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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

dragon and Cait we will wait for you to get a app up certainly. Voltus, Expllo brings up a good point on the accidental bomb, but I trust you enough to explain it all in the bio.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Completed CS:

Name: Arkade Zeller
Nickname: Ark
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: None at the momemt, we'll just have to see.
Crime: accidentally making a bomb and accused of making it on purpose. 
Parents: Leon Zeller and Kathrine Zeller (formerly Kathrine Milnes).
Friends: None at the moment.
Partner: None at the moment.
Personality: he is a fairly outgoing person when it comes to most things, just not people, one could call him an awkward guy but he prefers to say he is socially challenged. Despite his usually stern face he is actually not a pessimistic person, he is just always thinking but is still a fairly optimistic person, sometimes seen smiling to himself as if there is a joke only he knows. He has two passions in life, working with electronics and Reading stuff,  both very important to him. He to most people appears to be a simple guy but ain't stupid, he has all his wits about him and will not hesitate to show them, often snapping at people who make snide or rude comments about him. He can sometimes be seen staring into space blankly, muttering numbers or just doing nothing, it's because he has a hard time concentrating on things he doesn't find interesting, like politics, or people... Having more of a preference to mumble to himself or work on a peice of circuitry.
- Working with small fiddly things.
- Chemistry.
- Photographic memory.
- Knife Fighting.
- Climbing.
Likes: Playing with chemicals, playing with tiny things that need magnifying glasses and tweezers, shouting random words, smiling (when he can), pretty lights.
Dislikes: People calling him slow, being alone, prison food, close up fire.
Biography: He was born to two hard working parents, his mother work being cataloging ancient artifacts in the archives of The Ark and his father was a security cheif in the part of the space station they lived in. Though they were one family and his parents loved him very much, they had little time to see him, usually working hard so the rulers didn't think them lazy and not a help to the community. So for most of his life he lived with his grandmother, a 90 something year old senile woman who kept going on about when she lived on the Earth but that was all Arkade needed, propelled by his grandma's stories of scientists and research he went out to learn all the things he found interesting, his main interest happened to be chemistry. He browsed what he was authorized to access in the databases, learning about molecules and reactions and such, gaining a knowledge of how chemistry worked at a young age, so he started to experiment, making pure chlorine and sodium from salt, separating hydrogen and oxygen from water, it all came to him like swimming to a fish and maybe that was his downfall. While browsing the database he discovered a chemical that wasn't there before, possibly recently added he believed, Nitroglycerin, not knowing what it was or what it did he decided to make it, spending entire nights in his basement with ancient apparatus the rulers found obsolete trying to distill the chemical, until one night when he succeeded. Running the liquid through a few tests he determine it was nitroglycerin, then dropped a beaker full of it by accident. There is one important thing that he learnt that day, nitroglycerin didn't like being shook around, it exploded on contact with the ground, throwing him across the room and knocking him unconscious. When he woke up he was being dragged bodily across the floor, his arms and legs restrained, looking up he saw the concerned eyes of his father.
"dad," he croaked, noticing that his father was dragging him, "what's going on?". Suddenly they stopped.
"you are in big trouble, Ark."
After hours at court he was finally sentenced, his father pleasing against the death penalty and succeeding, life in confinement for acts of terrorism against the Ark, he yelled and thrashed as he was dragged away from the court room, he didn't do it to be evil but now everyone thought he was.
Theme Song: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=oX2qQhpSUeA

Weapon Type: Knifes
Picture of current weapon:

I'm tired, is anyone else tired?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Eleanor Viess (Pronounced Vice/Rhymes with rice)
Nickname: 'Hey you' or Ellie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Single
Crime: Intruding on private property/running from an officer.

Parents: Claire Viess/Paul Viess
Friends: -
Partner: -

Personality: Around people Eleanor does not know she is quiet and sensible, shy around those who are intimidating or rude. She is known to have a friendly face 24/7 and always introduce herself first, there is never a moment where you will catch her without a smile on her face and very rare if you do. Once she introduces herself she is confident and strives to make herself heard, always wanting the last word in an argument. Due to her hyperactivity she tends to run around a lot in places you shouldn't and get distracted by the smallest of things. Other childish traits of hers is to speak back, make childish remarks or reply in very sarcastic tones. All in all she is very annoying.
Likes: Quiet walks, conversations with others and food.
Dislikes: Condescending people.
Talents: Gymnastics
Biography: Before her arrest she was known as a parents wet dream, always in on time, gives in her homework on time, enjoys her classes, never asks to go out to parties or drink- mainly because she had no friends and was bullied, but never complained. The only thing she ever asked was to go for walks, usually after dinner she would stroll around, watch everyone else, see their evening routines. Her walks gave her time to think and listen to herself. Her parents, Claire and Paul were at war with one another so this would give Ellie another excuse to get out the house. With her parents on the brink of divorce and no friends to be around and talk to Ellie began walking through unauthorised property and sneak across the premises, it gave her a 'buzz' the endorphins she needed in her life. After her parents found out they went mad, they had expected their perfect child to do everything they said and ask for nothing in return. Walking through other peoples properties crossed the line for them, and they had told her to buck her ideas up or they would phone the police.

