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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

His head was smarting from the impact, but Charter was still able to hear Grimwing's words. The unicorn merely frowned, though his heart was beating rapidly. This was the first time he seen the sailor in action, and it was an frightful experience. He expected a chewing out, though Charter did not expect a shiv.

"Sorry Master. In my shock hearing about… the topic and the wonderment of the sea ponies, I let my guard down," said Charter in a whisper. He seemed too calm despite the sweat on his face and the glare of the angry pegasus. "In my haste to learn more, I forgot the dangers of the streets. It was pure stupidity on my part - I was drunk on such fantastic sights. I didn't think…" His eyes were gloomy and looked straight into the sailor's. Charter knew what his mother would have done. "If this blade is my fate, if it is to save the crew, then I accept it. Do to me what you will."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 34 min ago

Theá chuckled, stepping away so that his wing no longer covered her back. "Careful with that drool. Ponies might think you were a mindless beast rather than a god," she teased, casting a sidelong glance at him, a teasing smile on her lips. "As for being hungry..." Her form started to shift, becoming stockier and with longer fur, a dark grey rather than the azure green she usually carried. Her hooves morphed, changing into paws with long, sharp claws. Her mouth was partly open, showing the flat teeth of the equines sharpen and turn into a set of murderous fangs, sharper than those of even the most fearsome creature the Everfree had to offer.

After several moments, Theá the Alicorn was gone, replaced by the form of a large dire wolf more than equipped for hunting. She turned to Crashing, her yellow, feral eyes locked on his. They were still at eye-level, something Theá had specifically intended. While she didn't mind being smaller than others, being larger when hunting, especially when competing with Crashing, was always an advantage. "You're always hungry," she said in a voice identical no different form when she was alicorn, finishing her sentence from earlier.

She waited for a few moments, canine ears swivelling this way and that way, waiting for something to make a sound.


Her head snapped to the side and, faster than most mortals could react, she was off, leaving behind a small hole from where her hind paws had dug up the earth. "Try to keep up, Crashing!" She yelled, fully expecting him to already be doing his best to catch up to her. She saw a deer sprint away, jumping and zigzagging, doing its best to throw her off. But she knew how prey acted, she knew how predators acted... and she knew how to catch her prey.

She slowed down a bit, allowing herself to enjoy a hunt for once rather than just kill her prey instantly.

She continued chasing it for a few more seconds, keeping right at its heels and forcing it to do everything in its power to get away. But it wasn't enough. With one last burst of speed, Theá rushed forward, biting down on its neck with her powerful jaws and twisted. A sickening crack echoed through the forest, and blood seeped from where her teeth had punctured its skin.

Better to end it quickly than to cause it unnecessary pain, Theá thought as she let go its neck and let the deer rest on the ground, empty eyes staring at nothing. She then lay down, waiting for Crashing to catch up to where she was. She wasn't really hungry herself, so she figured that he could have the deer for himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

For his part Torrential just remained where he was with a playful smile on his face that could have been taken as a sign that his words have been a friendly joke or that he was legitimately flirting with Star Dancer.

However, there did seem to be a subtle change happening to the alicorn. His coat and hat appeared to be melting as if they were made of colored ice, pooling and vanishing into his body like water soaking into skin. While Star Dancer and Snow Tail were busy disarming the latter, Torrential's coat and hat vanished as they were taken back into the being that created them in the first place. Torrential also appeared to be a few inches taller and just that little bit bigger than he had been before. As his passengers and companions both hopped onto his back, Torrential grinned a little as he gave his wings a few flaps in order to not only give them a bit of a warm up but also to adjust to the weight of the two ponies on his back. Turning his head, he simply answered Star with a "I suggest you hold on."

Once his passengers were firmly latched onto him Torrential launched himself skywards a fair distance before adjusting himself for flight and taking off in a north eastern direction. While not as fast as his sister Thea and nor as reckless as his sister Silver, the number of mortal ponies who could keep up (if not overtake) Torrential in flight could be counted on his hooves. Still, he wasn't moving at full speed; The ponies on his back were holding on physically and not properly secured enough for that sort of thing. He was however moving fast enough to get across the message that it was time to get out before the welcome was officially warn out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

At the alicorn's suggestion, both Dancer and Snow got a firm grip. The mercenary in particular had seen Sweeper in action, so her grip was tighter. Shortly they were in the sky, the pegasi noted the slight adjustments of Torrential's wings, and they were on their way.

Dancer had to fly fast before, being a courier for the order. If it wasn't some sky pirates or Inquistioners, it was giggling ghost of the Cult chasing her. She had to fly low, into cities, canyons, even through caves. She wasn't as good as a Wonderbolt, let alone a military trained hoplite. But she learned how to outrun or outmaneuver by experience and a bit of luck.

But Torrential left at such speeds that even Dancer was unprepared for. Keeping her wings tucked in, the Scholar kept close to Torrential. In contrast to the harsh wind blowing past her, the alicorn's fur was calm as water. It was comforting.

No wonder poor Scroll looks so frightened after every flight. An Earth Pony like him isn't used to being in the sky, let alone at this velocity , thought Dancer.

Unlike the other mare, Tail was having the time of her life. Her head was slightly up, looking at the landscape around them. The sun was beautiful in the cloudless sky. She gone through so many combat drops that this was second nature to her.

"Yaaaaaahooooooooooooooooo!", Snow Tail shouted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Crashing Wave watched with smirk as the dire wolf surged forward. He chuckled but it came out more like a low growl,’ Some things don’t change.’ The alicorn rushed forward after his sibling. In his way through the brush his keen eyes caught a pair of rabbits flleing away from him. With a thought his wings became watery tentciles and spear the creatures through. They squeaked and shivered before falling still on his wings.

He continued on and pulled one to his mouth, fur, bone and all. With a crunch he chewed the morsel with bone crushing jaws. He swallowed and broke through the brush just in time to watch Thea fell the deer. The scent of blood hit his nose full force and his stomach rumbled with need despite the rabbit. He threw the other rabbit into his jaws and after two sickening crunches swallowed the furred beast.

“Ye haven’t lost yer touch Lass,” he grunted as he neared the dire wolf. He had to admit she looked regal no matter the form she chose.
Grimwing loosened his grip slightly but held the unicorn to the wall,” Yer right brave I’ll give ye that but trust me don’t matter if it’s a zeolet or not these sea ponies think the other alicorns turned their back on Captain Wave. Just watch it aite or I’ll slit yer throat meself and I can guarantee it’ll be a better fate than what the sea ponies will do to ye. Ye’ll wish fer a swift death mate believe that.”

