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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
Lyah stood petrified at all the information rushing at her.As all the pieces came together and were confirmed with the words She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a rough gush of wind that passed around her.Something raced past her ear that made a singe pure high tone. Like a bell.A spinning gale surrounded the group of people and the disguised deity."Hold on!" Misha yelled over the winds as he grabbed Lyah and Tarvin.In the spinning and swirling winds whistling tones could be heard.To the ears of mortals this sounded like aggressively melodic music.To ears of the keeper of the eternal gardens could make out words.The torrent of winds sped up, kicking up dust and leaves high into the air.

"I could do that, but your timing is rather poorly chosen, my friend," Tavon replied. "You should ask Vincus, I am sure he will enjoy that task." Tavon turned again to Lyah, a clear sign this conversation was over. "Are you still willing to come with me for a moment my dear? You are more important than any game the gods have come up with," he spoke with a smile on his face, but his eyes were dead serious. Lyah could clearly hear the words above the wind.

Tarvin felt the wind rushing past him. He listened to the music that drifted inside the gale. A big smile was showing on his face. "This is what freedom feels like," he whispered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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"Very well. Then I shall approach this in the way of the open mind and gifted spirit."
The winds calmed down a little and a portal of still air opened respectfully for the old gardener.
Lyah, the ribbon still wrapped around her hand, took the hand of her father and followed him trough.
Behind them the winds whipped up once again. The bard, the thief and the herder stood in the eye of the storm still.
Strange melodies resounded in the winds. A wide array of notes came from a single bell dancing in the twister.
A new tune played around them. This time they knew the words that accompanied them.
Strangely it was a song that rejected the gods and praised human ingenuity.
"I know these words!" Misha shouted over the winds. As he spoke the words they echoed trough the winds and amplified over the fields.
He looked at the other two with a glimmer in his eyes.
"New human has seen the dawn of day, Overcame the limitations.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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Leaving his tent, Lod noticed a small box with a note on it. He read it, opened the box looked in it. It was a beautiful carved statue of a whale, but nothing more.

Odd, he thought to himself. He put it in his bag and went on his way.

Lod’s mind went to his sacrifice. What would he want to give to the gods? It had to be something special, so he couldn’t buy it. Even if Lod wanted to, he was broke.
Maybe it had to be something he made. But making things wasn’t Lod’s strong side. He was a blacksmiths apprentice for a while, but he was rubbish at it. He also didn’t have the hands for woodworking or weaving. No, making wasn’t an option.
It can also be something he carried. Like his clothes, or something only he held of value. However, Lod didn’t have much, and what he had he wanted to keep.

What a mess, this way I’ll never have a good sacrifice.

Lod was so deep in thought that he bumped into a man. When he looked up, he saw it was the well-known Flin. He went hunting with him once, for the old lord of this province. Lod didn’t do much of the hunting, he was just there to carry the dead bear home.
“Sorry thare, Flin. Almoast didn’t see yer there. How’s life?”

Only then Lod noticed the shaking little boy beside Flin. He stood there awkwardly, he wasn’t that good with children.
“Heeyy… How ‘r you doin’?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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Elsewhere in Travel's End, a young couple was having a disagreement in the sanctity of their home.
"Well, if you love that woman so much, why didn't you marry her!?" the woman shouted.
"That's not what I said, my love. I only said that I respected her." the man tried to reason in vain.
"Well you might as well have!"
"But dear..."
"No! you're not getting in my bed tonight!" she screamed, picking up a pillow and a pair of breeches. "Find yourself another place to sleep."
"Maybe she'll take you in. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"
Opening a window, she threw the pillow out, followed quickly by the breeches. A moment later, a small clay flask of ale followed suit.

What the woman didn't know was that the street outside wasn't empty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gorbo Grandman

Gorbo Grandman

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akje said
The winds calmed down a little and a portal of still air opened respectfully for the old gardener.Lyah, the ribbon still wrapped around her hand, took the hand of her father and followed him trough.Behind them the winds whipped up once again. The bard, the thief and the herder stood in the eye of the storm still. A wide array of notes came from a single bell dancing in the twister.A new tune played around them. This time they knew the words that accompanied them. Strangely it was a song that rejected the gods and praised human ingenuity."I know these words!" Misha shouted over the winds. As he spoke the words they echoed trough the winds and amplified over the fields.He looked at the other two with a glimmer in his eyes.

