Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zombehs said
“Yes I’m skirting the rules,”

...was the spark that set Elizabeth in motion earlier than planned. This kind of excuse was one of the most promising things anybody could say, right up there with "I know what I'm doing is wrong, but" and "So? What are you gonna do about it?". What made it even sweeter was the subsequent "but" and the fact that the guy had 'trouble' written all over his face. She approached the small circle of bystanders, effortlessly made her way inside it - as some of the non-freshmen backed out of her way and dragged nearby first-timers with them - and looked from the Headmasters face to the redheads 'merchandise'. The sight of the latter brought the sweetest, most eager grin to her face. The girl respectfully waited for Wiser to finish his little sermon, before striking the sweetest smile, asking
"Would there happen to be a problem, here?"
To nobody in specific. Well, quite obviously the Headmaster was the most privileged to answer, but she didn't exactly get her eyes off the sword Veili was carrying. She was mentally creacking her knuckles already, which was semi-visible really, but it would have been a little too on the nose to physically do, she thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Veili continued to meet the Headmaster’s stare for a few more moments before he finally averted his gaze and frowned. Rubbing the back of his neck was about the only sign he’d give, but he realized he’d gone too far. It was like the Headmaster said, he was in no position to be determining exactly what was too much for others. And it was also true that he had been given a special privilege amongst the student body. There wasn’t anything to gain by continuing this pointless, and frankly unwinnable, argument with the Headmaster. He was in the wrong, even if he thought he shouldn’t be, and admitted as such. Or at least he tried to, but people seemed to be a fan of interrupting him in the midst of things today.

‘Huh...’ was the first brilliant thing to come to mind as Veili took in the newcomer with a raised eyebrow. It was for the first time that he could quite confidently think that, whoever it was, looked just as much as a delinquent as he did. Appearance aside, he didn’t quite like the smile she had on her face, especially since it seemed like it was directed at him. Yet Veili was never someone who backed down easily, and simply shot her an annoyed look before muttering, “None of your business.” Figuring that was enough to get the point across, he turned back to the Headmaster and lowered his head just slightly. “I’m sorry then for breaking the rules, it won’t happen again” he said firmly, as he kept up the slight bow. And he truly had no intentions of doing so during the school year, today had simply been a rush job that he perhaps shouldn’t have taken seeing all the trouble it had brought him.

Now, please, just let this end.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zombehs said

Traitor said

The Headmaster nodded then grinned, abandoning all pretense of seriousness. "That's alright then. Anyhow, I know you're rushing enough as it is, so you might as well scoot along. Here, bring Miss Elizabeth with you. She's a part time guard, and has the same authority as one under the right circumstances. She's a known face around here, so she should be able to get you by without much trouble, unless it's too much of a bother for her?"

He added the last part staring at the girl with an expectant glint in his eye. "Besides, being students of the same age, I'm sure you should get along well," he said with a hint of a chuckle in his voice, for not-so-obvious reasons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Danny stared up to the sky, his hand shielding his eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. “Where is that bird?” He muttered under his breath inquisitively, waiting for a mass of white feathers to descend through the light blue backdrop. The room which he hadn’t tended to in a month was awaiting him, it was calling for him, requesting that he rest within its walls. The complex it resided in was only a few hundred meters away, a quick walk. Though he was forced to wait for the avian to return to his side. A voice from his behind tore him from his daze, ”I know you're hiding something.” It sounded like that of a child, he had to completely turn around and angle his head down to see the owner of the voice. It was one of the students from the group of first years. The boy wasn’t like the others, he actually took initiative and was self-sufficient, uncommon attributes in eleven year olds. “Um… What do you mean?” The student stared at him with a stern expressing. In all honesty, the question was extremely vague. It took him a few moments to realize what the boy was asking about.

”It’s obvious that it covers an eye. What, does he think I’m hiding candy in there?” Is was a normal person would have thought, yet Danny had to go into more depth. Usually, one could just tell off a person of Alex’s age, yet Finks felt the need to give into anybody’s questions, even a first year’s. ”There’s no way I can beat around this bush. I’ll probably end up telling him, but I might as well find out what sparked his querying.” Danny was sensing a mental ward emitting from the student, yet it would be child’s play to bypass. It must’ve been conjured by somebody who had some knowledge in insorcery. The person wasn’t an elite, nor was he or she horrible at the magic. ”I should be able to break through the ward without his noticing. I’ll just need to monitor my own stability. I just need to take a peek at some memories.” When a person excels in both mind-reading and clairvoyance, it is possible to look at a person’s most recent memories. Danny took a deep breath and closed his eye.

