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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I Don't need Help!" Rachel snapped rather loudly at the person who didn't seem to want to go away "I'm going to get these off my self, then I'm going to find my weapons, and fly away, and kill anyone who thinks they can stop me" The hybrid continued to rant as she turned away and started to walk off in hopes of finding someone who could free her, A pirate to force into freeing her not someone to ask for help to, she didn't need help...or never wanted to admit she needed it "Don't try to come closer, I know how to use this thing and I will not hesitate to kill you with it" She warned the mysterious figure.
"I am perfectly fine on my own, you're just lucky I can't get out of these yet or you you be dead" Rachel continued on though her voice was kind of muffled by the fact that she was still gnawing at her restraints like an animal.
"Once I get out, I can summon my weapons back to be and everything will be ok again, don't..need..people!" She then started to pull at the energy holding her wrists together but to no avail did she managed to break them.Giving a huff Rachel turned from the mysterious man and went on a search for someone that she wanted to force into helping her, again not wanting help from someone willingly giving it, she didn't trust those who are willing to help a stranger for no reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


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Surely, the armor didn't seem like anything she had seen before, but for a .44 magnun to do not even scratch it? Damn, she should have known better that the guys were probably using magical armor, perhaps they were angels? They didn't have any sacred aura and they didn't have wings or anything, but how come they had access to magical attires? She tried to shoot again, this time aiming for the head, which is exactly what she should have done in the beginning, only to be caught without bullets left and before he could summon another weapon she was kicked in the head and sent back flying. She just raised a hand and before the armored guys could kill her again she realized it was just not worth wasting effort in trying to kill just two and, truth to be told, she actually needed some help in getting out of the place. Carlota stood up, the hit was so strong that her head had turned the wrong way and was hanging without the support of the spinal cord, a bit more and she could have been decapitated, and dead, also her left arm had been dislocated when she felt to the floor, which was hanging funny as well. She held her head with her right arm and spoke

"Okay, Okay, you win, sorry for trying to kill you

She saw an unknown body piece lying close to her, was that part of a head someone had blown up? She threw herself to the ground and with great effort she ate it, recovering her wounds with the blood.

"Much better. Hey, mortals, where the hell am I and how can I get out?"

Then a tough passed through her head, how long has she been sleeping?

"Actually, tell me, what year is it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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I guess I have no choice then, Michelle thought as she took out her Glock and removed the clip. Enchanting the first and second bullet with an air enchantment, she placed the clip back into the gun and strided over to Rachel again while she was distracted with her rambling. She pointed her Glock at Rachel's head, then fired. The shot was now enchanted to cause a concussion and unconsciousness with a sudden pressure change in air, and hopefully it wouldn't harm Rachel. On the extremely significant chance that the shot missed, then Michelle would fire again, and she made it a point never to miss twice. At least, she tried to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Jacque had to admit something, although he'd seen his fair share of chaos ever since The Deal, there was always something about a prison break that amped him up. Freed form his cage -but not his bonds- thanks to the fire elemental Jacque launched himself at the store owner as the alien came out and raised what the voodoo shaman could only guess was a weapon of sorts. "Bonjour." he chuckled as Coal freed herself from Jacque's waist and coiled around the alien's neck "Key please." he said as Coal squeezed down. The shop keeper garbled something that Jacque couldn't quite make out, however it sounded like something decidedly not key related. Jacque held up his cuffed hands and extended a finger before slowly inserting it into one of the alien's eyes, "Keeeeyyyy...." he said as he pressed down hard, yet not hard enough to burst the organ, "....pleeeeeeseee." he finished whilst gesturing to his cuffs. The alien screeched as best it could as the blood from Jacque's hands seeped into it's eye, though thanks to the gestures, Jacque's message finally seemed to get across. Jacque grinned as the shop keeper produced a strange card and ran it over one of the cuffs, causing the energy that bound them to dissipate. Jacque's grin widened as he felt his power return to him, "We live Coal?" he inquired to his pet, "Yessss" a cold voice rang out from in his head. Jacque peered down at the alien beneath him and raised his finger, "Thank you. Now, under normal circumstances, i'd weigh the options of killing you for the common good. But I think i'll settle for tearing down this slave hub o' yours. Slavery's pretty fucked up y'know." Jacque stated as he got up and wrapped Coal around his waist before looking to Rachel, "You promised me a brawl, yea? Keep your promise." he barked before tossing the key card at her feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rachel as to busy with what she was doing to pay any mind with the person who was still attempting to get her to join them, normally they just left her alone after she threatened them unless they were demon or demon lackeys, but then again she did normally have her weapons and wasn't bound like a pathetic animal. However she was pleased to see that the guy who she had yelled to had come to her, not letting her down as she expected.
"Glad you accepted my challenge" Rachel gave a smug look "I am so going to win against you ~" She said as she went to unlock herself.

