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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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MasterOfMetal said
Erä took a step forward, looking at her intensely."What happens next is up to you" the entire pack howled in a single voice.'It is your move' spoke the raven

Jade looked at him. She had a second chance. She wasn't going to waste it. She wasn't going to take it for granted. She knew that this was possibly her only chance to change her life. She refused to die just as the chance was presented to her. She rolled so that the wolf was underneath her. "I have not always been strong. But I have always fought for what I wanted. And what I want is this opportunity."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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KatherinWinter said
Jade looked at him. She had a second chance. She wasn't going to waste it. She wasn't going to take it for granted. She knew that this was possibly her only chance to change her life. She refused to die just as the chance was presented to her. She rolled so that the wolf was underneath her. "I have not always been strong. But I have always fought for what I wanted. And what I want is this opportunity."

Sitting atop the waiting wolf, Jade found she once again held the bone trident.
Erä took another step forward, their faces were only parted by an arm's length.
The pack also came closer, breathless in expectation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"I don't kill for pleasure Era. So if that is the type of hero you want. You have the wrong person. I do not want to kill your wolf. I am not hungry. Nor am I cold." Jade stood to her feet allowing the wolf to get up. "I believe people shouldn't hunt for sport. I have nothing against them doing it to survive. The law of the forest is only the strong survive. I am now one of the strong."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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LordMarwain said
"I think my little brother is absentminded, because he is in the middle of choosing if the prostitute is worthy enough," Tavon spoke while appearing before the other gods. "And its a bit rude to talk about the remaining of farming without inviting the god who's domain is just that. By the way, Arcturius, about our chess game, I sent you a messenger to tell you I had to postpone it. Anyway Laslo, about being an ancient god, where were you at the creation of this world? But I agree we should join together to face the coming darkness. And about villagers looking for you Laslo, how can people come to you if they hardly know you?"

The15thSpycrab said
"Then, Brother Laslo, I accept your offer. Hesitate not to call upon me when you have found someone worthy to be your champion." Arcturius took the shield from the Builder, then paused. He heard a voice, praying for help. Not calling the War God by name, yet still seeking strength against an unjust, overwhelming adversary.

“I wish your chosen good luck and victory in combat.” Laslo said when he gave Arcturius the shield. Then he turned his attention to Tavon.

“My brothers and I didn’t want to disturb you, Tavon. We saw that you were preoccupied. We did not want to insult you, you are a vital part to civilization and humanity. That must be recognized.”

Laslos face darkened, while he pondered his next remark.
“Where were we at the beginning? Is that a question that matters to you? We know we were there at the cradle of the first empire. We were there when the Allfather spoke and started his eternal vigil. We were there, just as much as you were there when the first flower started to bloom. Just as much as Arcturius when the first blood was drawn, and Erä when the first beast was flayed. That is what we know, that is all we need to remember.”

Then Laslo smiled and waved his hand. He showed Tavon a place far away, or it might be a long time ago. Enormous cities, build of stone and metal, dotted the landscape. Cathedrals, decorated with figures of The Doctrine, raised to the skies. Priests, dressed in red, wielding swords, torches and hammers were seen building a better future.
“We are well known, just as you are. Just not here, just not now. Only at the cradle, and the grave, of a civilization are we needed the most. ”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

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Ahh! Frivolities.
Kiyovu never truly understood the mortal way. They celebrated everything. Normally he wouldn't bother attending these, as there was never a human worthy of the bounty Summer offered. He was here now simply out of coincidence. From a tree, he watched as the other gods and goddesses granted boons to the mortals. It had been a while, perhaps there was one born that could shoulder his gifts.

With all the grace of a feline, Kiyovu fell from the tree. His feet landed softly, barely making a noise even as he strolled through the gathering. Normally, he would be completely nude, as he felt confined in cloth. However, mortals had deemed that it was required to wear them in their presence. He wore simple trousers but kept his chest bare aside from a wood carved necklace of tiger's silhouette. No one would would mind. To the humans he looked like one among many, his hair dulled to a brown. The other gods however could see him in his true visage. Firelight couldn't hide all things.