Grimwing let Charter drop just as Drachma walked in with a small chest balanced on her back. She tossed it at Grimwing’s hooves,” The usual payment, a hundred Vetes. So then how long are you and the others satying here?”

“We’ll be here until we get word from the Captain. So I guess awhile.”

“Hmm,” she turned on her hoof,” Well if you see that snake in the water send him my way. He still owes me six golden Sces for that vase.”

Grimwing chuckled,” Will do. We’ll get out of yer mane now.” He pulled the chest up and held it on his back. Drachma waved a hoof at him and opened a large book. She started writhing figures into the book.

Grimwing started out of the shop.

“Oh and do be careful if you mention the names of any of the other alicorns in the city," she called after them, not even bothering to look up from her writing,” I could care less about such a thing as Gods or Goddesses and the like but others of my race are a little cold minded.” She gave Charter a sultry look,” And I can assure none can appreciate a handsome landwalker like I can.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

You're going to get them killed.

Charter ignored the voice and nodded at Grimwing's words. He dare not reply, fearful he might accidentally further complicate matters. In any land, words can mean life or death. My stupidity could have destroyed another life.

His thoughts then went to the other alicorns. Charter knew little of "Wavy", except a brief mention by Sweeper that he preferred the seas. Though he knew some lore of the Sea Lord, there was no mention of a falling out with his kin. But those being legends, it didn't mean they were accurate. Much of the story may have faded from memory. Whatever the case, he have to ask Grimwing about the matter when it was safe. A good thing the Lady's blessing leaves no physical signs on the body. But I mentioned her name… I'll have to think up a cover story if anypony questions us.

The sea mare returned with the payment, and the land unicorn landed on his legs. Charter tried looking relaxed as if nothing happened. But the sweat and dilated pupils probably gave hints to the contrary though. Drachma's last comment almost caused the Scholar to soil himself. However, since her reaction wasn't to stick a trident into the unicorn, he gave a polite smile and a short bow before leaving.

Close, close, but luck -

Oh buck off thought Charter to the menacing voice. It went silent, the unicorn began to ponder Grimwing's words, and wasn't sure it he was really brave though. His mother once said to him that the sailor should put the crew and ship first. Like any good child, he did what was told. Or perhaps, he didn't really care about his own safety, but more so for the fleet. He care about them deeply, wanted to protect them and not fail.

Not fail like he did with Vast.

Charter made a quick glance sideways to see if there a mob had formed or not. Upon seeing the routine had not changed, Charter asked Grimwing a question. "Alright Master, were should we go next?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“THEY’RE ALIVE! THEY ARE AAAAAAAAAAALIVE!” laughed the doctor, wildly swinging past on a power cord, around him the room buzzing with electricity and magic. Nocturne put a hoof under her noise at a running feeling and saw a small trickle of blood mar her pristine coat, the power was an overwhelming sensation.

Before them the trembling forms of the two machine creatures began to rise slowly from their prostrate conditions. Mouthing words or screams in muted voices, their eyes twitching back and forth with apparent life and filled with uncomprehending fear.

The doctor had done it.

He had given the shell of flesh and metal a new soul.

Whilst she watched, her hair a mess, covered in all types of oil and fried with magical sparks of the doctors machinery, coat covered in soot only escaping under the folds of a bloodstained lab coat. He prowled around like a caged tiger, turning off all the machines and then advanced towards his half machine progeny.

She had never seen the doctor act so dotingly, it seemed almost as if he had just become a father, although the product of his work seemed to be more peculiar than most. Swiftly he paced between the two, seeing to their needs as a parent might whilst looking after a child. The screams seemed to make way for a dazed sort of realisation, and the two behemoth machine ponies were quickly sorted into comfortable positions on the couch with blankets haphazardly folded over them, with extremely confused expressions on their faces.

The doctor’s face was still alight in almost ecstatic joy but he had begun to temper it slightly in order not to put the two machine creatures into another fit of startled distress. The two had been observing them for some time, and then looked from one to the other in equal surprise, poking clumsily at each others mechanical enhancements and making ‘O’ expressions at the now glowing violet core which had replaced their hearts. Behind her she heard the doctor mutter about residual memories assisting in reconditioning them to the world –“although not really memories in our sense, more like having skills their past persons had acquired or knowledge of the basic functions of society…”- but apparently that would takes some time to appear.

The two were eyeing him curiously, although it seemed that something more was blossoming in their understanding… perhaps a realisation of what he had done to bring them into this world. She almost caught one nearly smiling at him, mouthing a word in a parched voice and pointing at him excitedly, nudging the other to follow her line on sight. The other one looked confused for a moment, then something seemed to dawn on him and he smiled and nodded.

The doctor seemed to have somehow visited the kitchen since the moments she had last seen him, but now he returned, grease stained, filthy and with mane a mess with some food and water. It took a while and some gesturing to get them to understand, but once they did they picked up on old systems. The pointing one seemed to be enjoying clearing her throat with the water, and attempting to speak, as her confused gasps slowly began clearing way to more audible sounds.

The doctor continued to pace about, checking on the diodes and colouration of the crystals imbedded in his creations, ensuring everything was functioning as it should. He began to talk excitedly about increasing the production process, these ponies were perfect creations in all ways, but he believed he needed something more mass producible to truly begin work.

“Maybe I could utilise something along the lines of generations with permanent connections, I’ll need a easily creatable work force, goodness knows trying to find workers in this mess of a world is hard enough. It will reduce intelligence, but basic manual labour should be easy to imprint…” He wiped the sweat from his brow, tossing back a blacking bronze mane giving her a big smile before returning to his checks, his metal progeny giving him strange looks as he did so.

“Scalpel, just what will you need this workforce for?” she queried, one eyebrow raised somewhat higher than the other.

“A large project of mine, I will be setting up a permanent base of operations somewhere in the disputed zone… mostly because my laboratories in other cities always end up being damaged or destroyed, partly because nobody in their right mind Is going to invade a place filled to the brim with cybernetic constructs.” He pause a moment and rethought that last comment, shrugging and flicking a hoof away in dismissal, “Well, unless you are a god.”

The two resurrected ponies seemed to be getting more comfortable around them, and also a lot more animate. They continued to make gestures to each other, increasing in complexity and expression, and slowly their voices were beginning to reappear in some low grunts or squeaks. Scalpel was tightening a screw when one of them began stroking his hair, he looked up and saw that the creature seemed fascinated by it for some reason, so he shrugged and let it continue. The next minute however he had to detach himself after the creature began to munch on the ends of it.

“Have you chosen any names for them?” Nocturne asked, already beginning to tidy up the laboratory behind them.

“Not yet, soon I think, once I get a better idea of their growing personalities.”


