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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie was amused by Mithera. She seemed quite cat like, and petting her wasn't really any hard ship as he sat there. "I needed back up, Sho. I had no idea what I'd be coming across. It could have gone another way" she said, "some of the guild is there, dealing with it. Patience. You will get to fight, Sho" He said, rising as the train slowed to a stop, lifting Mithera so she wouldn't fall when he stood, and placed her on his shoulder, starting to make her way off the train.
The demon was stronger then Sasha had thought, and she groaned, feeling her body's every ache and pain, and knowing she could go much longer. She continued to fight, because she had to, because if she didn't, her friends would be hurt. She looked to Lazarus, seeing that he was perhaps slightly better off then her, and she had seen Damian being thrown once more, probably going injuries, and she knew they had to finish this soon.

The orange speck that was Penny flew towards them, and said "Damian wants us to give it our all, for one final attack" She said, "And hopefully this will get rid of it" She said, and as Penny poured more energy into her flames, they became larger, and a darker colour of red. Sasha nodded, "I think that's all I've got left" She said. Penny looked towards the demon, "Then lets make this one count, shall well?" She shot off into the sky.

Penny, Sasha and Lazarus bombared the demon with everythign they had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian had focused his magic energy into a single blade, having sheathed the cutlass that rested on his back before gathering his magic energy into his blade for the Final Strike. The large black blade was curved and ornate in it's own fashion, with the edge of the blade still seeming to catch the moon light despite being made of his magic energy. The blade itself had many designs on it, but the most prominent were three pulsing lines of magic energy, which alternated between orange, green and black as the blade formed. He himself had his eyes close, the magic energy he was using to build the blade required his absolute focus to ensure the edge was perfect for the final blow.

He could hear the sounds of his friends still attacking the demon and the demon's roars of anger. He could sense it was growing weaker though, every blow they added, along with earlier blow from before, beginning to add up. With in moments, the blade was finished and ready, just as his friends began to run out of magic energy. This ends now. "Final," he slide into a ready stance and his eyes shot open and he rushed forward, "Strike!" He leaped upwards, into the air, and swung the giant blade down, cutting the Demon from shoulder to hip. He finished the first strike as he landed, then spun, swinging and slicing the demon from the opposite hip to the opposite shoulder of his first slice.

And then he felt it, the Demon's life force fade away. We did it. We won. The demon released one final howl of dark rage before crumbling away into nothingness and Damian smiled one last time before collapsing, the pain and blood loss too much to conquer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the demon was conquered, Penny was perhaps the only one still able to stand and use magic. She wasn't injured, even if she did feel weary and achy, She landed, and her fire spluttered away, as she went over to make sure that Damian wasn't going to die on them, and she used her flames to seal any cuts he had sustained, or at least stopping the bleeding.

Sasha fell to the ground, panting, placing a hand against her side, feeling the wetness of blood, but not as much as she feared. She sealed the popped stitches with ice, before rising, shaking. She shuddered, going over to Lazarus "So. I don't think we'll be getting the reward from the job" She said, with a weary smile, going over to Penny and Damain.

She sunk down beside them, and closed her eyes. "I have no idea how we will get back to the guild" She said, "And I know as soon as Damian wakes, he'll berate me for over exerting myselfl and opening my side again" She sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Shoichi could only sigh and resign himself from fighting. Until they faced a serious threat, he would have to settle with training. "Well, It could be worse...at least the prospect is here...i just need some patience" he thought as he walked along the roads of Magnolia, their little trio heading towards the Guild Hall. "Hmm, since I came back to Fiore, I should go pay a visit to my parents...tch, that old man is going to piss me off again with all his stuff about tradition and how I shouldn't be traveling around and take my place as the successor to the family and all that jibber-jabber..." Sho rested his hands behind his head and started thinking about a place he could train quietly without no interruptions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kelthar walked into the maze as he looked at the very large walls. After walking forward for a bit ignoring some of the turns that they could take he stopped at a fork in the road. Only issue is this fork had 7 different ways they could go. "Hold on Angelo." he said as he started to focus. Kelthar got into a stance with his fists together in front of him. "Be absolutely quite my friend." Kelthar said. Kelthar started to hear all around them. The Squirrels and birds and other creatures that were close by. He could even hear Angelo's heartbeat. But it was time to focus. He rid himself of these distractions. As he listened in, and heard something, what was that?

