Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Indeed, my character creation method is quite detail oriented, and my characters are at their best when I have a good working knowledge of the world I'm putting them in. I tend to tie them quite closely to existing events as well as creating my own, and a good deal of their personality is determined by this.

A side-effect is that they are not transferable between settings - to do so would usually break so many of the defining events in the history that I'd effectively be making a new character.

Random introspective ramble aside, I'm doing most of the new writing for Cerria now. It is a total rework of the sheet, hopefully without any major errors this time round.
I am editing in the new sections as I complete them. Because finding the sheet again is tedious.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The early Angels are said to have been fairly static in mindset yes?

Would it follow that Heaven then would also be quite unchanging and static in nature, both due to Angelic nature (wanting to keep things how they are) and the very nature of the realm itself?

All providing a counterpart to Demons and hell, who are ever changing and constantly evolving.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Well, here's the first character. Still need to work out the magical kinks and kind of got writer's fatigue half-way near the end, so revisions may occur. But for now, working on the second character.
Name: Noel Yang
Alias/Nickname: "Noel Nightly" was his Porn Star name, "Lady Face" was his name when he was still at the Academy
Age: Twenty Six
Race: Human

Has a slim, feminine body. Thin and lithe but with the right amount of fat and musculature that he certainly is not skeletal. Not the beefiest, but he's stronger than he looks. For a human, anyways.
Social Status: A graduate of the Master Melody’s Academy for Fine Arts and one of their better students, but has long since been dropped of their radar two years after his graduation. However those with certain interests may know him from several pornos as well as musical numbers, where he provides his expertise for various situations.
Relations: Most near family are deceased, though he knows he has some distant cousins who may be aware of him, though he hasn't gotten out of his way to know. Has some fans from his media work but generally doesn't answer their calls, a few fellow travelers who may know him/have worked with him, and he has a small but notable reputation among those who have need of a bard/actor/human with an Essence.
General Activity: Noel tends to do whatever job he finds that he feels would suit him. He's done some time as an "Escort" as well as an actual bodyguard (With a ridiculously low bodycount however), tends to just show up, help the situation however he can, and leave before people start asking him to stay. He does seem to be the wanderer type, though he's recently begun trying to travel with a group. The life of a lone wanderer isn't as fun as he imagined, and would like companionship.

Physical - Noel isn't really a body worker, though he does make it into a habit to take care of it. Keeps himself clean and smelling fresh, and tries not to get too unhealthy or sick. He's actually pretty strong for someone with a lithe frame like him, but he's still pretty scrawny. He is rather athletic in that he's quick with his feet and has very good hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and situational awareness. Decent at picking up subtle cues as he's always looking for them. He also prides himself on his voice and his ability to copy any sound he hears, right down to the volume and accent. Some may think that his voice is magical for the sounds it can produce, but no, that's just him.

He's very good at hiding himself and others if need be. If for some reason he finds himself in a fight, he's not much for fisticuffs, but give him a solid stick or staff and he'll show off some of the martial arts he learned back at the Academy. Not really a fair fighter seeing that he'd lose a fair fight. Very good at throwing things however, be it furniture he can pick up or even proper throwing knives and such. Also knows how to handle a whip or chain with frightening efficiency, but this takes more in the form of how he can somehow form knots and lassos rather than any damage he does with them. Noel has picked the lute as his instrument of choice, but also has some experience working with other stringed instruments, the keyboard, and a drum set.

Magical - Noel's magic could be simply called "Illusions", but this would need more elaboration.

Noel's magical ability is more accurately called "Psychomancy", or the Divination of the Psyche. For some, these seems to only be illusions. But it is more than that. It is the ability to control and change one's mind, spirit, and soul. Psychomancer can create a Wide Concentration to cast their spells over a large area, or Focused Concentrations to hit single target with much more power. The emotions of the caster as well as their target also is taken into account for the effects of the spells, as each as their own strengths and weaknesses that must be understood to be utilized to it's fullest efficiency. There are many spells in Psychomancy, and the following is what he is capable of preforming himself. He can do additonaly, more powerful spells, but they require the use of his Instrument.

Noel carries a staff five-feet in length (just a little bit shorter than he is) that can he separated at the middle to create two smaller staffs 2 /12 feet length each. It serves as both a walking stick, a tool for measuring, and a weapon for self defense. He also carries a kukri, though that was a gift and he doesn't use that for fighting. Much.

Hibiki (Instrument in image) - Noel's personal "Fragment". On it's own, it's capable of emulating the sounds of other instruments, often used to accompany Noel's own singing. Though bulky, it weighs next to nothing and is nearly indestructible (At least Noel doesn't mistreat it enough to figure out what can break it). Often wrapped in a thick cloth and carried on Noel's back when not in used.