The wind that surrounded vincus started to sing. It was a bewitching sound that it produced, almost hypnotising. He knew what this truly was however. This was the work of a divine being, trying to influence and manipulate the mortals that were within the typhoon with him. Still, he could very much appreciate what Āwhātama had produced here. Not nescesarily the composition of a genius, but the emotions that the melody carried was very powerful. When one of the mortals next to him started singing, he understood what was truly happening. Āwhātama was sending a message in the name of his god. What the message really conveyed was beyond Vincus at this point, but it would most likely have something to do with freedom and casting off the chains that humanity so comfortably and passively remains in. For not only Mawhiti knew that man was at the dawn of a new age. To truly evolve, these people had to let go of some of their old traditions.

But in all honesty, Vincus simply loved to sing, and he wouldn't let a chance to show off slip away just like that. Knowing that Āwhātama's message could be something rather extreme, Vincus decided to trust in him and Mawhiti's judgement, and gave in to the inspiring power of the zephyr. Even more so, Vincus enhanced the power of the message, letting the energy of the music flow stronger through the atmosphere. The music grew louder, and infinitely more complex. He granted the spirit of freedom more power to send his message to the people.

"I do not know what you have planned nor do I know what your motifs are, but we might as well turn this into one hell of a show!" these thoughts ran through Vincus' mind, and were sent out to Āwhātama himself. Then he emptied his mind and let his virtuous soul take over, releasing himself from any restraints he might've had at that point. He felt the wind ran through his hair, over his skin. His lungs sucked in the freshest air that he had tasted in years. Feelings of true liberty inspired his voice, and thus the voice of the men beside him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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As the singing grew stronger and louder, so did the winds.
Resonating with the words, drawing power from them.
Take on breath, one breath...
Slip away from the dream, you're awake

The melody strengthened. Became more pure, more harmonious, louder.
"I do not know what you have planned nor do I know what your motifs are, but we might as well turn this into one hell of a show!"
It was with these silent words that echoed over the music that Āwhātama realized who he had in his grasp. Too late to let go. Too late to step back.
Do or die.
With more power than he could comprehend he shouted at the skies.

One voice sounded from the mouthed of many. A primal bellow like rolling thunder. It washed over the festivities and over the fields surrounding the village.
The sound echoed off the cliffs and whispered trough the forest.
Just as sudden as it came it dissipated along with the wind.
the air was still and filled with static energy that made your hair stand up in the back of your neck.
A voice resounded from nowhere, everywhere and from the mouths of the three that had stood in the cyclone.

"My name is prince Āwhātama, son of the Storm Tyrant, grandson of Mawhiti. I thank those that made my voice here possible for I bring a message of excitement and joy."
The voice paused and a small cyclone whipped up cinders in the pyre. A vague figure of fire and wind danced in the warm glow of the fire.
"Tonight mortals will claim their places in history at the sides of the divines. But there's a surprise! They shall prove themselves and their gods to the world!"
The voice paused again, even though it was strange one could clearly hear excitement in his tone. There was something the gods didn't know yet.
"The gods will call upon their divine inspirations to create tests no normal human could pass. They will call into beings monsters, or temples full of traps and riddles. For those that beat these tests will be awarded with proof."
The figure of fire pulled forth a large golden coin and tossed it up. The old priest caught it and held it up as he examined it. "A gold coin, depicting a bell..."
"The champion that collects the most coins not belonging to his own patron will receive a special prize."
If the winds could grin this would be the moment for it.

"So be merry! Celebrate this great moment in your history. Collect your friends. And bring your sacrifices, one of the greats might choose you. And soon here portals will open. Portals to their domain. Where epic tests and adventure await."

After that everything when silent. The pyre returned to normal and the singers regained will over their tongue. The strange weather was once again replaced by a soft breeze and the rain had stopped. Between the three there was a shimmer on the ground. Small shining bells made of white gold. No clapper. Inscribed was a small crown.
Thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gorbo Grandman

Gorbo Grandman

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The15thSpycrab said
Flin had finished his drink and was heading back towards the fires when he saw the young lad from before coming out of a nearby alley. The boy look embarrassed and a little shocked, and was dressed only in his underwear. Flin approached the boy, smiling to reassure him, and offered his cloak."Bundle up, lad. It's going to get mighty cold when the sun goes down. What happened to your friend, the little girl?"

