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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Outside Haywood

He shot before he even knew what he was shooting at. All he'd wanted was to leave and peace from this point, but he couldn't let anything stop him from leaving with Katie. The man lurking at the end of the hall slumped against the wall and Tyler realised exactly what he had done. He shook his head and looked toward Bex and the girl. He tried to convey to them he was sorry, but he knew it was a lost cause. He trained his gun back toward them in case they wanted to retaliate and stepped closer toward Katie.

"Goodbye, Bex." He took Katie by the hand and gently pulled her into his embrace. With one arm around his daughter and the other aiming the gun, he slowly stepped backwards and out of the hallway.
Bex - Outside Haywood

As soon as Tyler was gone, he shuddered and fell to the ground. He turned over so Emma and the man Tyler had shot was in his view. "You... He's your brother, isn't he? You told me about him... He..." Bex closed his eyes. "I've messed up. I deserve this." He coughed violently, his whole body starting to feel numb. He'd been nothing but trouble since this mess started. He'd fallen in with some bad people and he had only himself to blame. He hadn't even been able to stay sober, to maintain the promise he made to Terra. Perhaps he'd see her soon, if she even wanted to see him.

"At least... baby girl..."

Beckett died thinking of her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma - Haywood
(Yet another collab)
Everyone was taken aback when Tyler fired the gun at Daniel, sending the man to the wall. Emma let out at scream, and Tyler took his daughter by the hand, leading her out of the building. Before Emma could run to Daniel, Bex fell back against the wall, sputtering a bloody cough. "Bex!" Emma cried, dropping to her knees. But there was nothing she could do, as Bex passed away only a moment later.

Emma exhaled a heavy, shaky breath. She stood, her knees weak and her eyes already watering. With resolve, she turned to her brother, running to his side. A pool of blood was forming around his chest and he looked up at her. "...Are you okay-" He went into a fit of bloody coughing.

"We've got to get you to Riley, come on!" She observed the same method of help she'd done with Bex, ineffectively supporting his weight. Daniel grew heavier and heavier as his body grew weaker and weaker, and Emma found it increasingly difficult to help him. As they reached the gates of Haywood, Emma cried out for help. It seemed that the attackers were not trying to kill them anymore, as one of them ran to them, throwing his arm around Daniel and taking the majority of his weight from Emma's shoulders. As they supported the body the that was twice their combined size, they went towards the caravan of cars. Upon observing his face, Emma saw that the man helping her was the man who'd tied her up in the first place.

They set Daniel down in the middle of the courtyard, and Emma instantly dropped to her knees. "What do we do?" She pleaded. The man took off his jacket, then tore of his overshirt placing it over Daniel's wound.

"Hold it there we've got to stop the bleeding." He commanded, and she obeyed. Daniel entered a fit of coughing, blood spewing from his mouth.

"Oh God, Daniel..."

"Hey- hey Midge don't look so sad... I'm goin' to see dad..." He said weakly. Emma's eyes were streaming with tears and her eyes were red and puffy. "Look at me...it's going to be fine." Daniel coughed again."

From the main building, everyone began to come out into the courtyard. Abram broke into a run and came to his fellow soldiers side. "You... You take care of her, Abe... I swear I'll haunt you of she gets hurt..." Abram crouched down beside Emma.

"Hey, kid, don't be talkin like that... You're gonna be just fine..." The man said resting a hand on the dying soldier's shoulders. Both men knew it was a lie, but it was told for Emma's sake, not Daniel's. Daniel reached into his shirt and produced a headed metal chain from which his dog tags hung. He unclipped the chain with a pain filled grimace and placed them in Emma's hand.

Master Sergeant Daniel Emmett Crowe, US Army Special forces, died moments later, his sister crying on his chest. First Sergeant Abram Chamberlin stood over the body of his dead soldier, friend, and brother in arms. Emma let out Heavy sobs, and she felt Arbam wrap his arms around her, pulling into an embrace.

Emma sobbed for Daniel, but she also so be for Katie... For Lauren... For everyone that had died today. Daniel was gone... He was her protector... He'd saved her from the catacombs and he was her last family. Now that he was gone, Emma truly was an orphan.

Sylar looked upon this upon this scene, unsure what to do. He felt the pain that this little girl felt, and he knew exactly what it was like to lose someone you loved. He nodded to the black man, who returned the gesture. He turned towards the scouts, warily glancing at Enrique. "Aoife, bring me four guns from the cars." He ordered, and elaborated. "We can't leave them unarmed."

