardians and heroic spirits, guardians of the balance, humanity and the survival of Gaia. It seems as if we have common goals, so I have come with a request for formal cooperation." she explained to Alastor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"Cooperation with "Gaia" might not be too far off of our own goals, though I myself am not the true leader of this faction, despite my position as the leader of the Crimson Realm. However, I would be more than happy to assist your missions to that intertwine as "common goals" for our organizations." Alastor simply responded. His goal was to prevent the consumption of the power of existence, thus preventing the destruction of the world in the event the balance of power within the "Power of Existence" shifted to extreme levels. As such, this proposition might not be the worst team up for these organizations.

Now back to drinking.

Oh, so a fellow man of taste. I must say this wine is rather exceptional; as good as the wine I drank at that boy's house."

Margery Daw was not one to lie often about her ale. After all, she considered good ale to be the sign of good life. Therefore, truth was behind these words she spoke.

"Your name is Iskander, right? Like, the hero from Macedonia? Is that some sort of coincidence or something akin to that?" Heroes existed in her former world. Many, including Margery Daw, studied these heroes for their pursuit of knowledge. As such, Margery Daw knew the recorded history of the one known as "Iskander the Great". That being siad, considering the other had died a millennium before her time, she would merely assume such to be someone who bore the same name as this Hero.

"But I would not give wine to the Shrip. I doubt she could handle it. After all, she is just a child"

"What did you say!?" Barked Shana, angered by this comment stating that she would be unable to drink with the other grown ups. Shana was someone who faked her own maturity more often than not, therefore she could not back down from this challenge.

A single ladle was taken, and gulped down by Shana. After which, she begins to hiccup slightly, a red blush appearing on her face.

Yuuji understood what was occurring. Shana had accidentally drank sake at a gathering once, becoming a completely different person in the process. As such, he would simply watch over her for now, in the event that she took actions too seriously.

"Whahaha! This drink is really good! What is this called?"

Its habbadig.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Clock Tower Waiting Room, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

"Of course. Our prior goal of keeping the existence of magecraft out of the human populace's knowledge has become relatively inconsequential in this situation, such that we're acting with the goal of self-preservation and suppression of dangerous existences." Kayneth replied simply.

"I understand I was requested, El-Melloi?"

A new voice rang out in the waiting room as the magus known as Cornelius Alba, a mid-ranking magus from the Thule society beside him, stepped inside. Upon seeing the Lord, Alba struggled to bite back a remark on his...state, managing to not bring it up.

"Yes. Allow me to introduce you to Cornelius Alba, one of our top-ranking magi. We'll be establishing communication between you and him, through one of our appropriate spells."

As Kayneth spoke, the Thule magus stepped forward, inscribing a rune onto the back of Alba's right hand before moving to do the same to Keisaku. A moderate amount of prana was sent into each rune, activating them for around a day in terms of usage.

"Algiz, the rune of Wind and Communication. Until the prana used to activate the rune runs out, you two will be able to converse at will from a distance. We can renew the rune as needed. If you get sick of talking to Alba, let us know and we simply won't renew it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

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[Clock Tower Waiting Room, Clock Tower, Mage's Association]

"O-of course. Thank you for your time, Lord El-Melloi, Cornelius Alba," Keisaku said to the two with a bow. "I shall send your good will to my leader. Hopefully something good will come of this interaction. Now, please excuse myself."

The two "magic" factions had made contact with one another. Keisaku hoped that this would provide good news to both factions. After all, he understood there were more threatening things that lurked within this world, and to fight petty struggles would simply be idiotic in the long run. Besides, the leader of the Flame Haze seemed to trust the Mages Association to keep their word. They were people of honor, at least, that is what the reports stated. In the long run of things, the Flame Haze believed they could be the greatest of allies, but only time would tell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

Joan smiled, although she was unsure whether or not Alastor was able to see it. "I thank you for your offer, although co-operation with "Gaia" might not exactly be the right way to describe it." she admitted. "Although we counter guardians and heroic spirits do technically serve the counter forces, these two forces would be best described as subconscious survival instincts instead of sentient leaders. Nevertheless, we are glad to accept the offer of assistance."