Scalpel was busy digging through his notes again, tidying them into bundles and enclosing them in iron puzzle boxes to distinguish them from his main research. The boxes slowly clicked into place as he reconfigured them, smiling happily at his success. Off to the side a couple of letters had come through in a few days past from acquaintances and informants, pausing he picked on up and opened it, scanning its contents.

His smile visibly brightened at the information and he almost chuckled, “So you’re on to me at last old friend? I wondered when you’d show up, I doubt the old disappearing act could have fooled you. Still, whatever you are after me for, it must be damned important… not that I am not going to give you a merry chase in the meanwhile.”

Behind him a noise startled him and he looked back to both the machine ponies staring at him in animated excitement. The other nudged the first to repeat the noise and as it did so it became more and more distinct.

The hairs on the back of Scalpels neck flicked up and Goosebumps prickled across his flesh as he heard it, that strangely comforting but almost alien word which he never thought he’d hear from any child or creation.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cries of either joy nor fear were able to reach Torrential's ear as the alicorn simply soared in his element.

If he had been on his own he would have closed his eyes and simply allowed his impulses to dictate his actions in order to enjoy the moment to the fullest. But he didn't. He wasn't alone and that required that he reign himself in for their sakes. A metaphor for the relationship between mortal and alicorn perhaps? Torrential simply chuckled softly to himself at the thought.

Despite the cloudless sky, Torrential didn't see anything larger than a goose as it was flying in formation with the rest of its flock as they made their way south wards. Not surprising really. The 'light show' he had caused would have easily caused chaos and confusion in its wake and any competent commander would recall any patrols both flying and land based in order to A) Get a head count to see if everyone was alright while B) Getting a good idea of who could be spared from keeping the civilian panic to a minimum in order to check out what the hell had caused it.

Such things took organization and organization took time. Time that Torrential was more than willing to take advantage of to get clear of any possible scouts. He didn't hurt that he was flying over a generally untrodden part of the land in the first place.

As the hours passed and the sun seemed to travel across the sky, the landscape below started to change color from dusty reds and browns to a steadily healthy green. There was even a couple of clouds that were hanging in the sky like gazing sheep, a sign that Torrential had reached the edge of Earthborn turf. With great care, he started towards the ground, slowing down so that when he touched the ground all he needed to do was trot a little before coming to a complete stop and kneeling down so that his passangers could get off at their leisure. "All ashore who's going ashore. You don't have to get off but you'll be expected to offer something for the service." There was a joyful hint to his voice that suggested that he really wanted someone to ask him what the price would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Snow Tail smiled mischievously at Torrential's words. His playfulness mirrored her own - though in this case the tables were turned. Usually it was Tail who was making the sly suggestions to her boyfriends. If I'd tried something like that, Peach Skimmer would roll his eyes in annoyance. But unlike Patty, Master Torrential seems willing to have some fun , she thought.

She lowered her head a bit, her head resting on the Alicorn's fur. "That was quite the ride, I never had anything like it before," she purred. "So what's the fare, Master? I'd love to go for another one."

Star Dancer had gently gotten off Torrential's back, and was glad to see both clouds and greenery. It seemed unnatural that ponies would attempt to live in a desert. Near the forests and plains was were most felt the most at home. Her flight muscles ached a bit, the wingblades still resting on her wings. Though seemingly light and graceful at first glance, the weapons soon heavy to the Scholar. I'm exhausted, and yet ponies are supposed to fly and fight with these things? , thought Dancer.

She turned around and saw Tail conversing with Torrential. Dancer could not help but sigh at the remarks made by the other mare. Deep down, she also felt a bit a jealously. Not that of a lover, but more of a student who wanted their praise from their teacher. And Torrential seemed the wisest being Equestria.

"If you're finished Snow, we should get back to business," Dancer said, trying to be professional. Looking around, Dancer realized she didn't know where they were. "Lord Waters, I thank you. Though I am puzzled, were are we?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 34 min ago

"Lousy goddess of the Hunt if she lost her touch when it came to catching her prey, wouldn't you say?" She asked, tilting her head in playful inquiry. As he walked closer, she returned to the shape of an Alicorn, ruffling her wings in a way that clearly spoke of her being happy to have them back, even if they were only a thought away before. Turning her attention towards Crashing again, she noted how there was a bit of blood around his muzzle, something that she couldn't really fault him for as it was only his nature to kill, like it was hers.

Regardless, she couldn't help but making a small comment about it. "A little messy, are we?" She inclined her head towards him. Granted, it wasn't a lot, but it was still enough that most mortal ponies would feel uncomfortable looking at it. She didn't really listen to his answer, if he gave one. Instead she turned her attention to the deer, eyes running over the arc of puncture wounds along its neck, as well as the odd angle it was on; she definitely hadn't lost her touch. Very little pain, almost no stress. Also meant that the flesh would be nice and tender. "You're welcome to dig in," she told him without diverting her gaze. "I don't really feel hungry at the moment, so feel free to eat your fill." This time she cast a sidelong glance at him. "Just try not to cover the entire forest in blood, will you? I am its guardian, and I'd rather not have to clean it all up."

The twinkle on her eyes made it clear that it was a joke far more than a serious request.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sweeper continued to tidy Summer Wind's armor. "Ironic don't ya think? Soldiers are expected to maintain an orderly appearance, yet your job ends up getting your uniform all messed up. By the way, what did you think of the mane?" She held up the 'spoil of war' again to show the pegasi.
Two Years Ago…

Foaledo burned. The sun set, and with the fires in the distance, the sky became as blood. In every street and in many buildings the cries of battle was heard. Soldiers in White battled troops in purple, the streets flowing crimson. Arrows flew through the air, while cannons blasted wall and flesh. Unicorns were casting spells so often that the air seemed thick with magic. There were so many screams, it seemed too much to any who heard.

Charter was running through the streets, avoiding debris and stumbling over bodies. With him was his a peer named Leaf Hopper - she too was trotting at a frantic pace. Above them a tower was hit by cannon fire and collapsed to the ground. A low flyby by Whitegold pegasi caused windows to shatter. Glass and stone left cuts on both Scholars.

The green unicorn face was covered in sweat, and looked above to make sure nothing or nopony would fall on them. Already two pegasi and a unicorn Seraph had nearly fallen on the pair. The anti-flight batteries must be covering the air with arrows and shot thought Charter. It'd be madness to try to escape through the sk-

A flash, and explosion in the sky ended his thoughts. Looking above he saw an airship on fire, falling slowly as it's balloon was slowly engulfed. Several ponies jumped, with parachutes or wings opened. Alas, they were cut down by flak or sunfire.