"What if they attack us when they get stronger?" One of the scouts asked. Sylar shook his head.

"They won't... They're good people." He proclaimed. "And even if they do... We'll have deserved it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rob-Haywood vicinity -Katie,Tyler

He would end this, though perhaps it had already ended. He saw him, Backing out of the building with his child in hand. It didn't take much to know what happened. He had been following him for a small while. He saw him enter the building, and he saw him leave. Rob raised his gun towards Tyler, "Don't move you bastard!" Rob Pointed the gun, rather...fiercely at him. "You've caused all of this! Every single fucking thing" Rob shouted at him. If he even moved his gun Rob was ready to fire. "Shit, even Robert went crazy because of you!" Rob glanced at Katie. Could a child be that blind, or was she just so lost she just backed up on her only family left?

"This not going to end well for you! What would be the point of this if you ended up killed in the end? This is pointless! Where are you even going to go?....Where did you get all of these people? Who if you haven't noticed. Have turned on themselves!" Rob


Aoife grimaced at scene at hand, Many people have died. And seeing someone so close to someone died right in front of them was a horrible site. She did what Sylar asked her to do. "I can't believe....we just, blindly followed him. We just believed him..." Aoife sighed deeply as she turned her head to Enrique. "You....killed many people, our own people..." Aoife looked disgusted just by the sight of him.


Aiden eyes shot open at the the rather loud noise that was going on. He had a guess of what was going on, and thankfully that was it. Their new guest, had woken up. He quickly headed out to the tent, where the others were quickly coming as well. He listened as they calmed him down. Floyd was his name, "Well..We know his name...That's a start" Aiden said as he looked at the man. He seemed to calm down a bit once his cuffs were taken of.

"Umm, I hope your head feels okay, you got a awful hit, Were you running away from something or another?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Haywood Vicinity - Rob/Katie

He raised his gun in response to the shouting, but frankly Tyler was tired of stand-offs. He almost shot immediately while the man spoke, but thoughts of the man he'd shot inside caused him to hesitate. He waited for the man to finish his drivel and pulled Katie close to himself. He couldn't afford to get shot, not after everything.

"I suppose you want to blame me for the dead walking around as well?" Tyler asked. He smiled despite the situation, unable to contain his amusement at this man's ridiculous assessment. "I don't know who this Robert man was, but if he went crazy, I seriously doubt that was any fault of my own. A lot of good men and women go crazy these days. To think, good people are willing to take aim at a little girl and her father." His face settled on a glare. This was a man from Haywood, so chances were he was aware of Haywood's sordid history. "Bruce Levi did not have to give up his own people for supplies. I did not need his help, but he was a selfish man. He saw an opportunity to improve his quality of life at the cost of others. Chances are, he would have found a way to do that with or without me! People are weak, if you hadn't noticed. Those men and women followed me, most of them blindly, just because I said the right words and put myself in the correct place."

His gun aim wavered and his movements became more animated. Tyler was tired of the accusations and tired of all these people. "The women Bruce gave me... I kept those women safe, something Bruce couldn't do. Where did all those graves come from? Haywood died without my help! You couldn't keep anyone safe! It was Haywood that killed those women-- Your people released the walkers and killed them all. You killed almost every single one of my men, some of them not so monstrous as the others. You didn't know them and you damn well don't know me either!"

"And-And Lauren... I liked her. She was kind to Katie, but she presumed she knew what was best for her. Katie is my daughter, so I am the one who deserves to raise her!" He unconsciously began to run a hand through Katie's hair, an action he had done so many times before. "I have what I want, and I just want to leave. I want to get as far away from you people as I possibly can. Katie is safest with me, not you. You couldn't even keep your own community safe, so how can you expect to keep my little girl safe? Lower your damn gun and let us go!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rob-Haywood Vicinity-Tyler,Katie

Maybe it was the fact that he was also tired of these things. Perhaps it was the fact that it seemed to many people said the things Tyler said, But Rob eyes tightened. A small smirk appeared on his face.

"You know, I'm starting to get tired of people. Do you think I care about those people? I was pretty much forced to go with those guys. I stand and watch as everyone shoots themselves in the foot. My people is No one! I see people and they die. I see more people and They Die! Bruce,Robert,You,Half the goddamn population that's not rotting. You guys just happen to understand how to do certain things, but one by one. You do something incredibly fucking stupid...and you die."