With a furrowed brow, Kiyovu wandered. He knew this would be a waste of time. No one here was deserving. Frustrated, bored, and about to give up, he meandered toward the pyre. That is when he saw a young girl offering a piece of cloth. At that moment, it appeared that a shade had approached her from the Goddess Xenosa.
He wasn't going to mess with that.

Then he looked over to see another young woman, clearly intoxicated, making a ruckus. He frowned at her, he didn't much like alcohol and he could smell her from here. She seemed to have found an adversary and the God of War, Archemedes quickly showed interest in the boy. He frowned again and took a look around before sitting next to the pyre, enjoying its warmth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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KatherinWinter said
"I don't kill for pleasure Era. So if that is the type of hero you want. You have the wrong person. I do not want to kill your wolf. I am not hungry. Nor am I cold." Jade stood to her feet allowing the wolf to get up. "I believe people shouldn't hunt for sport. I have nothing against them doing it to survive. The law of the forest is only the strong survive. I am now one of the strong."

There was a moment of silence.
Erä towered high above the girl, clutching his spear tight.
The pack was tense.
Then, the wild god threw his head back and released a thunderous, roaring laugh.
The pack relaxed and howled in relief.

'You did it!' screamed the raven circling her face frantically
'You showed you are not a sheep, you do not do what is implied, you think, you think!'
The raven almost fell from the sky.
The small wolf walked towards Jade, it's face now friendly.
'Had you killed me, the pack would have devoured you.
you did not only show your individuality, but also freedom and mercy, and a sharp mind as well.'
The bear reared up on his hind legs
'You did everything right. You fled with skill, and survived. you entered this realm without fear. when cast into a battle, you dared attack first
and when victory was had, you showed mercy, not only to this creature, but to the ideal that is the wild.
Live and let live, kill if you need it to survive.

Erä helt out his hand, the raven landed on it.
The wild God bent his head towards the creature.
Nothing was heard, but the raven looked as if he was listening closely.
The it flew up, as if hit by lightning and shot towards Jade.
It landed on her head, and where its talons hit her skin, dark brown markings were left.
'You are his!' the raven told her with gladness in his voice
'As I am yours.' he continued.
'i was awakened to send a message to your aggressor, but became your guide.
You are my purpose. you are my life.'

A wolf stepped forward
'You are now the champion of the wild wanderer.
For you, this comes with a special gift. You showed mercy on this wolf, and so will the beasts you encounter have mercy on you.'

Erä started walking away, the pack followed.
When they were out of sight, a roaring laugh was heard, or was is a horn?
The raven flew up and once more covered her face in his wings.
The sounds of the festival entered her ears.
'Oh by the way, I don't have a name yet'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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Berdagon said
And “I wish your chosen good luck and victory in combat.” Laslo said when he gave Arcturius the shield. Then he turned his attention to Tavon. “My brothers and I didn’t want to disturb you, Tavon. We saw that you were preoccupied. We did not want to insult you, you are a vital part to civilization and humanity. That must be recognized.”
Laslos face darkened, while he pondered his next remark. “Where were we at the beginning? Is that a question that matters to you? We know we were there at the cradle of the first empire. We were there when the Allfather spoke and started his eternal vigil. We were there, just as much as you were there when the first flower started to bloom. Just as much as Arcturius when the first blood was drawn, and Erä when the first beast was flayed. That is what we know, that is all we need to remember.”
Then Laslo smiled and waved his hand. He showed Tavon a place far away, or it might be a long time ago. Enormous cities, build of stone and metal, dotted the landscape. Cathedrals, decorated with figures of The Doctrine, raised to the skies. Priests, dressed in red, wielding swords, torches and hammers were seen building a better future. “We are well known, just as you are. Just not here, just not now. Only at the cradle, and the grave, of a civilization are we needed the most. ”

“Oh so you were thinking about me,” Tavon replied, “Sorry, lately I’m a little easily offended. Must be because of the coming darkness. It’s keeping me restless.