Rachel was still busy when the person approached with a confident stride and aimed their gun and Rachel's head with very little warning and no words to alert they hybrid
By the time Rachel had noticed there as only time for her eyes to widen before the gun went off, sending the hybrid to the ground holding her head as it started to spin. Rachel was use to sudden changes in air pressure as she did like to fly high and free fall a lot, but this was to sudden and although she didn't become fully unconscious she was still very disoriented.
Gazing up with heavy eyes as she slipped in and out of darkness Rachel attempted to make a move, but she didn't quite know what she was doing or remember how to do things at the moment.
"You...are so going to die...for this" she groaned out as she lay on her back looking like she had given up for the moment "Once my hands a free, You are going to be roasted alive, prick....I need to fight that guy..." Despite her situation she was feeling rather upset about not being able to fulfill her promise at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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"My apologies, Rachel," Michelle said, striding over to the card that was thrown over to Rachel and picked it up, putting it inside her cloak. She removed the clip in his gun, removing the air enchantment and adding a water enchantment to her bullets, then loaded the gun back. "Still, It's your fault you refused to listen to me," Michelle said as she walked over and knelt down to try to strike Rachel's temple, which would knock her out for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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So enraptured with destroying the merchant's shop was Jacque that it took him a second to realize that the woman he had thrown the key card to was being attacked. However, when Jacque finally took notice, he took a second to consider his next move, that is, right until he still sensed some of his own energy from the blood he'd smeared on the card by picking it up emanating from the aggressor. "Huh. Must've picked up the card. Bad move." he chuckled as he raised a hand and focused on the blood smears on the card "Gèp san." he hissed under his breath. Beneath the cloak, the blood on the card split off into three pools before rising taking on a solid form akin to a trio of wasps. Said wasps wasted little time in using their first moments of life to bite and sting Michelle viciously from beneath her cloak as Jacque began to advance from behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Michelle quickly knocked Rachel out and was about to carry her off to the drop point when there was a sudden pain on her side. Startled, she flung open her cloak to reveal 3 red wasps that were biting and stinging her, which she quickly brushed off. She jumped backward as the wasps recovered and flew toward her. She fired at the middle wasp, and the bullet exploded, trapping the three wasps in a chunk of ice that dropped to the ground and cracked, but didn't get damaged enough to free the struggling wasps. She scanned the immediate surrounding area for any more threats and spotted Jacque heading toward her, quickly pointing her pistol at him. "Not another step," Michelle said as she examined him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Jacque stopped as per Michelle's request as she leveled her gun at him, though the expression on his face more greatly resembled restrained laughter than it did concern, "Got a nasty little bite, don't they? I modeled em' after the paper wasp, though sadly i've yet to figure out how how to make them actually inject venom. S'a work in progress though." he said as he looked over to the chunk of ice. "Now, I have a good guess as to what you're gonna ask me next, "what do I want?", right? Well, y'see, that person you're about to sling over your shoulders like a sack of potatoes more or less promised me that she'd assist me in a brawl in exchange for freedom, and bein' a man of equivalent exchange, I don't rightly like not having a deal fulfilled. Nor am I a big fan of abduction without a good reason" he explained as he cocked his head to the side, "In fact, both of those things piss me right the fuck off." he explained as his eyes glowed a sickly shade of yellow. As Jacque's demeanor changed, the air around him and Michelle began to feel somewhat cold and damp, "To make a long story short, she owes me for services rendered, and if you try to take her, i'm gonna be lodging my foot in places that you really do not want them to be. So lets be smart and back off, yea?". Despite the threat, Jacque's tone never altered from the mildly chipper, if somewhat crass one he'd used when explaining the wasps, nor did the look of amusement, however the cold wetness in the air said everything that needed to be said of what would happen if Michelle persisted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Michelle definitely felt whatever Jacque was doing, and she didn't like it. However, she believed that the situation could be defused by talking, as long as she chose her words carefully. "Yes, I'm here for her, and once she has fulfilled her part in the role she plays she is free to go wherever she wishes. All I ask for is time. As for your 'equivalent exchange', perhaps we can strike a deal." The pain from the bites and stings still hurt, but Michelle ignored that. "I borrow her, then I give her back. Simple. You can even follow me to where I'm going, to a certain extent." If push came to shove, she would have to rely on her enchantments to save her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Jacque brought one of his hands up to his chin whilst cradling that arm with his other, miming a man in deep thought as he considered what Michelle had to say. There was a moment of silence between the two figures amidst the chaos of the breakout before Jacque shattered it "Coal, any suggestions on how we settle this one?" he inquired as his eyes tilted down to the snake. To the unaware, the serpent seemed to remain completely oblivious to its owner's question, however, she and Jacque were indeed holding a conversation, "The debt will be paid now, the cloaked ones tribulations mean nothing." she hissed into his mind, "Well how do you suggest we go about dealing with this then?", Jacque asked aloud, "You tell them to leave. If they refuse, then you kill the cloaked one.". Jacque's face scrunched up slightly at Coal's suggestion, "Yea, no. We don't go around killin' people just to settle a dispute. I mean we could, but we shouldn't.", "Fine then, break their bones? Leave them with shallow cuts perhaps?", "Well. I guess that could work, but we can't go overboard". Their agreement settled, Jacque looked back up at Michelle and held out a hand, "Y'see, I still don't like the whole abducting people against their will thing. How bout' this, you give us the girl, and I don't break everything that holds yer meaty bits together, sound good?".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Blinking away with a groan Rachel tried to clear her eyes though remembered that it would be difficult with bound hands, her black and purple and purple eyes trying to regain focus as she spotted that guy who attacked her, being attacked by the one who was going to free her before. Getting only the tail end of the conversation she could very well figure out that this prick was talking about her like she was some toy to be passed around.
"Don't I get a say in this?" Rachel let out a quiet groan as she attempted to shift her position, though she was still far to dizzy to really move and she felt like she was starting to get motion sickness, trying to avoid this by rolling onto her elbows but yet she just felt like going back to sleep.
"Cause if I had a choice, as and as much I like the idea of two guys fight over me, I wanna go with the Voodoo guy" "With that Rachel let herself collapse back to the ground, giving up on any attempt to get back to her feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Michelle glanced back at Rachel, then back to Jacque. This situation was becoming increasingly difficult, and definitely not the way she planned. She considered her options, trying to determine a favorable outcome. Currently, there were none. She eventually lowered her gun and said, "It seems like I have no choice but to leave." She walked backward, never taking her eyes off of Jacque, then knelt down to Rachel and said, "Sorry for the discomfort. Here's the key," taking the card from her cloak, dropping it into Rachel's hands. Then she leaped out of the building and out of sight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 5 days ago

