Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Eastern Britannian coastline, Holy Britannian Empire]

They could pretty much tell that the person they were communicating with had changed, goes to show that maybe the first guy wasn't so keen with coming here in the first place. Second...well, these Decepticons had a big-ass airship, and the only other thing that could rival it's size was probably the Damocles air fortress, and she knew how destructive the Damocles was already. Instead of being that surprised like the rest of the forces that was here, Corentine casually took control of the microphone again.

/"Alright alright, we're sending direct coordinates towards the Imperial grounds,"/ Corentine said as she had the pilot of the gunship she was in to send the coordinates that would lead to where the Imperial military base was. Even if she wasn't that all for common sense, at least she had the sense to send them to the military base to go speak with the Emperor, because she had a feeling that their huge airship wasn't going to safely land where the Imperial Palace was. As their forces planned to lead the way, Corentine noticed that someone was directly contacting her communicator, which happened to be Lelouch himself.

"Out of all of the damn times..." she cursed under her breath as she went to answer the call,"What is it Your Majesty?"

/"Officer Belisaria, what are you doing at the moment? I was given word from Knight Kururugi that you're busy handling outside forces near our eastern coastline?"/ Lelouch inquired, having a feeling that she had done something without his consent.

"Well, I did you a favor and allowed clearance for some faction that wants to negotiate with you. I think their faction was the Decepticons or something like that," Corentine said as if there was no problem with that. Usually Lelouch would be annoyed by this, but she could had sworn that the Emperor was...er, chuckling a bit.

/"I see, as much as this is a surprise, I would like you to remind me before you do something on your own the next time around. Also, I had considered this decision, but I will promote you to the title "Knight of One." Your first operation under this title shall be at the borderline between our Empire and Gallifrey Falls No More. I will allow you to take charge of our troops there, and the objective is to successfully attack that faction,"/ Lelouch told her, also promoting her since he didn't really have much candidates for another Knight. Before she could reply, he cut off their audio transmission, but she got what she wanted to hear after so long.

"Looks like I gotta go. You guys just keep this escort going," Corentine said to all of the troops via communicator, before having her helmet of her mobile Knightmare suit cover her head as she leapt out of the gunship. after a few seconds of being in a freefall, the Energy Wing system on her Knightmare suit activated, blue energy wings shining bright. Once that was activated, she instantly sped towards that direction of the southern borderline, going at a fast speed that all that there was to see of her was a blue blur.
[Imperial Military Base, Holy Britannian Empire]

It wasn't long for them to be sent a scan and a picture of the Nemesis, taken from one of the gunships that was escorting the Decepticon force. Lelouch had a feeling that this was going to be a way to make an alliance between their two factions, and actually, he did have the intention of doing the same but looks like that wouldn't be necessary anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

LaXnyd said
...It was loud. It was deafening. To Semiramis, Laserbreak's acceleration inside the castle structure was .Dozens of these things began to swarm out from every nook and cranny, all of them following Laserbreak. Just when he managed to lose five, ten more would show up. Inside the bounded field created by the "territory" that was the Hanging Gardens, Semiramis could not possibly lose track of Laserbreak. At a snap of her fingers, she would freeze him in place if she had to. She highly doubted those hulks of metal could deal with magic from the age of gods. "Leave." Semiramis hissed, not in the mood to deal with this intruder at the moment. Her message was delivered through the dozens of dragon bone warriors that surrounded Laserbreak. "Leave. Now."

As the creatures told him to leave, he hovered in the air for a second. It would seem as if he was contemplating his options. He really wasn't. He was receiving a command from Soundwave: 'Laserbeak, return'. As if on cue, a green portal opened up a few meters away from the Decepticon, which sent him into motion. Speeding past the guards, he opened fire with his lasers. As the guards were being hit, he zipped by and fled into the portal, which closed after he entered it. After the last speck of green was gone, a small cylindrical device could be seen that the bird had dropped as he had left.

3 ... 2 ... 1 ... with that, the grenade infused with Dark Energon (developed by Shockwave) exploded, sending shrapnel and droplets of the purple liquid everywhere.
The pilot of the Nemesis sent confirmation that they had received the coordinates, and were heading to that location. It would only take a short period of time for the Nemesis to arrive at the base, ten to fifteen minutes at max.