Going through memories was like peering through water. ”The thought could have only risen a few minutes ago, probably upon my departure.” Within a moment, Danny caught the fleeting image of himself, leaving the crowd. As he was walking away, his body was suddenly covered in hues of yellow and grey. ”Ah, that explains it. Alright, time to bug out. No need to waste any more resources.” The senior could have made a mental key to the boy’s mind, for easier access next time he needed to dive into the child’s mind. Hopefully, that scenario would never arise, as it was always a hassle. Keeping one key was easy, but owning a whole chain could strain a magestrava. One of the causes of Danny’s collapse was due to having so many tabs of his former lord’s partners. It was one of the many factors which caused his powers to backlash on him.

Though it seemed to have taken a few minutes for Danny, from the boy’s perspective, it all happened in the blink of an eye, literally. As his eye opened again, he realized the boy’s abilities. ”With clairvoyance, different ways of perceiving reality come to being. I guess those colors meant something, which is why you pursued me. For an answer.” Finks was unable to pinpoint what the colors meant exactly, but they had a purpose. “Sorry, I tend to be careful around students of your age, as they easily intake impressions. But, since you seem to be mature for your age, I guess I can tell you about my eye.” He shrugged and let out a sigh of contempt, “This is what happens when you overstep your boundaries. Learn your limits, and don’t venture above them frequently.” Finks should have just told the kid in the first place, but he wished to see his reason for inquiring. “Since you seem to be taking the path of an insorcerer, you can ask me about any problems. Name is Danny Finks.” After the awkward and rushed introduction, Danny let out a light cough. It was a side effect of using his abilities in such a tired state. At last, the bird returned to his side, it bleated its speed and landed on his shoulder. “I’ve gotta go now, I need to get all of my supplies in check. Might need to check with some friends before classes start tomorrow.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"It certainly isn't." Elizabeth answered Wiser with a triumphant smirk that seemed to say "Now it is." in response to Veilis defensive comment. After taking in the weapon for a long moment, she finally scrutinized its carrier properly. Despite giving in to Weisers logic, he made for a promising subject, she thought. People like this don't just stop violating the rules, no matter how much they endeavored. It's something you're born with, she was convinced. Something that makes you attract disaster like a magnet. On top of all, this one looked well able to hit back, a welcome change from all the spineless magic addicts.

She directed a friendly nod to the Headmaster, both serving as a late greeting and implying that she can take it from here, assuming the old man had more pressing matters to deal with, before turning her full attention back to the suspicious looking sword-bearer. While he was of course right about her being a part-time guard, she looked nothing like it. Far from it. A long-sleeved, worn out cloth shirt that used to have more than one arm before the right one got ripped off in an 'accident' already destroyed that illusion, as did two metallic objects piercing her left ear and a nose stud testifying that she spent way too much time in a certain tower.
"So..." she began in her sweetest, most obviously fake tone, "...how can I be of service? Do you need help carrying that?". Lizz looked eager to get her hands on the blade in question, a little too eager, ulterior motives written clearly across her face. She had a long history of 'relationships' with swords, but none of them lasted very long...for one reason or another.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Veili shot the Headmaster a disbelieving look at the suggestion, but before he could get so much as a word in the girl seemed to jump on the opportunity. He matched her smirk with a scowl, sizing her up for real this time around since it didn’t look like she would just be a passing bystander anymore. If her appearance was anything to go by and he felt it was, the girl wouldn’t bat so much as an eye to his usual demeanor. That made things… annoying to put mildly because frankly, Veili didn’t do much more than intimidate those that weren’t his “friends”. And if that wouldn’t work on her…

With an annoyed sigh, he ran his free hand through his hair and grumbled something under his breath before turning around. He couldn’t help but suppress a shiver at the tone Elizabeth decided to use with him though, being so fake yet dripping with sweetness. He paused in his attempt to leave her behind and turned his head around to study her, weighing the pros and cons of handing his creation over to the girl. She obviously wanted to do more than just take a look at it, but maybe it would keep her from bothering him on the short trip to his client. He had a feeling she wouldn’t exactly relent until she got her hands on the sword. Pinching the bridge of his nose as he exhaled in displeasure, he flipped the weapon around so he was holding it by the tip of the blade.