Rob focused on Tyler's gun. They could shoot each other at this moment, sadly Tyler had a child very close to him. "But, That's not the point is it. The whole point is Katie, that all it ever seems to be. And I really could just let you go, But I'm tired of this shit. And most likely you have no where to go. Also, Someone shot me and I'm going to blame you" Rob grinned.

"But, Good thing on the whole Katie thing to be honest. I didn't honestly believe the whole thing between Father and Daughter was so strong...Then again she is Eight....How long will you think it will be, until she sees. I mean, unless you manage to avoid all human contact for the rest of your life. Which is doubtful considering you. You just can't help it. And then what, all will be for nothing." Rob once again shot a glance at Katie.

Maybe finally, she would see. He did order Lauren shot, She had to see. She had to.

"But I can't let you go, because for some shit reason I still have a moral compass, and that says that your an awful person...soo" Rob made sure to keep his gun pointed in Tyler's general face area.

Maybe he could just shoot mulitible and just hope Katie wasn't hit. She had suffered much...He didn't know anymore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Haywood Vicinity - Rob/Katie

Tyler wasn't sure if this guy had it in him to take the shot. Perhaps he did, and this was only delaying the inevitable. "Fine then, blame me. I don't care. But fire on me and you completely destroy my little girl's life. She's already lost her mom and her brother, so if you can live with taking away her daddy too... You better be a good shot. Imagine if you missed me and hit her instead. I can't say you'd live for much longer after that." That was it, wasn't it? This could end in the death of them all.

"If you fire, then I will be forced to fire back. You will die, there's no doubt about that. But if you let us go, you may live. My daughter will be safe. I can promise you that no one else will be hurt by my hands, but you probably wouldn't believe that. I just have to wonder how clean you'll be able to keep your hands. In this world, we all eventually get them a little dirty." He tightened his grip on the gun, but took one small step backwards.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique couldn't look at the carnage he had wrought he only watched Amanda, he put his hand on her shoulder and nodded to confirm she was okay. Enrique heard Aoife and showed a grim expression, he knew he was in the wrong he knew he had truly fucked up, he was going to atone for it. However he could he was going to atone for the hand he played in Tyler's deception.

"I know, I know what I did." Enrique said coldly, "I was led to believe that I was helping a man get his daughter, I was told the men who had her were bandits. I see now that Tyler was the bandit, that the little girl however blood related isn't his daughter."

Enrique stood and put some wieght on his wounded leg, he could stand and hobble but he certainly wasn't going for a run. He knew Tyler had gone inside and picked up his pistol setting it into his belt line, he hobbled over to his axe and scooped it off the ground fastening it to his belt. He looked over at the kid from the rifle range, he lifted him off his feet. He looked over at Amanda and motioned for her to come help. The kid was in a blank, he wasn't registering anything, Enrique waved his hands in front of the kids face. Then he did the only sense able thing to do, he pimp slapped the kid. His eyes refocused, he looked at Enrique then at Amanda.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asked the kid, he nodded but didn't look it. He looked sick to his stomach, likely because of Enrique.

"Sorry kiddo," Enrique said turning away he lifted his shirt and found a dry patch then wiped away the blood on his face, he was careful to remove any kind of evidence of his rampage from his face. He turned back to the kid and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Amanda is gonna take care of you till we get somewhere safe." Enrique said solemnly, he looked back at Aoife, he knew she had no reason to forgive him he had fucked up massively. He hobbled towards her keeping his hands out to his sides to show he meant no harm.

"I'm sorry, and I don't expect you to be play with it. But if you keep me with you lot, when I'm back to a state of not dieing I will let you kick the shit out of me. No holding back, you'll be free to knock my fucking head off. But for now I want to help, I'm not much more than a cripple for now but in a few weeks I'll be right as rain and that's when you can kick my ass."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Haywood - Tyler, Rob

Katie didn't understand half of what was going on. Everything was a blur and sounded muffled. She just stared off into space, not really focusing on anything. She heard more people shouting, more guns going off, but she didn't even bother trying to make sense of it all.
When the person carrying her sat her on the ground she curled up, putting her head on her knees and shaking.

