Completed CS:

Name: Arkade Zeller
Nickname: Ark
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: None at the momemt, we'll just have to see.
Crime: accidentally making a bomb and accused of making it on purpose.
Parents: Leon Zeller and Kathrine Zeller (formerly Kathrine Milnes).
Friends: None at the moment.
Partner: None at the moment.
Personality: he is a fairly outgoing person when it comes to most things, just not people, one could call him an awkward guy but he prefers to say he is socially challenged. Despite his usually stern face he is actually not a pessimistic person, he is just always thinking but is still a fairly optimistic person, sometimes seen smiling to himself as if there is a joke only he knows. He has two passions in life, working with electronics and Reading stuff, both very important to him. He to most people appears to be a simple guy but ain't stupid, he has all his wits about him and will not hesitate to show them, often snapping at people who make snide or rude comments about him. He can sometimes be seen staring into space blankly, muttering numbers or just doing nothing, it's because he has a hard time concentrating on things he doesn't find interesting, like politics, or people... Having more of a preference to mumble to himself or work on a peice of circuitry.
- Working with small fiddly things.
- Chemistry.
- Photographic memory.
- Knife Fighting.
- Climbing.
Likes: Playing with chemicals, playing with tiny things that need magnifying glasses and tweezers, shouting random words, smiling (when he can), pretty lights.
Dislikes: People calling him slow, being alone, prison food, close up fire.
Biography: He was born to two hard working parents, his mother work being cataloging ancient artifacts in the archives of The Ark and his father was a security cheif in the part of the space station they lived in. Though they were one family and his parents loved him very much, they had little time to see him, usually working hard so the rulers didn't think them lazy and not a help to the community. So for most of his life he lived with his grandmother, a 90 something year old senile woman who kept going on about when she lived on the Earth but that was all Arkade needed, propelled by his grandma's stories of scientists and research he went out to learn all the things he found interesting, his main interest happened to be chemistry. He browsed what he was authorized to access in the databases, learning about molecules and reactions and such, gaining a knowledge of how chemistry worked at a young age, so he started to experiment, making pure chlorine and sodium from salt, separating hydrogen and oxygen from water, it all came to him like swimming to a fish and maybe that was his downfall. While browsing the database he discovered a chemical that wasn't there before, possibly recently added he believed, Nitroglycerin, not knowing what it was or what it did he decided to make it, spending entire nights in his basement with ancient apparatus the rulers found obsolete trying to distill the chemical, until one night when he succeeded. Running the liquid through a few tests he determine it was nitroglycerin, then dropped a beaker full of it by accident. There is one important thing that he learnt that day, nitroglycerin didn't like being shook around, it exploded on contact with the ground, throwing him across the room and knocking him unconscious. When he woke up he was being dragged bodily across the floor, his arms and legs restrained, looking up he saw the concerned eyes of his father.
"dad," he croaked, noticing that his father was dragging him, "what's going on?". Suddenly they stopped.
"you are in big trouble, Ark."
After hours at court he was finally sentenced, his father pleasing against the death penalty and succeeding, life in confinement for acts of terrorism against the Ark, he yelled and thrashed as he was dragged away from the court room, he didn't do it to be evil but now everyone thought he was.
Theme Song: Type: Knifes
Picture of current weapon:

I'm tired, is anyone else tired?