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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Wow your one smart mother fucker." Bone says getting into position. Making sure his pants won't fall off with a light tug but the belt keep his pants on well. He gets in his fighting stance, kneeling down a bit, putting his claws up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

066 Looked at 080 and thought about his idea.
"No, the general idea is good but there are missing at least 2 others from our group, and there is chance that there are more like Skylar, unlisted in the file I read, if they are escaping on their own someway then the traps might put them in danger as well"

002 nodded to 066 his idea and already got up to stand in her spot, she knew she was not going to be of much use, not just due to her lack of water, she could always pull out some moist in the air one way or an other, might not be much but at least it was something.
No her main reason for not being able to fight is because she needs to keep pulling up the pants she has gotten from 010.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six listened to Three introduce himself and his power, although she wasn’t sure what cryopyrokinesis was… it probably had something to do with why his hand had been so cold before. When Jalo spoke, Six frowned, trying in her head to figure out exactly what he had spoken, but luckily Shin translated. Telekinesis. Interesting. Six tilted her head when Skylar spoke, smirking slightly as he growled while speaking. It was rather adorable and she had to resist the urge to go pet this white fluffy tail he spoke of. Another person named Red spoke up, but even with her great hearing, Six just heard mumbles as she finished speaking. She frowned slightly but didn’t want to pry. Another, Kapra, who had strength enough to break out of their cell. And another, Keepa, controlling temp at the atomic level. 002 whose cell they were in controlled water. Gun shots far off caused Six’s ears to twitch as she turned her head towards the noise. It wasn’t too long after she heard heavy footsteps coming and she turned towards them and another voice popped up. Six got distracted with 10 spoke, though he didn’t say out loud what he did so Six was still in the dark. Introductions were cut by 066 who regrouped them, although interrupted by someone named 033. Six continued listening, making her mental list until her number was mentioned by 066. Which was 080 again? What would she be doing? She chewed her lip, looking unsure but nodding as if she every clue in the world what was going on. She started to protest when traps were mentioned but luckily 066 nipped that in the bud. She would hate to accidentally trip one. ”Um, so, which one of you is 080?” she asked timidly, since she was apparently supposed to be behind him, although she was more than hesitant to let go of Shin’s hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jalo listened to the other introductions everyone had, remembering the numbers they bore. Luckily, he had always had a good memory, especially when it came to people. While his nosebleed had been subsiding for awhile, he was relieved to finally feel it stop. He looked to the one called Kapra, and noted where they would be standing for when he needed the door. He figured he could have held the door on his own, but just taking it was much easier. In case he needed his powers for something else, too, it also saved for that. 027 worked his way into the center, carefully moving around their small crowd already assembled as to not bump into anyone. He took the nearest door and worked on straightening it out, making it a more effective shield if it was needed for that. He handed it over to Kapra.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

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007 grumbled under his breath"Its more directed than that. Need direct contact.." But he understood. He took his place in the middle of the group. He really hoped he got a chance at some scientists or guards. He wanted some payback for all the things they did to him. He looked around and saw they varied powers thinking they might actually have a shot at this. He wondered why this hadn't happened before. Then he had the horrible thought that this was another test and they wanted them to escape to observe them only to capture them again when it was over. But, that was an stupid panic thought and he dismissed it, focusing more on the task at hand then silly notions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by phantori


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We...we were actually going to fight them? Couldn't we just hide in a cell or something?