Distracted by the horrid sight, he tripped over a corpse. He looked and saw the richly tailored suit of a Pony of Fortune. A spear in engulfed in the earth pony, but otherwise the corpse could have been mistaken for alive. Charter gasped, but soon relaxed. He was bewildered by how peaceful the solider looked, as if smiling for finding peace.

A wall nearby exploded, sending stone and metal in every direction. Chance had saved Charter. When the dust cleared, he saw the headless body of Leaf. The unicorn wandered over to the body, her Scholar's cloak was blown clear off. Tears formed in Charters eyes, falling on the now departed botanist. The world seemed to dim around him, sounds seem far off. Shivers spread through his body, his heart became like lead.

He took off his cloak and lay it over Leaf, said a prayer, and then continued his trot. Leaf was gone, but the unicorn needed to keep on moving. It was difficult to keep focus, but he needed to pay attention to keep alive. With any luck he could make it to the Research Center, were hopefully the other Scholars waited. Among them, he hoped, was Vista.

In the shadows, he did not see a figure. Dressed in motley, the pony seemed out of place in a battlefield. A grin covered his face, though it was hidden behind a mask. One could call it comical, save for the blood splattered across the visage. No sounds came from the pony, through he cocked his head to the side. When it seemed safe, the Jester followed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Turning his head towards Snow Tail, Torrential's eyes seemed to be unfocussed for a moment... gazing at somepony from across the mists of time. Shaking his head a little, the alicorn seemed to snort a little at something that was only readily apparent to himself. "Ms Tail, I believe you just earned yourself a free ride for reminding me rather pleasant that I haven't thought about in a long time. Thank you for that."

Turning his attention to Star Dancer, he offered her a warm smile as he walked up beside her and folded a wing over her, pulling her in close. Closing his eyes for a moment, he seemed to listen for something. Despite the silence of the world around them, he turned his head every few seconds as if trying to adjust it to hear the sound better before he froze, his eyes opening as his head gazed towards the north east once again. "We're going that way." was all he said as he started to follow whatever he was paying attention to.

The journey itself wasn't a long one. Within about fifteen minutes of walking, an old wooden fence that had clearly been left to rot and largely covered by overgrown weeds came into few in front of a scene of wild trees and plants that would have looked easily at home on the edge of the Everfree forest. Birds and fruit bats (Both normal and Vampire) and bugs of all kinds filled the air with their own choruses as they helped themselves to the latest wild harvest of wild apples that the taller trees had to offer.

Torrential said nothing as he looked at the ruin of what had once been truly grand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Both pegasi looked at Torrential when he didn't answer their inquiries right away. He stood there, eyes at the mercenary on his back, yet they seemed to be looking far beyond her. Tail was confused, having expected a playful response. Her smile faded and her face became one of bewilderment.

Dancer froze. Was something wrong? Did Snow accidentally offend him?! thought the Scholar. She personally had never seen him rage. But she saw those who received Torrential's wrath. Oh Celestia, I hope he's not-

Torrential broke his silence and gave Snow his reply. Dancer relaxed, and Tail began to blush. I expected some more foreplay, but… I never expected a complement, thought Snow. She gave a short bow with her head, and said "Thank you."

The trio continued in the direction indicated by Torrential. Under the alicorn's wing, Dancer was near his cool yet welcoming body. Her heart beat rose, thoughts as mixed up as her emotions. Respect or romance? I can't tell if how he loves me. I can't even tell how I feel about him. I love him as well, but in what way?

I wonder if Scroll feels the same about the Lady Sliver. Though, at least Lord Rain has a very nice mane.

Arriving at their destination, Tail still resting on Torrential's back. She was exhausted from her earlier excitement and long journey. Though she kept vigilant - for Equestria was no longer the safe paradise it had once been. In fact, Snow Tail was barely a year old when the Sisters' disappeared. Try as I might, I can never imagine this world without war, she thought sadly.

On the other hoof, Dancer was old enough to remember the Sisters. She might have been far young for a university student, but she was smart and talented. Alas, you we're not born a unicorn! lamented one teacher. She remembered the well tended weather, the wonderful festivals, and most of all, the peace and happiness before the Division. Those memories seemed to awake at the sight of the ruins.

"This must have been a agricultural complex," said Star.

"How can you tell?", asked Tail. "If it weren't for the fence, I'd swear no pony was ever here before."

"Back before the Disappearance, there used to be ranches like this all through the land. Now I think only in a few lands were they exist." She tactfully did not mention that Earthborn was one of those lands. "Everywhere else is either a state-operated complex, if not a slave dome. And even those owned privately tend to look like little fortresses."

Bats flew through the air, and the mercenary stiffened. But it was not to ready herself for defense. Eyes now large as saucers, Snow began to shiver and even her already white coat seemed to pale. Fear gripped her, and she closed her eyes and hugged Torrential. It was a hug asking for help.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Considering how close we are..." Torrential began at last after the two mares by his side had finished speaking, his own thoughts taking some time to set themselves in order. "This was, once upon a time, Sweet Apple Acres. About twenty years ago, Applejack's branch of the Apple family worked the very trees that we are seeing right now. Most farms would have been completely ruined after being abandoned for two decades but apple trees tend to be in it for the long haul. It would be hard work and no doubt it would take a few months before they saw any reward for their efforts, but I believe that a dedicated group of farmers could reclaim a lot of this farm land and bring it back to working order."

Noticing that he was being hugged from his back, Torrential turned to look at what was clearly a fear struck Snow Tail, silently pleading for his help. Turning to look back at the bats for a moment, he seemed to nod his head to himself before focusing on something. He started to shrink a little as part of his body seemed to turn into a strange blue liquid. The liquid started to move and shift around him coat for a moment before traveling up to his back before it started to to climb onto Snow Tail's body. Quickly engulfing but her tail, wings and head, the blue liquid moved around a little in order to sort itself out before finally taking the form of a rather form fittingly snug, flattering and strangely yet reveling full body suit that looked to be made out of the same material that his cloak had been when they had first met. It even seemed to be made up in a style that flaunted Snow's natural beauty. The best way to describe it would have been if silk and water had somehow been infused together to make a fabric that still felt as warm and protective as a lovers hug. "There. I promise that they can't harm you now." He softly whispered to the mare on his back.

Turning towards Star Dancer, he tightened his wing around her a little to bring her a little closer before saying "It's only fair I offer you the same protection." Before he started to focus again. He shrunk a little more as more of himself pooled off of his body, gathering together before dripping down Star Dancer's back before wrapping itself around her body in much the same way that it did Snow Tail in that it left her head, tail and wings free. However, as it formed it seemed slightly... different. It was either a different shade of blue, or the light reflected off of it in a different way. Much like Snow Tail's, it was very form fitting and snug, very flattering while showing off and drawing the eye to the beauty of the mare that wore it. It even had its own style that seemed to be tailor made for her.