Then, when someone else picked her up, she simply hung from their arms, still staring off into space.
Men started talking. The haze cleared a bit. She recognized Rob's voice. She was mad at Rob... wasn't she? What for? She couldn't remember...
But he wasn't the man holding her. Someone else was. He was talking too.
Slowly, Katie's eyes refocused. Through the haze a man's face appeared. A familiar man.
"Daddy?" she murmured, not sure if this was a dream. When he ran his hand through her hair, something he had done so many times, she knew it was him. He was here. She was with him once again.
"Daddy!" she cried, throwing her arms around him and hugging him. She started to cry again, but this time they were happy tears. "Daddy! I'm sorry! I'll never be bad again! Don't ever go away!"

She happened to look and see her daddy was holding a gun. Looking over she saw Rob was holding a gun too. A gun pointed at them.
"No!" she screamed, hugging her father tightly and burying her face into his neck. She couldn't lose him! Not when she had just got him back!
"Don't!" she cried. "Don't go away! Stay!"
The thought of her daddy's face exploding like Lauren's made her cry even harder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - New Life

It had to be over soon. It just had to be.
She was so tired...
Push... that was what the doctor was saying.
She didn't want to push anymore... she was so tired...


Someone wiped the sweat from her forehead. She didn't care that three people, including a total stranger with a gun, were seeing her private parts. All she cared about was getting this baby out of her.
Squeezing something the size of a watermelon out of an opening the size of a lemon was not fun.

She started to pray. Pray for the baby to be okay. Pray for this to be over soon.
Pray for Floyd to be here...

where was he?


It was done.
A baby cry echoed in the empty building.
Her baby was crying...
Her baby...

The doctor cut the cord and cleaned things up as best as he could under the circumstances. Jess asked for her baby even though she was exhausted and out of breath. She wouldn't stop until the child was in her arms. The moment the baby was in her arms it stopped crying. It was like it knew that it was in the arms of it's mother.

Jess couldn't help the tears that ran from her eyes.
Her baby was here...
Her baby was healthy...
Her wonderful, beautiful, sweet baby boy...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heather - Camp - Floyd, Hank

Heather woke when something crashed. Their guest was awake it seemed and feeling much better.
"Calm down," she told him in her nurse voice, which was a voice somewhere between firm and warm. "You'll hurt yourself."

Hank came rushing onto the scene. Heather was about to tell him not to make things worse, but to her surprise he not only spoke calmly to the man, but cut him loose as well.
Although part of her wanted to ignore it, the other part, the one she gave in to, tapped him on the shoulder. "Thank you," she said quietly. "For not flying off the handle."

Going forward slowly, she showed she had nothing in her hands. "I am Heather," she reminded him of her name. "I'm a nurse. I helped treat you when they brought you in," she explained, inclining her head towards Hank and DeSean. "I'm here to help. Help me to help you. Tell me, do you have pain anywhere? Can you see clearly? Is there any dizziness or blurry vision?"
She stepped closer with every question until she was kneeling in front of him, her brown eyes searching his. "Is your hearing clear? Do I sound like my voice is coming through a tunnel?"

She was asking these questions to make sure there was no permenant damage from the head injury.
"Your eyes are focused and the pupils are not fixed so I don't believe you have a concussion," she said. "Do you think you can stand?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Season 3 Spoiler

The loud static continued to echo down the highway as the silver two-thousand three Rav4 sped through the incoming rain. I-10 at the moment didn't have any cars, most traffic had already been passed up, traffic that seemed to be directed towards the coast. But in this case, the man driving the vehicle was heading in the opposite direction, trying to hit SH49 to El Dorado, Arkansas.

It would be a long drive coming from southern New Orleans all the way north, but there was a reason. Just about fifty minutes ago, the radio had broadcasted a man's voice, giving out a general address where one could find shelter. Of course, at first the driver thought it to be an emergency broadcast, but fifteen minutes after the first signal, the man's voice returned. This time, he gave the same information, but with different dialogue. He stated: "For all those still surviving in this new world, you are not alone. We are Ace, a compound stationed at the intersection of E Main Street and 167, El Dorado, Arkansas. For all those seeking shelter, food, medicine, possible lost ones - we are here, we are alive. Without limitations we are capable of reaching heights unlike our ancestors. Freedom of both mind and spirit lays in our own capabilities of leaving the old world behind. Join me in this quest and we shall refrain from our rules and embark on the journey to freedom........" then the static returns.