But it seemed they would not be deterred, so I prepared myself. The guy who I'd heard over the intercom was organizing us, and I was one of those not told to fight. B-but I could fight....Maybe if I got angry again. I could try... I slipped off Skylar's back and made myself comfortable in the middle of the group, squeezing my eyes shut and waiting for the sounds of running footsteps to overtake our little group. In the meantime, though I was still recovering from my last change, I'd try to make myself as angry as I could...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sure, he listened to what they had to say. Didn't mean he agreed with everyone, but for now Three had chosen to keep relatively quiet. He could do as he wished once they were out of this shit hole, otherwise best to keep his guard up for now, and that meant around anyone and everyone. Even Six, poor girl. Sure, he half understood why Sixty Six was being overly cautious, then again if he was alone he'd be doing things a lot differently. He still wouldn't be in this hell hole that was for sure, he'd have been out well over an hour ago. Perhaps for now it was best to simply agree for the time being, this wasn't the time to be fighting over small things before those idiots arrived and tried to contain all of them again. Not gonna happen. Was the thought that flickered through the silver haired male's mental state, nodding lightly he spoke up. "Fine with me, as long as I get to kick the shit out of one of these guards I'll be happy." He answered seriously a sadistic grin crossing his features, otherwise he may just end up taking out his irritation and frustration on someone else, and that was not a pretty sight at all. Plus, he knew he would so enjoy kicking the shit out of one of these assholes. Ah, the joys of having power. For once anyhow. Glancing back at Six, he tightening his grip slightly on her hand, before leading her forward near the front just behind Eighty. "Just stick with me Six, you'll do just fine." Shin spoke up towards her, knowing it would be difficult to get her out of here otherwise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six heard people moving, getting into position to fight. She was about to ask once more where she was supposed to be, but luckily felt 3’s grip tighten and lead her to where she should be. ”Thanks,” she said pleasantly to Shin, reaching out and touching 080 who they were supposedly behind. Well, his skin certainly felt different. She just got a touch, not wanting to make them uncomfortable, before lowering her hand back down. Really what did they all look like? Had they been turned into veritable freaks? Of course, she had a hazy image of herself in her mind, but she had no idea if it was true or not. Not like she could look in a mirror to check. Either way she sighed softly, using her free hand to mess with her hair, ready to open her eyes when the time was right and basically blast her way out of this horrible place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alex was about to speak when he felt a sudden touch on some of his exposed skin. His flinch was almost imperceptible, but he gave her a strained smile. "Be careful please. I am not used to this social thing. I need time to ease into it again." He moved away only slightly to take his place and drew a simple hunting arrow and nock it into his bow. He began to systematically control his breathing, causing it to fall into a steady, quiet rhythm. Each breath out signaled a perfect shot, each breath in warned him to take care. His body automatically assumed the combat stance he was trained for and his entire demeanor lost the cordial aspects and became a cold, focused glare. "Give me a target. I wish to pay them back for the pain they caused me and the life they tore away."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 5 days ago

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kapra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Excuse me...pardon, if ve coult stand back for zeh moment?" I ask, having noticed most of the doors in the hallway were already busted on my way here. Still, 002's was one of the few which had simply been opened. From the outside, I sized it up; 3 inches deep, single section handle, full hinges. This next part, I was always a little embarrassed of in the aftermath, but getting hype is a true virtue of a fighter. "Keepa, dear~" I coo from behind the door, knowing he might not like what I was going to ask of him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Stepping back at Kapra's request, I quickly caught on to what she was doing...and the way she asked for me couldn't have been good. "Yeeesss?" I ask, playing along as I get on the other side of the door. "Coult you be my spotter?" She asked in the same tone, her breath changing as I could hear hopping footsteps like a boxer getting into their stance. "Fine..." I sigh, bracing myself as hard against the door as I could before asking, "So, what exactly are you-"
Keepa was cut off by a screech of bending steel as five finger-shaped indents punched into the center of the door about half an inch. "Ouf...coult you hold zeis?" Her voice came as she handed Keepa a telescopic guard baton, likely acquired on their way to meet up with the others. The boy laughed, lightly, waving the handle to the group. "Anyone vahnt it?" he asked before a second impact almost knocked him over. "Good, good...now vee just...tuuurrrnn!" her voice straining as the finger indents widened, turning in on each other, slightly. Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Kapra was gripping the steel into a handle while holding onto the actual door handle as to fashion a rinky-dink shield out of the hunk of metal. "Hinges, if you vould?" She chirps to Keepa who was strangely in sync with her thinking, already spreading his fingers across the hinges of the door which gained a blacking hue and popped against each other from some immense cold.

