Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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I'll look at the full character later. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Nosuchthing: I'm sorry, but I don't think I can accept this.

My absolute biggest issue is his ability to see the future. I greatly dislike the notion that the future is set in stone in any setting I create, and on top of that it is very bad for RPs because people's posts, well, they're not set in stone at all. Either the power is not functional at all, as people post as they would normally, or they have to post in accordance with his visions.

Another issue I'm finding here is, well, while mastermind villains are just fine, they need to interact with the other characters somehow and it really seems like he never would. He never wants to be near them for one thing.

I'm sorry, but this wouldn't really work out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

That's fine, I have other ideas, just thought this one would be fun to try out, at the end of the day, it was supposed to be a vague power anyway, hardly accurate predictions. I'll post again in a couple of hours.

You don't ask, you don't get ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Alright, then.

In the mean time I think I'm going to start work on the RP topic itself, since we certainly have enough to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Jack Murphy or Yellow Jacket
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jack has short brown hair and fairly pale skin. He has blue eyes and is well proportioned. his legs have been replaced by cybernetics and bot are made of poorly welded together metal and have pneumatics going from half way up the shin down to his cybernetic feet. His lower right arm has a bulky but smooth, red cybernetic attachment and silver plated fingers (with actual silver) and he also has half of his face replaced with silver cybernetics and has a glowing green eye where his old one used to be. For clothes he wears a pair of brown shorts and a black and yellow leather jacket.
Personality: Jack has a ‘don’t give a s$&!#’ attitude to most of the people he meets and will often times seem emotionless and cold like the cybernetics grafted onto his body. While Jack is a ruthless killer he prefers to keep he killing justifiable by taking on jobs to take down or kill villains rather than heroes but that does not mean he won’t take down a hero if the price is good enough.
Jack, unlike some mercenaries, is against intentional killing of the innocent and has only ever caused accidental harm to innocents five times in his eleven years of mercenary work. Underneath all his cold cybernetic parts and even colder personality Jack is a fairly happy person and can get quite a few laughs out of people.
Skills: Jack is very skilled with guns and his cybernetics. Jack is great at close range fights but is much better at long or short ranges. He has also perfected his own fighting style which he has called ‘Can o’ whop a$$’ which perfectly incorporates his cybernetics.
Abilities: While Jack was born without super powers he decided one day that he would make his own super human abilities via the fantastic world of technology. A few of his more notable augmentations are as follows:
- The lower half of right arm is replaced with a bulky red replacement along with skinny metallic fingers so he can still fire weaponry and do more delicate tasks. The arm also contains hydraulics that allow him to extend his fist very quickly to add an extra kick to his punch.
- The shoulder of his left side has a sleek black cannon on it which looks like a boxy pirate cannon. It can fire bursts of extreme heat or be used in a constant stream but doing so will cause it to over heat very quickly.
- His right leg contains pneumatic systems that allow him to run quite a bit faster than the average human and can also store little odds and ends such as a pistol or something of that size.
- Jacks left leg is replace from the shin down and also contains pneumatics to allow for enhanced speed but rather than being able to store things it has four pistol type weapons in the sole of the foot which can only be fired twice before reloading which isn’t an easy task to do in battle.
- The left half of Jacks face is replaced by smooth silver cybernetics that also replaces his eye and is loosely hooked up to his brain. These cybernetics allow Jack a variety of things such as depth perception since he has two eyes once again, binocular vision for seeing far away, a laser from the eye (not a actual laser just like a laser pointer) and storage for extra memories and details he wouldn’t want to forget. Also for dire purposes it can which over his breathing to some back up tanks that will give him anywhere from 10-15 minutes depending on his breathing patterns .
- Jack has a small grade laser-guided missile launcher on his back which could take out a entire house if he used them all up. Not much more to this one.