From the start of his drive there have only been two broadcasts. The driver sipped from a small flask as he continued to drive at high speeds. From time to time he would encounter abandoned cars on the road, but it was mostly a smooth drive. The priority for him was to get to El Dorado, where hope may be restored to his lost existence. He'd already sacrificed people he had connections with in order to survive, he now wished this Ace would provide him with safe haven. He was tired of survival of the fittest. "I'm sorry Surge" he stated as he took yet another sip and sped up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Camp - Decision

The closer the woman got, the farther Floyd tried to back away. All these questions were bombarding him, making him feel targeted. The questions were in regard to his health, according to what the woman said, she was a nurse - trained in the medical field. But all this didn't matter to Floyd, his main priority was to get back into that forest and follow the tracks he had been separated from. He noticed how the group seemed to be rather close, observing how the leader reacted to the nurses touch, and how he interacted with the others in the tent.

He remembered that kind of closeness, but avoided thinking about it as he continued to perch away from the lady, forcing himself to get to his feet. On his way to regain balance he answered the woman's question. "I'm fine" he grumbled. He wasn't the kind of guy to accept help from strangers, he did things better on his own. But the truth was, they had saved his life. Even with that, Floyd refrained from showing any gratitude towards them, somewhere in his mind believing he could have protected himself, even with the head injury. He didn't even respond Aiden's question, not wanting to give out anymore personal information.

Once he stood, Hank signaled Heather to back away from the patient. He then turned to everyone excluding DeSean, who was by his side. "Please step outside, we'll handle it from here" he told Aiden, Imogen, and Heather. "If we need anything, we'll call out" he added in a whisper, opening the tent for them to exit. Before the last person left - Heather - he also placed his hand on her shoulder and got close so only she could hear. "Gather everyone at the campfire, we'll be there in a second."

Once they had all left, Hank returned his gaze at Floyd, DeSean still by his side. "Now........" he started. "As you can see, we've got a small group here. A community if you chose to call it. We found you lying in the dirt unconscious, brought you here with good intentions"

"I didn't ask you to" Floyd murmured to himself, maybe a little louder than he thought because both men heard him.

"You ungrateful son of a b-" DeSean started before Hank placed his hand on the man's chest, stopping him from doing anything he would regret. "Calm down. Civil conversation remember" Hank told DeSean. "Now that's too bad, because I don't care if you wanted me to help or not, because I DID! I couldn't leave you out there to rot!" Hank added before DeSean jumped in. "This man and I risked our asses to save you, so maybe you ought to show some gratitude. We have people out here yet we brought you - a complete stranger into our barracks. Now I'm trusting Hank's decision here, hoping to God that we didn't make the wrong choice"

"What were saying here is that we brought you here with the intention to save your life. Now I can't force you to stay, but I think it's in your best interest to do so. You look like you could use some help. We've got food, a cook. Medicine, water. Now I'm not sure if you were alone or not out there, but that doesn't matter to me. When I found you, you were alone, so that's what I'm going with, am I right?" Hank stated.

Floyd thought for a second, thinking what his answer should be. Truth was, he hadn't been alone, well, somewhat not alone. Jess was out there somewhere, the truck's tracks revealed she had gotten away. Abram was also gone, so it was obvious they had left together. But this group didn't know that, and they didn't need to. "Yea, I was alone" Floyd responded and quickly followed up.

"That doesn't mean ima join your group, I'm better off on my own" Floyd responded, fixing his shirt and wiping the sweat off the side of his face. "Alright, that's fine. But right now, I can't let you go, not in your condition. It's onl-" he started, once again cut off by DeSean.

The black man pulled him back so he would face him. "You're just gonna let him go? What if he's lying? What if he's got a group and shows up with them to rob us or something?" he whispered. "We can't force him to stay here D, he's not a prisoner" Hank whispered back, Floyd just standing there, looking right and left. "Then what do you expect we do?" Hank questioned. "What we always do, vote" DeSean stated, crossing his arms and leaving the tent.

Hank then turned back to Floyd, licking his lips in response to his stress. "Alright......Floyd. I need you to understand that my group's safety, their well-being is my number one concern.........always. The reason were still alive isn't because of me, it's because of everyone's contribution. Everyone does a little something that allows us to go on, even if it's for one more day. So I hope you understand when I say this: You joining us, or even leaving puts us at a liability. None of us know you, we don't know if you're dangerous or not. You haven't done anything to prove hostility, so I have no reason to believe you are. But even with that said, if you leave, I can't prove to these people you won't return with a group to take our stuff or even murder us for it. Right now I need you to think, think! Think of your survival rate out there on your own. Think about it Floyd. What are the chances you'll live? What? Are you going to live off the wilderness? Like a caveman? It would seem that last time you tried that, you ended up in the dirt, unconscious. So tell me what would be the reasonable choice? Stay here with us, prove yourself to these people that you can be an asset, or...............go out there on your own and end up dead in a ditch" Hank paused, allowing Floyd to take everything in.