With unassuming ease, Kapra torn the door from the hinges which shattered from the stress, lifting it from the ground and smashing it right-side up into the floor beside her with the use of the one hand still implanted in the steel. Tile and cement split from the force and weight. Keepa, meanwhile gingerly peeled the chunks of metal from his fingertips which had stuck when he lost focus upon the breaking, pausing as he lost a bit of skin from the last one. "It'll do, yes?" she asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

066 looked at the group as they were assembled and nodded, hoping this would all go smoothly.
"alright, time to knock the door down, those with powers that can act without getting hit by one of the others, were going to focus on its lock, Shin, please help 006 aim at the lock, 033 can you use your gel from a small range?, same for 073, Jalo please push it with your mind, 007, can your powers work from a small range as well, not to get you caught in the attacks from the others, if you cant then just stay to the sides, you said your powers work by touch right? then I am replacing you to be a side defense melee fighter, 003 after having helped 006, your free to freeze the damned thing from a distance as well, no way in hell can that thing take this many types of attacks at the same time, everyone that can add their attack, feel free, at most the other side would be filled with a welcome party and were invited to crash in heavy"
066 hoped he was right on that, the door may be heavy but had a single lock so if they could break it the door could be opened, an optic blast, telekinesis, 2 types of acid, pyrocryokinesses and possibly even electric charge, from there he was not sure out of his memories who can do what of a range, He thought about it as he looked how the action to break the door was starting, He looked around and noticed Skylar realizing he said something about a super howl.
"Skylar, is your howl some kind of sonic boom effect? if so, add it to the mix if you will"

002 looked around, fearing some of them actually, she looked as the bunny's were working on her old door, breaking it out of its post.
Soon however she noticed that one of them was pulling pieces of metal from his fingers and blood, the bunny was hurt.
"ex.. excuse me" she said as she quickly ran away.
066 noticed this and quickly followed her to make sure she was ok, following her to a supply cabinet where she quickly collected some medical gear and a bottle of water before running back and bumping against him.
"S.. sumimasen" she said as she quickly got back up and finally noticed who she bumped into.
"ah, 066-sama, I apologize for suddenly leaving but I realized I need medical gear to help the wounded"
"its alright, lets hurry back"

"FREEZE FREAKS!!" a man suddenly yelled, it was the one 010 had knocked out before who just recently woke up.
"2, run to the others" 066 said.
She wasted not one second and started to run back to the others.

The soldier however directly drew and pointed his gun at her, quickly pulling the trigger, he was new and did not aim, but he also did not cared if she would be shot in the leg or the head.
the sound of the gun went of but the target had changed.
the moment 066 noticed that the soldier drew his gun he increased his bio-impulses to jump between the 2, taking the bullet in his right shoulder.
The man laughed, it was not a confident at first, more a surprised one, but the more it sunk in that he had hit one of the two, the more he began frantically laughing.
He did not noticed that the bullet failed to piece trough the bone and with that the wound was superficial, 066 had not even fallen over.
"you should laugh after taking out an target cause I was lucky this time" 066 said as he stretched his arm and pulled the bullet out, electrical sparks were seen in the wound as it began closing quickly.
"I was made as an infiltration and assassination project, with that comes the ability to heal myself in order to fight against all odds"
The man lifted his gun again, but it jammed, not that the bullet would have hit.
066 increased his agility and speed, jumping and flipping in the air in order to quickly and suddenly land right before the man as he drew the short sword and stabbed the man in his heart.
"and move at incredible levels"
Pulling the sword out of the man 066 stood back up while the man collapsed on the ground.
"sorry, never wanted to kill anyone, but you people leave me no choice"
066 then began walking back normally as he had to heal his muscles from the overextending they just did.

002 had reached the rest running to the point that she was exhausted.
She had heard the gun fire and wondered if 066 was alright.
She could have tried to use the water in the bottle to help him, but she knew that these people needed her help more if a full fight happened, 066 already took the action of letting 2 people behind to save the mass, she hoped he would have wanted her to do the same.
It pained her that she could not do anything for him, cant heal him or anything.
Perhaps if she would find the time she would run back to him, perhaps he would return later, she had no idea what he could do aside hack computers, and electrocute others.

Quickly she went to the bunny male that was wounded and pulled open her new bag with med stuff.
"sumimasen, I need to check your fingers, how are they, can you move them, do they hurt?" if they did not hurt then his nerves might be damaged, that would need her to do surgery but she could only do that after they got out from here.
She quickly applied first aid as she listened to his responce and looked at the other bunny girl.
"My name is 002, nice to meat you both" she smiled a genuine smile at the 2.
from all these people they looked like her, unconnected with any of the others and also the least scary, even the male was not frighting for her after what happened with the soldier from before, it might be his personality or the bunny part, but he seemed nice compared to all these action hero's.