Fragment Abilities:

Theme Music Power Up - Simply as the title entails. Using Hibiki's powers, Noel can create inspiring music for his allies around him, each one getting something that makes them confident and feel more powerful. It's not merely moral support either; it literally does physically and magically strength his allies, allowing them to preform feats that they normally couldn't. Affects all allies who can hear him.

Psychomancy Spells - Not exactly an innate ability of Hibiki, rather it's used as a strengthening catalyst for Noel's own magical abilities. Only needs to be possessing Hibiki to use these spells, and they do not disrupt his Theme Music Power up or the Heal Bell.

Heal Bell - Hearing the music from Hibiki allows Noel's allies to recover from their injuries and withstand any pain they're suffering. The strength of the healing is exponential; at the beginning, it can't heal much. But the longer it plays, Noel could potentially make his allies immortal with a extreme healing factor.

Fragment Personality: Noel becomes very idealistic to the point of suicidal naivety. So inspired by his own power, Noel would think that he could take on the whole world, dropping what he's doing to tackle the problem he's facing. Unfortunately, this also means he's not playing Hibiki and now has lost the power it grants him and to his allies, while also putting him on what could be considered a suicidal charge filled by his own ignorance to weakness. He will jump head first towards any problem without a strategy or even a thought in his head, merely acting and doing whatever he can with his given momentum.

Personality: Will show in IC.

Biography: Noel's history first began at the academy. When he first started, he had parents; two fathers, with a mother no where in sight. It was never very strange for Noel, simply something that he has learned to be normal for him. Of course, normal for him isn't so normal for everyone else. At the Academy Noel was a good student; never cause much trouble, tried his hardest, did was he was told... But trouble tends to find him and Noel, not being the passive type, never let any slight against him go lightly. If it wasn't for his parent's homosexuality, it would be for his appearance, or his "nerdy" demeanor. But Noel was raised to be a strong boy, capable of handling any situation. Or at least, that's what he had to become one day. He returned home to find the brutalized remains of his fathers sprawled out on the floor and walls. The horrific matter of their deaths suggested that demons or monsters had come and ravaged his parents, but the graffiti written in their remains suggested that their deaths were a hate crime.

Since that day Noel skirted the line of having to become a mature young adult to becoming a broken and traumatized child. It was around this time that he had begun to master his Fragment, Hibiki, and used it powers to simulate his mind. He used it to ignore the horrors he saw and to try to continue living without fear and regret. He worked harder on his school work to make himself feel superior over others, but the stress of trying to be the best made him rely on Hibiki's magical effects more. While he was ultimately successful, becoming one of the top graduates of the Academy, it was an empty victory for Noel. After graduating, he simply began to travel the world trying to figure out what he was doing with himself. He mostly worked for the Academy in hunting renegades, using his abilities to charm and close in on his target before taking them out, or at least setting them up to be taken out by other graduates.

Due to his looks and his charisma, he had tried to take up acting. Of course, it wasn't always so cut-and-dry as to simply land a job as a character in a movie or some such; he had to start from the bottom, which meant working in porn movies. And he did well. His feminine appearance made him quite a catch for some producers, and has starred in many types of movies in various positions. Even after he started making a name for himself in the movie industry, he still participated in pornos due to it's atmosphere. A sort of casual work place that occasionally allows you to dress up in fetishistic outfits and screw your co-workers. Additionally, he helped him with his job with the academy, using his new found fame to cozy up to targets before eliminating them. It also helped Noel avoid working for the academy; he'd claim that he's undercover with whatever act he's involved in at the time and may or may not actually get some work done. He wanted to be away from the Academy, live his own life however it came (in)to him.

It was a nice life, but soon Noel sought to be on the move once more. He felt that as much as being a porn star was an enjoyable and profitable experience, he was wasting his skills and abilities just working in movies. After amassing a small fortune for himself, he retired from the movie business and began a traveler, looking to try to help solve whatever problems happens to cross his path. Occasionally he'd mention his affiliations with the Academy if it helps with his duties. He has made quite a few friends along the way, and tries to convince them to accompany him in his Knight Errant ways. He may just be a human in this chaotic and mad world, but hoping and praying is for the powerless. He had power, and aimed to use it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Wind Wild said So currently there might be up to 4 Archangels alive and they’re either within Hazumi or within the Instruments OR dead/dying (up to Rtron).

Two are still alive and kind of ruling the Angels, one has recently been killed by Lucien, the rest are dead. Council members that is. No idea about Archangels as a whole. Can't be more than a handful though.

Wind Wild said Oh, and yeah, it only started when they settled onto the Surface. And some, as Lucien, would even claim they weren't protecting, but controlling them. We're still looking for the truth.