During an argument with her parents about her new found behaviour Ellie ran out the door and began searching for somewhere to rest, eventually she found a perfect quiet spot, in a room she had never been in before, it was full with computers and buttons. After an hour and 30 minutes of her resting she decided it time to go home, however the door she entered in was locked during her snooze and their was no other way out. With no other choice she tried hacking down the door, she made a few dents in the metal door with a pole she found, but none that broke the surface. For 20 minutes she tried thinking what else she could do and paced around the room. Out of exapseration she sighed and threw her hands on her head but tripping over the pole she dropped earlier, tripping and landing on the floor she yelled before hitting the ground. The yelp and large thud alerted an officer and he unlocked the door and barged through. Not thinking straight Ellie decided to let the oficer hellp her up and then make a run for it, but after turning a corner in teh hall she bumped into another officer.

Theme Song:

Weapon Type: Kitchen knife
Weapon Appearance:

Other: Very few knew her or her name, mainly because she was never asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Lee Caspian
Nickname: Hexexplosive Lee
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: N/A
Crime: Robbery and possession and usage of explosives

Parents: Jerome Caspian
Leona Caspian
Friends: Alex Mendoza

Personality: Lee is a comedian, he like to act like a fool around others just to make a person laugh, he may seem like an idiot to others but he is actually very clever, and smart. He is also a player, a swindler, he can easily talk his way our of almost any situation.
Likes: Explosives, Girls, a roof over his head, money
Dislikes: People that hate him, police, jail/person, staying in one place
Talents: Lee is really good at making homemade explosives, any thing from a small toothpaste bomb all the way to a large Pressure cooker bomb. Learns quickly.
Biography: Lee was born into proverty, but this time of his life was the his best years off his life. Back then it didn't matter that his father was a sanitary worker, he had his parents and he loved them. When he turned 12 that all changed, his mother had died. She was murdered but the killer was never found, this devastated Lee, but this broke his father. He stopped talking, stopped working, he just walked around their home with glassy eyed. This took a toll on Lee, he knew that he could no longer rely on his father to provide for them. So Lee took to a life of robbery in order to provide for him and his family. This is around the time when Lee figured out his talent of making explosives. One of Lee's friends, Alex, had joined him in his life of crime, Alex had a natural attraction to explosives and any chance he could studied them. During one of there raids, Alex used his first bomb in order to break into a home. Using bombs made breaking into home easier, so Lee started learning how to create bombs. By the age of 14 Lee and Alex had became explosive experts, harboring over 41 ready to use bombs. Eventually one of there raids went bad, and they had to bail, but Lee did not escape thus time, Lee could only watch as his only friend escaped, and left Lee to take the blame for all their crimes. On that day Lee was arrested.
Theme Song: Imagine Dragons WARRIORS
Weapon Type: Shivs, ready to detonate homemade bombs
Weapon Appearance: Grounder
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'll get my character up sometime today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Oh, hello Nallore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Name: Luca Evans
Nickname: None really, some people call her Lu or Grease for her love of hair product. 
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Female 
Relationship Status: Currently taken by an NPC still on the Ark.
Crime: Consumption of alcohol, minor pill infraction, violence towards law enforcement.

Parents: Merry and Abe Evans, they greatly resent Luca for her criminal activity and were fully for sending her away as punishment. Despite this they still love her, but just wished they had sent her down the right path. 
Friends: Luca actually had a lot of friends, many of them associated with crime. Most of them went un caught when it came to the crimes they committed. Luca threw herself under the bus to keep them from getting in trouble. 
Partner: A very timid and very kind girl named Lynn. Luca often refers to her as the Stars in her Space. She lives on the Ark, never once breaking the rules. She was heart broken to see Luca leave.  

Personality: Luca really doesn't seem like that bad of a kid. She doesn't seem like a likely match for someone committing crimes. She is rather impulsive, jumping to conclusions or being the first one to run down a dangerous path. This is likely due to her high energy, which always seems to be unending. Her rather fun-loving nature also doesn't seem to fit her criminal record. She is extremely loyal to whoever leads her, often carrying out tasks without second thought. And while all of this is rather fine, she can get extremely violent and rebellious when times call for it. Her boyish tendencies also often get her in trouble. 

Likes: Sleeping in, stargazing, video games, chocolate, alcohol, hearing stories. 
Dislikes: Adults in positions of power, loud noises, vaccinations, people who chew loudly.
Talents: Fighting, taking direction, carrying out orders, navigation. 
Biography: Luca was gifted with a rather cushy and privileged life. Her parents were strict yet still understanding and tried to provide anything Luca needed. They shielded Luca from any of the impurities that the Ark held, telling her that flakes were law breakers, and law breakers were not needed in society. But living such a comfortable life left Luca very curious and rebellious. She wanted to know more, and she wanted to try new things. She was tried of being one of the perfects in society like her parents were. She wanted to meet new people, and so she did. 

