Martyr: OK, that's good. I spent some time earlier today thinking and logic-ing about this, and I figure that as long as she can't make full on copies, that's fine. If you want to let her people clones have SOME physical mass (because I figure if she can make physical copies of smaller, inanimate things, then why not?) that's fine, so long as they dissipate after being struck and can't actually fight (landing a hit destroys them just as much as being hit). However I'm fine if they can handle a gentle bumping into, or can catch someone off guard if they were to crash into them or something.
Anyway, as long as you follow the basic rule of "human copies can't fight" you're free to handle it however you want to. In the interest of time, I'm just gonna approve you, and if later on any issues pop up, we can discuss it then.
Also, I'm going to have to say no copying the grim at all, even a little.
But, final word here is: YOU'RE APPROVED!
I would suggest you read over the entire RP thus far, and then give us a nice intro post summarizing what she was up to up until now, and then end it with her in the forest. Then we can have her partner find her (or vice-versa) shortly after.
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In other news, I will try and type up a post of my own shortly, and if not, tomorrow.