Lucien: They're traitorus, tyrannical, murdering, manipulative bastards! That's the truth and I will make sure they die because of it!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Lazarus is caught up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Gooood. Gooooood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

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Theme Song
(vocal starts at 1:50)

Name: Hazumi
Alias: Essence (of the World), Violin, Chime, Motherslayer
Age: apparent: 27; actual: pieces of her existed in one shape or another since the creation of the worlds 7000 years ago. Hazumi as a single entity was created approximately 245 years ago.
Race: Demigod – Hazumi’s essence is a combination of Heaven and Hell’s Gates and Gatekeepers and those of thousands of other individuals of all races. As such her existence is strongly intertwined with that of the 3 worlds and all the creatures inhabiting them. She can feel all essence in the world and somewhat influence it as well.
Appearance: If she was to be judged by her chestnut-coloured hair and average build, Hazumi would hardly stand out in a crowd with anything but her slightly taller frame. She dresses in elegant feminine dresses but doesn’t wear make-up or jewelry or any other methods of catching the eye. However it’s a mistake to say she could go down the street unnoticed. Even those who don’t meet her unblinking golden eyes would immediately be stricken by the unnatural aura curling around her like a visible frost-like wind, dying strands of her hair pearly white and making her skin and clothes shimmer. It’s something one couldn’t ignore even if they aren’t looking directly at her. While Hazumi cannot completely hide it, she can somewhat control it, either making its effects harmless to the eye and soul or on the contrary – enhancing it to the point of harming nearby creatures. As a result of this aura she can hardly ever go unnoticed wherever she goes and mostly stays at the Academy where it’s less likely to attract any unwanted attention or tempt any unfortunate demons.
Since she lost her wings, Hazumi has replaced them with a big tattoo on her back depicting a samurai warrior- an almost mythological creature which she finds to represent her mindset quite well. She often shows off that tattoo during the many balls and dances taking place at the Academy by wearing open-back dresses and putting her hair up in a pony-tail.

Social Status: Hazumi is well-known and recognized as the biggest existing piece of the Essence and is hence generally revered for her role in monitoring the peace on the Surface.

Relations: She is on good terms with almost everyone at the Academy and works closely with the representatives of the three races. Outside of the facility her relationships are minimal.

General Activity: Hazumi is the “Sight” of Master Melody’s Academy – as such it’s her responsibility to overlook the essence torrents in the world and monitor that the essence of angels and demons is balanced out. Although the official position is called “Sight”, she doesn’t really need to employ her eyes to do the job – she literally feels any imbalance occurring as a soul is extinguished or sent back to the void before its time. As soon as she’s felt that happen, she takes a note of the location and essence imprint of the culprit and alerts the Peace-keepers – the council of nine representatives, 3 of each race, who then decide whether to pursue the Renegade and allow a Vendetta to the race that has been wronged. Her monitoring activity is a full-time job that would drive any living creature insane, however it comes natural to Hazumi and it doesn’t seem to affect her in any way. In fact, in her opinion, her position in the Academy is a very lax one and most often she finds time to teach the Academy students history or train them in battle.

On occasion she would personally take a matter into her own hands and pursue a Renegade on her own accord. She has also been known to leave the Academy on short notice and not explain why, however people presume that when she does it is to tamper with the strings of Fate.

Personality: The first word anyone can think of to describe Hazumi with is “confident” and the second is often “arrogant”. Despite her high-and-mighty attitude Hazumi isn’t a selfish person and mostly does what she does for the “greater good of the masses”. That is not to say her motives are entirely altruistic – what she gets from her job is personal satisfaction and the opportunity to put one or two misfits in their right place. Respectively, while she can be extremely understanding, selfless and generous, she can also be witty and clever in a more negative way. Another trait that evokes polarized reactions is her somewhat parental attitude towards most everyone – an unavoidable result of having existed for so long in the shape of both Gates and Gatekeepers.


Surrendering her consciousness, Hazumi was dormant for the next 20 years. When she awoke Hell’s Gate was broken, her wielder was defeated and the Surface was populated by much more demons than it’d ever been. Hazumi was then convinced by Luciana to surrender most of her power to the humans and so she did.

What remained was closer to an individual than the creation of the Fleshshaper – one capable of making her own decisions. The first such decision was to reopen and reform Master Melody’s Academy for Fine Arts – a place her former self had ruined herself. With a vision in mind, Hazumi called for all three races to elect 3 representatives each to form the Peace-keepers. Making it clear that peace is to rule the Surface and that no racial feud will go unnoticed, Hazumi has settled in the Academy, lending her power and knowledge to the students and staff while enjoying the world in all its beauty.

Abilities: The part of her abilities that Hazumi regularly demonstrates are her greatly diminished physical abilities when it comes to sparring and her skills in controlling or playing the academy’s Instruments. She’s also often seen to create creatures or objects made of visible essence but those are only to be used by her and mostly for show.