Berdagon said
Leaving his tent, Lod noticed a small box with a note on it. He read it, opened the box looked in it. It was a beautiful carved statue of a whale, but nothing more. Odd, he thought to himself. He put it in his bag and went on his way. Lod’s mind went to his sacrifice. What would he want to give to the gods? It had to be something special, so he couldn’t buy it. Even if Lod wanted to, he was broke. Maybe it had to be something he made. But making things wasn’t Lod’s strong side. He was a blacksmiths apprentice for a while, but he was rubbish at it. He also didn’t have the hands for woodworking or weaving. No, making wasn’t an option. It can also be something he carried. Like his clothes, or something only he held of value. However, Lod didn’t have much, and what he had he wanted to keep. What a mess, this way I’ll never have a good sacrifice. Lod was so deep in thought that he bumped into a man. When he looked up, he saw it was the well-known Flin. He went hunting with him once, for the old lord of this province. Lod didn’t do much of the hunting, he was just there to carry the dead bear home. “Sorry thare, Flin. Almoast didn’t see yer there. How’s life?”Only then Lod noticed the shaking little boy beside Flin. He stood there awkwardly, he wasn’t that good with children. “Heeyy… How ‘r you doin’?”

Ron looked up, in his eyes there was still the fear and embarrassment that had been there a moment ago, but as he slowly took the cloak from the man he smiled lightly, as if trying to show him some thankfulness. He didn't know who this man was, and he sure didn't know if he could trust him, but he small act of kindness showed that the man's intentions weren't inherently bad... as far as Ron knew. "Thank you sir..." He mumbled softly, and he wrapped the coat around himself. The shivering slowly stopped, and his teeth weren't clattering that much anymore.

"The girl..." He hesitated. Would he want to betray her? Of course he didn't owe her anything, and she had just threatened his life. While he did feel bad for the girl a moment ago, he couldn't come up with some kind of excuse, so he decided to tell the truth, or at least half of it. "She tricked me. She took my clothes and ran off. I don't know who she was, and I don't know where she went..." After explaining his situation, he looked up at the other man who had just approached and awkwardly asked him how he was doing. "Not too well sir... My clothes have just been stolen." He looked down to the ground and sighed. "Grampa is going to be so angry with me."

Then a roar of noise and music blasted through the street. The silence that came afterwards was almost as deafening. Ron could feel the sudden tension in the atmosphere. It was as if the world had suddenly fallen silent. For a moment, Ron wondered if he had gone deaf, but then the voice of Āwhātama sounded, and as he brought his message Ron's concerns about this evening realized. "Champions? Tests? Did you hear that as well?" He said loudly, almost completely forgetting the situation he had been in a moment ago. This was huge, and even though Ron was young he knew it. Gods, speaking openly to the mortals like this? It was legendary, and utterly terrifying to Ron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
The winds calmed down a little and a portal of still air opened respectfully for the old gardener.Lyah, the ribbon still wrapped around her hand, took the hand of her father and followed him trough.Behind them the winds whipped up once again. The bard, the thief and the herder stood in the eye of the storm still. A wide array of notes came from a single bell dancing in the twister.A new tune played around them. This time they knew the words that accompanied them. Strangely it was a song that rejected the gods and praised human ingenuity."I know these words!" Misha shouted over the winds. As he spoke the words they echoed trough the winds and amplified over the fields.He looked at the other two with a glimmer in his eyes.