You shouldn’t worry about disturbing me, a god can easily be at more places at once. Well except for him,” pointing at his little brother.

“So that’s where you were before becoming the Sons of Civilisation.” Tavon let out a sigh. “We are pretty ancient, aren’t we?

Seems like a great place you showed. Do you miss it?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Adarn nodded at the words of Laslo.
"We have all been here since damn of time, and were where there when the first night fell.
And now a new night falls so will our watch begin again. It will be a dark night."
Adarn spoke solemnly. A trait found in him quite often, but not like tonight.
He closed his eyes and opened them as the eyes of the old priest in his chair at the feast.
With glowing eyes and a voice that made the earth shake he spoke to the people who looked up and listened. His voice carried far and wide.
"People of Travel's End. Hear my prophecy for the night to come. For all the gods you love or fear, there is one you know nothing off, for he is a shade of the past.
A memory long forgotten has come to haunt you. Champions that are and will be chosen this night, stand vigil. And know we will be with you."
The old priest collapsed back into the chair, his eyes wide open and gasping for air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

C.C was a little confused by the thunder and all but did not pay uch attention to it, she found someone to fight and that was all it mattered.
The spear barely made a scrach on her knee, with a grim she rushed forward, jumped and with both legs kicked the shield at the same time as she tried to slice the boy's head, however the kick hit first and sent the boy 16 steps back, the blade didn't reach the boy's face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 1 day ago

MasterOfMetal said
'Erä started walking away, the pack followed.When they were out of sight, a roaring laugh was heard, or was is a horn?The raven flew up and once more covered her face in his wings.The sounds of the festival entered her ears.'Oh by the way, I don't have a name yet'

Jade was stunned. She bowed to Era. She had never really thought about it. She had just done what she thought was right. Apparently that was enough to pass the trail of a God. Who woild have thought? She looked at the festival. She saw in with new eyes. She stood proudly for once in her life. She felt wild and free. Jade turned to the raven who was her companion. "If you wish to have a name I will give you one. I shall call you Hunter in honor of our God.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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LordMarwain said
“Oh so you were thinking about me,” Tavon replied, “Sorry, lately I’m a little easily offended. Must be because of the coming darkness. It’s keeping me restless. You shouldn’t worry about disturbing me, a god can easily be at more places at once. Well except for him,” pointing at his little brother.“So that’s where you were before becoming the Sons of Civilisation.” Tavon let out a sigh. “We are pretty ancient, aren’t we?Seems like a great place you showed. Do you miss it?”

Erä stood up and gave his brother a nudge, he towered far above the farmer, but Tavon just smiled.
'Anyway, I was focused, not deaf.'
Now turning towards Laslo
'I agree with your words. Although I do not agree with the way you raise these mortals, I do see how all of us work to benefit, and save them.
I accept your offering, and I will honor the terms. Once a champion is bound to you and your brothers, I will bless him.
Erä took the horn with a nod of understanding
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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FoxFireOfDawn said
After the cloth had been devoured by the flames, a large, black, bulky shadow shuffled out afterwards. The creature had a pair of horns on it's head, and no other feature could be seen apart from it's shockingly blue eyes. "A goddess has chosen thou. She accepts your sacrifice greatly and believes you to be her champion. Will you accept this opportunity?" The spirit asked in a raspy voice, patiently waiting for a reply.