Now just because Jack has a lot of advantages doesn’t mean he’s completely invincible. He is still affected by normal diseases and is now susceptible to viruses via computers (although he has a pretty good fire wall) and also is affected by magnetism and can’t swim very well. Jack gets half of the power from a few high calibre rechargeable batteries scattered amongst his cyborg body but he is also able to run everything from bio-energy or the energy his body creates via chemical energy or heat but this too make EMP type attacks affect not only his cybernetics but his well being itself as he has to run everything off of himself and if he’s tuckered out from a fight this could potentially prove fatal. Yet another weakness is that he is still human (well in some parts) and is still capable from dieting by being shot in the wrong spot or of the such. Luckily he usually keeps either pretty close up where a gun won’t do much good or very far away where most won’t see him.
Sniper-rifle- A favourite among Jacks arsenal as it keeps him at a safe distance away from most danger and he’s pretty darn good at using it. It fires quick, three bullet bursts and has an effective range at 500 yards although Jack can sometimes get a hit from farther away thanks to his eye. When not in use the gun is usually slung over his shoulder and on his back which for the most part he makes no attempt to hide it. The barrel of the gun can retract when not in use so it doesn’t affect the wearers mobility.
Pistol- A fairly standard pistol that Jack uses when in a tight situation or at medium and short range. Jack prefers to use these only when nessacey as its pretty small and fumble when held in his robotic arm and is harder to aim.
KO grenades- Jack uses these on even more rarely than his pistol as they don’t ‘get the job done’ but they are very useful when dealing with civilians or hostage situations as they are explode on impact and release a knock out gas over a ten foot radius.
Brief Backstory: Jack grew up like anyone else in the world, going to school, marvelling at superheroes and what not but as he got older and his time begun running out to find out what he was going to do with his life he decided he would take his hand at the growing business of mercenary work. Now at the time Jack was no clint east-wood when it came to shooting and wasn’t much in the realm of hand-to-hand combat so naturally he got half of his face blown off during his first job and was left to die (honestly it was surprising he didn’t die on the spot) he woke up a week later in a motel room with a cold feeling on his face so he went to the mirror. He saw that now where half of his face used to be was now metallic and robotic at first Jack didn’t know what to think but he soon got over the fact that he had almost died and realized that he didn’t even know where he got the awesome half a face from. He then saw a note on the bedside table which he read ouloud to himself “You got spunk kid, not much skill but you got potential. Maybe try to stay a little farther away next time. Theres a present to help you with that in the bathtub -A Friend” Jack didn’t know who did this or why but he wasn’t about to question the fact that he was still alive and had just gotten an edge over most of his competition. Jack continued his life as a mercenary and became very good at it but of course he made slip ups from time to time so instead of retiring he would get some new cybernetic enhancements from anywhere near by. Soon he had earned the name Yellow Jacket in the merc community from his emotionless aggression towards targets and his yellow and black jacket that he wore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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Name: Alexander Tycho, Cardsharp

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Appearance: Can’t take your eyes off me, huh?

Alexander Tycho is built almost perfectly for his chosen profession, and that profession happens to be making money and causing havoc. He stands at exactly six feet tall, and his body is toned, lithe, and corded with muscle, while demonstrating a poise more commonly associated with gymnasts and dancers. He’s fairly good looking as well, and his attractive physique only adds to the image.

Personality: Who me?

Heroes and law enforcement may be used to the kind of insanity or perfectly sane reasoning that usually produces supervillains, but Tycho is different. He was of two minds, but they weren’t in conflict, they were in competition. No angel and demon on his shoulders, there is a demon on each, urging each other on. And still, he is always smiling, always acting cheerful and upbeat. He seems convinced, totally convinced that he has never done anything really wrong. He can stand there amid the slaughter, blood dripping from his hands and stolen cash in his pockets and declare with an expression of offended innocence, “what did I do?”

It’s usually believable right up until you look into those cheerful, smiling eyes and see, deep down, the demons looking back. ..

Skills: Everyone has a talent

Tycho does have hand to hand training, at least according to his criminal profile, but tends to blend all of the different techniques he knows into one, unpredictable blur of violence. He also has a certain talent for wielding a blade.
He keeps himself in shape, and indulges in regular balance and co-ordination themed exercise to keep himself at the top of his game.
He’s no great marksman, but he doesn’t really care where the bullets go, as long as they cause someone pain.

Abilities: Blink, and I’m gone…

Being a psychopathic killer is all well and good in this era of superheroes, but it tends not to get you very far, unless of course you have the ability to get out of their way with extreme speed. Though his ability is limited by vision, and, to some degree, mass. Tycho possesses the ability to swap the position of himself or others, including objects, of roughly the same mass. The only really limit to the range of this ability is how far he can see, so it can be augmented by such artificial aids as binoculars.

It has already been mentioned that the swapped objects or people should be of a similar mass, so he could not swap a car for himself, though most humans are close enough in mass to be possible, with only extreme differences in size offering a problem. He himself has used the ability enough to be somewhat used to it’s effects, but for those unprepared for it can find the whole experience disorientating to say the least.