A warm summer breeze was all that Lyah could feel, before her surroundings became more clear. She could hear the sound of birds singing their most beautiful melodies. After the world finally stopped to blur, she saw a garden. Fields of flowers, lying next to golden fields of grains, she also saw an orchard and far in the distance, if she squeezed her eyes together, she could see a wild forest. “Welcome to my garden, my dear. Come sit down,” Tavon spoke, while he let himself fall down on his back on the soft grass. “You must have a lot of questions by now, you can ask away in a moment, but first you might want to hear this.” One of the birds started to sing the message of the god Mawhiti. “Okay what do you want to know first?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
As the singing grew stronger and louder, so did the winds.Resonating with the words, drawing power from them.The melody strengthened. Became more pure, more harmonious, louder.It was with these silent words that echoed over the music that Āwhātama realized who he had in his grasp. Too late to let go. Too late to step back.Do or die.With more power than he could comprehend he shouted at the skies.One voice sounded from the mouthed of many. A primal bellow like rolling thunder. It washed over the festivities and over the fields surrounding the village.The sound echoed off the cliffs and whispered trough the forest.Just as sudden as it came it dissipated along with the wind.the air was still and filled with static energy that made your hair stand up in the back of your neck.A voice resounded from nowhere, everywhere and from the mouths of the three that had stood in the cyclone.The voice paused and a small cyclone whipped up cinders in the pyre. A vague figure of fire and wind danced in the warm glow of the fire.The voice paused again, even though it was strange one could clearly hear excitement in his tone. There was something the gods didn't know yet.The figure of fire pulled forth a large golden coin and tossed it up. The old priest caught it and held it up as he examined it. "A gold coin, depicting a bell..."If the winds could grin this would be the moment for it.After that everything when silent. The pyre returned to normal and the singers regained will over their tongue. The strange weather was once again replaced by a soft breeze and the rain had stopped. Between the three there was a shimmer on the ground. Small shining bells made of white gold. No clapper. Inscribed was a small crown.

Tarvin picked up the small bell. "Could I ask with this to become his champion?" he wondered, but did not speak the words out loud. "No, he wouldn't use such a cheap trick. If he was going to be chosen by this god of freedom, he would do so on his own strength. He would show that he was worthy of being more than a vessel for his voice." Pondering on how to achieve this he walked away, telling Misha that he was going to prepare his sacrifice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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LordMarwain said
A warm summer breeze was all that Lyah could feel, before her surroundings became more clear. She could hear the sound of birds singing their most beautiful melodies. After the world finally stopped to blur, she saw a garden. Fields of flowers, lying next to golden fields of grains, she also saw an orchard and far in the distance, if she squeezed her eyes together, she could see a wild forest. “Welcome to my garden, my dear. Come sit down,” Tavon spoke, while he let himself fall down on his back on the soft grass. “You must have a lot of questions by now, you can ask away in a moment, but first you might want to hear this.” One of the birds started to sing the message of the god Mawhiti. “Okay what do you want to know first?”

Lyah had her questions ready.
"How did you meet? Was my Lily your champion? What will you do to test the new champions? Would you accept my sacrifice?"
The words escaped her mouth in a hurry. As if she burst open the moment the god finished speaking.
After that she sat down in the grass. "Sorry, why don't we start at the beginning. How did you meet my mother?"

Behind Lyah a small portal opened up and a warm breeze rushed trough the garden. Without her noticing but painfully clear to Tavon, a large pile of golden coins spewed out and spread over a small open field in the garden. Each was roughly the size of a fist and displayed an artistic rose on each side identically. They glimmered in the sunlight.
The portal close as quickly as it opened with nothing but a single jingle from a small silver bell.
"What was that?" Lyah looked around and picked up a coin. She looked at it quizzically, as the old priest had.
LordMarwain said
Tarvin picked up the small bell. "Could I ask with this to become his champion?" he wondered, but did not speak the words out loud. "No, he wouldn't use such a cheap trick. If he was going to be chosen by this god of freedom, he would do so on his own strength. He would show that he was worthy of being more than a vessel for his voice." Pondering on how to achieve this he walked away, telling Misha that he was going to prepare his sacrifice.

"Good luck. I'm sure someone will love it." Misha replied as he put the bell on a string and hung it around his neck. He wasn't sure what it was but it seemed valuable.
He then looked at Vincus. Unknowing who Vincus really was, but somehow suspicious. This man could sing, and as they had sung together he'd noticed something off.
He couldn't place his finger on it, but there was something. Some spark.
"My name is Misha by the way." He stuck out his hand "Are you here for the sacrifices as well? Or just to see the sights, hear the music and taste the food?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
Lyah had her questions ready."How did you meet? Was my Lily your champion? What will you do to test the new champions? Would you accept my sacrifice?"The words escaped her mouth in a hurry. As if she burst open the moment the god finished speaking.After that she sat down in the grass. "Sorry, why don't we start at the beginning. How did you meet my mother?"Behind Lyah a small portal opened up and a warm breeze rushed trough the garden. Without her noticing but painfully clear to Tavon, a large pile of golden coins spewed out and spread over a small open field in the garden. Each was roughly the size of a fist and displayed an artistic rose on each side identically. They glimmered in the sunlight.The portal close as quickly as it opened with nothing but a single jingle from a small silver bell."What was that?" Lyah looked around and picked up a coin. She looked at it quizzically, as the old priest had.

