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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Chrystella stayed silent, only saying something when she was directly spoken to. Glancing at Cassandra she gave a curt nod and a tight lipped smile. “There is plenty of food at my house and you may have as much as you like.” With that said she faced forward again and led the group closer to her house. The trees started thinning out and the terrain gradually steepened which would make walking for Cassandra that much more painful and exhausting.

“I actually haven’t ever stepped onto the human side of the barrier before. My duty as the barriers protector means that I have no need to cross over. However, after seeing those… things, I think I have lost my desire to ever go back.” She answered Zac after the other two girls did and finished with a humourless laugh.

“Fear not Cassie for we have arrived.” She soothed gently an pointed at her home and its tall tower, which seemed to reach the clouds. Reaching her front door she held it open while everyone walked inside and closed it behind them all. Next she led them to the living room, where there were two comfy looking couches and one arm chair. “Make yourselves comfortable while I go get my medical supplies and put on some tea and something to eat.” With one last smile Chrystella left the room and went to the kitchen to proceed with what she said she was going to do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 22 min ago

Walking into Chrystella's house, Zac looks around and lets out a low whistle. "Nice place you got here, Ellie," he says as he walks Cassandra to one of the couches and helps her lower herself onto it before taking a seat in the arm chair. Leaning back, he crosses his arms behind his head and sighs. "Finally," he says, "after traveling for so long, it feels awesome to be able to relax."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Thanks" Cassie said. She was greatful for his help, she shifted, to exam her leg. The two shifts seemed to ahave damaged it more, but she was pleased to find no broken bones. The laceration was long, deep in so e places, shallow in others. "Well, hell. That's going to scar"

She sighed, knowing it would have to be cleaned, with little pieces of bark and dirt that were in it. What hurt more was the fact that her brothers were right. She couldn't look after herself without getting hurt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Entering the living room Say'ri sighs, 'This isn't exactly the best place to be for me at the moment...' looking around she has an idea, "Hey Stella where is the kitchen I could make some food while you guys patch each other up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

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“Thanks.” She said in reply to Zac’s comment about her house from her place in the kitchen. She quickly returned to the living room once she grabbed her medical supplies and filled the kettle with water, placing it on the stove.

She placed the supplies on the living room table close to where Cassie sat and knelt down in front of her to examine her leg. Yes, it would definitely scar, but with the help of a secret concoction made by Chrystella herself, it would now leave a barely noticeable scar. “Fear not Cassie, I will make sure that the scaring is barely noticeable, however, it is going to hurt.” She forewarned softly then looked over at Say’ri. The smell of blood appeared to be making her uncomfortable and Chrystella applauded the vampire’s restraint.

She nodded knowingly. “That’s very kind of you Say’ri, just go through the doorway I just exited from and the kitchen will be the last door in the hallway. You will find everything you need in the pantry.” With that said she poured a bottle of alcohol over her hands and into one of the two bowls that came with the medical supplies she grabbed and did the same to a pair of tweezers.

“I won’t lie, cleaning the wound will be the most painful especially since there are tiny rocks and twigs. If you need me to stop and give you a pain numbing syrup, let me know.” Focussing back on the leg injury she set to removing the various bits of forest from it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Do vampires eat?" Cassie wondered "and if not, how does Say'ri know how to cook?" Her inquisitive nature sometimes made her seem rude. Yet if she didn't speak the questions would just buzz around and around in her head.

She turned her attention to Chyrstella, as she explained what she was going to do, "I'll be okay" she said, "just do what you have to do" she prepared herself for the pain, leaning back and closing her eyes tight.

as she started, Cassie bit her lip, digging her hands into the seat, but refused to cry out
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alabaster spires swam into the ocean above, their absurd size and solid structure supported an even larger building of inconceivable heights. Vast flowing curtains, swayed by the capricious breeze, felt their way into unclotted space. They moved into the building which now housed Dragniast and North, attached to some unbreakable rod which lay unseen in the heavens above supported by those ivory pillars. No end lay in sight when measuring this single room, marble and its polished surface was the only substance by which it was composed. North had carved the largest mountain found into a mansion which could only be matched by deities and their infinite housing. Light spilled in from the drapes which nearly reached them, umbral rays of peaceful moonlight softly stroking their two elegant forms.
Dragniast sat in his seat across from North, twelve feet between them. He looked as though he had sat in that literally priceless chair for many years, his body gradually shaping into that of an entirely composed statue. Beauty would be the only word to describe such picturesque form whilst holding a wine glass which lazily tipped inward to face one such young contractor.