"What in the world is that?" Kelthar said as he focused harder. He couldn't tell which way it was coming from. But it sounded like steps. Steps of something huge. He focused harder but he couldn't hear anything but these steps echoing, they were too quiet although the steps themselves, as he could feel the noise around them, is was shaking the ground. Kelthar focused harder and could barely hear the talking of the people but all of it was being drowned out by the footsteps. But there was no doubt someone was alive. The only issue was that these footsteps kept him from being able to tell where the people were and what direction. He released from his stance and looked over at Angelo who was probably expecting Kelthar to have something and a direction on where to go.

Kelthar sighed as he relaxed, "Just like I was afraid would happen." He said as he walked closer to Angelo. "I heard some people, I can tell you that, but I couldn't tell what direction they were in." he said looking defeated, but then his face turned into a very serious face. "But, I did hear footsteps. I don't know what they were from but they were big. And they were causing disruptions, it was why I couldn't tell which direction the people are. The good news is that someone is alive at least. So at least we know that." Kelthar said as he started walking forward. "Looks like we have to wing it for now, hopefully we get close enough to the people for me to be able to hear them no problem." Kelthar said as he now started running towards one of the exits on their left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Angelo watched as his partner goes through his trance state as Angelo stayed as quiet ad possibly watching his partner go to work. Then he sighed a little when he said he found nothing but what surprised Angelo was when he says that they're footsteps that interfered with his ability. That actually made Angelo interested to find out what was making that blouse and Angelo followed his path knowing he might get lost if he made decisions in the maze. "Let's go find those guys and leave, I'll handle whatever tries to kill us" Angelo said looking at every path nearby to make sure they wouldn't get ambushed. ..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bonnie was able hide with a good lookout view of the battle between the mages and the colossus demon, with the mages as the victors. When everything seemed calmed enough, she popped out of her hiding spot and skipped towards the mages with glee. "Gosh that was awesome! You people are amazing to take such a beast down." She happily said while jumping up and down towards the red hair girl. Wait, I'm being so stupid again, she realized that the battle took a lot from them and were in some serious severe condition. "Sorry sorry, I should of tried helping you guys earlier. It was just that huge thing you guys defeated scared the living day light out of me when I saw it coming. Anyways though, enough rambling." She hurried towards Damian and started using her healing magic on him. "By the way, who are you people?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha blinked, and looked up at as someone joined them. She stared, then shook her head, watching as she healed Damian's wounds. She sighed, and looked out towards the town. She wondered how the people would come back to jt, and how they would continue in living. People were strange. There was a hidden resilience in everyone, and Sasha was sure that they would come together and rebuild. She smiled slightly, looking back.

"We are wizards of Phoenix Wing" she said in response to the question. "I am Sasha, and seeing as Damian probably won't wake to tell you his name, the guy you're healing is Damian, the red head is Penny, which just leaves Lazarus" she said, growing slightly as she pondered the predicament if getting back to the guild. She knew Damian wouldn't be able to travel even if he did regain consciousness-he had used too much energy.

She sighed, biting her lip. They needed to get to the guild, but how? None of the would be strong enough to take him back. She wondered if there was any mp vehicles around. She looked over to Penny, who seemed to have the most magical power left. Penny could power it, she was sure.

Sasha was beginning to shake, as her bodies aches and pains, and weariness caught up to her, and she closed her eyes, slowing her breathing, "we need transportation" she sighed then said "sorry for bein. Impolite, but who are you?" She asked the stranger.
Master Jamie made his way back to the guild, feeling tied, and just sick at heart. He walked in though straight backed, as as the guild Master. The first thing he did was go over to Mayt, always conscious of Mothers on his shoulder.