"Even though I am a god, I can only answer one question at the time," Tavon answered her with a smile. "Those coins are for the challenge you just heard about. I don't know yet how I am going to test the others, but getting those will be far from easy."
He leaned back and looked at the sky. "Now about how I met your mother. I will tell you the whole tale another time, otherwise we won't have time for other questions. Your mother brought beautiful roses to the festival, so I had to take a look at the person able to grow those. After we talked one thing led to another. You could say she was sort of my champion, but I always thought more of her like a close friend. The reason I stopped seeing her is.. well.. complicated. Humans change when they get older. "
Tavon stood up and walked around Lyah, “Is that what you want my dear, become my champion? It won’t be all flowers and sunshine. You will have to face the challenges the other gods will set for you. They won’t be kind in testing you. And it is possible that I can’t reach you when you are within their domain”
He stopped walking and looked her in the eyes, reaching his open hand out to her. “You always will be my daughter, do you also want to become my champion? Will you show the others the power, but also the kindness of your father?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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What's this? thought Vizlin alarmed. That wasn't in the program!
If those damned gods thought they could ruin his celebration with games they were thoroughly mistaken. He'd spent months planning the different activities that would take place this evening. Well, Leann had. But she was his wife, so by marriage, it was his hard work! Angrily, Vizlin stomped back to the great fire. He was the mayor, and he wouldn't stand for this.
Far, far away, high above a mountain of three-leaf clovers, lost coins, left socks, ripped underwear, broken road-signs, cracked wheels, right earrings, incomplete ladders, and much, much more, a small portal opened, and coins started falling through. Unfortunately, there was a strong wind that blew the coins in every direction, scattering them all through the chaos. Even more unfortunately, Vryad had no idea where they went. Maybe a skilled champion could find them. Perhaps. Well... it was worth a try. Right?
Leann watched the festivities with a sense of pride. Despite her husband's best efforts everything was going as planned. Suddenly, a song like none she'd heard before filled the air and told of what was to come. A sense of dread filled her briefly, only to be replaced with excitement. This could be the moment she had been waiting for. This could be the chance to prove that she was much more than the wife of a universally disliked mayor. This, could be her lucky break. But what would she sacrifice with the stakes so high? What could possibly draw the attention of the gods to the point of choosing her. Her planned sacrifice of her grandfather's favorite clock wouldn't do the trick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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On his way to World's End Gardìmn thought of his last few days in Borìn Fraethr. His decision had sent him on this journey, but he did not regret it.

The great hall was completely filled with dwarves, everyone was nicely dressed on this only day off in their year. The entire hall was brightly lit and in a festive mood. For today was a special day, the annual day of choice. Young dwarves that became 25 in the past year could choose to take in a tiny bit of Montis, the father. That way they would develop a stronger bond with their mining tools and the gems and noble irons they work on. But sometimes dwarves are interested in the outside world, adventure and finding more than rocks and shiny stuff. The perfect smooth walls of the great halls, the food and mead that were brought home by courier dwarves. Everything that was not made by what the dwarves found in the mountains was probably bought via trade, but most dwarves didn't leave the mountains in their life.

Gardìmn was one of the dwarves that wanted to see more of the world, learn about the ways of the people, spread what he had learned up until then. His forging teacher was a very respectable dwarf and one of the best teachers in Borìn Fraethr. And he had always uttered Gardìmn to be very good at what he specialized in, but he knew that Gardìmn absolutely despised making other things.
Gardìmn was a goldsmith, he loved making the smallest but most intriguing pieces of jewelry and he performed this as an art.

He now looked up from his thoughts, he saw fireworks and heard all kinds of loud noises, and thought 'there is probably something important going on, I hope I won't miss it...'
He took stronger grip of the small cart that he had been dragging along for his entire journey and fastened his pace.

