Name: He kept changin' it...then he forgot cuz he couldn't keep track.
Alias: The DealBreaker/Broker
Nicknames: The Broker; Bro; Broken; Bree.
Age: Between 35 and 40 years of age.
Species: 3/4ths Human, 1/4th angel, 100% Chimeric badass.
Relations: His younger sister, Anastaesia.
Alternate Appearance Info: The Broker stands at roughly 5'10 and weighs a bit more than is normal for his height, though most of it is lean muscle, there is a bit of barely noticeable fat here and there. His gear of course weighs him down a good amount more, but he manages regardless.
Reference 1
Reference 2
General Activity - DealBroker: Bree is a broker of deals, he's an informant, and he's a wanderer. He is infamous, and famously, known for breaking, and making, a variety of deals with a variety of clients. He works on a need to know basis, and is highly unpredictable...but reliable when he feels like it. While that'd seem to directly contradict the concept of reliability, it doesn't, as his skillset and track record make him one of the best, if not the best, in his line of work. It should be noted that he makes three types of 'deals'. It should be noted that the Broker has small bases in all the major cities, including Echetus. He of course keeps his angelic origins secret, and makes deals with even Judas' faction.
Deals: Can be made and broken, are sealed only by one's own word and an agreement of sort. These can really entail anything, but when making these one should know that they are completely subjective and debatable between the Broker's many personalities. This means that any one of them can and will have different ways of achieving, or sabotaging, any given deal according to their own wishes.
Binds: These are deals which he binds either himself or his client to via the Art of Athriohm applied in a way that is not typically used. These are not entirely subjective, but are not entirely objective either in terms of his personalities and their meaning. However, since these deals are written out they can be worded in such a way as to not give his personalities any wiggle room. Still, one has to be almost as careful with these, as if you write them wrong...you could end up in a ditch somewhere, making love to an elephant on a tricycle.
Promises: These deals have been agreed on between all of his personalities mutually in some fashion and as such will be fulfilled, regardless of the methods --unless it has been stated what methods must be used-- and as such are considerably less subjective than the two previous types of deal. Broker never breaks his promises, but he also almost never makes them. They are a rare commodity and if they are made, you better be careful what you're asking for...because the Broker always pays his dues.
(what they do with their days? Do they have a duty or job? Are they wanderers? This entry, by no means, limits your character, but it would be considered your character's MO; modus operandi; general way of doing things)
Personality: That's a rather difficult question to be answerin'. Regardless, I'll try my hand in explainin' a thing or two 'bout me. First rule, don't cross me, second rule, don't listen to the first rule because that'd be pretty obscene. What? You don't believe me, well I guess that's pretty warranted considerin'. I mean I ain't exactly a simple guy, and calling me easy ta understand'd be the fraud of the century, don'tcha think?
Don't answer that. Second, no it was third, rule to note, s'that ya ain't never to make a deal with the devil. You still readin'? I hope so, cuz these're some seriously true facts.
Anyways, rule ninety six.
What? How'd we get to ninety six?
C'mon, didja forget, the rules are on a needtaknow basis, and trust me ya don't need to know.
Biography: To be revealed.
It should be noted that he's been in the business for at least 20 years, though it could be a bit longer. Hard to know since his definite age isn't quite known either.
Alias: The DealBreaker/Broker
Nicknames: The Broker; Bro; Broken; Bree.
Age: Between 35 and 40 years of age.
Species: 3/4ths Human, 1/4th angel, 100% Chimeric badass.
Relations: His younger sister, Anastaesia.
Alternate Appearance Info: The Broker stands at roughly 5'10 and weighs a bit more than is normal for his height, though most of it is lean muscle, there is a bit of barely noticeable fat here and there. His gear of course weighs him down a good amount more, but he manages regardless.