As she finished Keepa's(?) fingers and had a small talk with them the door finally gave away.
066 was right, behind the door was the way to freedom, it was a fail save meant to prevent them from getting out and it was not build to take this many attacks, but he was also right that behind the door they were greeted by a large number of soldiers.
trough a lot were taken down the moment the door swung open and the long range attacks of those aiming at the door blasted trough the hallway behind it.

The first main fight started there and then.

066 soon heard the sounds of a fight, gun fire and other matters, He quickly began to ran at electrical speed.
Slamming right into an soldier that tried to sneak behind them, slamming the man against a wall, knocking him out while his body was spasm due to the bio-electrical shock he received, joining the fray.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Seeing the door lock melt filled Bone with hopeful optimism, we should be able to make it out of here after all, he then realized another problem, as 066 had said before he doesn't know where they are. For all he knows the could be... *Bang* Bone hears gun fire from behind him. He looks that way and sees 002 running back with medical supplies and try's helping one of the rabbit people, apparently they decided to try and make shields from the doors. Then the door opens and he see's heavily armed soldiers. 'Knew this would happen' Bone thought to him self.

He was built for front line fighting in jungle environment when commando tactics come necessary. So when the enemy ran towards him with batons doing what they were trained Bone did what came naturally to him. The first baton to hit him broke, Bone grabbed the arm that was holding that baton and broke it quickly and release him two others came and tried to hit him at the same time, Bone just dodged grabbed there arms and made them hit each other, it was his turn to strike Bone charged one with a large gun who was focused on the others he was grabbed by his throat and quickly had it torn out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 5 days ago

Kapra, content with their work, struck a pose before realizing their fingers were a little wedged. They didn't imagine it was that important...until 002 ran off. "Oi, Wait!" She called, trying to pursue before realizing their folly; they were firmly connected to a hunk of metal. Cursing to themselves about 'her of all people to run off' barely noticed Keepa start off down the hall after them before she turned to get into position, anchoring herself for the worst and trying to provide cover for the rest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was genuinely worried; she seemed to have a way of attracting unwanted attention, from what I overheard. Still, missing a layer of skin leaving my fingers raw was disconcerting. She soon returned with no sign of 066 except for a few gunshots in the distance. "Is he okay?" I asked, feeling foolish since she probably didn't know, herself.

She opened the bag and I sat by a wall not too far from the others as she started treating my fingers. I winced numerous times from the attention she gave them and sterilization. "N..no-" I hissed, trying to be tough like the others. Ears drooping as I sighed once she was done, getting to bandaging. "I'm sure zeht you've heard all of zeh introductions" I muttered, my fingers throbbing after they had finally warmed up. I really had to learn to control my power better. "I...ehrm..." I begin, curious if it mattered, "...Thank you" I (apparently) concluded, disappointed with myself for not introducing myself...

"I'm 047" I manage, before the fight began.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Subject Six listened to everything going on around her. My a lot was happening, and assaulting her ears all at once. Her head would twitch to various sides and angles as different voices said different things, but the one that stuck out was 066’s which instructed a blasting of the lock on a door. She simply nodded, taking a deep breath. Despite 003 being nice enough to lead her around, 006 was still a very independent girl and looked next to her at the man holding her hand, although she looked several inches below where his actual eyes were. ”You don’t have to aim me,” she smiled before turning to look back in front of her. As other attacks began hitting the door, her hearing picked it up. She moved her hand in front of her, making sure no one was blocking her at least that she could feel, and aimed in the spot where the warping and pinging metal was coming from. When she opened her eyes, everything was lilac tinted, and she was aiming just slightly above her target. She lowered her gaze until she could see the lock basically gone, and then closed her eyes once more.

