Good mornight, guys. It's Friday, HELL YEAH!

Thanks for the heads up Ryver, and don't worry. Dang, your shifts sound brutal x_x good luck!
That pic definitely fits Charles :) and yush turn the place into your Kraken cave, Kathi-chan. Then turn your roomie into your newest minion (^w^)/! Have fun at your dorm and best of luck with orientation and everything.
I haven't caught up yet, but I managed to skim during break time. D'aww @ Song and Brandu moment + Charles and Inadi moment. I'll get to work on a post and it should be up in a couple of hours or so. After this, I'll be asking you guys to wrap stuff up. Because my next move-along-post will put an end to the interlude. We'll finally begin chapter five, yay at RP's halfway point xD. Four will be back in a couple of days too ^^!
Guys, since the interlude is ending, Iet's start discussing possible growth in character relationships.
Chapter five will take place two human months from now, so there was a lot of time for having fun with each other. Did some people forge friendships, rivalries, romances? Wellp, anything goes as long as it's reasonable :D
Time skip Discussion
Harper - I can see him gravitating towards Ace, Inadi, Lesley, Songbird and possibly Ran and Leila during this period. Ace and Lesley because they're probably the most colorful and cheerful in the bunch and while Toby is similar, he doesn't really know the boy that well. Ran because he's an adult, Leila because he really wants her to have someone she can call a friend, Songbird because of what happened at the party, and Inadi because I can see the two of them talking about life and being all serious. Plus, they be bros //shot
@MUG: Hey, hey, MUG :D whaddya think about Harper and Inadi making a pact to keep the others safe? Maybe on a particularly quiet evening they find themselves together somewhere, while the others are away, and they just start talking seriously about going home. Inadi's got this whole guardian feel to him and I can see the two of them getting worked up about everyone else's safety.
@Aki: Hey Aki, are you fine with Ace being the one who finally shakes Harper out of his depressed state? Maybe she gave him a peptalk or something xD. She's the only one I can see him being all cynical and snarky around. So maybe one day she calls him out for it or something. After that I can see them sharing back stories and chilling around. Maybe she and Riley drag him and some of the others along on silly shenanigans? Maybe she drops info about her birthday sometime during the time skip and that's why they hold her a party in the future?
@Four: After Harper gets better I can see him attempting to have conversations with Leila. He'd probably ask her about her favorite books and life back at home and even if she doesn't answer, he wouldn't mind much. (He finds her really interesting) Maybe they spend some time chilling in the library or having music lessons with the rabbit sisters. Leila could pull off her death metal scream 8D
@Ryver: I don't have any specific ideas atm, but I can see him helping Ran around with odd jobs. He'll be really relieved to know they have a grownup on the team now and will probably bombard the guy with questions.
@Kei-chan: He's gonna say hello to the item hunter whenever they meet and will try to be his most helpful :D! Maybe he helps Song out with errands from time to time? They could talk about books too. Since the party his opinion on the item hunter changed completely and he doesn't think Songbird is scary anymore. In fact, he's taken a liking to the nobody.
Riley - She's more extroverted than Harper so I can see her becoming pals with Ran and Toby much quicker than him.
@MUG: She was pretty pissed at him for what he did to the guides, but she'll be over it and will most likely apologize. If Inadi doesn't have any hard feelings :D I think it'd be cool if they bonded over books and writing. They can share their dreams for the future and whatnot and I can see Ace and her getting him and the other more reserved characters into a ton of shenanigans. Whaddya think?
@Aki: Hehe, they should totally sneak out of the castle and play pranks on the bunny guards >8D
@Anon: I don't have a specific idea atm, but Riley is defo gonna hang around Lesles. They can talk about normal stuff, go bug Martini, talk about boys, and do arts and crafts or something.
@Kei-chan and Kathi-chan: Expect your guides to be bombarded with questions and bugged. She, Ace, and Toby will defo make the castle a lively place.
@Thunder: Thunderrrr, they should defo steal cookies from the cookie jar together. Also, expect her to tease Toby a lot, because his childishness makes him fun to mess with and Riley is a devious imp.
@Four: Leila is going to get dragged around a lot, whether she likes it or not.
@Ryver: I can see her and Ran becoming good pals :D! She'd probably toss a ton of questions his way and she'd defo call him grandpa and ask for life stories. Basically, she's gonna be super annoying.
Oh, and Guys, if any of you wanna build relationships with Harper or Riley, or if you have something different in mind xD toss your suggestions at me! And toss them at the others too. I only typed out the ideas I had in mind, but would love to strengthen character ties between those I haven't mentioned. Okay, Let the discussions begin! :)
Anddddd >w< we turn a year old in around a week! TO THE
WORST GOOD END, WE MARCH! *Hugs everyone*