North, should it even be considered possible, looked of an insurmountable amount in folds greater when it came to elegance and reposse. His body was sculpted to utter perfection, each inch of those mysteriously threaded raiments gave birth to muses that could only be channeled by our most talented artists. Luckily shadow coated most every facial feature or words might find trouble in describing such graciously provided allure.

“Are you sure you’re ready?”

North spoke, each syllable giving luminance to this world which dulled in his presence. Dragniast opened his mouth to rep-......

*Thump! Thump! Thump!*

Said chime gave another repast, our young contractor opening his eyes in an attempt to give his surroundings an imagined form. “Y’ finally ‘wake!?” Were the words of Dragniasts wagon-pilot, the farmer which had just roused one such powerful vampire from his oddly placed day-dream. “Y-yes, I am.” One stutter would be the only fault openly found between each elegant step of Dragniasts for weeks. He was one who had been drilled etiquette for more than a century, letting it slip even once was practically unforgivable.

“W’ll good, l’be off then!”
“I am grateful.”
“Anytime Lad!”

Hardly put off by those amethyst eyes which plagued our tainted twilight air the farmer stepped back into his wagon as Dragniast stepped out. *Creeaaak!!* The wagon began moving as its rapidly aging horse groaned in protest, soon clomping down the trail towards Andruin, the nearest town full of farmers and simple merchants.

*CAAAW!!* One nearby crow offered both ambiance and unneeded resonance to an already looming graveyard full of tombstones and crumbling mausoleums. ‘No time for dreams Undertaker.. There is another fowl presence which needs to be cleansed.’ Dragniast mentally scolded himself for losing sight of the lucid world. What was that sensation anyways? To be overtaken by visions of the past or fanciful worlds which fulfilled our secret desires. At one point he had felt this before… so many years had passed. What was it called? Sleep! Ah yes! Sleep! ‘No! Focus!’ He shouted inwardly whilst taking his first step towards the decrepit tomb entrance before him.

Large cracks ran through poorly molded cement, the thought of entering this place without it already having caved in appeared doomed. Even with these things in mind Dragniast walked confidently forward, his utterly aloof expression made him look more-so lost than belonging.

He wore plain clothes: greyish cloth leggings, black t-shirt, ebony dress-shoes, and a large coat which reached all the way to his ankles. The trench coat was darker than most fabrics, and rather than being adorned by furs along it neck-cuff and ankle-length bottom, it was utterly rimmed by raven-feathers. The truly noble and expensive looking article was in fact his coat, though he wore it so simply that most might think it had lost its value and was not to be stolen or that this man was far too rich for any dirty hands to even touch his smooth pale skin.

“Come iiiinn…” Croaked one dark and sinister voice once our protagonist had reached the entrance to this crypt. Torches were set alight by green, poisonous fire throughout each hallway.

*Tap, tap, tap-*

One purely rhythmic cadence followed behind Dragniast as his coat flowed indecisively about even without the presence of a breeze. “Yooouuu aarree so verry cleaaaan..” Bantered that foul voice again. Though it spoke truth, he was incredibly clean and composed. Not one speck of dirt could be found even on the rims of his shoes.

“I’ll enjoooyyy eeaating you whhollee…”

Those words hardly caused Dragniast deterrence, once more descending another flight of stairs. Before long he had reached the final room, its crumbling walls and ancient ceiling expressed further the decay within its corrupted master.