The only fault that a seamstress might have pointed out was that the two outfits didn't seem to have been made with the ability for mortals to remove them in mind.

Torrential himself appeared to be... well, much more pony sized then before. He was still big enough to carry Snow Tail on his back with ease while embracing Star Dancer with his wing, but his head was much more level with Star Dancers now. Level enough for him to nuzzle her properly in fact before he smiled at her. "Come on, let's get moving. I have business to attend to in Ponyville." It was all he needed to say as he attempted to guide one mare while carrying the other along the fence around what had once been a farm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

In her mind, terror engulfed Snow's mind. A black massive swarm, the echoing shrieks, countless wings against her fur, innumerable bites, bites, bites. She could not move, and not even closing her eyes helped alleviate the horror.

It only made the experience worse.

She screamed in that terrible memory. And that scream was punctuated by laughter of her tormentor. More thoughts came to her mind, the days culminating in this horrible fate. Her days were painful as they mistreated her. But that only affected her body. This, this was like they were crushing her mind.

The Tormentor were gazing through the cage and the swarm of bats. A grim and mirthless smile the pony had. "Tell me, oh Snowy, how many lights do you see?"

But soon the memory faded, replace by a soothing feel. At first Snow Tail thought it was the asylum after she was rescued, swaddled in a straitjacket but safe. But then she realized there was warmth, a soul within the fabric now forming around her. She opened her eyes, noticing how the alicorn had reduced in size and the wondrous outfit she wore. It was the lovely blue dress she had ever seen, in a fashion that transcended time.

The fear was gone, and Tail grip softened to thankful hug. Torrnetial's promise seemed to cast away the nightmare. "Thanks," she simply said, exhausted from the memory.

Star Dancer looked up at Snow, wondering what had happened. For a moment, she had seemed to be in distress. But before she could react, Torrential had done something wonderful. And then did the same for her. Dancer usually didn't care for dresses, not even before the Division. But this one, she saw looking down, was spectacular to behold.

"Amazing. It's as if the sky had formed into fabric and shaped into a dress by your hoof, Lord Rain," she said in astonishment. Her heart warmed in the loving embrace, more intimate and caring than any other she had before. Perhaps it transcended romance - she could not tell. The only other love that compared was that for the Lady Sweeper.

She then began to blush, realizing that the dresswas part of the alicorn. That some essence of him had been imparted from the alicorn and onto them. For some reason, Dancer could not explain why she was feeling so embraced. However, if the cat smile of Tail was any indication, she came to the same realization. And frankly enjoyed it.

Snow Tail was relaxed, and wanted to continue. She still had the other business to discuss with Star Dancer… and to inform Torrential about the Moon and Stars. However, after that awesome display back in Earthborn, it would seem that the Alicorn could take care of himself.

"Ponyville? As in the old one?" she asked. "Never saw the place - I was still just a kitten before the disaster."

"I was there, once and briefly," said Dancer. "It was just after they got the new rail way installed through the town. I was on a train passing through."

"Really, how was it?"

Dancer remembered the scene decades ago, and described the sight. The younger filly had managed a window seat on the train going to Canterlot. She remembered the beautiful forest, the apple trees that must have belong to Applejack's clan, the unwalled and clean streets, the colorful and well made tents and buildings. She saw, briefly, a purple unicorn followed by a small dragon. She wondered if that was the legendary Twilight Sparkle, but soon lost the figure in the crowded street.

"At the time, nothing really special," responded Dancer. "But compared to today…" she could say nothing, and shook her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Torrential didn't join in on the conversation about the past and how much better it had been when compared to the present. It wasn't that he was trying to be rude or anything of the sort; It was just as an immortal being and having been as such since before the concept of mortals was thought up, all of his live could be considered an endless 'things change' montage. Sometimes things changed for the better, sometimes for the worst. But always they changed for that is the way of them. It tended to depress those with shorter lifespans whenever he tried to explain it, so thus he stopped trying.

Instead, he tried to brighten the mood a little by turning to look at Snow Tail, shifting his free wing a little to try and draw attention to it as he simply stated "If you feel like getting of my back at anytime, just say so alright? I haven't had the pleasure of having a beautiful mare under both my wings since... since..." Torrential came to a stop as he suddenly found himself in deep thought as he tired to recall the last time in his life that he had two beautiful mares under his wings. After a few seconds, a look of surprised amusement crossed his face. "Huh. Now that I think about it, I've never had the opportunity to have two beautiful mares under my wings." Shrugging a little, he continued onwards.

Paying attention to what was no doubt going to be the fallout of his statement, Torrential narrowed his eyes a little as he started to sniff the air. The smile had vanished as the scent of stagnate water and decaying wood started to fill the air. It made him continue onwards with much more determination then before, anger in his eyes as he removed his wing from Star Dancer and possible Snow Tail (If she decided to remain on his back, he would politely shake her off instead) before stamping forwards at speed, simply mattering "They wouldn't..." in his wake.

Torrential's arrival at the water's edge of the swamp that had once been Ponyville was heralded by a number of very loud words that only a hoof full of mortals would understand the exact translation of... but still gave off the general impression that there were ponies out there that had better be watching the hell out. When Torrential started speaking in a tongue that those on this plane of existence could understand again, he continued to rage and curse at the 'feather brained morons' who had screwed up and left a damn swamp in their wake. Swamp wasn't exactly the correct word to be using to describe the stagnate, cloudy and clearly deceased waters that had twenty years prior been the end of Ponyville and was currently its tomb, but it was the closest word the pony tongue really had for such a mess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

His children had learned fast, that was certain.

Scalpel had paused in his extensive workload in the creation of simpler forms to overlook his first creations in their cursory activities, and he had been amazed at the rapidity in which they regained their basic knowledge of the world. Already he saw the two of them tear their way through an amassed number of accumulated text books on varied subjects such as occultism, science, history and religion which he had gathered here many years ago. The improved process seemed to have ensured that they learned voraciously, each conversation becoming ever more developed and complex, more advanced and beautiful. However, despite their mental aptitude, they showed a singular loyalty which overrode their ever action, every pattern of thought, every burst of magical energy which now coursed through their living, breathing, warm flesh.

Loyalty to the Father.

Scalpel had never considered himself an apt choice of parent, he was not prime material for it, regardless of his long history of care for Honey Puzzle, he remained her ever protective uncle not a father to her. But now he had his “sons”, his children not borne of biology and the flesh, but of science, brass, and steel, to care for… and he felt familial loyalty to them which none of his real family had ever truly inspired, asides from his neice. It was the duty of the Father to protect and assist his children, and so he would fill that duty, despite them not being children of his flesh and blood.