All of the boys and girls, age 25, were standing in line awaiting for the oracle to call out their name and ask their answer on the greatest question of their lifes.
"I will gladly serve my lord and father Montis and I will present myself as a tool for his work might he need me" were the words that the guy he knew was called Androthin, said. Seconds later he felt warmth radiating off of him and sensed him fall to his knees.

"GARDÌMN, STEP FORWARD!" The oracle exclaimed, and Gardìmn did as he spoke. "WILL YOU, OR WILL YOU NOT PRESENT YOURSELF AS A TOOL FOR THE LORD?"
Gardìmn felt his heartrate rise, as he knew his decision and he was the first in line to say; 'I will not, for I wish to travel, explore and investigate the upper world, to see its beauty and feel its emotions.'
Thus the oracle walked over to him and asked: "Is this truely your wish?" 'Yes' he answered.
"THEN SO BE IT!" The oracle made it final by laying his hand upon Gardìmn's head and giving him the final blessing. While he felt the hand he saw images of a town located near a cliff, World's End. "Start your journey there!" he heard the deepest and most serious voice he had ever heard, say.

And here he was, nearing the town full of people that would be filled with excitement over something he did not know about. But as something was happening he could probably show his artistry and maybe sell it.
He went here 3 days after the day of choice and he had brought all his tools and some small gems. A small bag of gold nuggets and 5 feet of the finest silver necklace-chain. He wanted to spread his art, maybe een teach people how to use their emotions to define their pieces as theirs.

He was close to the town now, he smelt a great fire and wondered if he could get something to drink somehere, along with some information about what was going on.

Wodgev said
Elsewhere in Travel's End, a young couple was having a disagreement in the sanctity of their home."Well, if you love that woman so much, why didn't you marry !?" the woman shouted."That's not what I said, my love. I only said that I respected her." the man tried to reason in vain."Well you might as well have!""But dear...""No! you're not getting in my bed tonight!" she screamed, picking up a pillow and a pair of breeches. "Find yourself another place to sleep.""But...""Maybe take you in. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"Opening a window, she threw the pillow out, followed quickly by the breeches. A moment later, a small clay flask of ale followed suit.What the woman didn't know was that the street outside wasn't empty.

When he turned a corner he almost got hit by a pillow and some breeches, he looked up to see a clay flask falling down as well..
'OI!! WATCH IT IN THERE!' He shouted at the window in indignation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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[nasty double-post]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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LordMarwain said
"Even though I am a god, I can only answer one question at the time," Tavon answered her with a smile. "Those coins are for the challenge you just heard about. I don't know yet how I am going to test the others, but getting those will be far from easy."He leaned back and looked at the sky. "Now about how I met your mother. I will tell you the whole tale another time, otherwise we won't have time for other questions. Your mother brought beautiful roses to the festival, so I had to take a look at the person able to grow those. After we talked one thing led to another. You could say she was sort of my champion, but I always thought more of her like a close friend. The reason I stopped seeing her is.. well.. complicated. Humans change when they get older. " Tavon stood up and walked around Lyah, “Is that what you want my dear, become my champion? It won’t be all flowers and sunshine. You will have to face the challenges the other gods will set for you. They won’t be kind in testing you. And it is possible that I can’t reach you when you are within their domain” He stopped walking and looked her in the eyes, reaching his open hand out to her. “You always will be my daughter, do you also want to become my champion? Will you show the others the power, but also the kindness of your father?”

Lyah smiled. "I do, and I will. Shall I throw my sacrifice to the fire?"
In her hands she played with the scarf. Almost eager to give it away, now she knew who would take it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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A small breeze blew from the east, causing flags to flutter and the smoke from the pyres to sting people's eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
Lyah smiled. "I do, and I will. Shall I throw my sacrifice to the fire?"In her hands she played with the scarf. Almost eager to give it away, now she knew who would take it.

"It will be just for ceremony, but I would indeed like it if you did it the right way. Walk with me, my dear." While they walked the garden started to seam surreal. With every step the world started to blur more and more. And when Lyah blinked to get her view sharp again, she was standing in a street in Travels End.