Reference 1
Reference 2
General Activity - DealBroker: Bree is a broker of deals, he's an informant, and he's a wanderer. He is infamous, and famously, known for breaking, and making, a variety of deals with a variety of clients. He works on a need to know basis, and is highly unpredictable...but reliable when he feels like it. While that'd seem to directly contradict the concept of reliability, it doesn't, as his skillset and track record make him one of the best, if not the best, in his line of work. It should be noted that he makes three types of 'deals'. It should be noted that the Broker has small bases in all the major cities, including Echetus. He of course keeps his angelic origins secret, and makes deals with even Judas' faction.
Deals: Can be made and broken, are sealed only by one's own word and an agreement of sort. These can really entail anything, but when making these one should know that they are completely subjective and debatable between the Broker's many personalities. This means that any one of them can and will have different ways of achieving, or sabotaging, any given deal according to their own wishes.
Binds: These are deals which he binds either himself or his client to via the Art of Athriohm applied in a way that is not typically used. These are not entirely subjective, but are not entirely objective either in terms of his personalities and their meaning. However, since these deals are written out they can be worded in such a way as to not give his personalities any wiggle room. Still, one has to be almost as careful with these, as if you write them wrong...you could end up in a ditch somewhere, making love to an elephant on a tricycle.
Promises: These deals have been agreed on between all of his personalities mutually in some fashion and as such will be fulfilled, regardless of the methods --unless it has been stated what methods must be used-- and as such are considerably less subjective than the two previous types of deal. Broker never breaks his promises, but he also almost never makes them. They are a rare commodity and if they are made, you better be careful what you're asking for...because the Broker always pays his dues.
(what they do with their days? Do they have a duty or job? Are they wanderers? This entry, by no means, limits your character, but it would be considered your character's MO; modus operandi; general way of doing things)
Personality: That's a rather difficult question to be answerin'. Regardless, I'll try my hand in explainin' a thing or two 'bout me. First rule, don't cross me, second rule, don't listen to the first rule because that'd be pretty obscene. What? You don't believe me, well I guess that's pretty warranted considerin'. I mean I ain't exactly a simple guy, and calling me easy ta understand'd be the fraud of the century, don'tcha think?
Don't answer that. Second, no it was third, rule to note, s'that ya ain't never to make a deal with the devil. You still readin'? I hope so, cuz these're some seriously true facts.
Anyways, rule ninety six.
What? How'd we get to ninety six?
C'mon, didja forget, the rules are on a needtaknow basis, and trust me ya don't need to know.
Biography: To be revealed.
It should be noted that he's been in the business for at least 20 years, though it could be a bit longer. Hard to know since his definite age isn't quite known either.
Dustkickers: These heavy duty boots have small compartments in them, allowing its user to kick up 'black dust,' otherwise known as gunpowder. These boots have a thin metal lining too, as well as running spikes reminiscent of track shoes to allow for a high level of traction. He has enchanted these boots slightly using the Art, so as to make them lighter, but only to him, so he can move with less restriction than would normally be allowed but still dish out a good asskicking.
Dustproof: This particular portion of his garb, his Duster, has gained its name from the fact that he continually adds enchantments to it and it has hit the point where the Duster itself is immune to most things with the exception of getting dusty. It can shield him somewhat from things like heat and slashing attacks, not mentioning its ability to contain air, allowing him to close it around his head to give him a very limited air supply in areas where he'd otherwise be unable to breath. While the Duster itself is pretty much invulnerable, being mostly capable of blocking piercing attacks, not to mention elemental assaults, it in no way protects him from the force behind these blows. This is why he will tend to get bruising and broken bones, rather than getting stabbed, burned or drowned. Crushing attacks are particularly dangerous to him for this exact reason. It should be noted that this duster is not actually invulnerable as it does take some of his own energy, and the energy from the environment, to fuel its various enchantments. He has stated, to Anastaesia, that it can only last so long in any given conflict if he doesn't want to exhaust himself just to keep its effects active.