as Spartan prepared to free himself of his restraints, all hell broke loose, he stood in the cell next to Eve, the two stood still and watched as the other prisoners broke themselves out of the cell, but the cuffs were still on most of them, Spartan looked to Eve with a slight grin
"well that was easy, we didn't even have to do anything" Spartan said with a slight chuckle, Eve replied with a quiet giggle and a smile
"okay, time to get these off" Spartan said before he activated his energy blades in his arms, the cuffs began to spark with electricity as they were forced to widen, then as the blades turned on the cuffs broke and dissipated into nothing, then he turned to Eve and cut through her cuffs with ease before retracting his energy blades
"better?" Spartan asked with a smile
"better" Eve answered as she felt her wrists, as she was doing that, the four armed Alien from before had observed everything that had happened, but he kept himself silent, when he observed Spartan breaking free of his cuffs, and cutting Eve free of hers he was slightly confused, he walked towards them to asked them as to how Spartan broke free
"how did you break your cuffs? they're mean to render your abilities useless" the alien asked, Spartan looked up to the being
"well, that may be true, but my energy blades are a tool, a weapon, not an ability" Spartan said before he activated his right energy blade and but the cuffs off the four armed alien
"there, your free to go" Spartan said with a slight smile
"now don't go and get yourself caught again, you probably wont be as lucky as you were this time" he said with a grin as he turned to leave with Eve
"... who are you?..." the four armed alien asked, Spartan stopped and looked back
"you can call me Spartan, and you can call her Eve" Spartan said calmly, the four armed alien stared at them for a few moments before speaking
"my name is Kore-Drax, not that it means anything to you, but you gave your names, so I thought I'd return the favor, the least I could do since you freed my from my cuffs" Kore-Drax said before he made a b line for the back door to go get something that belonged to him back on the slaver ship that they had arrived on
"..... he seemed nice" Spartan said with a slight grin
"so, what happens to everyone else?" Eve asked him
"we leave them be, besides, they seem preoccupied, come on, lets find a way out of this place" he said before he and Eve made their way to the back door, Eve had taken the lead before she thought she had heard a familiar growl, as they left the building something caught Eve's eye's coming up to her from her left was a pirate with an electric baton, as he went to strike Eve with it, it stopped, the baton was an inch away from Eve's face, she quickly jumped back to see Spartan holding the pirate's wrist in his hand
"big mistake..." Spartan said as he slowly started to break the pirates wrist, he cried out in pain as he tried to pull himself free, without warning Spartan kicked the pirate in it's stomach with enough force to send his flying through the slave shops wall, Spartan stood their for a second making sure the pirate wouldn't get up, but he made sure it's live, as Spartan turned to look to Eve she had moved, she was now where all the caged animals were, but she didn't give them a passing glace as she walked up to Magnus's cage, the cybernetic dragon eased up seeing the two safe, a second later the cage had been cut open and Magnus was free, he stretched out his legs, then his wings before tucking them back in, Eve happily climbed aboard Magnus's back and looked down to Spartan
"what's wrong?..." Eve asked him, slightly confused as to why he hadn't joined her on top of Magnus's back, Spartan then let out a sigh
"I'm going to go back into the building as see if anyone else needs to be free of their cuffs, to give them a slight fighting chance to get away" he said and he turned towards the building, he looked back to Eve as he left
"I'll be back" he said with a grin before he entered the shop to see if anyone needed help
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