After that, Six could hear a roar. It started off as a rumbling, but then she knew it was a battle. Quickly, she let go of 003’s hand and ran to the side, leaning against a wall and not feeling so independent now. She was in a state of being practically frozen, not wanting to hurt one of those who were trying to escape. And there was no way for her to know without accidentally blasting them away. She tried to breathe calmly, hearing heavy soldier like footsteps. One began rushing to her and she hesitated, afraid she was wrong. But when the heavy hands grabbed her and tossed her to the floor roughly, she knew she was not mistaken. She angrily glanced back up at him and opened her face, searing and melting his skin. He yelled, hands instantly going to his face and stumbling backwards while Subject Six, rubbed her bruised arms and got back up, still staying to the side of the battle, but opening her eyes when the familiar booted footsteps came near.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The gunshots heard in the distance startled Jalo, but not enough to cause a reaction. He felt safe in the center, if someone came that close there were others behind him to take care of that. Though he did wonder who it was, and if they were alright. It wasn't anything he could concern himself with, but he really was hoping to see everyone in the group outside. Under all the stress, it wasn't surprising the lock gave way after not too long.

027 watched as the front line took action on both sides, and took the door he had flattened, using it to shield members of their team when he could without getting in their way. Never made for the front lines, he remained in the center. He had never wanted to kill anyone, or even do harm; the situation, however, was more important than his pacifist beliefs. If they didn't act now they would be captured once more, most likely under twenty-four hour surveillance and tighter security controls all around. By the time he noticed a guard aiming at him he didn't have the time to shield himself, and a bullet hit him in his right trapezius. As he recoiled in pain his arm went with him, and in turn, the door slammed down on a few soldiers. Jalo stood back up straight, now focusing on the one who shot him. With some of the exercises the facility doctors had had him do in the past, lifting one man was no problem. He picked up the man, and threw him to the ground. It was a more shaky process now that he was using his non-dominant hand to guide himself, but it worked well enough. Next he focused on the approaching groups, taking the makeshift shield and using it to slam a few soldiers into walls. While it took more energy, it was much more efficient. Having gotten some pent up rage out (albeit in a manner he knew he would feel awful for later) and stemming the flow of soldiers a bit, he went back to a defensive position.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alex took note of the success of their front line and moved his attention away to assess any other needs. Jalo seemed fine. Six got caught out and melted a guy's face, but she didn't seem prepared for what the man's trained ears picked up from the other end of the hallway. As he was defense, he did as his job called for and stepped beside her. With one arm, he gently but quickly moved her behind him and took aim behind the group. A group of guards were coming to try and flank the subjects.

The lead guard saw the group and began to yell to his comrades. "There they a-" And subsequently took an arrow through the throat. The others hesitated for a moment and looked at the source. One of the guards, a freshly briefed one, lost every bit of color when he saw Alex. His body locked up and he stammered. "He...he got out...f-fuck...we're dead!"

His comrades didn't react as badly, but they were trembling. It seems they realized that Alex was quite the tactical threat due to his training and his being armed more than the guards. As he was oh so dangerous, tone decided to charge him. He charged into melee with 080. Alex simply delivered a swift preemptive kick to the side of the guard's knee and then grabbed the falling guard's head, delivering a quick snap the the neck. Meanwhile, the other guard took aim at the target that Alex was protecting.

Alex saw the guard taking aim at Six and promptly blocked the view to her. The two bursts meant for her ended up hitting him. One caught in his armor and the other got him directly in the forehead. His head snapped back a bit, not painfully, and the guard looked triumphant until Alex lowered his head. Cracks had appeared along the man's forehead, but the bullets hadn't even hit properly. The damage was superficial overall.

The guard aimed for another set of bursts, but Alex reacted quicker, drawing his hatchet and throwing it squarely into the guard's chest. As the guard reeled, Alex put away his bow while drawing his machete. He pounced on the guard and brought the blade down to lacerate and fracture the guard's gun arm. His now free hand pulled out the hatchet and used it as a hook to pull the man from behind the neck to the ground, where he brought the machete down to nearly decapitate the target.

The first guard that was practically going into a mental break down saw what Alex did and how he did it with no remorse, emotion, or expression. His partial break down became a full hysterical break down and he fled the scene, his gun on the ground.