Silverchains: These twin Colt 1911's, aka M1911's, are named as such due to both their silver coloration and because of their unique enchantments. The 'chain' part of their name comes from the fact that at the base of each pistol's grip --on the bottom part that'd normally face the ground when firing straight ahead-- is a small sigil. These sigils, which are on the aforementioned portion of each handgun, can be activated by a small influx of essence, allowing chains to spawn from within them and connect the two pistols.This chain, or rather the silver utilized to make it, is stored within the sigils themselves. There is a decent amount of silver, in fact there is enough silver within the sigils to create a twenty two foot chain that connects the two weapons. This chain is extremely sharp to enemies, but completely dull to allies. How it differentiates between the two is a mystery. Other than this, there is a small secondary “trigger” on each gun. This trigger is more of a “button” mechanism that has been enchanted so as to link to the opposite pistol. This allows the Broker to fire a pistol without actually touching it, as long as he is touching its twin. This is particularly useful when he is using the chain.
Black Beauties: With enough power to do a significant amount of damage wherever it hits, the Black Beauties can teleport to one another, as there are small sigils on his finger tips which allows this. The sad part about this is that the Broker must be somewhat aware of the position or location that the guns are for him to summon them to him. Otherwise they can randomly appear in different locations, or he'll accidentally summon “similar” energies to himself rather than the guns themselves. Additionally, the golden markings on the Black Beauties allow the guns to fire not only normal ammo, but to fire essence as well. In fact, the guns have been modified so that the portion of the gun directly corresponding with the hole in the barrel, but located on the rear-facing portion of the weapon, can fold open to pull essence, or the like, into the gun to be fired through the barrel. Last, but not least, the Black Beauties gain their color not from a natural metal, but from being continually exposed to demonic essence. This makes them not only more durable and sturdy, but also means that, should he have to fight one of the other races, he can damage each of them in unique ways. The Black Beauties transfer some of this demonic energy into the bullets, making these pistols particularly effective against angels.
Impression Sheathes: These gloves, though they are more like a strange kind of fingerless leather gauntlets, have had the very surface of their forms altered so that they can shift shape somewhat, though to a very limited degree. As such, the gloves can cover his fingers completely if needed, in addition to the fact that he can overlay sigils onto their form and the fabric will remember the sigils for later use.
Volgaris: Volgaris is a hat, a plain, but stylish, stetman hat that happens to be the Broker's favorite. It is the one item on his person that isn't enchanted to be useful in battle. Its sole enchantment has something to do with augmenting itself with absolutely insane levels of good luck. Considering the fact that Broker has been in numerous situations where it could've been lost destroyed or damaged, yet against insurmountable odds it remains in perfect condition, as such Bree assumes that its enchantment is working, but he's still not quite sure....
RedShine: A weapon that might as well be composed of enchantments, RedShine is made of a metal that was crafted through the use of the Art. This metal has a mixture of properties, giving it the sturdiness of steel and iron, but the conductivity and anti-demon properties of silver. The properties of the elastic rapier, and the hard piercing longsword have both been augmented into this blade and can be switched on and off by altering the pressure being placed on the grip of the blade. To increase the blade's elasticity the pressure must be light, to decrease the elasticity the pressure must be greater. There exists a third function to this blade and that is to channel the essence of silver or to pull the blood of other beings into the blade. When the blood is pulled in it can either be purified or its traits can augment the blade to harm a particular race depending on who, or rather what race, the blood belongs to. RedShine can only contain foreign essence for a maximum of ten minutes after which point it will disperse into the surrounding environment. RedShine can replicate, but only once, allowing him twin blades rather than just a lonely sword.
BlackLeech: As its name implies, BlackLeech is capable of pulling trace amounts of essence from biological, or inanimate, materials that it comes into contact with. BlackLeech works primarily with biological matter, but can be used on inanimate matter as well. It should be noted that BlackLeech has four other notable traits. Firstly that it is composed of the same metal as RedShine; Secondly that it can only hold up to one essence signature at a time; Thirdly, BlackLeech cannot hold essence for more than twenty seconds; Last of all, when it cuts a living thing the process of essence being absorbed causes a rushing and burning sensation on the cut area.
