A few little birdies told me about Essence's restart and that they've been enjoying the IC and OOC so far.
I miss writing with you old mates. If you'll have me, I'll continue my CSes (one of which is a Musician: whoever came up with the Academy idea is a freaking genius) and then post them here for corrections.
I have read the whole OOC and most of the IC. Very well done and entertaining (and I see that Mary is still the best realistic character). I request, however, if anyone is willing, that someone tell me if there are any other tidbits of info that I should be aware of: things that might not be immediately obvious despite implications within the plot at the moment. I mean, I've read that the last Ess run was made noncanon, which is fine. I agree with the reasons for which it was done. Actually makes things easier for me as well.
Anyway, ttyl.
I miss writing with you old mates. If you'll have me, I'll continue my CSes (one of which is a Musician: whoever came up with the Academy idea is a freaking genius) and then post them here for corrections.
I have read the whole OOC and most of the IC. Very well done and entertaining (and I see that Mary is still the best realistic character). I request, however, if anyone is willing, that someone tell me if there are any other tidbits of info that I should be aware of: things that might not be immediately obvious despite implications within the plot at the moment. I mean, I've read that the last Ess run was made noncanon, which is fine. I agree with the reasons for which it was done. Actually makes things easier for me as well.
Anyway, ttyl.