Inside, a green portal opened up nearby Soundwave. Laserbeak sped out of it, before he slowed down and returned to the spymasters chest. With that, Soundwave went back to typing on the computer terminal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hanging Gardens of Babylon:

While within the fortress, all of Semiramis' parameters are increased in rank, her fame level is also boosted to the highest class, and attacks are revised in her favor.

Of course, Semiramis did not want some alien grenade exploding within her garden. As inconsequential as the damage would be and as infinitely replacable these guards were, she still did not want this alien... thing blemeshing her garden. As such, the "attack" of a grenade was revised in Semiramis's favour. What revision would favor her? if Lasberbreak had mistimed the tossing of the grenade and had brought it with him, armed, through the green portal.

3... 2...

The grenade was now in Laserbreak's hands and the portal was closed. Have fun with that, Decepticons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Zuo Ci : Britannian Empire
"Most grand Emperor of Britannia. . . I am here today, in my illusory form to beseech you for a cessation of hostilities with any other country." The old man simply stated. "It is most unwise, for you to join forces with machines such as the Decepticons. They are not just untrustworthy, as you most likely know, but, they are likely to imperil anything you would have the idea of ruling. Decepticons might change their mind about enslaving inhabitants of neighboring factions and just consider destroying everything in their way. What would you gain by cooperating with these things that would destroy what you want to rule over?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jack said "This is the weapon that was used to Sycorax on Christmas day." The Doctor remembers that day. The Day he became the man he was now. He said that day there will be no second chances. The Doctor said "Lock on the Target..." He walked up to the computer. THey had the laser aimed at Airship. River said "are you ready Doctor?" He had a unreadble look on his face. He simply nods firing the laser.

Z-X knew somethign was coming fast. She left the room the 9th Doctor was in. It was time for her to fight. She jumped from building to building, and finally to the border. She stood on the large gate. her sonar picked up on Corentine. Her targeting system found her. She began lifted her cannon arm and was about to fire the plasma blast.It began charging. 5......* The cannon began making the charging noise. *4....3...* The cannon began glowing. *2.....1..* The blast fired off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PickingUpSpeed


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[Main Bey Stadium]

"Yeah Dragoon, show him who's boss!" "Don't get overconfident Tyson! Dranzer, let's finish this!" Yelled Tyson and Kai. Dragoon Galaxy Turbo and Dranzer Metal Spiral were fighting in the center of the Bey Stadium. Nobody knew how they had gotten to this new world or why things like Kai's Dranzer were back in a Beyblade, but Tyson was too concerned with getting to battle Kai to care.

"Galaxy Turbo Twister!" "Spiral Fireball!" The Bit Beasts collided in a spray of wind and fire. Meanwhile, the Chief was typing on his computer, him and Dizzy were trying to find out what the situation was. They had found out some stuff about the other factions but not much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

[Craver recon squad inbound to Britannia]

Flying low over the water to avoid detection was a sight that any sentient creature would call ugly it was a Craver dropship. Inside the dropship was group of 15 drones lead by a large warrior carrying a halberd. The warrior had finished sharping the blade he climbed into the cockpit "How soon intill we reach land?" he asked. "ETA in about an hour," The pilot drone replied not braking his gaze, "very well inform me when we are closer," he order before returning back to the cargo-bay. "Listen up you whelps these orders come from Warlord Borgon," he shouted to the gathered drone "once we arrive recon the area don't be seen and no killing." the warrior order. A while later the drop ship drew close to an isolated part of the Britannia cost line.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

["Deck" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

Iskander watched with a rather serious expression as Margery explained and created the hand from existence. He was blanked face for several minutes before finally letting out a along, drawn out sigh. "Seriously, whether it's goldy pulling everything I can think of from his bag of tricks or another pulling out a giant castle, everyone's pulling out weird things one after another..."

Then again, it was precisely because these unknowns existed, that there was always something undiscovered waiting to be discovered that made the world fun, no?

Chuckling, he obliged Margaret and refilled her cup. "Of course, but one day you'll have to show me in full."


Joan chuckled. "I myself had never anticipated being able to arrive in a place like this." Indeed, this would have seemed like a dream of great proportions if she had considered the possibility of becoming a heroic spirit, a counter guardian and travelling across time and space all those years ago before she heard the word of god and rode in defence of France.

