Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marx took a couple of sips of his sake bottle and continued through the forest towards his destination. On his way there he stopped in the forest and watch a girl step on some guys face. Marx look at the girl and back at his sake and put the sake away. "Wow I gotta stop drinking." Marx said mistakenly walking towards them due to his somewhat drunk state.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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IC: Haunt pointed at Kaya's path as he moved. "If he causes trouble, it'll be really hard for him to outrun me. Unless he does, there's not much we really should do."

He smiled slightly. "I should probably heal, though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andele


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"i guess that would be best...." tsubasa smiled shyly and then noticed something. she quickly tabbed into her menu and send haunt a friend request and some money together with a rare item. "th......this is a thanks for saving my life from the PKers..... thank you again" she made a quick bow and waved goodbye as she used her stealth skill to get away unnoticed from theyr stalker.

maybe i should have teamed up with him...... tsubasa thought as she looked back one last time not sure if haunts detect skill would be high enough to detect her even with her strong stealth skill. but now i cant turn back anyways..... guess ill go to town and search for someone who would take me into his guild.....

tsubasa walks away from haunt and towards the middle of the town deaktivating her stealth skill as shes on the plaza.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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booksmusicanime said
Mason's smirk faded and she lifted her other foot and brought it straight down on Sebastian's face. "Listen here. I've disappeared so many freaking times because I'm being hunted. I'm always a target and I'm tired of being on the run. And you. You're at the top of the best guild in the whole freaking game. You have no enemies because you've beat them. I'm not strong like you. I've never been strong. I've always relied on Dime and now he's dead and I'm alone." She snapped and she moved her foot from his face and crouched down to look at him right in the face. "You have a guild that will protect you. You have actual friends and I have no one. I thought at one time you were my friend but I guess you aren't. You abandoned me like everyone else in my life has. I'm alone!" She yelled in his face. Her eyes showed the emotions she had been holding up since she had left Immortalis all those months ago. There was fear, sorrow, and loneliness. She stood back up. "If you want the joy of defeating me have it." She said softly staring down at him. Her short hair falling around her face.

Sebastain growled as he twisted his body forcing mason's to the ground, his knees were ready for point blank attacks and his arm ready for a for an punch to her throat. "don't pity yourself, I fight because no one else will do it for me, because I need to fight to prove myself as a person, I made that guild from the ground up, I made myself from the ground up, because I can't cowar like you" He said Before letting out a shout ready to attack but freezing. "But I must face it, I've lost, and to you... DAMN IT" Sebastian said with a hit to the ground
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mason stared at Sebastian. She stood up and looked down at the ground. "Then that's it then." She said turned and walking away from him. Her feelings were overwhelming her and she needed to disappear again to become emotionless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"wait, mason please. I" sebastian said not truly knowing what to say. He didn't want her to run away again he wanted to be her friend again. In truth he was hoping he could defeat her so she would be forced to train with him but he never took into account his weakness. Standing up as he ended the game, none of there hit's had really done much but he knew she was letting up on him. "what's happened to me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sol sighed in frustration, somehow the jerk seemed to be AFK, IN SAO HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THAT. Sol grabbed the person and started dragging him back towards the city, he was gonna make this guy aplogize even if he killed both of them trying or at least force him to accept a trade request for all of his loot, Sol had an evil twinkle to his eye as he began heaving the knight down the road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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manapool1 said
"wait, mason please. I" sebastian said not truly knowing what to say. He didn't want her to run away again he wanted to be her friend again. In truth he was hoping he could defeat her so she would be forced to train with him but he never took into account his weakness. Standing up as he ended the game, none of there hit's had really done much but he knew she was letting up on him. "what's happened to me?"

Mason stopped and stared at the ground. She didn't dare turn around because he would see her tears. "I don't know what's happened to you Sebastian." She said lifting her head up to stare ahead of her. Her eye sight was blurred by her tears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by D34D4RTZ


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kaya started following Tsubasa again. He found their,reactions funny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marx walked into to town trying to over come his dizziness from the sake. He decided to go look for the girl another day and sleep at a inn until he gets back on his feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol finally made it into the town dragging that dang knight with him. Did he really have to wear THAT much armour?!? Sol sighed, it was way to difficult to follow someone's tracks while in a major city where hundereds of poeple walked every hour. HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO FIND ONE GIRL IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Sol figured he would just walk around calling out her name until he found her. "TSUBASA WHERE ARE YOU!", Sol shouted. He felt kinda of silly and figured he was being overboard but he wasn't going to stop now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andele