They are not my flesh and blood… but something more, something perfect

And so he felt something he rarely felt before… Pride.

Turning back to the masses of bodies sitting on the various tables in front of him he considered the passage of these last few days more clearly, wondering at the tremendous progress he had made. Thanks to the quick and able nature of Nocturne, he had been able to make the adaption’s to deceased flesh with increasing speed and propensity. They had acquired more bodies by means of scourging the local areas of bandits and highway ponies, which coursed across the landscape like so many plague infested rats. With the assistance of the goliath enraged body mass of Grunge, the bandits had fallen like wheat before a scythe and his experiments had continued. Meanwhile the two entities which he had taken to call “The Risen” had grown massively in maturity and knowledge and seemed to share his interest in the augmentation of flesh. He had however, been unwilling to entirely reveal the details of the process unless it slipped out of his hooves, but in time he might entrust such activities to the chosen few in time.

The entities he was currently in the motions of making right now where a much simpler and duller form of his prime creations, they would merely be required for basic duties, including defence, manual labour, and industry. Before him lay their forms, macabre in design, but mostly flesh asides from select parts of metal and copper, stitched together with wire and thread. Their lower jaws had been removed and replaced with a series of knifes, pinchers, and welding devices, and their heads caved in, eyeless and filled with a almost arachnid series of glass lenses and tubes to replace them. But their most noticeable attribute was their singular hairlessness, genderless bodies, their huge mechanical claws and a long heavy, flexible cable which extended to the central device of control.

The device in question was a long cylindrical tube like construction, distinguished by two pillar like tops which connected the mass of wires to it. It looked relative nondescript on the outside, but was coursing with the same occult workings he had attributed to his finer subjects. This was the generator, a crude device that ensured a constant supply of magic to keep the creatures active, as well as mood control magic which would alter their state based on the orders given to the device by its creator. It was fitted with two levitation spells in order that it would follow the connected host effortlessly wherever they were directed, even the wire was enchanted not to trail or catch, ensuring relative mobility for the creatures. Each generator could support ten of these things, and with the luck they had gained recently in laying waste to numerous bandit camps, they now had the better part of forty of these easily designable workers.

Of course this was just for the basic model for industry and labour… the true fighting design was a little differently. Clad in leather trench coats, with a large Black Sun sigils in white attached to their backs, and heads mostly covered in Sallet design helmets, only broken by a series of wiring blades and spikes extending from the mangled jaw that was terrible to behold, the fighting units were fearsome entities. Both front hooves had been replaced with metal blades, and their back hooves reinforced with mechanical supports which would allow them to walk on two hooves as well as four with ease, as well as springs which allowed them a deadly jumping attack of flailing blades and screeching knives. Like their labouring brothers, they had attached to them an immense cable and a generator, but unlike the basic drone they could separate themselves for a an hour from the main generator and use what was effectively a portable battery to power themselves for a time, when the power grew low, the creature would redirect itself back to the device using a minor locator spell, and recharge. A bonus feature of the production of these war machines when they had tested them had been the psychological effect on their enemies. The inequine screams of absolute rage as they changed to an aggressive setting, made guttural by machines and magic had utterly terrified the bandits they had fought, and Scalpel had noted with keen precision as the bandits had fled, only to be cut down by and slaughtered by his forces as they sped forward with unnatural speed and agility, and ripped them apart with extreme prejudice.

It had been like watching a pack of manticores.

They had lost the upper levels of thinking, the personality, their memories and emotions, but the basic instinct remained, and the capacity, both to understand commands and learn predatory tactics remained to a degree. Already he had observed changes in the way they dealt with their prey, not only on the field were they grew to learn the best spots to test their blades, but also in their return through the secret passages to the forest with more bodies for his experiments, where he had noted a lessening of the mangling, not by request, but by their seeming understanding of his difficulties with such corpses. Still, at best they remained highly intelligent predators, with basic understanding, true, logical, intelligent life remained only in the Risen.

Whilst he had continued work in making this strange force, he had not abandoned his studies into that of achieving divinity, but he knew he was far from able to create the conditions of apotheosis in his current situation and with his immediate resources. Each year he got closer to the truth, each year he got closer to achieving his dreams… but each year he felt further and further away.

The destruction of his labs, the scarcity of knowledge and the occult books he required, the missing tools from which he would tear open the veins of true magic all lead to an ever distant horizon for the completion of his work. Without some immediate change in his situation he would never truly breach the gateway to true unadulterated divinity. Still, something did lead him to consider it a continued possibility…

The Dreams.

They had become stronger and stronger as time had passed, and every now and then it seemed as if he was hit like lightening by jolts of almost unfathomable information even in his waking hours. He barely understood most of it, but what he did comprehend seemed almost revolutionary to his studies. He did not understand where it came from however… had some entity connected with him and was now flooding his mind with information? Or was it something else entirely? His smile of appreciation faded slowly as he watched his Risen, replaced by one of intense thought…

What awaited him in the service of the machine god?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Well this is the place," said the maneless mare.

Three figures stood at the street, the afternoon sun gleaming on the guide's scalp. Next to her where two very well dressed ponies, wearing Scholar cloaks. But unlike the ones worn by Scroll (or the majority of the order), they were subtly different. They were well pressed, tailored, a darker shade, and the marks seemed to gleam. Even with Sweeper's magic, not even her restorative powers could give the aura of these other, finer cloaks. Across from them was a mansion of a bygone century, its Antebellum architecture combining neoclassical and Roamian styles with modern innovations like the gabled roof and windows. The only sign of life was that the windows were no longer boarded up.

Had any pony decided to walk around, they would have noted one major oddity. There was a hill next to the house, and at its crest were several monolithic chimneys. It was as if somepony had stuck them right into the earth itself.

"Very good," replied the unicorn in a icy voice. Her hair was a dark blue, pulled into a tight bun. Glasses sat on her muzzle, clear and dark to reflect her eyes. If one had noticed they were the latest fashion in Manehatten. Her clothes however less stylish, but still well kept. "Did you make any inquires about this mansion?"

Lily Moon nodded her head. "A few, but I didn't learn much. They say the place was recently inhabited, by a doctor or some mystical alchemist. Either way, they don't take patients or visitors. And ponies around here don't like to pry. It doesn't seem like an odd place, even at night." She noted the shadows on the ground that daylight was soon going. "Is there anything else? I should head back to the waterworks to help my friends. Busy day, and we still need to clean up the graveyard."

"Hmmm, what about the graveyard?"