Tuner: The sheath to Bree's dagger, Tuner can pull any essence from the BlackLeech and store it for later use. Tuner can store or combine up to six different separate essences, allowing it to be a container for essence that requires analysis at a later time or to serve as a conduit for BlackLeech or Bree's magic.
The Sniffer: This object works much like a compass and a yard stick in that it detects essence as well as pointing to essence signatures that are imputed into its apparatus. Additionally, the Sniffer is capable of detecting the predominant type of essence in any given area, as well as the levels of each less dominant kind, meaning it can tell how much angelic, human, and demonic essence is in any given area. Last, but not least, is the fact that the Sniffer can point to the most potent source/congregation of essence. The device has various 'hands' and the like to point to these locations, as well as a meter or two on the back, covered by the metal, which can easily be opened for the Broker to see. The device is enchanted so that it is essentially indestructible (though not entirely so), and will vanish from perception when not being used.
Personal Capabilities:
Personality of a Hundred Headed Demon: Due to the magical accident that transpired in his childhood, the DealBreaker's personality has been forever altered...constantly. Strangely, while his sister was infected by demonic influence and turned wolf, the Broker's mind was instead altered causing the 'hinges' and limiters on his personality to essentially disappear. In addition to this his essence, which was quite stable before, especially considering his angelic heritage, has become rampant and unpredictable. As such his personality, views, opinions, and general bias can change at the drop of a hat, the turn of a shoulder, or the flip of a coin. These changes are completely random and unpredictable, in fact even the Broker himself is unable to tell when his mind will change next. However, despite these changes, the Broker does not have any lapses in memory and always knows what is going on in a situation. Thus it is quite difficult to confuse or offset his general understanding. Additionally, because of having to constantly adapt to himself and how he handles his environment, and people in general, Broker has developed an innate sense relating to people and how they function. Due to his personality, the Broker possesses what is referred to as Orange and Blue Morality.
The Perfect Conman: Once again deriving from his Personality, the Broker is often called the Perfect Conman because while his myriad personalities do not all get along, almost none of them will try to get in the way of their own collective well-being. This is one of his many rules, and is likely one of the rules that truly holds him together as a functional person in society. Without it he'd fall to shambles.
“Guy's got connections”: Due to his many years in the profession of Deals, the Broker is quite well connected. It's even rumored that should someone say something, somewhere, three cities away, in a dark alley, he'll hear it given a day or two. No one is quite sure how he does it, but the Broker manages to know more than he lets on, or let on more than he knows, quite often. He has a miraculous ability to judge people's character, know how to deal with 'em, and even to figure out their general workings within the space of several minutes of interaction. If dialogue is included it gives him an even clearer picture, but regardless it is still guess work unless one of his many mysterious informants have managed to get the info around to him.
The Nasty Macgyver: Outside of the abilities that primarily originate from his divergent personalities, Broker has exceptional skill at improvisation and this even comes into play when he is in a sticky situation and has to make the best of a small amount of resources. He has earned this title, of a sort, from getting himself in and out of situations with tools and objects that would not typically be helpful in those situations, but nonetheless got him out alive and (mostly) in one piece. Because of this, those who have dealt with him on the opposite side before know to try and take as many of his valuables, trinkets, and otherwise belongings when trying to keep him tied up, or in captivity in general, because if they don't they might just end up on the pointy end of a toothpick.
Constractsman, the Smithy of Deals: Utilizing the Art of Athriohm and some rather tricky methods, the DealBroker is capable of writing binding contracts that are not upheld by something as flimsy as a government, but rather by the very essence of the individuals who sign it with their signature. While he will sometimes call these contracts, he will more often refer to them as 'Dealbinds,' 'Binds,' or 'Binding Deals.' Their overall categorization falls somewhere between his definitions of 'Deal' and 'Promise' which can be seen far above.
