When the dragon finally awakens...

Mathrim said
China!Accept your Bulgarian overlord, and gib a concession port. Pretty please. Or else, well... You'll see what happens!
nachopontmercy said
Hi! I am a WIR-player and GM in another games from the Paradox forums (Hi, folks!) and would like to be added to the waiting list to try this new nation-game experience.Anyways, good luck with this new adventure!
Pepperm1nts said
Austria didn't send anyone IRL, I don't think. I think they provided some aid, but didn't commit soldiers. That said, I don't know what I'll do.
On 30 May the diplomats, led by British Minister Claude Maxwell MacDonald, requested that foreign soldiers come to Beijing to defend the legations. The Chinese government reluctantly acquiesced, and the next day an international force of 435 navy troops from eight countries (75 French, 75 Russian, 75 British, 60 U.S., 50 German, 40 Italian, 30 Japanese, 30 Austrian) disembarked from warships and traveled by train from Dagu (Taku) to Beijing. They set up defensive perimeters around their respective missions.
Rare said
What is your username on Paradox Forum? Also, I'm still and making posts, but I must do my homework as school work is more important than RPs
Mathrim said
Nacho, your avatar is disgusting. That's provocation :/Bulgaria will send 20.00 men! Great Polandball, too.