Iskander, meanwhile, chuckled with a bemused smile as he saw Shana change completely like that, not realizing what he had unleashed upon the world. "Ha ha ha, I'm sure it will be completely fine! There's no sense in denying the good things to the young! To be honest, I have no idea what this wine is called. Something like... Domaine Romanee?" In any case, he couldn't recall for sure the name of the wine that turned out to be highly vintage, two thousand dollar french wine. It was good to have the King of heroes like you, which meant you could just buy the most expensive wine you saw. Which was actually what he did.

"Mmm..." he said in a surprisingly calming voice when confronted with his identity as Iskander of Macedonia, "Nope, that's no coincidence. We heroic spirits are the real deal; great heroes and heroines of their times who ascended to a higher plane of existence before death. Battle of Gaugamela? The Gordian knot? Conquering the entire known world at the time? That was me." he explained proudly before turning over to look at Joan of Arc, who was still in the middle of conversing with Alastor. "Her right over there? Bona fide Joan of Arc, savior of France. You heard of her, right?" he asked to demonstrate his point about their group being comprised of legendary heroes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

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FamishedPants said "What are you playing at, 'Prince'?" The voice held a sense of irritation as it spoke to Jarvan. It came from a man who knew only of selfishness, and of the cards. The man was none other than Twisted Fate, a magician with a knack for luck. "I am perfectly capable of eliminating any charges against you from Demacia when we return, so long as you play a part in the return, Cardmaster. Just do what you do best and use those cards of yours. They'll be needed. if we are to return..." Twisted Fate never had a problem escaping the law. And when he ended up in Demacia, this remained true. There was no real need for him to go out of his way to eliminate a debt to society he wouldn't be forced to repay.Although, it was still tempting.Just because you can escape the authorities does not mean you want to. If it is possible, then taking some heat of his back when he returns to Valoran would be desireable. The Cardmaster grinned. "Alright. You got yerself a deal. Now, about that task...."

"It's gonna have ta' wait!"

a distance from the two men stood a woman, shorter in comparison to their height. Her entrance was a mystery, as was her appearance. She wore a face of defined confidence; a tone of voice to match. On Meepo's back rested a fairly filled bag, it's contents were obviously weighing it down. The girl pointed a shovel up at the champions in an attempt to demean. "I'll make this easy on ya' this time... I'm starting to get in a good mood; don' want it ruined so quickly," Meepo fixed the very small, dainty crown on her head before continuing. "Your leader! We," She corrected herself. "I, want to open negotiations with em'! Maybe it'll be in yer favor, maybe it won't, either way... I will be getting to see them soon correct?" Meepo smiled innocently, stabbing the shovel in the ground in an attempt to look like a bad ass.

The air around the two men grew dry and heated, another presence unintentionally making itself known. Sounds of gravel shifting echoed quietly as the unseen force drew closer. Despite this all, the newcomer was nowhere to be seen... but all the same, it still waited, disguised among the the scenery, arrows set in case things came to worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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Well, Lelouch would remember this now, that the Doctor had some sort of way to get in through their security and into the very room they were in. Lelouch didn't expect that outcome, but it was surely one of them as he had to remind himself that there was many things that could happen that wouldn't be a normal thing back in his own world. It wasn't clear if the Doctor had some way to keep some sort of defense in his faction's territory, and even he didn't consider the possibility of there being multiple Doctors. With the tight times he had now, he had to be cautious with his choices and actions. "Ah...this makes things much simpler than it had to be," Lelouch said with a rather surprised tone, but kept that proper and mature tone he usually tries to replicate ever since he became Emperor. Even if he could risk an actual attack to occur within the capital of his Empire, it wouldn't be that effective as he hasn't even gotten a chance to deploy the Avalon or even the Damocles. So...all this would be a talking kind of thing, mind games. Yes, that was what he did best.

