Name: Valarie Kingston
Nickname: Val. Vala
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Single

Crime: Stealing medicine for her sick brother, assault on a member of the guard.
Parents: Connor Kingston, Ashley Kingston.
Siblings: Benjamin Kingston.
Friends: None.
Partner: None.
Personality: Valarie is usually a fairly friendly person towards others and treats everyone kindly to those who she knows, at times Val can be harsh towards people she doesn't like and they would have to gain her trust. She is also a very loyal friend who will always be there for someone whoever needs it, Val is closest to her little brother who has always been sick since he was little.
Likes: Music, drawing, animals, people
Dislikes: Loud noises, violence, assholes, pain
Talents: Valarie knows how to treat minor wounds and injuries due to interning at the medical center on the Ark, and how to stitch wounds back together, and basic medicine.
Biography: Valarie was born into a rather small family, to her mother Ashley Kingston who worked as a cook, and her father Connor Kingston who worked for the guard. As a little girl Valarie grew up fairly normal when her little brother was born Valarie ended up becoming very attached to him however he grew up having born with a weak immune system he would always be sick. When Val was old enough she quickly volunteered to work in the medical center on the Ark as an intern, every time Benjamin would get sick Val would always sneak out the medicine that he needed. However one day when her shift was about to end Valarie was taking jars of medicine out of the locked cabinets containing them, an off duty guard was there and caught Val in the act she ended up assaulting him and more armed guards came in and subdued her.
After being sent to prison Valarie wouldn't even be aloud to see her family, she would still write and send letters to them which was the only thing that she could do but she would never get a reply from them back. She was one of the one hundred to be sent down to Earth.
Theme Song:
Count On Me-DefaultWeapon Type: Bow and arrow.