"Mayt" she said softly "I've done what I can. The blackmail should stop. I wasn't able to retrieve your parents, and for that I am greatly sorry. But I know no harm will come to them, and I will do everything in my power to retrieve them"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ah, sorry sorry. I should of introduced myself earlier, I'm Bonnie the cat, or more formally Bonnie Connery. I don't know how many of my kind you've seen, but I haven't seen that much of them in years. So if you're surprised to see a talking cat don't worry, I don't bite, only claw on faces. But you people seem nice enough to not have that happen." She finished healing as much as she could on Damian and moved on to healing Sasha who appeared to be shaking from the pain. "If you don't mind me asking, but why did you people decide to go face to face against such a monster? You had to know that wouldn't of been a cake walk and been looking to still be conscious."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The simplest answer was "there were people in danger" Sasha said softly, "and if we didn't stop that demon, a lot them would have died" she said , still puzzling over how a cat could talk. "That's what guilds to, we work together as team mates, and conquer challenges" she said with a shrug

Penny nodded "and I was worried for Sasha. Plus, Damian thought he could attack the beast alone. I thought that foolish, so I defied what he wanted and just continued to follow him" she said, looking down at Damian "he's such a sweet fool. But a good fighter, and definetely someone I want by my side"

"If we didn't attack the demon...we wouldn't be able to call ourselves Phoenix Wing" Sasha said after a minute
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hmm Phoenix Wing... sounds a bit familar, but it actually does remind me of those phoenix said to be reborn from the ashes of its predecessor. By the way, are you feeling any better... Tasha?" She asked while she was still healing her, still trying to remember their names. "Also, why not check the town near here, there has to be some kind of magical vehicle there." puzzling over how a cat could talk, Bonnie heard as she listened to Sasha's thoughts. "And how is a walking talking cat strange to you! I'll have you know that I hatched from an egg, nothing strange about that or people using magic here." She said sounding a bit upset.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"It's Sasha" An egg? This shocked Sasha even more "cats do not talk in this land, nor are they born from an eg-"she was cut off as Penny made a spluttering sound, staring wide eyes at Bonnie. "You're an exceed? They haven't been seen in 100 years! How did you get here?" Penny asked, Sasha falling silent., frowning. It seemed she was missing a lot, not being able to read properly. How much history didn't she know?

She dropped her head, biting her lip, and rubbed her eyes, feeling her injuries heal. She was still weary, but she was felling better. @you heard my thoughts. Great. A cat can hear my thoughts" Sasha winced "I'm sorry. I'm just tired" she said wearily "and if we can get to the next town, that would be great, but Damian can't at the moment"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Sorry, Sasha Sasha, I'll try and remember it and thanks for knowing some history and knowing that I am in fact an exceed. And about how I got here, I either walked or flew here not knowing that I would actually happen, like running into that battle that you guys just went through." Bonnie finished what she could heal for Sasha and moved on to Penny. "You know, if you're still really too tired that you still can't move much, I wouldn't mind carrying someone to the nearest town. However, I'll need someone that knows where that nearest town is because I got no idea where one is. So please, if it has to be someone, please don't choose the heaviest one here, sorry, this healing is taking some strength away from me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny waved Bonnie away "I'm fine. No injiries. My flames protect me" she said, not wanting the little wizard to waste energy on her "I can fly to a town myself. So you need not overtax yourself" she said, again not wanting Bonnie to waste energy.

"I'm fine to walk" Sasha said wearily "but as far as I know, an unconscious person can't walk" she was concerned for Damian, as well as for the others, and she knew that the best place they could be would be the guild. Master and Jarvis would help, and they'd be able to tell them what had happened.

Penny smiled, and sighed "well, I can go off and be back soon. crocus isn't too far, and if I fly I can be there quick, and back just as quick"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As soon as Master Jamie entered the hall, Mithera took off for the highest point in the hall, landing there and settling in. She took stock of the room as quickly as possible, trying to find where food was kept and other things like that. She figured the person Master Jamie went to talk to was Mayt, she had never seen him directly, but that didn't mean Melina hadn't. And she had shared some information about the person they were blackmailing.