"So, Sir Yuuji," she asked, "How is your juice doing

Are you and Ms. Shana... close?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'm excellent~" While she may be good, the state of the world wasn't. There was a lot to go over, and it was certain that the naval crisis wasn't exactly over yet. They needed to go over many issues, but currently it was best to just let the girl calm down a bit first and let this situation continue a bit.

"I've got a lot of worrying intelligence reports today," The woman sighed, what with all the various factions on the edge of war. At the least the UN and NUN had a very close common ground to work with together.

"It seems Britannia is in the middle of a diplomatic crisis, and earlier they used a weapon of mass destruction to obliterate resistance on a nearby island. They're being cornered, and they've already shown a willingness to use "final solution" type weapons as needed. It's somewhat worrying."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

[Hive Fleet Kraken Territory, Unknown Planet]
The Swarmlord was angry his first attack had failed miserably only a few of the defenders had died, but true to their swarm mentality they would give the M.S.F or that fleet no respite, no rest they would tire and break before him. Looking out at the masses gathered before him they stretched out as far as his eyes could see, massive towering spires that look like ugly boils that burst from the earth, and odd creatures guarded them, but before the Swarmlord stretched a true swarm, bio-titans and other ugly creatures displayed before The Swarmlord all facing towards the M.S.F, it was going to be heavy fighting but hopefully the sheer amount of the swarm, would run those worthless humans into the ground.
[Near M.S.F Territory, Unknown Planet]
as a softening blow as well as to find out the territory of the M.S.F Harridan's Carrying the swarms equivalent of scouts The Lictor the group of Harridan's could be seen from a large distance away as the lead one has a wingspan of 45 meters so the defenders do have time to react.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Borderline between Holy Britannian Empire and Gallifrey Falls No More]
BGM - Upcoming Battle "Armaros"

One of the airships that was sent here by Britannian was soon to be met with the laser, but at the very second they would be shot out of the sky, their Blaze Luminous shielding system activated, a green energy field generated around the airship and was fully successful on defending itself from the laser.

Meanwhile, Corentine was getting close to where it was all taking place, the Factsphere Sensor of her Leodegrance was able to detect a single unit (Z-X) that was aiming for her. "Heh...nice try!" Corentine exclaimed as she stopped her advancements, having the Energy Wings fold into the front of her and successfully deflecting the plasma blast. Once that was over with, she recovered her wings into flying position, allowing her to stay into the air.

/"All Britannian forces, this is Corentine Belisaria, the Knight of One! Proceed with battle, formation Q4,"/ Corentine contacted all present Britannian forces, being replied with the following salute. While their forces would handle with whatever the opposing side had, Corentine decided to go up against Z-X, seeing as the person had the nerve to attack her while she was getting herself here.

"Tch, get a load of this!" Corentine said as she spread out her arms, having the small triangular blasters on her hips let out a fully charged twin set of Hadron Cannon beams, both beams were automatically targeted on Z-X.
[Imperial Military Base, Holy Britannian Empire]

As if the Empire had many 'guests' already, it was like they were getting the kind of attention that Lelouch had planned for the Empire to get in the first place. Now that there was some sort of illusion that projected this man to His Majesty, it seemed like most were trying to make Lelouch turn a new leaf or something like that. Instead of replying instantly, Lelouch let out a dark chuckle.

"You mistaken me, I do not aim to rule the world, that isn't my primary objective. You could say that...I'm aiming to become what this world will fear and hate, yes...I will be the damned of this world. If you want a more literal meaning of my words, I also aim for this world to meet destruction," Lelouch said, sounding corrupt as he could get. Though, he was really wondering on how to make sure that this alliance with the Decepticons doesn't turn against him, and for that, he may have to think of a way to bypass that so he could be the ultimate target for hatred and fear. By now, the Nemesis would find the very military base that was given to them to have a diplomatic meeting with the Emperor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"What a wildly mentally and spiritually imbalanced man. I hope whatever loyalists you have show their common sense and get rid of you.' Zuo Ci stated. "I'm sorry that you have chosen the path of pure Darkness instead of Balance. The Light would have at least led you towards life and a sense of beauty, but you have obviously chosen insanity and torment. Oh, and don't bother contacting us at the Alliance, everything I have said and received from you has been listened to since the conversation began. Have a taste of what Orochi has in store for your technologically superior soldiers."