“Don’t fuck around with it, I’d rather not have to explain to a client why their piece isn’t as supposed to be,” he muttered in annoyance as he unwrapped the cloth and then held the weapon out, handle first to Elizabeth. He wasn’t even sure what was so interesting about the sword to her, someone who had at least spent a few years in the Academy if the Headmaster’s comment about their ages was correct.

With the covering removed, the sword was on display for all to see, though frankly it wasn’t impressive. A simple horizontal handguard, an undecorated spherical pommel, leather wrapped around the handle, and a three foot blade. Perhaps someone with experience would be able to tell the weapon was substantially lighter than its size would suggest, but other than that there was seemingly nothing special about it. Unless of course someone was able to remember how easily Veili drove the piece through a good foot of earth. Or maybe they were simply observant. Then, if they were to scrutinize the piece they might just find the faint etchings that had been inlaid over the entire weapon’s blade. The rune itself wasn’t too complex, but the sheer size would have meant many hours of careful work. What it did was simple, maintain a razor sharp edge that would not dull, not unless magic was involved or the blade itself broke. And Veili had taken great lengths to make sure the wielder would break before the weapon itself did. He would never reveal what material the blade was made of, although an experienced Alchemist likely would have been able to analyze it, but suffice to say it was lightweight, yet many times stronger than the standard steel utilized by non-magical smiths.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

HylianRose said

“What do we do now? Just…hang out?”

Lovedaia scratched her nose and thought about her options. On one hand, she could go to her new room, on the other she wanted to hang out with her friend. Knowing that unpacking was a priority, Lovedaia wavered before shrugging it off. It was hardly important and at this point, the blonde preferred having fun than unloading. Lufu twined her arm with Billie’s and began pulling her away from the crowd, no certain direction in mind.

“Where do you want to go? We could go eat, or maybe hang out by the trees, or maybe find someone to annoy until they blow something up – preferably not us.”

Thinking what else they could, she began tapping her chin and pulling her fellow blonde along, whether she wanted to come or not. Oggie was usually doing something around this time to greet the first years, but then again she didn’t know Oggie that well. They could tell horror stories to the first years, scaring them about ever doing magic again, but that would result in some angry teacher sooner or later. The first day was always the worst for Lovedaia; she was so bored, her tongue tasted the bitter flavor of dullness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Billie's eyes widened a bit before a smile crept onto her face as Lufu pulled her around, pulling her away from the crowd. She knew she could like this girl.

“Where do you want to go? We could go eat, or maybe hang out by the trees, or maybe find someone to annoy until they blow something up – preferably not us.” Lufu asked, still dragging her around. All Billie could manage to do was laugh. After a few moments, she gathered herself long enough to answer.

"If you're looking for something to do, I need to go check on my horse. If you're interested in that sort of thing." Billie told her, a smile plastered on her face. She wasn't an angry person generally, she just didn't usually like doing things she didn't want to do. Though, she had to admit for her mother's sake that she was glad she'd decided to stay and talk to Lufu.

"Anyway... Are you a second year?" Billie asked, genuinely curious and... still being pulled around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Alexander might of been happy with the half-answer that the other person gave, until the other guy read his mind. Almost immediately a sound of warning flaired in his mind that meant someone was rummaging through his mind. And when he looked at the stranger he was glowing purple, which typical meant the mind, most notably insorercy. It was quite easy to put two and two together to come up with the fact that guy read his mind.

So he ran after him, "Oh so that is what this is about, you must be one of those magistrava who pushed themselves to hard and had a magical black-lash. I know my basics of magic. But I don't have to worry about that. I am sycher. The worst that will happen to me is a pretty bad head-ache or I will black-out. What I do have to worry about is people intruding on my brain. I am not sure what you looked at, but it generally isn't nice to read people's mind before you even introduce yourself" he smarted off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zombehs said

The Headmaster chuckled while shaking his head. "Well, I'll leave you two to it then. Try not to cause any trouble on the way, alright?"

