Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

While Arcon, Scroll, and Amiferia talked, Sweeper figured it was best to let her siblings have some private time. Her High Priest could handle himself, she was confident about her high minion. Whatever Arcon needed from him, they needed to work it out. Winterjet was resting between the Scholar and Amiferia, looking better thanks to their aid.

Instead, her attention was directed at Ami's companion. She trotted over to the Stormwing trooper, and examined her for several moments. It was rather awkward. Then the grey alicorn took out the braided mane from her blanket-satchel. "Check this out! It's a spoil of war!," she said to Summer Winds.
Snow Tail was laying beside some monolithic boulders, which by chance had formed a small dry alcove untouched by the rain. After attempts to make a fire failed, she simply shook off the water and used her wings to help dry herself. The pegasus sighed while resting on the rocks.

"If this keeps up, I'm never going to be able to find either one," she muttered, eyes a bit closed. "Though the rain has lessened at least…" She munched at a biscuit. "..and I don't have to worry about being thirsty." The white pegasus leaned away from the shelter, opened her mouth to drink the rain, and leaned back. Had the weather being normal, she would wishing for this much in the dry land.

"Maybe after this I'll ask the Colonel for a leave, the High Ones know I need one. I haven't seen Patty in a while, and I'm sure he misses me as well." She began to reminiscence of the orange pegasus, and his slightly tufted ears. Peach "Patty" Skimmer's mother was a batpony, though his wings took after his pegasus father. "Drats, and he would have looked so cool with bat wings." she said.

But even her memories of her boyfriend didn't do much about the gloom. The landscape didn't look too bad, but the rain only ampihied how frustrating her mission has become. "I've searched for miles in this deluge, and still nothing! Knowing my luck, I'm just following some freak thunderstorm that has nothing to do with the alicorn. Argggh. You know, if I had just one sign-" She took out her hidden steel claws, turned around, and deflected the knife coming at her. A grey cloaked pony who blended in with the rocks above looked shocked as his weapon flew and hit the muddy ground. He had another knife attached to his hoof, but the assailant was already dead. In a instant, Tail flew and rammed her gauntlet into his chest, the metal claws ending his life.

The mercenary then set the body down, but remained vigilant. After checking the perimeter, she examined the would-be killer, "You don't look like a Cultist, and certainly not a Changeling," she said, poking the body with a stick. "And no bobby traps either." She waited for some time. " I guess you were just another stupid bandit." After searching the remains, she covered the body and dumped it into a nearby dark pit.

"Now that's done, I still need to finish my quest. But it's not like some sign is going to show me-" She then saw a mote of light, flashing in the distance. It was not lighting, for it flowed upwards and beyond the clouds. She frowned at the sight. "Ok, I'll take that," Tail said, and headed towards where the light originated.
Oh good, he's fine, Star Dancer thought when Torrential finally responded. But what did Lord Waters mean by 'make a point'? She faced the direction the alicorn indicated and waited. His smile had a touch of humor, which reassured the pegasus. But she still worried…

Then she saw his spell take affect. Had Torrential not been nearby, she would have tried to fled. But the speed of the spell would have overtaken her in flight. Nothing but the firmament and the sun was left.

Dancer mouth was agape, her pupils constricted from adapting to the mystical light. she collapsed from the awe that she experienced, head still facing the sky. Her thoughts were blank, her mind confused on whether to scream or cry. Something was not right.

But Dancer's will was strong - in seconds she closed her eyelids and mouth, shook her head, took a deep breath, and stood again. When she felt the Alicorn's hat gone, the pegasus opened her eyes. She was calm again, but her heart was pounding.

"Your description is very apt, Lord of the Rain," she said. She took another breath, and then continued. The sun shone over the muddy ground. Her mind recalled the bodies and wingless soldier, guessing that they had tried to attack Torrential. "… I know why you did it. But what do you wish for happen?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

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Theá gently pushed a hoof against the flask offered her. "No thank you. While I greatly admire Luna, alcohol is not to my tastes." She set her hoof back down and looked at Crashing, noting his almost fin-like wings; how the feathers seemed to almost stick together thanks to whatever oil was covering them. She spared a quick glance at her own wings, wondering how the oil covering his feathers differed from the one covering hers. All pegasi, and many winged creatures, have their feathers covered in some oil which makes them waterproof... How is his different? Thicker, I suppose?

She pushed the thought away. It wasn't important. Instead she said, "Dartfish, huh? " She looked to the lake in front of her and lit her horn. One, two, three, four Dartfish materialized in the lake and started swimming around near the surface, circling around each other in no discernible pattern. She knew they were saltwater fish and wouldn't do well in freshwater, but they weren't alive or real, so it didn't matter much.

She continued to watch them, never looking away and focusing only on the four fish. One of them, she noticed, started chasing one of the others. Her mood soured again, shoulders and wing sagging, head hanging a bit lower than was usual for the proud huntress. Anyone that knew her would, without a doubt, pick up on it and realise that she was not in the most of moods.

Why? She wondered again.


"Woulda been rude to decline it. 'Sides, I haven't really tasted whiskey before. Thought I'd try it." She stuck out her tongue and brushed it with a hoof. "Not my brightest moment."

She took a few steps forward, walking far enough to be halfway between where she crashed through the wall and where she'd been blown away from. She sat down, wincing as pain flared through her body again. Anaesthetic spells or not, she still hurt quite a bit of she moved around a lot, she realised. That and she was tired and winded; despite her best efforts to protect herself the low had still knocked the wind out of her, and what she assumed was a small internal bleeding - non-lethal - didn't help much in that regard.

She had intended to listen in a bit on Arcon and Amifera's discussion, but something else stole her attention away. That 'something' was an alicorn like the rest, but she was an eccentric one. And did I mention Oddball?