“Time fffoor yoouur deaattthhh ssswwwiiiinnee, I wwii-”

The beast had reared upwards, its shadowy form letting loose tendrils of darkness. Foul smoke seeped from its unnaturally large jaw as the beast grew to be greater than ten feet tall. Just before it could finish its sentence Dragniast spoke.

“Cease your prattle.”


And with those words, one practically invisible thread lopped the beasts head from its shoulders in one small and perfectly hidden twitch of the finger. To anyone watching, Dragniast hadn’t even moved whilst the beast was suddenly decapitated.

“Dwell here for eternity and never return to the surface.”

Our contractor then raised his hand in one smooth motion, flexing his wrist as an invisible wall of vapor flew from his feathered sleeve and collided with the crypts infrastructure. *BOOM!*

Slowly, everything began to break. Dragniast casually walked from the crypt at the same pace he had arrived. Small steps gave contrast to this crumbling world around him. Just as said Undertaker exited the entire structure gave one massive gust of murky air which billowed from the once open entrance as a last sign of that dark beings protest.

Dragniast wished for nothing more in this moment than to stand between tombstones and contemplate what his recent bouts of… sleep I believe its called, could possibly mean. Though the ring on his left hand offered faint violet luminescence between frequent trembling. Something had just awoken, something dark which need not exist in this world. He now had another contract to complete, and he wouldn’t rest until his unwitnessed opponent was sent straight into the fiery abyss.
“Rune barrier… hmm.”

Perhaps if this powerful vampire attempted with all his might to break past this translucent wall presented he could clear one reasonable path. Though said means are entirely inelegant and utterly brash, he felt flustered for even considering the option. Perhaps more subtle means would be demanded.

Small waves of fog collided with the barrier, being instantly shocked and pushed away by powerful magics. This would continue to occur in a widening radius and growing height until noticed. These fogs did nothing to damage the barrier or expand much of its energy, simply to arouse light and suspicion so that whomever controlled this impasse could allow access. His ring was trembling, meaning that the beast was in this area or had been recently. He would hunt after establishing lodgings and local connections.

((If you made it this far, sorry for the wall of text. I really just didn't want to shorten my intro post. This is ALWAYS the longest, so don't expect another short story when next I post xD))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Chrystella continued to remove twigs and rocks with the tweezers, she couldn’t help but be impressed with Cassandra’s refusal to show her pain. “You are doing good Cassie, there is just one left to be removed.” She praised softly, her focus solely on the one piece of rock that remained. Her fist attempt to un-lodge it failed, but her second was met with success. She scrutinised the little rock and realised that it was long and pointed. A nail? It had to be from one of those creatures so she placed it in the bowl filled with alcohol.
“Alright, I have removed everything and am now going to sanitize the wound with the rest of this.” She said and held up the bottle of medical alcohol so that Cassie could see. This was the part that would really hurt and Chrystella felt bad for putting her through more pain, but it had to be done or risk infection.

She took two towels from her collection of medical supplies, placed one under Cassie’s leg and kept the other by her side so that she could quickly use it when it was needed. She tipped the bottle over the leg injury, letting the liquid in and around it until the bottle emptied. Next she took up the second towel and dried the area around the wound. As she had anticipated, the wound had now begun to ever so slowly heal, due to the were blood coursing through Cassie. “There we go; it’s starting to heal already. Lucky girl. Now to stop the scarring…” She trailed off and began to mix different medical ingredients and balms into the empty bowl to create her anti-scarring concoction. She smeared the sweet smelling balm neatly over the top of the injury and it began to harden and had the added function of being almost like a Band-Aid, bandage type of thing.

“All done. Just leave the balm on for about a day before removing it.” She spoke stoically though still smiled, it just wasn’t overly bright. While she packed away and cleaned up the medical supplies, she flinched when a strange feeling coursed up her arm, originating from the Entry Rune on her hand. Not having ever crossed the barrier before, she had never felt anything like it, but then she remembered something that her great grandmother taught her during her barrier protector training. At the point of direct passing through the barrier, it will therein forever afterwards know you as creator. A connection will be made and you will begin to sense when things try to pass through. That must have been what this feeling was. Something or someone wanted to pass through. With thoughts that it could have been someone seeking refuge against the creatures that their group had faced not but an hour ago Chrystella decided to set out and investigate.