Alex picked up one of the guard's guns and the extra ammo, smiling only slightly at how nice these fine guards were for hand delivering such nice weapons. This carbine came with a flashlight, fore grip, and red dot sight. After a moment of adjusting, he returned to Six's side and returned to his vigil. "Careful. These guards like to try and flank. Listening for them does not always work. I can be your eyes for now if you like." The wound he suffered seemed to have absolutely no effect on him, however, Alex knew he couldn't take much more to the same place before he got hurt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The breaking down of the main door was the first part, it was only then did the chaos truly begin. Guards rushing forwards, although some remained hesitant to even try to capture them all. However, his attention was focused more on Six than it was these idiots at the moment, although she seemed more than capable after he spotted her melting off a guard's face, now that was impressive. Still, he had his own worries to content with, despite hearing a gunshot, he knew the others here could handle themselves, and with both hands free he was now free to do some lovely damage to this assholes. Moving forward, he headed towards Six, but annoying his path was blocked by a guard that decided it would be a good idea to try and attack him with a stun gun. Grabbing the guard's wrist and quickly snapping his wrist, his other fist connecting into the guard's gut. While his now free hand reached for the blade he carried, lifting up the guard by his collar, he was a lot stronger than he looked after all. The blade impaling the guard straight through the heart, the elder dropping the body as he fell lifelessly to the ground, a sadistic grin covering his expression. With a flick of his right wrist, blood splattered across the floor off the blade he held, but quickly sheathed. He couldn't be relying on that all the time now could he?

More guards soon entered from both the group's flank and from in front as well. Well dammit. Four now surrounded Shin in an attempt to try and capture him, what, were they idiots or something? Apparently so. "Just give up and.... c-come with us." One spoke up, only getting a snort from the elder male as a reply. Like hell that was ever going to happen! No getting any reply, three of the guard's charged him, spinning around the silver haired male quickly beheaded one. Throwing the second into the third before that same blade pierced their hearts, one wearing a cloak that was actually totally undamaged. But he didn't have time to look just yet, walking forward as blood dripped from the blade's steel onto the floor, the last guard fled quickly. For once, Shin let them go, but he would quickly regret that decision soon enough. Flicking the blood off the blade and sheathing the weapon, the elder easily moved past and picked up the cloak off the now dead corpse, hooking it around his neck by a small clip. The entire item falling about his body, covering everything apart from his neck upwards. Very nice, this made it even easier to hide weapons and the like. But before he could move on to help the others, he heard a sudden loud battle cry. Turning around to see fourteen guards from the flank of the group charging forwards, towards the nearest person, which by now happened to be Shin.

Well crap, came the mental curse as he spun on his heel. Not wanting to waste time he darted forwards, taking two by surprise by beheading the pair within one motion. Two more were quickly frozen from their feet to their knee's via his own powers, allowing that same blade to go right through their hearts, if only it was always this easy. It was clear that the word 'mercy' wasn't in his vocabulary at this current moment. A fifth was grabbed from behind by Shin, his neck snapped from behind as the guard fell to the ground with a loud thudding noise. Stepping back, with nine left he didn't know how he was going to handle all of this. With all of them now spreading out trying to surround him again, after all what lovely results they had gotten from their first attempt of that. Glancing back quickly at both Six and Eighty he soon call out as flames rose from his body, to deflect anything fired at him from a distance. "Hey Eighty, little help over here!" He called out, he didn't like asking for help really if he could help it. But at the moment, his current power wasn't enough to take all of these idiots on alone, unless he wanted to pass out of course. In a situation like this, that event was to be avoided at all costs, and so he had to limit himself from just destroying everything in this room with one blast.

Even with things as they were, regardless of how long it took for others to help him. Shin moved forward, wanting to take out as many of these idiots as possible. With eventual help, he and anyone who felt they could join in including Eighty to help. Cutting down each as quickly as possible, but as he finished with the supposed last. Something was very wrong, they had only taken out eight of the nine that he had counted. So just where was the last of those guards? Glancing around, he spotted the guard, fully armored this one, even more than the rest. Bow and arrow in hand, arrow poised, his eyes followed the aim, straight at Six. To them it seemed, she was the weak link. And he had so hoped they had been too dumb to work something so important out. If one fell, the others would follow not long after, fuck! Shin began to dart towards Six's position just as the arrow was fired off, he knew he might not make it but even if he didn't something else might. Still, within that split second he had an idea, wasting not an instant. The elder was suddenly propelled forward, the flames behind his feet allowing him to move at speeds far beyond normal human beings for the shortest of moments, a silver blur for that single second until he was standing to the right of Six. The arrow having reached him and stopped dead, now within his hand as he snapped it in half, glaring towards the guard who dared to do such a thing.