The way she displayed the braided mane as a trophy from a fight (or spoil of war, as she said) unnerved the white pegasus quite a bit. It unnerved her so much that she raised both her front hooves to her own mane, holding it protectively against herself while staring with wide eyes at Silver Sweeper. "You just keep your hooves away from my mane," she said loud enough for said alicorn to hear, her face a comical mix of terror and disbelief.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Crashing shrugged and took another swig before capping it and setting it back in his bag. He looked at the dartfish that had materialized in the water. One in particular started chasing the others, causing Crashing to smirk. When he saw Thea’s expression however his smile disappeared. It was rare to see the Huntress in such a mood. With a grunt Crashing stood up and plodded over to Thea and took a seat beside her. Crashing watched in silence as the fish swam in circles. Before long the dartfish started fighting in the water.

He cast a glance at his sibling. Her mood worried him. Among most of his siblings Thea was one of the few he not only loved but respected. She was just as much a fighter as he. Besides that their spheres were connected as well. He looked back at the fish and extended a wing over, draping it over her shoulders in a comforting gesture.

“Tell me lass what’s on yer mind?”
Grimwing looked at Charter like head grown a second head,” Yer serious right. Ye don’t know who Captain Wave is?”
Silence reigned on the dock as each pirate looked at the unicorns with a slacked jawed expression before they erupted in laughter.

“That be a land-lubber alright,” one said, barely able to breathe from laughing so hard.

“Captain Wave is The Lord of the Sea and the Seapony’s patron God,” Grimwing said between laughs,” ‘e’s also one of the alicorns that descended onto Equestria. Surely ye’ve heard th’ tales of th’ Gods descendin’ on our realm lad. As for how we simple pirates ended up in the company of legends. Captain Wave wanted ta see how these ponies were doin’ despite everything.” Grimwing looked out into the harbor,” When we got here we was amazed lad. These ponies regarded the Captain like you or I would’ve regarded Celestia or Luna. To them ‘e was a king. And we was looked at with respect too cause of this here blessing,” the Pegasus showed Charter his blessing mark,” This here was granted ta each of us by the Captain. This a mark of bein’ one of ‘is crew and proof the Sea will always be on yer side.”
-Two days later-
Astral arrived in Canterlot sometime before dusk. The city was bustling with unicorns, some in the company of their slaves, running to and fro on last minute errands or just beginning to head home. It was refreshing for him. He so loved the city and all its activity. He often times missed it but now was not the time for nostalgia he had a pony to find. Without any further delay he mad e his way to the Inquisition headquarters.

Once there Astral looked up at the massive building. A statue of Head Inquisitor Trixie Lulamoon was above the ornate double doors. Astral rolled his eyes; he had once met the eccentric mare in all her ponce. While he respected her as a fellow spell caster and illusionist he still could not stand the arrogant mare. But he had to admit she got the job done. With a sigh he entered the building. Inside a black stallion stood at the front desk, a book in front of him. Astral plodded over and rung tapped the counter.

“There aren’t any scheduled appointments today,” the buck said dully without even looking away from his book,” Come back tomorrow after you go through the proper channels to get one.”

Astral cleared his throat,” Well then I see not even a High Priest these days can get a look at the archives.”

“What are-“the buck looked over his book with an annoyed expression. His face blanched when he realized who was standing before him. He shook visibly before swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat,’ I-I’m so-sorry my l-lord I”

“Save your words colt,” Astral grunted,” I wish to see the archives. Point me in their direction.”

“Down that hall and first door on the left,” the unicorn pointed a shaky hoof at a door to his left.

“Thank you,” the cyan unicorn grunted before going through the door. Astral closed the door before pressing his ear to the door. He heard a something slam against the desk.

“I am so fired.”
Astral chuckled before starting down the hall. He remembered how he was at that age so it really didn’t bother him. Inside the archive, tomes lined bookshelves arranged by date and importance of events or dates. Astral scanned the books before finding what he had been looking for. It was a detailed report of a riot that had happened some years prior. He scanned the tome until he found his prize. ’Here we are.’ A report listing the casualties, including a one Silver Scalpel. He had been mentioned as a martyr but Astral knew the truth. The good Doctor was indeed alive of that he was sure, from here though he would need to track the epigamic stallion down. The old goat was much too clever to get killed by slaves so there was only a possible solution. He noticed that the tome listed a last state of residence. 1832 West Rose Lane that’s my next target, Astral closed the tome with a clop and started out the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Charter was shocked when heard the identity of Captain Wave. He was not mere pony, but one of the Lady's kin! All the pieces began to fall into place, the puzzle forming a clear image in his mind. The tidal Wave, the Leviathan, the Sea Ponies, the Blessing… they all indicated the truth of the matter. The Kraken Fleet was no mere armada of pirates - they were the holy army of an alicorn!

"All this time… and I didn't even realize it," said the unicorn, slumping on the deck to take it all in. "Sorry Master Grimwing. My experience with sailors are that they often blend folklore in their lives. My mom told me of the tale of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mare, and the Flying Stallion. Of bad luck to kill an albatross, to spit in the sea for good luck, or tattoos to ward off evil. The crew of the Long Haul used to dump bits into the sea to appease the Sea Lord.

"It was that mythic figure that I thought you meant. But… now what I've seen, I have no doubt that Crashing is an alicorn, probably the origin for the same mythological Master of the Oceans.

He chuckled. "The joke is on me, I suppose… here I was, thinking that I was the only one here to have meet an Alicorn."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was different this time.

He was in the bowels of a massive machine, ancient writing and twisting pictograms covering every inch and glowing with power. The air physically hummed with ambient magic, giving off the feeling of being inside a thunderstorm. Across him, his hair began rising, almost electrified by the conditions he was in.

Above hum huge grinding cogs gave out an uproarious amount of noise, closely followed by steam pistons and the crackling of long glass tubes with electricity running through them. Nearby a steam furnace stood roaring, white hot flames licking the glass port with glee. He stood in awe of the sheer immensity of it all, it seemed as if he was standing in the very centre of a titanic factory, as far as he could see huge brass constructs spread in a unbroken line, a network of engines powering the unseen central core of the machine in whatever esoteric purpose it had been fashioned for. Passing along this he darted down a corridor lined with strange lines ending with circles, with many more branching off into the depths of the bizarre machine like construct.