“I hope you do not mind me leaving for a little while. I will be back, but just need to check something.” She explained to both Zac and Cassie and then added, “Could you please just let Say’ri know that we may need an extra place setting? In the meantime, make yourselves right at home. There is a bathroom through the door just before the kitchen and a cupboard full of clean towels in the door directly across from it. With that said, she went over to the front door, took her broom and set out to the spot of the barriers disturbance.

Sitting on her broom she advanced on the location, keeping close to the ground and could see sparks of light as something collided with the barrier. By the time she reached the position, she could clearly see a young man standing there. She could feel that he wasn’t human, for he held great power within him. A type of power that she had only heard whispers of. The power of an Undertaker. Chrystella was shocked to say the least, she had never imagined to ever be in the presence of such a being. She felt underdressed.

Landing lightly on solid ground a respectable distance away, she slowly approached the Undertaker, suddenly feeling really shy. Not knowing how to really act, she bowed politely once she crossed the barrier.
“Good morning.” She somehow managed to say upon gaining his attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie had closed her eyes tight and whimpered when the medicsl alcohol was applied. Her breaths came out in short gasps, and she struggled not to move. When chrystella finished she let out a sigh of relief, lying back. She was now starving, exhausted, sweaty, and embarrassed. Embarrassed because she had shown weakness by whimpering.

She gathered her strength, and stood, testing her weight on her leg, she seemed to be able to walk okay. She looked down, walking to the bathroom. She didn't think she could wash well with the balm on, but she would be damned if she was going to go around dirty. She closed the door, filling the basin up, she washed as well as she could, washing out her hair, and then dressing in the same clothes. She felt horrible dressing in dirty clothes after cleaning up, but she had no choice.

She made her way back to where Zac was, sitting down completely exhausted, "hell of a day" she said with a laugh, running her fingers through her wet hair.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 22 min ago

Zac watched, his head tilted curiously, as Chrystella left her home after helping Cassie. "Wonder what's going on with her?" he muses quietly as Cassie leaves to go wash up. raising his voice so Say'ri could hear, he says, "Hey, Ella says to make extra! Guess there's gonna be company!" Once Cassie returned with an accurate summation of the day, he chuckles and says, "Tell me about it. At least we don't have to worry about those Hybrids anymore." Turning to her, he adds, "Oh, that reminds me. Thanks for saving my ass out there with Ella and Say'ri. I owe you guys."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie shrugged, "I wasn't about to sit there and watch you get torn to shreds" she said, looking over and smiling, "I did what was rifht. Ran for Chrystella, came back and continued to fight, sure to help save your butt. But we are even-there is no wy at all that I would have made it here without you helping"

Cassie was a tricky girl to figure out. She was nice, kind and caring. And yet she could sit through having her leg poked and prodded, little bits of dirt stone, nail taking out, and barely make a sound. She had a good sense of what was right and wrong, and she would fight for what was right.

so when she had seen Zac being attacked, she had done what she felt was right, and nothing more, she wasn't looking to be a hero. Merely shr was looking to prove herself. She thought she had to be alone to do that, yet it didn't appear so.

she grinned and said, "besides, what are friends for?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 22 min ago

Zac looks at Cassie for a few moments, somewhat surprised. Sure, he wasn't unused to making friends, hell, he always went out of his way to do so, but being referred to as someone's friend first, instead of the other way around, as was the normal for him, was a nice surprise. Grinning, he wraps his arm around Cassie's shoulders and pulls her close, grinning like a madman. "You got that right, Cassie! Friends to the end, right?!" he says rather loudly, followed by an equally loud laugh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie laughed and grinned, giving Zac a hug when he pulled her close,. She had never thought to meet someone just about as weird as she was, and yet here was this...she had no words for Zac, grinning and laughing loudky as he pulled her close.