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Eklispe said
Sol finally made it into the town dragging that dang knight with him. Did he really have to wear THAT much armour?!? Sol sighed, it was way to difficult to follow someone's tracks while in a major city where hundereds of poeple walked every hour. HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO FIND ONE GIRL IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Sol figured he would just walk around calling out her name until he found her. "TSUBASA WHERE ARE YOU!", Sol shouted. He felt kinda of silly and figured he was being overboard but he wasn't going to stop now.

just as tsubasa deactivatet her stealth skill, not noticing that someone is following her, she suddenly hears a voice calling her name. she jumped up a bit and then stood there frozen not knowing what to do

who was that? what do they want from me? why do they call out my name? those questions shoot trough her head as she quickly activatet her stealth skill again. she was scared that maybe the PKers from earlyer found her and now tryed to finish her of. in all her panick she totally forgot that almost nothing could happen to her inside the safe area of the town and just startet to run. she just ran. that is what she would always do when things get hard......

tsubasa stopped and then slowly deactivatet stealth again. "no......" she whispers as she looked up and searched for where the call is coming from. "i wount run again!" she quickly found out from what direction the sound was coming from and walked towards the player that shoutet for her "im here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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booksmusicanime said
Mason stopped and stared at the ground. She didn't dare turn around because he would see her tears. "I don't know what's happened to you Sebastian." She said lifting her head up to stare ahead of her. Her eye sight was blurred by her tears.

James finally got tired of watching this stupid emotional moment, and said, "Well, I'm gonna go ahead to town, and let you two have your little reunion. Have fun." He turned and started to walk away towards the town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by obitokizuke
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Eklispe said
Sol finally made it into the town dragging that dang knight with him. Did he really have to wear THAT much armour?!? Sol sighed, it was way to difficult to follow someone's tracks while in a major city where hundereds of poeple walked every hour. HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO FIND ONE GIRL IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Sol figured he would just walk around calling out her name until he found her. "TSUBASA WHERE ARE YOU!", Sol shouted. He felt kinda of silly and figured he was being overboard but he wasn't going to stop now.

Suddenly exiting the trance state he was in his eyes narrowed and he stomped once , forcing all his weight down into the ground as he grasped the male who had been dragging him while he had been highly unaware. He held firm onto his shoulder while he turned to look at him. His eyes like poisoned blades his hand snapped to his throat. "You...Valid...reason... Now.." He says his dark raspy voice breaking into the still air. His right hand slowly trailing to his back and wrap around the air. The hilt of Arondight (the nickname of his longsword) generating as he pulled it slowly out, the sheath being held onto his body by thick gate links.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Sebastian got up as he placed his spear to prop himself up and continued to use it as a walking stick as he walked away from mason, he was going to see his guild. Knowing that he could try his best to become the old self he was as he used to be, always smiling, an optimist, and ready to fight for his beliefs. He knew that the bitterness had made mason leave, it was more than dime dying. "I know I have to make myself a better person mason, I will be back" sebastian said as he thought back at something he would say back in the old days. "maybe then we'll fight again right" he said trying to smile but looking wanky in the process.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Maybe." Mason said not turning around. She thought back to when she had first met Sebastian. "Maybe we could go fight some skeletons." She said slightly smiling through her tears but she didn't turn around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"that'd be great, I know a good place for just that" sebastian said stopping as he turned smiling his lanky smile remembering they had done the same thing when they first met. His eyes met hers as he thought back to his guild members that looked up to him and the old friends that he picked up as weak dogs and rouse up from the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Mason turned around and smiled at Sebastian. She had wiped her tears. "Message me if you ever need me. Okay?" She asked sending him a friend request.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sebastian accepted quick as he gave her a smile like the old days before turning around and walking away. "but first I have to go talk to my guild, can't just go around training without explaining, I'm sure they got hannibal and ibuki up to there necks in work hehehe" sebastian said remembering what had happened to the third member of there original guild, who had passed away and he refused to tell anyone about it, ignoring any questions about it till now. "maybe you should come with, your buster bane boy can come too" sebastian said with a slight change in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Soma stopped and looked at Sebastian. "I'll be willing to come with you, but don't bother getting me to join a guild. I'm a solo player, and that's what I always will be."
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