Swordsmanship: He sure as hell ain't a master swordsman, but he is far from amateur in the art of swordplay and can hold his own against most of decent, or considerable, skill. He prefers light fast blades, allowing him high maneuverability, a bending unpredictable strike, or a solid defense by way of offensive prowess. At the same time, some of his personalities like to switch gears and use his blade(s) as a defense, allowing him to trap his opponent and then use one of his other abilities to finish 'em off.
Marksmanship: While he's no soldier and he's no pro, the Broker has sufficient skill to get by when it comes to marksmanship, though he does prefer revolvers and Desert Eagle pistols to get the job done most of the time, he will sometimes don more heavy weaponry to do the dirty deed. It should be noted that some of his personalities dislike the use of firearms and so will not use them traditionally, or even at all depending on their opinion(s).
Trickshot: While he is no master, his skill with his weapons of choice, mentioned above, are considerable, allowing him to pull some pretty miraculous stunts sometimes.
Psychological Knowledge and Manipulation: Due in part to his Personality, which can be described as that of a hundred headed demon, Broker is quite good at manipulating people to do what he wants. At the very least he can typically turn situations to his favor in some way, allowing him to masterfully switch gears and sides pretty much instantly. Additionally, he has dabbled in the study of the psyche in order to attempt to understand his own shifting personality better, and while it didn't help him too much in that regard, it has given him some useful tools. It should be noted that because of his shifting disposition, the Broker can very easily deal with and understand a wide variety of people. Many people who have observed him actually think him to be able to perfectly understand nigh anyone due to this shifting syndrome of his, this is however an overestimation of his abilities, which are impressive nonetheless.
The Art of Athriohm: While he did find his own master to study under at one point, the man died tragically at the hands of the council prior to the completion of his apprenticeship. He has since managed to scrounge up information on the Art, do his own research, and plenty of experimentation. This has allowed him to gain just enough skill at it that he can manage himself. However, his skill with the Art is not strong enough on its lonesome (in most situations or if used traditionally) to serve as his primary fighting skill. It does however, give him a lot of variability, as it can easily augment any of his other skills.
Juggler: Having learned it just for the heck of it, also to amuse his younger sister when they were both kids, Broker has since turned it into a useful ability. At this point in time he'll use it to wield multiple sets of weapons at once, or quickly switch between different tools or the like in difficult situations. Lastly his hand-eye coordination is improved by this greatly, allowing him to easier keep track of multiple variables, objects, and individuals in any given situation.
Minor Explosive Knowledge: Since watching pretty explosions is fun and some of his more...dastardly clients want rather big Deals fulfilled, he has learned how to properly use various hand-held, or otherwise, explosives. Some of these include grenades, flash grenades, and C4.
Dualwelding: Because of his ability to utilize both his hands, since he is ambidextrous, though he started as left handed, the Broker has developed a high level of compatibility to dual wield not only two of the same weapon, but two completely different weapons or tools. In addition to this, the Broker can 'weld' two skillsets together almost flawlessly. Combined with his ability to wield the Art, he can even combine two objects together for rather interesting contraptions, though he doesn't do this last bit too often since it can be rather taxing.
Dustkickers: These heavy duty boots have small compartments in them, allowing its user to kick up 'black dust,' otherwise known as gunpowder. These boots have a thin metal lining too, as well as running spikes reminiscent of track shoes to allow for a high level of traction. He has enchanted these boots slightly using the Art, so as to make them lighter, but only to him, so he can move with less restriction than would normally be allowed but still dish out a good asskicking.