Render turned away from the duo and began pacing down the grounds. The truth is, he did have a reason for shoving the two together like that; Render was know far and wide for his intuition and sensitivity to certain things, and for as long as he kept his eyes on those two, and in his opinion, there was no one with more raw talent in the whole Academy than those two when it came to metalworking.

The things Elizabeth could do to metal and the things Veili could make out of them . . . if those two were to somehow get along enough to collaborate, imagine the results, the products, the sheer genius that could be produced!

By the end of it all, Render Wiser was still a very curious child.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zombehs said

Since she fully expected to be denied access to the weapon, Elizabeth didn't really react right away. It took her a full second to comprehend that this guy was actually willing to part with the sword, a potentially bad idea. Another full second to formulate a befuddled "Really?" and a third one to react and grab the handle, pulling it out of Veilis hands with little regard for the safety of his fingers.

The little crowd around them had mostly dispersed by then, but the remaining few observers scuttled away now, at the sight of Elizabeth Seyes with a longsword in her hands. 'Smart little buggers', she thought. Completely disregarding the possible hurry Veili was in, Lizzy took a very close look at the tool, the transition between blade and handguard/handle in specific. She devoured every inch of it with her eyes, turning the blade to view all of it in different angles of light. It was hard to say if she actually received viable information like this, since she merely produced incomprehensible but numerous 'Huh.' and 'Mhm.' sounds while doing so, but the truth is, she learned all she needed to from this procedure. After the visual inspection was covered, she pointed the tip at Veili, stretching her right arm out and holding the weapon almost perfectly horizontal, as if to test out its weight...with virtually zero visible effort. Lizz then ran her left thumb over the length of the blades edge to test its sharpness, portraying an expression of decided approval.

"This isn't half bad handiwork. Where'd you get that?"

, she asked while running her index finger over the contour of the runes etched into the material, wrinkling her nose at what she perceived to be the main flaw of the swords design. Or rather, at the fact that a lot of effort and time went into this specific detail the weapon was well presentable without. Not really waiting for an answer, the girl cut a slow diagonal line through the air between them, supporting her dominant hand with her left one. Not to support the weight of the sword, but to increase the precision and elegance of the cut. All of this yielded her a disapproving look of the guard who initially stopped Veili, but the man didn't dare to intervene again after the Headmaster stopped him just earlier. She tossed the blade into the air, flipping it by precisely 360 degrees before catching it at the handle again.

"Nicely balanced."

What happened then was less to be expected, and caused people to walk around them in a wider respectful distance. She implied flipping and catching it again, only the catching part went missing. Instead the blade gradually slowed down on its way to the ground, coming to a full halt roughly at the height of Elizabeths shoulder, where it kept floating, pointing forward. For a moment, it seemed as if the girl was aiming over the blade of the weapon, much like someone would aim with a rifle, before she grabbed it out of its hovering position again. Finally, she rammed the blade half a foot into the earth again, holding the handle with her right and setting a foot roughly at the half point between tip and pommel. Applying force to test out how sturdy the material was. One could now argue about human muscle performance and the stability of metal, but everything about Lizz made the attentive observer suspect that she could actually break a sword in two like that. Not this time though, for more than one reason.

"Very accessible, a little unprecise and it could do without the enchantment if you ask me. How much are you selling it for?"

Everything she had seen about Veili so far made her assume he was some sort of merchant. That'd contradict his appearance greatly, but of all people Elizabeth should not be the person to even consider this train of thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

“No, I’m just holding it like this because it’s comfortable,” he deadpanned with a scowl. If it weren’t for the sword being snatched from his grip at that very moment, he might have continued on. He might have been in a hurry, but he was always, even if it was reluctantly, willing to let someone appreciate his work. Elizabeth seemed more keen on examining the weapon down to every last detail rather than simply appreciating it, but Veili didn’t have much of an issue with that either. He was dubious that someone else had the specializations in both Automancy and Alchemy to attempt what he did for a living, and even then, well it would just be someone he would probably find time to talk with.

“I made it,” he answered with a raised eyebrow, where else did she think he would have gotten it from? He watched as she seemed to finish up with the cursory examination of the weapon before starting to go through the paces with it. A foot began to tap impatiently since he was already running late, but she seemed to have at least an idea of what she was doing and so Veili held back from commenting. It wasn’t too surprising for him to see that she could levitate the sword, he had already pretty much guessed she was either an Alchemist or Automancer. After all, who else would be so interested in what amounted to a mundane sword in the masses' eyes. There had also been the possibility that she had an obsession with weapons, but… well actually that was still on the table for consideration.

