Appearance (Real Life):
Height: 5'8"
Weight: ~130 pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue-green
Name: Shou Izumi
Age: 14
History: Funny story, Shou's birth certificate actually says she's a boy. The doctor dropped his glasses during the delivery and didn't notice until the papers were already filed, so her parents wound up giving her a name typically meant for boys. Of course, they found out soon after that the doctor goofed up, and were compensated by the hospital for the problems this would later cause. Like at school and such.
Every time Shou's birth certificate was displayed to register her somewhere, they always asked the same question. "Isn't she a girl, though?" Then Mr. and Mrs. Izumi would have to explain just what happened at the hospital. Despite all this though, her life was fairly normal. And then she came to Purple Crown, and logged into Deep Ground for the first time. How awesome!
Here, she could let loose and do whatever she wanted. She could fight, and even kill if she wanted. She was
encouraged to kill, even! During her first year at Purple Crown, Shou became very used to her alternate identity as the predatory Hungry Jaws. So into it, in fact, that she made pretty good headway last year in battle.
Last year alone, she reached level 5, obtained a shiny win/loss record of 18/3, and joined up with the Sweepers as a means of joining a guild without actually joining a guild. A real predator hunts solo, after all. And now the primal predator is back for another school year, and by extention, another year of the hunt.
Personality: Shou likes animals that like people. That is, she likes animals that like
eating people. For whatever reason, Shou has an boundless fascination with the things in nature that can and will kill people. Predatory animals, natural disasters, pandemics, and so forth. It's not that she enjoys people dying...or maybe she does. Who knows?
Seeing others suffering makes her happy. She's not a sadist by any means, but she simply enjoys the notion that somebody will experience pain and/or misery from what happens to them. Like in a car crash, or an armed robbery. Because she enjoys these things happening to others so much, Shou will often set others up for her own enjoyment, aligning events in real life so that something terrible will happen to them. Outside of Deep Ground, Shou is an emotional predator, feeding off everyone's misery.
Online is an entire different story. Then she becomes an
actual predator, feeding you really wanna know? The fact that she loves to kill others in-game, added with her love of seeing them suffer offline, can point to the conclusion that she may be a dangerous person. If so, she's yet to show any signs of it. Unless you mistake her for a boy. Shou gets very serious about her gender, and calling her a boy will make the fists and teeth start flying. Did we mention that she also likes biting things? Yeah...
Appearance (Avatar):
Avatar Class: Assassin (Shinobi Spec)
Avatar Title: Hungry Jaws
Avatar Level (Initial): 5
Avatar Guild: None, but is affiliated with the Sweepers
Avatar Abilities:
Vicious Strikes: Melee damage increased by 20%
Grim Stride: Support skill that doubles your movement and attack speed. Lasts 10 seconds, with a two-minute cooldown.
Predator: Passive ability. Jaws cannot equip weapons like everybody else, instead being constantly armed with sharp fangs and claws (on both her hands and feet) as a predator would. These are every bit as effective as normal weapons.
Fish Tail: A melee-range attack wherein Jaws does a spinning jump kick. Damages everybody within her reach by using her toe claws as weapons. 10-second cooldown.
Double Wave: A two-hit combo attack in which Jaws first claws her enemy from head to knee, then quickly performs a backflip kick. Knocks the enemy down if both hits connect. 30-second cooldown.
Primal Instinct: Support skill wherein Jaws taps into her bestial nature. For ten seconds, enemy attacks appear much slower to her, making it much easier to dodge or counter. 60-second cooldown.
Steel Stomach: Passive ability. Jaws is capable of consuming and digesting anything (even things one should NEVER ingest), restoring health in the process.
Other:Theme song