While it is common knowledge that Hazumi is currently the closest thing to a god to inhabit the world, her abilities are largely subject to speculation alone. Since she has returned to human form she has refused to engage in any political conflicts, leaving all the fighting to the shards of herself that now serve as Instruments and weapons to the humans. She also refuses to experiment with her power, even at the face of war, saying that “it has never been and never will be her job to decide what’s right or wrong in the world”.

Thus all that’s really known for sure is her ability to see the huge essence torrents cruising the worlds and that by pulling their strings she can alter them. Some scientists assume that due to her encompassing all previous Gates, she should be able to subdue any creature, but others claim that that power has been given away to the Instruments and what’s left in Hazumi are mere traces of the Violin and Harp. One thing is for sure, though, and that is that Hazumi will not cooperate with anyone wishing to know more than that, keeping her secrets and holding true to her decision not to interfere in any conflicts, no matter how big.
Zi Wallace

Theme One / Theme Two

Name: Zi Wallace
Alias/Nickname: People at the bar she works at often call her Spike. Those who know of her past might call her “Shard”.
Species: Human, a splinter of the Essence.
Age: Apparent – 25; Actual – Approximately 221.
Appearance: Zi stands at a height of 1.65m, and weighs about 50kg.
Her waist-long hair is, just like Hazumi’s, one of her most praised possessions, even if it has paled to an unnatural alabaster colour. Zi refuses to give up on it, even if it may occasionally hinder her in battle and in an attempt to minimize the risk of that, and despite herself, she often keeps it restrained in a tail, braid or bob whenever she expects a physical conflict. That is to say, almost all the time. Zi's eyes have also changed significantly since she reincarnated as a human, and now shine in teal which promptly stands out in comparison to her pale locks. They are bright enough to seem almost artificial, appearing to hold two layers of colour on top of each other rather than just a single one.

Despite her unassuming look, and despite her relatively low stamina, Zi's body is well toned for speed. Covering it are light clothes, most often in green, navy, black or white, and ranging in style, depending on the occasion. When at work they largely consist of attractive flowing light fabrics such as silk and cotton that serve to both help her blend in the club and conceal her weapons. When she’s not working, however, she prefers a more practical attire of (still flattering) jeans, linen or shorts.

She doesn’t often wear armor as it would only tire her out further, but when she does it’s usually a simple layer of hard leather underneath her regular clothes.

Social Status: Low. She currently focuses on working at a local bar, the Rabid Dog, tries to stay under the radar of any major factions and is only really familiar with the people in her workplace and Emmet.

Relations: She has a strong connection to Emmet even though the exact nature of their relationship is unknown. What is blantantly obvious, however, is her possessive attitude towards him and her bright demeanor most times when she meets him.

Zi considers Azel a pretty reliable friend and Hazumi’s old acquaintances Lucien and Luciana to be something akin to friends, even though she has yet to meet them for herself. Her relationship with Hazumi is estranged and she seems to generally avoid meeting her.

She is somewhat familiar with the people she works with at the Rabid Dog but not especially close to them.

Peter and Emily Wallace are the people who gave birth to Zi’s body and part of her soul. As such they have stayed in touch with their daughter until 2 months ago when their daughter suddenly distanced herself and stopped answering her phone after their bizarre last conversation was carried out. Living in Koa they have no current means of reaching their daughter and only rely on rumors on her whereabouts and wellbeing. And on the various mercenaries’ they’d asked to help seek her out…

General Activity: Zi spends her days wandering and exploring the city of Kenan and most of her nights working as a peculiar type of bouncer. She doesn’t roam the streets after nightfall, however, and should she still be out by dusk, will find shelter in almost any bright facility in her nearest proximity.

Abilities: Zi’s first and foremost advantage is her ability to see essence. Having been a part of the Essence of the World she awoke with the innate ability to sense and see any form or essence despite its size or age. From the whole ones of living or recently deceased, to pieces, still residing recently shed blood, tears or other biological traces. While some are harder to spot than others, the easiest to find are the bright deposits that build up over time, like the essences of Heaven and Hell that were spilled over the Surface with the break of the gates. Additionally to seeing, Zi can extract, catch, hold and combine fragments of stray essence and manipulate it for her own goals.

The uses of those chimerical creations are limited in the physical sense. Not completely spiritual, their shape and density varies and while some can be thin and ethereal as air, others can be dense and thick as water or mud. As a shield they could provide a weak and temporary way of hindering one’s movements or dulling one’s weapons. Offensively, they become more useful and can be used as an invisible extension of a cutting edge or a coating for weapons, temporarily endowing them with properties that the original owner of the essence possessed. Zi is still exploring the various ways she can utilize her abilities for maximum efficiency.