He walked for seemingly an eternity through halls of various purposes, some were alchemical and held huge vats of components for mysterious purposes, and others were huge lines of moving plates, on which strange machine like constructs created bizarre and fantastical devices, some even including metal limbs and others reminiscent of his puzzle boxes. Other rooms seemed to be dealing with raw material such as iron ore, moving it towards a titanic structure involved in smelting, containing massive crucibles of melted iron. Further rooms contained huge stockpiles of organised metal girders, gears, machinery, coal and brass.

From afar he saw the occasional dark shadowy figure, clothed in black covered in orange symbology. They appeared to be ponies, although the comparison was somewhat a loose one, a mass of brass tubing covered the majority of their faces and plating, at least one eye was a simple glass orb emplaced into where its socket would have been, glowing bright orange from the dark of their hood. Some of them stood on metal legs, others had reinforced spines with a series of mechanical arms which twitched and moved up and down, arranging small mechanical devices into intricate works of art. They didn’t see him, and they didn’t respond to stimuli of any sort, continuing their work. Occasionally one would enter the room with a series of books and metal plates detailing a type of detailed but unknown script, some even seemed able to fly with fast wing beats on long, delicate, sharp wings. Despite the focus of their work he could see the movements of a powerful mind behind all the wiring and metal, there was a fervour there for almost religious dedication to their work, occasionally he even heard them murmur something which sounded almost like psalms or religious teachings.

As he progressed, he saw more and more things, even alchemical laboratories and immense power stations infused by raw lightning storms and other unknown means of power, not limited to magical engines which glowed violet in their dark citadels of steel and brass. Across all these things however, huge pipes and networks of cables spread, giving a strange but reassuring hum to the almost eldritch world around him. He had seen no windows, but something told him he could not have been on Equestria, although he had not assurance of this as a fact, something just felt off.

Finally it seemed he had reached the centre after traversing the strange world which he had entered in. Two great mechanical doors opened before them, opening like some strange otherworldly metal flower, showing the way across an immense bridge surrounded by black water. As he crossed he saw a large domed building, showing more signs of being a palace than part of the huge industrial workhouse which surrounded it. Its domes and spires stretched high into the great spherical orb which seemed to consist of this level of the machine. Surrounding the ornate bridge huge statues stood, each one consisting of an Alicorn in a different position, although with no clear details to it. As he trotted across he stared into the pitch black waters and wondered what it really was, beneath it all he could see some faint glowing lights, the same as he saw in the engines… in fact the lights seemed to be lined up in huge systematic lines, and the occasional violet lightning coursing across to the next through the waters.

Could it be some sort of conductive fluid?

In this case, was it that this was simply a very ornate reactor core for some strange unknown energy?

What it could be powering he had no idea, but he was determined to cross the bridge and find out what lay beyond. As he made his way across the long bridge, he realised that despite what he thought, the palace did not in fact stand at the edge of the sphere; it was directly in the middle. Furthermore the bridge was a lot more detailed than he had first assumed, covered in little figures of ponies, dragons, griffons and mules all involved in some form of work, occasionally at central points this would be broken off as the figures stood before three others, themselves bowed in reverence. He could not tell whether all the figures were Alicorns… only one was definitely winged and horned, but he felt that he did not have time for a closer examination.

Finally reaching the massive domed construct, he pulled a mechanical lever to the side and it began to slide open, lifted by a metal arm which raised it high up into the air. Trotting through he was stunned at the opulence of the place… it was fit for a king… or an emperor. The same wall pattern he had seen elsewhere was here, but in between dancing figures leaped, and the intensity of the detail was even more profound. Silk banners hung from the roof, and huge Saddle Arabian fineries and tables covered many portions of the various rooms. Everywhere there were books, but not the paper and ink kind. It seemed as if whoever had designed then had viewed durability as a primary necessity. Each book consisted of hard brass metal sheets, covered in a tiny esoteric scrawl that looked almost like a code of sorts in an unknown language, the same he had seen across those books carried by the strange half machine ponies he had encountered.

As he worked his way through the palace, he encountered a great metal stairway leading down deep into the belly of the palace. Curious he worked his way down, admiring the huge bronze lions which guarded a great gold door. As he lifted a hoof, he pushed it against one of the great arched doors and started when it opened easily.

As he walked in he gasped, before them a magical orb glowed brightly in the centre of the room.

It was the world, each continent, each ocean, each mountain, each desert, every grassland and each jungle, all in exquisite detail.

It was beautiful.

Behind it he saw a figure, and as he turned his head he realised who it was. Its stance was different and its horn was aglow with magical energies, but it was the same one from the dream before… it was the machine-like Alicorn. Once again it raised its eyes in a rapturous stupor and smiled at him in is strangely twisted way.

“Behold the Mundus.” It gestured “wondrous.”

Turning its eyes back to him, it smiled again, oil spilling over its chin, and spoke words which resonated throughout his mind, consuming all.

“हम मशीनों की आवाज कर रहे हैं.”


Scalpel blinked awake, temporarily stunned by a wave of information and dreamlike haze. He had been leaning back on a chair after his work on the second one, and must have gone into a doze and drifted off.

With the completion of his second project , he figured he’d give have a good shot for tonight’s work, with a little luck he’d be able to get both brains and brawn compared to Grunge’s singular brawn. Still, right now he had some ideas to write about, these dreams although peculiar provided a sudden good source if ideas and possibilities… he already had some planning to do with what he had seen, and even more detail on the Machine-Alicorn.

He must record this new information… although he did wonder where these dreams were coming from. Regardless, he thought it was about time to renew his contacts in Moon and Star and other territories, just to make sure they knew he was alive, but that could come afterwards.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Somewhere many miles away from where an alicorn and a Pegasus stood on a muddy but drying road, General Lighting Dust was given a letter. Angry and confused by recent events that had resulted in her cloud bed vanishing from underneath her while she was taking a brief nap in her office, all the letter did was clear up some of the confusion. Without a word and with a glare that could have caused the letter to burst into flames, General Dust sped off to have a word with the head of house Earthborn.