(Can only be used on characters with the players permission)

Equipment: Mah personal effects

His suit, a black catsuit with scarlet chest and back panels, it’s tough, but even the little armour in the torso is thin, the absolute minimum needed, allowing him to maintain the agility and speed he finds necessary to survive. He usually wears a jacket on top of this, commonly leather and well worn.

A knife or three, as many as he can secret about his person really, he always has another knife somewhere.

Grenades, there is nothing so handy for causing a distraction as a hand grenade tossed carelessly into a crowd of civilians, even if it’s a nonlethal variant it tends to give most heroes chasing him pause to try and contain the damage.

Brief Backstory: A little history

Alexander was born in the deep south, Alabama to be precise, his father was a hard man, but fair, and he could not understand why young Alexander persisted in torturing cats, dogs, and pretty much whatever animal he could get his hands on no matter how many times he beat him. He even tried not beating him, but the young Tycho simply became more brazen in his crimes, apparently not understanding the fact that he was doing wrong.

Eventually it escalated, and he was found washing blood off his hands less than an hour after his neighbours daughter had refused his advances. He was arrested of course, and charged, before being sentenced to twenty-five years in a penitentiary in view of his previous crimes. He was only eighteen at the time.

Somehow he survived in the penitentiary, mainly through being a man so unpredictable you didn’t even look at him funny, let alone try and intimidate him. It was somewhere around this time that he discovered his ability, and that discovery was shortly followed by a prison riot and a mass breakout, though after the event Alexander Tycho, now twenty-five, was the only convict unaccounted for.

And so Alexander Tycho went on a crime spree across the west, moving gradually further north, taking jobs from criminal organisations where they were offered, or simply breaking banks in towns where they were not. Currently he has the deaths of fifty to his name, including one or two heroes that became a little too confident. His tendency to enjoy the collateral damage leads to him often being a high priority target for the IFJ when he is in town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@rocketrobie2: For one thing, technology doesn't repel magic at all. All kinds of magic, unless they're specifically about something organic, would work just as well on technology as they would anything else. Also, you mention super smell but then say it's not a super power? That's a little confusing. ^^;

@Nosuchthing: Okay, looks pretty good but there's one thing I need to be sure about. You can't use that power on a player character without the player's consent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

OOC up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Second hero, hopefully will write up some villains soon-ish. This one is a complete transparent expy really, but oh well. ^^;

  • Name: Ishinomori Yoshi. After recieving involuntarily cybernetic modifications, he has became known as the super cyborg Hopper King.

  • Age: Somewhere in his 40s. Physically 20.

  • Gender: Male

  • Appearance: Now in glorious technicolour!

  • Personality: Despite being transformed against his will, it seems like Yoshi was born to be a hero. He has a strong sense of justice and will not tolerate evildoers, and this coupled with his hotblooded nature and his overdramatic stylings whilst operating as Hopper King make him seem like a true comic book hero. Despite his boisterous nature, Yoshi is actually rather intelligent; before his conversion he was at university studying advanced biochemistry, and he has a flair for mechanics too. Aside from justice, his number one love in life is motorcycles, and if he's not out fighting evil he is most likely fixing up his bike.

  • Skills: Yoshi is a skilled unarmed fighter, his fighting prowess honed over two decades of superheroics. He is notably rather intelligent, having majored in advanced science as well as being a pretty good mechanic. Surprisingly, he's a pretty good cook, to the point that the occassional jokes he makes about eventually settling down and opening a steak restaurant seem like something that could actually happen. Yoshi is fully fluent in both Japanese and English.

  • Abilities: Even without transforming into Hopper King, Yoshi's cyborg body makes him stronger than most men (reaching the peak of human ability, making him much stronger than his slight frame would imply). Many of his organs have either been replaced or enhanced by cybernetics; he possesses a second bionic heart which increases the efficiency of his bloodflow and allows his muscles to work longer and harder, his lungs have been replaced by cybernetic ones that filter out toxins and allow him to operate in low-oxygen environments, his bionic eyes allow him to see both infrared and ultraviolet in addition to giving him excellent low-light vision, his ears grant him a degree of superhearing as well as giving him perfect balance and near-immunity to motion sickness, and he is able to operate at peak efficiency with only three hours of sleep per day.