His expression, which mellowed out while he watched her, changed back into a small scowl at her critique of the piece. Still… he didn’t need to explain to her why any of the things were as they were with the weapon, and instead just held out his hand for the sword back. “The price is already set, and no, I’m not taking higher bids. Now, either walk or give the sword back so I can. I do have someone waiting.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

HylianRose said

“If you’re looking for something to do, I need to go check on my horse. If you’re interested in that sort of thing.” Billie said to Lovedaia.

Lovedaia paused in dragging her new found friend around and turned on her foot. Her arm was extended as she pointed randomly in any direction. “Yeah, sure. Why not? Are the stables that way?”

Without Billie answering, Lufu began to drag her on that path, deciding that it was indeed that way. At this point, it was trial and error for her. Horses were pretty cool in Lovedaia’s book. Matter of fact, the blonde loved animals. She was good with animals and could memorize their stats within seconds – then again, she could remember anything within seconds, but animals required a shorter amount of time.

“Anyway… Are you a second year?” Lufu’s companion inquired and the smaller girl grinned.

“Nah, this is like…uh my three hundred and fortieth time here.” Lovedaia exaggerated. “What about you? Are you a second year?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

” I know my basics of magic. But I don't have to worry about that. I am syker. The worst that will happen to me is a pretty bad headache or I will black-out.”

The naive statement stopped Danny in his tracks, he instantly spun around with a stern expression on his face. He internally debated how to respond to the boy. ”He did say he only knew the basics. There’s no way he has read too deeply into previous cases of magical backlashes. Don’t be too harsh on him.” The seventeen year old let out a sigh and looked the first year in the eyes, “Over the past six to seven years I’ve used magic, I haven’t been able to cast a spell other than that of insorcery. Though I may not be officially titled one, I too, am a syker. The current mindset which you’re going about with is not a healthy one. It does not matter who you are, what you are, nor how many years of experience under your belt you have. If you step over your boundaries, you are done.”

Finks felt like he should specify what exactly caused his accident, he didn’t want to leave the impression that simple spells were dangerous. “My accident was caused by something much worse than a few chants. It was a case which developed over the span of two years, waiting to burst at the seams. I’ll tell you a little snippet of a story.” Danny kept his calm composure as he continued with the conversation. “In my old town, I was indentured to the noble which governed it. Once he discovered I had abilities as a Magestrava, he sought to exploit them. The man ran a company which export resources used to craft magical tools, and it was in his best interest to make the most profit he could. I was tasked to dig into the minds of his clients, and read what their plans were for the deals with my former lord. I was told to forge a mental key for every single person he did business with, on a daily basis. This meant I had to carry around on an internal keychain over seven-hundred keys, with the peoples’ names and mindsets.” He placed an emphasis on the last sentence to make his point stick.

“You can understand that would make any person break down and crumble. Though, when you take, you must give.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “Hmph. I need a cup of coffee. Oh, right, I did indeed introduce myself.” The student cleared his throat and quoted himself, “”Since you seem to be taking the path of an insorcerer, you can ask me about any problems. Name is Danny Finks.” So, not a complete stranger rummaged through your mind for an instant. I just wanted to see why you suddenly approached me. But in all honesty, I must be going. But don’t worry, I’ll leave you in good hands...” Danny scratched his chin as he scanned the courtyard for trustworthy individuals. There were not a lot of people present, only passerbies and small groups of friends catching up. Then, Finks spotted a noteworthy individual, a close friend of his. “Oi! Oggie! I have to go to my room, this student needs an escort.” He shouted across the courtyard. Though, Danny wasn’t able to raise his voice, it just wasn’t in his nature. But the counselor’s acute ears picked up the student’s quiet voice. He glanced back at the kid, “Just repeat your name mentally on my departure, I promise not to go into that brain afterwards. I’m just seeing what I can do without any side effects.” With that, Finks continued onto his room, longing for a warm cup of coffee.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Apokalipse said

“Yeah, sure. Why not? Are the stables that way?” Lufu asked before dragging the both of them in that direction. Billie was starting to get used to being dragged around like this. It was amusing, if a little annoying. But, she could manage. After all... They were going the wrong way. Chuckling to herself as the girl began to pull them towards the wrong exit, she listened to her words. So, she'd been here... awhile?