With that, Zuo Ci vanished. Suddenly, Serpent Ninja, and lower officers, who could be resurrected with Orochi's magic started to swarm the Throne Room of Lelouch. Over one thousand assassins started to assault officers, guards, and Lelouch himself within a moment's notice. . . arrows flew, smoke bombs fell, and the Serpent demons of Orochi showed no regard for their lives as they continued to assault the enemy. Dodemeki was there, and would be the most trouble to take down. He slashed at his enemies and showed preternatural speed in his assaults. Sorcerers from The Alliance all sighed, as they knew they couldn't just teleport soldiers inside an enemy sanctum again any time soon, as it was a drain on their strength. Still though, maybe they could make an impression on the enemy forces by showing what they could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Borderlands of the Flame Haze Base Secret Tool: "Valor", Flame Haze Territory, Khamsin Nbh'w]

Silence was the golden part of living. Truly, one's own mind generates that which surpasses any known form of entertainment with ease. The young boy, appearing to be just the age of 10, had learned this long ago. Though he disliked pure solitude, to be at peace with oneself is true salvation. As such, Khamsin Nbh'w was someone who enjoyed being at peace with the silence that surrounded him.

Valor was an old installation which was designed as the ultimate defensive arsenal of the Flame Haze. Through manipulation of existence, the presence would be masked to the extent that nothing, magic, or otherwise, would be able to detect such. As if the construct did not exist in the first place. Similar to the Tendoukyo's masking system, though unlike the Tendoukyo, the Valor was a stationary fortified bunker. As such, it made paroling the places of "borderlands" to be of ease;a base to the Flame Haze assigned to this mission.

Khamsin was the wisest of all Flame Haze, constantly considered a "geezer" by many others in his class. Of course, this was because, despite his appearance, one could call him the "oldest" of the flame haze, seeing as he had lived for over 3,000 years. Once a Prince of a middle eastern nation now fought with what he once considered his greatest foe, only to reconcile they had interests within one another.

Silence is golden.

Silence is golden.

Silence is-

Well, silence was golden. It appeared that the "hive" below the flame haze has stated to act on it's own. Khamsin Nbh'w's job was to simply watch the border, and thus, he would do so to the greatest of his ability. Even if they had not decided to move, the tyranids were the enemy of humanity, as was Bal Masque the original enemy of the Flame Haze. The consumption of people was the greatest taboo for the Flame Haze, and as such, no other would be more at fault then that of the Tyranids.

"Sir Khamsin, "they" have started to move. They are headed straight for our boarders." A fellow Flame Haze stated to his superior officer for the time being. Utilizing a tracking Unrestricted Spell, the flame haze had discovered that a large battalion was attempting to make pass at their borders.



Well, that was rather unresponsive, the subordinate Flame Haze thought to himself.

"...We have orders to attack anything that tries to enter our territory. ...The Tyranids are no exception to this."

"...ah. Destroy them. No hesitation. That is, if they enter our claimed territory.... Ah. Call the Tendoukyo and report this activity."

The order was given.

The many Flame Hazes stationed at this outpost would now act.

Marching upon an enemy instillation was an idiotic move within itself, but the Flame Haze were of great prowess. Nothing would stand in their way of preserving balance. The orders were given. The Flame Haze were ready to fight against these alien invaders, even to the last of their breath. None of them feared these beings. After all, the Flame Haze had several stunts they could pull against the Tyranids in the event they were overpowering the Flame Haze. Not only that, but the Flame Haze were being backed up by Outlaw, a sub-branch of the Flame Haze. Combined, their numbers, though insufficient compared to the Nids, were enough to defeat any and all foes. It mattered not the enemy force; the Flame Haze would win against all odds.

But that is only if they decided to continue their advance into Flame Haze territory. Once they had entered, well, all was fair in love and war~.
["Deck" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"Perhaps~" Margery Daw responded to the last thing Iskander stated. Of course, she was now somewhat drunk, but despite this, she refused to use the "purifying spell" on herself in order to remove these impurities. ""Maybe If we drink like this, I could show you ev-ery-thi-ng~"

Of course, Shana finally realized that she could cast this on herself, removing the impurities from drinking. It was time to follow Yuuji and see if he was scadoodaling with other wenches.
["Inside" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

"W-What are you saying, Miss Jeanne?" Yuuji stammered a bit.