    By revealing the belt fused to his body, spinning the gear on the buckle, performing an elaborate series of hand gestures and yelling "HENSHIN!", Yoshi transforms into the super cyborg, Hopper King! Well, the last two steps aren't actually necessary but he thinks it makes him look cool and after all these years no-one wants to question him about it anymore. With a burst of light, his armour suddenly appears over his body, increasing his durability to the point that not only will small arms fire not affect him, but he can be caught in the middle of a moderately sized explosion and survive, even though this will take a lot out of him. His already formidable strength is boosted to superhuman levels, allowing him to bend steel bars and, with a little strain, lift small cars over his head. Most notable in this respect, however, is the increase of strength in his legs; not only does this grant him the ability to jump over houses in a single bound, but it understandably makes his kicks really, really hurt. His helmet enhances his senses even more, the bug-like eyes increasing the range of his vision, protecting him from blinding lights and allowing him to see clearly even in complete darkness. The antennae act as a sort of radar, allowing him to detect the presence of others and giving him a sort of sixth sense that makes it very difficult to take him by surprise.

  • Equipment: Yoshi tends to fight unarmed, preferring to use his cyborg strength rather than any weaponry to take down opponents. However, he does have one notable piece of equipment: His custom motorcycle, the Mach Tornado, which has been modified with a powerful rocket engine that allows it to move many times faster than a regular motorcycle.

  • Brief Backstory: For over two decades, the super cyborg Hopper King has fought for justice with such passion and zeal that it is no wonder that he has become Japan's most famous and celebrated hero. But before he became Hopper King, he was Ishinomori Yoshi, university student, amateur motorcycle mechanic and superhero fanboy. Whilst he idolized the heroes that he saw on the news, and watched in anime and tokusatsu shows, he never thought he would one day be one himself. And if he did, he would probably have prefered to become one via a different method... One day, over twenty years ago, Yoshi was returning from a night class only to suddenly be accosted and knocked unconscious by an unknown assailant. When he woke up, he was strapped to an operating table in room he didn't recognize. As it turned out, the university he had been attending had been infiltrated by Ordo Scientifica, who were searching for candidates to transform into powerful cyborg soldiers to serve their purposes. Against his will, Yoshi had been modified into an enhanced human, supposedly the first in a line of warriors who would follow the orders of OS unquestionably. By some quirk of fate, though, he had awoken before the final, most delicate procedure could be initiated, mental programming to brainwash him into being unswervingly loyal to OS, and as soon as he realized that something sinister was afoot he quickly made his escape, his new cyborg body and the element of surprise giving him the upperhand against those who had turned him into this.

    Realizing that he needed to make the most of his unfortunate circumstances, Yoshi began using his cybernetic body as a weapon against those who would do injustice, becoming just like the heroes he had always admired, and over the years his fame as the super cyborg Hopper King has increased. Currently, he is easily Japan's most well known and beloved hero, as well as a member of both the IFJ and Japan's premier superhero team, Chouriki Action. Due to the sudden influx of worldwide villains arriving in Greenfield, Yoshi has headed there to investigate just what is going on. Soon, very soon, those who would do injustice in the pleasant midwestern city would have to face the righteous fists of the super cyborg, Hopper King!
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nosuchthing
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    Member Seen 5 mos ago

    He reminds me a little of Hiro
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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    Member Seen 6 hrs ago

    There is really no point in denying it, so I'll just say he is pretty much a ripoff of various Kamen Riders. XD
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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    Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Thought I'd attempt a CS :)

    Name: Zinnia Clark aka Bijou

    20 years old


    Stands 5’4”, with a thin body frame and pale toned skin. She has green eyes, with short black hair and delicate features, that can allow her to pass for just about any age from 14 to 26. She has no tattoos, but a few small scars from almost not escaping a few of her crimes. She also does not dress any particular way when she commits her crimes, unless it requires such.

    Personality: Zinnia is out for herself. She wants what she wants when she wants it. Whether that means ending up helping a hero or a villain she could care less. She is a very vain girl and selfish. At the same time, she is not heartless. She doesn’t like killing people. Doesn’t mean she won’t do it if it’s her or them, but she doesn’t like it. She can be rather cold and calculating, but it is a front. Deep down, she has a warm center. But it is buried fairly deep.

    Skills: Acrobatics & gymnastics, expert marksman with handguns, some martials arts training

    Abilities: Pheromone manipulation, superhuman endurance, superhuman agility, night vision

    Equipment: A pair of glock 26s in dual thigh holsters and extra rounds, tear gas pellets, aerosol instant knock out gas in a bracelet on her wrist. Belt with metal disks that contain explosives, and a small knife holstered on the belt as well.