Dustproof: This particular portion of his garb, his Duster, has gained its name from the fact that he continually adds enchantments to it and it has hit the point where the Duster itself is immune to most things with the exception of getting dusty. It can shield him somewhat from things like heat and slashing attacks, not mentioning its ability to contain air, allowing him to close it around his head to give him a very limited air supply in areas where he'd otherwise be unable to breath. While the Duster itself is pretty much invulnerable, being mostly capable of blocking piercing attacks, not to mention elemental assaults, it in no way protects him from the force behind these blows. This is why he will tend to get bruising and broken bones, rather than getting stabbed, burned or drowned. Crushing attacks are particularly dangerous to him for this exact reason. It should be noted that this duster is not actually invulnerable as it does take some of his own energy, and the energy from the environment, to fuel its various enchantments. He has stated, to Anastaesia, that it can only last so long in any given conflict if he doesn't want to exhaust himself just to keep its effects active.
Silverchains: These twin Colt 1911's, aka M1911's, are named as such due to both their silver coloration and because of their unique enchantments. The 'chain' part of their name comes from the fact that at the base of each pistol's grip --on the bottom part that'd normally face the ground when firing straight ahead-- is a small sigil. These sigils, which are on the aforementioned portion of each handgun, can be activated by a small influx of essence, allowing chains to spawn from within them and connect the two pistols.This chain, or rather the silver utilized to make it, is stored within the sigils themselves. There is a decent amount of silver, in fact there is enough silver within the sigils to create a twenty two foot chain that connects the two weapons. This chain is extremely sharp to enemies, but completely dull to allies. How it differentiates between the two is a mystery. Other than this, there is a small secondary “trigger” on each gun. This trigger is more of a “button” mechanism that has been enchanted so as to link to the opposite pistol. This allows the Broker to fire a pistol without actually touching it, as long as he is touching its twin. This is particularly useful when he is using the chain.
Black Beauties: With enough power to do a significant amount of damage wherever it hits, the Black Beauties can teleport to one another, as there are small sigils on his finger tips which allows this. The sad part about this is that the Broker must be somewhat aware of the position or location that the guns are for him to summon them to him. Otherwise they can randomly appear in different locations, or he'll accidentally summon “similar” energies to himself rather than the guns themselves. Additionally, the golden markings on the Black Beauties allow the guns to fire not only normal ammo, but to fire essence as well. In fact, the guns have been modified so that the portion of the gun directly corresponding with the hole in the barrel, but located on the rear-facing portion of the weapon, can fold open to pull essence, or the like, into the gun to be fired through the barrel. Last, but not least, the Black Beauties gain their color not from a natural metal, but from being continually exposed to demonic essence. This makes them not only more durable and sturdy, but also means that, should he have to fight one of the other races, he can damage each of them in unique ways. The Black Beauties transfer some of this demonic energy into the bullets, making these pistols particularly effective against angels.
Impression Sheathes: These gloves, though they are more like a strange kind of fingerless leather gauntlets, have had the very surface of their forms altered so that they can shift shape somewhat, though to a very limited degree. As such, the gloves can cover his fingers completely if needed, in addition to the fact that he can overlay sigils onto their form and the fabric will remember the sigils for later use.
Volgaris: Volgaris is a hat, a plain, but stylish, stetman hat that happens to be the Broker's favorite. It is the one item on his person that isn't enchanted to be useful in battle. Its sole enchantment has something to do with augmenting itself with absolutely insane levels of good luck. Considering the fact that Broker has been in numerous situations where it could've been lost destroyed or damaged, yet against insurmountable odds it remains in perfect condition, as such Bree assumes that its enchantment is working, but he's still not quite sure....
RedShine: A weapon that might as well be composed of enchantments, RedShine is made of a metal that was crafted through the use of the Art. This metal has a mixture of properties, giving it the sturdiness of steel and iron, but the conductivity and anti-demon properties of silver. The properties of the elastic rapier, and the hard piercing longsword have both been augmented into this blade and can be switched on and off by altering the pressure being placed on the grip of the blade. To increase the blade's elasticity the pressure must be light, to decrease the elasticity the pressure must be greater. There exists a third function to this blade and that is to channel the essence of silver or to pull the blood of other beings into the blade. When the blood is pulled in it can either be purified or its traits can augment the blade to harm a particular race depending on who, or rather what race, the blood belongs to. RedShine can only contain foreign essence for a maximum of ten minutes after which point it will disperse into the surrounding environment. RedShine can replicate, but only once, allowing him twin blades rather than just a lonely sword.