What was Shana to him? It was a question that not even he could figure out. Of course, the answer was simple, but Yuuji was never really good at expressing his feelings. The world around him had changed many times, but his ability to "woo" the laddies was rather unflattering. Well, it was in the perspective of himself. the reality is that he made all the panties drop

"I owe myself to Shana. While I was ready to give my existence up, she believed in me, and as such, I want to believe in her. I want to protect her smile, even if it means I would have to partake in hardships and war. None of that matters, as long as Shana is happy. Either way, this is our leader's chambers. I am not to enter myself, but you have been given clearing to enter. Please proceed, Miss Jeanne."

Yuuji gestured the other to enter a door of sorts. His escort job was concluded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

LaXnyd said
Of course, Semiramis did not want some alien grenade exploding within her garden. As inconsequential as the damage would be and as infinitely replacable these guards were, she still did not want this alien... thing blemeshing her garden. As such, the "attack" of a grenade was revised in Semiramis's favour. What revision would favor her? if Lasberbreak had mistimed the tossing of the grenade and had brought it with him, armed, through the green portal. 3... 2...The grenade was now in Laserbreak's hands and the portal was closed. Have fun with that, Decepticons.

3 ... Laserbeak saw the grenade in his hands, confused as to how it was still there. He had been certain that he'd dropped it in the floating fortress. He proceeded to toss the grenade at a random soldier as he passed.

2 ... Steve wasn't having a good day. He had been forced with cleanup duty ... even though that wasn't his job. He was a warrior! So what if he was a little crabby because he hadn't had much rest. Didn't mean he should be sentenced by his superiors to do cleanup work. That was for the servant class! Of course, he wasn't expecting Laserbeak to zoom past, and hand him a grenade ... a live grenade! Tossing said grenade in a random direction, he watched as it rolled right into the medical ward.

1 ... Knock out had been really busy. Buffing his paint detail was a serious job that took up much of his time! On top of which, it was much easier to do when Breakdown was still around to help him, the main reason he missed the blue giant. He had just finished when he heard a rolling noise. Looking down, he saw what looked to be a grenade with a packet of Dark energon wrapped around it. Eyes widening, he saw the timer.

0 ... An explosion took place, sending smoke billowing out of the medical ward. Out of it, came a hysterical Knock out, waving his arms about to try and dispel the smoke. A certain vehicon saw this and immediately started leaving the scene. Although a few alarms went off, it wasn't too big of an issue, except for Knock Out.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I JUST FINISHED BUFFING THAT!!!!!" Knock Out screamed out, his paint was all scratched up, the red was covered in ash and flecks of Dark Energon. "Whoever did this will pay dearly for it!" He equipped his saw and went about looking for the one responsible. However, unluckily for him, he would never find the culprit.
Despite the little debacle near the medical ward, the Nemesis continued on it's predetermined flight path. Once it was directly over the Britannian base, it began to lower in altitude until the bottom was at about building level.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Doctor cursed as it did nothing but told UNIT to send in the airships. Eight airships took off. Each airships had over thirty fighter jets. Torchwood made these jets with alien tech. The Doctor then saw Unit Soldiers, Soldiers from the Church of the Silence, The Silent, and tanks were at the border ready for battle. He then recieved a call from his 11th self."Try the weapon again." he walked in his TARDIS and answered the call

The 11th Doctor flew by the used the sonic screwdriver to wreck their shields. He got back in and said "Strax their going to need you...go out their and have fun." Strax smiled and said "Thank you for this glorius battle Doctor....I hoe to meet you again in the mix of batle!" He jumped from the TARDIS to the battlefield. He called his 9, 10th, and 12th self, "Gentlemen we are under attacked.....we may hae to bring the old grump." 10 said "That could rip a hole in time!" 9 and 12 were silent but 9 said "I think 11 is right....he is a warrior....he...he will do...what we know we cant." 11th hated himself for what he did. The Four Doctor grabbed the lever and said in unison. "What I did, I did without choice. I know In the name of peace and sanity But not in the name of the Doctor...." 11 said "Well then Gentlemen....GERONIMOOOOOO!" 10 "Allons-y!" 9 "Fantastic.." They pulled the lever as the Four TARDIS began creating a wormhole for the War Doctor's TARDIS to enter.

She knew the Sky trench would hold back one of the twin beams. The other she knew would hit. She fired several rockets at her in hopes to slow her down. Zaina froze seeing a wormhole being made. "Doctor what are you doing?" Zaina looked seeing Strax jump on Corentine.