    Brief Backstory: Zinnia’s parents were both mutants like her. Her father has pheromone manipulation as well, and used the ability to manipulate people to get money, fame, and women. Zinnia’s mother was one of these women, but her father’s power didn’t work on her when she was pregnant. Her mother left her father after that and raised Zinnia alone. Her mother was actually a cat burglar, who used her abilities of endurance, agility, and night vision to aid in her thefts to help support herself and her daughter. Zinnia inherited all of their powers, and to a higher extent. Zinnia wasn’t very popular growing up, but when her power emerged at age 13, she couldn’t control the release of pheromones, drawing everyone to her and becoming very popular. Her mother was frightened for her daughter, thinking she’d end up like her father, but Zinnia ignored her mother’s concerns and enjoyed her popularity, using her ability to get anything she wanted. Her mother, afraid of what her daughter could do, sent her to a government program supposedly to help her. Zinnia knows about her mother’s ‘job’ though, and feels she has no right to judge her lifestyle. Zinnia escaped the government agents at age 16, pretty much right after she was turned over to them by her mom, and has been running ever since. She hasn’t struggled though, considering her power, and has made quite a name for herself as a jewel thief and icon of prestidigitation in her crimes. She is a part of no organization, and is clueless as to why the other villains are suddenly on her turf in Greenfield. Now that the heroes are following, she’s had to be extra careful as well.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    Okay, this is only one point so far since I haven't completely looked everything over, but the International Federation of Justice is not government-run in the slightest, let alone run by the US government.

    It's world-wide organization, and it's not a program for superhumans in general. It's a superhero team that fights crime across the world and also extends humanitarian aid to those in need.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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    Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    VitaVitaAR said
    Okay, this is only one point so far since I haven't completely looked everything over, but the International Federation of Justice is not government-run in the slightest, let alone run by the US government.It's world-wide organization, and it's not a program for superhumans in general. It's a superhero team that fights crime across the world and also extends humanitarian aid to those in need.

    Oops, I'll just make it vague then.

    Note to self: Assumptions are bad.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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    rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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    VitaVitaAR said
    @rocketrobie2: For one thing, technology doesn't repel magic at all. All kinds of magic, unless they're specifically about something organic, would work just as well on technology as they would anything else. Also, you mention super smell but then say it's not a super power? That's a little confusing. ^^;

    Oh ok sorry bout that I guess I just kinda assumed. I'll change that now and about the smell thing, it was mostly just a joke and not being an actual super power. I'll just take it out :)

    Other than those things is he accepted?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


    Member Seen 2 yrs ago



    Aether Pilfarim






    Distant Siren Physiology- Sirens who have been born from a parent of a different race have their powers significantly reduced from their full-blood part but they still contain some features in some ways. Half-blood Sirens in physical aspects are not that different from their full-blooded counterparts as they are still consider that their bodies, not only their voices, are still seductive, However half-blooded sirens often times dont get the trait of their Siren wings. Half-blood Sirens have enchanted agility and senses which make them quite hard to catch, from regular humans but their spellbinding "Siren's Call" isnt as powerful as full-blood ones, however its still captivating enough to most humans and some supernaturals but at the least, it an annoying itch to those who can resist their calls. Besides from their supernatural powers, Sirens of both half and full blooded are talented with their voices of various levels.

    Asura Form/Stance- This power has a form that has similar qualities to that of an Asura and yet is not an actual Asura. In theory this power works as channeling your inner spiritual energy or what ever energy source you use and focus it creating this form. The form grants the use of multiple arm combat up to the maximum of 6 and the minimum of 2. The users of this form possesses great power and strength. But their skill with hand-to-hand combat maybe vary between the users and how often they practicing using this form as well as regular hand to hand combat.


    Brief Backstory:



    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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    Member Seen 6 hrs ago

    Here is my first NPC character! Again, went over this with Vita and she was okay with it so yeah. Because every superhero setting needs that one big villain, after all. I've been a bit vague when it came to his powers and capabilties, but since he's not going to be playing too heavy a role to begin with that shouldn't really pose a problem. ^^;

  • Name: Lord Fatal. Real name unknown.

  • Age: Unknown. Was active as a villain for quite some time before founding ARROW.

  • Gender: Male

  • Appearance: "Kneel before your true master, mankind!" Due to being permanently encased in armour, Lord Fatal is an imposing figure, standing at roughly 8'/244cm tall.