Billie blinked, a bit confused. How? Unless she was just exaggerating? Billie had no way of knowing. She would have preferred a more straightforward response. But... Maybe the girl wasn't very good with straight forward unless it was in going places...

"Uhm... Yeah. It's my second year here..." Billie told her, specifically leaving out the part that she was still in the low, low... low first year classes. She didn't need to know that.

Billie waited until Lufu had pulled her outside to point with her other hand in the direction of the stables, which were now a good distance around the side of building. "Go that way." She called out simply, not exactly raising her voice. There was a simple smile on her face, her eyes bright with amusement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Leotamer said Alexander

Auguste bolted to the side of the student he had effectively « eclaired ». To his great dismay, he found it to be a new girl. Luckily, however, she and her friends were laughing it off. « Hi! Well, I guess this is one way to introduce myself... My name is Auguste Arazm. But call me Oggie. I'm a faculty member. Officially, I'm a guidance counselor, by just think of me as a big brother on campus. I actually tutored newer students during my specialization studies, so if you want some help understanding classes, I'm the guy to go to! Your seniors are great people to get help from too, but during exam seasons they won't have much time for you. Anywho, let me get that cream off your face. » Oggie pulled out a pack of wet cloths from his sactchel and used one on the poor girl's cheek. He was afraid the chocolate in her eyebrow wouldn't come out, by it did. Whew.

« Oggie? Why not just magic the mess away? You boast about being specialized and all, but no one's seen you do any spellwork yet. Not like the headmaster. » Aw... What a lovely, snyde, conceited, cute little girl, he thought. That seemed to be students' favourite question. « Why no magic? » The answer always came so easily... « Why use magic? » The unanymous response was « Because it's easier. » To which Auguste would robotically reply « I care too much to take the easy way out. Labors of love are worth the effort. » The children would almost always roll their eyes. The counelor was well aware of his reputation... The faculty knew of his understated might, whereas the students thought of him as soft and almost useless. It was all about the flash nowadays. The bigger explosions, the fancier golems, blah, blah, blah... Auguste's ability to manipulate a spell's foundations often passed for novelty trickery. « Oh well », he thought. It was effective enough for him to dismantle any spell any student tried to cast in the courtyard. It actually happened more often than he liked; students getting into fights and tests of might by trying to cast spells at each other. Or simply practical jokes gone wrong. In any case... « Minimal force applied in the best possible way »... Stanislas' words remained the driving force behind the counselor's actions.

« There we go, all done! Oh. You're quite the pretty girl without chocolate on your face! » A teacher was beckoning the girls to follow him. No doubt they hadn't been given their schedules yet. Oggie shivered : « Don't keep that one waiting. An outsorcerer with obscene Xi reserves might even be too much for me to counter. Have fun! Remember my name if you ever need anything! » He smiled. His job brought him such joy. Mentoring and guiding the young, whether anything he said stuck with them or not, he had done his part by being there for them.

His few seconds of quiet contemplation were interrupted by a sudden « Oi! Oggy! ». He turned and darted in the student's direction. « Well, well, weeeeell! If it isn't Danny Finks! So great to see you. Enjoy your coffee and rest up before the ceremony this evening, you look beat. Cheers! » Auguste turned to the youth now under his care. Freshmen. Ah freshmen. His eyes, though unimpessed, did seem to have some bewilderment. The counselor could feel the remnants of insorcery around the boy... But also something more. What could it be. Hmm. Transcendance. Ouramancy. Fascinating. But there was something more... Lingering energies around the youngster. It wasn't human, it was barely of their world. He suspected Fae, but there was no way of knowing for sure without asking, and Auguste thought best not to.

« So, What's your name? I'm Auguste Arazm, the campus Big Brother. Everyone calls me Oggie. »
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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"I am Alexander" he then paused, and as he decided to take a cursory examination of the person, he noticed something odd. He emitted magic, and was clearly a magi, but the magic he used was unlike anything he ever sensed before. It was different than most everyone one else he sensed, even the Fae he meet who had extra-dimensional magic. "Alexander Et-Anim.." he caught himself, "Alexander Grove, sir."