Torrential offered Star Dancer a small look; As if he was considering how to word his response correctly so that she would understand it. "What I wish to happen is for the one who ordered my attempted assassination to offer me a public apology and for me to be granted to wander the lands controlled by the Earthborn as freely as any other citizen. When those conditions are met, I shall end my drought happily and hopefully the only effects of this whole situation will be a few Pegasuses being awoken from their naps. What I expect to happen is for stubborn pride and an unwillingness to bow or admit to being wrong to a 'horned one' to cause this to drag on for the long haul; The growing death toll when the farm lands starts to bake and the water supplies run dry being what finally humbles them. I sent them a message that will ensure that they get my terms and the fact that they can end this at any time means that whatever happens after this point is on their heads, not mine."

Spying the approching figure on the road they were traveling, Torrential decided to wait for them to arrive in order to speak with them and see where they were heading. Having another traveling companion for a time would be quite enjoyable after all. "If ponies don't want to be ruled by alicorns and instead rule themselves, all power to them. I always felt that Celestia meddled in the affairs of ponies far to much and considering how things have gone since since she vanished I feel justified in saying I was correct. But heavy weighs the crown; To be in charge means that you represent not just yourself, but everyone who serves under your flag. For better or worse, the actions of one can affect the many. Besides, treating other ponies with mutual respect is a lesson that seems to have been forgotten since I was last here."

Keeping the approaching pony in his sight, Torrential would wait until they were relatively close before raising his hoof in a wave. "Greetings! What way are you heading?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sweeper waited for Summer to make a comment, she turned around and looked at Winterjet. Oh goodness, she looks soooooo adorable like that! thought the alicorn. She put on a big grin.

"You have a beautiful mane, Jet. It shines so wonderfully even without my presence… but you could use a bit of a trim…" she said tilting her head a bit, the sun gleaming off her scalp. "I'm quite the good beautician despite my lack of mane, after all."

All of sudden a rare moment had occurred - Sweeper had a logical thought. Wait… Jet seems more frightened than excited. Uh oh, if I worry her too much, Scroll's girlfriend might break up with him. Quick, I gotta do something!

Sweat had formed on the alicorn's scalp despite an attempt at a joviality. She closed her eyes and rubbed a hoof behind her head. "Ha ha ha, but since we only just met, let's wait on the beauty shop stuff. In fact, when Thea comes back, you can ask her about tips on manestyles. She's much better at that stuff than I would ever be." The alicorn turned back to Summer Winds, and tried to change the topic.

"Oh yes, this -" Sweeper indicated the braid , "- is what happens to anypony who dares to commit sacrilege. The leader of some bandits threatened me - she was lucky I didn't cast a spell to make it permeant."
The pegasus was a bit bewildered by Torrential's response. Dancer had expected something much more… fantastic? She had thought Torrential's action was part of a grand plan to accomplish his divine mission. After seeing the spell that left the Earthborn in a drought, the alicorn's demands seem almost mundane. His demands were nothing complex nor burdensome, but as simple as an apology and safe passage.

She wondered if Torrential was bring humble. Or that he was simply not playing around, straight to the point and as brutal as a sledgehammer. Dancer began to shiver at the thought. Though, It wasn't an like Torrnetial's retribution was unwarranted. Already, the Scholar was angry that anypony would have the gall to commit such sacrilege. If a pony tied to frag me, I'd be furious as well, she thought. But to do it to Torrential?! I would have called for the plague to fall upon them.

"A just punishment, though I do feel for those of innocent Earthborn caught up in this," Dancer said. "But you do speak the truth. A harsh education, yet it may be the only way the Earthborn will learn. And they are a strong folk and can bear much suffering. Perhaps they can survive the pride of Applejack." Despite this, her heart sank a bit. Justified or not, a punishment was not something to be enjoyed.

Dancer's thoughts were interrupted by Torrential's hail. In the distance she saw a white pegasus flying low. But something was wrong. For one thing, the newcomer didn't reply. Second, the flyer's path was rather wobbling. And finally, the traveller landed fast several meters away, collapsing face first in the mud, and continued to slide for another meter or so.

Snow Tail lay in the muck for several moments, eyes spinning, mane soiled, and clearly confused. "Ahhhh, Patty did we have to go on the Tilt-a-whril?" she said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

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She didn't understand. How had his words and actions affected her so much? She, the embodiment of survival instinct, and brutality that only the most ferocious predators know of? She was supposed to be unshakable. A force to be reckoned with, to be feared.

And to think that it was shattered so easily. She almost laughed out loud at the thought. It was pathetic, really. She knew she wasn't broken or shattered, but she still couldn't shake the feeling that she had been hurt in ways that she had never before been. But, she had to wonder, what if the problem was herself? It wasn't normally a question that her pride would allow her to consider, but in the light of Arcon's reaction... she had to wonder.

She raised her head as Crashing spread a wing across her back. At first her eyes were vacant and just stared at the darkness hidden in the depths of the lake. After a few moments of silence, however, she spoke up in a quiet voice.

"Get treated like a dumb beast for long enough, and you start acting like one." She looked to the side, at Crashing, and smiled sadly. "It should come as no surprise that you know of how I am when it comes to ponies, mortal or not, who have... caught my interest. If I set my eyes on something I hunt it, either to kill or to make it so that neither they nor I can walk the next day." Her sad smile briefly morphed into a smirk. "If I recall, you fell into the latter a few times."

The smirk gone, she looked out across the water again, staring at nothing in particular. "Most of our fellow Godlings just played it off, however. Brushed it off as me being me, the Goddess of Fertility being a mischievous tease that wanted nothing more than to get a reaction from them... I'm wondering, is it possible that that is what I have become?"
Winterjet took a step back, then another, and another, as Sweeper approached her... Or that's what she thought. In the midst of her fear of losing her mane, it felt as if Sweeper was closing in on her constantly, getting bigger and bigger and more and more frightening.