The essence creations’ most useful property lies within their transparency and general invisibility. That is caused largely by their uncommon nature that makes them hard to detect even for creatures used to feeling essence like vampires and werewolves. As such, and due to their link to Zi, they serve her as many eyes and ears, ready to alert her of almost any danger approaching her, much like a sixth sense. She can also control and use them to gain information about many distant locations, and often ones she couldn’t physically visit.

However, despite their usefulness and Zi’s natural skill at controlling them, essence creations are, in general, unstable works. The particles are constantly being pulled in by the Void that waits to consume and recycle them and pinning them down to the Surface requires, if not always conscious effort and concentration, then at least enough energy and will on Zi’s part. Respectively their existence only lasts as long as Zi is conscious and capable of holding the different particles together. Furthermore, should she become fatigued or even fall asleep, the essence cycle takes its natural course and all collected essence rejoins the Void. The only way to stop that from happening is through trapping said essence particles in a physical object of demonic origin, naturally evolved to contain and store it.

When it comes to physical abilities, Zi’s body is sadly not as capable as she’d wish it was. While her soul still remembers parts of its past existence, thus making her more agile and faster than the average human, she could easily be outmatched by almost any demon or angel, surface or not. As such, Zi was forced to adopt the idea of using weapons for both combat and self-protection.

Equipment: Her weapon of choice is a sidesword, one she almost always keeps strapped to her belt and backed-up by a twin at her other hip. She can use either with equal ease as she’s trained both her hands to be used to the movements required to assure her safety or victory. Accompanying the swords is a gun, one she still struggles to master completely.

When fighting tougher opponents she would often resort to using one of two domino-masks she often carries folded in her coat. Those allow her to temporarily assume the qualities and essence of one particular angel or one particular demon. Additionally she has a few vials full of essence that she can use as an aura to mask her own, should there be the need to.

In her home she stores a few other objects infused with essence and a few other masks, but due to the risk of them being found and taken, she keeps the count to a minimum and most often destroys any artifacts as soon as they’ve served their purpose.

Personality: At a glance, Zi appears positive and easy-going. She seems to enjoy and truly appreciate simple things, even trivial ones, much like a child that gets to explore the world for the first time in their life. She likes to indulge in fashion, TV and books and especially appreciates music and dancing. Thus she could often be seen attending various events hosting those arts, from bars and clubs to symphony orchestras and balls.

However, parallel to Zi’s light-hearted demeanor lies a much more serious one that often surfaces whenever it is needed, and sometimes when it isn’t. She is very driven and has a strong moral compass and views life as a series of missions she has to complete and people she has to help or correct. This personality most surfaces whenever she’s threatened or has her mind set on something. In the extreme case she becomes incredibly serious and stoic, all happiness draining from her features, leaving behind pure facts and dry resolve.

Her attitude towards people also varies greatly. While she can come to instantly like some and be very caring, protective and helpful towards them, she can also be extremely judgmental and hostile to others. Her reasons for liking or disliking someone often remain a mystery and her opinion is generally hard to sway once it’s formed. This might be due to the constant conflict between her desire to meet various new people and the paranoia and trust issues that plague her heart all the same.

Biography: The story of Zi’s origin started a long time ago and can probably be traced back to the end of the First Great War when the Fleshshaper first started his experiments on creating a creature to transcend the ones created by the Gods. By mixing various Essences and using former Gatekeeper Chime’s heart as a solder he managed to create what was later called Hazumi and considered the Essence of the World – a being combining all demon, human and angelic knowledge and skill but possessing no real personality of her own.

Zi’s own existence, however, began some 201 years ago when the Essence took on the shape of a sword, calling for a wielder. It was then that the Original angel Lucien managed to force the Sword into a scabbard against its will to be used and as a result a shard of the Essence broke off. It seemed to vanish into thin air. However, this remaining piece of conscience didn’t disappear. Instead it found a human host to lodge itself into and grow over the coming year. That was a slow process that seemed to end 10 months after the accident when Zi first opened her eyes, conscious of herself as a single being.

There was no worse time to reincarnate. The world was drown in chaos, the madman Judas Iscariot ruling over it like a king – exterminating demons and angels alike, and driving humans along the dangerous path of hatred and xenophobia. And Zi realized she was partially responsible. She had to act. But she couldn’t do it alone. Aware of her own physical restrictions and limited knowledge, Zi sought help from the people she used to know as Hazumi – Vaihrn, Solus and Azel. And it was Solus that gave her a brilliant idea – to try and overcome the boundaries of the races herself. Thus she undertook a risky journey and travelled down to Hell where she found various demon remains that she could use to store essence.