"Definitely!" She said cheerfully. She guessed that you out any werewolves together, and they'd be like this. Loud, cheerful, and crazy. She loved it, and wouldn't trade it for the world. "To the very end"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Within moments one particularly flustered rune witch came to greet him. She didn’t appear as someone who consistently exhibited anxiety, though in this particular scenario she was nervous. Dragniast quickly put two and two together about why she found him so distressing. His nature as Contracted Undertaker gave him an entirely palpable aura.

She would feel from him many reverberations, firstly noted being power. Raw, flowing wafts in strength melted upon open air. Yet even more terrifying than said capacity, and perhaps the most threatening aspect to be found near our vampiric gentlemen, was the calm by which every feature took refuge. Such peaceful gusts promised only death against whomever he had been destined to hunt. Rather than expressed killing intent, there lingered only its promise. Regardless of his safety, or the enemy's size, one such perfectly carved facade hid primed potential to slay all that might be hostile.

His nose wasn’t held upright as to lessen those near him, yet an aloof expression was perfectly maintained. Dragniast appeared unconcerned by the world near him, as if its affairs and passing days simply existed outside his view. Both eyes remained as elegant slits by which thin rays of amethyst luminance spilled fluently between the light of day and its darkened counterpart. Thin lips lightly pressed against one another while an entirely well-placed nose only complimented each feature which spilled from its gently folded skin. Beauteous locks flowed over the upper forehead whilst leaving room for smooth skin to shimmer under whatever light chose to challenge adornment of one already reflective surface.

Wind, and its never-ending pattern, pushed masterfully threaded raiments about in adulation to their silken artistry. His hands playfully gave flirtatious gestures to be moved, though in all actuality each respective ligament kept still perfection through partially curled fingers which withheld casual forbearance towards whatever may come.

His head tilted ever-so-slightly towards our newcomer, those glowing iris’s granting recognition. His lips parted between perfectly placed heaves of the chest which made him look more alive than statuesque. “I am contracted, do not liken me as one of the four.” His body arched forward, one rehearsed motion birthing such a bow as to be seen only once or twice by only the most educated royalty. While bowing, another sentence felt its way to her ears.

“Dragniast Pelferdren Sorhearth.”

Those words, each one spoken… They were so utterly balletic, perhaps each sentence was rehearsed years before being spoken? No, not possible. Yet that incandescent ocean known as conversation was slurred perfectly atop whimsical accents and cultured expression. Dragniast never let loose hostile words though he wasn’t openly befriending her, this odd distance which practically no one could achieve without growing cold or disheartened in all social interaction.

“Permission to enter, refuge, information. Said trio of demands are my currently sought resources. Might one be granted said request?”

Pausing he spoke again in recountance of one memory which had literal lack of threat when uttered. Confidence followed its phonetic syllables.

“I thought it a shame to demolish this well-constructed barrier..”

The haze which had been gradually dispersing flew with grace into his sleeves, sliding like an ocean wave against soft skin.The fog would be gone before blinking could be achieved. Once these first statements, along with assimilation of vapors, were actualized he spoke one last time.

“The morning is only to be considered less fair than your elegant features ma’am.”

Dragniast reversed their conversation: Establishing who he was, his intention, then finally returning the greeting she had provided after arrival. Perhaps there lingered knowledge and experience by intention there. Perhaps this was to leave off on positive motives rather than force out demands after a compliment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 22 min ago

Zac was as happy as he can be, laughing with one of his new friends, until a strange scent hit his nose. Quickly, his laughter dies away as he tilts his head up, sniffing the air. Weird, he thinks. My nose isn't this strong in human form. Either the scent's really close by or it's really strong... It was then that he recognized the sickly sweet stench filling his nostrils: death. Feeling the hair on the back of his neck rise as a low growl sounds, not knowing whether the scent is friendly or not and even though he figures the scent is on the outside of the barrier, he asks Cassie, "Can you smell that?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie found herself leaning closer against Zac, letting out a low hiss. "Yes" she answered, pushing up, "chrystella. Something must be up at the barrier" she stood somewhat shakily, moving toards the door, looking out as if she could see, "I hope she is okay"

