Appearance (Real Life):
Height: 4.4(pretty damn short for his age.)
Weight: 54
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Name: Mukuro Matsumoto
Age: 14
History: Mukuro
Personality: Born and into a middle class family in the suburbs, Mukuro's parent didn't know what to think about their son lack of verbal communion skill. it was at the age of four when they begin to worry about their son's inability to speak sentences, so they decide to take him into a psychologist. It was then when Mukuro was finally diagnose with Asperger Syndrome, this allow his parents to take certain steps to equip him with the skills need to communicate properly with the rest of society, however Mukuro parents soon had trouble getting him interest in getting out of the house due to his fixation on electrical devices such the television and his video games.. At age 11 Mukuro dad decide to take his son on a hunting trip in order to detract him from his electrical devices. Guided through the forest by his dad the two came across a deer. Mukuro was then given a rifle to kill his first animal, through Mukuro felt a little sorry for it he soon gather the courage to pulled the trigger ending the deers life. It took him a while to give over his sense his guilt but soon afterword he begin to enjoy the thrill of the hunting. His father soon trusted him with his own rifle in which he would to show his amazing accurately of which he shot moving targets such as deer, raccoons, squirrels, he even shot ducks flying midair. Mukuro soon found himself winning awards for his amazing accucately until he was 13 when he was finally give the game Deep Ground Online. Mukuro chose to be a Sniper cause he enjoy the sense of control and sportmanship that came from his hunting life, he soon found himself hunting down In-game players just for the fun of it, he didn't care what rewards came with being a PKer as long as the other person put him a good fight before he snip there head clean off. Mukuro soon found him being refer to as on of the game best Snipers to the point where he was give the nickname the Crosshair Reaper.
Appearance (Avatar):
Avatar Class: Sniper(Assassin specs)
Avatar Title: The Undertaker
Avatar Level (Initial): 4
Avatar Guild: Currently looking.
Avatar Abilities:
I'll fill the rest out later.