"Tell me, Doctor, since you were the one to bring up the idea towards my Empire, I would like to ask a question to get to know your ideals better. Of course, if that's fine with you," Lelouch said as he leaned back in his seat, his hand holding up his leaned over head but also it was a way to keep his hand near his contact lenses if Geass was applicable for this. Though, it seemed like those two that the Doctor had brought over seemed to be non-human, and Lelouch wasn't sure on how Geass would work on non-human. He did manage to use Geass on the collective unconscious, or otherwise known as the "Gods," so the young Emperor was unsure. While the discussion began, CC was silently sitting at the 'sidelines' of this discussion, hugging the Cheese-kun plush in her arms that would seem like it was some sort of security blanket for her. Though, at times she seemed to be fidgeting with the plush, but maybe she was just getting herself comfortable?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

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["Deck" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"...Damaine Romanee? Are you serious? That stuff is really expensive!" Margery Daw was astonished at this proclamation. To think that this wine was truly the finest on earth. At least, in her universe it was. To believe that someone could procure a grand amount of the wine in such a small amount of time seemed to prove this man's wealth. Even Keisaku could not afford this amount of wine, and his parents were loaded.

"You must truly be the great Iskander then. I would have believed without the wine, however, it is rather interesting to know that heroes from the past would gather under your faction's banner. Either way, what are we going to do about "that"."

By "that", Margery Daw referred to the giggling drunk of a girl before herself and Iskander.

"Whahahaa, Yuuji, you have to try this stuff. Here, I already used this ladle. That is like, an indirect kiss, right? Whahahaha. Maybe we should try the real thing? What do you think Yuuji."

"pls shana i fan"

"D-don't you think you should maybe rest Shana? You don't seem to be acting like yoursel...."

"Don't be so coy Yuuji," Shana reacted to Yuuji's attempts to calm the situation. Despite being of great power himself, Yuuji had loved Shana, but was not the sort of person who could easily deal with those of the opposite sex due to inexperience in the subject. Yuuji simply expected the likes of Margery Daw to assist him, but as someone who does not care often, well she did not care.

"Should I announce your arrival to the leader of the Flame Haze? I am sure that she would wish to meet an ambassador from a friendly faction such as yourself?" Alastor questioned the young girl. This person could not be older than Shana in terms of appearance. Then again Shana's lack-there-of Feminine curves seemed to cause others to confuse her for a younger age.

Either way, Alastor understood that these "heroic spirits" were a force that would be grand to get on the side of the Flame Haze, seeing as the goals of the Flame Haze and the Heroic Spirits aligned at certain points.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the two forces began engaging each other over the fleet, Laserbeak had found himself caught in the middle. Humans from below, unknown alien species from above, It took quite a bit of dodging to escape, and he even shot down a couple on each side as they got too close for comfort. He found salvation by flying south.
Megatron had decided to use the Nemesis for their greeting. After all, it was a great symbol of Decepticon strength. Filled to the brim with Vehicon soldiers, covered in defensive auto-turrets. It's shielding allowed it to become near undetectable by most conventional means. Heck, it even had it's own insecticon hive within it. It had served as the primary Decepticon base during the majority of their battles with the Autobots on Earth, until the Darkmount fortress was created. Being two and a half miles long, it was truly a massive ship. Now the crew was scrambling about, trying to do the last minute checkups and inspect for any weaknesses in their defenses before they set off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor smiled at him but stood up looking at Lelouch. He said "I want peace in this war....I want you and your silly mechs to stop this madness....I dont want to have to end this war." He looked into lelouch with eyes. Eyes that looked old on a young face eyes that showed he had seen things. "I fought in a war that makes this one look like a playground tussle......Ive seen things your human brain would never comprehend....make peace with my faction. If you dont I promise I will end this.." The ancient timelord looked in the young emperor's eyes.