Mayt looked up when Master Jamie came over, obviously having had a few drinks, but fortunately not beyond him able to understand anything. "Yeah, okay, thanks... So long as they're safe... Good... Good... What was that white thing?" He looks around, unable to find Mithera. "It went off in a blur when you came in..." He rubs his eyes and tries to focus for a moment, realizing that he should've had a few less drinks now. "Okay, thanks for handling that, and I would like to know what the blur was... When I'm more sober."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie looked up, over to Mithera. "That" He said, "Is a mini dragon. I believe she is a shapeshifter. And I will tell you more about her when you are sober. You should rest, but..." She sighed deeply, "We might have need of every sword. A demon has been found, and some of the guild is in the process of at-"

"Communication just came from Penny, Jamie" Jarvis said, sliding up, holding a communication lacrima, that had a piece of paper on it, with "Damian/Penny" From that it was clear that Jarvis had a few of them, and needed to know which Lacrima was with who. "The demon has been defeated, but they didn't find the woman they suspect conjured it" He set a glass of water down in front of Mayt, saying "Hydrate"

Master Jamie nodded, relieved, "As long as they are alright, we can find the woman again. Have some food taken to my room. Enough for two. I have to get that dragon off the rafters, and at least make sure she knows where my room is" Master Jamie could have given Mithera a room for herself, but suspected the tiny shapeshifter might be better with company, and she wanted to keep an eye on her anyway.

"We shall talk later, Mayt" Master Jamie said, "For now, I need sleep oro I'll be no use to anyone"

Jamie whistled, "Mithera, come down here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Left, Right, forward, Left RIght, They made multiple turns as they ran through the maze. It was mostly just Kelthar guessing where to go. But eventually Kelthar made another right and when he did he looked over and saw the same tree he had seen about 15 minutes ago. Kelthar stopped. "Shit." he said looking back at Angelo, "We've been here." Kelthar sighed, "We are lost, I have no idea where to go or where we are." Kelthar said as he sat down and pulled out a drink. He tossed one to Angelo and drank one himself. "I'll try to hear whatever I can again. Any ideas on anything else?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Paingodsson said
Left, Right, forward, Left RIght, They made multiple turns as they ran through the maze. It was mostly just Kelthar guessing where to go. But eventually Kelthar made another right and when he did he looked over and saw the same tree he had seen about 15 minutes ago. Kelthar stopped. "Shit." he said looking back at Angelo, "We've been here." Kelthar sighed, "We are lost, I have no idea where to go or where we are." Kelthar said as he sat down and pulled out a drink. He tossed one to Angelo and drank one himself. "I'll try to hear whatever I can again. Any ideas on anything else?"

Angelo walked through the maze with kethlar walking through the damned maze and Angelo groaned loudly when he heard him say that they were walking in a circle and Angelo banged his face against a wall nearby in annoyance before grabbing the drink the guy had and Angelo started to drink it and he thought of ideas and he decided to just take a chance "why not instead we go and see whats causing your interference. I cant deal with staying in here longer then I have to and I feel like getting this done so much faster. Let me just deal with whatever is making the noise and we can find the people were looking for"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nodded, a little curious about this apparent mini-dragon shape-shifter, but deciding being sober would be a good idea before Jamie tried to explain it. He took the new liquid Jarvis had put out in front of him, grunting when he finds it's merely water, but draining most of the glass anyway. "Alright, Mini-dragon-shape-shifter. Good to know... You will probably need to explain later at some point, probably tomorrow," he rubs the back of his head. "And Demons? Sounds serious."

Mithera groaned, not wanting to come down, but doing so anyway. She glided around the room once, taking everything up before alighting on Master Jamie's shoulder, almost whacking him in the back of the head with her wing. She shakes herself and settles herself down on his shoulder, waiting to be taken to his room. She was hoping she'd get enough food to transform into at least her weakest predator form. That'd be better than nothing. And if she got to her biggest form, she'd be able to talk, which would be very good for communication.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shoichi walked into the guild, following the master and his little friend but broke away from the group, walking towards the bar where Jarvis was instead. “Jarvis, here is a communication lacrima” he said to the bartender and placed the small ball-shaped lacrima on the bar in front of him. “I picked these two lacrimas up on my way to Acalypha town. Figured I would need them sooner or later. Tell the master when she wakes up from her beauty sleep that I’m going to find a place as far away from here and quiet enough for me to train; a martial artists body is his weapon and if I don’t take care of my weapon, It’ll go dull sooner or later right?” he said and laughed. “If anything happens, ANYTHING, feel free to give me a call through that little sphere that I gave you.”. Sho waved goodbye to Jarvis and Mayt. who was still drinking for some strange reason, and walked outside, heading east towards East forest and Mt. Suisen, the natural border between Bosco and Fiore.
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