While she may be a tomboy and brash, to say the least, she was still very much a mare and was proud of it. And being a mare, it was important to have a mane and tail of, at least, decent length. Which meant that having a short mane was a mare was a no-no. Something she had given her father quite the grief about (a good soldier has a short mane and tail to avoid a opponent grabbing onto it!).

But even as she thought she was going to have to tear the eccentric alicorn a new one for cutting off her mane, said alicorn backed off. Not only that, but she seemed somewhat regretful, and possibly ashamed. Relief washed through her, though she didn't let down her guard, nor did she avert her gaze from Silver Sweeper.

God or not, if you touch my mane I will end you!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Torrential watched as the new traveler flew towards them... before landing face first into the mud and sliding along for about a meter or so. Walking towards the downed pegasus, he examined her for a moment to see if there were any clear signs of injury before asking "Are you feeling alright Ms? You just took a bit of a nasty fall. How many hooves can you see?" The last question was combined with him holding a hoof out so that the downed woman could see it.

While his attention was clearly on the possible injuried pony, he did glance quickly over to Star Dancer as he asked "Do you have any medical training?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Snow Tail eyes seemed to focus as a shadow descended upon her. When the world appear to finally steady, she beheld a titian of a pony standing above her. He was clad in a coat and hat, his eyes seemed to be concerned for her. For some reason they reminded her of a friend.

"Oh hi Patty," she said. "How are did you get here?" But the sight of an orange and golden mane pegasus was soon replaced with the visage of Torrential.

She heard another voice, younger and female. "I have some First Aid experience, but I'm not a nurse or anything."

"Oh yeah, I fell…", muttered the mercenary. All she recalled was that she decided to head up into the sky for a better vantage point. Then there was a blinding orange light, a fall into a corkscrew, and then the ground. "Let me see… legs, tail, hooves, head, wings…" as she said these, Tail moved the corresponding parts a bit. "Eh, nothing broken, I think… 'cept my ass."

"Hold still," said the other girl. She came into view, a pegasus mare clad in a Scholar's cloak. Dancer began to scan the fallen Tail with a keen eye. She noted the sheathed wingblades and the leather gauntlets. She silently indicated them to Torrential, just to warn him. Under her weathered coat and saddlebags was chain mail designed for pegasi. It was unadorned but for a single patch on the peytral - it was a crest of a falcon with a hammer and sword.

"A mercenary, but I don't know which unit…" said Dancer. ", and much to my surprise you're not injured seriously beyond some bruising."

"Of course, it's not the first time I haven't fallen in the sky. After the first couple crashes, a learned how to land properly," she grinned. "In a battle, one afford to be seriously hurt." Her wits began to return, and then Tail recognized who she was talking to. "You wouldn't happen to be Star Dancer, Master Scholar?"

Dancer looked alert and took a step back. "Who wants to know?"

"Well, Gildenstern and Dean Iron Spoke, for one. 'Even beauty would seem to have a power of its own. Does this apply to triangularity?', " said the trooper. She stood up a bit wearily.

Dancer relaxed and replied, " 'Perhaps, after all, it is not a power we must consider, but a disposition… Rough and smooth, tenuous and dense may rightly be classed as qualities' "

"So you are Star Dancer," said Tail. "Though your order needs to find a better way of using passphrases. Ponytinus may not be as read as much these days, but it's not like he's forgotten."

Dancer then nodded, "And you're a messenger from the Director, as you answered the passphrase properly. I'm surprised you know of the philosopher. Didn't think soldiers would care for it."

"My boss' mother was a professor, and she tends to quote the stuff. Out of curiosity, I read up on some of them. Not as much as I like, but enough to know the major classics." She dropped the saddlebag. "Name's Snow Tail, Lieutenant, Joy's Legion. Take my wingblades so I can remove my coat and armor. You're not going to examine me well with them on. And who is this gentlestallion?"
Scroll was a bit worried in how Sweeper and Winterjet were getting along. Namely that the pegasus was clearly didn't want to, while the alicorn was trying too hard. He grimaced at Sweeper being too keen on giving Winterjet a haircut. He knew the Lady's abilities - she had turned the worse manes into works of art. But ponies, mares and stallions alike, tended to be sensitive about their manes. And he could only guess that poor 'Jet was frightened by the idea.

But Sweeper took a step back, and the Scholar relaxed. Crisis averted , he thought. Though… I think i'd let Winterjet cool off, or at least until her doom stare settles down. He liked the pegasus, though only as a friend. Romance was not on his mind right now - that was focused back on Arcon and Amiferia. He awaited their questions.

Meanwhile, Sweeper began to stare and examine Summer Winds. "Oh my… your armor needs work. Hold still while I work on the barding," Setting down the braid, the alicorn worked her restorative magic on the armor. Metal began to shine brightly again, edges began to become restored, and scratches began to fade. Soon it was like new.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Stepping back a little to make room, Torrential allowed Star Dancer the chance to shine as she started to examine and speak with the mare who would later introduce herself as Snow Tail. While he didn't say anything or jump into the conversation, there was a somewhat proud smile on his face as he watched the interaction taking place. It wasn't until Snow Tail inquired as to who he was that he decided to step into the conversation... with a somewhat amused grin on his face. "While I am glad to see that you appear to have escaped your fall seemingly without injury, I'm afraid I owe you an apology Ms Tail. It would appear that at some point in the past I was introduced to you by the name of 'Patty' but I don't seem to remember you and for that I apologize."

Reaching a hoof up to raise his hat as he bowed his head to the mercenary, the tall cloaked pony showed off his horn briefly as he said "My full name is Torrential Waters, but I would be honored if you called me Torrential Ms Tail. I'm not at all sure where the nickname 'Patty' came from or how long it has been following me around but weirder things have happened. But I suspect that since it appears that you are employed by the same ponies that employ Ms Dancer here, you have a message either for her or for me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Dancer took the weapons from her wings, allowing Snow Tail to remove the coat and armor. "Hold these gauntlets on the open end, and never touch the hoof end," said Tail as she lay the armor on the ground.

"Why," asked Dancer.

"Because those gauntlets are a special weapon, and I don't want you to injure yourself on accident."