A few streets away a farmer was warming his hands by the large pyre. Inside his hair, hidden under a hood, a small golden rose reflected the flames.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Lyah walked trough the festival grounds, clutching the cloth in her hands tightly.
She walked past people dancing, people singing. She walked past Misha who was talking to someone she didn't know.
She walked past a little girl in expensive clothes. She walked past a group of people talking about the sacrifices.
She walked past a short, bearded man, shouting at the skies.
None of it caught her attention. Her concentration was fixed on the pyre.
Smoke and cinders met her in her way. They stung her eyes and in momentary blindness she walked into the Mayor.
"Sorry" She mumbled as she moved past him and took the stairs up. From here she had a nice view of the grounds, the fire and the cliffs.
By the fire stood two old men, both smiling at her. One was the old priest she'd known for years.
The other she knew was her father in disguise, who she'd known for minutes.
It was a strange feeling, like standing at the edge of a cliff. Even though she knew she'd get the response she wanted. This was still a turning point.

A single tear escaped her eye and made it's way down. Lyah caught it with the cloth in her hands. The scarf that was her last memento to her mother.
"Long enough have I dwelt on the past and wept. But that ends here." She spoke softly.

"I sacrifice my last and final tear."

She dropped the cloth and it danced down as the wind played with it, before letting the flames have it.
"And you can keep me to that promise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


Member Offline since relaunch

From behind a lush tree, bearing many forms of fruit, Erä stepped into the nurturing sun.
'Tavon, We need to speak.'
He opened his claw like hand, and gold coins fell on the grass before the Crop God.
'This is an insult. I refuse to award any mortal, worthy or not, with such a symbol of decadence!'
From the forests, far away, flocks of birds flew up in distress.
When a God dislikes, he hates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


Member Offline since relaunch

MasterOfMetal said
From behind a lush tree, bearing many forms of fruit, Erä stepped into the nurturing sun.'Tavon, We need to speak.' He opened his claw like hand, and gold coins fell on the grass before the Crop God. 'This is an insult. I refuse to award any mortal, worthy or not, with such a symbol of decadence!'From the forests, far away, flocks of birds flew up in distress.When a God dislikes, he hates.

“But Erä don’t you see it? These are not coins used to make payments. These are trophy’s worthy of the strongest hunter. They are shaped round as a symbol of the sun, an object no mortal can reach. They are golden, for that is the earth’s most precious metal. And lastly, they wear your symbol. It would be an insult to refer to anything with your symbol on it as a currency. Do you think Mawhiti wanted to offend you?
akje said
Lyah walked through the festival grounds, clutching the cloth in her hands tightly.She walked past people dancing, people singing. She walked past Misha who was talking to someone she didn't know.She walked past a little girl in expensive clothes. She walked past a group of people talking about the sacrifices.She walked past a short, bearded man, shouting at the skies.None of it caught her attention. Her concentration was fixed on the pyre.Smoke and cinders met her in her way. They stung her eyes and in momentary blindness she walked into the Mayor."Sorry" She mumbled as she moved past him and took the stairs up. From here she had a nice view of the grounds, the fire and the cliffs.By the fire stood two old men, both smiling at her. One was the old priest she'd known for years.The other she knew was her father in disguise, who she'd known for minutes.It was a strange feeling, like standing at the edge of a cliff. Even though she knew she'd get the response she wanted. This was still a turning point.A single tear escaped her eye and made its way down. Lyah caught it with the cloth in her hands. The scarf that was her last memento to her mother."Long enough have I dwelt on the past and wept. But that ends here." She spoke softly.She dropped the cloth and it danced down as the wind played with it, before letting the flames have it."And you can keep me to that promise."

The flames eagerly started to eat the cloth away till the last thread. After that, for a few moments, nothing happened.

A spark rose on from the pyre and shot in the sky. High above the crowd it exploded, showing a large flaming rose. Its petals started to rain down in the direction of the village, leaving a trail of sparkles, disappearing long before they could reach the town.

Grass and flowers started to grow on the street around Lyah. Next to her the flowers started to grow larger and larger, forming a framework. In it a door appeared. Slowly it opened, showing a garden she had seen just a few minutes ago. But this time, the place of the garden she saw was decorated with red and golden flowers. Petals of all colors were swirling around. She could feel the warmth of the garden reaching her.

Tavon, who was talking with another person, turned around and smiled at her. He gestured her to come inside.
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