The redneck had remained silent the entire time. He had his arms crossed with his eyes squinting. From time to time he would sway in horizontal directions. "Now, like all our decision, I will make them with out group. Were going to decide if we want you to stay or not. But I need you to give me an answer now! Am I wasting my time asking these people what to do? Are you going to just leave regardless our choice or are you willing to survive with us? What's it gonna be Floyd? Right here, or out there again?"

Floyd seemed to have spoken, but nothing came from his mouth, just silence. He seemed to be having a difficult time deciding. If he didn't go back out there, there would be not possible way he'd find Jess again. In addition, he doubted these people would risk their lives for another stranger, even if they knew she was pregnant. But it was true what Hank was saying. Going out there was suicide, especially with the ground he had to cover to return to the house in order to follow the tracks again. And it had been about two days or so, the tracks could have faded by now, making them harder to read. The possibility of finding Jess was unlikely. In all sense and honesty, she was basically entitled dead by now and Floyd would have to understand that.

"I..........I'll.........stay" he forced himself to say, watching his hands shiver a little as his spine felt weak. His head started to pulsate fiercely, irritating inside. His blood boiled with anger as he felt the pain of loosing someone. Hank nodded at the answer and left the tent to meet everyone at the campfire. Aiden, Imogen, Seth, DeSean, Jenny, and the others were all sitting in a circle, awaiting Hank.

"Everyone. We have a decision to make here, one that every single one of us is involved in. As you all know, yesterday we brought a stranger into our doorsteps. A survivor. Now, I understand how uneasy that must feel. Knowing there is a stranger sleeping just a couple feet from you, I get that, I slept with my eyes open too. But that man in there just told me he'd like to stay. That he would contribute just like everyone else. I know that this may be a hard decision to make, but we need to do this. Remember, he's just like us, a survivor, a human being in need of aid. Me, DeSean, Jenny and Seth took all of you in as well. Now I'm asking that you give this man a chance too. I know we don't know anything about him and his appearance may be a little striking, but I have a gut feeling he isn't a bad man. He didn't attempt to strike at us when we cut him loose, that has to stand for something"

"We had guns pointed at him Hank" DeSean returned.

"Oh yeah, well that says a lot about us too doesn't it D. Maybe it's best we start being more civil around each other too. Why carry guns when were all together. I understand that anything could happen at any time, but we have the cans hung up all around camp. When we hear it, we'll just get our weapons then. We don't- Never mind, I'm getting off topic. Point is, the choices are these. Either we let him stay with us, allow him to become an asset to the group, or we kill him. We don't know anything about him, if he was with a group or not, so we can't let him go. Anyone want to say anything before we decide?"

"I think we take him out right now. We don't need a more hands around here, were fine on our own. Like you said, we don't know anything about this guy, he could be a bandit, a thug, a prisoner, who knows. I mean, look at him! He's an animal that guy. I don't know about you, but I ain't bout to put my wife in danger because you think it's best to have more helping hands. That's just another mouth to feed. We take him in, were not sleeping anymore" DeSean stated, Jennifer by his side the entire time, agreeing with her husband's decision.

"Seth?" Hank asked, turning towards one of his childhood friends. "Ummm. I mean, I get what D is saying, but I think your right Hank. This guy can help us out, better protection. Who knows, he might be a valuable asset. He might know things we don't. I say we give him a chance"

"What do y'all think?" Hank asked everyone else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rob-Haywood Vicinity- Tyler/Katie

Rob looked between the two, He could end it right now. Just a twitch of a finger and it would all end. Perhaps it would be better, he wold finish with life while taking out Tyler. It would all be so perfect it wasn't for Katie. If she didn't exist, well...all of this wouldn't of happened, but Tyler would be dead. But....He just couldn't destroy the girl's life any further. He could end it, for some stupid reason...he couldn't.