Strax saw some girl aiming a weapon. He dived foreward with a glorius Battle cry. He tackled her say "give up girl! I shall destroy for the honor of this glorious fraction and the mighty Sontaran empire!"

Out of the wormhole five TARDISes came out. The Doctors closed the wormhole now. They had a plan and headed for Britannia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Border Between Holy Britannian Empire and Gallifrey Falls No More]
BGM - Alert Sign (raio0)

"What the hell!" Corentine immediately realized that someone managed to sneak up on her, that sneaky bastard is going to get it! No one's ever gotten this close to her besides those fancy ninth generation Knightmares. At least she was able to avoid the missiles launched at her before this came up, and now, she was going have to be more aggressive about this set-up.

"Time for a ride, hope you like it," Corentine grinned under her helmet, and was able to use the full advantage of the Energy Wing system to free herself from the tackle and possibly this guy out into the sky with her, and then instantly slamming him back into the ground at speeds that would be seen in a first-class fighter jet. Once that was done, Corentine decided that it was time to whip out her 'sweeties,' drawing out the dual HF gunblades into her hands.

Seeing that the airships were about to be brought into an aerial battle, many Vincent Knightmares with the Air glide System were deployed into the fray, some even being equipped with Hadron Cannon guns, but they weren't as effective as the Hadron Cannons equipped into the Leodegrance.
(You guys are definitely asking Britannia to deploy the Damocles, aren't you?)

Well, looks like a lot of people had the plans to come over and attempt to take down the Empire, but Lelouch knew that the current 'assaulters' weren't much against the military that Britannia has created. Most of the Knightmares that were in the base were able to immediately defend against the sudden appearance of enemy soldiers, with the very obvious fact that most of Britannia's power laid in the technologically advanced Knightmare Frames. Even Lelouch was well defended despite that he was not in his own Knightmare, and it was all thanks to Suzaku and the Lancelot's Blaze Luminous system. It was able bring up the shielding to protect both Lelouch and CC, also itself since it was the very Knightmare with this shielding system.

"I must thank you, my Knight of Zero, I will leave you in charge of this attack. It appears as if this world's occupants leave us no choice, and it will be a wise move to deploy the Damocles," Lelouch said, thinking that this would be the best course of action for now.

"Then I will do my best to secure our capitol, and I will arrive to you when necessary, Your Majesty," Suzaku could be heard from his Knightmare, having the shielding go off as the action began to die down. This gave a chance of Lelouch and CC to quickly flee to one of the warehouses that would lead into the underground hangar that kept the Damocles safe and secret.

"CC, I would like you to contact the Decepticons, there will be a new location since this one has become rather unfitting for a diplomatic meeting," Lelouch said to the immortal as they began to run down the long staircase.

"Understood," CC nodded and used her communicator to find a way to contact the Decepticons, specifically the Nemesis. It was a little simple considering that they were the only foreign signal they were getting besides all of the other Britannian contacts that were also in the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Soundwave had been intercepting a plethora of various streams of data. It was practically a goldmine, as none of them had the security that the Autobots had. One communication had particular interest. It was between the emperor and some knight. Soundwave viewed it as important enough to relay to Starscream.

["Then I will do my best to secure our capitol, and I will arrive to you when necessary, Your Majesty,"]

"So, it seems as if they are having millitary troubles." Starscream commented on Soundwave's findings. "Perhaps this could be a way to strengthen our relationship ..." He then went to pacing about the command stretch while thinking. He was deep in thought when the Britannians managed to reach them, causing him to be slightly annoyed.

"This is Starscream" the Decepticon answered the Britannains ((CC's)) message. Based off of the earlier intercept from the Emperor, the Britannnians would no doubt be hoping to delay or relocate the meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Hanging Gardens]

With that little matter taken care of, Semiramis let out a small "humph" of contempt at the departure of the little intruder. However, letting the distraction end, Semiramis turned her attention to another matter.

Gaia and Alaya were moving. Things were happening on the Britannian/Gallifrian border. If things got out of hand, they would have to step in, probably starting by destroying that floating mountain of the decepticons and the floating fortress that was damocles.

Besides, Semiramis smirked, she knew four heroic spirits who would be more than happy to remove Lelouch from his current position. Arturia may not necessarily want her throne back, but from what she's seen, she definitely doesn't want Lelouch having it.

[Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Changing course to Gallifrian/Britannian Border]


["Deck" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

Iskander let out a hearty laugh at Margery's proclamation that she could show him "ev-ery-thi-ng~". "Indeed, alcohol can create bonds between even the most distant of strangers!" he proclaimed. "Although if you do plan on showing me your everything, be sure you won't regret it." he smirked.


["Inside" of the Tendoukyo, Tendoukyu, Flame Haze Territory]

Jeanne listened to Yuuji's explanation intently, then smiled. It was kind of refreshing; pure love at it's finest. Closer than comraderie, closer than friendship. Although she had never been able to experience for herself during her life, that did not change the fact she would bless such a thing; nor would she ever be jealous of such a thing.

"That sounds like a beautiful relationship, and I will continue to hope for you two to have happiness." Jeanne blessed before seeing the door to the leader of the Flame Haze. "Thank you, Sakai Yuuji."

She moved forward to go in, but before she opened the door she turned to him once again. "I will always cheer the two of you on~"

And with that, the counter guardian/heroic spirit entered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

FamishedPants said

Jarvan and Twisted Fate both raised their respective weapons towards the sudden voice; Jarvan, his lance, and Twisted Fate, his cards. They would soon realize these actions to be a waste of effort, as the small being, whatever it was, reminded them of a familiar foe, Veigar, what with statements so absurd they couldn't take the yordle-ish being too seriously. However, there was another presence that did seem a bit more intimidating, although it wasn't exactly easy to figure out its location. Or was it? Jarvan and Twisted Fate both simply nodded to each other, and Jarvan turned to address this person while Twisted Fate closed his glowing eyes and smirked, relaxing his arms into his sides and leaning against a tree. One of the many, considering they were in an island filled with the jungle. "Threatening someone you intend negotiate with is unlikely to help with your cause, so I would you lighten your tone." Jarvan replied calmly. "I am Jarvan IV, Prince of Demacia. If you have a diplomatic reason to be trespassing on our lands, then state your business now."

"Prince?... not exactly what I'm lookin' for," Meepo scoffed at his introduction. "I guess you'll do though,"

She wagged her shovel in the direction of Jarvan, "Alright! Here's the deal... you guys suck! Your island sucks in comparison to everyone else, a crappy realization I know, but I do have an offer for ya'!" Meepo stabbed her shovel into the ground besides her, unleashing the large satchel from her back and sitting on it. These were all attempts to looking powerful. "All these other islands are weak as well, but... they have big explosives, guns, stuff that would blow our kind away. So much for our way of combat right? Neither of us would stand a chance against this kinda power," a grin began to spread on her face. "However... there's an island that has a flaw; it's west of here, and the whole island is ran by a practical child!... they gotta have leadership lacking if that's the case! We could easily trick em', loot em', and nab all the firepower they have!... all we gotta do is work... as in, you guys work for ME, and I won't have your 'pebble of an island' sunken to the bottom of the sea when this is all done," her threat cooed from her lips in a tasteful manner. She awaited his response with the expectation of loyalty... maybe a feast... and maybe all their treasures...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[Ascending above Military Base (Damocles), Holy Britannian Empire]

As soon as they got inside, they had contacted the personnel of the Damocles to immediately ascend from the storage hangar, and it wouldn't be long until the tremendous air fortress would begin to be visible in the sky. By the time that both Lelouch and CC were going up the elevator to the command room nearest to the top, their transmission was finally answered by the Decepticons, and it was no doubt that they would notice the Damocles in the air as of now.

/"As you could see, we have no choice but to deploy our strongest air fortress, the Damocles. However, we can still initiate the diplomatic meeting within the Damocles, an alliance between the Britannian Empire and the Decepticons will be most in our favor against the many other factions,"/ CC spoke about the relocation of their 'meeting,' which would take place within the Damocles. After that, she disconnected the transmission, and it would be soon that they would send in someone to the Damocles to speak with Emperor Lelouch. It seemed that Suzaku was handling the following assault back on the grounds of the military base fine, it was a given that the Lancelot Albion was a formidable Knightmare model on it's own, and it was a fearsome piece to go up against in the first place, especially with Lelouch's "live" command becoming a weapon that Suzaku can use to help himself in the combat he was put in to take care of.
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