Soon with his left hand, gently taking a hold of Six's own simply to make sure she was alright he spoke then towards the guard before speaking to her. "Ya really shouldn't have done that." Shin explained, voice serious with a hint of something far more deadly. The smile he wore highly sadistic and thin, stretching even further across his face, one thing was clear when he appeared as he did currently. He was not happy, but oh would he enjoy making this moron suffer. Directing his thoughts and power to the one left from the mob of them, blue flames surrounded the guard, quickly encasing him in ice, the temperature in the room dropping due to Shin's own irritation. The guard himself after a few minutes simply dying due to the sudden cold and lack of air, and despite the tall male easing up on the power and letting the now frozen corpse fall to the floor, others would see the arms, legs and head broken off from the rest of the guard's body due to the cold temperature. Well now he knew one thing, when he got irritated his powers seemed to jump start all of a sudden. Nice to know. Glancing back over at Six, his hand increased it's grip on her's for a moment before relaxing. "You alright?" He asked in a brisk and almost worried sounding tone. Three knew he could keep going for a little longer, but many more sudden intense use of his powers would tire him out quickly, and that was what he aimed to avoid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
Avatar of Whirlwind

Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six let out a little yelp and her back hit the wall behind her when she heard bullets but they were stopped as heavy footfalls landed in front of her, obviously taking the blow. They didn’t sound like they hit flesh though, the noise was odd. Reaching out, Six felt the certainly different feeling skin of 080 and breathed a sigh of relief. Sure she could hear the booted footsteps of the guards, but no, she couldn’t hear a bullet or any other long range weapon until she was hit basically. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself when she heard 080 speak to her. Careful. These guards like to try and flank. Listening for them does not always work. I can be your eyes for now if you like. ”I don’t want anyone getting hurt for me, but yes being my eyes in a sense would help I suppose,” she said very quickly, feeling like everything was rushing. Time, people, emotions. Everything was happening very fast. Her ears caught an already familiar voice call out Hey Eighty, a little help over here ”You should help. I’ll be okay,” she told the man who she was unsure of his powers, though now she could guess he could stop bullets somehow. Obviously Three needed help, and if he got hurt because Eighty was watching her, she’d never forgive herself. After a moment however, a whistling and slightest breeze came towards her chest. She twitched and tried to move, but the arrow would have still at least hit her arm if Shin had not gotten in front of her and stopped the weapon from piercing her body. She heard a snap and flinched slightly again before a chilly, skeletal feeling hand took hold of hers. She squeezed his hand tightly, fear now allowed to come out in the simple touch since she was far too proud to admit such a thing as she heard his voice. Ya really shouldn’t have done that She almost shivered herself at the coldness of it despite the comfort of a human touch. After a moment she felt him squeeze her hand in return and a quickness to his voice when he asked if she was alright. ”Yes, yes I’m fine,” she said quietly, reassuringly, and feeling very protected by this group of people who really owed nothing to her. And now she owed her life to 066 for staging the break out, Jalo for breaking down her door, 080 for taking a bullet for her, and Shin for stopping the arrow. How was she ever going to repay them?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phantori


Member Offline since relaunch

Things heated up quickly. I tried to keep track of everything that was going on, but I couldn't. I only know that I heard a gun go off, some swearing, and lots of shouting.

I did what I was told and huddled in the center of the now quickly spreading group, all the while trying to make myself as angry as I could. Your mother doesn't love you. What mother? You're useless. I already knew that. They'll leave you behind and you'll never find out why you feel so alone.

This one sparked something inside me and I felt a switch flip. I saw the red behind my eyes again and felt all my muscles tense. When it cleared away, I was, um...well, uh, "transformed". You know. Right. It really felt strange, and I wondered how the scientists could do something like temporarily change someone's gender...

I got up and punched a nearby guard, screaming in my head as I did so "I'm sorry!!!!" I turned and gave Blade a thumbs-up, grinning. "So who do I hit?"
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