With his gun still pointed at Tyler, Rob swore many times..."Go....Just go back to wherever you came from and never come back, and if I see you again I will kill you. Just, stop getting armies and all that shit....I dunno....And if it isn't obvious enough, You would be dead if not for the fact that your girl had just gone through two attacks and many of her friends dying....Just go....." Rob waved his gun in a random direction. Still pointing his gun at him, he didn't trust Tyler not to kill him.

"There's enough death for today....just this once"


Aoife watched Enrique carefully, She paused for a second before letting her gun drop to the hip. "Fine then...But I will beat the shit out of you soon enough" Aoife looked around warily. "Should we go back to Outpost?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique looked in the direction Tyler had ran off to, he tensed and looked down at his leg. He ignored the pain but recognized he was bleeding pretty well. He looked at Aoife.

"Not until I see that bastard," Enrique said angrily, "He'll have some explaining to do, or else I have no problem gutting him. And I mean actually gutting that son of a bitch."

Amanda walked over and held up a bandage, she knelt down and Enrique put his leg out a bit, she wrapped the bandages around his leg covering the wound and carefully tightening it. He grimaced and then thanked her, she nodded and went back to tending to the kid. Enrique drew his pistol and let it hang in his right hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Outside Haywood

"You've made the right decision," he said. This man was a fool, but not foolish enough for that, it seemed. "We won't meet again." Tyler then backed up, his weapon still trained on his aggressor. Neither of them trusted each other to break away first. Tyler only felt he and Katie were safe once he had rounded the corner. He then pulled his little girl into his arms and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He could finally get her away.

They were free.


He'd broken into a small single story home in order to get some rest. He placed Katie on the living room couch while he did a sweep of the building. When he felt that they were secured, he returned to his little girl's side and kneeled down in front of her. He placed his hands on her knees and gave her a weary smile. "We did it, Katie. We made it. Me and you." His breathing was ragged from running and his eyes still red from the tears. He pulled Katie into a loving embrace. "I'm so sorry. A lot of people had to get hurt so I could make it to you. That's-- It's not right. What I've been doing isn't right. He was a bad man, but I miss Brad. I miss Bex and Enrique and-and Lauren. She was good to you, but she..." He sobbed loudly. Where had everything gone? "But you're safe now. With me. That's all that matters."
Shannon - Haywood

They'd watched the scene unfold outside in silence. There was plenty going on to occupy their attention, but the silence between them felt awkward somehow. She realised that even if things were going more normally, she still wouldn't have had anything to say. She'd thought he had been dead for months-- Months that felt like years, strangely longer than her life from before. Eventually, she asked Danny if he wanted to go outside and help, but he had declined. It was only after things had calmed down that he began to move.

"I-I need to go talk to them," he said. He reached out, his fingers lightly touching at her arm. "Put some bandages on, okay?" He started to head downstairs, but she wasn't letting him go that easily. She grabbed a small roll out of the stash in the bathroom and hurriedly followed him out the door. She found him with hands up, trying to get the attention of the scouts. "Wait, everyone! We can't just fucking... Luke! We need to disarm the explosives!"

The one apparently named Luke straightened up and nodded. "Right, I wasn't sure when to bring it up, because..."

"Well, that's how it is, everybody. Thomas planned on blowing up your walls. Er, Tyler. Fuck! Whatever." He turned to Shannon and frowned. "We'll deal with this, alright? It's our damn mess." She watched as he and a few of the scouts began preparations for dealing with the explosives. She absentmindedly wrapped a bandage around her wound, trying to ignore the buzz of people around her. She let out a shaky breath and sat down on the front steps. They were going to have to bury Lauren now, and probably even more people as well. She just had to figure out what happened to her friends...

"Shannon!" someone yelled. The voice came from the courtyard beyond the line of vehicles. She got up and dusted herself off, hoping that it was Daniel with Emma by his side. She jogged down to the crowd of people to find James and the other people of Haywood huddled around a sobbing girl. As Shannon stepped closer, she found a sight she had never wanted to see.

Daniel was dead. If the grim looks of everyone around her didn't make that clear, his lifeless body cemented that fact. She never thought this moment would come. Never even considered it. Daniel had been the strongest of them, far stronger than she had ever been. Why did it always appear to be the strong ones? Why Lexi, why Daniel? And Poly and Dr. Johnson and...

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice breaking into a sob. She felt James wrap his arms around her and she truly began to cry. "I tried so hard." If only they had left earlier, if only.
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