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Junko broke her mask off her face as Spartan and Eve were escaping out the back way with an unknown alien ( to her at least ), she silently followed behind the two without speaking, when one of the pirates were about to attack Eve, Junko was gonna jump ahead of the girl to help her, but Spartan beat her to it. The moment they entered the pens for the animals her nose was greeted by an unpleasant smell, Junko finally spoke up in her soft speaking voice," It's a good thing we didn't end up here, it smells horrible." she kept pace with the three till they freed the dragon and Eve got onto it's back.

When Spartan announced that he was going back, Junko, stuck with Spartan," Wait I'll go with you, it's best to have backup." Junko said to him while she noticed her hands were still cuffed together with the energy cuffs, "Also my Mistress, Jun says, Yo..What up..G." Junko said with a straight face. " Also before we go and help the others can you help me with these ?" She held out her hands in front of her so Spartan wouldn't cut her. .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rachel had managed to slowly get to her knees by the time the figure had decided against taking her away, her demon eyes following him as he approached her by walking backwards cause he obviously found that voodoo guy a threat, and then speaking to her like what he did wasn't as bad as it seemed, the nerve of someone to act so casual after what they just did, she really didn't like the fact that he even spoke to her again because her head was still swimming after that knock to the temple "Don't waste your apologies, they fall on deaf ears, and I would still kill you if my head wasn't still swimming" Rachel growled as she glared up to the cloaked man, glad that he had decided to leave them alone but still annoyed at herself for being so easily beaten, ever since the pirates captures her she lost that luck of evading people who want to take her away and or kill her.
Snatching the keycard as it was dropped into her hands Rachel spared no seconds to get her cuffs open, again it was difficult with so little freedom to her hands but she managed, and then once they were free she immediately turned to trying to get her wings free of their binding "Now to get this damn thing off!'" She spoke as she gritted her teeth, finding it near impossible to reach so far over her back to the clasp that keep them tied up and yet the hybrid didn't want to ask for help, even though there was a man standing right next to her who would be more than willing to help free her wings, since he did come to stop her from being taken away over the promise of their brawl. Rachel didn't even know how well she would do in a brawl since normally she just goes for the ones weaker than or the ones not thinking, this man looked like he was always thinking, and he didn't seem weak.
"Why is this so difficult!?" The hybrid yelled in frustration as she had given up on undoing the bonds and was now trying to force them open with her wings, though to no avail did the bonds budge to free her wings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 5 days ago