Lily shrugged. "Don't know the details but it looks like vandalism. In any case, the Lady would want us to tidy up."

"Alright, what do we owe-"

Lily shook her head,. "No, payment is not needed. After all, are working for the Great Cause." She gave a warm smile and a short bow. "We'll be by the Creek if you need anything. Take care." Lily began to trot back to the shack that served as Woodwatch's waterworks.

When she was out of sight, the pegasus Lightwing finally spoke. "It's a shame we have to be the presence of that one. Her peppiness is irritating, and does she have no dignity? Clad in sackcloth and bald, not even the piss poor would be reduced to that-"

Dr. Lens gave to a harsh glare, and he stopped. "She dedicated to her cause, as we are. An admirable trait. Now let us focus more on the matter on hoof." She indicated the structure.

It was some days ago that a Mission of Sliver Sweeper arrived at Woodwatch. They were a small traveling band, doing odd jobs cleaning and restoration… that is, if they weren't chased away or ignored. It happened to also be one of the groups that Director Prancer Žemaitukas was using for his own means. Though he had little love for the alicorn he served, the Director realized that her followers could be his eyes. So under the guise of being the High Priest's superior (which wasn't too far from the truth), Zemi' had his agents contact the wandering Missions. Of them, he told to look out for certain individuals or events, and to contact his office. "It is imperative for the order that these ponies be found, for the sake of the Lady," they were told.

One day, Lily Moon was helping restore a fountain in in the otherwise quiet town when she saw a young unicorn, hind legs missing. She recognized her from a booklet that Prancer's faction had given them, filled with photos of ponies they were looking for. After following her to her residence, Lily had another pegasus fly to Manehatten immediately, and in a few hours Lightwing and Glory Lens were on their way via airship to the small town.

"Do you think it could be this mysterious Doctor? I thought we lost him in Trottingham."

"It's our first definite lead since then, Light'. But this could be a major break. The Director wants his help, especially what we learned about the Moon and Stars," said Lens. She was a rather attractive lady, only in her mid-20's, fit and her tailored clothes made her even more desirable. Had she let her hair down, she would have been far beautiful. "I go in alone, you stay out here and wait."

"Are you sure? What if our Talent decides to use you as his next experiment?"

"I can take care of myself. The Director doesn't call me his favorite for nothing."

Lightwing moved behind the corner to observe from a safe distance. Lens continued forward to the structure with it's extended porch. It's facade was symmetrical - windows, pillars, and doors matching the same floors. Balcony rails on the floor above had taken on a green patentia. Shuttered windows prevented any prying eyes from looking through. Weather and time took it's toll on the masonry. Soon she passed the marble pillars of the porch, and was at the front door, made of thick wood. Whoever built this house liked to make sure things were secured… and quiet. This construction would muffle most sounds. She looked around and found a heavy door knocker. Lens lifted the metal bob, and gave three heavy knocks.

She waited for a reply.
"Oh sorry," Snow Tail said as she fluttered off Torrential's back. She started to blush, realizing that she probably was overstaying the ride. She took his place under the other wing, and chuckled at the alicorn's observation. "Well, it's a honor to be the first", she said and began to think of a way to continue the fun. Hmmm, looks like we're going to start playing again

Dancer didn't say much but nodded in acknowledgement. The walk seemed like a dream to her. Indeed, was she going to wake up soon, still in the Palace of Ivory Shores? But the soothing touch of Torrential's wing assured her this was no fantasy.

But then everything changed - his wings where gone, and the alicorn broke into a fast pace. The two mortals looked at each other in shock, and then began to run after Torrential. They stopped a short distance from the watery ruins of Ponyville. Despair entered their hearts. Dancer remembered that day, she was just in her dorm reading a section on gravitational effects on light, while eating a muffin. Despite the confusion and worry about the Princesses disappearing, she was more concerned for her midterms. After all, what did they had to fear with Twilight Sparkle and the Element Holders in charge?

But then there was a loud slamming, and Bright Scroll came in with sweat in on his forehead. He said simply "Ponyville is gone." It was at that moment she realized that things were out of control. She would latter write in a journal: Like the event horizon of a magical portal, it was at that point nothing would ever escape the cataclysm of the Division. Snow Tail never did go here - after all, why visit a crater? But seeing the lake and the ruins in the water, tears began to fill her eyes.

Torrential's words came like a thunderclap without sound. The words the two pegasi did not know, but their impact could be felt. Each word was like a bit of anger from the alicorn, and the pair began to shiver in horror. Tail bowed down into the marshy ground, but Dancer could not even move. Did the Lord of the Rains not know? she wondered. Now that he does… what next? She waited, not knowing what to do or what will occur. She simply prayed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Spectrum walked down a cobblestone street, his eyes searching and his wits about him. Above him the plae yellow moon hung high in the sky casting an eerie light on all. To the common mind this would be unnerving but for the Lunar Priest it was like a walk in the park. He knew he was in dangerous territory not just in the terms of the rat hole of a city Trottingham had become but also in terms of the fact he was smack dab in the heart of Stormwing territory. It had taken the better part of his cunning and connections to secure travel to this vile city but now here he was. There was no turning back know. There wasn’t a sound to be head except for the pitter patter of rain on his cloak and the stones of the street. Even though there wasn’t soul in the street save for the unicorn buck he was sure he was being watched.

He began to whistle a tune, nothing special just something to fill the silence. His ears perked to a noise in the distance a cat squalling. Someone wasn’t being careful. Suddenly a pair of earth ponies stepped out of the shadows of an alley way. They both had wide grins on their faces but their eyes were shadowed by the hoods of their cloaks.

“Out fer a midnight stroll eh,” one cackled.

“Aye an’ whistlin’ a merry tune ta boot,” the other said,” Tell us what’s a ‘ornhead doin’ out sa late hmmm?”

Spectrum smiled and gave a small bow,” Good eve gentlecolts. I am actually trying to find a friend’s residence. If you would be so kind I would ask for a bit of assistance in finding it.”

“Look it Punch,” thr first one said with a dark chuckle,” ‘e’s got nice manners that’s fer sure. But I can’t shake th’ feelin’ ‘e’s not form these parts. Wouldn’t ye agree?”

“Oh that I do mate,” his companion agreed,” I’d say Moon an’ Stars is where ‘e’s from.” The both took a menacing step forward, one pulling out a wickedly curved blade as he did so. ”What say we have a red paint party hmmm?”

Spectrum sighed, ‘So much for diplomacy’. With a flicker of black magic the pair were pinned against a wall. Both grunted in surprise, the dagger falling form the second buck’s grip. When the looked up at the unicorn they scowled.