After she came back to the Surface she got in contact with the controversial entrepreneur Azel and together they started a new secret business. There were plenty of humans driven to the edge of sanity, desperate for power and Azel was willing to provide. Zi was talked into it and so the experimenting with voluntary possession started. Through trial and error, after over a decade, Zi finally managed to develop a method of making the transition between species possible; the trigger required – a mask made of demonic or angelic remains, infused with a mixture of essence. With this prototype at hand, Azel reached out through his net of contacts for people willing to take the next step. The ones who turned up were later to be dubbed nephilim due to their willingness to sacrifice their own soul in order to merge those of angel and demon. It was those selfless and fearless warriors, aided by the last Gatekeeper, that would finally put an end to the reign of terror and fear and clear the path for the new generations’ freedom. As for Zi, nobody is really certain of her role in the final battles themselves. While those close to her have indeed seen her fighting her way through Judas’ ranks, nobody has seen her since.

But away of curious eyes a creature with a unique essence keeps reappearing on the Surface. Stealthily, Zi’s new reincarnation has started a few months ago, this time in the body of another pre-existing human – a university student, working part-time in a bar. And although she shares most of her physical features with the former human, Iris Wallace, and most memories with Hazumi, Zi feels as a being of her own that only just came into existence… again. The past of her former selves exists in her merely as distant feelings and memories, as the odd stranger recognizing a familiar face. And even now, after all this time, Zi still shares a connection to the Essence and can hear and feel its presence and condition.

Zi’s past, even if it wasn’t entirely her own, has left a mark on her. It’s most noticeable whenever she’s out during the night. That’s when her motions become jerky and abrupt and her eyes endlessly scan the surroundings in a paranoid fashion. Her past as an invincible and proud creature and her fall from that position has broken a part of her that will likely never heal, leaving her to feel vulnerable and weak in a world what should have, and could well still crush her. While Zi is aware of her paranoia and usually manages to keep it in check, it often escalates as the sun starts dropping, and reaches its peak shortly before she has to succumb to sleep. It’s then that she tries to find solace in clutching onto stuffed animals and surrounding herself in flickering candle-lights.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

GM tune-in.

First the easier thing. I added my 2 other characters – Hazumi and Zi. As you’ll see, I’ve used their bios to try and explain most of the events of Season 1. While you don’t have to read the stuff in the hiders of Hazumi’s bio, if you do, read them in order.
If anyone has any questions or corrections, or general comments about my characters, do pose them.

Now, for Cypher’s CS. Overall it’s really well-done and fits quite neatly in this universe. The one big problem I see with it is that the moment anyone graduates from the Academy they must fulfil their duty in chasing and killing Renegades. Now, from what I gather, Noel still does that in a loose sense so that might be why they let him off. That and him being mostly a support kind of character. Do think of a reason why he’s allowed to keep his Instrument if he’s not technically working as part of the Academy anymore.

Now, when it comes to his abilities, you have to keep in mind that some of those need to be transferred to the Instrument section as the manipulation of memories are generally overpowered and non-human abilities, bordering on essence changing. In that sense, if you could move Dominance and Pathokinesis to the Instrument section and be especially careful of when and how you use the former, everything else seems ok. Only exception is the Duet Summoning because of my very strict “no space-time travel” policy. I’m afraid you’ll need to either scratch that ability or find a different meaning to it.

On a different note, while I’m sure it’ll be interesting to have someone with his background around, I will just ask you to not go in-depth with any pornographic or otherwise sexually explicit content in your posts. It’s ok to keep things vague and even have some flashbacks or IC conversations or things like that, but what I don’t want to see is a flashback with a detailed scene depicting his activity as a porn star. Again, I support maximum freedom but IC sex is the one big no-no.

So, when you’ve made those corrections give me a nudge and I’ll check out your CS again. :) It would also be interesting to see if we can connect your character to any others, for example Hazumi who probably had some interactions with him while in the Academy or Emmet whom he might know on a different channel (through Darius).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

I made some edits. Mainly, I moved a large section of the Psychomancy Magic into the Instrument section, leaving Noel with only two spells he can access without the Hibiki. I also removed the Duet Summoning ability. I put some hints into his Bio that mentions how he usually gets away with not working with the Academy directly, which involves deep undercover operations taking out renegades by using his skills and connections as an actor. The fact that he enjoys being an actor is a convenient plus. Basically, he still works for the Academy, he just also works as a actor as both something he wants to do and something that helps him do his job. Mutually beneficial.