"Your magic is.. different, Mr Arazm." he said, "Oh never-mind. It isn't too important but do you know where the stables are? They took my horse, Tempestatem, their when I arrived but I am not sure where it is, he is also with my two other pets, Numquid and Inwisp." he said.

Alexander took another good-luck at the man, who looked to be in his late-late twenties possibly a bit older, brown hair, brown eyes from the best he could tell, very short but slightly messy hair, and very formal attire, and nothing to far out of note other than his strange magicks. He didn't say what his role was, but he was clear he was facility. and he was also not the dean as he seen who that was. While he wasn't too familiar with human society, Lily did her best to teach him about it. It was quite obvious that he wasn't a janitor or anything to that effect as he look to well off for that and didn't appear to be wearing any uniform. And how he addressed himself as "Big Brother" brought to mind images of either a person who either works closely with the dean, or a consular but he couldn't be sure which.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Leotamer said Alexander

Auguste's eyes widened at being called « Mr Arazm ». Heavens, he never could get used to it. Usually the self-replenishing pastry box of pastries cut the formality by at least fifty percent, but alas it was too late; that mundane pig of a Mr Petrie was most likely hidden away in some dark corner scoffing down every last of his precious culinary creations crying over his failed marriage...

August was not normally one for gossip, but he would do anything to earn an extra serving of lamb tagliatelle in red wine sauce from Mrs Cauldry, the head chef... Sadly, it meant he had to endure all the chirping that went through the grapevine concerning the Academy's staff. Enough digression.

« Please... And I mean PLEASE! Call me Oggie or Auguste. Mr Arazm just doesn't suit me. You're right though, I don't use conventional applications of magic. At least not ninety percent of the time. I would be glad to tell you about it sometime, if it interests you. »

The inquiry about the stables and his companions made Auguste smile. The boy was special. Aside from the fact he had stopped himself from telling Auguste his real name, that is. He had a « spark », a « je ne sais quoi ». Curiosity, relative honesty and concern for others : the makings of a fantastic Magistrava!

« Of course I know where the stables are. I would be delighted to bring you there and meet your pets. Just to make sure I was clear, I'm a guidance counselor slash mentor, slash tutor, slash friend-when-in-need. » Oggie beamed a genuine smile at the boy and directed him down a pathway which snaked around the left of the academy to the stable grounds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

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Zombehs said
“The price is already set, and no, I’m not taking higher bids. Now, either walk or give the sword back so I can. I do have someone waiting.”

Elizabeth couldn't avoid laughing out loud at this notion. Not the nicest thing to do in this situation, no matter how you put it.

"No worries, I'm not after this thing. 's a little too delicate for me anyway."

Yes, a longsword too 'delicate'. Not an awful lot of people could say this without the slightest trace of irony, and while a bit of mockery swung with her voice, the girl was absolutely honest and dead serious about it. However, the fact that Veili had indeed crafted the sword himself was great news for her. Inofficially she was looking for a skilled weaponsmith for quite some time now, but never found anyone who could measure up to her standards or fit the psychological profile this redhead served her on a silver plate. She needed someone to craft an almost suicidal thing for her, and he would do just that, she was certain of it now. Not that Elizabeth actually understood the slightest thing about psychology. She handed him the sword in the same way he held it out to her moments ago, but still intended to follow him, regardless of his consent about that.

"I need you to forge something for me, blacksmith boy. Not today, but soon. Something bigger than the toothpick here."

Her ambiguous, wide grin didn't quite offer insight just how revolutionary or illegal this 'something' would be, but it promised to be remarkable at least.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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"Ok then Mr. Auguste." he said, as he followed the now confirmed counselor to the stables. Though, he really didn't feel he could trust this man either. There was something about the way he looked at him, it was as if he was being examined, as though either he said was being thoroughly processed and combed from bits of information, and he did not trust that. He walked into the stable, but made sure he did so alone. He really couldn't stop the man from following him but he wasn't inviting him.

He was having second thoughts about coming to this school. He had to learn about boring things like history and had to relearn how to write properly in what-ever they call, which he heard they completely changed for what-ever reason, and the people seemed quite strange and like there was always someone who was watching or even studying him.

He walked through the stables until he found his horse, petted her and made sure everything was in order. He signaled his two will-o-wisp to follow him, and he decided to try to find his room without an escort. It took him awhile, but he finally managed to find his room and get everything in order.
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