Lyah looked at the creature with wonder and smiled. "Yes" she nodded and stepped forward to the creature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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<Distastefull doublepost>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Satúm sat against a barrel, somewhere in the dark, a little while away from the party.
He was SO done with this day.
Everywhere people were being chosen by the Gods, like it was nothing.
What a horrible, horrible day.
Satúm was feeling so bad about himself, he had actually allowed himself to sober up.
Even with a clear mind, he could not think of a good offering.
'Damn Gods are so complicated! all high and mighty!'
He cursed them for being how they are, but honestly, he could not blame them.
Satúm was an enjoyer of life, not a mighty general or skilled craftsmen.
All he knew was how to hold his liquor and woo women.
What god would want him..
Satúm was feeling very sorry for himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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TheSecret said
C.C was a little confused by the thunder and all but did not pay uch attention to it, she found someone to fight and that was all it mattered.The spear barely made a scrach on her knee, with a grim she rushed forward, jumped and with both legs kicked the shield at the same time as she tried to slice the boy's head, however the kick hit first and sent the boy 16 steps back, the blade didn't reach the boy's face

The force of the kick was immense. Flin tried to recover from the blow as fast as he could, but when standing up his knees began to shake. If that was the first attack, what else would she have in store?

No time to think about that, focus! What can be done now? She is acrobatic and quick, so balance is important. A small change to weight or mobility should hamper her movement and her ability to
strike with full strength.
Then Flin noticed that the woman was wearing high heels.

Break those and force her to walk on her toes, maby harm or break her ankle. The thoughts and strategies raced through Flins head, so clearly he could almost feel the motion.

Flin braces his spear, held up his shield and waited for the woman to attack.

And still, the shield sounded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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akje said
"I don't know." Misha hesitated. "That sounds awful. I can't just kill someone... And I don't want to spread fear OR plagues."Misha knew the dangers of saying no to a god all too well. But something inside him that should have stopped him from speaking just didn't."I don't think I am the right guy to be your champion."

there was silence in the halls of the citadel, the woman was even silent, the ghouls looked at the man that just refused the offer of their god, and the dark figure looked at Misha in silence, then finally he spoke "if thats the case" the wraiths, banshees and ghouls started to fill the room, "then..." he drew his hand back "Suffer!"

the dark figure threw his hand at Misha and he was filled with nothing but his greatest fear, "a curse i put on you mortal, for to turn down the offer i gave, as punishment, your greatest fear will come and when it does, you...will...BURN!!"

Misha was sent through a great deal of pain and misery, the God that has punished him knows no mercy. The figure looked at the mortal woman "Send her into the pit" he turned to Misha "Let him watch at the horrors that wait him in death"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Great, you still can stand up" C.C said getting more and more excited, killing the boy was a waste, she wanted him to comeback for revenge.
C.C sheathed her sword and ran towards the boy whe she suddenly changed her directrion and jumped to a wall, using it to impulse herself over the boy and land behind him, she kicked the hand he was hoñding the shield with
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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TheSecret said
"Great, you still can stand up" C.C said getting more and more excited, killing the boy was a waste, she wanted him to comeback for revenge.C.C sheathed her sword and ran towards the boy whe she suddenly changed her directrion and jumped to a wall, using it to impulse herself over the boy and land behind him, she kicked the hand he was hoñding the shield with

As the woman leap from the wall, he saw a pattern emerge. Calculations toiled in Flins head. How fast she was going, where she started the jump, how far and strong her leg would kick. His mind was almost to quick to read.

This was not his own mind.

From the corner of his eye, he saw strange reflections in his shield. Lines and patterns flashed inside the shield, battle tactics were drawn out and moves were demonstrated. The shield sped up his mind, it made him think faster and faster. In a fraction of a second, millions of calculations were made.
Flin turned, and lowered his shield by 3 inch.

Instead of the whole boot, only the heel hit the shield. With a loud crack it broke, leaving the woman unbalanced. With his spear he hit the leg she was standing on. When her other foot landed, trying to catch her balance, she stumbled because of the missing heel.

Flin pushed her, and she fell.

Snakingly, Flin pointed the spear towards the woman, and went in for a stab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

C.C could not help but to smirk as she fell on her butt, she saw the spear coming and clocked it with her boot, her heel broke and then C,C kicked the spear away and stood up.
"Sheesh...they were my favourite boots..." She said as she pulled out her sword and cut the boots so she could take them off faster.
"Well well, let's continue" She said
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