Soon the mercenary stood in the bright sun bereft of any clothing. She wasn't embarrassed, but she did feel a bit nude - A solider without armor tended to feel that way. "Kind of nice, though, to finally feel the wind," she said to herself. The Scholar set the weapons and belongings on the coat, which was on the driest spot nearby. Dancer continued her examination, noting a few bruises and scrapes on the legs and wings. But all seemed well. Torrential introduced himself.

Meanwhile, Tail face began to blush when Torrential mentioned Patty. "No apology necessary - my mind was a bit dazed. For a moment I thought you were a good friend of mine. Your eyes they remind me of him," she said. Dancer smiled at Torrential's manners. A true gentlepony if there ever was one she thought.

But when Tail saw his horn, she became fearful. But it was not fear of some enemy, but the fear of obedience that took her. And the anxiety of dealing with a force beyond her power. She bowed down into the mud, an act Tail would have avoided any other moment. "You're of the Lady's kin!", she said.

Dancer was rather surprised at the remark, trying to figure out what Tail was here for. But then the mercenary began to speak: "Oh great one, I and my company has sworn fealty to Sliver Sweeper, Chambermaid of the Third Verse. She of the azure tail, the grey coat that shines due to her power, and the mark of four gold rings. With our lives will serve the Lady in her endeavors."

The Oath! It's the similar to the one I swore the day I was received her blessing , thought Dancer.

Tail continued. "In addition, we took an oath to aid the Lady Sweeper's kin when called for. We shall not take up arms, nor allow any harm to come to the alicorns. We are yours to command. This we have sworn." There was some silence, before Tail raised her head up to look into Torrential's eyes. "I guess that sort of answers your question, Lord Torrential. I don't normally work with the Scholars, but I answer to the same big boss Star Dancer does."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Crashing Wave listened intently to his sibling; he had a feeling that she had suffered a blow to her pride by someone close to her, one of their kin perhaps. He knew she was strong, stronger than most if he had to be honest and in some ways than he but she regarded the words of their kin very highly.

Once she finished he chuckled lightly,” As I recall lass more often than not ye were more impaired than I.” His voice softened,” But I get what ye comin’ form. “He looked out at the water.” An’ ye ain’t a tease that’s fer sure. Take it from th’ one who coined th’ term brutally ‘onest, well save fer th’ Spirit o’ Truth, “Crashing grimaced, “Right cruel bastard if ye ask me but none th’ less ye ain’t a tease.” He craned his neck so he looked right into Thea’s eyes. “Ye just see what ye like an’ go fer it. That’s yer nature lass plain an’ simple an’ if’n anyone ‘as a problem with it,” he unsheathed a scimitar,” I’ll give em what fer.”

He sheathed his blade and tightened his wing around the lithe alicorn,” Now then lass what say we ‘ave a ‘unt fer ole time’s sake aye?”
Grimwing laughed followed shortly by the other pirates,” That’s alright mate. Ye caught on right enough.” He gave the unicorn a playful jab in the ribs,” Though we did ‘ave ta spell it out fer ye.” He hoisted a sack onto his back,” Come one th’ market awaits let’s see what we can get fer these ‘ere trinkets.” The Pegasus trotted forward with a grin on his face and a shanty humming in his throat.
’Quite the mess,’ Astral carefully walked across the stained rug of the old house he had been able to track down. The house looked as though somepony had ransacked it several times. Glass shards littered the floor and what looked to be blood satins marked the white wood walls and tarnished mahogany floor. This had once been a beautiful and cared for home now it was a din for rats and other vermin.

The cyan unicorn made his way up the old stairs and quickly located the master bedroom. It looked the same as the rest of the house, ransacked and possibly looted. Astral lit his horn up and closed his eyes, searching for anything out of the ordinary. With a snort he stopped his astral eye spell. He more than likely left in a hurry,’ Astral’s expression became pensive. Then he noticed something shine in the corner. Curious he walked toward it, noticing that the corner of the rug was pealed back slightly. Astral pulled it back, revealing a safe what looked to be made of a shining metal.

He put a hoof on but recoiled when it seared his flesh,’Bloody hell.’ Despite the pain, he smirked,’Clever old friend.’. His horn lit up as he worked to unlock the box. It held no lock, nor a handle. This safe would only open to a series of spells. After a moment of focus there was a click and the door popped open. Inside a small notebook sat. With all the caution in the world Astral picked the notebook up, inside was a jumble of letters and numbers. To a plebian this would make no sense but to a trained eye it made perfect sense. Astral snapped the book shut and made his way to the door. He had a code to decipher.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Charter was rather surprised at Grimwing's reaction, that the pegasus did not seem to notice the unicorn's comment about meeting an alicorn. In general, the Scholar didn't tell anypony about that, especially in the Moon and Stars. It was a good way for the Inquisitors to take you in for questioning. He didn't tell the crew for the reason that he didn't want to worry them. After a big shock, they might think he was mad.

Perhaps you already are

Besides, who was going to believe that a bald alicorn mare had given him, a lowly journeycolt, her blessing?

In any case, Charter placed a sack of goods on his back, and followed Grimwing down to the Market. He marveled at the sea pony's city, and was curious about what they sold. 'The ocean holds great riches', said mom. What do the sea ponies have for wares? Exotic creatures of the deep? Shells and corals that no pony could reach? Or perhaps magic not seen above the waters? Grimwing's song seemed very appropriate for the cavernous city, it's echo enhancing the weighty history of the place.

But the calm was shattered when the Scholar noticed a shadow at the corner of his eye. He stopped and turned around, but found nothing at first. But in the shadow of an alley, he saw The Face again. Gasping, he stepped back, but the sight was gone. Shaking his head, Charter continued to follow the sailors to the market.

"Hey Grimwing, when we get done, I need to tell you something," he said. "It's about Lord Wave, and his sister Sliver Sweeper."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

"I see..." was all Torrential said as he lowered his hat back onto his head, a look of deep thought crossing his eyes as he physically looked down at the solder that had been kneeling in the mud before him. He didn't ask her to, nor did he ask her to stop for a moment as he thought...