BlackLeech: As its name implies, BlackLeech is capable of pulling trace amounts of essence from biological, or inanimate, materials that it comes into contact with. BlackLeech works primarily with biological matter, but can be used on inanimate matter as well. It should be noted that BlackLeech has four other notable traits. Firstly that it is composed of the same metal as RedShine; Secondly that it can only hold up to one essence signature at a time; Thirdly, BlackLeech cannot hold essence for more than twenty seconds; Last of all, when it cuts a living thing the process of essence being absorbed causes a rushing and burning sensation on the cut area.
Tuner: The sheath to Bree's dagger, Tuner can pull any essence from the BlackLeech and store it for later use. Tuner can store or combine up to six different separate essences, allowing it to be a container for essence that requires analysis at a later time or to serve as a conduit for BlackLeech or Bree's magic.
The Sniffer: This object works much like a compass and a yard stick in that it detects essence as well as pointing to essence signatures that are imputed into its apparatus. Additionally, the Sniffer is capable of detecting the predominant type of essence in any given area, as well as the levels of each less dominant kind, meaning it can tell how much angelic, human, and demonic essence is in any given area. Last, but not least, is the fact that the Sniffer can point to the most potent source/congregation of essence. The device has various 'hands' and the like to point to these locations, as well as a meter or two on the back, covered by the metal, which can easily be opened for the Broker to see. The device is enchanted so that it is essentially indestructible (though not entirely so), and will vanish from perception when not being used.
Personal Capabilities:
Personality of a Hundred Headed Demon: Due to the magical accident that transpired in his childhood, the DealBreaker's personality has been forever altered...constantly. Strangely, while his sister was infected by demonic influence and turned wolf, the Broker's mind was instead altered causing the 'hinges' and limiters on his personality to essentially disappear. In addition to this his essence, which was quite stable before, especially considering his angelic heritage, has become rampant and unpredictable. As such his personality, views, opinions, and general bias can change at the drop of a hat, the turn of a shoulder, or the flip of a coin. These changes are completely random and unpredictable, in fact even the Broker himself is unable to tell when his mind will change next. However, despite these changes, the Broker does not have any lapses in memory and always knows what is going on in a situation. Thus it is quite difficult to confuse or offset his general understanding. Additionally, because of having to constantly adapt to himself and how he handles his environment, and people in general, Broker has developed an innate sense relating to people and how they function. Due to his personality, the Broker possesses what is referred to as Orange and Blue Morality.
The Perfect Conman: Once again deriving from his Personality, the Broker is often called the Perfect Conman because while his myriad personalities do not all get along, almost none of them will try to get in the way of their own collective well-being. This is one of his many rules, and is likely one of the rules that truly holds him together as a functional person in society. Without it he'd fall to shambles.
“Guy's got connections”: Due to his many years in the profession of Deals, the Broker is quite well connected. It's even rumored that should someone say something, somewhere, three cities away, in a dark alley, he'll hear it given a day or two. No one is quite sure how he does it, but the Broker manages to know more than he lets on, or let on more than he knows, quite often. He has a miraculous ability to judge people's character, know how to deal with 'em, and even to figure out their general workings within the space of several minutes of interaction. If dialogue is included it gives him an even clearer picture, but regardless it is still guess work unless one of his many mysterious informants have managed to get the info around to him.
