Henry Graham
Age: 24
Position: prep cook/kitchen helper
Background: Born in a small Wyoming town, Henry was brought up in an bad household. His parents were abusive when they weren't neglectful, alcoholics and casual drug users. His father was white and his mother mixed Native and white but she grew up on a reservation. He was the second oldest of three kids. By the time Henry was fourteen, he was running away. He would stay with relatives until they got tired of an extra mouth and he hitchhiked. His attendance at school was poor and his reading and writing skills never got past the sixth grade. Henry was a bit better at science and math, at least with arithmetic, able to do sums in his head quickly. When his father started cooking meth, Henry helped, hoping to stay on his good side.
The years passed, Henry dropped out in of school his junior year and his older brother joined the military only to be kicked out in basic training for fighting. With his brother and father now running the show, he had less to do and started dealing weed to make his own money. The plan was to save up and get out of the pissant Wyoming town, maybe to Seattle or Denver. Henry saves enough to at least get his own apartment in Casper, selling weed and some meth out of it. His neighbor has a daughter, a fifteen year old who is well developed and likes Henry. She flirted with him, he shared some weed with her and eventually she goes with him into his place. When she’s intoxicated and stoned, he takes advantage and has sex with her. Eva told her mother who called the police and he was arrested. He eventually admitted to his crimes. Henry pled guilty to rape.
Sentenced to five years in Wyoming's State Prison for rape, where he was in the kitchen working most of the time. He learned to cook for large crowds and was let out early on good behavior. Henry is a quiet and rather nice guy, he has tried to better himself in prison and though imperfect, he tries to keep to the right path. Prison was not easy on him. Henry is not a tall or big guy and he was only 19 going in. To say Henry paid for his crimes in the biblical manner would be accurate. He hid out in the library when he could, refusing to join up with the gangs for fear they would make him their bitch. He got assigned to the kitchens and used smuggled food as bribes rather than having to pay in other ways. Henry worked hard and finished his high school degree as well as taking some entry level college courses. His dream was to go to culinary school and become a chef someday, hoping to put his past behind him. He was released early for good behavior and his probation including him visiting a psychiatrist to continue his therapy. Things were going well enough until the Change began to encroach. He moved to a small town that seemed to have an inordinate amount of restaurants and he soon discovered it catered to a military base there. He got a job working at a bistro nearby and was swept up in the final days.
Henry generally keeps to himself, usually found working hard with his earbuds firmly implanted. His off time is spent reading or playing video games, meditation, and going to his therapy sessions. He is worried now that he won't get to see his doctor anymore and in a way, relieved. It was torturous to bring up all the pain of his childhood and of the bad things he did but he also understood it's worth and how getting it out and understanding what made him the way he was helped him keep on the straight and narrow.
Personality: self conscious, anxious, insecure, regretful, repressed; dedicated, focused, generous, hardworking, tidy
Appearance: Tall and thin, with brown eyes and dark brown hair