As for his history as a Porn Star, that's partly just a joke, but also it helps explain a bit more about his sense of confidence and his shamelessness. He's the type of guy who'd demean himself and take the brunt of all sorts of hate and insults and takes it in stride if it means no one else has to take it. He's the kind of guy who'd forgive a guy who stabs him in the gut (But will still kill him shortly after getting stabbed cause, well, impulses) and try to get people to see the good side of things. Of course, trying to be the only light in a world of darkness tends to strain the psyche, so helping people also helps him; if he can get other people to see the light and be good people without him, well that's a little less of a burden on him. Like life, being a porn star is harder than it looks, and sometimes more difficult than it needs to be due to powers completely out of your hands. But instead of trying to always be on top of things, sometimes you just need to look at your options, figure out which ones who might actually enjoy, and get bent and take it up the ass. It's actually rather pleasant when you stop trying to crush someone's fingers with your sphincter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Welp! Looks like I'll be joining the frey as well~! Cue Kasio Reunion!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cypher, as I said, I support variety and love to see different characters play out, as long as you keep to the no-sex-descriptions rule. I'll read your corrections sometime tomorrow when I get more time. ^ ^

Meg, happy to have you back. ^ ^ Can't wait to see that reunion! x3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaaand I think we ought to have a uniform in the Academy. It shall look like this:

(girls can be wearing leggings along with the skirt or they can even wear an adapted version of the male uniform)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This should be...interesting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yes... Now we just need to find someone with tailoring skills and some animals...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lol this is is quite interesting. Luckily i think this is perfect for what I envisioned for Ian
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Wind Wild said
Cypher, as I said, I support variety and love to see different characters play out, as long as you keep to the no-sex-descriptions rule. I'll read your corrections sometime tomorrow when I get more time. ^ ^

Meg, happy to have you back. ^ ^ Can't wait to see that reunion! x3

This should be fun and nice outfits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

So am I accept and can I post now? Nothing else I need to edit? I'm uncertain if it's okay since my CS isn't on the front page. I am going to be making another character too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh sorry Cypher. Yep, you're accepted and welcome to post. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh sorry Cypher. Yep, you're accepted and welcome to post. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

Here's the other character!
Name: Damon
Alias/Nickname: Dark Matter
Age: 77
Race: Hellion Demon
Social Status: There might be some rumors about him, but for the most part he's a nobody.
Relations: None in particular. Some people might have heard of him and he is sort of being hunted down for being a Renegade
General Activity: If Damon isn't absorbing things for their knowledge or materials, he's going about as Dark Matter, helping the weak by giving them weapons he makes from the knowledge he obtains.

Absorbing - Damon's base ability. In his original form, he can consume objects whole and gain the knowledge of how to create and become said object. For living, sentient beings, he also gains their memories, often with greater clarity than the person themselves. The Absorption is done physically, as Damon literally eats the object and practically kills them in the process. Damon can absorb anything, even things most people consider inedible such as bullets and poisons. There is very little that Damon cannot consume and eat.

Those things being incorporeal things, such as gasses and plasma. Additionally, the Absorbing process is a deliberate action, not something that happens subconsciously. Simply inserting something into his body does not mean he is eating it. It means you are stabbing him. Damon's control over his Absorbing ability makes it incapable of acting on it's own, great to ensure that he doesn't harm something without meaning to, but also makes him vulnerable to more mundane means to damage him, such as bashing him over the head when he's not looking.

Shapeshifting - Using the knowledge he gleams from his Absorption, Damon can transform his body into things that he had absorbed, or with some creativity, take on partial transformations. Additionally, Shapeshifitng is really his only form of interacting with the world, as he's an amorphous blob otherwise. His Shapeshifting is reliant on "Matter" that he's consumed however; he cannot take on the form of something that his body does not have the right matter to create. Typically however he is capable of creating bone-like appendages which can take the form of things like hands, blades, spikes, armor, and other "Natural" limbs.

Converting - What Damon considers to be his most prized ability. Using his Absorption ability, he can take the matter he consumes and convert it into a different type of matter he has consumed. This allows him to create potentially anything out of everything, so long as he has Absorbed it at some point in the past.

Equipment: The only real thing he owns is the white mask on his body. Despite being a mask, it's not an accurate representation of his head. He doesn't have one. The mask itself is useless to him, however others who wear it will, if Damon is willing, be able to see into Damon's mind and the memories that he has absorbed over the years, which they can take for their own uses. He also typically has a large amount of Matter within his body for on the spot Conversions, though he will be more than willing to absorb more if he needs to make something big.

Personality: Will show in IC

Biography: Born in the depths of the underworld, the creature who would later be known as Damon had originally one purpose, one meaning to his existence, and that was to consume knowledge. His very existence was tailored made to eat off the remains of the dead, to preserve their memory for others who wish to use it. There were many like the creature known as Damon, all in different forms and functionality. The creature who would be known as Damon was itself a very successful memory keeper; always present at the sight of great cataclysms, eating the carrion of the fallen before they can be claimed by others. The creature would hide, never truly being involved in the acts of killing until much later. And it was through it's success that soon, the creature began to think. It began to wonder, and the first thing it truly did with it's new found sentience was give itself a name. A name that was not too far off from what it was. And so the creature called itself Damon.

