Its kinda funny. I think Ghost in the Shell is one of the best most realistic sci-fi show/movie I've seen. And its an anime.

Silvir said
Well if we want to go on the judgemental and incredibly generalising style of approach sure that fits quite well. But then again such ignorance and arrogant generalisation can apply to any style like Sci-fi or fantasy of any kind. Every person to their taste. Just show some sign of respect and knowledge. Not the bias only an ignorant buffoon would throw around about things he/she seemingly knows nothing about. It's bad manner and lowers the respect others would show them like how i just lost some respect for you, after this little childish rant of yours.Not to say i don't agree with what you have said i do love proper sci-fi my self. And anime can be infuriating in some aspects but then again so can most shows/games of any kind if you take the time to look into them. Though i tend to watch the darker and more sci-fi hardcore animes when i can find them. Just that i tend to avoid stepping down on the Comedy genre. Since it's not so much about realism as it is about making things "FUN"Having said that. I am interested in joining this RP
Ollumhammersong said
Well a few things here. I have acknowledge that this is not to my taste and that I do not care one way or another if other people enjoy anime. I am not condoning people who like different things than I myself do, I am simply stating as requested of me, my reasons for disliking anime style and ergo why I would not be joining this game. If you chose to take this as some sort of personal attack than I am sorry but that is hardly my fault. I could give less of a dam if people watch and play anime style games. I simply have no desire to participate. As for this game in particular I was not aware it was a comedy, because how I have fun is by taking things seriously. It helps with immersion on my end. Now as a result I have a hard time taking anime seriously so I dislike it. I am not asking you to like this, Or even care for that matter. But people do have to live with it. Just like I happily live with other peoples positive opinions about anime. Many of which are friends that force me to watch episodes of animes they think I might enjoy in an effort to get me hooked. So far it is unsuccessful. So yes I may generalize anime's a bit with this rant and criticize them, But there is no need to start throwing insults simply because you read something you didn't like. My explanation was requested, or at the very least clarified. That is all. It is a personal opinion on my reasons for dislike of this genre and treat it as such, not a whole scale attack against all people anime everywhere. Anything else taken from this little blurb is out of my hands, and becomes a personal issue on the other end. I apologize for any confusion truly but it is a personal opinion. Take it as such. All I did was critize the genre's (seemingly to me) faults. Not the people in this thread.
Skittlez said
I am interested and I have to agree with a lot of the opinions expressed about anime role plays but I won't say that I can't stomach some anime incorporated into an rp. But one thing that bothers me to no end is when people have all three types of images for characters. As a GM I always say one or a description. So I will likely end up using a type of image similar to majority, whatever that may be if I stay. :)
OrangeInk said
My signature banner is vocaloid, a form of music, doesn't mean I support Anime.
OrangeInk said
My signature banner is vocaloid, a form of music, doesn't mean I support Anime.