Nodding his head as Snow Tail finished, he simply said "You can get up now. While normally I would not require the services of one in your line of work, recent events and plans have seen to it that your arrival is quite timely." Bending his knees a little, he knelt down so that his body was more level with the height of the smaller ponies, a professional look on his face as he requested "You might wish to hope on my back. Recent actions mean that it would be a fairly good idea to get out of Earthborn's turf for a time and the sooner we do this, the better for all concerned. I don't know how long you've been flying to catch up with us, so this would be a good time for you to get some rest."

Turning his gaze towards Star Dancer, he grinned a little as he asked "Feel free to hope on as well. When are you ever going to get the chance to say that a handsome alicorn took for you for a ride for a few hours." in a voice that was just that little bit [i]to[/i[ innocent to be innocent but not enough so that you could call him on it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

At Torrential word, Snow Tail rose up, shocked that the alicorn was now offering her a ride. She came to serve him, yet Torrential was the one who wished to help. It was rare for the master to help those clearly below him. "Thank you, Lord Waters," Tail said. She was about to object, but her body soreness stopped her. "You are quite right, my wings are sore after such a long travel. Though I am rather surprised that you're still in this land, considering recent events. We should continue our business later."

Tail turned to Star Dancer when Torrential was finished speaking. The mercenary had a cat-like grin and a sneaky look to her eyes at the Scholar. "How lucky," Tail said to Dancer, who was now blushing. For several moments, Dancer was speechless. Up to now, she had seen the alicorn akin to a father figure. Her time at the University she had a number of mentors like that. But Torrential's words brought a new dimension to their friendship. She could't tell if it was romance or playfulness, like close friends making jokes with each other. It was rather bewildering, a juxtaposition that was unexpected.

After a bit, she finally smiled. "Of course, thanks Lord of the Rains," she said.

Meanwhile, Snow Tail had put her armor, coat, and saddlebags back on. "Hey, do you how to use these?", she said to Dancer, indicating the wing blades on the ground.

"No, never welded one in my life. Why?", said the Scholar.

"Because you're going to hold onto them. If I'm going to be on Master Rain, I'm not going to be armed."

"You don't have to do that."

Tail shook her head. "We just meet, and if I was in your horseshoes, I wouldn't let any newbie with any weapons ready," Tail placed the blades on Dancer's wings. "They're already sheathed, so your should be fine. Just hold onto them until we get to wherever where going."

"What about those gauntlets?"

"In my saddlebag. Can't be used unless my hooves are in them." Tail then floated on to Torrential's back. Dancer likewise, landing close to the alicorn's mane and on his rather soft coat. it was cool and refreshing, like the rains that Torrential commanded. Yet it was not soaked, having been dried by the now open sun.

A thought occurred to Dancer. "Um… Rain, my friend Bright Scroll told me something. The Lady tends to have him accompany her on these trips. He said, well, that the flight is quite rapid. Should we be prepared in some way?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

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Theá sat silent as she listened to Crashing's words, heavy with a sailor's accent as they were, and felt a small smile bloom on her lips. While she did feel a few strokes along her ego, what really caught her attention was something so simply and so pure that she could feel it lift her mood immediately; acknowledgement. Relief washed through her, and she knew, almost as soon as he had spoken the words, that he was right. She wasn't the dumb animal she had believed herself to be, she wasn't the tease that simply wanted to get a reaction out of others when she acted on impulses that weren't a hunter's trademark bloodlust.

She cocked her head to the side, suddenly confused. If it wasn't to simply get a reaction out of Arcon, then why? The answer came to her in an instant. She already knew why, it was exactly as Crashing had said: She saw something she liked and went for it. So that means I like Arcon? A faint chuckle escaped her. Guess it's no surprise, though. He's powerful, but kind, if a little stiff.

"Thank you, Crashing," she said, looking up at him with the smile still visible on her lips. "I believe I needed that; being told that I am not some 'dumb animal', after all." She closed her eyes briefly and turned her head to the sky, opening them again. "As for the Spirit of Truth. We know that Harmony died when Discord attacked him in eons past. Discord showed us that a Nightmare is possible even for those of the First Verse. Is it possible... Is it possible that this Spirit of Truth, twisted and corrupted as it is, is a fraction of Harmony's Nightmare? Created in the wake of his abominable war?" Her face turned to his, deep blue eyes searching what lay behind those bright green orbs of his.

She studied him for a few moments, neither hearing nor caring what his response were. Such thoughts were for later, she decided. Instead, she thought about what else he had said, and something stuck out. Or rather, it confused her. "What do you mean by 'unt'," she said, trying her best to mimic his accent, one eyebrow raised in inquiry, a somewhat devious smile soon replacing the confused expression. "Were you asking me for a roll in the hay?"

"No." He shook his head. "'Unt & th' chase. Yer speciality, Lass."

And just like that, it clicked. She, too, shook her head, but more in amusement than anything. "Very well. Sea, land or air? I believe the the forest will prove a fair middle ground for us both. Will that be acceptable?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

'Lord Wave?' Grimwing gave the unicorn a curious look before shrugging;’ Captain never did care much fer titles but oh well.’ A stand caught his eye and he gave it an eyeing. Shells of every color, shape and sheen hung form sliver threads, each with archaic runes carved into them. The sea pony manning them gazed forward with pupil less eyes. A shiver went down Grim’s spine. ‘A Deepwalker best move along.’ Anything one of these fanatics sold was bound to be trouble. Grimwing found their destination, listening to the rabble around them as he and Charter weaved through the crowds. A pair of gorgeous sea mares winked at him from the street side. The Pegasus grinned and tipped his hat at the mares, earning him a giggle form the pair. With a satisfied smirk and the possibility of some moonlit company squared in his future he opened the door to an old stone monolith.

Weapons hung from walls, fruit of all manners were stacked high in barrels, and antiquities were placed in a chaotic manner on the tables that were spread across the large arching room. Grimwing pulled his sack off his back and took a deep breath,” Oi Drachma ye crusty ole Sea ‘ag where ye be!?”