Much of Damon's life was spent in the underworld. Between the petty conflicts of the demons who reside there, Damon began to make use of his knowledge that he had gathered over the years. He began to learn, and teach, and when he has too, sell the things he knows for things he wants. He than began to realize the potential of his power; that he could learn anything from anyone who consumed. If he were to somehow say, eat the body of a powerful demon lord, he could learn how they obtained their powers. But he also knew the futility of trying to kill one himself, and the pointlessness of waiting for it to happen. No, while he certainly planned to use his powers to the fullest, he had to do so in such a way that increased his ability, not simply steal it from others. This simply act of self-improvement would later, and unexpectedly, lay the foundation for his ideals.

Between scouring the fields of battle for the corpses of others to consume the memory and matter of, Damon sought knowledge in text and education. But the underworld was fairly lacking in such things, and to find it was to have it for a great price. Damon sought to escape the underworld and go to the place known as the Surface, where knowledge can be obtained more freely. And after many deals and betrayals, Damon escaped the underworld to the surface. It was only a different type of hell than the one he lived before, but a different life is somethings better than the same one.

Damon initially spent much of his time seeking knowledge in places called "Schools", of for the more pompous, "Academies". Damon was not always invited, but he did his best not to get in the way. He learned that he could not absorb knowledge from books the same way he could from people (That is, eat them), so much of Damon's time was spent reading. He would occasionally watch and learn from others, often on a whim, but found himself attracted to those who, as others would consider them, have "Noble Ideals". To defend the weak and such. Initially Damon dismissed these notions, under the idea that the weak were often used to bolster the strength of others. To defend them instead of defeating them would be a waste of strength. But after much deliberation, Damon realized that once, he was weak. Barely a sentient slime who simply lucked his way into existence, whereas others have fallen for reasons behind their control. Damon found that much of his existence was beyond his control, and this bothered him. He did not like the idea that someone out there with no knowledge of who he was controlled the aspects of his life. And that they did the same for others. Damon wasn't entirely sure what he was getting to with this thought, until one day while traveling to another academy to learn from them, he found what he wanted to fight against.

As Damon was sneaking through the forest, he saw a group of winged humanoids addressing a crowd. The winged humanoids had who Damon recognized as a demon in their clutches, and were going to execute the demon on the charges that it had killed one of their own. However, the crowd seemed tense, as though that they did not want this to happen. Damon did not know the context of what was occurring; he knew that someone was to die. The Winged Humans seem to want vengeance against the demon, but the others did not. And Damon did not sit idly by to allow it to happen; before the blade would struck, Damon emerged from his hiding spot and attached the executioner. He stabbed the winged humanoid repeatedly about the head and shoulders, killing it as the winged humanoids, the demon, and the crowd were caught up in the chaos and confusion. Damon defended himself, slaying two more winged humanoids, before eventually being held back by the demon and taken away from the field of battle.

Damon and the demon than managed to escape the chaos, were Damon learned of what had happened. The Demon was a guardian of a town of humans, who ensures that no other power bothers them, be it demonic or angelic. The group that Damon attacked were angels, who sought to spread their beliefs and influence to the town. The demon warded them off, and when they tried to force their way in, the demon killed one, thinking that it would cause them to flee. Instead, the angels unleashed their power and called for the Chain of Vengeance. Unable to stop their numbers and sudden strength, the demon submitted in hopes that the angels would not harm the townspeople. He was to be executed to satisfy the Chain of Vengeance, but Damon's interruption put a stop to that. But it was not over yet. There were survivors, who surely would now return with greater numbers and a thirst for blood due to killing more of their kind. Were Damon younger, he would have fled and left the town to it's fate. But he had a different idea.

In the end, Damon did manage to leave the town a slightly better place than it was before, though he also took on the mantle of a "Renegade" demon due to slaying the angels who came to enact their Chain of Vengeance. Damon stayed hidden during those times, but when he appeared, it was often when the weak or the poor needed the help of a hero. Knowing that his name would attract those who seek to destroy him, he used an alias: Dark Matter. Using his knowledge and ability, he helped those who he came across, so that they would have the power to chose their own fate instead of having others make one for them against their wishes. Dark Matter did not so much fight for others as much as he had given them the means to fight for themselves. He empowered others, which gave him the feeling of power and a sense of goodness in him. And when it came to pass that he learns that people are abusing the power he gave them, he would return to take it back and punish the abusers. Dark Matter never affected settlements large enough to truly spread his influence, but in the whispers in the shadows, one may hear of the being known as Dark Matter, who may help you when you least expect it.
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