“Well that was quite rude,” Spectrum frowned,” Here I am asking for a bit of assistance and you two deem it necessary to draw blade on me.” He applied a bit of force, twisting both ponies’ forelegs in unnatural directions. Both screamed out in pain. “Now then I am looking for a unicorn much like myself and about the same age. Silver fur, bronze mane about as tall as I. Ring any bells.”

“I’m gonna enjoy ‘angin’ ye by yer intrails,” one managed to grin despite the pain he was in.

Spectrum gave another tired sigh,’ These cultist just do not listen to do they.’ With a flick of his horn he lifted the offending earth pony into the air. He cast an eye at the other,” Κατεψυγμένα αναμονή.” Ice formed around the other earth pony’s hooves, pinning him indefinitely to the wall. Spectrum turned to the other with pursed lips,” Now then I am not the one for violence and I abhor unnecessary torture. So in light of that I know my friend has done business with your group so that would mean you know of his whereabouts.” Spectrum twisted the buck’s foreleg in another unnatural position. “Doctors are a rare necessity for the cult so whenever you get your hooves on one it stands to reason that you’ll be hard pressed to give him up. Now be a good lad and talk.”

The earth pony was able to keep from crying out this time and just gave the unicorn a pained smirk,” Th’ Laughin’ Mare’s gonna ‘ave fun with ye.”

Spectrum was a patient sort but even he had little tolerance for a slew of bad manners. Despite his growing annoyance he chuckled,” My dear boy you honestly fear a deranged corpse. There are much worse things to fear in the Astral Plain.” His expression lost all emotion as he dropped the cultist,” Yuy ab swy zpalfyk.”

The buck started twitching as his eyes went wide. His companion, who for the better part of the last few minutes had been trying to free himself of the ice binding his limps just watched as the other earth pony became silent. Silence reigned as the bound earth pony watched his just stare up at the sky. Then out of nowhere he started wailing, black ichor poured from his eyes, nose and ears. A feted stench filled the air as the earth pony screeched into the night. The bound pony begged to any god, goddess or eldritch demon that bothered to listen that he could cover his ears. After what felt like an eternity the waling pony fell on side, unmoving the body already growing cold.

Spectrum turned to him with a bored expression,” Well that elav3es you my friend. What information can you give me and do be quick of it I find myself running out of mercy and patience.”
The earth pony gulped, felling true fear for the first time in a very long time. The last time he had felt such terror was when he had seen the Laughing Mare for the first time. He looked up at the unicorn,’ That was mercy?’ He fetl very much compelled to talk,” P-please don’t k-kill me. The d-doctor yer talkin’ bout, ‘is lab was on th’ corner of Mane and Rusted. P-please spare me.”

Spectrum smiled gently as a father would at his foal,” Thank you my good lad.” The ice evaporated and the buck fell to the ground with a grunt.” Now then it would seem that you know of my connection to the Moon and Stars. I am so sorry…” Without warning Spectrum gripped the earth pony’s head in his magic and twisted savagely. A gurgle escaped the buck‘s maw as he fell to the ground limp.

Spectrum cracked his neck and sighed,’ So good to get these urges out of the way.’ With a spring now in his step he made his way to the corner of Mane and Rusty a song back on his lips as if nothing had happened.
Crashing chuckled,” Well lass I ain’t one fer manners ta be sure.” He licked his muzzle clean and a rumble sounded form his belly. The rabbits weren’t enough of a meal and as his gaze went to the dear he found this to be true. “And I thank ye fer th’ meal. I’m inclined ta admit I’m a bit famished. Oh and no promises.” The alicorn bared his razor fangs and dug in. Within minutes he stripped the corpse with all the speed of a starved pack of sharks. When all his teeth met were bone he took to crunching on them as well. Not a sliver of meat, bone or cartilage was left when Crashing looked back up at his sibling.

The God of the Sea felt his Shadow busk against its bonds in the back of his mind. His eye twitched for the briefest of moment as it begged for him to make a meal of the other alicorn. With a grunt he shook his head of the stomach wrenching thought. He had half a mind to pull out his liquor but he had a feeling he needed to be as lucud as possible lest he lose control. ‘Why the bloody ‘ell is it suddenly so powerful,’ he thought darkly,’ I never had this much trouble keepin’ a lid on it.’
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

After a few minutes and with great effort on his part, Torrential forced himself to stop cursing and calm down.

It was still very clear that he wasn't at all happy about the situation in the slightest and his breathing was very heavy, but his gaze hardened as he glared at the befouled waters before him. Turning his head a little towards the two mares behind him, one bowing in the marshy filth of the ground they stood on while the other was frozen in fear, Torrential softened a little as he reprimanded himself for causing his two companions undue fear and stress. There was one lesson that needed to be taught here... could only be taught here. One that Celestia had foolish tried to deny and purge from the mortal world during the reign of her 'immortal' empire; The result of which he suspected was a chief factor into how badly the situation fell apart when she vanished without warning.

"The world changes. What is considered fact today will be proven wrong tomorrow, the tyrant that ruled with an iron hoof will grow old and die and somewhere up in the mountains a boulder shifts position and a river is diverted miles away from the riverbed that had been its home for hundreds of years. Twenty years ago, Ponyville was flooded. It's hard to say if the war started because of the destruction of Ponyville or if it was destroyed because of the war, but either way innocent ponies died as the town was engulfed by water. No matter how one feels about it in hindsight, it happened and there is no force in existence that can or would change it. What happens stays happened. Maybe it isn't a fair system for those who get crushed in the gears, but it is the only one that works."

"I am not upset because Ponyville was destroyed. It happened two decades ago and nothing will change that so why bother? Nor am I upset with those who committed the act. War makes us do terrible things that seem important at the time but in hindsight were little more then meaningless tragedies. I'm upset because in the short sighted desire to wipe a town of ponies off the map, those who made this happen attempted to ensure that nothing would grow here ever again while leaving only a blighted, poisonous swamp in their wake."

"Where there is death, there is always rebirth." Turning his head back towards the befouled waters that marked the location that Ponyville once stood, Torrential nodded his head as he came to a decision. "Ladies, I suggest you find a good place nearby to set up camp. This is going to take a while."

Without looking back, Torrential started to walk towards the water... and then started to walk on it as if it was solid ground. He walked out a fair distance onto the surface of the foul lake before closing his eyes. When they opened again, his eyes glowed pure white. The water beneath his hooves started to glow the same white as his eyes, a cloud of pure, glowing white that was spreading out like ink being dropped into water and steadily growing by the minute. This wasn't as quick or simple as making a glass of water pure and safe for drinking, but the only real differences were in scale and time; Neither of which were really an issue for the Ailcorn of Floods.
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