She began to meet kids like her, kids who wanted to find the most in life. She began to get involved in the smuggling of alcohol and drugs, nothing major. They were mostly pills or herbs stolen that might give some desperate kid a high. Luca, always the curious teen, ended up trying out some of the things she was transporting, and was eventually caught. Luca could barely stand to be in the presence of her parents, their disappointing looks bore holes in her.

Weapon Type: Sledgehammer, or any blunt weapon.
Weapon Appearance:

Other: She doesn't like talking about how she got caught and will get angry if someone asks.

I reallllly hate writing bios. I also hate grounders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Intriguing character DB.

libbypt, reading your character's bio it really gave me the image that she was living on some sort of habitable planet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Intriguing character DB.libbypt, reading your character's bio it really gave me the image that she was living on some sort of habitable planet

Sorry:/ I can only imagine the ship we are on with large metal walls and balcony type things hanging off them, sort of..
idk ive never seen the 100 before I just liked the idea of the rp:/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

I think it's fine if you imagine an area differently, I honestly don't think they've shown off much of the arcs in terms of living quarters and open areas anyways. I just think they showed a few rooms, which were the important ones, and that's about it. Sorry if I came off differently though, was just saying how I pictured it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 5 days ago

I'm sorry about my character, I did not know there would be another person he who made a explosive expert character. I'll change mine if you want me to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by libbypt

libbypt Libby

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

LokiLeo789 said
I'm sorry about my character, I did not know there would be another person he who made a explosive expert character. I'll change mine if you want me to.

I like the idea of you two sharing the bomb crime but for completely different reasons, its a good topic to chat about haha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 5 days ago

libbypt said
I like the idea of you two sharing the bomb crime but for completely different reasons its a good topic to chat about haha

Okay so my character is good to go. :) to be accepted by GM.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hi! I hope I'm not too late with my character - I saw the interest check a while ago and was... well, interested!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

ok wow, give me a few minutes to go through all the CS. I just got home
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Take your time Winter.

I haven't really been in the mood for writing today so I'll try to get the Bio up by tomorrow hopefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Prudence Shin
Nickname: Pru
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Single, and doesn't see that changing.

Crime: Starting a fire that killed someone.
Parents: she was raised by adoptive parents, both deceased.
Friends: no longer has any friends, or the drive to make anymore.
Partner: N/A
Personality: Pru is a withdrawn type of person. She doesn't offer to speak up, nor offer long answers when someone asks her a question. At times she can appear rude, but really, she just keeps to herself. She tries to put on a show of hiding her emotions, but often struggles to hide what she feels. She appears to not care what others think of her, or indeed just what others think and feel. She tries to keep to herself, but her need to be around others is stronger then her need to be alone. She is, passed all this, kind and caring, and yet, is normally quite anyway. She seems to be calculating, when in fact she is just thinking things through, her own natural intelligence forcing her to do so.
Likes: reading. Writing. Puzzles and games.
Biography: Prudence never knew her real parents. A young couple, already struggling to have children of their own, happily took her in. They dotted on her, and showed her love, bringing her up as if she was their own biological daughter. She never knew any different, and always assumed she was. She loved her parents dearly, and was devastated when they died in an accident when she was 15. Unable to cope, she ended up wandering from place to place. By this time it was clear that Pru was smarter then average, but after her parents died, she didn't really apply that knowledge.

She met a boy when she turned 16, and he showed her the kind of love her parents had, taking her in, and giving her a place to call home. All was good for a few months, until he started to turn violent and abusive, ordering her about as if she was a slave. he beat her, and forced her to do things she didn't want to do. One day after a particularly bad beating, she had been making dinner, when she felt faint. The place caught fire, as she lost consciousness for a few moments. When she woke, covered over with smoke, she barely managed to crawl her way out, hugging the ground, and she wondered who someone hugging the ground would be called, a crazy thought to have in a fire. Grounder?, and hadn't given a thought to him, not until his body was found. She was charged with arson and manslaughter, after she couldn't explain how the fire had started and the fact that she hadn't said there was someone else withing the house seemed to draw suspicion on her.

Weapon Type: aside from the fact that she can adapt and use tings around her, she has a small flip knife as well as some chemicals.
Weapon Appearance:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Voltus your app is good, but your grandmother couldn't have lived on earth. No one has been there for 300-400 years. Fix it and you are accepted.

Libbyt your application is also good. However change the atmosphere of your bio. You cant really intrude on peoples property because the ship is more laid out in a hotel complex type of way. There are no floors and for the most part only medium sized rooms for people to live in.

LokiLeo your application is just fine.

Dragonbud you application is also fine.

McHaggis your application looks nice

Before any of you are accepted, however, please reffer back to the first page and reread the rules. I'll give you a hint, your missing something
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

oh, Caits your application looks fine too, just please reread the rules on the front page
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The word. I reminded myself to put it in somewhere, but forgot like I always do. But its done now!
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