The Doctor nods "Very well...I will make a alliance with you....but I wont attack Britania...not unless I cant make peace....are we in agreement?" hbe asked looking him in the eye. "You know Joan? I met her once.....coupld hundred years ago." He said smiling. Z-X said "DOctor...your 11th incarnation is currently in the meeting with Emperor Lelouch...He used his TARDIS to get in." The Doctor nods and contacts River, and Jack. "How are the Sky trenches?" The Doctor knew his homemade sky trench wasnt as strong as the one on Gallifrey but would hold. River said ;Its holdng well sweetie....we see nothing yet but we will let you know." Jack said "Hey Doctor the three of us should have dinner sometime.." The Doctor rolled his eyes "Not now Jack...ending trasnmission." He ended it and looked back at the man
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"That?" Iskander turned to see the cute interactions between Shana and Yuji. Taking a good hard look at what was happening, Iskander let his military genius macedonian mind figure out what was happening before rearing back in laughter. "Why not let them be?" he suggested, being the responsible adult he was. "They're young; let them have their fun."

Downing another ladle of wine, he turned to Margery again. "So, I know this is rather sudden, but you already know I'm Iskander. What's your name?" he asked. One could not have a drinking buddy without knowing her name, after all.

Joan, meanwhile, nodded in response to Alastor. "That would be lovely." she smiled, chuckling a bit at the antics between Yuji and Shana. She recalled her own living life back as the savior of France and considering could have been if she had not become a counter guardian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

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["Deck" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"I suppose you are right, Iskander. The name is Margery. Margery Daw," the woman spoke as she took another sip from the ale. Of course, one might see that she had already started to show the signs of drunkenness, but such was inconsequential. After all, Margery knew how to drink. If that book was here right now, he'd probably make many upon many of jokes about her status right now, but that "person" was in her room right now.

"And don't you forget it~." Margery seemed to be flirting a bit, considering she had been a bit bored with that boy going to other lands recently for scouting and messaging purposes. One can only get lonely without her stoic companion making note of her irrational dispositions. After all, she loved shota or something.

"I'd have Shana go inform the leader of your presence, but, umm... I think I'll have Yuuji do such. Are you alright with that task, Yuuji?" Alastor responded to Joan's desire to be known as an ambassador from the Heroic Spirits. At the same time, he was assisting Yuuji with his "predicament"

"Y-yes sir."

And with this action, Shana had fallen into a fit of alcohol-induced depression, as if a dog saddened by his owner's five minute trip to the store.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

["Deck" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"Ha ha ha, I will never forget it." Iskander grinned, considering offering her a position in his glorious conquering army. It had been a while since he was able to drink just for the sake of getting drunk - the last time he tried to find people to drink with, it had turned out to be a discussion on kingship. And then some unfortunate servant known as Hassan had interfered, but that wouldn't happen here.

"So, what kind of things do you fight?" he asked out of curiosity. "You Flame Haze preserve this power of existence, right? What exactly do you protect it from?"

Joan, meanwhile, sweatdropped at Shana's alcohol-induced depression, resisting the urge to pat her in the head and assure her he would be back soon. However, she needed to maintain some sense of manners unlike the macedonian and blonde flame haze, so she simply smiled in Yuuji's direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

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A weapon of mass destruction being trivially used.

A possible ceasefire between two belligerent nations.

Alliances being formed practically everywhere.

Multiple races of beings who want nothing less than to consume this entire planet or cover it in their corrupted visage.

An attack on a small UN messenger group near the MSF.

Truly, the world was on the verge of destructive and endless conflict. It was much like the balkans years past, during the first World War nearly a century and a half ago. To say that this war would be far more destructive to the planet went without saying. Certainly, there were countless horrors and threats on this planet. The NEG intelligence, mainly operating through stealthed satellites, showed that much. However, that sort of thing would be discussed soon enough with a certain fellow Secretary-General.

And that girl was beyond cute. And probably not legal to hold such a high position, but did that really matter when she could constantly give her candy and sweets and hug her and attach new bells to her every day?

Obviously not.

Still, Ayumi was still one among a crowd. The various advisers and generals of the United Nations enveloped her and surged forward as she entered the room, carrying a box full of cat and Cathulhu cookies(Sugar flavored of course) and some plum tea. Needless to say, all these people started to go off about the recent act of aggression against their fleet.
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