The Nasty Macgyver: Outside of the abilities that primarily originate from his divergent personalities, Broker has exceptional skill at improvisation and this even comes into play when he is in a sticky situation and has to make the best of a small amount of resources. He has earned this title, of a sort, from getting himself in and out of situations with tools and objects that would not typically be helpful in those situations, but nonetheless got him out alive and (mostly) in one piece. Because of this, those who have dealt with him on the opposite side before know to try and take as many of his valuables, trinkets, and otherwise belongings when trying to keep him tied up, or in captivity in general, because if they don't they might just end up on the pointy end of a toothpick.
Constractsman, the Smithy of Deals: Utilizing the Art of Athriohm and some rather tricky methods, the DealBroker is capable of writing binding contracts that are not upheld by something as flimsy as a government, but rather by the very essence of the individuals who sign it with their signature. While he will sometimes call these contracts, he will more often refer to them as 'Dealbinds,' 'Binds,' or 'Binding Deals.' Their overall categorization falls somewhere between his definitions of 'Deal' and 'Promise' which can be seen far above.
Swordsmanship: He sure as hell ain't a master swordsman, but he is far from amateur in the art of swordplay and can hold his own against most of decent, or considerable, skill. He prefers light fast blades, allowing him high maneuverability, a bending unpredictable strike, or a solid defense by way of offensive prowess. At the same time, some of his personalities like to switch gears and use his blade(s) as a defense, allowing him to trap his opponent and then use one of his other abilities to finish 'em off.
Marksmanship: While he's no soldier and he's no pro, the Broker has sufficient skill to get by when it comes to marksmanship, though he does prefer revolvers and Desert Eagle pistols to get the job done most of the time, he will sometimes don more heavy weaponry to do the dirty deed. It should be noted that some of his personalities dislike the use of firearms and so will not use them traditionally, or even at all depending on their opinion(s).
Trickshot: While he is no master, his skill with his weapons of choice, mentioned above, are considerable, allowing him to pull some pretty miraculous stunts sometimes.
Psychological Knowledge and Manipulation: Due in part to his Personality, which can be described as that of a hundred headed demon, Broker is quite good at manipulating people to do what he wants. At the very least he can typically turn situations to his favor in some way, allowing him to masterfully switch gears and sides pretty much instantly. Additionally, he has dabbled in the study of the psyche in order to attempt to understand his own shifting personality better, and while it didn't help him too much in that regard, it has given him some useful tools. It should be noted that because of his shifting disposition, the Broker can very easily deal with and understand a wide variety of people. Many people who have observed him actually think him to be able to perfectly understand nigh anyone due to this shifting syndrome of his, this is however an overestimation of his abilities, which are impressive nonetheless.
The Art of Athriohm: While he did find his own master to study under at one point, the man died tragically at the hands of the council prior to the completion of his apprenticeship. He has since managed to scrounge up information on the Art, do his own research, and plenty of experimentation. This has allowed him to gain just enough skill at it that he can manage himself. However, his skill with the Art is not strong enough on its lonesome (in most situations or if used traditionally) to serve as his primary fighting skill. It does however, give him a lot of variability, as it can easily augment any of his other skills.
Juggler: Having learned it just for the heck of it, also to amuse his younger sister when they were both kids, Broker has since turned it into a useful ability. At this point in time he'll use it to wield multiple sets of weapons at once, or quickly switch between different tools or the like in difficult situations. Lastly his hand-eye coordination is improved by this greatly, allowing him to easier keep track of multiple variables, objects, and individuals in any given situation.
Minor Explosive Knowledge: Since watching pretty explosions is fun and some of his more...dastardly clients want rather big Deals fulfilled, he has learned how to properly use various hand-held, or otherwise, explosives. Some of these include grenades, flash grenades, and C4.
Dualwelding: Because of his ability to utilize both his hands, since he is ambidextrous, though he started as left handed, the Broker has developed a high level of compatibility to dual wield not only two of the same weapon, but two completely different weapons or tools. In addition to this, the Broker can 'weld' two skillsets together almost flawlessly. Combined with his ability to wield the Art, he can even combine two objects together for rather interesting contraptions, though he doesn't do this last bit too often since it can be rather taxing.