Eve had been slightly startled to find out someone had followed them, but couldn't help but slightly giggle at her comment to the smell of the animal pens
Spartan was slightly hesitant to trust this person, he looked into her scarlet red eye's with his glowing cyan eye's and studied them, he felt that he could trust her, then he replied to her
"while the offer is appreciated, I don't think I'll need backup, but feel free to tag along, and your mistress Jun, I don't think I've met her, but the name sounds familiar, if you ever see her again tell her I said hi" he said with a slight smile as he continued forward, then Junko asked him to help her with her cuffs as she held them out to him
"sure, hold still" he said with a slight smile, then almost faster then the blink of an eye he activated his left arms energy blade and cut through the center of Junko's cuffs before retracting his energy blade, causing the cuffs to disperse into a glowing mist before fading away, then he continued towards the shop
"right, lets hope everything hasn't gone to hell..." Spartan said to himself as he entered the shop to help who he could
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Jacque watched as the mysterious figure departed after returning the key to Rachel and gave a small sigh, "Honestly, I could've been half way off this rock my now if that one didn't waste my time..." he muttered. Jacque's lamentations were short lived however as the woman he'd assisted began to complain about the locks on her wings. "Oi, you're gonna break or pull something if you keep forcing it. Just hold still, i'll help you get out of that thing." Jacque said before making his way over to Rachel, taking the keycard and unceremoniously spinning her around by her shoulders. "Y'know, if it were the old me, i'd question the wings, but in light of everything i've dealt with in the last few years up to this point, this registers as normal for me.", Jacque stated off handedly as he unlocked the restraints and stepped back, "Now then, a deal's a deal. We crack a few heads, raze this place to the ground, yea?".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rachel was about to complain as the one who helped her told her to stop struggling, that he would help set her wings free, she opened her mouth to say something to get him to stop only to be roughly spun around by her shoulders leaving her silent for the moment as she wasn't use to having help forced upon her like this "Wait...but I.." She started but wasn't quite sure of what she was going to say anymore "...oh fine then" Rachel grumbled as she crossed her arms and stayed still still for him to get the bindings off from her wings. Rachel peered over her shoulder so that she could see what he was doing exactly, and she listened as he spoke about her strange wings and the old him making her rather curious "The stuff you have dealt with? you must lead an exciting life, better than my life where about 95% of all people are out to get me, not all who see my wings just shrugs it off so casually" She shrugged herself "But at least I can kick some ass along the way, that is always a positive thing"
Once she felt that her wings were freed Rachel then stretched them out to their full length, a good meter and half if not more on each side, giving her a good 3 meter wing span or bigger. Groaning like someone who had just woken up Rachel also stretched her arms as it helped with the stretching of her wings, feeling so stiff from sitting around all tied up and cramped for how ever long they were on that ship, she even muttered a thanks to him though she didn't seem happy about that, however his mention of their little deal perked her up.
"Ah yea the deal" Rachel nodded her head as she turned back to face him, making a decision in her mind whether she could trust this man or not, Rachel though decided she might give this semi trust thing another try "Of course, why are we even standing around still? let's go show those people who's boss" She grinned and started to move, getting ready to run back into the crowed that was still in a major chaotic panic, She stopped though for a second and glanced back to him "Oh, and...the name is Rachel, just Thought I should say" She shrugged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

NacNak said
Eve had been slightly startled to find out someone had followed them, but couldn't help but slightly giggle at her comment to the smell of the animal pens.Spartan was slightly hesitant to trust this person, he looked into her scarlet red eye's with his glowing cyan eye's and studied them, he felt that he could trust her, then he replied to her "while the offer is appreciated, I don't think I'll need backup, but feel free to tag along, and your mistress Jun, I don't think I've met her, but the name sounds familiar, if you ever see her again tell her I said hi" he said with a slight smile as he continued forward, then Junko asked him to help her with her cuffs as she held them out to him"sure, hold still" he said with a slight smile, then almost faster then the blink of an eye he activated his left arms energy blade and cut through the center of Junko's cuffs before retracting his energy blade, causing the cuffs to disperse into a glowing mist before fading away, then he continued towards the shop"right, lets hope everything hasn't gone to hell..." Spartan said to himself as he entered the shop to help who he could

" Think she ment it for another version of yourself, Spartan, and she told me to say hi back to you." She said before cracking her neck from left to right and followed after Spartan, she hoped that they could soon get off this planet, She hates it for all the right reasons, Junko let Spartan be ahead of her since she wasn't really armed, but she was ready for a fight if there was going to be one.
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