  • Personality: A rampant megalomaniac who truly believes that it is his destiny to subjugate and rule the Earth with an iron fist. His arrogance is such that even though his attempts at godhood were thwarted, he still thinks that others should bow down and worship him like one. Despite this, he is rather well cultured and a lover of art and classical music, even if he believes that his own works are far superior to those created by lesser humans. He acts like a classic villain, overly bombastic and with seemingly no indoor voice, as well as possessing a twisted form of "honour" and grudging respect for the heroes he faces.

  • Skills: In addition to his great intelligence and combat skills, Lord Fatal is also a gifted musician (favouring the violin and pipe organ, the two most evil overlord-y instruments of them all) and a talented artist. Let it not be said that his boasts about being the greatest artist in history are entirely unfounded, even if they're not exactly accurate.

  • Abilities: Immense scientific knowledge and mechanical expertise coupled with vast sorcerous power.

  • Equipment: Lord Fatal's armour not only makes him incredibly resilient to damage but it amplifies his physical strength immensely. It also comes equipped with rocketboots for limited hovering capabilities and contains several wards to protect him from hostile magic. Most importantly, it acts as a life support system, keeping his charred body alive and granting him eternal life as long as he is sealed within it.

  • Brief Backstory: When Lord Fatal first made himself known, it was like a bolt of lightning from a clear sky. From seemingly out of nowhere, this blackhearted fiend has made a name for himself as one of, if not the most infamous and powerful supervillains in the world. His past is mostly unknown, but there are many theories, some believing him to be from a splinter group of the Nazi regime, others believing him to just be a prodigy who fell to the dark side, whilst more outlandish theories insist that he is an alien, or a robot, or a traveller from a dystopian future. All that can be certain is that when he first made his presence known shortly after the end of World War II, the world trembled. With several precision strikes across the world, his forces gathered five powerful legendary artifacts; the Lance of Longinus, the Philosopher's Stone, the scabbard of Excalibur, Pandora's Box and the Tablet of Destinies, with which he planned to use in a magical ritual intended to turn him into a god who would rule Earth with an iron fist and divine might. But his arrogance was his downfall; as he had loudly proclaimed his plan to the rest of the planet, several superheroes converged upon the site of the ritual, and in the ensuing chaos the Tablet of Destinies was shattered. An explosion of magical energy consumed Lord Fatal, and he was assumed to have perished in the conflagration.

    Ten years later, Lord Fatal returned. His body scorched and broken by the botched ritual, he somehow clung to life and with the help of his remaining followers was able to convert his armour into a combination life support system and powered exoskeleton that was permanently fused to his body. Taking the world by surprise once more, he attempted to conquer Earth the old fashioned way this time around, as his attempts at godhood had been denied to him with the destruction of the Tablet of Destinies. However, in the ten years that he had been recovering, the heroes of the world had not been idle. After seeing how well their cooperation helped take him down the first time, they had formed an organization called the International Federation of Justice, and in their debut operation they thwarted Lord Fatal's plans a second time. Driven into hiding, Lord Fatal realized that with the IFJ around there was no way that a solo villain could pose a credible threat to the world. He needed allies, pawns and lackeys. He needed a powerful force, to strike an arrow to the heart of these heroes who stood against his rightful destiny as ruler of Earth. And with this realization, ARROW was born. Of course, it didn't end out the way he originally intended, with ARROW becoming more of a protection racket than an all-conquering army, but things have worked out well enough for the past few decades, even if after countless attempts to seize control of the world over the decades he is still eventually thwarted by the IFJ.

    Currently, Lord Fatal resides in the headquarters of ARROW, a mighty fortress built upon the once sunken island of Atlantis, raised by his own magical prowess and technological might. From his opulent throneroom he commands ARROW, manipulating events from afar as he plans his next diabolical attempt at world conquest. Whilst some villains believe he's too old, a relic of a time long past whose megalomaniacal villainy is no longer relevant in this day and age, who should step down and let newer villains take his place as supreme leader of ARROW... Those who directly attempt to take the throne from him tend not to be heard of afterwards.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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    VitaVitaAR King of Knights

    Member Seen 7 hrs ago

    @rocketrobie2: He's accepted, now.

    @Whirlwind: Alright, I'm a bit unsure of her power to be honest. Exactly how effective is it? To what extent do her other abilities work?

    @ChibiYuki: I'll look at it when it's finished.

    @Rin: Accepted.
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