She stared at the direction of the barrier, hoping to see Chrystella returning. Hoping something bad wasn't happening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 22 min ago

Zac rises to his feet and follows Cassie over to the door. Seeing how she had risen rather uncertainly, he knows it wouldn't be a good idea for her to go any farther than she already had, otherwise she'd risk reopening her wound. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he opens the door with the other and says, "I'm gonna go check it out. You stay here with Say'ri and let her know where Ella and I went." Without waiting for her response, he steps outside, pulling the door shut, then shifts into his wolf form before taking off toward the source of the scent, hoping he's overreacting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

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Now knowing that he wasn’t actually one of the four, Chrystella felt relief, but only a little, for he was still a contracted. Chosen by one of the four meant that he deserved the same respect, though she could relax a bit more and reduce her nervousness. She wasn’t usually nervous, but the events of the day had affected her deeply. She was jumping at her own shadow.

Introducing himself came with such eloquence, such perfection, that Chrystella felt she didn’t deserve to be a recipient of it. Dragniast Pelferdren Sorhearth, that was his name, but could she just call him Dragniast? She felt rude just thinking about asking.

Next he told her why he sought access through the barrier and she realised that the ‘darkness’ she had encountered consuming her cousin, was a lot bigger, a lot more bad than she had first thought if even the four now knew about it.

“Yes, of course your request shall be granted. All three in fact, for I can give you an Entry Rune, refuge and the information I assume you are seeking.” Her normal, introspective and aloof personality returned, but it slightly retracted upon learning that he had pondered demolishing the barrier. That would have been bad, very bad. However she overlooked the transgression once he paid her appearance a compliment. A compliment. When was the last time she actually received one? Shaking the thoughts from her mind she focused on the task at hand.

“Might I be so bold as to inscribe an Entry Rune upon your person?” She asked delicately, his immaculately well-mannered behaviour becoming contagious, but that could have just being the whole ‘treat respect with respect’ thing she had grown up believing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marduk let out an unsatisfied sigh as he picked various foliage around him in no actual order. He was hoping for once that he would get to have a little fun this time, not the same old test of his herbalist skills. He dreamed of having to take a human form and go into town and maybe nab a few things that the dealers say "brings you to former youth" or "makes you grow faster" He would like that last one the most, as he was one of the shortest he had ever met. After he realized he was starting to pick weeds and flowers he wouldn't need, he decided it was time to end his quest. Marduk jumped up and began for the witches home, hoping maybe this time she would say something "you really are good at this" or "best assistant ever". He longed for everyone to say that, though he didn't mind if the towns people didn't say so, he could beat them down like they were nails, and him a hammer. As he strolled to the home of the one he worked so tirelessly for, he noticed he had started shewing on one of the weeds and spit it out.
"stupid, think before you put stuff in your mouth" he mummered to himself as he bashed himself in the head. He had always had a problem with that, they called it pica, while he called it, eating bad things, it made him angry when he did things like that, but he understood he couldn't control it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Dragniast ushered his hand into the space before him, as royalty might grant subjects the opportunity to kiss the back of their palm. His left hands delicate surface hid unspeakable strengths beneath smooth cellular veneers. Though still said plain lay barren and unscathed, occupied by one celtic-design ring wrapping itself easily about his ring finger in the promise of engagement.

“Boldness is un-required, even when selecting how I’m addressed from those silken lips of yours.”

Ever-eloquent gestures slipped away inside masterfully paced syllables. Some who choose to preserve perfection would find Dragniast utterly exhausting, for all he is, all he does, bringing about said trait personified.

Perhaps he had read her mind, or picked up from some un-taught gesture translation in knowing that she was finding it difficult for how she should address him. He made things simple by practically saying ‘call me what you will’, perhaps more hidden than necessary but educated individuals should pick up that cue.

Wind plowed its astraddle figure into that entirely luxurious raven-feather coat, effulgent fabrics conferring status by nobility. Opulence which normally demanded hired guard was protected only by its host.

He had sensed and recognized an approaching presence, knowing of most this forest before setting foot within.
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