A crash echoed through the shop from one of the back rooms. ” Whoever that is better have a damn good reason for interrupting my nap.” The reply was from a surprisingly cultured and melodious voice. Then a forest green sea mare with a set of sky blue stripes running down her back walked, or rather stumbled out into the main room. Despite the dark circles that hung under her eyes and the ruinous state her mane was in she was quite easy on the eyes.

The smell of strong drink wafted into Grimwing’s nose. Grimwing shook his head but his smile never left his muzzle. When she saw the pegasus she groaned,” By the moon what in Tartarus do you want?”

“That’s quite the way to treat a potential customer.”

“Well this customer woke me up so don’t expect me to trot up and kiss your hooves.”

“Ye do realize its well past noon right lass?”

“What part of I don’t care will you never get,” she hissed and gingerly touched a hoof to her forehead,” Goddesses my head. That is the last time I drink two casks of Urchin wine.” That was when she noticed the other unicorn but this one didn’t look like the usual rabble that Grim associated himself with. [/i]He’s kinda cute too.’[/i] Drachma straightened out her mane with practiced ease and sidled up to Charter with the speed and poise of a fox. A seductive grin crossed her muzzle. “Well, well what have we here,” she purred, flicking his chin with a hoof and brushing the side of his face with a delicate fin,” What’s a handsome Nightmare like you doing in the company of a brute such as this?”

Crashing pulled his bag over his shoulder and stood up. His wings twitched at his sides,” Land be th’ place sides I’m right starving’ fer some deer.” Unbidden a strand of saliva traveled down the alicorn’s chin at the prospect of a fresh kill, his mind starting to focus on that prospect alone.

Crashing’s ears perked, ready to receive the slightest rustle of leaves or breathe of another beast. His eyes scanned the brush as he temporarily forgot Thea was even there, his hunger so great primal need was beginning to take over. A slight movement in bush caught Crashing’s attention and a low guttural rumble echoed from his throat. The alicorn crouched; his lips curling back to reveal ready razor sharp teeth. A single bright green eye focused on Thea and his voice came out a hiss,” Well lass shall we?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Charter wondered about Grimwing's response. Again, no outright surprise. Did he already know of the Lady Sweeper? If so, why did he mention it? As they approached the Market the unicorn saw how busy it was. Grimwing was looking at one merchant, at first interested but suddenly wanted to move pass. Charter could see why. Even as unusual as those eyes were, it was the glare of a zealot, one that any pony living in the Moon and Stars often experienced.

Maybe Grimwing didn't want to discuss the matter of the Alicorns on this open street , thought Charter. He frowned at the thought. The ecstatic feeling of meeting the sea ponies was so great, he did not think of the potential dangers. Everywhere there was bound to be open ear of somepony listening. Wither it be some bored wife or a spy, rumor could spread fast. Ack, I should know better than blabbe about such secrets

The unicorn looked at the wares of the various stalls - he noted the rune-bounded shells of the fanatic. Another stall was selling something called "Sea Cucumbers" - but it looked nothing like the vegetable. In fact, the way it moved around in the bowls it swore it was an animal. Some sold art, but instead of canvas and paper, many where made of materials of the sea. Coral mosaics, sculptures made from strange animal bones, and even assemblage from recovered wrecks. What paintings he saw seemed to made of colored wax.

Encaustic. Vast told me about that form of painting. The ancient Roamians used it long ago. I wonder how well the wax survives under the depths?

What facisnated Charter the most was how similar the market seemed to it's land counterparts. He imagined ages of isolation would have created a unique, perhaps utterly alien culture. But the sea ponies seemed to behave like their land brethren. Children played in the streets, merchants trying to attract attention and bargain with each other. Here are there a mysterious figure was in the crowd - a street ear? Or a just a pickpocket? The unicorn was glad he left his possessions on the ship.

Grimwing headed into what Charter could only assume was a store. It's wares were numerous and wide ranging. Is this a warehouse? Or is did the proprietor decide to diversity her goods? But his thoughts went elsewhere at the sight of Drachma. Despite the clear reek of ale, the mare was the second most beautiful being he saw. Only Sunpearl rivaled her.

If only her demeanor only matched her looks thought Charter with some disappointment. And I thought Vast was the only mare who got that drunk.

As if hearing his thoughts, Drachma perked up, tidied up, and suddenly whispering in Charter's ear. Her touch was gentle, and despite how fish-like the fin looked it was as soft as any mane. Unlike his superiors, the unicorn was no stranger to romance. Granted his previous attempts didn't work out, but not because of a lack of inexperience.

He put on a gentle smile and gave a courteous bow, "My lady, I am Charter Vista of the Scholarship. By chance and fate I am one of the ship's crew, currently serving under Master Grimwing," he said. He took the hoof gently in his hand as if to kiss it, but instead gave a polite nod instead. Got slapped in the face for kissing the hoof that the last time , he thought. "It is my pleasure to be in your presence. May I ask your name?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

“Hmm such a gentlecolt,” Drachma purred.

“Ahem,” Grimwing coughed into his hoof,” I believe lass I’ve a transaction to make.”

Drachma slowly turned to him, a dark glare leveled at him. With a snort she swiveled on her hoof. She gave Charter a flick on his nose with her tail and winked at him,” Don’t go anywhere honey I’ll be right back.” She sent a quick icy glare Grim’s way before trotting off grumbling. Girmwing had to admit the unicorn could handle himself with the mares but something important needed to be corrected.

Once she was in the next room Grimwing turned on Charter quick as a viper and slammed him up against the wall. A rusty shiv popped out of a hidden compartment on his wing, the tip pressing against the unicorn’s throat.

“Are ye tryin’ ta get us killed mate?” Grimwing hissed,” Even mentionin’ Captain’s kin in the streets will get ye on the sharp end of a trident and that’s fer th’ first offence. If these sea ponies found out ye were one of their acolytes they’d rip yer insides out an’ feed ta ye and us along wit ye.”
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